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SOTBPW...Wrestling with a twist

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My name is Clayton and I'm 23 years old, this is my story... Wrestling was always something I loved growing up. Growing up in Montana we didn't see much in terms on Pro Wrestling. I mean don't get me wrong we had cable so seeing the likes of SWF and TCW was easy. I was even able to catch a few episodes of DAVE on late night tv. My whole life I dreamed of being a pro wrestler, something about being able to captivate an audiance like that just took my breath away. After highschool I joined the army to get away from Montana and see the world. After 4 long years of military duty I got out and had no real plans on what to do next. So like most guys my age, or maybe like no one my age I'm not real sure, I decided to follow my dreams and join a small wrestling school in Texas. After about a year of training I learned some of the more basic moves and a few of the more complicated ones. I was a natural, or so I thought. My meeting with my instructor Carlos Gonzalez changed all of that. Carlos: [COLOR="Green"]"Clayton can I talk to you for a minute?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Sure what's up."[/COLOR] Carlos: [COLOR="Green"]"Well I've been watching you a lot here lately and you seem to be unsure if you want to be a technical wrestler or a flyer."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Yeah to be honest I've always had this thing for heights, even if it is only on the top turnbuckle."[/COLOR] Carlos: [COLOR="Green"]"Look kid I'm going to be honest with you. You have a great feel for wrestling. You have probably the most heart of anyone here, the problem is your to big, and frankly to scared to be a lightweight. And your to small to be anything else."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Yeah...I um, you know, I just need a little more time."[/COLOR] Carlos: [COLOR="Green"]"Look your wasting your money, and my time. You're not cut out to be a wrestler, however you seem to have enough knowledge about the art of it to be involved in some aspect of it."[/COLOR] There was a pause, he seemed to be thinking, meanwhile I was dreading what he was going to say. If this didn't pan out I figured I would just join the army again. I hated the work, but it was a paycheck, which was more than I was getting now. Carlos: [COLOR="green"]"Have you ever been to Mexico? Ever seen Mexican style wrestling?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Um no not really, I'm from Montana?"[/COLOR] Carlos: [COLOR="Green"]"Oh...Wow...people actually live there? Anwyays look there's a guy I know who works a promotion in Mexico called South of the Boarder Pro Wrestling. His name is Pablo Rodriguez. Him and I go way back, anyways go down to Mexico and look him up, he may be able to get you some work."[/COLOR] And with that my wrestling career came to an end, or a beginning, or something. Either way I was on my way to Mexico, a country that didn't even speak the same language as me. To meet a man I've never even spoke to in my life, to get a job that no one in America would give me. Guess this is what they mean by taking a leap... Up next... No Hablo what??
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Growing up in Montana you don't come in contact with many people of another race. My first time encountering someone who was Hispanic was in basic training my bunk mates name was Juan. It's weird how you can go through your whole life sterotyping a group of people then just forget all of that when you actually meet someone of that group for the first time. I felt like that's what was going on with me I had been in Mexico City for about a week now and everyone was looking at me as if I had three eyes. It occured to me that not many Americans visit Mexico City when they vaction so up until now I was probably the one being sterotyped. I decided that today was going to be the day I would go find this SOTBPW company, and this man named Pablo. The only problem was I didn't know a lick of spanish and I sure as hell couldn't read it. So I wondered the streets for a few hours getting caught up in the culture of Mexico and really enjoying myself. After about three hours of wondering I decided this was a lost cause, but I told myself I would try one more local to see if he could help me. There was a man on the side of the street that looked about 50 who was selling "gold" watches. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Excuse me sir, do you speak English? Um.. Tu quierro English?"[/COLOR] Old Man: [COLOR="Green"]"Si senor. And I must say your spanish is terrible. Don't you have one of those little American books. What are they called....translators?[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Si..I mean yeah, but I left it in my room. Say do you think you can help me find something.[/COLOR] Old Man: [COLOR="green"]Sure senior, but it will cost you. What do you think of this watch? It's a Rolex I'll sell it to you for 500 Pesos."[/COLOR] It wasn't a rolex, in fact the gold paint was already starting to flake off, but what choice did I have, I forked over the money. Old Man: [COLOR="Green"]"Gracious Amigo, now tell me what brings you here?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"I'm looking for someone, a company actually. South of the Border Pro Wrestling. Ever heard of it?"[/COLOR] Old Man: [COLOR="Green"]"Oh si si, but you don't look like a Luchador senior, so what business do you have with them?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"No I'm not a Lucha but there's a man there I'm suppose to meet, can you show me where it is?"[/COLOR] The old man pointed to a building about 500 meters away. From that distance it looked like a run down apartment complex, but I was learning that was the look around the business district. I thanked the old man again and jogged towards the building anxious to see what type of excitment was in store for me. next up... What do you mean I can't order Tacos?
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As I entered the building I was reminded of an old 1950's horror movie where a man was walking down an abandoned hallway and some stalker serial killer guy walked up behind him and gutted him with a knife. This certainly didn't look like a wrestling headquarters, it looked more like an abandoned builidng where you would find squaters. As I approached the steps I felt a hand grip my shoulder and I screamed like a 5 year old girl who just saw the Boggieman. Man: [COLOR="Green"]"Easy easy, now what the hell are you doing here?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"I...I...came...wait, you speak English?"[/COLOR] Man: [COLOR="Green"]"I do, the name's Pablo, Pablo Rodriguez, now why are you here, your trespassing."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]Oh, my name is Clayton. I was told to come down here and find...well find you, Carlos Gonzlaez sent me."[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]Oh yeah, Carlos mentioned something about an american coming down to interview, didn't say you were such a coward though."[/COLOR] I was about to protest when he flashed me a toothly smile and threw his arm around my neck. Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]"You have to excue the mess we're remodeling. About twice a year some vandals come down and trash the place, we've learned to keep the office ran upstairs for the most part, but still like to have a few things downstairs."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Vandals? Can't the police do something about that?"[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]"This isn't America my friend, here the cops are more worried about how much their next bribe is than to actually uphold the law. Now Carlos tells me you have a pretty creative mind is that true?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"I guess I worked in his gym for about a year, while I was there he often wanted people to come up with their own gimmicks and stuff you know to help that aspect of the wrestling show."[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="green"]"Well from what he tells me that was the only aspect of the wrestling show you were good at. But that's ok there may just be a job for you here."[/COLOR] We walked up to the second floor and it looked like a completly differant building, hell it looked like a completly differant country. Up here everything had color, everything had life. The walls were all pained differant colors of red and green and were covered with flyers, titles, pictures, it looked like a real office. Pablo lead me to a large confrence room that over looked down town Mexico City. Inside was another man. Smaller than Pablo, and about 20 years older. Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]"This Clayton is my boss. The owner of SOTBPW Jorge Ibanez."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"My pleassure."[/COLOR] I said shaking his hand. Lucky for me both of these men spoke great English. We talked for about an hour about just about everything. The Mexican culture, wrestling, SWF, then finally my future. Jorge: [COLOR="Red"]"So Clayton I'm sure you didn't travel all this way to talk about wrestling with me, your looking for a job right?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]Um..yeah I guess so. I started out wanting to actually wrestle but I guess that isn't my calling. The truth is I just want to be involved with it anyway I can."[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Red"]"You have a passion for the sport, that's very rare these days. The truth is we don't really need another booker, but I'm willing to give you a chance."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"You are?"[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Red"]"You traveled to a foreign country to persure a job you knew nothing about, all because you love the sport. That says alot about your character Clayton. So I'm willing to give you a chance. I'll pay you 4,500 Pesos a month, that's roughly 400 American Dollars, to join us as a junior writer. You will share an office with another member of the creative team a man we all know as The Gatekeeper. You will have a very limited amount of responsability until you learn the ropes of the business, and more importantly Mexico. Do we have an agreement?[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]Yes sir, of course. Thank you![/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Red"]"Good now if you'l excuse yourself me and Pablo have some matters to discuss. Tomorrow is the first of the year we will have a creative meeting at 8 in the morning, then another one on Tuesday at 10:30. This is a very important time of the year for Mexican wrestling, but I'll explain all that tomorrow, now if you'll excuse us."[/COLOR] As I left the office I was in complete shock, I was on a pro wrestling writing team. The ideas that I had for shows could actually be used. Sure I wasn't making thousands of dollars like the writers in America, but I was making something. I ran all the way back to my flat and logged onto the internet anxious to find everything I could on SOTBPW. [CENTER][B]THE WRITING TEAM: Jorge Ibanez - Owner Pablo Rodriguez - Head Booker El Demonico- Assistant Head Booker Torque - Writing Staff Dark Magik - Writing Staff The Gatekeeper - Writing Staff Clayton Adams - Junior Writer[/B][/CENTER] Next up... So do you guys have casual Fridays?
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[CENTER][B]Monday Week 1 January 2007[/B][/CENTER] My first day at the office and I’m more than excited. My Spanish is still very suspect, but luckily Jorge and Pablo speak very good English. The give me a quick run down of the company. SOTBPW runs a weekly television show on Friday’s called SOTBPW Lucha Libre, that’s seen on the station Los Deporte Hoy. This is a very small station that airs all across Mexico and in the South West region of the US. An interesting fact about this is that it’s mainly a sports network. It seems that in Mexico pro wrestling is viewed as more of a sport where as in America it’s more “entertainment.” Which brought us to our next topic. Jorge explained to me that in Mexico the fans are more concerned about wrestling and not the soap operas that American viewers seem to like. This meant that most of the show, 80 percent, would revolve around actual wrestling and not segments filled with dancing midgets. They informed me that there were two other promotions based out of Mexico. Mexico Premier Wrestling Federation (MPWF) and Original Lucha Libre in Extreme (OLLIE). They said we had non-aggression pacts with both of these companies, meaning we couldn’t steal away each others talents, and they planned to keep it that way. After this short meeting I was told to head home and get a feel for the Mexican life style, but to be back tomorrow for a creative meeting at 10:30 am. As I headed home I was thinking about the roster and the way the company was run. There was no doubt that there were some excellent wrestlers on the roster, but the one glaring flaw I saw almost immediately was the amount of heels compared to the faces. Take the tag team division for instance. Out of the five teams we had on the roster only one was a face team. And the Midcard was loaded with heels but not enough faces. I decided that tomorrow at the meeting I would bring this up, this would be a good way to get myself involved as part of the team I thought. [CENTER][B]THE ROSTER: [RIGHT][COLOR="Red"]RED= HEEL[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]BLUE= FACE[/COLOR][/RIGHT] Main Event: [COLOR="Red"]El Demonico Mario Heroic [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Axxis Jr. Champagne Lover Pablo Rodriquez [/COLOR] Upper Midcard: [COLOR="Red"]Tijuana Vampire Torque[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Charron Cyclone Magik [/COLOR] Midcard: [COLOR="Red"]Dark Magik Del Muerto Enrique Merino Mexican Beast Mexican Ghoul[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Junior Youth Masked Rebel [/COLOR] Lower Midcard: [COLOR="red"]Blood Raven Los Fury Reaper Cicero[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Leon Joven [/COLOR] Opener: [COLOR="red"]Reaper Dante [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]El Diamante Azul [/COLOR] Enhancement Talent: [COLOR="Red"]Pirrato [/COLOR] Managers: [COLOR="Red"]Delirio Jennifer Heat[/COLOR] Announcers: [COLOR="Blue"]Mateo Hidalgo[/COLOR] Color Commentators: [COLOR="red"]Eduardo Prieto[/COLOR] Referee: [COLOR="blue"]Referee Ramirez[/COLOR] Road Agents: [COLOR="Red"]The Gatekeeper[/COLOR] Personalities: [COLOR="blue"]Clayton Adams Jorge Ibanez Lucia[/COLOR] Tag Teams: [COLOR="red"]Ataque De Noche (Del Muerto and Mexican Ghoul) Circus of Death (Reaper Cicero and Reaper Dante)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Los Heartbreakers (Junior Youth and Masked Rebel)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Los Pecadores (Blood Raven and Pirrato) Los Sickness (Tijuana Vampire and Enrique Merino)[/COLOR] Titles: Campeon De Menor SOTBPW (Lightweight Title): [COLOR="Red"]Blood Raven[/COLOR] Campeon De Mundo SOTBPW (Heavyweight Title): [COLOR="Blue"]Champagne Lover[/COLOR] Campeones De Parejas SOTBPW (Tag Team Title): [COLOR="Red"] Mexican Ghoul and Del Muerto[/COLOR] Campeones De Trios SOTBPW (Triple Tag Team Title): [COLOR="Blue"]Cyclone, Masked Rebel, and Junior Youth[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] Next UP: Another Meeting...Will there be cookies?
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[CENTER][B]Tuesday Week 1 January 2007[/B][/CENTER] The meeting went about as expected. The first thing on the agenda was our current Champion Champagne Lover and what we were going to do with him. It seems he has just come off of a hot feud with Torque and they were looking for something new with him. Actually it seems that all of their storylines had just run their course and they were looking for something new for everyone. Apparently in Mexico it’s customary to start with a fresh start at the beginning of each year, making the December show the biggest of the year. I thought this was a good time to bring up my observation of the lack of faces on the roster. To my surprise this was taken very well and I could tell that the men on the writing team here were committed to making this a better promotion and not looking out for themselves, however that response I got did catch me a little off guard. Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“You’re right Clayton it seems we’ve over looked this problem for quite some time now. So tell me how do you propose we deal with this?”[/COLOR] Now I’m not the kind to shy away from the spotlight but I have to admit I didn’t except anyone, especially the owner to ask for my opinion on something on my second day there. I expected them to nod and agree then tell me how they were going to fix it, instead all eyes were on me, so I did what I did best. I BS’d some answer. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Well it’s to early in the year to start turning people, so I say we look for fresh talent. Bring in a couple new faces to help with the Midcard.”[/COLOR] felt like a decent answer, and it should make for an easy cop out for them, but instead… Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“You’re right. Some fresh faces may just give this company that extra something that we need.”[/COLOR] It should? I just wanted to get noticed not be the cause of a major spending spree. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“Alright here’s what we are going to do. I want to bring in two or three new talents for our Midcard. Clayton I want you to head this up, after all it was your idea.”[/COLOR] I was speechless I thought maybe my ears were playing a trick on me. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“Don’t worry I know your Spanish is still suspect so I’ll have Pablo assist you in this. But I want to be clear, this is your project, that means you have the final say in who we actually hire. All I ask is that you follow a couple guidelines that I have."[/COLOR] We are a professional wrestling company, and we need to look like it. That means I want people who look like they know what they are doing and have the basics down. [B]Therefore anyone with less than a D in basics is off limits.[/B] Also, it does us no good to hire people who are constantly injured. [B]Only hire people with a B- or better in Resilience.[/B] That is all for my hiring guidelines, as far as our goals as a company are concerned. [B]I want us to be more prestigious at the end of two years, I think that will go a long way in becoming the number one promotion in Mexico.[/B] [B]Also as always finances are always important to a growing business. With that being said I want no less than $3,750,000 in the bank at the end of 2009.[/B] Currently we have $3,000,000 so I don’t see this as being to challenging. Now are there any questions? There wasn’t and that was the end of the meeting, but only the start of my professional career in wrestling. And my first task: Hire new workers. Next Up: Act now and get a complamentry quesadilla
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[CENTER][B]Thursday Week 1 January 2007[/B][/CENTER] After the meeting on Tuesday I got with Pablo and we started going over the list of potential workers. After taking out everyone who either worked for OLLIE or MPWF there wasn’t much to choose from when it came to who was willing to work in Mexico. My first two choices were a couple of guys named Hugo Garrido and Grue Slugg but as soon as their names made it off my tongue Pablo shot me a death look. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“What’s wrong with them they seem to have a decent look and above average skills.”[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]“They are trouble makers and bad company, we don’t need the likes of them in our locker room.”[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“How do you know so much about them?”[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]"They used to work for us. They went by the name of Los Destructores. A fairly strong tag team a few months back. But neither of them had any real skill aside from brute strength. They were released, got bitter and threatened to sue the company for breech of contract. They were on a pay per appearance just like everyone else in the locker room. But soon they had started rumors that they had a guaranteed contract and upset a lot of the real stars in the locker room. It’s your call kid, but they won’t be welcomed back with open arms.[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]Alright then how about, Miguel Marquez[/COLOR] Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]“Miguel isn’t a good fit for us either. He’s 240 pounds, not really someone you think of when you think Mexican wrestling.[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]“Look we need new talent and if all your going to do is shoot down every person I name then your wasting both of our time”[/COLOR] I didn’t like being so blunt with Pablo, especially because he had helped me so much already, but this was getting nowhere fast. Pablo: [COLOR="Green"]“Your right, guess I’ll see you around.”[/COLOR] And with that I was on my own. Next UP: You mean we have wrestling shows too?
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libre[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from Auditorio Del Estado (South East Mexico) Attendance: 2,000 (Sold Out) Pirrato Vs. El Diamante Azul [QUOTE]Pirrato came out with a patch over his eye and a knife in his mouth. He played the part well finding small children in the audience and harassing them as he made his way to the ring. The match was faced paced and didn’t end soon enough for the fans. Pirrato displayed a few crisp DDT’s and an impressive Moonsault, before Azul ended it with a Blue Steel.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E The fans weren’t to impressed with this one, looks like these two need more time to develop.[/COLOR] Circus of Death Vs. Los Heartbreakers [QUOTE]The Circus of Death took their time getting to the ring walking as if they were dead. The fans absolutely hated Reaper Dante… No really they hate him. Every time he was tagged into the match a chorus of Boos and “You Suck” echoed throughout the arena. People even began tossing food and drinks at him near the end, thank God it ended.[/QUOTE] Los Heartbreakers defeated Circus Of Death in 12:36 when Masked Rebel defeated Reaper Cicero by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E+ Better than the last segment I guess. I have no idea what I’m going to do with Reaper Dante. They fans hate him, and I thought this was going to be a promising young tag team.[/COLOR] Campeon De Menor Title Match: Blood Raven Vs. Leon Joven [QUOTE]I was impressed with this match. These two really show cased their talents by trying high risk stunts off the top rope. Blood Raven scored a nice top rope DDT near the beginning of the contest and looked to hit it again later on but Leon reversed it into a Frankensteiner. In the end Blood Raven was to much for him to handle though picking up the win after a top rope Hurricanrana.[/QUOTE] Blood Raven defeated León Joven in 7:38 by pinfall. Blood Raven makes defence number 1 of his Campeón de Menor SOTBPW title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Looks like I was far more impressed than the fans were, and just like that it seems I have a ton to learn about Mexican wrestling.[/COLOR] Magik Vs. Enrique Merino [QUOTE]Magik is one of the stranger characters in SOTBPW and I haven’t yet figured him out. He came to the ring in this long flowing white robe and a giant staff in his hand. As he entered the ring he lowered his hand in what looked like a prayer until a blue flash emerged from his rob and he looked to be transformed into a real wrestler. The match however wasn’t as entertaining to watch. These two battled back and fourth throughout the match. Enrique went for an irish whip but Magik reversed it and Enrique ran straight into the referee. Magik used this time to climb the top rope, but just as he reached the top his arch nemesis Black Magik appeared from under the ring and clobbered Magik over the head with a staff of his own, sending Magik to the ring motionless. Enrique quickly woke up the referee and made the cover scoring the victory.[/QUOTE] Enrique Merino defeated Magik in 11:34 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Well this is a step in the right direction in terms of ratings. And the mystic behind Magik and Dark Magik seems to leave the fans deeply intrigued.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Dark Magik continued his assault on his nemesis beating him senseless with his staff. Then Dark Magik picked up Magik’s staff and with a sadistic smile headed to the locker room.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ Well the mystery behind these two just got creeper and it seems that Magik has lost his staff.[/COLOR] Pablo Rodriguez Vs. El Demonico [QUOTE]Pablo came out first in full preacher attire. When he reached the ring he quickly dropped his robe and picked up the cross around his neck and said a quick prayer. Then all the lights went out and fire rose from the ground as El Demonico made his entrance. At first the preacher looked worried then he picked up his bible and said a few words that seemed to give him strength. The match was an intense one. El Demonico held the upper hand throughout most of it with a series of illegal moves. He then got the preacher in the corner and ran in for a huge splash, but Pablo quickly moved and mounted his foe striking blow after blow onto his head. He then picked Demonico up from the center of the ring and grabbed him by the neck, he quickly made the cross on his body that is typical of any Catholic family, then kissing the cross on his chest he delivered THE SINNER’S SALVATION![/QUOTE] Pablo Rodriguez defeated El Demonico in 15:45 by pinfall with a Sinner's Salvation. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C+ This is what I was hoping to get all night long. These two put on a great performance it’s something I’m going to have to remember for the weeks to come.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Pablo walked over to his corner and grabbed his bible. He then knelt behind the head of El Demonico and pressed his cross to his enemy’s forehead. Pablo: [COLOR="Blue"]“Be gone evil spirits thaT walk with the living! In the name of our heavenly father a condemn you to Hell”[/COLOR] El Demonico started to shake violently, but Pablo pressed on. Pablo: [COLOR="blue"]“The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ…”[/COLOR] Suddenly there is a huge explosion backstage and all the power goes off, when the lights finally come back on neither Pablo or Demonico are in the ring any longer.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: B The fans went absolutely nuts when Pablo went for his bible, apparently it’s a scene they’ve seen a hundred times before.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Mario Heroic makes his way to the ring next, dancing out of the back to some strange Mexican song that seemed foreign even to the locals. As he danced down to the ring he made it a point to stop at every pretty girl along the way and try to steal a kiss from them. None of them kissed him, and a few even gave him a stern smack across the face. Finally after 13 minutes Mario Heroic was ready for his match.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ The problem with Mario is that he’s an attractive guy. However he knows he’s attractive so no self respecting girl will give him the time of day. And what is up with that entrance, 13 minutes for the love of God.[/COLOR] Campeon De Mundo Title Match: Champagne Lover Vs Mario Heroic [QUOTE]Champagne Lover came out to a huge pop and as he made his way to the ring he was bombarded with panties and bras. Mario was livid inside the ring. Then Champagne took the rose that he carried down to the ring before every match and handed it off to a pretty girl in the front row, who turned the brightest color of crimson I’ve ever seen. The match was an impressive one. Mario started out with the upper hand after a quick low blow to the champ followed by a second rope Moonsault. He then stood up and bowed to the booing crowd as he took some time to straighten up his hair. He continued to show his athleticism by taking the champ to the top rope and delivering a devastating suplex off the top. Champagne battled back though much to the delight of the fans. Hitting a series of right hands followed up by a roundhouse to the head of Mario. The match would go back and forth for awhile longer until Champagne Lover called for the end with a Lover Stunner.[/QUOTE] Champagne Lover defeated Mario Heroic in 18:04 by pinfall with a Lover Stunner. Champagne Lover makes defence number 1 of his Campeón de Mundo SOTBPW title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C Not a horrible match. For a Main Eventer Mario Heroic’s overness is pretty low.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Champagne Lover climbed each of the turnbuckles and celebrated with the fans until the show went off the air.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: B Champagne Lover is a very well liked star and that can be used to our favor.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: C- I’m happy with the grade. Having never used SOTBPW or being familiar with the Mexican side of things, I feel like after a slow start the show eventually came together in the end.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 2,000 TV Ratings: .36 Grade: C- [/B][/CENTER] Next Up: Spanish for Dummies
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[CENTER][B]Week 1 Saturday January 2007 My First Real Duties[/B][/CENTER] The day after the show and I still had goose bumps. Sure I didn’t have any part in booking the show, in fact I was only backstage for about half of it before I had to head to the office to make a few more calls regarding new wrestlers, but still to be in the arena when the lights came on everything was just so electric. The crowd was chanting (I’m not sure what cause I still can’t speak much Spanish) and everyone was so alive. I was told to take a mainly hands off approach for the first month until I felt out the company and how Mexican wrestling worked compared to America, but what I saw was pure magic. One of the first assignments I was assigned for this show was to check the response of the fans. Jorge said that after each show the fans usually sound of in some forum at [url]www.sotbpw.com[/url] So I poured my first cup of coffee of the morning and logged on figuring this would be a good time for me to practice some of that spanish. After finally figureing out the website I logged into the forum to see what the fans had to say about the show...NOTHING. There wasn't a single post about the direction of the company or how te fans thought the show went. I started to panic, Jorge said this was usually a very active forum and you could bet there would be at least a few comments about last nights show, but all I saw was a blank screen...this was going to be a long day at the office. The business side of the house was slowly starting to look up. I just signed [B]Miguel Marquez[/B] to a 9 month contract. Maybe Pablo was right, maybe we would only use him once in the nine months, but at least I could say I was doing my part to help this company move forward, that’s why I was here right. I then took the liberty of signing [B]Hugo Garrido[/B] even though it was strongly against Pablo’s wishes. It wasn’t that I was trying to make him mad, we just needed talent and I thought this guy had some. I also managed to sign a man named [B]Tricolor Jr[/B]. Like Miguel he didn’t bring much to the table, but he had the Lucha look and had decent aerial skills. I thought that with enough time with some of the vets he could work out. Plus at only 400 per appearance he was almost a steal. The last signing of the day was a man little known to Mexico. His name was [B]Tempest Appleby[/B]. He is a Canadian who hasn’t had much experience in Mexico, but was very agile and had a lot of the same qualities these guys had. I actually thought he was the best fit of all. In other more interesting news I saw on the SWF website that they had just resigned my favorite wrestler growing up as a kid. The man known as [B]Jim Force[/B]! It seems he’s going to start appearing on SWF television again but is said to have settled on a role as an opener. After the signings I decided to take the rest of the day off. It was Saturday and I was the only one in the office anyway. I had a couple more signings I was waiting to hear back from and I needed the weekend to get more accustomed to the way of life down here anyways. Up Next: A Popularity Boost?
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The Mexican side of the Cornellverse, is probably one of the area's I have a bit less knowledge about, but it's interesting to see someone having a crack at it and maybe you can help bring these characters to life. What i've read has been pretty good so far. Had to laugh at the over-long Mario Heroic entrance. [I]I'll use what knowledge I have of Mexican Cornellverse to make my predictions:[/I] AXXIS JR. VS[B] MARIO HEROIC[/B] CYCLONE VS [B]TIJUANA VAMPIRE[/B] MAGIK VS [B]DARK MAGIK[/B] ATAQUE DE NOCHE VS [B]TRICOLOR JR[/B] AND MIGUEL MARQUEZ HUGO GARRIDO VS [B]LOS FURY[/B] TEMPEST APPLEBY VS [B]PIRRATO[/B] Push Pirrato, just because the Pirate Gimmick rules !
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;215929]The Mexican side of the Cornellverse, is probably one of the area's I have a bit less knowledge about, but it's interesting to see someone having a crack at it and maybe you can help bring these characters to life. What i've read has been pretty good so far. Had to laugh at the over-long Mario Heroic entrance. Push Pirrato, just because the Pirate Gimmick rules ![/QUOTE] Yeah my knowledge of the Mexican side of the house is very limited as well. So far I've just been using the bio's that Adam wrote up to base the character off of. I've got a few things going through my head with how to make them come to life. Anyways...thanks for reading man it always helps to soften the blow of trying something foreign (no pun intended) to you when you know the people you're writing it for are enjoying it. And I couldn't agree more about Pirrato I think I've always had a soft spot in my heart for a great pirate gimmick, now now here's my chance. ;)
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I tried booking SOTBPW once in TEW05 and didn't really know what to do with myself. With little to no knowledge of lucha libre on the part of almost everyone, that means you can do no wrong ;) [b]AXXIS JR.[/b] VS MARIO HEROIC CYCLONE VS [b]TIJUANA VAMPIRE[/b] MAGIK VS [b]DARK MAGIK[/b] [b]ATAQUE DE NOCHE[/b] VS TRICOLOR JR AND MIGUEL MARQUEZ HUGO GARRIDO VS [b]LOS FURY[/b] [b]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/b] VS PIRRATO No Champagne Lover? I'm shocked! But at least you'll have a lot of good prospects coming into Mexico over the next few years. Can't wait to see how you write this one up. Derek B
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[B]AXXIS JR.[/B] VS MARIO HEROIC Although Lover is probably your best worker Axxis is no slouch and I like him better. CYCLONE VS [B]TIJUANA VAMPIRE[/B] Cyclones good but has very little character Tijuana Vampire on the other hand is a great heel [B]MAGIK[/B] VS DARK MAGIK Run a very even best of seven with these two they should just keep fighting over and over again [B]ATAQUE DE NOCHE[/B] VS TRICOLOR JR AND MIGUEL MARQUEZ Mexican houl has the greatest mask ever it's so hideous. HUGO GARRIDO VS [B]LOS FURY[/B] Fury wears a gas mask very distinctive and worth a push [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] VS PIRRATO Pirrato is a jobber and Appleby has the flyng skills to make it far.
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This has been a great read so far. One suggestion though: watch your Spanish misspellings. Like Gracious v Gracias. There are many Spanish words that if misspelled, become offensive. Like punto (period, point) vs puto (Google it :p). Remember to save up for the Messiah (Gino Montero)!
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 2 January 2007 [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]SOTBPW Lucha Libre[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from the Palacio De Lucha in Ciudad (Northern Mexico) Attendance: 771 Pirrato Vs. Tempest Appleby [QUOTE]Tempest is the newest addition to our family and he had an instant connection with the fans as he danced his way down to the ring. Pirrato came down scaring everyone except Tempest who was so fired up he pounded away at Pirrato before he even entered the ring. Pirrato showed a little more offense than he did last week but in the end it was all Appleby.[/QUOTE] Tempest Appleby defeated Pirrato in 9:35 by pinfall. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E+ This seems to be a decent grade for my opening match. These two have a long way to go however before Main Eventing.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match the camera’s flash back to the locker room where Mario Heroic is sneaking around backstage. He comes across Champagne Lover’s dressing room. After seeing no one in site he sneaks in and sees the Campeon De Mundo SOTBPW title. He quickly snatches it then darts out of the dressing room.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D This is unbelievable Mario just stole the heavyweight title and Champagne Lover is nowhere in sight.[/COLOR] Hugo Garrido Vs Los Fury [QUOTE]Another one of our new talents makes his debut today, but in a very different way. Hugo doesn’t mess around with any of the fancy high risk stuff, instead him and Los Fury have a good old fashioned brawl. At first the fans seem to be really into this street fight style, but they quickly get bored of it and the ref calls for the end before it turns violent.[/QUOTE] Hugo Garrido defeated Los Fury in 12:45 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Hugo scores a victory and somewhere I think I could here Pablo cursing my name.[/COLOR] Magik is in the ring next. [QUOTE]Magik: [COLOR="Blue"]"Dark Magik, you have something that belongs to me and I demand you give it back, you have no idea the trouble you can bring by weilding both staffs."[/COLOR] Dark Magik appears at the entrance with both staffs in hand. Dark Magik: [COLOR="Red"]"I know all to well the power that flows through these objects. That's why you're afraid of me having them because with them I will overshadow the pathetic wrestling career you've made for yourself."[/COLOR] Magik: [COLOR="Blue"]"You don't get it the power that is possessed by those staffs is more power than any one man should have."[/COLOR] Dark Magik: [COLOR="Red"]"You fool there is no such thing as to much power, later tonight I will show the world the awesome power I now possess." [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ While I was lost during this segment, most of the locals seemed to be fairly into it, guess it’s one more thing I just don’t get[/COLOR]. Campeónes de Parejas SOTBPW Title Match: Ataque De Noche (Del Muerto and Mexican Ghoul) Vs. Tricolor Jr. and Miguel Marquez [QUOTE]Tricolor and Miguel decided to team up tonight to keep the streak going for the new comers. Ataque De Noche have a very bizarre entrance and I found myself mesmerized by it. The match itself wasn’t to bad to watch either. Tricolor and Miguel have a very good Thunder and Lightning thing going for them and it worked well throughout the match. Tricolor would ware his opponent down with his speed and agility then tag in his partner who could then pound them into the ground. In the end though it was the experience of Ataque De Noche that won it.[/QUOTE] Ataque De Noche defeated Tricolor Jr. and Miguel Marquez in 10:05 when Mexican Ghoul defeated Miguel Marquez by submission. Ataque De Noche make defence number 1 of their Campeónes de Parejas SOTBPW titles. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- I may have these two team up again in the future, not bad.[/COLOR] Magik Vs. Dark Magik [QUOTE]Magik was introduced first and his entrance was very weak. He received a good pop, but it looked as if he had lost his life force. Meanwhile Dark Magik came to the ring with both staffs and some very impressive pyrotechnics. The fans were amazed to see a beam of light pass between the two staffs and you could really believe there was something magical about them. The match itself was very old school Heel vs. Face Dark Magik gained control early on after a thumb to the eye of his opponent. He then began to work on the leg of Magik hoping to cripple him. The fans soon got behind Magik though and he started to battle back. The match went to the outside where Dark Magik tried to gain control by swinging a chair wildly at the head of Magik, but Magik ducked and Dark Magik hit the ring post and the chair bounced back smashing him in the face. The two continued to battle it out on the outside, until Dark Magik in a last ditch effort scored a low blow on his opponent. He used this time to grab the staffs and high tail it back to the locker room with Magik in pursuit. The result was a double count out.[/QUOTE] Magik drew with Dark Magik in 14:56 following a double count out. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- Looks like Dark Magik has not yet realized how to gain the power of the staffs, but he did manage to keep both staffs and with it continue to drain the power of Magik (I think)[/COLOR] Cyclone Vs Tijuana Vampire [QUOTE]Cyclone hit the ring with a huge pop. He worked the crowd for a moment holding up his half of the Campeones De Trios SOTBPW title. Then the lights went out and a small mist appeared at the entrance. A druid covered in black wheeled out a large casket and placed it at the edge of the ring. Like all silly faces Cyclone “cautiously” lifted the lid to the casket (can we guess what happened next?) Tijuana Vampire rose up from the casket and began to assault Cyclone (didn’t see that coming did we.) These two went back and fourth for a long while. Cyclone is an amazing athlete and had a certain finesse as he moved around the ring. The Vampire had his own aura when he moved and it scared the hell out of me. The end of the match saw Cyclone go for a belly to back suplex, but The Vampire was able to block it, then spin around so he was stadning behind Cyclone. He flashed a sadistic smile that briefly showed "fangs" then bent down and bit the nect of Cyclone. Cyclone let out a painful scream then collapsed on the floor.[/QUOTE] Tijuana Vampire defeated Cyclone in 11:30 by pinfall with a Vampire's Bite. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Now people say wrestling is fake, but after the Vampire’s bite Tijuana Vampire literally had blood dripping off his mouth and a kind of sick smile on his face.[/COLOR] Axxis Jr. Vs Mario Heroic [QUOTE]Mario once again took about 10 minutes (which is actually a nice improvement from last week) to get to the ring. This time he actually had a flower girl come out in front of him and toss rose pedals to the floor as he made his entrance. As before he tried to woo a pretty girl in the front row, but again he was met with a stern smack across the face. Axxis was next to the ring and Mario paid him no mind, instead he stroked “his” title that he rightfully stole from the champion. The match was a great one and very face paced. Mario dictated the pace and scored a couple impressive amateur takedowns on Axxis then proceeded to love himself for it. Axxis gained momentum the minute he started using the turnbuckle. Hitting a series of missile dropkicks, Moonsaults, and Frankensteiners. Mario played the heel perfect though scoring the pinfall with his feet on the bottom rope for leverage.[/QUOTE] Mario Heroic defeated Axxis Jr. in 17:39 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C A solid grade for two of my top performers. These two could be huge stars.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]After the match Champagne Lover hit the ring and began assaulting Mario Heroic. The two battled back and fourth for some time until Champagne Lover hit him with a Lover Stunner. Mario Heroic is out cold and Champagne Lover grabs his belt as the fans go crazy. Champagne Lover’s girlfriend Jennifer Heat ran to the ring to celebrate with her man. As the two embraced in the middle of the ring, Champagne turned to acknowledge his fans with the title held over his head. Jennifer Heat with a low blow on Champagne Lover!! Mario Heroic is back on his feet now. The two continue to stomp of Champagne Lover as he lays there in pain. Then they lock lips and make out right over top of her boyfriends crumpled body. The new pair go to leave when Mario stops half way up the ramp turns around and grabs the title! He says a few words to Champagne Lover who is still struggling on the floor as Mario points to the title laughing and the screen fades black.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ Wow what an ending. Looks like Mario not only has Champagne Lovers title, but he also has his girl.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: D+ Not as great as last weeks show, but still pretty good considering we are an E+ in this region. I’ve lost a total of 17,000 in the past two weeks however so I need to find a way to put a band aid on that.[/COLOR] Stats: Attendance: 771 TV Ratings: .34 Grade: D+ [/B][/CENTER] O.O.C. Thank you to everyone for your comments on this diary. As I stated before the MExican scene is very new to me and it's nice to get so much imput (rather it be positive or negative) when working with something new. [B]Remianen[/B] thanks for pointing out the misspellings on my Spanish, I had no idea that missing just one letter could make the entire sentance mean something completly differant. As I'm sure most of you have noticed my English spelling is lacking, and I use spell check on it lol, so that makes my Spanish that much worse :rolleyes: In the future I'll try to use other refrences when using Spanish. As far as the pick em goes it's a push between [B]Apupunchau[/B] and [B]derek_b[/B]. Thanks to everyone for participating, the two of you have won free ticket to the next SOTBPW show, redemable at any Ticket Master location.
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[CENTER][B]Monday Week 3 January 2007 We had another creative meeting today and sadly all eyes were on me as I walked in the room. Personally I thought my first month on the job was going fairly decent. I was really learning a lot from the other bookers. For instance I learned that Pablo likes his coffee black. Torque is very old school and has a thing for smashing computers when they don’t do what he wants. And The Gatekeeper, he has this little mole on the back of his head…awkward. Oh and I’ve learned a lot about wrestling as well. The one difference I’ve noticed in Mexico compared to the US is everything seems to be very cartoon like, you know kind of how SWF used to be in the mid 80’s. Jorge walked in a few minutes after the rest of us and cleared his throat. Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“Gentlemen, thank you for coming. Clayton, well start with you.”[/COLOR] I swallowed hard, that never really sounds good. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“I’m pleased to see that you were able to bring in the new talent so quickly, however Pablo tells me that even after considerable warning you decided to sign the likes of Hugo Garrido and Miguel Marquez anyways, do you mind telling me why?” [/COLOR] I shot a death look over to Pablo, I couldn’t believe he went running to Jorge when he didn’t get his way. I guess politics were still alive even in Mexico. Me: [COLOR="Red"]“I thought we could find a way to make them work. They added a certain element to our product that I felt like we were missing. And with all due respect sir, the fans seemed to genially enjoy their segments last week.”[/COLOR] Jorge: [COLOR="Green"]“Indeed they did. Very well I will honor the contract that you drew up for them. But be warned, I consider us a family here and when someone, especially some one with as much experience as Pablo makes a suggestion, I suggest you heed his words.”[/COLOR] I nodded like a boy being scolded in school. I came into this meeting expecting to hear good things about my signings, instead it was just the opposite. Jorge: [COLOR="green"]“Moving on… I am pleased with the turnout as of late to our shows, however financially it is killing us. For the past two shows alone we have lost over 187,600 Pesos (That,s 17,000 Dollars.). This is unacceptable. We need to find a way to generate the same type of excitement for our shows, but with half the budget. The last order of business on today’s agenda is the up coming big show for the month Batalla De Las Mascaras. The booking for this show needs to happen immediately. We need to start giving people a reason to come watch our show.”[/COLOR] And with that it was over. I almost raised my hand as asked what my duties would be for the show. So far I’ve only sat in the back of the weekly shows and have had very little if anything at all to do with the matches themselves. But just as I was about to ask Torque volunteered me to go on a lunch run, even worse he decided it was going to be my treat. [/B][/CENTER]
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[B]CHAMPAGNE LOVER [/B]VS TIJUANA VAMPIRE PABLO RODRIGUEZ VS [B]MARIO HEROIC[/B] * Rodriguez is muc better, but Heroic will pick up the win by nefarious means [B]BLOOD RAVEN[/B] VS MASKED REBEL LEON JOVEN VS [B]MEXICAN GHOUL[/B] PIRRATO VS [B]TRICOLOR JR.[/B] * Pirrato's gimmick rules, but he still needs to development his in-ring talent and if I predicted on someone winning here it would be Tricolor Jr. [B]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/B] VS REAPER DANTE
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Yay! Free tickets! Shame I'll have to scalp them and watch the show on ElYouTube, I happen to be a few thousand miles away.... but at least I can make more predictions and earn a few more peso. [b]CHAMPAGNE LOVER[/b] VS TIJUANA VAMPIRE PABLO RODRIGUEZ VS [b]MARIO HEROIC[/b] [b]BLOOD RAVEN[/b] VS MASKED REBEL LEON JOVEN VS [b]MEXICAN GHOUL[/b] PIRRATO VS [b]TRICOLOR JR.[/b] [b]TEMPEST APPLEBY[/b] VS REAPER DANTE Damn... just realised my predictions are exactly the same as TigerKinney's. But then, I really don't see too many shock results so I think I'll stick with these. :)
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