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Craziest Thing You Believe?


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[QUOTE=panix04;210050]he he, yeah, a Quanta is a measurement of light i believe, im covering it at the moment, Quantum Physics is damn difficult! Especially when you have been out of school for coming up to 10 years![/QUOTE] Yeah, I have a hard time with all of it really. Like I said earlier, it's hard for me to grasp things I cannot see, or you cannot proove, so all these theory's are although very interesting, also very hard for me to understand. It does allow for alot of imaginative things, though. Matrix has been used in Scientific theory's quite a bit too (another word used for Sci/Fi). Alot of how things work, or supposed to work are so hard on the head. Just trying to read Hawkins for example, makes you feel like a kindergarden student, having to look up every other word he use's to understand what he is actually saying. The old Einstein theory, Energy = Mass times the Speed of light squared, E=MC Squared. The uniqueness of it that was different in his time, was that using this formula, you assume that the speed of light is constant. Before this equation, the two things that were thought as constant were time and distance. The story of how he come up with it can be sort of amusing as well. The puzzle to figure out, and that took him 10 years of banging his head on the wall to figure out, was: IF Superman (example) were to travel the speed of light holding a mirror in front of him, would he see himself in it normally (since he is going as fast as light). Would it be warped, would he be able to see anything at all? After 10 years, he come up with the conclusion that light speed was a constant, not a variable. So, well, he kind of guessed. IT was a very flimsy theory at the time, and EVERYONE questioned him, but, know one could find a way to disproove it. I Like that story, because it allows for just about anyone to come up with conclusions that could be tested, yet not have to be the smartest egg on the shelf to come up with something. Quantom, and other theory's kind of hamper this a bit, as Time and Space, and distance become variable's, although... I cannot say that Light does. SO if light is a constant, and all this other stuff is on the right track, then really, everyone was way off and only Einstein had anything halfway right, lol. So it's hard, lol. Congratulations on beating Cancer, for sure!!
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;210040]I believe in beating cancer. Because that's what I did today. HUZZAH![/QUOTE] That's fantastic news! :) [quote=Sensai of Mattitude]That's great to hear, Thom. Unfortunately, I found out today that my grandma may have cancer.[/quote] I'm sorry to hear that but remember that having Cancer isn't the end, it CAN be beaten as Thom has just proven. My uncle also had cancer a while back and he's now probably healthier than he's ever been, so stay strong. :)
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[QUOTE=Undertaker666;210067]I'm sorry to hear that but remember that having Cancer isn't the end, it CAN be beaten as Thom has just proven. My uncle also had cancer a while back and he's now probably healthier than he's ever been, so stay strong. :)[/QUOTE] Yeah, I won't let it get to me too much. The docter said that she was optimistic about it, which made me feel better. Thanks for the support.
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;210040]I believe in beating cancer. Because that's what I did today. HUZZAH![/QUOTE] Congratulations! That is truly brilliant news. I'm really happy for you. [QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;210055]That's great to hear, Thom. Unfortunately, I found out today that my grandma may have cancer.[/QUOTE] I'm really sorry to hear that. As 'Taker said, it's not the end, not by any means. It is totally beatable and it's strange how it can change your life for the better sometimes. Back when I was a nipper my Grandad (my mums dad) got cancer, and as it was just me and Mum (no father around, although me and him are on good terms now) I had to be strong for her, and for my Grandad, who was like a dad to me back then. I wasn't much different in age to you now when he caught it; 12, 13, I forget now, but I set out to be really strong and support everyone. Besides the gratitude I got from the entire family, and the wonderful compliments at his funeral (which was many, many years later and in fact of old age, not cancer, as he too beat it), I felt confident in myself and that I was a better person afterwards. When my family needed me I was there. To know that deep down is an incrediblely fulfilling feeling. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that if you stand tall and beside your family through it all, you might find you get a whole new respect for yourself that you didn't know you could. And it will help the family immensely too, which is such a big deal in times like this. I am, however, very sorry about that awful piece of news, and I wish her and your entire family all the best.
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I believe in Outer Body Experience's, as Ive had one a few times myself, the only major one I remember is when I was 15 and on the operating table.... apparently my heart stopped for a few mins.. which was nice! I also believe in reincarnation and other spiritual type things.... like deja-vu which I get ALOT I knida believe is some sort of spirit guide showing you glimpses of the furtue. Oh and if anyones ever heard of the fairly new phenomema (sp?) of Black-eyed Kids.... that freaks me out! Oh and the use of the "third-eye"..... wise I could do that!
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Craziest thing i believe in.... I believe... [I]....in a thing called love Just listen to the rhythm of my heart There's a chance we could make it now We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down I believe in a thing called love Ooh![/I] Im sorry.. I had too :D [I]*Runs and hides before he gets lynched*[/I]
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Man, reading through this has confused me to no end. Joose2001, I too feel Deja-vu alot which means I often spend hours thinking why something is so familiar but can never think why. Just wondering if anybody has read or been told of the John Titor story. It's about a man who time traveled here in 2000 and came from 2036. He speaks of many things and has said that a world war will break out in 2015 which will kill 3 billion people. [URL="http://www.johntitor.com"]http://www.johntitor.com[/URL]also there are several other sites to do with this if you search his name it will come up
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[QUOTE=TheEdgeOfReason;211538]Just wondering if anybody has read or been told of the John Titor story. It's about a man who time traveled here in 2000 and came from 2036. He speaks of many things and has said that a world war will break out in 2015 which will kill 3 billion people. [URL="http://www.johntitor.com"]http://www.johntitor.com[/URL]also there are several other sites to do with this if you search his name it will come up[/QUOTE] I remember going through a LOT of John Titor material a few years ago. If memory serves, he said that he'd travelled back in time but he wasn't actually on his own timeline and had in fact 'jumped' into a parallel dimension. The reason he gave was that it was impossible to go back in time in your own universe. I can't remember all the details but he made some predictions about wars and assasinations but was never specific so the believers have been able to praise him and the sceptics can say that he guessed. He also stated that because he wasn't in his own timeline that some of his predictions may not come true because each dimension is different and so different things happen. Some might say that's a nice 'cover your own ass clause'. I didn't/don't believe it all but it was compelling reading. :)
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On a slightly different note, I believe in precognition and have experienced it myself on several occasions. The first time was when i had a conversation with my brother on the phone. Seemed normal enough. Next day he phones me up and we get talking. He mentioned something and i told him we talked about it before. But it has only just come to his mind. The phone call had never taken place. Second time, i was sitting watching formula 1. Im not really paying attention but suddenly focus when i see Villnerve spin (i cant remember how to spell his name). I snap to and start watching.. Thinking i had just imagined it.. But lo and behold 5 minutes later he spins out..
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Congrats Thom - and hey, if you hadn't beat it, at least you held out 'til after '07 came out, hey? ;) Seriously though, well done - and I hope you got the docs and nurses a drink to say thanks. * My father in law is a priest, and has conducted a number of exorcisms. I've thought about asking him about them sometime, as I used to be a big believer in paranormal phenomena (still am, really) but my wife says that he's a bit reticent about discussing them. She has said that at one point, he was strapped up to a monitor during an exorcism and his heart rate, pulse etc. accelerated to the point where he was on the verge of a cardiac arrest. Exorcism is apparently the one duty that priests are allowed to pass on, even if they have no reason other than that they don't want to do it. * As for myself, I've seen a couple of UFOs, but I don't necessarily believe they were spaceships - they could have been satellites, meteors, balloons... They [I]could[/I] have been spaceships, though :D I see no reason why sentient life shouldn't have evolved elsewhere in the universe. There's no reason why another civilisation wouldn't have evolved without the Dark Ages, or without devastating global wars, or just with better propulsion technology but no, for example, Internet porn... It's a big universe, and we haven't come close to understanding more than a fraction of what goes on out there. Even the stuff we do 'know' more often than not turns out to be wrong a few years down the line - and a few years after that, we change our minds again!
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I've seen ufo's too which could only have been flying craft, whether it was military or alien I don't know. My gut tells me it wasn't military though. Just thought of one strange thing that's only ever happened to me once: I was working on part of a project at work that was a real pain in the ass and no-one in the office could figure out how to make it fuction properly and safely. I worked on it constantly from Monday to Thursday and still hadn't got any further. During the night I dreamt myself solving the problem, within 30 minutes of arriving at the office and the problem was solved by me remembering my dream. Dreams are something that facinates me, I probably have on average three dreams a night that I can remember the next day. Unless i've consumed copious amounts of alcohol the night before. :p (Clarity, quote is for The Shining)
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Clarity, I very rarely dream. When I do, it's usually so vivid that I remember it for years afterwards. I frequently go for months, if not years without a dream - I believe most recently I went about six months without one, but I had a short one the other night, so they do happen occasionally.
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I had a dream about an English test I was worrying about taking the next day, and in the dream, I took the test and failed miserably. However, I remembered some of the questions on the dream test, and come the time to take the test, they were all on it, word-for-word. I was too stupid to look up all the dream questions, but I still got most of them right. I got in the 90's the second time :D . Weird...
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