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Everything posted by AboardTheArk

  1. Aldous Blackfriar retains due to the opponent having two matches in one night, even if in the hardcore environment a "lucky" shot can mitigate it Mobstar will never lose Coulrophobia because they rule Frantic Ali because he is good enough to only lose with some slight justification (in this case the 4-way tiring him) Canadian Hardcore Deadly Deadshot
  2. Backlash of Battle Beyond! Next up, Last Man Standing! Match Card Jamie Atherton & The Canadian Blondes vs Tough and Glorious & Sterling Whitlock DEBUT Ant-Man vs Dusty Ducont Philippe LeGrenier vs Robin DaLay The Montreal Mafia vs Thunder & Lightning LAST MAN STANDING RUMBLE QUALIFYING MATCH Clause Reed vs Tongan Death Machine
  3. Lol people hate Yuya Maruya and I get it but some of the best joshi workers ever and today lean into the idol thing. This is very intriguing, love me some drama. Booking joshi has its peculiarities, let's see what you've got cooking! Good luck
  4. UPJ NEW YEAR UNITED! 2021 - SUNDAY WEEK 1, JANUARY 2021 KORAKUEN HALL - TOKYO, KANTO 1. SHOGUN vs. Kamei Takauji 2. Danger Asahara vs. Xi Gao 3. Wild (Hidetsugu Genji & Joao Iwahara) vs. Furosuto & Utamara 4. Oda Yamawaki & Yamahara (Koji Yamada & Ukon Kajahara) vs. Alvaro Buey III, Lobo & Koma Kobiashi 5. The Runaways (Erik van Rijn & Bruiser Cassidy) vs. Des Miller & Jayden Cole 6. Ignite Muscle Amy (Kato, Atonga, Taheiji Ebisawa & Takehide Harada) vs. Kinjo-jidai (Kintaro Kinjo, Katsuhiko Ishii, Waotaka Eda & Dustin LeFever)
  5. Lol, I only got it all right because I will never bet against Rina
  6. THE LAST MAN STANDING RUMBLE The Last Man Standing Rumble, a George DeColt invention, is a 30 man lottery battle royal where the winner gets one wish that is unbreakable, unstoppable, all powerful (within the realm of reason and possibility). First held in 1995, it's one of the most exciting times of the year in the CGC calendar, and any non-champion can enter. The reason for that is to prevent a possible future where a champion wishes to not defend his belt for the next 12 months (which is the amount of time the wish is active for). However, if someone manages to win the rumble, hold the wish for quite a while and manage to get a title shot which they win, despite the inherent bias of the booking team towards the rumble winner, then they're allowed to make that wish for however long a time they have left that the wish is valid for. The entrants are sorted by a combination of a fan vote, and an internal roster vote, as well as any contractual clauses that give them preferential treatment in terms of the match. This means that YOU, the CGC fans, can vote in the comments of this thread for up to three wrestlers who you want to move up a spot in the time of entrance, and three wrestlers who you want to move down a spot. I will also attempt to write the whole Rumble match when I post the event, although there's no guarantees I manage to get something I am happy posting. Full credit to Self, this is his one concept from the "On With The Show" CGC diary I have mostly 'stolen' because it's too brilliant an idea not to (of course, the prize was slightly different and there is a battle royal already in the game meant to be used in this event). But yeah, I have shouted out that diary many times as inspiration and one of the best diries in the history of the games and it just rules so much. Here's the history of winners of the Last Man Standing Rumble in the 22 previous installments of it: 1995: Jack DeColt (Wish: A CGC World Title Match) 1996: Steve DeColt (Wish: The DeColt Brothers can only face each other in multi-man matches) 1997: Eric Tyler (Wish: A Permit for the School Of Tradition) 1998: Alex DeColt (Wish: A CGC World Title Match) 1999: Jack DeColt (2) (Wish: Challenging Eric Tyler to a Loser Leaves Town Match) 2000: Steve DeColt (2) (Wish: Soldiers of Fortune banned from Ringside for Dan DaLay vs Alex DeColt) 2001: Dan DaLay (Wish: a comically large bag full of cash) 2002: Ed Monton (Wish: Didn't use one, said he was happy with the accomplishment, it was lame) 2003: Steve DeColt (3) (Wish: Merry Christmas to all [was tricked by The Elite into wasting his wish]) 2004: John Maverick (Wish: A CGC World Title Match against a tired Jack DeColt who already had a match that night, ending his historic almost 2 year reign) 2005: Dan DaLay (3) (Wish: A Private Party Bus for The Elite to carry them around shows, filled with every modern accomodation) 2006: Jack DeColt (3) (Wish: Ricky DeColt has to leave for a year to train further) 2007: Ricky DeColt (Wish: A CGC World Title Match) 2008: Dan DaLay (3) (Wish: The Elite vs DeColt Elimination Main Event became 4 on 3) 2009: Nate Johnson (Wish: A Life Supply of Beaver Buzz Energy Drink) 2010: Alex DeColt (2) (Wish: A CGC World Title Match) 2011: Dan DaLay (4) (Wish: A CGC World Title Match) 2012: Gargantuan (Wish: Learn about his origin) 2013: Jack DeColt (4) (Wish: Disband The Elite) 2014: Ricky DeColt (2) (Wish: A CGC World Title Match) 2015: Jack DeColt (5) (Wish: Face Gargantuan in an Amateur Wrestling Rules CGC World Title Match) 2016: Annihilus (Wish: A CGC World Title Match) 2017: Whippy The Clown (Wish: A CGC World Title Match)
  7. GWS WARFARE! SATURDAY, WEEK 1 OF JANUARY 2021 The first Warfare! of the year is always special in GWS, and that's why we have a special card to begin the year of Redemption! As a thank you to every one of our loyal fans for helping us stay alive in adversity, every title in the company will be defended! Plus, a huge debut and a legendary return to the company will bolster the most exciting roster in GWS history! MATCH CARD FOR PREDICTIONS GWS PEOPLE'S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Ray Lisbon vs Realm (C) GWS TOP MILITIA CHAMPIONSHIP THREE-WAY LADDER MATCH: The Wild Things vs The Wolverins vs Sons Of Ragnarr (C) Sam Bailey vs X GWS RED PHOENIX CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Cole Younger vs Ciclope (C) Mark Gunn vs X Fantastic Four-Way: Redd vs Samson Domoina vs Trent Brooke vs Yusef Miller Brandon Morgan vs Leonardo De Fiore OOC: As the tag suggests, this diary will have quite a chiller posting schedule than the CGC one, which is why I also switched the company's event schedule to have Warfare! as a monthly show. I love the Thunderverse as a world and I wanted to showcase it. I felt GWS is a natural choice, a low-stakes (seemingly) diary that will also be quite different than what I'm doing with CGC. The Roster Introduction post was updated, with a couple lines for each character a well for anyone who wants to get familiar with how things roll in GWS. Maybe I will have this show posted on the weekend, maybe next week. Regardless, I am very excited to see where this diary takes me, as I've made 0 long term decisions! Thank you to the creators of this mod for the incredible attention to detail, this is the first version of Thunderverse I'm even remotely familiar with and yet I didn't find the barrier of entry too steep in any way. Hope everyone enjoys this, please let me know about what you want in the diary and your predictions for the show!
  8. CGC: BATTLE BEYOND 2018 Report Attendance: 2908 at the Wood Buffalo Arts Center PPV buys: 20,976 MATCH 1: DAN DALAY VS ROBIN DALAY (W/FAITH) vs (w/) The most obvious rematch from Ultimate Showdown, this was quite a different affair than the first match. Robin came in with the same fire, but also a frustration and recklessness that helped his father hang in easier. We got a patented DaLay control segment where he absolutely did not hold back in making his son suffer, alternating between kidney shots and bear hugs, attacking the eyes, tripping him while grabbing his hair, and just giving him the best possible demonstration for every lesson he's refused to take in the last two months. However, Robin does the best job possible in terms of not losing his composure, using the support by his side at its full potential. A northern lights suplex begins the comeback, and we get an old school father and son brawl, trading bombs and getting closer with each move. Dan, knowing this is getting away from him when the pace goes up, gets his son in a headlock, and Faith gets up on the apron, pretending he did something illegal because it's Dan DaLay and the referee would buy it. Robin pushes his father away, getting out and he stops a step before hitting Faith (but hitting the referee who has gone over to reprimand her). There's a moment of awkwardness, before Faith jumps up and tongue kisses mr. DaLay in order to disorient him! She jumps off the apron, and Dan turns to a DaLay Down (belly to belly piledriver) from his son! Robin sees that the referee isn't up yet, so he also hits a Deadlift Powerbomb on his father for good measure! 1, 2, 3! Robin wins! Segment Rating: 37 SEGMENT 1: The winners are celebrating their big win, trying to convey to the crowd that they outsmarted the veteran and there was always a plan. Faith plants a peck on Robin's cheek and he's completely flustered. Segment Rating: 35 MATCH 2: HUGH ANCRIE VS WHIPPY THE CLOWN vs A technical masterclass that didn't quite endear itself to the crowd due to being heel vs heel, this was nevertheless a good match. Hugh wrestled with hubris, Whippy with desperation. Hugh never learnt from the cheating of his opponent, choosing to take everything on and just betting on his superior arsenal. Bone-crunching suplexes going up against veteran tricks in a battle for honor, for 15 minutes. In the end, Whippy hit the Joke's On You but decided to bring back an old favorite to show he's still the man he was in his prime. Going up on the top ropes, he hit a picture perfect split-legged moonsault, only for Ancrie to bring the knees up. This was the start of the end, as Ancrie hit a German Suplex, kept the hold, transitioned into a Reverse Brainbuster, kept the hold, and hit the Crying Game reverse DDT into Dragon Sleeper for the win. Segment Rating: 56 MATCH 3: CGC WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS MATCH: TOUGH AND GLORIOUS VS THE CANADIAN BLONDES (C) A match 8 months in the making! Tough and Glorious came in with something to prove, emphasizing their high level teamwork as a statement of intent. Brett has picked up a lot of their wins in the build up to this matchand their return as a team, but age is visible on him and his performance. He can't run or bump like he used to, so he mostly just headbutts anything on sight and chops the bad guys to death. Flash and Ozzie spend most of the early part of the match working in peril, probably as a palette cleanser for the crowd from the two heels match before. In the mid-point however, Ozzie uses his quickness to get away from Fraser and the counterattack begins. The Blondes work with surgical precision on both babyfaces legs (considering Fraser's age and Joey's lingering injuries), stretching the limits of the referee's tolerance. They hit a weird and very risky spot where Joey Poison is locked in a figure 4 lock to the steel post with Ozzie Golden who has it locked in leaning to the right, while Flash jumps off the ropes to hit a double foot stomp on the locked legs of Poison. This is the kind of move that changes the tides of a contest on its own, and as both Blondes are high fiving, Brett Fraser charges and pounces them both towards the barricade. This gives time for a bit of a reset, but both teams are selling much more as we've entered the finishing stretch. Fraser and Flash are tagged in, and they partake in sequences that are all very close to being the end. Poison refuses to tag in at some point, citing the leg, but after a couple more moves of Fraser being dominated, he reluctantly goes in, only to instantly be hit with an eye poke and a single leg crab. He taps out before his partner can intervene, writhing in pain. Segment Rating: 55 SEGMENT 2: Curtis Mobstar and Skip Beau share a moment of respect before their match begins, nodding to each other and making jokes. The referee pats Mobstar for weapons (he's not a fan! He can't bring them!), and takes way too long removing a comical amount of them. Segment Rating: 54 MATCH 4: CGC CANADIAN CHAOS CHAMPIONSHIP 'FANS BRING THE WEAPONS' MATCH: CURTIS MOBSTAR VS SKIP BEAU A 10-minute war between two combatants who never back down, but with the use of silly, whimsical weapons to prevent too much blood being spilled. The weapons brought by fans: a pinata (with a baseball bat to break it), a very expensive tea set, two cans of Beaver Buzz energy drink, a big plastic box with a lego set and a pair of chairs, but the colorful wooden ones you'd find in a kindergarten. So, here's how this went. Everything was broken on one of the two guys' heads, Beaver Buzz was consumed to replenish energy, there was a bazeball bat X chair seat swordfight, and a lot of moves were attempted on the legos but were narrowly avoided. Good, fun stuff. Blood did get spilled, as Skip got a cut on his forehead above his right eye, and that seemed like what Curtis was planning to center on his Implant DDT, but Skip's tenacity came in handy still holding steady and avoiding certain defeat. Mobstar tried jumping to force the move, but it played into Skip's hands as he got launched with a Belly to Belly suplex! Curtis started running to not leave any time and seperation but Skip caught him on his shoulders and hit the Flow Down on the legos! There's no kicking out from that. Segment Rating: 60 SEGMENT 3: An unknown theme song begins playing, signaling a new arrival to the Combat Zone! Dirty Dusty Ducont, the Canadian heavyweight star of USPW, is back on the right side of the border, and he seems to have signed for CGC! He gets a microphone, and he skips the pleasantries about being back in Canada. He only has one important announcement: He is the first entrant of the prestigeous Last Man Standing Rumble! He was promised a very advantageous entrance number by management as a signing bonus, and he plans on using that win to become the person who took the least time from his debut to capture the CGC World Championship. And no one in that locker room can stop him. Segment Rating: 54 MATCH 5: GARGANTUAN VS MARC DUBOIS VS This match was, uh, a bit of a letdown. Gargantuan was on top for about 17 minutes, and his work in control was absolutely uninteresting. Dreadful. The Beat Up Battalion was on the outside, cheering like hooligans, adding an unnecessary comedic side to one of the two biggest matches on the show. Marc Dubois had his unstoppable comeback (Comeback Lariat, Slingblade, High Angle Dropkick) which was predictable, the referee ejected the Battalion as they kept cheating to delay the inevitable, and the Mark Of Excellence gave Dubois the win, evening their series. Segment Rating: 49 MATCH 6: CGC WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: STERLING WHITLOCK VS IAN DECOLT This match managed to provide the appropriate amount of excitement the prior one failed to provide. Whitlock keeps coming into his own and delivering some of the best performances in the company, and Ian is doing pretty well trying to live up to the DeColt name. A match that begun with Whitlock dominating the early wrestling exchanges, soon became hitting the other man as hard as possible, as was expected. The crowd was into it, however, at this point being accustomed to this more 'cutting-edge', indie-friendly version of the company's style. Ian's selling steals the show, making Whitlock look incredibly dangerous on every move, even before he begins the crowdpleaser lariat spam. Ian manages to reverse the last lariat into a Fujiwara Armbar, taking control for the next segment of the match, and unlike Gargantuan he knows what to do in control, taunting the crowd at every moment and using his environment to choke Whitlock in any way possible for his 5 allocated seconds. He stops Sterling's first comeback with a Wild Ride but it's not enough for the three count. Ian puts Sterling in the bow and arrow hold, taking the wind out of him, before assaulting him with well placed knee strikes. He attempts the DeColt Driver (StraightJacket Drop), but he doesn't have the strength required to do it effortlessly and Whitlock comes alive with a huge Backdrop. LARIAT! LARIAT! LAAAARIAT! The trifecta is agonizingly close to giving Whitlock the win, and he doesn't stop. Sliding Lariat! Burning Lariat! Brainbuster Lariat! He lets out a scream of adrenaline and Ian slides out of the ring, taking advantage of the moment being too big for Whitlock. Sterling follows him out, and waits for him to get up for another Lari- Ian pushes him into the Steel Post! Whitlock is out cold, and Ian DeColt fireman carries him to the ring, and TKO's him for the three count. Only 17 minutes, they can even do better than this, but it was the match of the night. Segment Rating: 64 MAIN EVENT: ALEX DECOLT VS JAMIE ATHERTON (THE ENTOURAGE BANNED FROM RINGSIDE) VS 26 minutes of CGC trying to recapture the glory of 2009. Alex DeColt played the greatest hits, Jamie Atherton had the best perfromance of everyone in the company this year, playing an incredible foil to the boss, but the ring rust and age of DeColt made the difference. They tried to go for a Spectacle match, and Alex did not deliver. Not even the big spots made this what it could have been: The Avalance Straightjacket Driver to Jamie Atherton on the announce table is probably the spot of the year even with the table not breaking. The match just didn't flow well. 26 minutes felt like 40. Atherton did great with his comebacks making you believe he can beat Alex clean at times, the Lightning Bolt hasn't pinned anyone in a while and you thought it could beat a DeColt when he hit it from out of nowhere. But then he misses on the Corkscrew Press and Alex takes control again, and he just starts hitting the finisher of every DeColt who has wrestled: George, Jack, Steve, Ricky. And as he gets Jamie up for the DeColt Driver, Jamie shuffles and kicks the referee in the head in quite a cheap way. Alex hits the move, gets a visual pin on Jamie for a 7 count from the crowd... and he's attacked! Two masked men enter the ring and viciously assault Alex DeColt, kicking him hard and beating him to a pulp, then getting him up for a double seated superkick. They get Jamie Atherton up, who slowly recovers and hits a 450 degree splash on DeColt, and the referee counts to three. Jamie Atherton has two wins on Alex DeColt! Segment Rating: 52 SEGMENT 4: The masked men enter the ring with Jamie Atherton and raise his hands in celebration. They look at Alex DeColt's prone body and start hitting one high flying move each in sequence (shooting star press, moonsault stomp, 450 splash), before Atherton removes the masks: It's The Canadian Blondes! The three men hug and taunt the crowd as the show goes off air. Segment Rating: 56 Overall Rating: The two biggest matches were disappointments, but I do not think this stunts the company's positive momentum. There's still interesting hooks for the fans coming out of the show and the younger generation is on the forefront of the company for good. Besides, Last Man Standing is the most fun time of the year for a lot of fans, and for one lucky wrestler who will make his wishes come true. 53
  9. King Of FREEDOM World Tag Team Championship Soul Meat (Toru Sugiura & Tomoya Hirata) (c) vs. Takashi Sasaki & Mammoth Sasaki King Of FREEDOM World Junior Heavyweight Championship Kamui (c) vs. Takahiro Katori E.R.E (Drew Parker, Violento Jack & Toshiyuki Sakuda) & Orca Uto vs. Jun Kasai, Masashi Takeda, Rina Yamashita & Dragon Libre E.R.E (Kyu Mogami & Dobunezumi Fukki) vs. Brahman Brothers Tatsuhito Takaiwa & GENTARO vs. Ender Kara & Rekka Leo Isaka & Anarko Montana vs. REAL HIPSTAR (Jun Masaoka & Kohei Kinoshita) I'm a huge REAL HIPSTAR fan, randomly.
  10. CGC TITLE BOUT WRESTLING GO HOME SHOW FOR BATTLE BEYOND RECAP Blockbuster defeats Lewis Frey in a competitive match (49) A video package plays with the best moments of Alex DeColt's career (65) Thunder & Lightning defeat Zeus & Stevie (50 The Gargantuan and Dubois Press Conference positions Gargantuan as the next #1 Contender if he wins (63) The Superfriends upset Clownshow & Hugh Ancrie as Ant-Man rolls Ancrie up for the win (60) Ancrie beats up Quibble and challenges Whippy to a match at Battle Beyond (52) Jamie Atherton beats Dan DaLay in a match with too much interference and too little wrestling (43) Atherton mocks Alex DeColt and vows to get a second win over him, DeColt tries to teach him a lesson in respecting those that came before him (77) Challengers vs Champions ends with Joey Poison pinning Flash (59) 8 Man Brawl ends the show, complete chaos reigns (52) I really wanted to start the year with Battle Beyond as the first show, and time constrains yesterday and today kind of ruined my mood. I think you guys won't be too annoyed with just a second quick recap in 8 months of shows (last time I did that interview thing that no one really enjoyed xD), but I apologize regardless. I hope everyone has a happy new year and celebrations today and tomorrow, and Battle Beyond is coming in the first week of January! Match Card for Predictions: CGC Battle Beyond 2018 Alex DeColt vs Jamie Atherton CGC World Championship: Sterling Whitlock vs Ian DeColt (C) Gargantuan vs Marc Dubois CGC World Tag Team Championships: Tough and Glorious vs The Canadian Blondes (C) CGC Canadian Chaos Championship, Fans Bring The Weapons Match: Curtis Mobstar vs Skip Beau (C) Hugh Ancrie vs Whippy The Clown Dan DaLay vs Robin DaLay
  11. He's so good. I really want to. I hired him in my NCW and my FUSION saves. I don't think I can justify it financially (I know, I know), but I am watching him with great interest, at worst for a few appearances.
  12. Glad to see you post these shows so quickly, shows you're really into this project since you bounced around a couple diaries the past few weeks (who among us hasn't?). Think this was the best show yet too. MAIN EVENT The Outrageous Arona vs QT PI ZEN: RIGHT TO PARTY TITLE MATCH Stereo (c) vs Johnny Chapman ZEN KINSHIP TITLES OPEN CHALLENGE The Legends of the Sea '(c)' VS A Storm Is ComingHelen Hywater vs Tyrone Gray
  13. GWS ROSTER INTRODUCTION The Bosses: Naming themselves after famous South American revolutionaries, Ecuadorian-American brothers Camillo and Ernesto Rosario handle the booking and logistics of the company, as well as being the announce team of the company. Originally a cost-cutting measure, they're actually one of the better commentary duos in the independent scene, and generally GWS is regarded as a solid, well-run company. The Champions: MMA bad-ass Realm went from "can't miss prospect" to "most blatant IP rip-off" to "independent redemption arc". At 48 years old, he's putting on bangers for GWS and was recently rewarded with a People's Heavyweight Championship run. The most famous wrestler in GWS, even if for mostly the wrong reasons, there are high expectations for his title reign putting the company back on the map. Referential of a beloved comicbook hero, Ciclope is one of the most promising young high-flyers in the world of professional wrestling, known for his jaw-dropping dives and his consistency endangering himself sometimes. The Red Phoenix belt is a big show of faith by management for a wrestler who can be an international superstar or remain and independent attraction, depending on how he performs on the day. Raider Bjorn and Raider Ubba, the Sons of Ragnarr are the most fearsome duo in all of GWS, a company famous for treating its tag division seriously. Powerful, tough and athletic, they might stay on top of the division for a long, long time. The Duos The Wolverines are the most successful tag team in GWS history. Dustin Henry (24) and James Logan (27) are the most promising tag team outside of National TV, the independent scene's best kept secret. If they can be kept in the company long term, the only thing left for them is singles glory... Danny Sirus (29) and Randy Loveman (33) are well known in the scene, being mainstays in North America for WCCW and PWSUX in the past. Due to the Future of Fight alliance, they have literally begun working in Reno alongside Detroit, and they've already held the GWS Top Militia belts once. 2021 could be the year they seize the title of "top team" in the company. Sons of the legendary Johnny Hammer, Jason and Jonah are The New Hammer brothers. A really solid team with a likeable charisma going on for them, they will taste gold sooner than later, even in this competitive division. A bit of a joke tag team, Joshua Blaize and Samson Domoina comprise HeatWave, the duo with the best manners and most determination to win. The refined Suplex Machine Samson Domoina is a good prospect for the future, representing Haiti and sporting the best moustache in wrestling, but Joshua Blaize is little more than a likeable jobber. Nevertheless, they have a reign in 2017, and they could replicate that insane run with the right amount of fan support. The Solos A solid brawler with great basics, Devon Homicide is a charismatic "gang-adjacent" character who has the goal of using the Future of Fight alliance to one day making it in PWSUX in Detroit. Having tasted gold in the prestigeous territory of Puerto Rico, he surely wants to get to the top of GWS as soon as possible. The sexiest man in Reno, Nevada (I get that there's not much competition), Ray Lisbon is one of the most beloved performers in GWS, and one of their homegrown talents. A Grand Slam winner by the age of 26, he lacks the in-ring spark to make the step to a National company, which means he might be a lifer, which is fine by the GWS faithful, and management knowing they can count on him if need be. Former DRAGON star Sam Bailey is one of the best practicioners of the Impactful Japanese style in the North American continent. Adding a well-needed dose of realsim to the proceedings in GWS, he's been rising in popularity since his 2016 debut for the company, and winning numerous titles is surely only a matter of time. The 21st Century Caveman is another DRAGON alumni, one who is wrestling closer to the junior heavyweight style. A popular fixture in Art of Wrestling shows in Canada, his style is what the GWS fans look for in a wrestler and he will probably have a lot of "bangers" in Reno. Could become a big star for the company. A former backyard wrestler, Cole Younger is one of the biggest cases of "fan-turned-wrestler", and his determination shows as he made it in PWSUX purely off of hard work. Now joining the GWS roster due to their need to rebuild, he's managed by Sierra Rosario, the "rebellious little sister" of the family, and gets heat by using his hardcore style to ruin perfectly fine spotfests. A charismatic Rock demigod, Redd (23) became a fan of GWS after being booked for a show with his then band. Sticking with the promotion due to his real life relationship with Sierra Rosario, his bad boy appeal and charisma might be enough to compensate for his mediocre wrestling skills. Wrestling on and off for GWS for his whole career, Brandon Morgan is a solid hand who has the unfortunate disadvantage of looking like an average office worker. He is determined to take advantage of the rebuild of the company and become a star, making this his most successful stint with GWS. One of the most peculiar cases in wrestling right now, Leonardo Di Fiore was retired for years after wrestling in the 90's, but he got the 'bug' again due to his grandsons love of the 'sport'. Returning with a genius "swaggy old man" gimmick, he has been a beloved fixture of the independent scene for the past few years and got rewarded with a run for GWS, where everything he has done rules. Mister Marvelous Mark Gunn is a handsome and charismatic prospect hailing from Hollywood, California, and he's probably the biggest prospect in the company. Only a wrestler for three years and already pretty solid, his movie star looks will make him easily a big hated figure in the company for years to come. The future of flight, Yusef Miller is the best in-ring prospect the company has seen pass through in a long while (Fergus Storm?). A very modern wrestler with insane athletic ability and charisma, he is looking for his breakout, and considering he has already spent a year paying his dues, his time to shine is coming soon.
  14. Chapter 0: The Beginning It was the night before Christmas in the Rosario (for the purposes of this) household, and the brothers were stuck planning what was to come for the GWS promotion in 2021. Their KickStarter campaign to gather funds was steadily reaching the target of 40K dollars right before the end of the allocated time, a goal that would modestly allow the promotion to stay open for these 12 months at least. The global financial crisis of the past couple of years had put their venture in incredible danger, even having to go on hiatus for months without putting on shows in 2020. After a fairly awkward dinner of trying to talk about anything that wasn't wrestling, tough decisions had to be made. Firstly, they decided moving Warfare! from a weekly show to a monthly one. It was a very important cost-cutting measure as the temporary shutdown lost them some fans and they had stopped breaking even on tickets for the weekly show. They fought over a bit over Realm carrying the brand. Ernesto had really pushed over the past 6 months the idea of him getting the first reign when the show returned, playing into the 90's nostalgia and also having surprisingly good matches still at his age, but Camillo was dreaming about The Wolverines planting themselves at the top of the company for good, due to the rumors of them being poached by a National TV level company in the near future and the buzz that would bring. GWS had always gotten their biggest buzz from having quality champions who have made it (or not sometimes) in bigger companies, GIFs and clips going viral for a few days nonwithstanding. Camillo did relent because it felt safer, but now that Realm had just got the belt he was aiming to undercut the reign's length in order to move into a fresh direction, feeling like Ernesto was trying to replicate the success of the Bear Zanev reigns. Regardless, they spent the rest of the evening watching movies and waiting for the sum donated to pass the target with a few days left in order for this weight to be lifted off of their shoulders. A bit standard if boring for a gathering between the two, that is until they finally reached their goal. They were shocked to find out a mystery fan donated 100 thousand dollars on their own, shattering every expectation. Quickly, they shut down the rest of the donation to not get money off of more people because they might need it more than give it to a wrestling company. They had plenty. More than plenty. They immediately decided on two things: 1. They would still be frugal, maybe bring in a couple guys to start the year and see how it goes. 2. They could finally lower the ticket prices again after the financial crisis forced them to bring the prices up to "standard". Much easier to bring people in that way, you don't go to Reno if things are going well for you in any way. This was definitely a gamechanger though in some ways. A chance to see if they could get back on iPPV at some point in the year perhaps. An opportunity to take risks with trials/signings to young guys that could have high potential. Maybe even bring in a major draw that isn't 48 years old! An exciting year was about to begin, but there was also a big question on the back of their minds: who was the mysterious benefactor that saved the company for the foreseeable future? Would they ever find out? The mind wandered towards Derrick Moore, maybe this was a game to him, a way to get even more control in the Future of Fight "alliance". But what if it was someone random who wanted to "invest"? Well, this raised another clear issue: Guerilla Wrestling Syndicate can't afford to sell out. They have a spirit and an image to uphold. And what just happened was essentially on public record.
  15. CGC 2018 DEBUT IN SASKATOON! FINAL SHOW BEFORE BATTLE BEYOND! MAIN EVENT: CHAMPIONS VS CHALLENGERS EXPANDED Curtis Mobstar, Tough and Glorious and Sterling Whitlock vs Ian DeColt, The Canadian Blondes & Skip Beau Jamie Atherton Punishment Series Dan DaLay vs Jamie Atherton Blockbuster vs Lewis Frey Thunder & Lightning vs Zeus & Stevie Clownshow & Hugh Ancrie vs Superfriends Also, the Press Conference for Gargantuan vs Marc Dubois!
  17. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 165, Tuesday Week 2 of August 2018 Controversial take: Wrestling is wrestling. And that's enough. It's not a sport. It's not ballet or a performance art or whatever. It's wrestling, and all that entails. MATCH 1: The show starts with Robin DaLay vs Stevie Grayson. For the first time in a while, Stevie got to shine in a singles match in a CGC ring. Not that this was a great match, Robin isn't ready for that yet, but their chemistry made it fun to sit through at points, with Stevie really bringing the heat and overwhelming the youngster with his veteran tricks. Dan gets extremely frustrated with Robin not listening to his advice, that he tries to get in the ring, which distracts the referee. Stevie Grayson takes advantage to roll Robin up, but the ref doesn't see it! After kicking out a bit after a crowd's three count, Robin has rage in his eyes and obliterates Grayson with boots and knuckle arrows, deadlifting his prone body and powerbombing him for the win. Segment Rating: 31 SEGMENT 1: The familiar and familial drama of the DaLay's continues after the match, and Robin makes a fatal mistake, shoving his dad to leave. This prompts Dan hitting a vicious Cobra Clutch Suplex on his son, and shouting at him that he's getting a second, more vicious lesson at Battle Beyond. Segment Rating: 41 MATCH 2: Charlie Homicide & Tongan Death Machine vs Team CD. A structurally solid but very unimpressive tag team match that was hampered by Team CD having taken a major depush for the first half of the year due to the new signings for the company, this served two purposes: TDM destroyed the kids in order to get Gargantuan's new henchmen some extra momentum. And after the match, the two guys who have been presented as unlikely best pals, had their first moment of friction, which probably means they might actually be used in some way in the next couple of months. Segment Rating: 38 SEGMENT 2: Before his match with Quibby The Clown, Hugh Ancrie is approached by Whippy, who attempts to unnerve him, reminding him of his failures against Skip Beau and the fact that he's further away from the top than he was when he first joined the company. Hugh berates him for being a joke who's becoming more irrelevant by the day and goes out to wrestle. Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 3: Hugh Ancrie vs Quibble The Clown, another independent wrestling type sprint that was very watchable despite having a super obvious conclusion. Quibble hit hard and tried to keep seperation long enough to string some lucha-libre type offense together, while Hugh focused on throws that let him target the neck and back of Quibble. It was quick and effective, and as Quibble went for the Clown Cutter, it was swiftly reversed by Hugh into the Crying Game for the win. Segment Rating: 59 SEGMENT 3: Post match, the lights go out and some weird Joker stuff plays on the titantron, before a challenge is written out in comic sans: "Battle Beyond, 1 on 1". Segment Rating: 51 SEGMENT 4: Tough and Glorious are backstage, and cut a very old school promo on the Canadian Blondes. Joey Poison puts over his career year to begin with, but then he focuses on the credentials of their tag team. Despite accusations of not being "a real team", they're one of the most successful single reign champions in the history of the division, and they're currently on a roll with three straight wins. Brett says that he hunts animals than weigh more than the Canadian Blondes combined, and that when he corners them, their survival instinct won't be enough. They vow to successfully capture the tag team titles, and Joey puts over Brett's toughness while Brett puts over Joey's grace. Segment Rating: 49 MATCH 4: Curtis Mobstar and Thunder & Lightning vs Skip Beau and Generation Z. A fun little six man tag, highlighting the fact that this roster is actually sort of deep now? Weird. Generation Z aren't ready to win matches, but they're ready to be in them. Mobstar keeps bringing a fire that I honestly didn't know was there in his GSW work, and his comparison to Skip when they're both going full steam is really interesting and fun. This one had a surprise ending, as Jason Thunder manages to pin Alyx Winter with a Thunder Driver, giving Thunder & Lightning their second CGC win, perhaps the start of better days. Segment Rating: 54 SEGMENT 5: Curtis and Skip have a staredown of recognition, with Skip blinking and exiting the ring first with his title. Segment Rating: 53 MATCH 5: Jamie Atherton vs Sterling Whitlock went 22 minutes. It was 22 awesome minutes. Should they have given this away on TV? Honestly, who cares! Jamie had his best CGC performance yet, bouncing around with some of the most GIFable offense you've ever seen, while Sterling struggled to keep up at first, especially with the entourage turning the tide a lot with timely interference. But everything changed when Sterling started keeping it simple and just- LARIAT! over and over and over, leaving a dent in Jamie's collarbone. At that point it seemed like whatever tricks they had left wouldn't be able to stop a career defining win for Whitlock that would give him a lot of momentum for his world title match, but Ian DeColt who was on commentary wasn't so sure. He started trying to jaw with Whitlock to no effect, and was escorted away by security when he removed his headset and tried approaching the ring. The commotion changed the flow, with Jamie getting a second wind and hitting an excellent Lightning Bolt (a move that by my observations is more becoming a signature than a finisher lately) for a close nearfall. Heather tried to slip him brass knuckles but the referee removed them, and Whitlock hit a beautiful backdrop for a 2.9! Trying to repeat it but with a different angle and closer to the ropes resulted in Adrian Garcia pulling Jamie out of the ring, and Sterling trying to follow it up with a Suicide led to crashing and burning as the entourage got Atherton out of the way. By that point, it was smooth sailing for Jamie trying to finish the match, despite a close call on a Burning Lariat. Atherton picked up a huge win with a Poison Rana, and Whitlock now by my count has the two best TV matches for CGC this year. Segment Rating: 65 SEGMENT 6: Alex DeColt comes out to congratulate Sterling on his effort, and say that while Jamie was correct last week and he can't fire Garcia again, there's another crucial difference between manager and entourage: It's way easier to get them out of a match contract. Therefore, Alex DeColt announces that these two weeks of interference are grounds for him to BAN Andrian Garcia and Heather from ringside for the Battle Beyond main event. Alex DeColt vs Jamie Atherton will be a clean, wrestling match. Totally, might I add. There is no way this backfires. Segment Rating: 60 Overall Rating: 62
  18. Mobstar vs Deadly Deadshot is a goddamn indy masterpiece sometimes in these companies wanting to do the gimmick main event hurts the grade, I thought this was a positive show overall.
  19. Nice first show, the right to party title is an excellent concept MAIN EVENT ZEN CONQUEROR TITLE MATCHHarry Allen (c) vs Robbie Wright ZEN RIGHT TO PARTY TITLE MATCH Stereo (c) vs T-Bone TuckerCheetah Boy vs The Outrageous Arona Crash Test vs American Justice ZEN KINSHIP TITLE MATCH The Golden Glory (c) vs The Legends of the Sea Diamond Deuce vs A Debuting Luchador The Frat (Ash Barnaby, Ade Nelson, & Zach Rudge) vs True Elegance (Jean Reinhardt & Lady Devonshyre) & Kashmir Singh
  20. BACK IN EDMONTON, CGC IS GETTING READY TO GO BEYOND...BATTLE BEYOND! GET A TICKET TO SEE IF WE FIND A WAY TO MARKET THIS BETTER BY THE TIME THE SHOW AIRS! ALSO, THE SHOW WILL BE GOOD PROBABLY! Main Event - Jamie Atherton Punishment Series Jamie Atherton vs Sterling Whitlock Curtis Mobstar and Thunder & Lightning vs Skip Beau & Generation Z Hugh Ancrie vs Quibble The Clown Charlie Homicide & Tongan Death Machine of the Beat Up Battalion vs Team CD Robin DaLay vs Stevie Grayson That's a thing we have in common!
  21. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 164, Tuesday Week 1 of August 2018 SWF's still shellshocked after the shocking failure of The Supreme Challenge 38 has led to a drop in prestige and a load of panic signings to compensate. Seems like booker Jack Bruce isn't able to capture the magic of wrestler Jack Bruce. But on the other side of the border, there's proof that Sports Entertainment isn't dead, as the little red and gold promotion that could keeps going... so let's get to CGC this week! SEGMENT 1: Ian DeColt opens the show to get through the catchphrases (welcome to [place], DeColt Country etc.), and also reassure the fans that last week's main event was just a minor setback and he will be CGC World Champion for a long time... and that's a DeColt guarantee! Sterling Whitlock interrupts him, running out, getting a microphone and telling him that since he's pinned the champion, he's entitled to a world championship match. Ian isn't ecstatic about the possibility, but he accepts after spending about two minutes belittling his opponent. As soon as he accepts, he takes a Lariat! for his troubles by a pumped Whitlock. This did enough to set up Sterling as a dangerous challenger, he probably can't hang on the mic with Ian at this point of his career (or maybe any point). Ian is an absolute pro by the way for taking one of the most sickening lariats this side of the pacific ocean. The thud it made was awesome. Segment Rating: 55 MATCH 1: Alistair Shufflebottom vs Robin DaLay. This match lasted longer than it needed to due to Dan's instructions to his son of slowing things down and essentially doing the waterdrop torture on his opponent despite the clear differential in skill, size and power that would lead to a stomp. As a result, Robin spends a lot of time arguing with his pops which leads to a close roll up call from Alistair that gets the crowd into the match! Only for Robin to beat him into a pulp for the next couple of minutes and end things with a DaLay Down. Segment Rating: 27 SEGMENT 2: More family arguing happens, this time with Faith also joining to defend Robin's approach to things. Dan latches onto an accusation that facing Shufflebottom doesn't offer any resistance and opportunity for conclusions and promises a better opponent next week to test the tried and true DaLay method. Segment Rating: 40 SEGMENT 3: We head backstage where in some gym Skip Beau is helping some rookies train, the Canadian Chaos title resting on his shoulder. He is approached by Curtis Mobstar, who says he's been on a roll lately, and considering their dope tables match a couple months ago and with Skip's ability to pick any stipulation, he'd like to have a Hard to the Core title match at Battle Beyond. Skip appreciates being approached peacefully for once, a comment that makes Curtis poorly hide his brass knuckles, and announces a Fans Bring The Weapons match for the Canadian Chaos championship at Batlte Beyond. This segment in my mind cemented Mobstar as a tweener, something that has been foreshadowed in most of his recent appearances. Wouldn't surprise me if he turned face by the start of 2019. Also, this match will be really good. Segment Rating: 48 MATCH 2: The Montreal Mafia vs Tough and Glorious. This was a really fun match, and all about Tough and Glorious showing why they were such a long reigning championship tandem. Going back to tagging has reinvigorated Brett Fraser, Poison continues his career year, and the teamwork on display alongside the Mafia being super willing to make their opponents look like a million bucks, I enjoyed this a ton. Brett Fraser Double Arm DDT'd both guys, Joey hit a senton bomb on Ayres, and Brett got the pin and a huge momentum boost of a win. Segment Rating: 60 SEGMENT 4: So, one thing to mention here. With Adrian Garcia no longer on commentary, youngster Curt Meritt from the USA is the new color guy for CGC. They gave him a silly heel gimmick where he clearly wants to be the next Garcia but everyone is oblivious. Prefacing with this because, he's really good for how new he is but he's a huge downgrade on his predecessor and therefore there will be segments that are hurt, and this is one of them. Jamie Atherton comes out for his match against Blockbuster (a continuation of his punishment), and he is joined by a pretty redhead and...Adrian Garcia? Alex DeColt instantly comes out demanding Garcia's ejection, but Atherton has come prepared! He explains that in his contract exists an "entourage clause" of people that wouldn't be employed by the company, but directly by Atherton. In the contract it was stated as "a group of more than one people" therefore, he has an entourage of two: his girlfriend Heather, and the agent to the stars Adrian Garcia. Alex vows to check this with any lawyer, but for now it's allowed to stand. Segment Rating: 65 MATCH 3: Blockbuster vs Jamie Atherton. Blockbuster almost wrestled face here, because Jamie kept getting assistance from his entourage to turn the tide. This was useful as an attempt to set the place for Jamie in the pecking order following his loss to Gargantuan last week: he was often in trouble, but always managed to find a way out. Blockbuster hit a huge Bucklebomb and Heather pulled Jamie out of the ring before he could chain it towards his finisher, something that majorly annoyed Blockbuster. Jamie hit two Thunderbolts to get back in the match, but wouldn't have won without Adrian Garcia distracting the referee, allowing Atherton to hit a Low Blow and a Frankensteiner Driver for the win. Segment Rating: 50 SEGMENT 5: After losing their TV time, the Beat Up Battalion is more desperate for a leader than ever before, and Gargantuan's return gives them the opportunity to make a pitch. Killer Karson puts over the legitimacy of the group, Charlie Homicide says he'll be able to get whatever he wants without comeuppance, and Tongan Death Machine stands idly. Gargantuan sees the opportunity for an army, and humbly accepts the position of leader. Segment Rating: 48 MATCH 4: The 4v4. An absolutely chaotic little match, it lasted a while as we got every possible combination of the 8 men battling and a fairly slow build with some very old school, almost plodding brawling segments. When it picked up however this match was a treat, and while it's strange to say, it felt like Dubois' coming out party with the way he just got something entertaining out of all 4 monster heels. Killer Karson pinned Clause Reed with a Killer Boot, but that was only the beginning. Segment Rating: 55 SEGMENT 6: A big brawl erupted all throughout the ringside area, with the heels prevailing for most of the runtime. That was, until Gargantuan cornered Topher Smith and was about to launch him with all his might towards the guardrail. Marc Dubois managed to Dragon Suplex Gargantuan on his head, then hit the Mark of Excellence on him which made the whole Battalion retreat seeing their new leader fall. This is a major development as it's the first time Dubois has gotten one over Gargantuan, and it was put over as such by the announce team. Segment Rating: 61 MATCH 5: Ian DeColt vs Zeus Maximillion. These two worked the CGC Main Event style, mostly brawling back and forth with any attempt of Zeus to get a combo going being cut off by Ian in increasingly frustrating ways, until it became a bombfest in the latter half of the match. And these two work this style perfectly to deliver a TV main event that wouldn't look out of place in 2009 CGC. Ian hit the DeColt Driver on Zeus for an agonizing two count, and that sparked the Olympian's comeback, with a series of spears and backdrop drivers that really would have gotten Ian in the mindset of how it will be when he faces Whitlock in only a bit over two weeks. Zeus locked in the Olympian Clutch, but Ian has the trademark DeColt resilience and so poked the eyes to get out, before hitting the Identity theft for the win. Segment Rating: 60 Overall Rating: 60
  22. MAIN EVENT Kashmir Singh vs Ade Nelson Glitch vs QT PI Crash Test & The Golden Glory vs American Justice & The Legends of the Sea Mike Funk vs SUPREME Yoshida Johnny Chapman & Ollie Basham vs The Ghosts of Retribution (Phantom & Poltergeist)
  23. BATTLEGROUND JAPAN 2021 Predictions Akira Arato vs. Gidayu Katou © vs. KAZ vs. Shiba Mizoguchi for the Ride the Tiger championship Bunrakuken Torii vs. Torajiro Sekozawa Jimmy Stratosphere, Kinji Akamatsu & Torch Nakazawa vs. Billy Robinson, Motty Kuroda & Nigel Svensson A massive signing to SAISHO is announced. Motoyuki Miyake vs. Tobei Sugimura Azumamaro Kita vs. Fujio Narahashi Isoruki Arakaki & MUSCLE Serizawa © vs. The Night Terrors (Babau & Moroi) for the Destiny Tag championships Lion Genji vs. Zeshin Makioka © for the Destiny championship
  24. TITLE BOUT WRESTLING MATCH CARD FOR SUNDAY, WEEK 4 OF JULY 2018 Gargantuan & The Beat Up Battalion vs Marc Dubois & The Superfriends Tough and Glorious vs The Montreal Mafia Blockbuster vs Jamie Atherton Ian De Colt vs Zeus Maximillion Alistair Shufflebottom vs Robin DaLay OOC: This one's going to be a little late as I will have to be out of town for a few days. Thanks, thought I'd play on the "he's so made for CGC, you could sell him as a DeColt" thing by doing it as a heel schtick. Hopefully it's popular and goes well!
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