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Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Challenge

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I got a phonecall yesterday, to inform me that my granddad had died, and left me a winning lottery ticket in his will. I think that's all the clichés merged into one, now let's get on with it. [quote="Anubis"]I have a better challenge. Put in a promotion with 0 prestige, 0 money, and 0 popularity everywhere, starting with no workers; play as the head booker of that promotion on Straight Edge without ever losing your job. Don't add any workers to the database to help fill your positions, let the game generate any extra people needed and pick only from the default workers.[/quote] Turns out I wouldn't be needing that lottery ticket anyway. Or maybe the money from that was spent on making sure I was drunk enough to accept this challenge? Who knows? Right, so what do we put in these opening posts then? Ooh, starting roster: [quote] … [/quote] Well, that was easy enough. How about… Product Settings: [quote]Style Name: Americanised “Lucha Libre” Match Ratio: 80% Match Times: 10/15/25 mins. Intensity: 40% Danger: 60% Face/Heel Divide: Strong Integrated Woman’s Wrestling Key Features: Lucha Libre [size=1](when you see our roster you might think this to be false advertising. You'd probably be right).[/size] Heavy: Mainstream, Comedy Medium: Risque, Daredevil[/quote] And just like that, with no prestige, money, popularity, workers, titles, hope in hell or even an owner, a promotion was alive. Welcome to Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Where Wrestling’s Rejects Are Reborn. [size=1](Alliterative, isn’t it? Well if you have a lisp it is, get Jonathan Ross to read it. By the way, don’t expect anything… good, from this diary. I’m more of a monkeyballs than a MonkeyPox. This’ll be much more about the actual challenge than a piece of creative writing in the traditional diary sense, and the booking and gimmicks will be horrible, guaranteed! At least until we hit Regional or so. If that ever happens).[/size]
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-January 2007-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- During the first week, we decide to hire some wrestlers before we get an owner and he ruins everything. Well, I say ‘ruins’, I seriously doubt he’d prohibit the kind of crap I’d just hired. Wrestling’s rejects, remember? I wasn’t joking. Most of the roster’s combined chain wrestling skills would still cause a riot in Mexico when they hear we’re calling it lucha libre, and one of our most over “stars” is our randomly generated announcer. If the fans stop booing (in the bad sense) long enough to draw breath, I’ll be happy.[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- We set up Working Agreements with the four promotions that were closest to us in terms of style; CZCW, MPWF, OLLIE, and WLW. SOTBPW rejected us (they’d probably seen our roster). This should enable us to bring in some established stars. God (and presumably Jorge Ibanez) knows, we’d need them.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- After seeing them work in various backyard feds on YouTube, we were going to hire Remmy Remus and/or Lee Bambino to be the voice of LDW, but then we chanced upon a new announcer with a name so brilliantly suitable, and a skill level so suitably low, that we just had to have him. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]-We also dragged some random girl we found on the streets in to be a road agent (they say prostitution is a respectable profession, right? So that would explain the 18 year old with no wrestling skill at all but a C- in respect. Although her surname is Morgan, so maybe it’s Walter’s illegitimate child. Or Thomas's, or JD's...).[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- We finally get an owner, but unfortunately it’s Gil Thomas. Not only is being owned by someone who made his money in underwear rather embarrassing, almost as much as being owned by a man called Gil, but he’s also completely useless to us from an on-screen perspective. Luckily, though, we’re only paying him the princely sum of $21 an appearance (or rather, he’s paying himself $21 every time we hold a show).[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]- The trade-off for our useless lump of an owner was that his expectations of me were… suitably low. Anubis might want to look away at this point, because the three goals he gave me were: No druggies, no steroid users, and we must be more popular in our home region by January 2009. More popular than 0.0%? Sure, we can do that… There’s a moral to this story, and it goes something like this: Ahahahahahaha. Of course, this will come back to bite us in the arse in two years’ time…[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- For those wondering, my user character is called Mr. H. Booker, and has absolute zero in everything. So for obvious reasons he won’t be on-screen at all. I thought this was only fair in the spirit of the challenge.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]- I took the liberty to make all Event prices free until we get to Small. The best attendances we can realistically hope for until then won’t be enough to pay a quarter of a wrestler, so there’s little point charging anyone. It’s not like we’re under any great pressure to make money. (…wahahahah. Ahem, sorry).[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- In a massive break from tradition, I remembered to hire a referee, but only at the last minute, and he’s the second most expensive member of my roster.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]- So, finally after a lot of contract negotiations, talent trades and poultry-related shenanigans, it was ready. Our first show, for which we didn't actually announce any matches. Oops. Oh well, it was free.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The First Hit[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 12 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B] and occasional colour commentary from [B]The Dungeonmaster[/B].[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]No Gimmicks Needed[/b] defeated [b]The Guild[/b] in 10:19 when Thomas Morgan used a Trademark Twist (Inverted Suplex into a Roll of the Dice) on Stretch The Chicken Boy for the pinfall. The Dungeonmaster was at ringside during the match, shouting instructions to his Guild.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]No Gimmicks Needed consists of Thomas Morgan and Cal Sanders (who was off his game tonight). The Guild are Stretch the Chicken Boy and The Wizard (of Ottawa) and is also a stable including The Dungeonmaster (Mark Smart) who manages them.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][B]Angle:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]In a backstage segment recorded for DVD, The Dungeonmaster is annoyed at Stretch for losing. Stretch seems oblivious and carries on eating his bucket of chicken wings. The Wizard stands up for him, saying that it’s easy for the DM, all he did was stand at ringside and shout. The Dungeonmaster says that he’ll show The Wizard what he can do later when he faces TJ Bailey.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]There's an extremely subtle reference in there somewhere, which will become clear (to a few people) at the next show.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match Two:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Tempest Appleby[/b] defeated [b]DeCipher[/b] in 10:03 by pinfall after DeCipher (apparently accidentally) laid out the referee, only for the referee to get back up and floor DeCipher! It turns out, the referee was none other than [b]Ben Williams[/b], cunningly disguised as Ben Williams Wearing A Wig![/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]A pretty solid match, and one that actually includes two wrestlers that could pass as Luchadores (but still aren't...).[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Rex Reeves[/b] comes out next, to no reaction at all (nobody really remembers SCCW, especially not this far north). He says that for years, he’s been waiting for someone to give him a chance, to give him a break, or an opportunity, and it clearly hasn’t got him anywhere. So now he’s making his own chances and opportunities. He declares himself the [b]Lethal Dosage Champion[/b], and challenges anyone to prove he isn’t.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]I wasn't expecting a lot. Which was lucky, as I didn't get a lot.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]With Rex still in the ring, [b]Angel Del Mexico[/b] walks out with a microphone, and takes Rex up on his challenge. Angel refuses to let the title of a so-called Lucha Libre promotion fall into the hands of a man with as little talent as Rex has. To be fair, he’s got a point there…[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]And we finally debut a real, live luchadore! And Angel's promo's are better than Rex's despite the fact that Angel can't talk English and we're in New Jersey...[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match Three:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]The Dungeonmaster[/b] defeated [b]TJ Bailey[/b] in 9:43 by pinfall with a Minus 50 DKP!. (Dudley Dog/Turnbuckle Bulldog/Sliced Bread #2).[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Dungeonmaster was off his game tonight, probably put off by the torrent of geeky RPG references that follow him around in LDW.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Rex Reeves[/b] defeated [b]Ángel De México[/b] in 15:40 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Rex Reeves wins the [b]Lethal Dosage Championship[/b].[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]To be honest, I was expecting more from our only real Luchadore than equalling a lower card match. But to be fair, it was more of a case of DeCipher being awesome, and Rex sucking balls. So why did we give him the title, you might ask? Eh, he asked nicely. In English.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] E-. [i]- A success, but it could’ve been slightly more. Still, not bad all things considered.[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- The debut show cost us just under $2.5k, but we got $3k from sponsorship. Once our merchanside losses (we’ve since changed the merchandising system) were taken into account, and our other expenses paid, we lost $103. Not bad at all.[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- We gained 0.4 popularity in the Tri-State, so we've already completed our goal unless something disasterous happens. Everyone seemed happy. Overall, a success. Although at this rate it'll take us almost exactly a year to get to F in the Tri-State, let alone Small level... Methinks purse-strings need to be loosened while Gil will let them, in order to get somewhere before TEW2025.[/COLOR] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center] [quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Comedown[/u]. [i]Saturday, February, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: Angel del Mexico vs Rex Reeves in a rematch for the LDW Championship (F-) DeCipher vs Ben Williams (F-) The Guild vs Yet-To-Be-Announced Trio (F-) Other stuff![/quote][/center] [i]Predictions welcome, but ultimately pointless at this stage with one whole event to predict from and only two complete matches to predict ¬_¬.[/i]
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Ah, now here is a diary I can get behind. Funny how this actually set out owner goals that actually would be plausible for you to 'succeed.' 12 people willing to watch that for free? Amazing! I'd have preferred it if Rex simply claimed the belt and no one challenged him for it. Still, quality stuff. Go Gil!
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[SIZE="1"]Thanks for all the thoroughly undeserved kind words :cool: [QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;202631]Do you know how far into debt you can go before the Repo Man pays you a visit D?[/QUOTE] Funny you should ask that... ¬_¬ [QUOTE=Beeker;203016]I'd have preferred it if Rex simply claimed the belt and no one challenged him for it.[/QUOTE] That was the original plan, but I thought that would be too lame even for LDW :p Are you 'the' Beeker, of '00Zero' fame? If so, I bow to you, good sir. Fear not, I have a Sitoci-based character in mind for later. Well, it'd be rude not to really, wouldn't it? (p.s., bring it back, kkthnx).[/SIZE] [B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-February 2007-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- Despite only losing $103 last month - relatively akin to profit - the tight ****s at the bank have issued us with a bankruptcy warning. Cheers, guys. That’s very helpful..[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- In an effort to cheer me up, USPW had American Wrestling kicked off TV. Their last show was very nearly an E+. That would’ve made my day.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- I signed a few new faces, some of which will be appearing this month. I’ll put up a proper roster post when I’ve settled on the guys I’m going to be using as the basis of my fed. Currently, some of them don’t look like they’ll be here long.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]- By the way, CWWF and ELPF have opened, owned by Fumihiro Ota and Razor Valentine respectively. This is annoying, as not only did I have Ota in mind for a storyline, but he went on to sign three of the four girls I was looking at. Er, looking at signing, I mean. You know...[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- As another aside to fill in for the slow news week, the Wrestling Industry is currently F and falling (haha, it must suck to be a Mainstream prom… oh, wait…) and the economy is D+ and falling. So it’s lucky our shows are free.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Comedown[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 9 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B][/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Head Kicker[/b] defeated [b]TJ Bailey[/b] in 4:38 by pinfall with a Kick To The Head '07.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i]The debuting Head Kicker (the first of probably many characters blatantly stolen from older EWB diaries. Blatant plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery, right? ¬_¬) is none other than Dusty Bin who, let’s face it, belongs on any roster devoted to the Cornellverse’s rejects. He’s also yet another member of the roster taking part in LDW’s (Financial) Wellness Program, otherwise known as “Canadians are cheaper".[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match Two:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Team Lucha[/b] defeated [b]The Guild[/b] in 9:46 when Javier Cano defeated Stretch The Chicken Boy with the Cano Clutch.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Team Lucha were Guillermo Marcos and Javier Cano from MPWF, and Raul Sanz Jr. from OLLIE. Both MPWFers were exhausted by the end, so part of me is glad it was only a one-shot deal.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]The Dungeonmaster picks up a microphone (for some reason) and berates Stretch again for losing them the match. After docking him 50 DKP, he sends both his guildies to the back in shame, and mutters something about needing more DPS for next month’s encounter, when two members of The Guild will be facing even tougher opponents.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Gotta love The Guild. I loved them more last month when they got me an E- though. Stretch is learning to show more charisma, presumably that's not hard to do when you're dressed like a deranged chicken.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match Three:[/b][/COLOR][COLOR="DarkRed"] [b]Ben Williams[/b] defeated [b]DeCipher[/b] in a Lucha Libre match after 9:56 by two straight falls. DeCipher lost the first fall by DQ after trying to rip the referee’s wig off. After it was ascertained that Rob Perkins was a real referee, and wasn’t wearing a wig, DeCipher lost the second fall too when Tempest Appleby appeared and distracted DeCipher long enough for Ben Williams to hit the Ref Bump (Ace Crusher/RKO). [/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Williams was exhausted by the end, despite not exactly doing much. Sort of weird for the Tecnico to win by a run-in in our only 'proper' Lucha match ever, but hey. DeCipher beating up a referee completely unprovoked cements his heel status well enough, right?.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR][COLOR="DarkRed"] After the match, Tempest Appleby dances with the crowd, while Ben Williams makes fun of DeCipher’s paranoia. Apparently this counts as double-teaming in Mexico, because it provokes [b]Evil Spirit[/b] (who isn’t really Mexican. Shhh, don’t tell anyone), to come out and run the faces out of ringside. He then has a weird exchange with DeCipher in some sort of weird daemonic language that consists of growling and shouting with lots of erratic and pseudo-epileptic arm movements, before the twosome disappear backstage.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F- [b]Notes:[/b][i] If anyone’s thinking “Neo-Solar Temple?” right now then… yeah, pretty close...[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Ángel De México[/b] defeated [b]Rex Reeves[/b] in 14:58 by disqualification. Rex Reeves retains the [b]Lethal Dosage Championship[/b]. [/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Cookie-Cutter cowardly heel champion booking really, but only 9 people were there to see it (we announced matches, and LOST three people. I guess it was better when they didn’t know how bad it was going to be), so I don’t really care at this point. It is going somewhere though, don’t worry. *frantically tries to figure out where*[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] F+ [i]- Yeah, one good match isn’t going to save the entire show. It was still good enough to raise our popularity though, so again with the not particularly caring. Let’s blame Dusty.[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- Comedown cost us exactly $300 more than the First Hit on the night (i.e, just taking show costs and worker costs into account), which was the cost of Team Lucha. We weren’t anticipating the show to get worse though… oh well. We still lost loads on Merchandising, which isn’t supposed to be possible with Just In Time. So overall we’re a further $269 in the hole; -$327 overall. However, I’d be lying if I said I was bothered, as next month is probably going to be a lot more profitable due to a conspicuous absence.[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- We’ve risen a further .4 in the Tri-State. So if an F+ gets us as big a gain as an E-, there’s not much point trying for an E-. (An E at this point seems rather unlikely, and expensive).[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- MAW rose to small level after Global Warfare, and Emma Bitch became the first CWWL Champion, defeating Principessa in a sold-out event in Ontario.[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- I had an epiphany regarding the $150 in lost merchandising despite using Just In Time. It's not the merchandise itself that's losing us the money, it's the DVDs! No more DVDs for LDW for a while.[/COLOR] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center] [quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Acid House[/u]. [i]Saturday, March, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: Rex Reeves vs ‘Legendary Japanese Wrestler’ Mushashibo! The Guild vs. A New Tag Team Head Kicker vs Some Awful, Cheap Jobber. Someone new debuts! (other than Mushashibo, the tag team and the cheap jobber obviously). Be there, or don’t care! (Either’s fine). [/quote][/center]
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-March 2007-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- Another month, another bankruptcy warning. American banks aren’t too great, are they? I’m a student, and MY overdraught is bigger than £200...[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- The only signings we made this month were short term contracts for one appearance with people to feed to Head Kicker. Nothing exciting. We’re keeping tabs on a few workers after a decent performance at an American Indy Show though.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- RIPW rise to Small. Yeah, slow news month.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]- DeCipher’s match with MPWF as part of the talent trade for Team Lucha went well. He lost a title shot at Inca Jr.’s Campeon De Lucha title, but it was the match of the night.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- I wasn’t going to do this yet, but nothing else has happened so, not including people who haven’t debuted yet, here’s the current LDW Roster: (Name (Overness In Tri-State/Momentum/Gimmick Rating)): Angel Del Mexico (E-/F-/A*) Ben Williams (F-/E-/B+) Cal Sanders (F-/E?!/F-) DeCipher (F-/E+/E+) Evil Spirit (F-/F-/F- [size=1](far too risky)[/size]) Head Kicker (F-/F/A) Rex Reeves (F/F-/D [size=1](yup, the guy can’t even play a cowardly heel properly)[/size]). [b]LDW Champion[/b] Stretch The Chicken Boy (F-/E-/B) Tempest Appleby (F-/E+/B) The Dungeonmaster (F-/F-/C-) The Wizard (F-/E-/C) Thomas Morgan (F-/E-/D) TJ Bailey (F-/F+/C) I like the fact that our champion is one of the lamest choices possible. It’s very LDW. Also, Angel Del Mexico has risen from F+ to E- across the whole of the US thanks to us. Rex started at F.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Acid House[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 11 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]Max Chaos[/B][/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Head Kicker[/B] defeated [B]Craig Lewis[/B] in 2:53 by pinfall with a Kick To The Head '07..[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i] I promised Lewis a spot on the roster if he could drag Head Kicker to an E-. I knew that was impossible, but he didn’t. Brave effort, laddo.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]After the team of TJ Bailey and LDW debutant, Drunken Dragon, had arrived in the ring, The Guild came out to ringside. Dungeonmaster was discussing tactics with The Wizard and Stretch, but Stretch was clearly not listening. “There’s a lot of XP riding on this guys, so don’t screw it up” said DM. “If you guys win this, the reward is a shot at the LDW Championship for me. Got it? So I need you to…” he was cut off by a warcry Dungeonmaster would never forget. “Alright chums, let’s do this! CHICKEN-BOOOYYYYYYYYYYY JENNNNKINNNSSS!”. Stretch proceeded to run to the ring completely unprepared, and get beaten down.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Oh yes, I went there. I ain’t never comin’ back, but I went there.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match Two:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Drunken Dragon[/B] and [B]TJ Bailey[/B] defeated [B]The Guild[/B] in 9:49 when Drunken Dragon pinned Stretch The Chicken Boy with a Draconic Driver (Michinoku Driver), after throwing a fireball in The Dungeonmaster’s face to stop him interfering.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Yes, after rescuing their guildie, they went on to lose to the newbie (K-Squared under a mask, by the way) despite the Dungeonmaster’s underhanded tactics. Post-match, the crispy-fried DM (yes, toasting the chicken would've been funnier, but wouldn't have been very babyface-like, would it?) berated his guild members, and needless to say, many DKP were lost this day.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match Three:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]The Lost and The Damned[/B] defeated [B]Ben Williams[/B] and [B]Tempest Appleby[/B] in 12:42 of a Lucha Libre match, by three falls to two. DeCipher won the first fall over Tempest, Williams got the second with a Ref Bump on Evil Spirit, and DeCipher got the third over Tempest with the Code Breaker.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] It’s annoying when you have too relatively good matches in the undercard and you know your main event will suck balls. But hey, I don’t want to devalue the title EVEN MORE by shoving it in here.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Rex Reeves came out next, and went on a long, rambling rant about how he was so great that not only is he LDW Champion, but people from all over the globe want to wrestle him. This month, none other than Yoshimi Musashibo has come to New England! Approximately one member of the crowd was shocked and surprised when it wasn’t Yoshimi Musashibo at all, but Kinuye Mushashibo. Rex, with a face as red as DeCipher’s mask, due two parts to embarrassment and one part to rage, claimed that despite the little communication problem, he was going to make such an example of Kinuye that Yoshimi (who’s no relation at all) would be too scared to come and face him. Sure, Rex. We believe ya.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i]F? Wow. Given Rex’s complete lack of entertainment skills, and Kinuye’s complete lack of name value, I was expecting an F-. Let’s just hope the match doesn’t suck..[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Rex Reeves[/B] defeated [B]Kinuye Mushashibo[/B] in 15:10 by count out. Rex Reeves makes “defence” number 1 of his Lethal Dosage Championship (apparently DQ’s don’t count as defences but count-outs do…). title.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Yup, it sucked. Oh well. Rex running away from a girl like a… girl, was worth it. Right? There was also a lack of flow in the middle, because I mistakenly assumed they’d be ok without scripting.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] F [i]- Fleh, that’s what we get for booking a show without Angel Del Mexico. Although it hasn’t helped much financially because we had two tag matches, so we ended up spending just as much as we did at the First Hit. D’oh.[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- Cancelling our DVDs has actually made us lose MORE money in Merchandising, but then I remembered that Merchandising has a base cost of $150 just for the department, so that’s ok. It means that we made $10 profit from the actual merchandise (as we only produced $20 worth ($180 overall -$150 for the department costs) and made $30). Despite this, WE MADE MONEY! Only $17, but profit is profit! In lieu of the extra $150 that I’d forgotten we had to pay, we’re looking into replacing Rob Perkins if we can find a ref that’s substantially cheaper and doesn’t make everything suck.[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- We’ve stalled, popularity wise. But that’s not too surprising. Finance wise, the bank have given us one month to come up with the $355 we owe them. Seriously, these guys are *******s. With alarm bells ringing, we’re taking drastic action and switching to half-hour shows. We’re also canning our planned main event angle because it would be far too expensive. I won’t give it away though, because it might happen later. I’m also gutted because next months show was looking pretty good until Mr. Bank Manager ruined it, and now the main theme of the show has to be rushed to hell.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- In an attempt to ease the pain, TCW fell to Cult. Hinote Dojo rose to small, and next month’s Head Kicker Jobber keeps moaning about being an enhancement talent. I agree, it’s unlikely he’ll enhance anything. We made him a Personality, just to spite him.[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Chasing The Dragon[/u]. [i]Saturday, April, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: The Dungeonmaster vs Drunken Dragon in a #1 Contendership Match. DeCipher goes one on one with Ben Williams. That’s about it. Blame the bank. [/quote][/center]
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-April 2007-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- SAISHO rise to Small, just to rub salt in the wounds. I know they’re in Japan, but all other wrestling promotions are evil. Unless they’re in dire financial trouble and need to pull wealthy rabbits out of hats and then mug them to survive.[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- We hired Alan Gray (the hat guy) as our referee. He’s $125 cheaper than Perkins, so that’s nearly half the amount we need to shave off. Some more money was saved by shoving our Road Agent/prostitute back out on the streets, as well as cutting Max Chaos.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- We also made the (possibly crucial) decision to start up DVD sales again now that we know it’s not responsible for the merchandising issue. However, it might still have been losing us money, as I still have no idea at all where DVD sales/expenses are listed under on the finance screen, if they even are. So...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]- I don’t know whether I can take any more of Mad Dog’s moaning and whining about his push. He’s only here to lose one match, and the bank manager has put that on hold.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Chasing The Dragon[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 12(?!) people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]The Dungeonmaster[/B], [B]Ben Williams[/B] and [B]Drunken Dragon[/B] (whoever’s wrestling will drop out of commentary).[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]DeCipher[/B] defeated [B]Ben Williams[/B] in 9:38 by pinfall with a Code Breaker. [/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]A good opener, especially with no ‘professional’ announcers. DeCipher is definitely the MVP of LDW at the moment. This match was scripted by Dungeonmaster, in case you’re wondering.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Drunken Dragon staggers to ringside, and says that he doesn’t actually hoard gold in his cave, as The Guild are probably expecting. He doesn’t even own a cave. But he does have a certain penchant for some types of gold. Namely, wrestling titles. He goes on to explain that champions get more money, and thus can afford more beer. He probably would’ve said other stuff, but we didn’t have time, so The Dungeonmaster came out and hurriedly spat out words to the effect of “The Guild are away playing as their alternate characters, but I’m here, so let’s get it on”.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Yeah baby. Now I just need one good match from you guys….[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Drunken Dragon[/B] defeated [B]The Dungeonmaster[/B] in 12:56 by pinfall with a Draconic Driver.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Huzzah! We’ve successfully produced a better show in half an hour that we did in an hour for the last two months. And only used five people in total (six including Gil).[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] F+ [i]- Woo. Now all we need to do is hope my maths were right. It's a shame there wasn't enough time for the planned "chase", but you get the general idea.[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- Early financial reports are looking good. Worker costs, show costs and projected department costs combined comes to just under what we spent on worker costs alone for Comedown. So all we had to do was wait for sponsorship money to roll in and bail us out…[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- … which it duly did. Hah, you were expecting some dynasty-ending miscalculation then, weren’t you? But all you got was $1,198 of pure profit. Leaving us $743 in the black. Safe! We also gained another 0.4 popularity, putting us at 1.2%. Approximately 10% of the way to Small. After four months. You don't need a maths degree to work out that at this rate it'll be fourty months before we get there. A few months over 3 years.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]-. So, from this day forward, LDW shall be cloven in two. During the months of April/May, July/August, October/November and January/February, we shall run “Profit shows”, whereby we run half-hour shows to claw back some profits. During the other four months (December, March, June, September) we’ll hold ‘Popularity shows’, where we blow all our hard earned money and turn it into popularity with quality, hour-long shows with some half-decent main events. Argh, it be a good plan indeed![/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- Evil Spirit was feeling isolated. To be honest, he’s such a convincing “weird guy with funny made up language”, I’d forgotten that out of character he was Japanese, and thus became “normal guy with funny made up language”. Unfortunately, we’re not really in a position to hire people to just “sit around” and decide they hate me because I never use them. So we’d either have to find some cheap, crap Japanese worker, or hope he learns English (or Spanish).[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]-.We are, however, in a position to bring back the hooker and the announcer again, now that their combined $150 paycheques are no longer an issue. Of course, we forgot that as we’d recently fired them, they didn’t want to come back. Damn.[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: We’ve Already Run Out Of Drug References Because We’re Far Too Innocent![/u]. [i]Saturday, May, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: DeCipher and Rex Reeves vs Ben Williams and Drunken Dragon Head Kicker vs. Mad Dog Mortimer (at last)[/quote][/center]
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[QUOTE]Evil Spirit was feeling isolated. To be honest, he’s such a convincing “weird guy with funny made up language”, I’d forgotten that out of character he was Japanese, and thus became “normal guy with funny made up language”. Unfortunately, we’re not really in a position to hire people to just “sit around” and decide they hate me because I never use them. So we’d either have to find some cheap, crap Japanese worker, or hope he learns English (or Spanish). -.We are, however, in a position to bring back the hooker and the announcer again, now that their combined $150 paycheques are no longer an issue. Of course, we forgot that as we’d recently fired them, they didn’t want to come back. Damn. [/QUOTE] Ha thats great stuff, great stuff indead
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;202631]Awesome, just awesome!!! Now I have two dynasties to keep up with :p Do you know how far into debt you can go before the Repo Man pays you a visit D?[/QUOTE] I can answer that! $1 Seriously. I tried basically this same challenge I laid out myself, except I actually created six decent workers to start out with and was playing Free Style mode as owner of my promotion from the start. I got game over in three months just from having negative money. [QUOTE=D-Lyrium;202614]Key Features: Comedy, Lucha Libre (when you see our roster you might think this to be false advertising. You'd probably be right). Heavy: Mainstream Medium: Risque, Daredevil [/QUOTE] Fixed. :D [QUOTE=D-Lyrium;202629][COLOR="Sienna"]- The trade-off for our useless lump of an owner was that his expectations of me were… suitably low. Anubis might want to look away at this point, because the three goals he gave me were: No druggies, no steroid users, and we must be more popular in our home region by January 2009. More popular than 0.0%? Sure, we can do that… There’s a moral to this story, and it goes something like this: Ahahahahahaha. Of course, this will come back to bite us in the arse in two years’ time…[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Lucky! I would have split a gut if you had gotten the B- Athleticism owner goal. Still, even if you had gotten the nasty profit goal, 25% of $0 is of course still $0. So the nasty stuff will wait until 2009, hehehe. [QUOTE=D-Lyrium;203076][COLOR="Sienna"]- I had an epiphany regarding the $150 in lost merchandising despite using Just In Time. It's not the merchandise itself that's losing us the money, it's the DVDs! No more DVDs for LDW for a while.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yeah, I think you lose money on DVDs until like Regional. I am no expert at playing the small promotions, given how I always lose such games, but I think you do nothing at Local, Internet at Small, and DVDs starting at Regional. I think. I am rooting for you . . . [SIZE="1"]kinda[/SIZE] . . . :D Though seriously, this is entertaining. Local up to Regional I think is the hardest part. I will be amazed if you can pull off getting to Global, though.
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-May 2007-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- We manage to kill three stones with one bird, as I not only hired a Japanese-speaking wrestler for only $100, but they can actually wrestle better than most of my roster, and give my crappy champion some kind of character. The only unfortunate thing about this is that it means he has to remain champion for a while longer.[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- That’s… all that happened. From now on, I’ll put both profit shows” into one post.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- Oh yeah, I fired Thomas Morgan because he's gone to CGC and they run shows on Saturdays too. No Gimmicks Needed were probably the shortest-lived tag team ever. One whole match. They never got on the card again after that because I didn't have anything for them to do.[/color] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Chasing The Dragon[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 9 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]The Dungeonmaster[/b], [b]Ben Williams[/b] and [b]Drunken Dragon.[/B][/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][b]Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Head Kicker[/B] defeated [B]Mad Dog Mortimer[/B] in 7:42 by pinfall with a Kick To The Head '07.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i]They had no chemistry (all MDM had to do was get kicked in the head repeatedly…), the match had a lack of flow in the middle (and, presumably, the beginning and end) and Head Kicker was exhausted by the end. Eight minutes is far too long for him, bless.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]In a segment taped for DVD, “Ravishing” Rex Reeves was waiting impatiently outside his locker room (well...a door). Eventually, [b]Ginko Kuroda[/b] opened said door, and walked out carrying his title. Annoyed, Reeves asked what took her so long. Kuroda replied that she was “Polish belt for Rex-san. Like?”. “Reckson?! I’m not an office and industrial real estate investment firm with locations in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut! Who hired you?! Oh, me. Right. Well, take it to the ring. And don’t let anyone touch it!”. As she left, Dungeonmaster appeared, and told Rex that it was imperative that Drunken Dragon was defeated at all costs, and banished to Outland.[/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] F+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i]That’s gotta be worth at least an extra thousand dollars, right? Are you listening, Mr. Reckson?[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Main Event:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]DeCipher[/B] and [B]Rex Reeves[/B] defeated [B]Ben Williams[/B] and [B]Drunken Dragon[/B] in 12:53 when Rex Reeves defeated Ben Williams by pinfall with a Flying Headbutt. [/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i]A Flying Headbutt? Pffft. Not very ravishing. I’ll have to talk to him about that. And the probable reason it was only an F is that I told Tempest Appleby to script the match instead of the Dungeonmaster. D’oh. Not only is that a waste of a grade, but it’s also a waste of $125 on an already-more-expensive-than-usual profit show. Oh, and we got a warning that Alan Grey was a crap referee, which is annoying as that means it was probably going to be a good match (it’s the first note we’ve had about him).[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] F [i]- Neither up nor down in popularity, which is sort of the point. Still annoyed about the Tempest thing though.[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- Meh, we spent double what we did last month, but when all was said and done we’d still made $600 profit. This leaves us with $1343 to waste at our next show. Plus $3k sponsor money, - $1500 in built-in admin costs = $2800 to spend on workers. Almost double what we spent at Comedown in February, so I think we’ll be ok somehow.[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- Since we’ve only actually announced one match ahead of the event, and haven’t even made that official yet, we decided that this would be a good time to start up one of our annual shows, with it’s own tournament title and everything.[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: King Of The Dark Match[/u]. [i]Saturday, June, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: ‘Ravishing’ Rex Reeves vs. Drunken Dragon for the LDW Championship! An eight-man tournament for the inaugural King of the Dark Match crown! The Guild unveils their newest member! [/quote][/center]
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;203721][COLOR="Sienna"]- Since we’ve only actually announced one match ahead of the event, and haven’t even made that official yet, we decided that this would be a good time to start up one of our annual shows, with it’s own tournament title and everything.[/color][/QUOTE] And I just now realized you were the one doing the Backyard Wrestling Alliance. I miss that. Please don't let this one die like that!
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[B][U][SIZE="4"][center]-June 2007-[/center][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- The competitors for the 2007 King Of The Dark Match Tournament have been announced. Meaning, I just hired them: Representing [B]Mid-Atlantic Wrestling[/B]: Rockin’ Ryan Turner Representing [B]Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling[/B]: Flyin’ Jimmy Foxx, Matt Sparrow. Representing the [B]Mexican Premier Wrestling Federation[/B]: Guillermo Marcos, Heavy Metal Anarchy. Representing [B]Original Lucha Libre in Extreme[/B]: Raul Sanz Jr. Representing [B]Lethal Dosage Wrestling[/B]: Angel de Mexico, and The Guild’s mystery new recruit. Looking at all those names, I really hope I didn’t forget anyone while I was adding up the cost… that seems expensive. It should probably be noted that none of the Americans are here by talent trade because nobody on my roster was over enough, so I had to sign them the hard way. Also, I invited Erik Strong and Flash Savage as my first choices from MAW, but Erik turned me down and Flash wanted a ludicrous amount for a first-round jobber (at the end of the month it was revealed that they'd had a falling out and now disliked each other. Heh).[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- DeCipher’s ‘trade match’ with MPWF would’ve been match of the night again if Soul Taker and Marcos Flores didn’t have a Mexican MOTY contender on the same night. God I love that guy.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- After going all the way to rock bottom (I assume), the wrestling industry is finally starting to pick up. It’s still at F- though, and the economy is still crashing, now at D-.[/COLOR] [CENTER]-=- [COLOR="DarkRed"][b]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: King Of The Dark Match[/b][/COLOR] [i]In front of 14 people at the Weston Gymnasium DVD Commentary from [B]The Dungeonmaster[/b] and [b]Drunken Dragon[/b] (and [b]Flyin’ Jimmy Foxx.[/B] and [b]Matt Sparrow[/b] during the LDW Title match).[/i][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][b]Round One, Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Matt Sparrow[/B] defeated [B]Guillermo Marcos[/B] in 2:35 by pinfall with a Bird Brain Buster. [/COLOR] [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Yeah, all tournament matches until the final are going to be under 3 minutes, because someone (can’t think who) forgot that a tournament would take longer than a regular big show... Also, Alan Gray was bad again, as was Dungeonmaster. If I’d actually planned this, like some kind of… competent booker, I’d have brought Rob back for this show.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Round One, Match Two:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Rockin' Ryan Turner[/B] defeated [B]Heavy Metal Anarchy[/B] in 3:12 by pinfall with a Six String Shooter.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Even this match was beyond Alan Gray’s limited capabilities.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Round One, Match Three:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Ángel De México[/B] defeated [B]Raul Sanz Jr[/B] in 2:56 by pinfall with a Mexican Death.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Gray sucked, unsurprisingly as it was a good match for a three minute squash. And yes, that does mean that all three Mexico-based luchadores jobbed in the opening round of a tournament in a so-called lucha promotion.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Angle:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]The Dungeonmaster left his commentary position to introduce his newest client/guildmate: Norris the Ninja! He came out, to light-hearted booing, dressed, well, like a ninja. Called Norris.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i] Norris is a masked Cal Sanders, and his turn SUCKED. Which is a shame, as he had the most momentum of anyone outside the main event (which technically includes DeCipher, who was road agenting again tonight. [/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Round One, Match Four:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Norris The Ninja[/B] defeated [B]Flying Jimmy Foxx[/B] in 3:02 by pinfall after the Six Moves Of Death. [/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Notes:[/b] [i]... who cares if his turn sucked? Wooo, E! By the way… sorry, another World of Warcraft reference there with Norris’s finisher. Reffering to the combo of six moves every rogue uses in a fight (if the opponent doesn't die after them, the rogue usually does :p). [/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Semi Final, Match One:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Matt Sparrow[/B] defeated [B]Rockin' Ryan Turner[/B] in 2:49 by pinfall with a Bird Brain Buster.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Another E, but to be fair Sparrow was in it so it doesn’t count. He was apparently off his game, too. So was Alan Gray ¬_¬.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]Semi Final, Match Two:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Ángel De México[/B] defeated [B]Norris The Ninja[/B] in 3:10 by pinfall with a Mexican Death..[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E- [b]Notes:[/b] [i] You weren’t expecting Angel to lose before the final in his comeback show, were you? Nope, not even to the (sort of) new guy.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]LDW Championship Match:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Rex Reeves[/B] defeated [B]Drunken Dragon[/B] in 11:54 by pinfall following interference from [B]Ginko Kuroda[/B], [B]The Dungeonmaster[/B], [B]Stretch The Chicken Boy[/B] (who attacked Reeves by mistake), [B]The Wizard[/B] and [B]Norris the Ninja[/B]. Rex Reeves makes defence number 2 of his Lethal Dosage Championship title.[/color] [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]Notes:[/b] [i] We overbooked it to hell and back, and they still couldn’t last 12 minutes without it falling apart in the middle, despite scripting. Bah. Bang goes my E. Unless Angel and Sparrow have a Match of the Year. Hah, yeah right.[/i] [COLOR="Red"][b]LDW King Of The Dark Match Final:[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]Ángel De México[/B] defeated [B]Matt Sparrow[/B] in 7:44 by pinfall with a Mexican Death to become the first ever LDW King Of The Dark Match![/color] [b]Rating:[/b] E+ [b]Notes:[/b] [i] They barely managed match of the night, let alone year, but it might still be enough to save my precious E. And we definitely need an announcer and proper referee for shows like this, I bet it hurt quite a lot over the course of the show, not having them.[/i] [COLOR="Sienna"][b]Overall Show Rating:[/b][/COLOR] E [i]- In the grand scheme of things, I’m happy with an E. I won’t be so happy if it only gets us a 0.4% increase again after all that, but still...[/i] [center]-=-[/center] [COLOR="DarkRed"]-Immediate finance is looking ok. We only overspent on the budget by $25, and the five extra fans might have bought more merchandise than usual. Bare with me while I continue clutching at straws.[/color] [COLOR="Sienna"]- Luckily, we’re out of the woods, as we got a healthy amount of sponsorship money this month (it fluctuates between $3.1k and $3.3k, and this month it was at the top end), so we’re still $300 in the black. We’ve also gained an extra .2 (0.4 gain in total), taking us up to 1.8 overall. So it was worth the effort. I just hope that I don’t have to bring so many one-shotters in to get the same rating next time. The plan is for the core of the show to be LDW home-grown talent, and get a few indy darlings in for the upper card.[/color] [COLOR="DarkRed"]- From now on, after every big show (which also works out nicely as being the end of the year), I’ll update the momentum and overness of the roster. First, momentum because it’s easier: E+: DeCipher E : Head Kicker (¬_¬) E-: Angel de Mexico, Tempest Appleby, Norris The Ninja. F+: Stretch, The Wizard, Ben Williams, TJ Bailey, Rockin’ Ryan Turner (who’s staying on with us, he’s one of my faves and he’s cheap). F : Rex Reeves, Evil Spirit, Drunken Dragon F-: Dungeonmaster, Ginko Kuroda. As for overness… well, it’d be far easier to just name the workers who AREN’T at F-: Angel de Mexico (E, up from E-) DeCipher (F) Head Kicker (F?!?!?! People like him. That was NOT supposed to happen). Norris the Ninja (F, I guess the turn didn’t go as badly as was reported) ‘Ravishing’ Rex Reeves (still F. Worst. Champion. Ever).[/color] [b]Next Month[/b]: [center][quote][u]Lethal Dosage Wrestling: Expendable Youth.[/u] (Yeah, we’ve resorted to naming our mini-events after whatever’s playing on Winamp now). [i]Saturday, July, Week 3.[/i] [i]At the Weston Gymnasium[/i] Card: DeCipher vs Drunken Dragon The Guild vs Two Mystery Opponents Head Kicker vs Keith Vegas Will Angel de Mexico cash in the title shot that he earned due to winning the tournament?[/quote][/center]
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