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Everything posted by AboardTheArk

  2. I did not expect this to begin with buying out APW and bringing their (like 5) good wrestlers in. Dexter rules. Different and nice format for the show.
  3. Crash TV isn't my product, but I am a sucker for making your job harder in a save by changing stuff and having consequences for those changes. Predictions No DQ Singles Match One Man Army vs. Wolf Hawkins TCW Television Championship/No DQ Match Greg Gauge (c) vs. Edd Stone No DQ Tag Team Match Ernest Youngman & Sammy Bach vs. Jeremie Courtney & Matt Hocking No DQ Singles Match Cip Conduit vs. Jay Chord Kendo Stick Match Dave Diamond vs. Joshua Taylor Also Featuring The Hot Taggs vs. Local Workes
  4. BREAKING ANNOUNCEMENT AND MATCH CARD FOR THE MONTREAL SHOW! With The Canadian Blondes of The Golden Elite unable to enter the LMS Rumble due to holding their world tag team championships, they will have to defend their gold at the PPV, and after the controversial way they won against Tough and Glorious, a rematch has been sanctioned! CARD FOR TITLE BOUT WRESTLING 6 Man Over The Top Challenge Ant-Man vs Blockbuster vs Brett Fraser Dusty Ducont vs Whippy The Clown vs Zeus Maximillion Flash vs Joey Poison Gargantuan, Ian DeColt & Jamie Atherton vs Hugh Ancrie, Marc Dubois & Skip Beau Chucky Dorrance, Dapper Danny Draper & Nathan Black vs Generation Z & Robin DaLay Thunder & Lightning vs Lewis Frey & Sterling Whitlcok
  5. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 168, Tuesday, Week 1 of September 2018 With Last Man Standing around the corner, I thought I'd preface the CGC segment with a bit of a story of the time I was up there. Generally, I wasn't powerless as a booker even if Alex's veto was used way more often than I'd like, but for big things like the matches for the two days of the festival, Last Man Standing and debating title changes we went by committee. That committee was me, Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Ed Monton, and yes, Adrian Garcia. The first Rumble when I was booking was in 2010, and in the first few years of Alex in charge we really went overboard with booking for pre-teens, even if he had just brought me in so you'd think he wanted to make the product more adult. But I get it, he wanted to completely counter NOTBPW whose old school sensibilities and realistic style are tailor-made for older fans who don't know anything of relevance in the 21st century. Anyway, I had spent the last many months since my arrival pitching a push for Trent Shaffer, who is now in the USPW midcard doing nothing, with the pitch being that kids these days want superheroes not like the tough men of the 80's and 90's wrestling landscape, but flippy, handsome, relatable wrestlers, and that we could build Trent to be the foil to that, mirroring Ricky DeColt who was the smallest of the brothers and the one with the most modern in-ring style. That year Alex DeColt won the rumble to build to his last title reign before retiring, and Trent didn't manage to get a significant push because shortly after Gargantuan and Prometheus were pushed for their impeccable size and look. The DeColts did like Thrill Seeker more and he could have gotten a big run if the company didn't collapse with Alex's mental health issues, he's doing great in SOTBPW now, but I always wanted to keep him in the midcard because he's bald *laughs*. MATCH 1: The show opened with The Golden Elite vs Team Stiff 'Em. An excellent match that started us off with a bang, this was essentially a main event placed first on the card. The flipping of the heels was presented as dishonorable against the wrestling tradition the babyfaces represent, and we got a barn stormer. Frey held up alright even if he is by far the worst performer of the bunch due to lack of experience on TV. Atherton actually did a tiny bit more brawling, perhaps because there has never been a purely cruiserweight top guy in CGC, and he got the pin on Lewis Frey after a Dangerous Brainbuster. Segment Rating: 65 SEGMENT 1: Jamie Atherton gets a microphone, and essentially says that he's so much better than anyone else, he is willing to have a match at Last Man Standing before entering the Rumble, and is issuing a challenge to the locker room to face him if they can. His character is simple, his nickname literally "cocky-as-hell" which you can't do much with, but his promo game has been top tier since day 1, and that also rings true when the material is super simple, which it will be sometimes. Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 2: Quibble The Clown vs Robin DaLay. What a beautiful swansong by Grim Quibble to CGC, who wrestled his last match for the company for the foreseeable future: he put over a young wrestler he didn't click well with, salvaging a watchable match on his own. Perfectly fitting for this run when he put on banger after banger but only won like one match. Not much to say other than that really, Robin's deadlift powerbomb is cool but he's not a complete wrestler yet. Segment Rating: 45 SEGMENT 2: Jenny Playmate is backstage and is doing a segment highlighting the tradition of the Last Man Standing rumble. The most unusual wishes by winners, cool moments, and the records: Most eliminations ever (Jack DeColt, 53). Most eliminations in a single match (Annihilus: 18). Longest time lasted combined (Eddie Chandler, about 11 hours). Longest time lasted in a single match (Alex DeColt, 67 minutes). Just cool stuff, and Jenny is charismatic and overqualified for this role. Segment Rating: 69 SEGMENT 3: Ian DeColt recruits Curtis Mobstar for the main event, and he reluctantly accepts getting an "IOU" in the process. This match was announced earlier this week, so this gets penalized for making no sense other than further establishing Mobstar as not-an-actual heel. Segment Rating: 53 MATCH 3: Reed, Dubois and the Topher vs Gargantuan, Killer Karson and Charlie Homicide. This was alright, without Ant-man this was just like one good wrestler short from being a pretty cool match, but it still did its job. Shockingly, Topher Smith rolled Charlie Homicide up for the win and the babyfaces were out of there very quickly to not get attacked. Segment Rating: 54 SEGMENT 4: Gargantuan is pissed off he didn't get to take Dubois out of action to not compete in the Rumble, so he accepts his offer to have these two start the Rumble off, just to make sure Dubois is not getting that title shot over him. Segment Rating: 62 MATCH 4: Dusty Ducont and Hugh Ancrie vs The Montreal Mafia. This was the whole "heels are just too big assholes to work well together", so we got a huge surprise as the Montreal Mafia beat them. I reckon most of the time these 8 months the real team has beat the fake one, so it was refreshing to see them keep that going. This match was really good too, Hugh Ancrie shows out every time in the ring, and he took the pin too as Dermott Ayres hit a Fisherman Driver on him for the win. Ducont losing on his second match is a choice but I guess he did leave his partner hanging on purpose so he's protected. Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 5: Generation Z (w/Lizzie Spellmann) & Skip Beau vs Blockbuster, Ian DeColt and Curtis Mobstar. This wasn't very good, Generation Z aren't quite ready for big roles but they are better than the start of the year. Being in the ring with 3 guys who are having career years definitely helps them however, this wasn't main event worthy but it was worthy of being on the show. Yet another surprise finish as well, maybe this was just a show to experiment for Adrian, as Generation Z debuted a tag finisher, a one hand face crusher/cutter combo called Viral Own which, whatever. Blockbuster took another pin which I do find funny, he definitely didn't have "being pinned by Flip Simkins" on his 2018 bingo. Segment Rating: 48 SEGMENT 5: Skip cuts a promo to send the crowd home happy, putting Generation Z over as the future of the company, and reminding people they helped him defend Alex DeColt's honor at Ultimate Showdown. He dubbed himself and the kids "The Power House Army"... I guess Garcia has been watching BHOTWG tapes because it seems like we're having faction wars in CGC. Segment Rating: 48 Overall Rating: 54
  6. Let's. Go. As much as I think CEW are finally a good answer to RAW's dominance since they're full of pretty boys who can go hardcore, I'll always dislike them for stealing Pinn enterprises from their home. Thrilled to have ypu back. It's not lost on me that you were kinda sorta maybe teasing a women's division as year one was ending. Kickass, innovative DIW will hit different (also finally have some more talent on that midcard lol).
  7. Ah, I almost got the clean sweep but my bias got me! Good show overall, honestly when I book puro I build matchups but it never flows as well from show to show as this. This is good work you guys do on your puro diaries. Great stuff. SANADA! That's awesome. What a cool return. A bit calmer seeing NOAH busting out this stacked show after watching you have almost all their good wrestlers. Soma Watanabe rules except when they make him do MMA fights lol. Now, on to Aoyagi vs Watase please.
  8. Thanks for keeping up! Hope life's been going well and you can be back, I miss the DIW diary as well. I think ever since we hit high 40's in popularity and the ratings went up it's so much easier for me to experiment and get people over. Next few months will be interesting with some title changes coming and probably getting to Medium by early 2019.
  9. Sean McFly & Thunder & Lightning vs. Elite (Christian Price & The Dynamite Express) - 6 Man Elimination. Sonny Wildside & Generation Z vs. The Brothers Cain & Mr. Impact - 6 Man Elimination. Brooke Tyler, Nina Cacace & Laura Flame vs. Lauren Easter, Zoe Ammis & Claire Winters - 6 Woman Elimination. The Queen's Court vs. Amber Allen, Sally Anne Christianson & ? - 6 Woman Elimination/3-on-2 Elimination Handicap. The DeColt Boys & Mikey James vs. Sayeed Ali & Iron Might - 6 Man Elimination. Cameron Vessey, Shooter Sean Deeley & Jared Johnson vs. Aaron Knight, Donte Dunn & Skip Beau - 6 Man Elimination.
  10. Atherton keeps getting over at a more rapid pace than anyone else on the roster. He's insane and is now getting the best in-ring grades in the company over Dubois and Ian Identity.
  11. HUGE TAG MAIN EVENT! MUSICAL GUESTS! ALL PROCEEDS GO TO COMBAT ANTI-HOMELESS VIOLENCE BY THE STATE! As we're heading closer to Free The People, this edition of GWS Warfare will be special for different reasons than the January one, with Chat Pile coming in as musical entertainment and a big charity fund taking place! But the in-ring action isn't an afterthought- the next big title matches will be revealed and the matches we get will be tantalizing and unpredictable! Match Card Kosmo Supreme & Realm vs The Wolverines Samson Domoina vs Shannon Sorensen Ciclope & The Wild Things vs Ray Lisbon & Sons of Ragnarr The Hammer Bros vs Devon Homicide & Sam Bailey Mark Gunn vs Cole Younger Leonardo Di Fiore & Yusef Miller vs Trent Brooke & Redd
  12. Seeing as I love one half of the CWA, I will be watching this diary! Match Card: Amber Allen (c) vs. Jessica Conroy (w/ Nadia Snow & Deborah Young) - CWA Women's Championship The Dynamite Express (c) & The Brothers Cain vs. Thunder & Lightning & Generation Z Lauren Easter vs. Demelza Wade The Griffin Family vs. ??? - If The Griffin Family win, they are the next contenders for the World Tag Team Championship.
  13. BACK IN MONTREAL, TITLE BOUT WRESTLING WITH ALLIANCE WARFARE! Match Card Skip Beau and Generation Z vs Ian DeColt, Curtis Mobstar and Blockbuster Marc Dubois, Clause Reed & Topher Smith vs Gargantuan, Charlie Homicide and Killer Karson Team Stiff 'Em vs The Golden Elite Quibble The Clown vs Robin DaLay Hugh Ancrie & Dusty Ducont vs The Montreal Mafia
  14. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 167, Tuesday Week 4 of August 2018 Well, interesting trajectory for CGC after Battle Beyond, as for anyone who doesn't know they re-established the famous Elite stable that was the biggest heel draw for the company in the 00's and early 10's when I was there. This mirrors the rumored plans of TCW to bring The Syndicate back, before they decided to go with the Andrews/Hawkins double turn that has affected the course of their history ever since. However, this Elite revival is remarkable for the fact that there is no connecting tissue to the first version other than a technically-not-fired Adrian Garcia. SEGMENT 1: And the show opens with The Golden Elite talking. Jamie Atherton, Flash, Ozzie Golden, Adrian Garcia, and Heather are in the middle of the ring. Atherton is the one who does most of the talking. And his promo is fairly simple if quite long-winded. He's 2-0 against Alex DeColt. His partners are tag team champions and they have beaten pretty much everyone there is to beat. The group is called "The Golden Elite", because all three of them are blond and worth their weight in gold. And he said when he debuted that he's going to win the CGC World Championship in 2018, which is why he's entering the Last Man Standing Rumble, and he's going to win it and use it to become CGC World Champion, and have the whole Golden Elite draped in, well gold. This served its purpose but other than it going too long, it gets downgraded for a very repetitive performance by Curt Meritt at the Announcer table. Segment Rating: 52 MATCH 1: Philippe LeGrenier vs Robin DaLay. I think LeGrenier choosing to go the comedy wrestler route has killed his pushed due to too many heels in the company, but he can still be relied upon to give a good performance and he also has the gig at FCW so it's not all too bad. Robin DaLay showed his first real mark of improvement with a really solid match here, mostly dominating by taking advantage of Philippe's vanity, and hitting the Deadlift Powerbomb for the win. Segment Rating: 43 SEGMENT 2: Robin and Faith get on the mic to express the fact that they're grateful they can leave the dad stuff in the past, and they're moving on to the Rumble. Robin places a goal for himself: survive for at least half an hour, eliminate 5 wrestlers, and shock the world. Faith pleads for the fans' votes to place Robin closer to a spot that can compete for the win. Pretty straightforward stuff, but both of them have been improving as talkers lately, they might be a good act soon. Segment Rating: 49 SEGMENT 3: Alex DeColt has called the CGC World Champion Ian DeColt in his office for a very important talk. Alex says that he was preoccupied with the threat to his safety posed by Atherton and Garcia's alliance, but he's been very concerned with what Ian has been doing. He says he doesn't want to minimize his experience and risk mocking his life by doing stuff like "if Ian loses a match he provides a DNA sample", but Ian needs to understand that they do background checks on the DeColt Power House trainees, and they haven't known about anything as big as this. Ian says there is no reason they would know as it's a very big secret in his own family, and Alex completely cuts it off, reminding him that this is very much a hit to the reputation of the late George DeColt, so if there's any sort of lies involved, Ian will pay a very hefty price. Which is why, Alex has found another way to see if Ian is a "true DeColt", and it will be to see how he manages to defend his CGC World Championship. He informs Ian that he will meet his next challenger for the title soon, and Ian is dismissed, but manages to protest a bit as he leaves the office. Segment Rating: 77 (WITH the commentator penalty) MATCH 2: Thunder & Lightning vs The Montreal Mafia. Finally, Thunder & Lightning get something to work with, as they have a very good fast-paced contest with the team that was at the top of the division a couple months ago. The Mafia were really giving, allowing their opponents to shine like the indie legends they are, and then put them over too! In a very shocking turn of events, while, the Mafia were going for stereo submissions, Thunder managed to reverse the Montreal Crab into a pinning predicament and grab a huge upset win that I've been calling for on this podcast for a while. Segment Rating: 63 SEGMENT 4: A dejected Ian DeColt is wandering in the backstage area clutching his world title after the news he got, and he bumps into the Canadian Chaos Champion, Skip Beau. Skip beams up, and informs him that since neither of them can enter the Rumble, it was strongly suggested by the boss that Skip Beau vs Ian DeColt happens for the CGC World Championship. You know, given that Skip has a win over him, at the Wrestlefestival, where he got the title he's holding off of him. A pissed off Ian tells him to put his own belt on the line, to which Skip replies "So, you want me to pick the stipulation?" Which makes Ian backtrack in panic. He tells him off and storms away. Segment Rating: 63 MATCH 3: Ant-Man vs Dusty Ducont. These two did not click together. The attempt was to have a throwback match all about Ant-Man trying to lift Dusty, built around the pop for the big slams then of course, it's Dusty's debut. But as a result to them not meshing well together, this felt like an 80's SWF match in the worst way possible, very boring and too long. For 15 minutes Ant-Man was struggling, then he hit a big powerslam, Dusty kicked out at one, hit a Thrown Powerbomb and won. Other than the finish at least Ant-Man did look good in this match, but still. What a waste of a big debut. Segment Rating: 38 MATCH 4: Clause Reed vs Tongan Death Machine. They hit each other hard in an old-fashioned brawl, the rest of the Battalion tried to interfere, Topher Smith and Marc Dubois saved the integrity of the contest, Reed hit the Log Saw, he won. A blow dealt to Gargantuan's chances of winning the Last Man Standing Rumble for the second time, losing a servant. Segment Rating: 42 SEGMENT 5: Marc Dubois taunts an off-screen Gargantuan, and offers him another way to settle things: start the Rumble at numbers 1 and 2. Besides, everyone knows that since it's a popularity contest Dubois has an advantage over the genetically modified killing machine in terms of entrance number, so he'll give Gargantuan a chance to consider it. Segment Rating: 67 MATCH 5: The Golden Elite vs Sterling Whitlock & Tough and Glorious. A 20 minute match that served as the re-introduction of Jamie Atherton as a main event player, because his performance was insane. Worthy of a platform like TCW or INSPIRES or WLW offer. Another match brought down by the inexperienced color commentator, nevertheless it was very entertaining with back and forth action and some awesome heel work by the stable who are doing pretty well together. The faces mostly spend their time getting cut off, but the hot tag from Poison to Whitlock gets the crowd in Quebec City really hyped up and cheering, giving everyone a lariat and backdropping Ozzie Golden to death. Some well-done cheating by Atherton's entourage tilts the playing field, and Atherton manages to pin Brett Fraser with a Poisonrana into a weird pinning combination where he kind of puts his whole weight into the legs of Fraser. Good stuff to begin with from this new group. Segment Rating: 64 Overall Rating: 66
  15. This was an excellent show. The long Garry promo, Supreme Yoshida, the great Deuce face turn, great stuff.
  16. What terrible news about HAYATA going back to NOAH. Hate that guy. Predictions: Shuji Ishikawa, Hikaru Sato & Dan Tamura vs. Takao Omori, Ryuji Hijikata & Yusuke Okada This was the first match I genuinely didn't lean either way, so let's just go with Evolution staying struggling. Yuma Aoyagi & Rising HAYATO vs. Kengo Mashimo & Yusuke Kodama It's Yuma Aoyagi Yu Iizuka Challenge Series Mizuki Watase vs. Yu Iizuka If Watase loses, I riot Koji Iwamoto & "X" vs. Jake Lee & Hokuto Omori Go X! Who is the new member of JIN ("X")? I'm not perfectly versed in AJPW factions, but Kuma Arashi hasn't made an appearance and I think he's good, so let's go with that big boy. I don't want to also vote on an outsider, but can't help but notice Takuya Nomura has also not appeared despite doing great with AJPW irl. GAORA TV ChampionshipZeus (C) vs. Suwama Zeus has a whole company to run in Osaka dammit, SuwamaWinsLol All Asia Tag Team ChampionshipJun Akiyama & Kotaro Suzuki (C) vs. Minoru Suzuki & TAJIRI One of the teams having Tajiri swayed me but the signs are the heels win tbh AJPW Tag Team ChampionshipRyuki Honda & Shotaro Ashino (C) vs. Go Shiozaki & Kaito Kiyomiya In all honesty I wouldn't do it cause in my mind they're still outsiders but not in your universe. This feud isn't over. AJPW Jr. Heavyweight ChampionshipAtsuki Aoyagi (C) vs. Daisuke Harada Got to do Aoyagi vs Watase. Triple Crown ChampionshipKento Miyahara (C) vs. Naoya Nomura Kento is world class in TEW (and very good irl), so he's holding the belt until Yuma is ready in my opinion. Who will be announced as the new PWF Chairman? Toshiaki Kawada.
  18. LuchaSlam XXV - predictions card: 1- Campeonato de Universal title match - Nicolas Lopez © Vs Hijo Del Mephisto Comment: A really tough choice for me as a huge Hijo Del Mephisto fan, but you have more rudo challengers than tecnico ones at the moment so logically this reign goes on a tiny bit longer until Hijo del Espaja gets pushed, blue phantom maybe, Extraordinario Jr could turn, who knows. HDM still has to vanquish Flores for good! 2- Campeonato de las Mujeres title match - Celeste Moon © Vs Electric Dreamer Vs Amazon Queen Comment: let's keep the chase going 3- Phoenix II Vs El Critico Comment: IV is beating El Critico at some point, not someone before that 4- Campeonatos de Parejas title match - Space Invaders (Cosmic Rider & Extranjero Loco) © vs The Freedom Family (Luis Montero Jr & Tricolor Jr) vs Evil Intent (Hellspawn 666 & Slayyer) vs The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy & Storm Spillane w/Emilia Reyes) Comment: The Americans are winning because the head booker is American 5- COTT World Heavyweight Title - Pablo Rodriguez © Vs Marcos Flores Comment: Pablo would rather retire than job 6- Mystery Pink Vs La Hija del Diablo Comment: We need a steady supply of tecnico winners for such a big show 7- Campeonato de Mexico title match - Disturbed © Vs Dragon Americano Vs El Hijo de Espado Roja Comment: He has a manager and the other two hate each other 8- Campeonatos de Trios title match - Psycho Circus (Hellech, Payaso Jr & Pierrot) © Vs Remmy Skye & Canadian Daredevils (Jayson Van Pelt & Kamikaze) Comment: this reign has only just begun 9 - El Pavo Real Vs Silver Tiger Comment: he's too good not to win Some Questions: 1. Do we see merit in further summaries of the other Mexican promotion's PPVs? Personally, I enjoy it especially since I am invested in the whole lucha scene of the CVerse, but honestly you make so much more money than them that it'll soon become irrelevant. Maybe highlight important things like you did with the title changes and La Estrella leaving (who I hired for one save then he got into a fight with my luchadoras about how women's wrestling sucks so I fired him). 2. The preview for LuchaSlam XXV was spread out over the last few entries - do people prefer to get them all at once or does it work having them doled out in spurts as they are being announced? I think it was well and naturally done, but selfishly if we get it in one post then maybe we get the diary going faster and this is one of my favorite ones going right now, I love basically everything.
  19. Takao Omori, Masanobu Fuchi, Yohei Nakajima, Ryo Inoue vs. Ryouji Sai, Osamu Nishimua, Yusuke Okada & Kai Fujimura Yusuke Okada is not gonna lose too many matches Yu Iizuka Challenge Series #2: Yu Iizuka vs. Andy Wu Going back on my earlier comment, it's just Andy Wu Koji Iwamoto, Ryuki Honda, Shotaro Ashino vs. Shuji Ishikawa, Joe Doering, Hikaru Sato Champs can't show too much weakness Suwama & Dan Tamura vs. Zeus & Atsushi Maruyama SuwamaWinsLol Yuma Aoyagi & Rising HAYATO vs. KAZMA Sakamoto & HAYATA I will not vote for HAYATA to win many matches for the good of my soul Jake Lee, Kengo Mashimo, Minoru Suzuki, TAJIRI vs. Jun Akiyama, Go Shiozaki, Kaito Kiyomiya, Kotaro Suzuki Is this Akiyama vs Suzuki? AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Challenger Decision Match: Daisuke Harada vs. Hokuto Omori Omori takes the title down the line, Harada puts Aoyagi over though. Kento Miyahara & Atsushi Aoyagi vs. Naoya Nomura & Mizuki Watase [DDT] Mizuki Watase is genuinely a top 20-30 wrestler in the world for my money.
  20. GWS WARFARE! Saturday, Week 1 of January 2021 Reno, NV CA: 522 MATCH 1: Brandon Morgan vs Leonardo De Fiore VS Brandon Morgan and Leonardo De Fiore started off the year for GWS with a comedy match playing on the contrast of the two. Morgan is serious and determined about finally making it in GWS, and Leonardo is a swaggy old man who is just naturally beloved by everyone. Morgan worked heel here and he did okay even if he doesn't fit comedy matches at all. Brandon Morgan kept trying to do shoot takedowns and things that he generally can't really do while Leo just brushed things off and played to the crowd. He did have to sell some actual moves as the match picked up, but The Smoke (finger flick to the eye) into Resell Value (Headlock Driver) gave the World's Greatest Grandpa the win in 7 minutes and 33 seconds! Segment Rating: 27 MATCH 2: Redd vs Samson Domoina vs Trent Brooke vs Yusef Miller VS VS VS A perfect showcase of the action this company is known for, these four went all out hitting moves and running around for 10 minutes doing stuff to each other. Gone are the days of Guy Lothario headlocks for 8 minutes while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in 5 different languages, this is what wrestling is now folks! Trent Brooke mostly anchored the match by being the more successful "veteran" of the group, but it's Yusef Miller who shone brightly with some amazing sequences like a springboard double headscissors on Trent and Redd who were brawling in the ring, or landing on his feet after every possible Samson Domoina suplex. In the end, Trent Brooke hit a big Elevated Stomp on Redd, but as he went for the pin, Yusef Miller landed from the top rope with MILLER TIME (Corkscrew double rotation Senton), threw Brooke out of the ring and pinned Redd for the most impressive win of his career so far! (9:35) Segment Rating: 37 SEGMENT: The Big Return After a small countdown, the big marquee return to the company is...former 2x GWS People's Heavyweight Champion, Shannon Sorensen! The punk rock rebel is back, and better than ever as he proclaims that he's here to cause havoc and reclaim his belt. The crowd is into it. Segment Rating: 34 MATCH 3: Mark Gunn vs Shannon Sorensen VS Mister Marvellous vs the punk rock rebel is a fairly obvious matchup, but interestingly Sorensen, a renown high flyer who has been synonymous with reckless spots is keeping things grounded, preferring to brawl with Gunn in a much grittier much than the one before, playing to the promotion's variety approach. This is fine for what it is, not the big crowdpleaser you'd expect but not really a disappointment either. Gunn holds his own until he's overpowered by the experience and toughness of the former champion, who ends things with his patented Springboard Splash. (10:23) Segment Rating: 33 MATCH 4: RED PHOENIX CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: COLE YOUNGER VS CICLOPE (C) VS Cole Younger is quite a triple thread, being able to do deathmatches, matwork matches and fly...tolerably, and Ciclope is one of the most exciting young high flying luchadors to come out of the indie scene in quite a few years, so it's no surprise that this is the best match so far. Cole tries to keep up with Ciclope which makes him look bad sometimes but tells a clear and easy to follow story, while Ciclope has one of his best performances for the company so far and really shines, which is awesome considering his inconsistency issues. Cole tries to start cheating with the help of Sierra Rosario but he misses with a sledgehammer shot and Ciclope instantly has the instincts to lock in the Ciclope Clutch (Standing Chickenwing Sleeper) for the win, getting his first successful title defense. (11:06) Segment Rating: 39 MATCH 5: The Debuting Kosmo Supreme vs Sam Bailey VS The Greco-english grappler Kosmo Supreme debuts in GWS after his travels have taken him to the USA indie scene! A man who has wrestled and impressed all over the world, a well-known technician and high flyer, this is quite a high profile arrival for the company. Sam Bailey however is not an easy man to debut against and he was here to spoil the party, forcing Kosmo to just take big stiff strikes and sell for a big part of the match. Kosmo Supreme lived up to his name however with some insane acrobatic moves that fuelled his comeback, in a match that truly stole the show. Bailey hit a very reckless Suicide Dive, but as he rolled Supreme back to the ring, he tried going for a rebound lariat and was caught by Entering The Kosmos (Tilt-A-Whirl Michinoku Driver). What a match! (15:27) Segment Rating: 52 SEGMENT: Kosmo Supreme Introduction Kosmo talks about how big of an honor it is for him to find himself in GWS, a promotion that wants to change the world as much as he wants to see it constantly change and evolve. He says he will try to become the People's champ, but first he has to earn it with earnest hard work and the ability to wow every fan with his performances. Segment Rating: 41 MATCH 6: GWS TOP MILITIA CHAMPIONSHIP LADDER MATCH: The Wild Things vs The Wolverines vs The Sons of Ragnarr (C) VS VS Ladder matches are usually either spotfests or "car crashes" that last a short amount of time but completely wreck the environment of the ringside area. This match lasted 20 minutes, and decided to fill that runtime with elaborate double team moves of ladders, constantly changing the momentum and delivering memorable spots that will live until... the next one. Despite the fact only the Wild Things were babyfaces in this match, a big part of the conflict was about the Wolverines vs the Sons of Ragnarr constantly antagonizing each other, both teams craving to be recognized as the best team in GWS history. That doesn't mean the Wild Things are slouches, as their chemistry is a sight to behold. At the end of the day, all 6 men were on ladders trying to grab the two belts hanging, and the Sons of Ragnarr went on a war path chokeslamming their opponents to the mat, or headbutting them, or driving their skull onto the ladder then hitting belt shots to throw them down. A beautiful match with an ugly end, and no doubt left as to who's the winner. Probably the match of the night. (20:07) Segment Rating: 52 MAIN EVENT: GWS People's Heavyweight Championship: Ray Lisbon vs Realm (C) VS Watching Realm wrestle a 20 minute match at his age without it being structured around being a very slow match is definitely a sight to behold, and proof that getting this title isn't just a move to cash-in off of wrestling hipsters who would insist "actually Realm was good, that gimmick combined with some martial arts sensibilities in the product would have produced some beast wrestling fr" and WWW nostalgia freaks. Sadly, Ray Lisbon is not good enough to keep up (although he is fit enough, this match is fine it doesn't have glaring holes). But he is beloved enough to put Realm's heel work over beautifully. This is not a waste of time or anything, it just has to follow to kick-ass matches. Lisbon gets a really close nearfall with a Shooting Star Press, but Realm "levels up" and hits his shoot-style combos before ending things with a N-Ice Kick to the skull. (20:23). Segment Rating: 46 Overall Rating: This show was fairly promising, it's not one of the best GWS has ever put on, not even close, but considering the huge roster turnover, it sold me on some of the younger guys I haven't sen much and the two new debuts are much-needed starpower and depth. Considering they have money to play with, there will probably be more surprises and upgrades as the year goes on, especially considering The Wolverines are probably TV-bound. 50 rating from me for a solid show. Maybe more promos next time? An entertainment guest? There's room for upwards mobility, which is exciting.
  21. Well, I have some obvious questions about my beloved NOAH in this universe! But this looks lovely, AJPW is great to run with in TEW, Kento anchors everything and you can build on the myriad of young talents (seriously that dojo is insane, only DG is better). Suwama, Shuji Ishikawa, Joe Doering vs. Ryouji Sai, Takao Omori, Zeus SuwamaWinsLol Yu Iizuka vs. Ryuji Hijikata If I were booking, Lizuka loses most of his challenge series matches but still does well Atsushi Maruyama, Yohei Nakajima, Yusuke Okada vs. Hokuto Omori, Yusuke Kodama, TAJIRI This could go either way I just think Hokuto Omori is good Daisuke Harada, Kotaro Suzuki vs. Hikaru Sato, Dan Tamura These are two of the best junior heavyweight wrestlers in histor- well three of them, and Dan Tamura who is really cool. Give me my guys for obvious reasons. Koji Iwamoto, Ryuki Honda, Shotaro Ashino vs. Jun Akiyama, Go Shiozaki, Kaito Kiyomiya Go and Kaito tag belt challenge, mirroring Ashino/Honda Kento Miyahara, Naoya Nomura, Yuma Aoyagi, Atsushi Aoyagi, Rising HAYATO vs. Jake Lee, Kengo Mashimo, KAZMA Sakamoto, HAYATA, "X" I just think Jake Lee and HAYATA are mid so I will go with the faces despite the existence of a mystery opponent Who is "X": Yuji Okabayashi New Year's Battle Royal Winner: Naora Nomuya, who challenges for the Triple Crown
  22. We needed a TCW dynasty, they're ever present in here fr THE MAIN EVENT THREE-WAY DANCE FOR NUMBER ONE CONTENDERSHIP SAMMY BACH vs WOLF HAWKINS vs JOSHUA TAYLOR Taylor lost at Psycho Circus in lore, so Hawkins wins here just to not get the usual build to Total Mayhem TCW TELEVISION TITLE MATCH GREG GAUGE (C) vs BART BIGGINS Greg isn't losing more than 4 matches this year, this will not be one of them DOC HAMMOND vs ONE MAN ARMY Maybe not every heel wins DEVINE FORTUNE (DARYL DEVINE & CHANCE FORTUNE) vs THE ELITE (EDDIE CHANDLER & NATE JONES) I'm the biggest Eddie Chandler fan in the world, what can I say? Elite forever! SHOCKING MATT HOCKING vs T-BONE BRIGHT Need some faces to win! NICK BOOTH w/ EDDIE PEAK vs MIGHT MO w/ TANA THE MIGHTY Mighty Mo isn't losing to Nick Booth in any dynasty ever at any point in the history of TEW FREDDY HUGGINS w/ LAURA CATHERINE HUGGINS vs DANNY FONZARELLI Freddie Huggins is Austin Aries if he wasn't a terrible human being, and he deserves to hold all titles in TCW.
  23. 1. Dustin LeFever vs. Kamei Takauji 2. The Runaways (Erik van Rijn & Bruiser Cassidy) vs. Goro Nemoto & Kwon Ha-neul 3. Kozue & Utamara vs. Jin Fujiwara & SHOGUN 4. Hall of the United Throne (Hyotaru Ichigawa, Daijiro Otsuka & Otojiro Ikina) vs. Kinjo-jidai (Torture, Waotaka Eda & Mr. Yamashita) 5. Hall of the United Throne (Ryotaro Naruto, Captain UPJ & Takanori Sakurai) vs. Des Miller, Jayden Cole & Lobo 6. HardRockCity (Juro Deguchi, Danger Asahara & TOKI INK) vs. Oda Yamawaki & Yamahara (Koji Yamada & Ukon Kajahara) 7. UPJ JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: The Fallen (Cameron Cody & Junichi Matsuo) © vs. Tokyo Tigers (Nakano Yuki & Ryuko Mishamoto) (1st defense) 8. UPJ INTERNATIONAL HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Kintaro Kinjo © vs. Taheiji Ebisawa (1st defense)
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