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Everything posted by Teasenitryn

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Historian" data-cite="Historian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47579" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I also use a lot of deals that are for a specific number of appearances. This forces me to have a hard-out date for guys.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I quite like doing that for tours. I always make sure the next two tours have their dates booked so either a set number of matches or weeks lets me work through a set for my guest appearances with permanent handshake deals being reserved for my core roster or people I have longer term plans for without the roster as a whole getting huge. It does mean I need to know in advance how far through a tournament I want people to get or run them through 4v4's but easy enough to book ahead that far.</p>
  2. MHero posted this link a while back, it's playable, not got the fancy bells and whistles of TEW 2020 but this is by design and is more of a tide people over conversion. Thunderverse Diamond 2020
  3. If I might throw in a character from a mod that is coming up in women's wrestling centred dynasties, one Ashley Keith. Bio (and you can see the obvious comparison here I am sure). Wrestling legend Sam Keith's favourite niece, Ashley Keith grew up immersed in the wrestling business. As a child she would often be found acting out her uncle's classic matches with her dolls. Spending summers with her uncle and cousins watching him mentor up and coming wrestlers at MAW and even working the merch booths and selling programs, it seemed that Ashley was destined to enter the family business. But be that as it may, once she turned 18 she decided to pursue acting. After a short time in Los Angeles, seeing little success Ashley decided it was time to finally try her hand at wrestling. The self-proclaimed "Queen of Professional Wrestling", Ashley is a natural technician in the ring like the rest of her family, and while still very green, has shown all the tools needed to be a star. Like her cousins Ashley has adopted the Proton Lock as her finisher of choice as a tribute to her uncle. I've seen a lot of great heel work with her in dynasties from the obvious feud with the Queen of Hearts, Danielle Sweetheart to starting a faction in the fed her uncle set up and running absolutely roughshod over it despite Sam Keith's best efforts. I am trying her as a face in my own Eve run (protecting the legacy Sam Keith is trying to build in Project Eve from being destroyed before it even launches) before bringing her into the 2018 mod's AAA where the obvious heel wrestler's line against her will be people see through her because she is using this place to have another crack at Hollywood (which given the reality tv centred nature of some of the women in the AAA because of the Women's Network it runs under in that mod would be a fair accusation). Of course she is absolutely delicious as a heel and that might be where she goes down the line but I have a few years to play around with that I think.
  4. That sounds intriguing, I am all for alliances and the fun that they bring into things. For me it was a nice mix of one fed needing the best quality product they can have and the other two taking on and using more youngsters, not exactly a feeder league but places that have their own roster that can get exposure and will benefit from having a rotating stock of veterans running through while helping develop younger stars which you have fitted in beautifully to the AAA roster. I could have used QAW (and might add them to the alliance under their AI stewardship since I own all the alliance votes) but I had felt that this was respecting their having deliberately not tried to interfere with AAA when they got themselves set up and letting them work their own product while helping two startups as an investment towards future co-operation.
  5. I am looking forward to seeing this return, Eve is one of my favourites among the Revolution mod and I have been loving Ashley Keith (who is coming into a lot of dynasties, she needs to be canon if ever there is a TEW 2024 or whatever) and her Wolfpack.
  6. Cross posting this from the 2018 alt thread because I figured well worth showing appreciation to both of you You’ve both done fantastic work. Right now I am running an AAA, Eve and Neotokyo save with Eve on a touring schedule that allows for easy integration with Neotokyo. My long term twenty year or so aim is to have AAA enter the big three with a weekly product while not having a dead catering crowd because of an alliance that lets most of my roster among the three have something going on. Right now my short to medium term aim is to have a stable around Harpy, Banshee and the Weird Sisters tearing it up across America and Japan against stables headed by Ashley Keith and Spider Isako.
  7. You’ve both done fantastic work. Right now I am running an AAA, Eve and Neotokyo save with Eve on a touring schedule that allows for easy integration with Neotokyo. My long term twenty year or so aim is to have AAA enter the big three with a weekly product while not having a dead catering crowd because of an alliance that lets most of my roster among the three have something going on. Right now my short to medium term aim is to have a stable around Harpy, Banshee and the Weird Sisters tearing it up across America and Japan against stables headed by Ashley Keith and Spider Isako.
  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lavelleuk" data-cite="lavelleuk" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51891" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Small spoiler alert - Project EVE will be an active promotion on the 2022 version!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice, that and Neotokyo were my two favourites in the Revolution mod so that has me all the more hyped.</p>
  9. Just to say that this is the database I spend most of my time in and I will very likely will keep up with games here when the Thunderverse releases. Thank you for all the work that went into this. Very much looking forward to seeing what you do for the 2022 mod.
  10. I am also all for GAEA in Japan possibly competing with Stardom (I am biased, I like me some joshi). Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling (I think that is FMW as suggested above) is also a good one for Japan, both male and female rosters and a federation that included death matches. UK, I second Frontier Wrestling Alliance but there are lots of options, World of Sport Wrestling was the standard bearer back when America was in the territory days and had one season for a reboot before NXT UK came in, the olden days product was NXT UK's current Heritage Division setup. It depends on how deep the roster pool for the UK is, but Next Generation Wrestling managed to put on a seasonal product mainly in Hull and Liverpool and had a local channel tv deal (also before NXT UK) and Progress and Insane Championship Wrestling are also possibilities. I couldn't tell you the inner structure for them but FWA I know had Alex Shane and I think the Saint family (years ago since I managed to get reruns, don't quote me on the latter). World of Sport had Stu Bennet (Wade Barrett) as a commentator/onscreen booker, Christy Hemme and one other person were also on commentary. Quiz personality Mark Labett was the onscreen authority in NGW.
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LoNdOn" data-cite="LoNdOn" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47598" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I was for the key promotions, yes. Could do all of them if people are interested.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I would be interested also. I never got to Londonverse in the last TEW I had but as someone more likely to play default or Thunderverse over a real life mod I am always happy to find another universe to play in so any background while waiting is very welcome.</p><p> </p><p> Like the post above alone tells me that AWF is the main promotion, that there is plenty of room for a change with new leadership and that there is a chance to make a women’s division, which I tend to put a decent amount of time into, explode onto the scene (though contrast in fortune, the smaller promotions with women as part of or making up their whole roster might be heading into rocky times in terms of star retention).</p>
  12. Oh, wow. Yeah, to be honest, I kind of believe her, more so with fairly recent events. Now if that is all there was or if she was looking for an out anyhow or if she won't still cause trouble, who can say? I still feel just a little suspicious of her. At the same time, yeah, USPW more or less shut down AAA, you can't really even start them up again without gutting QAW in turn or adding workers from mods (I tried, I'm waiting for the Thunderverse mod to make one big database for more that can work America and have name recognition), and it was a while ago since I played USPW, but I can well believe that half of the women there, including new to the business joined as an undercover sting Pariah are better than a chunk of their main event.
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="White Dolphin" data-cite="White Dolphin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49448" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>-I'm getting the feeling now that readers are not gonna like the direction that this Alicia Strong thing is heading. It might be a surprise, it might not, but I feel like a lot of people would do things differently given the setup I used to get her into the company, even if some of the on-screen results will be the same. Can't go into it more without spoiling things.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I believe I have some idea where this is going, I know how I would do it if I am right but honestly whether I am lurking or posting for the predictions I'm here for the ride, no backseat booking! Only speaking for myself of course <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> And because I didn't say it earlier, another quality show, this is one of my must reads when it gets updated, I like the joshi scene and adding in Erin and everything happening around her is a really nice touch that prevents it being card, results and ratings, booking notes which a lot of diaries can fall into.</p>
  14. I like the cverse and I am having fun with some of the expansion packs, women's revolution, yet to debut etc and even pulling in the characters made for the cverse alt (which needed to happen to not gut QAW, there aren't many recognisable women left in America in default) but thunderverse, as someone who likes women's wrestling, is definitely going to be a must get for a deep dive into. Looking forward to seeing how Lotus and Yamanue-Gun are doing, also Twilight if they are still around, might also being Otohime into the mix now she isn't a young lion. First stop will be an AJJ game in the default build and maybe another with a largescale merge of thunderverse and cornellverse.
  15. Ursula Saez vs. local competitor Kaori Takenouchi / Mio Takasu vs. Unstoppable Tai / Toku Kijmuta Zofia Jankovic vs. Yukiko Matsumara Paige Croft / Yu Hashimoto / Maki Yoshifumi vs. Erin Marcelin / Ava Anderson / Lily Snyder Alicia Strong vs. Thea Davis Simony Sentinel / Pinky Perez / Mystery Pink vs. Lady Lotus / Kaede Sugiyama / Kinuye Mushashibo Romi Yamato / Talia Quinzel / Selina Svelte vs. Shiori Jippensha / Megumi Nakajima / MAYA So Erin is still not going to get that many wins even in tag matches, though her stock is high enough that she is getting some offence in so face in peril before the hot tag, getting an early or late surge herself before taking the pin to protect her teammates is a pretty good gig for how long she's been doing this. Welcome to the midcard Erin.
  16. It may well be naïve on Erin's part over Alicia Strong but it's a naïve I understand. USPW has a fairly stacked women's scene, even if there is no more to poach from QAW (leave my Ronin 3 vs The Line feud alone Packer!) there are plenty of women out there a company the size of USPW could spend three to five years turning into a sizable undercard. (Pretty much the argument I make over other certain large companies). I get the feeling there are reasons I will be very much less sympathetic towards Alicia Strong and that some of them involve our hero because this is all going far too smoothly for a potential troublemaker to not set off my narrative spidey senses, but looking forward to what is in store, especially with the wrench Commcast looking to be Reverie sized could throw in the works here.
  17. I think honestly that is something that is going to be different to every user and their circumstances. If it is still just the monthly shows I would personally run eight and find some reason for them being there or others not being through the previous events (one dynasty had The Line vs Ronin Three with the losers unable to enter participants), if you have a weekly tv show that's easy enough to do with qualifier matches. I am running QAW as a company with tour dates between each show so I am doing two eight woman round robins with the top four of each qualifying for the tournament though if I wanted to do a lot of other stuff there given it is the season finale I could have had the two round robin winners.
  18. <p>It's an extra thing to worry about but I find that it helps me tighten my booking around a definite supercard plan.</p><p> </p><p> Mind you I tend to play smaller companies, so I also have no penalties if I forget to visit that screen a while.</p>
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47502" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You don't really need to tweak the product all that much to accommodate 5SSW workers. As for adding comedy, you've already got one good Comedy Match Worker in Millie The Minx.<p> </p><p> Regarding doing touring instead of TV, why? Assuming you're starting at January 2020, just wait the two months and go on WrestleWorld. You can go at least 1 hour, and I THINK they'll even let you on with a 90 minute show, and that's worked out fine for me. Though I might recommend capping your size at Tiny for a bit, as you can shoot up to Small too quickly and start losing a good chunk of money.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Glad I don't have to, certainly. I might look for one or two people for Millie to bounce of in terms of comedy, I think if I do change something, and that is an if, it would more likely be fusion simply because it only extends what Hesketh has already started the fed on doing and it means I can cater my shows towards my current staff, if USPW poach my technical wrestlers and I struggle to find others but can find some comedy or some brawlers it gives that freedom.</p><p> </p><p> As for the schedule, in part to see if it can be done I guess. I mostly do joshi feds which is the schedule type I am looking for but have no focus on gimmicks or story so that's an added thing to work with. Also because I have tried it the regular way but with the women's revolution mod I am starting again to build a few different people from day one (Sam Keith's niece calling herself the Queen? That's a ready made rivalry with a certain Queen of Hearts if I can build her). Also because one of my other challenges, and one I am thinking I will do alongside this one in the same game state, is to take on USPW and SWF with TCW but taking them out of the western sports entertainment twelve ppvs and a weekly show model, so kind of treating this one as a States based NJPW and Stardom. The story in both cases is that USPW is their biggest threat and they're done surviving by following the model USPW can do better than anyone else with the resources they have. Not as easy with QAW given I can't make a profitable internet subscription service with them yet but I am looking at the other internet options or just doing it on gate which may slow my growth but that might not be terrible going by your post.</p>
  20. Looking at the product information I likely would keep with the classic luchdore product that QAW uses, high spots or steal the show and technical masterclass are attractive as is the product being attractive to sponsors. But I wasn't aiming to replicate five star's style (which is Fast and Furious) as that is more of a step away from QAW's core product than I would like outside of that it works quite well for five star in the games I have played especially if you have stars capable of going twenty to thirty minutes. Now I have the game in front of me, the products I was looking at were lucharesu which still requires some focus on storylines, high spots and technical wrestling but adds a comedy match requirement which acts quite well as a cooldown match before the co-main and main event or world fusion that takes Hesketh's mixing luchadora based wrestling with sports entertainment and adding in the in ring workrate of puroresu. What the latter does is keep the use of storylines, put a requirement on important matches (so Queen of the Ring finals, World title matches etc) being lengthier and requires three different match aims without tying you down to any three, so if you decided one week you didn't want a high spots match but you had a couple of brawlers for a month or so you could switch out the high spots segment for a wild brawl or if you have people with supreme psychology stats put in storytelling rather than technical masterclass. It would be very easy to transition in a way that would make sense as Hesketh was already experimenting with not sticking solely to sports entertainment but bringing in fans of other products. The one thing that does put me off is in the case of lucharesu tying myself to a comedy spot means I need to find some comedy match workers and that their current style is one of those that is very easy on the bodies of its workers which you lose with world fusion though at least don't have the additional wear and tear of traditional puroresu.
  21. If I get a relationship with 5SSW down the line is it worth changing the product to lucharesu or the product that merges lucha, puro and sports entertainment (the name escapes me) down the line if there are Japanese stars on offer? Also I am looking at putting on a few more events a year (about another four) and running a touring schedule as opposed to running the tv route (which I am at least one size too small for right now anyhow). Is there a consensus on how many touring shows I would need to run a month to have somewhere similar to television in popularity gains?
  22. Yeah good point, my hope is that I can mitigate that with having more tour shows than you would have weekly tv and more ppv level events, TCW can also get a few million per month balanced against how much coverage I go for, there are also cheaper options (that also bring less money) so I'll have a look and wait for anyone else who has done this to chip in. Thanks for that Those three were the ones I was looking at but good to have confirmation there. So basically what USPW have already done with Reverie which...eh. So what I likely do is internet subscription TCW, change ownership and raise the popularity of QAW a little (toy lines, kids' clothing) but for broadcasting both are on their own in getting the popularity and coverage rather than relying on a toy company to branch into television.
  23. I wouldn't run events weekly, at least at normal, that is basically a ppv level show so as was said will take more out of your stars. I tend to run Japan or small monthly event companies on a touring schedule (I say small, about to try it with TCW, that will take some tinkering to get right) so I tend to do around 16 normal level events a year and depending on the gap between four to eight tour events with some outliers in having no tours between two events that are close but I want the big match feel and having twenty or so over two and a half months for a round robin tournament. There are also lesser and throwaway events but I have never used those so can't comment on them. The western model tends to be get big enough to have television weekly and a monthly ppv, but don't feel constrained if you want to try different things, just keep a backup of the save file before doing anything huge (copy the save file and paste it somewhere else, preferably in its own folder so no chance of being overwritten), if you have put a lot of time in, give it a few months and do also bear in mind people will tell you what they tell you here because that is what they have found to work best but it is your game when it comes to it. Try things, make mistakes, do better. It's all part of the fun
  24. Storytelling, in the way it means it, is a match specifcally focussed on telling a story, whether it is a limb being targetted, someone on a losing streak, the longtime friends turned rivals that know each other's every move, matches with this find a way to work it in. Basically the fans are complaining that while you have stories in angles and after match assaults none of the matches are telling the story. It doesn't have to be on a storyline affecting match (though I always feel that makes more sense and do so unless my product doesn't use storylines anyhow). You'll want to have a look at product information, there is a list telling you what you need or cannot have. Some will not want deathmatches, at all, some will have something like a maximum of one comedy spot while others will say you must have a storytelling, a high spots or steal the show and a comedy (you do lucharesu you learn to pay real close attention to how many stars can do one of those and that they aren't all in one stable). It will also tell you what the fans expect in terms of match and angle length (roughly anyhow, like matches under 15 minutes can't be world class or long angles will lose the crowd), the match to angle ratio and what the weighting is on how your shows are rated.
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