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Everything posted by juggaloninjalee

  1. HHH didn't carry the WWE ever. Austin and Rock did during the Attitude Era. Then after the Attitude Era I'd say HHH was 1 of a few guys to "carry" the company during a ratings decline period. This is why they went PG because they were not making as much money due to ratings so they explored other avenues. Again Jericho, and Kane are pre Attitude Era guys too. Undertaker has been using the same character for 10 years and only added a submission since then.
  2. I dunno if Shaq vs Big Show would be that good. Could Cody Rhodes be facing Big Show based on how Big Show got eliminated? Divas can be used in a dark match. Wouldn't mind Beth Phoenix vs Kharma at Mania though. Or Beth vs Natalya even. I plan on ordering Wrestlemania for sure this year. Last year I paid $10 to watch it at a friends. This will be the 1st year in a long time I pay for it on my own.
  3. So by that logic is it ok if every single at the venue just sits there the whole time and doesn't cheer or anything? They act like they are in a movie theatre just watching a show? At an event like wrestling or a sporting even you do pay to be a part of the show. That is what makes it so unique. So I disagree with you. Cheering and yelling is what you pay for to go to a wrestling event. I am not agreeing with their actions at the event but they do have the right to yell.
  4. 1) Last of our kind... Kane, Big Show, Jericho, and Rock don't count? Jericho has been wrestling longer than HHH right? Kane has been around longer than HHH too I think. 2) The Cena promos were very strong last night I think. Loving this new edge they are giving him. 3) I liked the rumble match to end the show. I'm hoping that Barrett isn't seriously injured. I came out of the show being happy with the 2 title matches at Mania. Excited about Rock vs Cena, and I actually am starting to not mind HHH vs Taker because of the HIAC stipulation. Maybe Taker will get thrown off the cage or something.
  5. Yeah it seems like they wanted to give his character a little bit of progression towards having an edge to him. They want people to cheer for him at Mania against the Rock I think. This next month will be interesting!
  6. I heard they aren't planning on pulling them up as a tag team. Can't remember where I read that though. They would be awesome to revitalize the tag team division though.
  7. Yeah Bischoff is. I mean having international talent to use instead of a kid who should wrestling at your local indy show. TNA using their X-Division is a positive if you ask me and some international guys can always spice that up as well as the tag division because the tag division is kind of weak to me. None of the tag teams in TNA get me excited to watch them.
  8. So I was thinking last night while watching Impact... One thought of mine was when and why did TNA quit bringing in International talent? I liked when they did that and had the tournament of teams basically. Then I began to think about the things I loved about WCW and ECW. One of the things was that they brought in really talented international stars. WCW - Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio Jr., La Parka, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero, Alex Wright, Ultimo Dragon, Silver King, and El Dandy. They could all put on good matches. ECW - Rey Mysterio Jr., Taka Michinoku, and Masato Tanaka. Can't think of any others off the top of my head. Point is I really feel like TNA could bring in some MORE international talent that is better than Garrett Bischoff for example. I feel like it would draw at least some interest. Weren't they going to bring in El Zorro? I thought I remember hearing that but haven't seen it.
  9. OMG R-Truth had me laughing so hard. I even looked at my wrestling hating fiance and she was snickering. He has to be my favorite personality right now in all of wrestling. Love his promos when they give him time to talk. I'd love HHH vs HBK! That would make me so happy. I want Taker to face someone new.
  10. Something I would love to see would be HBK vs AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels. That would be good and something we will never see.
  11. Yeah I won't disagree with that either. Glad we can agree to disagree. If he were to come back for a match or two I wouldn't want it to be against HHH. I'd want it to be with someone like a Wade Barrett. A guy who hasn't faced him and could greatly benefit from a match with him.
  12. I just don't think working a PPV and maybe 2 RAWs in a month counts as being on the road grind again. That would be about 8 days out of the month that he isn't home probably. I've never said he would return full time because I don't think that would happen. As for guys who he wouldn't outwork in the ring arguably... CM Punk Daniel Bryan Y2J Randy Orton Can't think of anyone else who would be putting on better matches than him. I say arguably because I think HBK can put together a match better than Orton for sure. Y2J has put on weight since his better days and is also older. So that leaves 2 guys who I think can actually out work HBK off the top of my head right now.
  13. How much money he has made probably doesn't play much of a role in him never wrestling again. I am sure he is getting paid to help hype the Taker vs HHH match. Plus HBK would still put on a better match than most of the roster so I don't think he has to worry about "losing a step."
  14. What if HBK costs HHH the match at Wrestlemania so HHH can't be the one to do it. Then those 2 face each other again the following month for the 5,000,000th time! Also just read that Sting almost signed with WWE last year and has almost signed 3 or 4 times before. http://nodq.com/tna/330405070.shtml
  15. The Undertaker video was good early in the show. I liked that and loved how it was shot. Made it look like Taker had been obsessing over facing HHH for a full year. I also enjoyed the CM Punk and Jericho segment. The 6 pack challenge was decent but Miz failed to soften Ron Killings fall. I wonder how bad Killings is hurt. He was holding his head but to me it looked like his back would be hurting more with how he landed.
  16. I don't think the accent was THAT bad. It reminds me of that one commercial from back then... "anything else is just uncivilized" from one of the Gillette commercials.
  17. That guy just doesn't have it. He will never amount to anything in the WWF! Wait nope he will be the man in charge in 15 years.
  18. Maybe they should get rid of the original set and go with how they ran it there. It looked less cheesy I think.
  19. The last thing I heard he was managing Kamala for the last time on the indy scene before Kamala had his foot amputated or something because of his diabetes? Could be wrong but that is what I heard.
  20. Maybe it is because some things are still the same... Vince Russo is still writing things. Whoever is producing the show is the same. So if the people editing, producing, and directing are all the same you will have these slip ups. I wonder if Tazz and Tenay are included in the booking meetings. If they knew Hogan was going to be a secret why would they hype him being in the arena and coming up next? If they are included maybe they should be kept in the dark about everything so they don't give things away that are coming up. To me that would be the best approach to take with all announcers and commentators for wrestling. It would seem more real anyways.
  21. That's what I thought. The Paul Bearer thing threw me off completely. Where is good ol Percy Pringle these days?
  22. That botch was ugly. Reminded me of Brock Lesnar at Mania against Angle. Is Percy Pringle writing TNA shows now? The Hogan reveal thing was stupid because we all knew for weeks Hogan would be on the tour. So Bischoff saying he wouldn't be there was lame! TNA needs to really think about their shows and remove the stuff that makes no sense.
  23. Yeah the arena looked packed on Impact last night. Is anyone else growing tired of James Storm losing to Roode? He loses to him every other week it seems. Also that was my first time seeing Mark Haskins. He seems decent. How come he is never used (or so it seems)? Has he ever gone by any other name?
  24. The only reason I don't see this many 1v1 matches is I can't remember the last Rumble to have more than a few 1v1 matches. Last year it had what 4 1v1 matches? Edge vs ADR Cena vs Miz Punk vs Rey HHH vs Taker Was that it? I can't remember...
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