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Craziest Thing You Believe?


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I believe in ghosts as i have witnessed paranormal activities with my own eyes. I believe in Bigfoot all the sitings that have been taped is just too much evidence to pass that off. I believe in the Lochness Monster just so many unexplainable things happened in those waters and a picture i saw of its back hump out of the water.. dont remember the site though. I believe in Vampires not like paranormal Vampires but people who drink blood and dont go in sunlight. I believe in True Love it may sound corny but i really do. I pretty leave my mind open for anything i am not one to rule out anything.. Alot of stuff i have seen on a show called In Search Of... its a great show in the US it had a nice run on the Sci-Fi network. I recommend checking it out.
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Guest cmdrsam
Lol. Thats ok Panix,as well you should. May you have many many years togethor. May someone make it long. I trekked for 13 years, to be rewarded with a cheating spouse. So yeah im bitter. But the meds are kicking in so the voices should stop at anytime.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;209730]Interesting stuff Lovestruck. I don't know if what I believe would count, as I just don't have any proof of anything. All I have is a reason to believe. Not sure if this is allowed, from the OP I can't tell if he's saying don't say GOD as something you believe in, or just don't say "God", as in "Yeah Right" sarcastically or something. [/QUOTE] Just to let you know, when I said explain in no way did I mean prove. One thing about belief is proof is rarely needed. Also the sarcastic thing is what I was talking about with the God thing. It is one thing to say one does not believe it is another to turn a belief into nothing more then a joke.
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Not that I necessarily want to start a debate, but there is the possibilty that life exists on other planets AND there's no such thing as aliens in UFOs. Just because travel between star systems may be impossible doesn't mean that there isn't sentient life in the universe
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Oh yeah, no doubt, if we do xcome across alien life it will more than likey be single cell organism's and not intelligent life, the chances of us coming accross another bi-ped life form are very slim indeed. Probably our best chance of finding life is if we ever send a probe to Europa, it is an ice planet, with signs of volcanic activity, so it may well have hydrothermal vents like we have in our oceans, even in the arctic hydrothermal vents are teeming with a wide variety of life and in the words of that dude from Jurassic park 'life will find a way!'
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To spot a ghost is one of the things that I've really wanted to do for a while now. I'd love to visit some kind of haunted castle or something with a few friends this halloween. I definately believe in ghosts - the idea of heaven and hell sounds cheesy to me, and I think that the spirit has to continue in some way. I can't imagine just nothing happening after you died, it seems impossible. I've also heard alot of stories about ghosts too, one of my mother's old friends worked at a hotel kind of place, and she sai that she woke up sometimes and housework was done (ie washing up, laundry, ect). Apparently my house is supposed to be haunted, which is quite daunting when I'm alone at night, but with mates I'm all up for exploring the loft and stuff. That sounds like alot of fun, Taker. Sorry, but I just need to ask, have you ever tried to have some fun with the cat, like sticking your foot through it or anything? :p
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A couple of things.. Oh where to begin, so many posts in such a short time. First off, going the speed of light in space isn't going to give you ton's of G's in your lap. There isn't any gravity, so the G-Force (Gravity Force) is out of the equation. When you watched the people in the spacestation or shuttle's, and see them hovering around, they are not sitting still. Just to keep orbit around the earth requires quite a bit of speed, yet they can go out and do repairs as if they are standing still, because they are using the same force as the ship for momentum. When I was talking about the closest point between to objects is a straight (visible) line, I didn't mean that you would HAVE To actually stay on that line no matter what is in the way. I was just comparing that to "warp" speed: Warp speed is using elements and dimensions we don't have proof exists, and bringing point A closer to point B, but traveling in a, bah.... Here let me explain it a different way. When you look up in the sky, and you see the closest star (other then the sun). Your looking in a straight line (although that star isn't in THAT exact spot anymore). SO you think of it as so many billions of miles away, ussually they use how many millions of light year's away they are. Light years away is how many years it would take you to get there traveling the speed of light. Now, using the "warp" speed, they say that that star is actually only a block or two away, if you just take this other "secret" route, using warps and possibly homemade wormholes to do it. If you ever watched that movie with that gateway leading to another planet where the Egyption gods had a bunch of human slaves working for them... I believe it was called Stargate. That is using something very similar to "warping" accross the galaxy, or galaxies. G-Force at this point is not what holds us back from attempting to go the speed of light or faster... What is holding us back is the lack of controll we would have after something had that much momentum without any king of friction (or gravity) to be able to avoid obstacle's that might come up (asteroids, comets, planets, ICE, etc.). If they knew for sure that there would be space particles (dust) no matter where they went, then they could probably use that as fuel to at least be able to turn around and head back, however, that would be a huge loop at almost light speed (a huge 180, lol). The problem is, at light speed, your not seeing (not with OUR eyes anyways) where your going, you can't pick up stuff on radar, since your going faster then the radar. Bassically, you would just have to HOPE that nothing got in your way. The best thing to do would send probes out. However, the "cost" would probably be to great to send enough to have at least one of them succeed in getting us anyking of new news. [QUOTE]there is the possibilty that life exists on other planets AND there's no such thing as aliens in UFOs[/QUOTE] I would tend to aggree, if you mean that there is a possibility of UFO's being alien in nature, just don't have anyone in them, lol. I would think they would use "Probe's" as well, before making any kind of contact, they would have to figure out how to communicate with us. Meaning, I doubt other life will communicate in the same way most of this planet communicates. So something different then Sign, Speach, or any other means in which we communicate. Possibly other life forms might use light, colors, some weird form of telepathy or empathy, or use some sort of voice that is outside of our range of hearing. I mean, we live in a pretty limited range, even when just compared to creatures on this planet. Dog whistle's, we would never hear an alien that a dog couldn't hear. We wouldn't see a life form that radiates in any different spectrum then what we can see in (obviously). Also, even with scientists using instruments to try and find things outside of our sight and hearing, they still haven't found anything. This is a great topic. I'm really fascinated with Science, although not too much on the paranormal withought getting into religion. The Occult fascinates me, but I believe in a superior being, or beings outside of humanity's reasoning of life forms. So it's kind of hard to get into the ghosts and such. However, like I said, I believe some people DO see them, just so few, and sometimes only if the right situations are active, so the sighting's are scarce, yet go on. Love Panix theory's about the "Sleep" thing, while awake. I've done this so many times it's not funny. Not getting enough sleep and looking at the clock, knowing I should get up, yet cannot move at all. Keep trying and yet still unable. Close my eyes and try, all the sudden I can. Then I wonder was I dreaming I woke up, or was what you said the thing that happened. Mentally I woke, but my body was still asleep? Interesting stuff.
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;209968]That sounds like alot of fun, Taker. Sorry, but I just need to ask, have you ever tried to have some fun with the cat, like sticking your foot through it or anything? :p[/QUOTE] No I haven't, after having the cat for about 14 years it became second nature to almost trip yourself up when he appeared around your feet and I still do it now. It's completely ridiculous though, I panic for a split second and try to move out of the way so I don't step on him but then stop and laugh at how stupid I must look! :D [quote=djfunkthechris]First off, going the speed of light in space isn't going to give you ton's of G's in your lap. There isn't any gravity, so the G-Force (Gravity Force) is out of the equation.[/quote] Good point, I was thinking of the other argument about how UFO's seem to move at extraordinary speeds across the skyline and change direction instantly.
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Based on what has been posted here about UFO's, Aliens etc. I have come to agree that there must be some sort of life somewhere in the universe as it is so massive. One thing that also really spooked me was when the moon went blood red on the 3rd of March. I looked to the left of me, and there seemed to be a perfect V (like when geese fly south or whatever lol) of red lights going across my view from left to the bottom center, before the trees blocked me from seeing it. It really confused me, I wanted to say it was just an optical thing because I looked at the moon, but for some reason I couldn't lead myself to believe it was. There was no noise or flashing of lights, so it wasn't a plane or anything. (I originally thought it was something like the Red Arrows, but there was no noise.) If anyone can help to make a decision please do, because I really want to know!! lol. And I partially believe in Ghosts/Paranormal etc. I constantly get a weird vibe when I go to certain places, be it in my house or elsewhere. Plus after watching some shows (such as the ever skeptically viewed Most Haunted) I see that some occurences are inexplainable. I say that some things are explainable (environment, movement by a creature, etc.) but not all.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;209993]Craziest thing I believe? That that 'Taker guy who's seen ghosts is joining the Greydog team! Crazy![/QUOTE] What a crazy thing to believe in! I wouldn't believe a word of it. ;) [quote=Gremlinator]One thing that also really spooked me was when the moon went blood red on the 3rd of March. I looked to the left of me, and there seemed to be a perfect V (like when geese fly south or whatever lol) of red lights going across my view from left to the bottom center, before the trees blocked me from seeing it. It really confused me, I wanted to say it was just an optical thing because I looked at the moon, but for some reason I couldn't lead myself to believe it was. There was no noise or flashing of lights, so it wasn't a plane or anything. (I originally thought it was something like the Red Arrows, but there was no noise.)[/quote] Could be one of the infamous 'black triangles'. They are something that really intrigues me, huge craft flying at low atlitude and travel slowly over populated areas so there are hundreds of witnesses.
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i just put 'black triangle phenomena' down to secret military aircraft testing. Lets face it, anybody who glimpsed upon a stealth bomber before they were 'unveiled' may well have considered them Alien. However the techology to build stealth bombers was clearly gained by studying the flying saucer that crashed in Roswell in 1947 - oops, did i go to far?
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;209989]Good point, I was thinking of the other argument about how UFO's seem to move at extraordinary speeds across the skyline and change direction instantly.[/QUOTE] Well, that string (or a piece of it) could actually explain some of that, especially if the UFO or Aliens see differently, work differently, and use different dimensions then us. Let's take another example of Quantum Mechanics engaged with the M-Theory using String Theory's as well as what is called a Calabi-Yau manifold. Bassically reality as we see it folds around itself. If you take a great big Tube, like a huge Garden Hose, that's big enough to put a car through. You make it oh, I don't know, around 10 miles long. Lets say it's very pliable, easy to move. Looking at it laid out, you see it is 10 miles to go from one end to the other. If you add turns and things in it, you still have to go 10 miles no matter what, to get to the other end of it. This is based on the only way you can get from one side to the other is by going through it. That huge hose represents what we are familiar with, width, length, height... and even space and time. Now, let's add something to this. Take that same tube and fold it around itself in all kinds of combinations till it's spherical in shape all together. It's still 10 miles long, if you go THROUGH it. Now, lets say that we now know that this other dimension (the folding around itself) exists, and if we were to just go through the tubing sides, we could get from point A to point B alot faster. THe problem is you have to figure out how to get through the Tubing, breaking a whole (like a pin going through it). However, we percieve this hose as being straight because that's the dimensions we know about. THe "Other" dimensions are the one's that allow us to see that it is actually folded around itself, and thus enabling us to travel from point A to point B alot faster (no matter how far, or how close). So a UFO travelling in these type of dimensions would look as if gravity doesn't effect it, and could be going one way at top speed one minute, then go at exactly the opposite or a totally different way in a split second without losing any speed at all. This is how we would see it, however if they traveling in Quantum physics, they might be going straight the whole time to them. To them they are going in a straight line, but to us, the things we see (Height, Time, Space, Width, and Length) would make it look like it is jumping up, down, left, right, backward, forward, without losing speed. It would be just traveling on dimensional folds that we do not see, yet to them is straight... Possibly, something (my theory) using these other dimensions could have just about any shape, but always appear round to us (because of constantly being folded into itselt). However, being on board might proove a simple small flying saucer is actually a huge Freightliner Train with over a thousand people on it (although it looks as though it might have a dozen at most fromt he ground, with the space we see it providing). This sounds awefully kewl, as it would allow a man to travel great distance's (again, in our realms of knowledge) in a matter of minutes, as well as not even needing more then a modified Space Suit to travel in... Fuel wouldn't be as much of a problem, as if you could use this, you wouldn't really have to worry about how fast your going, just if your using the right route. The String theory's use multiple strings attached to each other, and the M-Theory is probably the most positive node of it all. IT enable's you to link the threads together at the ends, and kind of puts everything in a nice little packate. However, it's no where near being able to proove how something in these theory's stand up better to current theory's. They all enable all the things prooved by science so far, so they are all just as noteworthy as the other's (In my opinion). Scientists have a hard time accepting the String Theory as being a true part of Scientific Theory, although they are being studies seperately and in groups. I believe in GOD. I believe that this Science is not unlike the huge tower they built in the bible (which I believe is a "symbol" of what was going on, not actually a tower), where God says something like "Look at what they are doing, If they keep this up they will be as WE are". He use's plural. Many times I have asked questions when I find this happening in the bible. Now, I don't take all the books in the bible as 100% genuine and literal, or Theologically correct, however there are too many times when he (God) does use WE, US, OUR, etc... refering to supposedly himself in Plural. I have a problem just saying that's because he is a Trinity, and actually 3. For example, when someone asks me how is their only one true God, if you have the Son, The Father, and the Holy Ghost. I say, 1x1x1=1. Different names/or identities for the same person. It would be no different then saying Me, myself and I. IF you believe in Jesus, then you believe that only through Jesus can you be a part of Heaven. Where does this leave GOD? So here is where I find myself lost in religion. I believe that there is more then GOD, far as beings we would consider "godlike". I believe that cosmically, there is probably alot of "Beings" and that GOD is the one that makes our area his home. I also believe that Heaven and HELL would be on a different dimensional plane (so I do believe in Quantum physics). When God refer's to himself as WE, I believe he is speaking not only to himself, but to the "other's" around him. To me The Tower was the part that after GOD did that, we went into the Dark ages (where alot of technological advance's were lost). There is that theory about us being a big scientific project by a man named Johova... where we are as goldfish (using goldfish on purpose) or more like sea monkey's to him. Although he can manipulate us, change our environment, and be there from the start to the finish of the "Project" we percieve it as indefinate. We live a thousand lives before his day is over (not exactly, but theoritically different). He may be the same as us (us in his image), or he might look nothing like us at all. ONe thing is for sure, he can take us at anytime and manipulate individuals to be one way or the other. These might be the Miracle's (curing the blind, Mute, Deaf) that religion offer's us (miraculously overcoming some fatal disease like cancer). Far as do I believe that there is ONE god, and ONE devil, No. I believe that there is one GOD that has all power (Or all rights to his experiment, in light of "them") over us. The more important thing far as religion is concerned in my opinion, is do I believe that this is it? DO I believe that space is the final frontier? These I do not believe. I believe as soon as science allows us to understand the universe, they will then find a multiverse (alternate's), they already understand "anti-Matter", and believe in it's existance "scientific theory". So then I believe in Anti-Universe's, and multiple's. Meaning that this Universe might just be one of billions, and that GOD that we know, is in fact the person responsible for it being the way it is. It doesn't take a huge person to make HUGE things happen. Even one person can make a HUGE impact on our world, if they were to so choose (and had the technology to do so). They say there is enough nucleor weapons to destroy the earth many times over, for example. It only took man to do that. Also, looking at how far we have come in the last hundred years, compared to how far we were along before say 1500AD. All those thousands of years and very little progress. Yet in a couple hundred years we go from riding horse's to exploring space. We go from single round rifle's to automatic weapons as well as atomic and nucleor weapons. We go from no electricity to lighting up the world. We go from taking years to get mail from one part of the world to another, to seconds (internet). Just imagine what kind of tower of Babylon we are building right now? Wow, I can go on, and on, and on, can't I?
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[QUOTE=panix04;210018]that string theorys sounds awefully like the theory behind the program quantum leap! I really hope the show based itself around that theory rather then the other way round![/QUOTE] Quantum is a word that was around along time before that show. The String Theory takes problems with Quantum physics and tries to help explain them (roughly). See, before String, was the belief in Points... Um, instead of a "Y" you would have a ".". Both are just as much theoritically possible as the other (right now), but the string's allow more flexibility in other area's of physics. Tachyon's, I first heard about from Hawkins. Then I heard tachyon's being used different ways in Star Treck, but always around temporal (time) fluxuations in space. Tachyon's are particle's speeding around faster then light, so fast that it's thought they might be traveling backwards in time. So adding the string's to this enables it to exist on different dimensions without actually traveling faster then time, but on a different dimensional plane.... When watching someone swim underwater, you cannot see them exactly how they look, because you have the element of water "warping" their features. However, if you go INTO the water and look at them, the "warping" is not there (unless a huge current jets between you). Theoritically, if you get on that other dimension, it would look right to you, but to anyone not on it, it would "warp" you much like being under water while we look at you from above the water.
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;210040]I believe in beating cancer. Because that's what I did today. HUZZAH![/QUOTE] Congrats man! You beat cancer today? Damn, all I did was go get a cup of coffee and have a 2 hour nap. Seriously though that's great man, it really is. Stay healthy.
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;210040]I believe in beating cancer. Because that's what I did today. HUZZAH![/QUOTE] Gratz, man, that's good to hear. As for me, well, I think most people here think the craziest thing I believe is "Dana Dameson was hot".
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[QUOTE]Quantum is a word that was around along time before that show. The String Theory takes problems with Quantum physics and tries to help explain them (roughly).[/QUOTE] he he, yeah, a Quanta is a measurement of light i believe, im covering it at the moment, Quantum Physics is damn difficult! Especially when you have been out of school for coming up to 10 years!
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