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Everything posted by AboardTheArk

  1. PSW New Year Revolution PSW Championship - Steel Circle rules Nelson Callum© vs Logan Wolfsbaine Ernest Youngman vs Xavi Ferrera baby PSW National title Sayeed Ali © vs a hardcore legend Ash Campbell vs Little Bill Lebowski Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Austin Smooth Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix PSW Tag Team titles Samoan Destruction Inc© vs Rich & Famous let's get it, cool start with the previews
  2. Thank you, this was quite a challenge to write even if it's a very abridged text that could have used more detail but I think I'm happy with how it turned out. I'm considering changing the default "main event spotlight" focus at the end of the year, it made sense in the era of the DeColt brothers that mostly held and challenged for the title, it made sense when the save started and we couldn't have good matches to save our lives. I am saying this because this might have been the best PPV of the year otherwise. The newcomers are all here just for the tournament, but also some of them are on the list of signings for the seemingly approaching day we turn profitable, so just a nice little "get to know them" moment. I have the brackets of the tournament ready, will be booking the next run of shows tomorrow probably, so I don't know how many of them will make a real impression in the tournament itself. I was very conflicted with Atherton's wish, because I stated as the goal of his arc being the world championship in year 1. But I decided that a) he can feel confident in securing the title in the next three months and b) I can play this for some behind the scenes stuff that I do once every few in-game months. Also, that man is insane, he loses very often and his popularity is never hurt, he always just bounces back. I guess that's the power of rolling a legendary gimmick.
  3. If possible I would like a CGC-style Versus logo to use for matches in my diary. I know people are familiar with the company in general but here's the logo I use regardless for the color scheme. Thanks in advance!
  4. CGC LAST MAN STANDING 2018 REPORT Venue: Molson Palais Des Sports Confirmed Attendance: 3729 PPV Buys: 23,351 MATCH 1: BRADFORD PEVERELL (FCW) & MARK GRIFFIN (ZEN: S) VS GREG BLACK (CZCW) & TEDDY THOMPSON (TFW) VS This interpromotional contest between contestants of the George DeColt memorial cup brings FCW's former star (pre-billionaire takeover), now midcarder Bradford Peverell teaming up with former NOTBPW hot prospect Mark Griffin who is now plying his trade with ZEN: Saskatoon against former SWF and PSW star Greg Black and British Columbia native Teddy Thompson, a semi-active MMA fighter who is still learning wrestling under the legendary Dread in TFW. This match doesn't last too long, it's just an excuse for the wrestlers to trade their most popular spots and acquaint themselves to a CGC crowd, but it still ends with a surprise. The rookie Teddy Thompson gets a Guillotine Choke on Peverell out of nowhere and makes him tap out easily. Segment Rating: 53 MATCH 2: SEAN MCFLY VS FRANKIE DEE (4C) VS The legendary Sean McFly's opponent is 3-time 4C Champion and martial arts expert Frankie Dee. Someone somewhere on an internet forum just got their dream match fulfilled in the place they least expected it. Dee is a hot independent commodity in his prime, and for 15 minutes he goes toe to toe against Sean McFly, getting good shots in in-between scraps for control where McFly works his arm. This contest has a level of intensity different to anything CGC has done this year, even if they've done a lot of work towards modernizing their ring-work. Dee hits a Roundhouse Kick that knocks McFly down, then tries to get the pin with the La Mgistra but Sean manages just barely to kick out. Frankie knows he needs to completely unload with strikes to have a chance the longer the match goes on, but he partly keeps damaging his own arm, which helps McFly get enough recovery to use his experience, slowly work the arm again, and end things with a wrist-clutch Delorean Driver (Psycho Driver). A thrilling contest, CGC's BEST MATCH of the year. Segment Rating: 71 SEGMENT 1: Post-Match Interview Jenny Playmate interviews Sean McFly after his CGC debut, and he gives props to Frankie Dee for his excellent performance, then says he's here to honor a legend who has passed, someone who paved the way for him to wrestle in Canada. He is thrilled to wrestle again on Sunday at Title Bout Wrestling, and will be watching the rest of this PPV with great interest. Segment Rating: 64 MATCH 3: CGC WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: TOUGH AND GLORIOUS VS THE CANADIAN BLONDES (C) The rematch between Tough and Glorious and the Canadian Blondes surpassed the first match. Working a very traditional tag match centered around exciting things like leg selling and Fraser wrecking the Blondes whenever he's in, but also being too old to maintain that dominance. This dragged a bit too much to be considered among the very best matches for the year in the company, but it was proper heel/face tag dynamics. The finish included a ref bump and belt shots, a 450 splash from Flash, Fraser blading, and Ozzie Golden grabbing Poison's tights on the winning roll up. You can honestly connect the dots on exactly what this match was by this. Segment Rating: 59 MATCH 4: HUGH ANCRIE VS JAMIE ATHERTON VS These two tried really hard to surpass the Dee/McFly match going all out doing the physical independent match routine. Jamie in particular was more focused than usual in the action instead of engaging the crowd, there was quite a bit of "cool" no-selling, and presenting these two as evenly matched. Ancrie goes for the Crying Game early but Atherton manages to slip out and counter into a Sliced Bread for a nearfall. Jamie spends the second part of the match trying to wrestle more like a regular wrestler than a high flyer, which he's been trying lately to fit the main event style of the company more. And this is his undoing, as he's outmatched by the wrestling perfection of Hugh Ancrie and takes some neck-crunching suplexes. Atherton goes for the Dangerous Brainbuster. Ancrie knees him to get off, and as Heather gets on the apron to distract the ref, Ancrie thinks faster, pushes Atherton to her, she takes a bump and as he turns around to check on her, Reverse DDT, Crying Game, and Atherton taps out! Segment Rating: 65 SEGMENT 2: Hype Video The purpose of the video is to highlight the parallels of the rise of Skip Beau and Ian DeColt and their respective rises to the top of the company, centered around their Wrestlefestival Day 2 match. Some generic rock music from the mid-2010s plays in the background, and it's a well done video package but it never gets good grades so maybe I should stop doing them! Segment Rating: 46 MATCH 5: CGC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: SKIP BEAU VS IAN DECOLT The house style was represented once again, with Ian controlling the match and Skip getting shine every few minutes with big spots. Slowly building and building to the moment where Skip absolutely whoops Ian's ass and they brawl to the outside. Skip removes the padding on the announcers table and hits the Flow Down through the table, breaking it in the process, making the crowd of 4000 people go crazy for the first table spot of the year in the company. He fireman carries Ian in the ring and tries to go for another Flow Down but Ian holds onto the ropes with all his might and survives temporarily. Skip changes course of action trying to suplex him but Ian stays down and overpowers him for a suplex of his own. He then hits the Wild Ride for a 2.9 count and exits the ring again to get his belt and bounce. Skip Beau catches up to him and they brawl in the crowd with the referee exercising good judgement and waiting for Skip to set things right. Beau headbutts Ian repeatedly to get both of them back to ringside and they trade skull throws to the steel post, going back in at an extremely generous count of 9. They begin trading punches slowly to get the crowd to boo and cheer accordingly, and when Skip wins the exchange Ian kneels in front of him. He shouts and signals for the fans to go crazy and goes on to lift Ian for the Flow Down, but Ian was playing possum and he hits the Identity Theft. 1...2...3! Ian DeColt has beaten Skip Beau, sort of fair and square! Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 6: LAST MAN STANDING RUMBLE Dubois and Gargantuan start the match off, in a struggle for controL. Gargantuan tries to clutch the wrists, Dubois moves fast using kicks to get separation, they lock up again, mostly scrapping, Gargantuan grabs and deadlifts Marc from behind doing his best to get him towards elimination, Dubois uses the ropes to push back and snapmare, and in general it’s more intense than flashy in the early going. ENTRY #3: CHUCKY DORRANCE Chucky looks at who’s in the ring and decides to wait for his partner in crime in team CD at ringside. Dubois and Gargantuan up the pace and get a lot closer to eliminating each other, getting the crowd more into the action, particularly thrilling is a moment where Dubois plays possum after a shoulder block and gets Gargantuan over the ropes, with the monster barely holding on. ENTRY #4: FLIP SIMKINS Flip comes in with absolute fervor to impress and cooperates with Dubois to inflict damage to the legs of Gargantuan, with a lot of springboard actions and dropkicks to the knee. A lariat from Gargantuan turns him inside out, but he’s not eliminated yet because Dubois hits a deadlift German Suplex on Gargantuan that is perhaps the spot of the year so far. ENTRY #5: ALYX WINTERS With the entirety of Generation Z at Dubois’ disposal, they batter the genetically modified killing machine, and only get fought off barely. All three together get close to eliminating him, but by that point #6 is entering. ENTRY #6: CHARLIE HOMICIDE The acolyte of Gargantuan sprints in and saves him from surefire humiliation. Together they balance things out by battering the rookies of Generation Z, eliminating Flip Simkins. ENTRY #7: DAPPER DANNY DRAPER Danny joins Chucky Dorrance and follows him to the ring… for a second before assaulting him from behind and throwing him to the wolves, getting Chucky eliminated in a matter of at most 5 seconds. He then kicks him while he’s down, entering the ring while the four men inside are busy. He gangs up on Alyx Winters with Charlie Homicide and they eliminate him together. ENTRY #8: STEVIE GRAYSON The hyperactive hat guy comes to Marc Dubois’ aid as he was in with 3 heels, and gets a lot of shine by completely outmatching Homicide and Draper with high energy offense. He tries to go toe to toe with Gargantuan which is a mistake as he’s absolutely hurled with a Gorilla Slam, and is not eliminated only due to Dubois’ intervention. ENTRY #9: CLAUSE REED The Lumberhunk is fired up for his first rumble and instantly comes in targeting Charlie Homicide due to his months’ long feud with the beat-up battalion. This allows equal one-on-one fights between the other competitors and Grayson with Draper eliminating each other. Reed is excited after stomping Homicide in the corner and turns around to brawl with Gargantuan, actually getting ground on him for a bit before getting headbutted. ENTRY #10: TOPHER SMITH Finally the faces get a significant numerical advantage, with another Superfriend joining in and being a whirlwind of offense in every way. Gargantuan is as dangerous as a corner animal however and he manages to withstand the barrage of strikes he’s bombarded with while Charlie tries to chill in the corner and not be noticed and eliminated. ENTRY #11: KILLER KARSON The other acolyte of Gargantuan enters and delivers Killer Boots to every babyface, the first finishers of the match. In the ensuing brawl, Charlie Homicide and Clause Reed are thrown out by Topher Smith and Gargantuan respectively. ENTRY #12: THUNDER Thunder is a bit of a neutral in the conflict and attacks everyone with equal opportunity and fervor. He shines early by being the freshest man, before settling into brawling with Topher Smith in a corner while Karson tries to fight with Dubois. ENTRY #13: LIGHTNING Lightning joins his partner instantly pummeling poor Topher Smith while Dubois spends most time fending both Karson and a recovered Gargantuan off, surviving within an inch of his life. Sheepishly, Karson and Gargantuan switch their focus to Thunder and Lightning, hammering the lightweights. ENTRY #14: CURTIS MOBSTAR Wielding a kendo stick, Mobstar enters the ring and instantly breaks it on Gargantuan’s thick skull, using the broken half to defend himself alongside Dubois. Smith is still chilling in the corner while Thunder and Lightning are selling. ENTRY #15: ZEUS MAXIMILLION The Demigod himself marks the halfway point of the match and just strikes everyone down with lariats and spears and the power of having cool sunglasses. After a comedy spot where he tries to convince Thunder and Lightning to aid him due to their names, he gets beaten down by Killer Karson and it’s his turn to chill in the corner as Topher Smith almost eliminates Lightning from behind but Thunder saves him. ENTRY #16: PHILIPPE LEGRENIER LeGrenier is too vain to be fired up, and immediately as he enters the ring he regrets his decision. Mobstar starts chasing him off with his half of a kendo stick, and Philippe prefers to eliminate himself rather than risk a scar to his perfect body. Karson eats a Mark of Excellence by Dubois. ENTRY #17: ROBIN DALAY The second generation superstar has the correct priorities and instantly begins fighting the behemoth to give the other babyfaces a breather. Thunder and Lightning finally manage to eliminate Topher Smith. Mobstar chokes Dubois. ENTRY #18: BRETT FRASER Brett wants to hunt Karson, absolutely bitchslapping him repeatedly to comical ends. Thunder and Lightning double team Curtis Mobstar while Gargantuan finally gets the upper hand on Robin DaLay and almost eliminates him before Dubois and Fraser save the young man. ENTRY #19: Ant-Man The final Superfriend joins the action and instantly picks up and throws Karson to the outside, eliminating him. He body slams Gargantuan and screams, but then Thunder and Lightning assault him, with Fraser and Maximillion assaulting them, and Robin DaLay gets the second half of the kendo stick and begins swordfighting with Mobstar. ENTRY #20: DAN DALAY Dan DaLay instantly eliminates Zeus Maximillion and hits a BACKFIST! to everyone standing, other than his son who dodges it and gives a hearty laugh about it. Dan headbutts him and goes for the DaLay Down, but Robin rebalances and has him in the perfect position for the move, but as he’s about to hit it Gargantuan eliminates both father and son. ENTRY #21: DERMOTT AYRES The Montreal Mafioso knows his partner is joining him shortly so he just joins Fraser in putting the boots to Thunder, while Curtis Mobstar hits the Implanter DDT on Lightning and Ant-Man almost eliminates Gargantuan by himself but takes a series of forearms for his troubles. Dubois seems spent by this point and spends more time selling than doing anything else. ENTRY #22: MARC RAISIN The united Montreal Mafia dominate Thunder and Lightning. Ant-Man and Mobstar find themselves in an epic brawl. Dubois just sells for the lightest of Gargantuan strikes. Fraser saves the Quebecois from elimination and takes an ULTIMATE BACKBREAKAAAAAH! ENTRY #23: STERLING WHITLOCK Whitlock brings the energy that hasn’t been there for a couple entrances and gives everyone a Lariat! that throws them off their shoes. He throws Thunder and Lightning out, seemingly knocks Gargantuan out, and is only stopped by an Implanter DDT by an exhausted Mobstar who was lurking. ENTRY #24: WHIPPY THE CLOWN Whippy doesn’t instantly enter the ring, he waits for everyone to get back to default mode before he slides in and eliminates a Brett Fraser who was choking Gargantuan. He lets out a Joker laugh, dodges an incoming Whitlock and hits him with a Clowning Around. He locks in the Why So Serious Lock on Dubois while the Mafia are focused on Ant-Man. ENTRY #25: BLOCKBUSTER It’s been getting crowded, so Blockbuster instantly throws out both members of the Montreal Mafia. He hits the BusterBomb on Mobstar and joins Whippy in beating the crap out of Dubois. His ego overcomes him and he starts coming into blows with Gargantuan which slows his progress and dominance over the match. ENTRY #26: JOEY POISON Joey wants nothing more than to scrap with Whippy, which gives Dubois some time to recover. Blockbuster manages to suplex Gargantuan, but he turns into Ant-Man who lifts and throws him out in an insane display of strength! Ant-Man celebrates but Mobstar kendo sticks him to the back of the head and eliminates him as well in a shocking moment. Gargantuan attacks Curtis but Dubois on autopilot superkicks the Genetically Modified Killing Machine. ENTRY #27: HUGH ANCRIE Ancrie gives everyone a belly to belly suplex before meeting his match in Whitlock. Everyone is very tired other than Joey and Whippy who don’t really get the better of each other even now. ENTRY #28: ALEXANDER ROBINSON Robinson joins Whitlock and both members of team stiff’em give Ancrie a lesson in real wrestling by beating him really hard on his head. Robinson throws both kendo stick parts out and together they eliminate Mobstar, who has made it 14 entries before getting thrown out in an impressive performance. ENTRY #29: JAMIE ATHERTON Jamie tries to go after Team Stiff’Em immediately, which is a dumb decision. They try to eliminate him but he uses tricks, balancing on one leg so that he’s not technically eliminated. He waits to rejoin the ring as Gargantuan attacks both Robinson and Whitlock. Joey Poison hits the twisting cutter on Whippy and almost has him eliminated. Dubois tries to find someone to punch and sees Ancrie, but it’s a bad decision as Ancrie puts him in a Butterfly Lock. ENTRY #30: DUSTY DUCONT Ducont is enormous, and the danger levels have completely shifted in the match. The first thing he does is bench press Gargantuan and throw him on Ancrie and Dubois. The second thing is to chokeslam both Robinson and Whitlock. The third thing is to dump both Poison and Whippy to the outside, eliminating them. The fourth is take a Poisonrana by Jamie Atherton who celebrates like he’s won a world title, but he is the only man standing. He sees that as an opportunity and lifts Alexander Robinson’s lifeless body trying to get him over the top rope, but the veteran manages to throw him out. However, Jamie grabs onto the middle rope and manages to get Robinson out via head scissors. Ducont hits giant chops on Sterling Whitlock while Hugh Ancrie attacks Jamie continuing their spat from the last few weeks. Gargantuan and Dubois mostly glare at each other but also hit some strikes. Whitlock manages to backdrop Ducont and sees that as an excellent opportunity to lariat Ancrie and Atherton, eliminating the former as Atherton once again barely holds on. Sterling feels like this is his big moment and tries to hit the Whitlock’s End on Gargantuan, who manages to brain squeeze him into stasis. Gargantuan eliminated Sterling Whitlock, and we have the final four. Dusty Ducont, Gargantuan, Jamie Atherton, Marc Dubois. And the three latter men instantly team up to fight off Ducont, in the most unexpected moment of the match. It takes a while and Ducont fights them off numerous times, but they manage to eliminate him. The final three take turns hitting each other, with Atherton being the weakest but also the one in the best physical state. Atherton hits the Dangerous Brainbuster on Dubois and tries to eliminate him but he holds on. Gargantuan starts unloading on Atherton since he feels he has unfinished business with Dubois, and hits the ULTIMATE BACKBREAKAAAAAH on him, sending him sulking to the corner. At this point, Gargantuan and Dubois have another mini singles match. Dubois locks a crossface and tries to use the grogginess to carry him on his back and try to get him over the top rope, but Gargantuan recovers and suplexes him like a ragdoll. He enjoys his victory and gets him on an overhead press before slowly approaching the ropes to eliminate him, but Dubois just absolutely grabs onto his arm and grapevines his head, slowly trying as hard as he can to tilt him over. As the seconds pass and Gargantuan’s consciousness fades, he bends over the ropes and after a very slow build, Marc Dubois manages to eliminate him while he’s sitting on the apron, shocked and beaming. The crowd goes crazy. And then yells in concern. As Jamie Atherton runs as fast as he can and dropkicks Dubois to the cold, hard floor, winning the 2018 Last Man Standing Rumble. Segment Rating: 63 SEGMENT 3: The winner makes his wish Jamie Atherton after his intense celebrations grabs a microphone and gets back in the ring. The crowd still isn't done booing him, but he makes his wish regardless. "I wish for Adrian Garcia to be reinstated as the manager of The Golden Elite, on an ironclad contract." Segment Rating: 73 Overall Rating: 63
  5. Congrats, and of course, just post it. Anything that pleases you.
  6. FCW Puerto Rican Title Handsome Stranger(c) vs Mutant FCW Tag Team Titles Relentless(c) vs Young & Wasted FCW People's Championship Island Boy Apollo(c) vs King Kong Kennedy Marco Gonzalez vs Kanishoki Cobra vs Tex Tegan Ox Mastadon vs Giant Brody
  7. I had completely forgotten the Royal Rumble is this weekend. Hopefully Cody doesn't return at #1 and I am at risk of looking like I copied their booking lol! I have the winner in mind, as I do for the Memorial Cup (although McFly complicates things). November might be a rough month because it feels like filler compared to what I think I might have ready for Chamber of Horrors in December... nevertheless it looks like more months will end up pretty compelling in comparison to not in year 1. We're doing well! As always thank you for the constant feedback, I genuinely live for it which is why I post it in other diaries as well.
  8. CGC LAST MAN STANDING PREVIEW - LIVE AT THE MOLSON PALAIS DES SPORTS MAIN EVENT: THE LAST MAN STANDING RUMBLE The premier wish-granter in CGC, the 30-man rumble is a tradition of 23 years and yet this might be the most competitive field ever! Gargantuan and Dubois opening the contest, former world champions in Dan DaLay, Joey Poison and Whippy The Clown, hungry newcomers like Curtis Mobstar, Jamie Atherton, Hugh Ancrie, and at #30, a figure looming large in Dusty Ducont. Whether used as a springboard to the CGC World Championship or to fulfill one's largest desires, 30 competitors aim to make history in this one+ hour marathon of a match! CGC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: SKIP BEAU VS IAN DECOLT (C) Ian DeColt has a lot to live up to. That name carries weight, and he shocked everyone when he revealed he is apparently a long lost DeColt brother, mostly because he doesn't have the traditional values and he prefers to take shortcuts- he has the hair color. Alex DeColt, the matchmaker extraordinaire, is skeptical but respectful, and he wants to test Ian another way, the right way. Putting him against Skip Beau, the only man to beat him in a singles match this year, Ian has no choice but to show he is a true DeColt by fighting the right way and successfully. But this is not just a test- it's a huge opportunity. Skip aims to do the unprecedented by becoming a double champion and cement this as his breakout year. He's had huge wins over Hugh Ancrie, Ian himself, and those barnburners against Curtis Mobstar. Can Ian stop his ascent to the top of the company, or will it remain a matter of time? HUGH ANCRIE VS JAMIE ATHERTON Jamie is so sure of success at the Rumble match he had no problem issuing an open challenge to have a match prior instead of going in fresh. Hugh Ancrie is so sure of success at the Rumble match he had no problem accepting, then physically assaulting Jamie on separate occasions. These two hot-headed, handsome athletic freaks could have an insane match of the year contender, and they could also take each other out of the running to win the biggest prize of the night. CGC WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS MATCH: TOUGH AND GLORIOUS VS THE CANADIAN BLONDES (C) Now that they've established The Golden Elite, the Canadian Blondes might be unstoppable. Nevertheless, Tough and Glorious have fought countless wars and they were really close to winning the tag titles at Battle Beyond, so they go in with a good shot of becoming 2-time tag team champions. These two teams do not like each other, having bad blood that runs back to 2017, and this is surely one to watch! SEAN MCFLY VS ??? The world stopped turning for a second when the dignified legend Sean McFly made his CGC debut last Sunday to inform everyone that he is a participant at the first ever George DeColt Memorial Cup. The instant favorite to win the whole thing, he's also gracious enough to have a single match at Last Man Standing, against another competitor in the tournament that remains a mystery at the moment. Whoever it is, it will be difficult to imagine it won't be the biggest, toughest match of his career... PLUS A MYSTERY TAG TEAM MATCH BETWEEN THE REST OF THE GUEST COMPETITORS IN THE GEORGE DECOLT MEMORIAL CUP! OOC: Probably posting this in the weekend, it will take me a while to write the Rumble even in a slightly condensed way, and I have a lot of work in between.
  9. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 170, Tuesday, Week 3 of September 2018 An okay go-home show with a huge moment that has shaken up the industry, and some actualy reporting to be done on CGC, which I've done maybe like once this year. Let's dive in! SEGMENT 1: Alex DeColt opens the show to continue the announcements concerning the George DeColt Memorial Cup. He says he wants to announce the 10 CGC wrestlers that will take part in the tournament, which are: Ian DeColt, by virtue of being the most successful Power House graduate of his generation and wanting to prove he really is DeColt Material. Gargantuan, by virtue of having George DeColt's DNA. Skip Beau, by virtue of being a Power House graduate and having a breakout year. Blockbuster, Killer Karson, Robin DaLay, by virtue of being younger Power House graduates. Dan DaLay, by virtue of being a CGC legend. Marc Dubois, Hugh Ancrie and Sterling Whitlock by virtue of having extraordinary debut years. I liked keeping kayfabe by not having Jamie Atherton in the tournament, personally. Alex has no reason to reward him. He reiterates that the guest participants will be kept a secret, and that's when the music hits and the LEGENDARY Sean McFly exits to the CGC stage for the first time. 2 SWF World Heavyweight Championship reigns, 5 NOTBPW Canadian Championship reigns. The missing link between Sam Keith and Tommy Cornell. He steals the spotlight of Alex DeColt, and announces himself as the 11th participant to the George DeColt Memorial Cup. He also adds to the excitement by saying he will have a SINGLES match for his CGC debut at the Last Man Standing event. Alex lets him have his moment and the segment kind of ends with a standing ovation, and what a big SHOCK this is! I talked to Sean McFly directly after this, because as people know, his wife Victorie Stone-McFly is booking NOTBPW. He left the company a couple months ago with people speculating a lot of grim stuff about their personal lives, but he told me personally that he's only doing this to honor a legend and he will not be staying with CGC due to his obvious connections with the competition. He says he hopes to have another cool stop to his career before the end, which is why he left NOTBPW where he will probably return as a road agent once he retires. He has 5 more appearances on his deal with CGC and is paid very handsomly per appearance. He also mentioned that he sees a lot of exciting things in the future of the company and would love to mix it up with some of the guys in the tournament field. Segment Rating: 71 MATCH 1: Drake Young, Dusty Ducont and Philippe LeGrenier vs Generation Z and Robin DaLay. NOT the best way to follow up a "people tune in" moment in terms of quality, but maybe they bet on the recognizable face of the USPW upper midcarder. A solid contest with the comedic heels propping up the Big Deal wrestler and the young guys bumping and getting face sympathy, before Ducont buried Alyx Winters with a Gorilla Press Slam. Segment Rating: 48 MATCH 2: Curtis Mobstar vs Lewis Frey. A high energy brawl with Frey trying to slow Mobstar down but finding it impossible. Curtis is good at scrapping on the mat if needed so this had a nice, gritty feel to it that elevated it even if the crowd didn't really care. Mobstar tried really hard to bust Frey open but he couldn't because it's a PG-13 product, nevertheless there was some gruesome damage inflicted and Mobstar practically hit the Implant DDT on a lifeless corpse for the win. Segment Rating: 51 SEGMENT 2: Curtis got the microphone after the match to cut a promo on having the guts and street smarts to outlast everyone in the Last Man Standing Rumble, and told the crowd to pencil him in as the winner, because he's Hard to the Core. Segment Rating: 40 MATCH 3: Gargantuan, Dan DaLay, Killer Karson and Whippy The Clown vs Marc Dubois & The Superfriends. An okay if overlong match that didn't leave second gear, it still included a few geuniely good moments with the Superfriends doing a sort of comicbook hero team-up taunt (or so I'm told) before hitting a team finisher on Dan DaLay that is kind of an Assisted Double Backbreaker. Ultimately, in a bit of a shock the Lumberhunk Clause Reed was caught by a Killer Boot from Karson who secured the win and run up to his boss Gargantuan for credit. This advances a story but maybe Adrian is giving W's to too many guys lately. We shall see if there's any big plans. Segment Rating: 51 MATCH 4: Alexander Robinson vs Jamie Atherton. Not quite the undeniable banger I expected, this was a solid contest even if it went 22 minutes without being a PPV match. Robinson grounded Atherton a lot, dominating him in grappling exchanges while Jamie mostly cheated with the help of Heather and Garcia. This built and built and built towards Heather removing the turnbuckle pad, Robinson crashing there headfirst and being hit by a combo of Frankesteiner + Dangerous Brainbuster for the win by Atherton. Segment Rating: 54 SEGMENT 3: Ancrie viciously attacks Atherton post match, continuing the work he started after last week's main event. He hits every power move he can think of, until he takes a chair shot to the back by Adrian Garcia, by which point he turns around furious to destroy the manager who drops the chair as he gets backed off into a corner. That means he turns his back to Jamie however, who kicks him in the groin and begins assaulting him until referees and arena staff come out. Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 5: Thunder vs Skip Beau for the Canadian Chaos Championship. This was contested in normal rules due to being scheduled by management, which feels like a gimmick oversight since it's a new stipulation for the title, but hey that's wrestling companies for you sometimes. This is fun and competitive and thankfully quite shorter than the match before, but it's also predictable, with Skip catching the Thunder Struck (Floatover DDT) attempt and transitioning to the Flow Down for the win. Segment Rating: 61 SEGMENT 4: Ian DeColt joins the Champion after the match, informing him that he has a date with immortality tomorrow but they don't share the same ambitions and excellence is in his DNA and blah blah, he takes a lariat for his troubles though and Skip picks up the World title and poses with both belts to close the show in a visual that will be probably used by articles for a while. Segment Rating: 60 Overall Rating: 63
  10. GO HOME SHOW FOR LAST MAN STANDING! CGC TITLE BOUT WRESTLING AT THE ROUYN-NORANDA GARDENS! Skip Beau makes his monthly required Canadian Championship Defense! Gargantuan and Dubois collide once more before the Rumble! Match Card CGC Canadian Championship Match: Thunder vs Skip Beau (C) Curtis Mobstar vs Lewis Frey Dusty Ducont, Drake Young and Philippe LeGrenier vs Generation Z and Robin DaLay Alexander Robinson vs Jamie Atherton Dan DaLay, Gargantuan, Killer Karson & Whippy The Clown vs Marc DuBois & The Superfriends
  11. Thank you. It shouldn't be a point of emphasis but I am a huge nerd so it is. I haven't broken this rule in like 8-9 months so theoretically when I do break it it will matter and make someone a singles star/establish a new tag team quicker. Yeah, much better week in ring than last week! At this point with my new color commentator being mediocre I don't know which segments will go over well and which not tbh. Alex got an 83 despite being pinged for bad commentator performance so he probably rolled an 100. Hugh and Jamie are both good entertainers but it was definitely a pleasant surprise. I have run until the LMS Rumble and I am very excited to post the next two shows, October is going to be weird with the tournament dominating but also very exciting.
  12. Really enjoyable show, my favorite thing is definitely Handsome Stranger winning via chin lock. Mutant is an absolute superstar. Good luck with this endavor, obviously the show is beautiful visually especially with the choice in some of the renders.
  13. The Duo are awesome signings, suddenly your tag division looks super strong with the Wild Things as well, which is great because the best hardcore spectacles are multi-man matches in my opinion. We are early in the year, I expect more as we go on honestly because we're in the Ares dominance season, the midcard is reshuffling etc. But it was a good show, top to bottom one of your highest quality I'd imagine, just hurt from the fact Vaughan clearly wasn't winning. I imagine it must hurt having to depush the badass MFers lol
  14. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 169, Tuesday, Week 2 of September 2018 MATCH 1: Thunder & Lightning vs Lewis Frey and Sterling Whitlock. A really nice, competitive contest between the dynamic teams, doing more to rehab Thunder & Lightning's image- which I notice have dropped their second names and are just referred to by their natural phenomena names now. Whitlock spends a lot of the match dominating, but this is mostly a teaching moment for Frey who gets to mix things up with established, talented workers (someone might remember the solid Whitlock/Thunder match a while ago). This was also the point driven home when, while Lewis was locked into the System Shock (Cattle Mutilation) by Lightning, Whitlock didn't intervene and let the youngster have to tap out. Segment Rating: 58 SEGMENT 1: Tough and Glorious are backstage with Jenny Playmate, getting interviewed about their upcoming title match, and how do they feel they can balance their priorities between that match and the Rumble, which the Canadian Blondes don't have to worry about. Once again, most of the talking is done by Joey Poison who says they're still wound up at their loss, and he especially because his legs have been repeatedly targeted in matches the whole year and he feels the frustration of being at such a high level as a performer and his body betraying him. Whatever respect they have for the wrestling talent of the Canadian Blondes, they agree that their alignment with Adrian Garcia is concerning and an extra point of frustration, because they know that under the right circumstances they can beat them and reclaim the tag titles in a fair match, which Joey hopes to showcase when they meet later tonight. Brett is not good whenever he gets to add something, almost doing offbeat comedy by playing up his hunter gimmick. Segment Rating: 43 MATCH 2 : Team CD and Nathan Black vs Generation Z and Robin DaLay. Young guys being pushed vs jobber and young guys not being pushed, this is a bit predictable and not great but it's not a horrible match at the very least. There's a lot playing up the tension and miscommunication between Chucky Dorrance and Dapper Danny Draper, which was also mentioned the last time they were on TV- it would be more impactful if they had done anything as a team, but maybe that also makes it natural, both feeling they need to move on for the good of their careers. Alyx Winters pins Chucky Dorrance after an outrageous springboard flipping thing, and this is not a waste of time I guess. Segment Rating: 40 SEGMENT 2: Short segment, Gargantuan is berating the Beat Up Battalion for not doing much under him, and informs them that if they don't help him win the rumble, they will suffer consequences. Segment Rating: 50 MATCH 3: The 6 man over the top challenge between Ant-Man, Blockbuster, Brett Fraser, Dusty Ducont, Whippy The Clown, Zeus Maximillion. The match begins with a face vs heel brawl that ends with Blockbuster and Brett Fraser calling back to their February feud and throwing each other out. Ducont absolutely dominates the other three at first, but Ant-Man German Suplexes him at a point where he has his back turned on the havoc he's caused and that prolongs the match for a while. Whippy uses underhanded tricks to eliminate Zeus Maximillino, then teams up with Ant-Man against the big man. They have a lot of success and almost eliminate Dusty together, but Whippy can't resist his nature and betrays Ant-Man, eliminating him. After that, he gets squashed by Dusty who plays for his food for way too much, boring me before winning. Segment Rating: 44 SEGMENT 3: Alex DeColt comes out to remind everyone that after Last Man Standing, CGC is moving on towards the George DeColt Memorial Cup. He says he promised there would be guests, and he has managed to sign 6 of them, representing various companies across North America. He teases the fact that they will debut in mystery matches to fill out the Last Man Standing card, and well, not to be a tease myself, but this is going to be exciting. Segment Rating: 83 MATCH 4: Flash vs Joey Poison. Really well worked match between an absolutely on fire lately Flash and a still reliable Joey Poison. Mostly a limbwork match of arm vs leg as Poison wants to work towards the Poison Driver and Flash wants to further the usual work he does. Turns out, in what was a really good match you guys should seek out, the trend of the more accomplished singles wrestler winning the singles match held true here, as a Poison Driver secured the win in the middle of the ring. Segment Rating: 64 MATCH 5: Hugh Ancrie, Marc Dubois, Skip Beau vs Gargantuan, Ian DeColt, Jamie Atherton. Good work from everyone other than a very out-of-form Gargantuan, for a hot main event full of cool action. Skip Beau brought the fight to Gargantuan for my main highlight, and also we got a few more Dubois vs Ian DeColt moments, which is technically the biggest match they can run right now since Dubois vs Gargantuan has slightly disappointed. At the finishing stretch, Hugh Ancrie wreaked havoc suplexing everyone, then hitting the Crying Game on Jamie Atherton, making him tap! Shocking finish considering they seem to view him as a more upper midcard guy at least for the rest of the year. Segment Rating: 62 SEGMENT 4: After the match, Ancrie got the microphone to say he accepts the open challenge of Jamie Atherton for Last Man Standing, where he's gonna make light work out of him before winning the Rumble itself and becoming world champion, because he's the only ELITE wrestler in the company. Atherton gets up and slaps him, which Ancrie tanks and begins a barrage of german suplexes on Jamie. Show goes of air with Jamie Atherton folded in half. Segment Rating: 71 Show Rating: 66
  16. I did not expect this to begin with buying out APW and bringing their (like 5) good wrestlers in. Dexter rules. Different and nice format for the show.
  17. Crash TV isn't my product, but I am a sucker for making your job harder in a save by changing stuff and having consequences for those changes. Predictions No DQ Singles Match One Man Army vs. Wolf Hawkins TCW Television Championship/No DQ Match Greg Gauge (c) vs. Edd Stone No DQ Tag Team Match Ernest Youngman & Sammy Bach vs. Jeremie Courtney & Matt Hocking No DQ Singles Match Cip Conduit vs. Jay Chord Kendo Stick Match Dave Diamond vs. Joshua Taylor Also Featuring The Hot Taggs vs. Local Workes
  18. BREAKING ANNOUNCEMENT AND MATCH CARD FOR THE MONTREAL SHOW! With The Canadian Blondes of The Golden Elite unable to enter the LMS Rumble due to holding their world tag team championships, they will have to defend their gold at the PPV, and after the controversial way they won against Tough and Glorious, a rematch has been sanctioned! CARD FOR TITLE BOUT WRESTLING 6 Man Over The Top Challenge Ant-Man vs Blockbuster vs Brett Fraser Dusty Ducont vs Whippy The Clown vs Zeus Maximillion Flash vs Joey Poison Gargantuan, Ian DeColt & Jamie Atherton vs Hugh Ancrie, Marc Dubois & Skip Beau Chucky Dorrance, Dapper Danny Draper & Nathan Black vs Generation Z & Robin DaLay Thunder & Lightning vs Lewis Frey & Sterling Whitlcok
  19. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 168, Tuesday, Week 1 of September 2018 With Last Man Standing around the corner, I thought I'd preface the CGC segment with a bit of a story of the time I was up there. Generally, I wasn't powerless as a booker even if Alex's veto was used way more often than I'd like, but for big things like the matches for the two days of the festival, Last Man Standing and debating title changes we went by committee. That committee was me, Alex DeColt, Jack DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Ed Monton, and yes, Adrian Garcia. The first Rumble when I was booking was in 2010, and in the first few years of Alex in charge we really went overboard with booking for pre-teens, even if he had just brought me in so you'd think he wanted to make the product more adult. But I get it, he wanted to completely counter NOTBPW whose old school sensibilities and realistic style are tailor-made for older fans who don't know anything of relevance in the 21st century. Anyway, I had spent the last many months since my arrival pitching a push for Trent Shaffer, who is now in the USPW midcard doing nothing, with the pitch being that kids these days want superheroes not like the tough men of the 80's and 90's wrestling landscape, but flippy, handsome, relatable wrestlers, and that we could build Trent to be the foil to that, mirroring Ricky DeColt who was the smallest of the brothers and the one with the most modern in-ring style. That year Alex DeColt won the rumble to build to his last title reign before retiring, and Trent didn't manage to get a significant push because shortly after Gargantuan and Prometheus were pushed for their impeccable size and look. The DeColts did like Thrill Seeker more and he could have gotten a big run if the company didn't collapse with Alex's mental health issues, he's doing great in SOTBPW now, but I always wanted to keep him in the midcard because he's bald *laughs*. MATCH 1: The show opened with The Golden Elite vs Team Stiff 'Em. An excellent match that started us off with a bang, this was essentially a main event placed first on the card. The flipping of the heels was presented as dishonorable against the wrestling tradition the babyfaces represent, and we got a barn stormer. Frey held up alright even if he is by far the worst performer of the bunch due to lack of experience on TV. Atherton actually did a tiny bit more brawling, perhaps because there has never been a purely cruiserweight top guy in CGC, and he got the pin on Lewis Frey after a Dangerous Brainbuster. Segment Rating: 65 SEGMENT 1: Jamie Atherton gets a microphone, and essentially says that he's so much better than anyone else, he is willing to have a match at Last Man Standing before entering the Rumble, and is issuing a challenge to the locker room to face him if they can. His character is simple, his nickname literally "cocky-as-hell" which you can't do much with, but his promo game has been top tier since day 1, and that also rings true when the material is super simple, which it will be sometimes. Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 2: Quibble The Clown vs Robin DaLay. What a beautiful swansong by Grim Quibble to CGC, who wrestled his last match for the company for the foreseeable future: he put over a young wrestler he didn't click well with, salvaging a watchable match on his own. Perfectly fitting for this run when he put on banger after banger but only won like one match. Not much to say other than that really, Robin's deadlift powerbomb is cool but he's not a complete wrestler yet. Segment Rating: 45 SEGMENT 2: Jenny Playmate is backstage and is doing a segment highlighting the tradition of the Last Man Standing rumble. The most unusual wishes by winners, cool moments, and the records: Most eliminations ever (Jack DeColt, 53). Most eliminations in a single match (Annihilus: 18). Longest time lasted combined (Eddie Chandler, about 11 hours). Longest time lasted in a single match (Alex DeColt, 67 minutes). Just cool stuff, and Jenny is charismatic and overqualified for this role. Segment Rating: 69 SEGMENT 3: Ian DeColt recruits Curtis Mobstar for the main event, and he reluctantly accepts getting an "IOU" in the process. This match was announced earlier this week, so this gets penalized for making no sense other than further establishing Mobstar as not-an-actual heel. Segment Rating: 53 MATCH 3: Reed, Dubois and the Topher vs Gargantuan, Killer Karson and Charlie Homicide. This was alright, without Ant-man this was just like one good wrestler short from being a pretty cool match, but it still did its job. Shockingly, Topher Smith rolled Charlie Homicide up for the win and the babyfaces were out of there very quickly to not get attacked. Segment Rating: 54 SEGMENT 4: Gargantuan is pissed off he didn't get to take Dubois out of action to not compete in the Rumble, so he accepts his offer to have these two start the Rumble off, just to make sure Dubois is not getting that title shot over him. Segment Rating: 62 MATCH 4: Dusty Ducont and Hugh Ancrie vs The Montreal Mafia. This was the whole "heels are just too big assholes to work well together", so we got a huge surprise as the Montreal Mafia beat them. I reckon most of the time these 8 months the real team has beat the fake one, so it was refreshing to see them keep that going. This match was really good too, Hugh Ancrie shows out every time in the ring, and he took the pin too as Dermott Ayres hit a Fisherman Driver on him for the win. Ducont losing on his second match is a choice but I guess he did leave his partner hanging on purpose so he's protected. Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 5: Generation Z (w/Lizzie Spellmann) & Skip Beau vs Blockbuster, Ian DeColt and Curtis Mobstar. This wasn't very good, Generation Z aren't quite ready for big roles but they are better than the start of the year. Being in the ring with 3 guys who are having career years definitely helps them however, this wasn't main event worthy but it was worthy of being on the show. Yet another surprise finish as well, maybe this was just a show to experiment for Adrian, as Generation Z debuted a tag finisher, a one hand face crusher/cutter combo called Viral Own which, whatever. Blockbuster took another pin which I do find funny, he definitely didn't have "being pinned by Flip Simkins" on his 2018 bingo. Segment Rating: 48 SEGMENT 5: Skip cuts a promo to send the crowd home happy, putting Generation Z over as the future of the company, and reminding people they helped him defend Alex DeColt's honor at Ultimate Showdown. He dubbed himself and the kids "The Power House Army"... I guess Garcia has been watching BHOTWG tapes because it seems like we're having faction wars in CGC. Segment Rating: 48 Overall Rating: 54
  20. Let's. Go. As much as I think CEW are finally a good answer to RAW's dominance since they're full of pretty boys who can go hardcore, I'll always dislike them for stealing Pinn enterprises from their home. Thrilled to have ypu back. It's not lost on me that you were kinda sorta maybe teasing a women's division as year one was ending. Kickass, innovative DIW will hit different (also finally have some more talent on that midcard lol).
  21. Ah, I almost got the clean sweep but my bias got me! Good show overall, honestly when I book puro I build matchups but it never flows as well from show to show as this. This is good work you guys do on your puro diaries. Great stuff. SANADA! That's awesome. What a cool return. A bit calmer seeing NOAH busting out this stacked show after watching you have almost all their good wrestlers. Soma Watanabe rules except when they make him do MMA fights lol. Now, on to Aoyagi vs Watase please.
  22. Thanks for keeping up! Hope life's been going well and you can be back, I miss the DIW diary as well. I think ever since we hit high 40's in popularity and the ratings went up it's so much easier for me to experiment and get people over. Next few months will be interesting with some title changes coming and probably getting to Medium by early 2019.
  23. Sean McFly & Thunder & Lightning vs. Elite (Christian Price & The Dynamite Express) - 6 Man Elimination. Sonny Wildside & Generation Z vs. The Brothers Cain & Mr. Impact - 6 Man Elimination. Brooke Tyler, Nina Cacace & Laura Flame vs. Lauren Easter, Zoe Ammis & Claire Winters - 6 Woman Elimination. The Queen's Court vs. Amber Allen, Sally Anne Christianson & ? - 6 Woman Elimination/3-on-2 Elimination Handicap. The DeColt Boys & Mikey James vs. Sayeed Ali & Iron Might - 6 Man Elimination. Cameron Vessey, Shooter Sean Deeley & Jared Johnson vs. Aaron Knight, Donte Dunn & Skip Beau - 6 Man Elimination.
  24. Atherton keeps getting over at a more rapid pace than anyone else on the roster. He's insane and is now getting the best in-ring grades in the company over Dubois and Ian Identity.
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