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Everything posted by AboardTheArk

  1. 1. Road To Final Fuchi #3 ~ Holy Demon Army Revival: Masanobu Fuchi, Masao Inoue, Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Yoshinari Ogawa vs. Takao Omori, Osamu Nishimura, TAMURA, Ryuji Hijikata This is wrong, but it's Yoshinari Ogawa, come on. 2. Yu Iizuka Challenge Series #6: Hikaru Sato vs. Yu Iizuka Sato rules, Lizuka is a child. 3. Ross Von Erich, Marshall Von Erich, Yusuke Okada vs. Ryuki Honda, Shotaro Ashino, Soma Watanabe Maybe you just like Okada that much, which is fair because he's great, but hopefully Honda and Ashino are top guys like they deserve. Also Watanabe is cool. 4. Suwama, Shuji Ishikawa, Dan Tamura vs. Zeus, Bodyguard, Atsushi Maruyama Professional TEW jobber, Atsushi Maruyama. 5. All Asia Tag Team Championship: Jun Akiyama & Kotaro Suzuki (C) vs. Yuma Aoyagi & Rising HAYATO Yuma is too good, is the thing. Maybe even too good for the titles, but whatever. 6. Kento Miyahara & Naoya Nomura vs. Go Shiozaki & Kaito Kiyomiya Go & Kaito haven't won enough in this save yet. Maybe Naoya and Kento can't coexist. 7. Triple Crown Challenger Decision Match: Koji Iwamoto vs. SANADA The problem is, it's SANADA. He can't lose even if you didn't want him challenging Kento yet. 8. AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Championship: Atsuki Aoyagi (C) vs. Mizuki Watase Mizuki Watase hasn't lost a single match so far, if I had to pick one title change this one has been built more than the All Asia tags. But because I am thinking with a real-world brain, he's an outsider and Aoyagi is a great investment. Heat him up to lose.
  2. Blitz being poached makes the Barracudas split retroactively make more sense for anyone who doesn't know your plans and would be skeptical for the program. I also don't think you're losing too much in terms of where the story was, but obviously Blitz is really good and helps anchor some shows on his own, the grades will be missed. Would be interesting to see you retaliate! The show was very fun, I am always for building new traditions and another main event had a fun writeup. Recently I checked out the australian C-Verse in 2022 and I gotta say, you've been working some miracles all this time. Hell, I haven't gotten a 69 match with two of my permanent wrestlers yet.
  3. What, if any, is the gameplay effect of spending on a special stage for a show?
  4. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 163, Tuesday, Week 1 of October 2018 Well, considering the bracket wasn't quite announced beforehand in completion, CGC's biggest TV show of the year in terms of a stacked card came a little abruptly. And the results were mixed to say the least. MATCH 1: We open with Ian DeColt vs Skip Beau. There's a discussion on card placement here that this time I don't care enough to have since it's a rematch from three weeks ago. The match was similar to the PPV one, and accompanied by a pretty bad commentary performance, with the biggest difference being the finish. Skip Beau has Ian up for the death valley driver, the struggle leads to a ref bump, and Whippy The Clown comes in whooping Skip's ass with fervor. All Ian has to do is hit the Identity Theft for the win and a ticket to the semi finals. Segment Rating: 53 SEGMENT 1: We go backstage where we get an interview of Marc Dubois by Jenny Playmate. There's not much of note happening, it's a funny bit where Jenny is asking clearly loaded questions because she's rooted for Ancrie and Dubois does his best to not make any inflamatory comments and put over the match as a big challenge. A wrestling interview with some mild character quirks. Segment Rating: 67 SEGMENT 2: Heading back to the ring, we see Atherton and Draper absolutely bullying Chucky D, in what is apparently a "mental health exercise" for Draper by the Golden Elite. Atherton mostly makes fun of Dorrance for looking like a dork, then makes Draper berate him for holding him back and stuff. It doesn't take a while for it to be seen as what it is, an excuse to beat the life out of him, but instantly Alexander Robinson and Lewis Frey make the save and challenge them to a tag team match at Apocalypse. This was...not a trainwreck but it would have worked more if everyone involved was at least important. Segment Rating: 46 MATCH 2: Hugh Ancrie vs Marc Dubois. One of those matches you'd hope to hinge the hopes of the company on, but this one didn't quite go as you'd hope. Ancire and Dubois just want to... do different things with their grappling. And this styles clash was awkward, and this being the longest match on the show didn't help. Ancrie dominated a big part of the match with Dubois showcasing his athleticism in short spurts of comebacks, until Ancrie was about to hit the Crying Game but Dubois reversed into a Victory Roll and advanced. Segment Rating: 50 SEGMENT 3: Whippy The Clown is in an undisclosed backstage area that looks like a janitor's closet, and officially challenges Skip to a title match, being that he got intrigued by the idea of a Chaos title and feels like he needs to hold it. Furthermore, he challenges Skip to find the most chaotic stipulation he can for their title match, by next week's show. Segment Rating: 64 MATCH 3: Gargantuan vs Sterling Whitlock. Another big southern brawl for Whitlock after the Blockbuster match. And let's note something here. Gargantuan is an incredibly valuable asset for the roster, but he has shown an inability to rise up and match the match quality of the others, despite the fact he's fine for a human being so mindwarpingly large so you know, we can treat him as a real wrestler. Nevertheless, this match is watchable, and Whitlock puts up a great great fight carrying the proceedings before being put down, tapping out to a Torture Rack. Segment Rating: 50 SEGMENT 4: Thunder & Lightning are cutting a promo on The Canadian Blondes, saying that as they've won the titles they've been moving away from proper tag team wrestling and that will be their downfall. Adrian Garcia will only hasten them losing the titles, as complacency creeps in. On the other hand, Thunder & Lightning are on a roll and are going to get the titles. The content of the promo is good but the delivery isn't, and the segment is saved by the Blondes coming in and beating them up with the aid of Adrian Garcia. Segment Rating: 52 MATCH 4: Dan DaLay vs Sean McFly. Well, ol' Dan had another one in him! He let himself be carried by Sean in a really slow main event that followed the CGC formula and just hit him really hard when he had to. It was very odd seeing Sean work that style but I guess he's done enough SWF work for it not to be a huge surprise. The right main event on what disappointingly was an one match show, Dan missed a backfist that got him up for the Delorean Driver and Sean McFly is through. Segment Rating: 65 SEGMENT 5: Post-match, Gargantuan rushes the ring and has a brawl with McFly before officials step in. This is the thing the crowd made the most noise for the whole two hours so it's a good choice to end on. Segment Rating: 67 Overall Rating: 65 NEXT WEEK: Go Home Show for Apocalypse! Huge Main Event! Match Card Gargantuan & Ian DeColt vs Marc Dubois & Sean McFly Greg Black vs Hugh Ancrie Alexander Robinson and Thunder & Lightning vs Jamie Atherton & The Canadian Blondes Gopher & The Ant vs Blockbuster & Curtis Mobstar Dan Draper vs Lewis Frey
  5. Good show! The first domino fell, we're getting the six man tag at extreme life which, I wonder what would main event instead if you chased a rating. The note about Vaughan and Chopper was really funny, and a new program starting for Raw Sex AND Milton that could elevate Seth Wish. Also, nice to see the main event deliver after you were clearly anxious about it.
  6. Winner gets FCW Puerto Rican Title shot Bradford Peverell vs Mutant let's go with a fancy ol' draw The Latino Kings & The Gonzalez Family vs The House of Handsome Young Gonzales isn't ready FCW People's Championship Island Boy Apollo(c) vs Martyr He's too good Kip Keenan vs Curtis Shaw Tables Match: Ox Mastadon vs Bull Wrecker Why not
  7. Steel City StarFest XIII All matches are hardcore unless specified otherwise Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix Reckless Antix are too solid and the crowd doesn't completely despise them Bull Rope match - Austin Smooth vs Cowboy Buck Winchester *southern quote here* Xavi Ferrera vs A former Carl Batch client Xavi Ferrera baby PSW Tag Team titles no.1 contenders - Man Feelings vs Rich & Famous vs Warrior Engine (Gareth Wayne & Bull Wrecker) Just something new I guess PSW National title - Samoan Machine vs Sayeed Ali(c) He's just too damn good Logan Wolfsbaine vs Rhino Umaga Singles wrestler beats tag specialist Barbed wire - Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone Fuck Boone PSW Championship - Acid vs Nelson Callum(c) It's Nelson Callum Plus - A Steel Circle state of address, The King and more
  8. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 172, Tuesday, Week 1 of October 2018 In other news, South Of The Border crowned a new Campeon Mundial last night at their TV show, with Dr Rudo defeating Amazing Fire Fly, El Leon and Pablo Rodriguez for the belt, ending El Leon's legendary 630-day that established this secondary world title of this behemoth company, in what I begrudgingly have to admit is a 5 star classic in terms of workrate and genuinely getting everyone to bite on multiple finishes. In other news, another solid if predictable week of TV was delivered from CGC! SEGMENT 1: The show opens on location in the Golden Elite party bus, where everyone is getting acquainted with the new member, Dapper Danny Draper. They all welcome him and give him a piece of advice, whether it be how to keep his hair looking great, his abc's (always be cheating), or to get a name change to signal this new era. "Go by Dan Draper, you know, like that guy, from that show" are the exact words, and that's what happens. Also they make a note of mentioning that Adrian Garcia will be in the Canadian Blondes' corner in all future matches while Jamie will have Heather (and sometimes Garcia providing guest commentary). Segment Rating: 63 MATCH 1: Hugh Ancrie vs Mark Griffin. A very heated, grappling focused technical masterclass that sadly didn't work with this casual crowd and I have to dock points for that, because usually true greatness shines through. I did like this however, they both worked great and focused on the right things, with Ancrie going for Griffin's neck while Griffin attacked the right arm. We also got a great finish, with Griffin locking Ancrie in the Crying Game dragon sleeper and Ancrie managing to reverse it into a pin for the win, but then being super pissed he didn't make his opponent tap out like he promised. Segment Rating: 58 MATCH 2: Golden Elite vs Chucky Dorrance and Thunder & Lightning. A breather for the crowd with some familliar lowkey action, this was used to further build up T&L as a threat to the tag titles while also having Dan Draper beat the crap out of Chucky D to get even more heat out of that split. Thunder rolled Flash up for the win and they ran away before being attacked by the stable. I do have to question the Elite losing the first match with the new member but it's nothing they can't shake off. Segment Rating: 53 SEGMENT 2: Ian DeColt is backstage getting interviewed by Jenny Playmate. He says that getting another opportunity to put Skip Beau in his place is great, but he has his sights set on loftier goals. He talks of going through Skip, Dubois and McFly to win the George DeColt Memorial Cup and cementing his legacy as the greatest DeColt, the greatest wrestler in the history of CGC at least in terms of single year accomplishments. Jenny questions if he can get that done, and he gives her a DeColt Guarantee because on God, those are the catchphrases. Segment Rating: 70 MATCH 3: Bradford Peverell vs Gargantuan. The issue with Bradford Peverell is that no one in Canada watches Puerto Rican wrestling. Having said that, he had a cute match with Gargantuan centered around the psychology of his Knock Out left hook vs the unstoppable monster. Gargantuan almost sells for him! But at the end of the day it's not a hot match and that's what required in this more storytelling affair. One Ultimate Backbreaker later, the match is over. Segment Rating: 49 MATCH 4: Dan DaLay vs Greg Black. PSW legend, CZCW savior and SWF midcarder Greg Black is definitely one of the most highly praised acts of the last ten years that hasn't won a singles title in the big 3 of the US companies. And he made Dan DaLay look good! Over 15 minutes he bumped and clawed back and made this match surprisingly good. Of course, Dan is a pro but his body has started to fail him. Nevertheless, he played the hits and won via backfist, ending Greg Black's CGC run in two matches and three weeks. Segment Rating: 60 SEGMENT 3: Dan gets a microphone after the match and just says "Sean McFly, you're next". This might have been someone's dream match in 2010 honestly. Segment Rating: 40 SEGMENT 4: Right before the main event, Faith tries to calm Robin DaLay's nerves before facing Marc Dubois with a pep talk, toeing the line between drill sergeant and coach Carter. It's cute but it's not much. Segment Rating: 50 MATCH 5: Marc Dubois vs Robin DaLay. Marc was excellent here, guiding young Robin through the by far best match of his career. A ring general performance, he took a lot of hurtful looking bumps with the action centered around Robin's incredible strength. Not much else to say since this wasn't unpredictable per say, just props to the two men for going out and delivering. A Mark of Excellence ended things, and this was match of the night. Segment Rating: 62 SEGMENT 5: Hugh Ancrie comes out after the match to congratulate Dubois and remind him that next week they're facing off in the quarter finals. Dubois challenges to come get some instead of waiting for next week, to which Ancrie responds by getting in the ring and telling him in his face that he doesn't want the smoke, having just wrestled. He smirks in Dubois' face and goes to leave, but takes the Skull Crusher, paying for turning his back on the Comeback Kid. Segment Rating: 70 Overall Rating: 63 Card for next week's show: The Quarter Finals Hugh Ancrie vs Marc Dubois Gargantuan vs Sterling Whitlock Dan DaLay vs Sean McFly Ian DeColt vs Skip Beau
  9. Ha, well, it is just Mr Green and Mr Orange, but at least you feel bad! Putting myself in the shoes of a fan, which I guess I kind of am regardless, I am not sure whether to be happy the Momoe Haemura match just got a massive upgrade (it's one of the things I'm hyped for the most), or wonder how much the showdown being delayed in comparison to her first appearance would slightly annoy me, even with the perfectly valid reason that is the competitors getting trained to reach a certain level. I guess we all win though, since I am pretty sure a singles match IS coming at some point. Your match write-ups are shorter, which makes sense since you provide a lot of, and more well-rounded, content in the diary, but I did appreciate how the Milton vs Mattell match-up was laid out. Milton getting another shot is also pretty big, he keeps being one of the guys that can feasibly win against Edwards. Curious to see how this main event performed. The tough love line from Vaughan sounds disingenuous, which makes sense. Probably by next show it'll be the hottest program on the show, and let me just say your foreshadowing went over my head because I am dumb.
  10. Yo that's crazy, I won. Nice show man, good start with the diary, excited to see what you're cooking up.
  11. Nariko Shiomi vs. Toshie Tabuchi She's not losing, let's be real.Cassidy Gilmore vs. Chloe Bourel vs. Tegan Merritt All in on Tegan Merritt in general but since a #1 contender might come out of this I feel like I have to go out of faction. Ayame Joshuyo vs. Yuri Yamanoue Shot in the dark but maybe Ayame has to reach rock bottom to finally beat Nariko, who knows.Jolanda Girard vs. Kichi Toyotomi I guess I hate Girard now? DNGR vs. Hollow Screams That's how it looked before the DQ at least.Katy Blaze vs. Omitsu Oichi Leader of a faction needs to be established.Elsa Martinez vs. Nanae Kimishima Elsa is a big deal!Iron Warriors vs. Lotus Heart Society More experienced team wins, I guess.Chikako Nishimuraya vs. Emily Harper It's Chikako.
  12. 1. Saito Brothers Return Match: Marshall Von Erich & Ross Von Erich vs. Jun Saito & Rei Saito Shot in the dark 2. Road To Final Fuchi #1/Yu Iizuka Challenge Series #5: Masanobu Fuchi vs. Yu Iizuka Lizuka's lost a few in a row, Fuchi is too old. 3. Hikaru Sato & Dan Tamura vs. TAJIRI & Yusuke Kodama HARD HIT Supremacy! 4. Kengo Mashimo & Hokuto Omori vs. Kaito Kiyomiya & Daisuke Harada Unless Suwama interferes I guess. 5. Naoya Nomura & Mizuki Watase vs. Zeus & Atsushi Maruyama I am just all in on this duo, sorry. 6. Welcome Back Shining Star ~ SANADA Return Match: Ryuji Hijikata vs. SANADA It's SANADA. 7. Kento Miyahara & Rising HAYATO vs. Koji Iwamoto & Soma Watanabe Builds anticipation to the #1 Contender's match, pretty sure Iwamoto is incredible in this mod as well. 8. 50th Anniversary Celebration Match ~ Triple Crown Showcase: Jake Lee, Minoru Suzuki, Suwama & "X" vs. Jun Akiyama, Go Shiozaki, Takao Omori & "X" Anniversary match, going with the most triple crown reigns. - Who are the mystery participants in the main event? I have no idea to be honest. Nagata? Kojima?
  13. Wow that was crazy. I got completely swerved, and will just have to trust the booker and see where it goes!
  14. THE GEORGE DECOLT MEMORIAL CUP ROLLS ON! ANOTHER 4 FIRST ROUND MATCHES! Dan DaLay vs Greg Black Bradford Peverell vs Gargantuan Chucky Dorrance and Thunder & Lightning vs Dapper Danny Draper & The Canadian Blondes Marc Dubois vs Robin DaLay Hugh Ancrie vs Marc Griffin
  15. Thank you guys for the attention and participation! Hope you enjoy and keep enjoying what's on offer. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 171, Tuesday, Week 4 of September 2018 Off of the undeniable success of the Last Man Standing PPV, all the...rumbles I'm hearing out of CGC are those of strife! Apparently there's a huge disagreement between DeColt and Garcia over the plans for the last three months of the year heading to the build for the 2019 Wrestlefestival. Not one that would jeopardize their working relationship, at least as it has been described so far. SEGMENT 1: We see Adrian Garcia with the Golden Elite in the CGC Parking Lot, where he is unveiling a gift for them to repay them for doing such a good job the past few months and also Jamie using his wish on him: a luxury bus to carry them from show to show! If one looks closely, it will see a hastily added "Golden" to The Elite logo. He says he's working on their next sponsorship deals that will be finalized in the next few weeks. We get shots of the guys enjoying their new amenities that are actually like, a pretty cheap coffee making machine and some colorful lights, and we move on to the show proper. Segment Rating: 57 MATCH 1: Frankie Dee vs Skip Beau opens the show with a long ass match designed to fill time, which it does effectively. It's interesting that they chose Dee for these two spots, facing Sean McFly and Skip Beau who has been very protected this year (literally only got pinned last friday). There are no rumors about him leaving 4C or them looking to add more people to the roster at this point, and this is a pretty big spotlight he's gotten. I saw a lot of fans wanting Frankie to win this so these two can face off for the title at Apocalypse which is a good idea. What we got however was them not saving anything for a rematch and just building a CGC style match out of the danger of Dee's strikes against Skip's incredible resilience. Frankie almost got the knockout with a bicycle knee strike but Skip barely got up, blocked the Dragon Suplex and stabilized to get to the Flow Down and the win. Skip Beau advances after a really solid match that would be better if Frankie Dee was more over in Vancouver. Segment Rating: 58 SEGMENT 2: Jenny Playmate interviews Skip after the match, where he gives props to Frankie Dee and says he hopes to wrestle him again some day. Skip mentions wanting to win the Memorial Cup as a statement of intent from him and the Power House Army, to show that the future of CGC is homegrown. Jenny asks him how he feels about a potential rematch against Ian DeColt in the next round, to which he responds that the world title would be a nice bonus in all of this. Segment Rating: 62 MATCH 2: Generation Z vs Thunder & Lightning vs Tough and Glorious. I never believed there was anyone but one winner in this match which hurt it. As much as it's nice to see more of the youngsters, they're still a bit too green, and Tough and Glorious weren't going to challenge three straight PPVs without winning- I don't think The Golden Elite is losing the titles for a while. The match itself was solid, and Lightning pinned Alyx Winters after a double dropkick from Thunder and Lightning, with Tough and Glorious mostly staying protected and resting after their PPV match. Segment Rating: 48 MATCH 3: Blockbuster vs Sterling Whitlock. I want to address an issue. They clearly don't know if they have something they can trust in Blockbuster. They give him big wins, then do nothing with him (although feeding him to Dubois is justifiable completely in my opinion) and he feels stuck in no man's land this year. Even this match with Whitlock, which was one of his best of the year, was nothing special, just a nice sight to see because they actually let him brawl rather than be a plodding giant. Going all out for 10 minutes is impressive for a man of his size, but this wasn't about him. Whitlcok broke him with a series of lariats and the Whitlock's End to cap things off. Segment Rating: 50 SEGMENT 3: Slimy, no-good Adrian Garcia is scouring the backstage area, looking for something- or someone. He stumbles upon Dapper Danny Draper, and he expresses his admiration for how he ditched the deadweight of Chucky Dorrance in the most impressive way at the biggest possible stage. He says that he's clearly Golden Elite material, and extends an invitation to the faction, which Danny wholeheartedly accepts. Segment Rating: 48 MATCH 4: Killer Karson vs Sean McFly. Not nearly as good as the Frankie Dee match but have to remember this is Killer Karson's 18th career match and really, other than selling he's decent at everything at the very least and a charismatic presence. Sean managed to carry him to the match of the show by keeping him in control and also using Karson's innate athleticism to make him take some nasty bumps in the finishing stretch. As the match progressed, Karson just seemed slightly less able to keep up, and that's when the Delorean Driver put him away. Segment Rating: 62 SEGMENT 4: Hugh Ancrie is in an undisclosed area, cutting a promo. He says that next week he's facing Mark Griffin. A man that was his senior at the House of Stone, and yet someone who has been a lot less successful than him, because he's just a good wrestler, not an absolute superstar like him. Ancrie promises to make him tap out in the middle of the ring at next week's show, just like he made Jamie Atherton look like a fool (can't say bitch at 4 in the afternoon on live TV!) at Last Man Standing. This was surprisingly fiery, Ancrie is an underrated promo. I thought that at NOTBPW too, but their angles are usually way too short there to really tell, a good script can make it work there. Segment Rating: 66 MATCH 5: Ian DeColt vs Teddy Thompson was never going to be a great match, it was just a political move to have their champ main event over the outsider or the upper-midcard acts in probably better matches. This wasn't terrible even if it's way too early for Teddy Thompson, a guy I wouldn't be surprised to see in one of the major Canadian promotions in the future as he looks like a Hollywood megastar and has the credentials to instantly validate him. And this was the idea here, with Thompson dominating DeColt for big stretches doing essentially an abridged version of the main event formula, before he's caught into the Wild Ride, then the DeColt Driver, kicking out of both finishers to only lose to the Identity Theft. Segment Rating: 47 SEGMENT 5: Ian DeColt ends the show saying that this is his house, his year, and he's not going to let any invaders into DeColt Country. He can only meet Sean McFly in the final, but he promises to vanquish him once and for all because that's what he is supposed to do, and he has proven all doubters wrong. The crowd showers him with boos every time he uses a DeColt brother catchphrase. Segment Rating: 68 Overall Rating: 55
  16. Leading the leaderboard! I clearly know what I'm doing! Interesting that you were so harsh on the show in kayfabe. Maybe a switch to the more forgiving style of classic mainstream puroresu is in the works? Who knows. Glad I got a lot of stuff wrong. Positive show with a huge debut. Nariko Wins, Lol is a decision that makes sense coming out of it all, I got duped while predicting because iirc she's not in the title division beginning the save in starting storylines and stuff. As you said, this roster has immense potential even if they have reverted into relying in the golden four the past few years and it will be interesting to see you harness it as it goes on. The only huge challenge will be surviving financially and reviving the dead tag division, otherwise I don't think this start is negative, even with the shorter tournament matches it's how I would have booked it and just taken the hit like you did.
  17. Great stuff with the HTML and the announcements for the next tour, makes everything feel so much more natural. Prediction Card For Next Show 1. Ryuji Hijikata & Kai Fujimura vs. Dan Tamura & Ryo Inoue Ryuji gets to look strong going into SANADA's return match 2. Koji Iwamoto & Soma Watanabe vs. Takao Omori & Yohei Nakajima JIN needs this. 3. Yu Iizuka Challenge Series #4: Kotaro Suzuki vs. Yu Iizuka BURNING forever. 4. KAZMA Sakamoto & Kengo Mashimo vs. Ross Von Erich & Marshall Von Erich Just because they debut, otherwise I'm into KAZMA tbh 5. Jun Akiyama, Go Shiozaki & Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Suwama, Shuji Ishikawa & Joe Doering Biases and all but also Suwama needs an opponent to beat solo so why not 6. Naoya Nomura & Mizuki Watase vs. Ryouji Sai & Yusuke Okada These folks are very good at wrestling 7. Kento Miyahara, Yuma Aoyagi, Atsuki Aoyagi, Rising HAYATO vs. Jake Lee, Minoru Suzuki, TAJIRI, Hokuto Omori Let's start the tour with a big babyface win. Probably more likely I get this one wrong.
  18. Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Logan Wolfsbaine Logan is a guy, especially since at some point you'll get raided for the guys above him. Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Dead Bolt Dead Bolt more like Dead Weight. PSW Tag Team Titles - Samoan Destruction Inc (c) vs Devil May Care vs Reckless Antix Just a hunch. Rich and Famous vs Teddy Powell & 'Sammy Bach' Teddy deserves something nice, he's been mediocre for close to 20 years. Cerberus vs Xavi Ferrera Baby Xavi is so good. PSW National Title - Sayeed Ali (c) vs Another Hardcore Legend Future PSW Champion Sayeed Ali isn't losing to the past unless MAYBE Caufield is healthy enough for a run Ash Campbell vs Madman Boone He's the most intriguing thing on the show and he's also a new thing so he'll be important! PSW Title - Nelson Callum (c) vs Ernest Youngman - If Callum wins, all Steel Circle members are banned from challenging him for the PSW title This is a bet of confidence in Ash Campbell getting the belt at some point. Either Ernest has been poached or he's getting the tag belts with Logan. For two bonus points - if not Sammy Bach, then who is Teddy Powell's new partner? Gotta be honest my english reading comprehension is terrible so I haven't fully got the tease but if it's someone good who walked out of a company where he was holding the tag titles then it's probably someone who isn't already in a real tag team (more like two guys together) so that you can insert him in here with a lot of plausibility. Gimme Rob Reynolds
  19. FCW Puerto Rican Title Handsome Stranger(c) vs ??? Doesn't matter who it is it feels like that's the result idk FCW Tag Team Titles Gang Warfare Relentless(c) and ??? vs The Latino Kings I mean it could be someone good enough to justify Relentless winning but it's Gang Warfare! FCW People's Championship Island Boy Apollo(c) vs Tex Tegan Kanishoki vs Bull Wrecker Joffy Laine vs Davis Wayne Newton Marco Gonzales vs ??? (A former Puerto Rican Champion)
  20. So, so, so excited for this. AJJ is my favorite company that I haven't yet booked in... all of TEW, maybe? My favorite fictional Japan schedule, a lot of intriguing moving parts, more interesting than UPJ even. Super excited for this if it survives long term. Love the graphics work as well, and the instant intrigue of firing the GOAT before the first show. And what a huge, intriguing show that is lol. Prediction Key Final Winner: Ayame Joshuyo vs Cassidy Gilmour The most popular face wins the tournament to help a new age begin, since whatever impact this development has on Grace End will shake things up enormously. Expecting a basically year long Ayame vs MODEL TRIGGER thing which is exciting. Akane Konda vs. Tegan Merritt Tegan Merritt is the best. Semi-Final 1 Winner: Cassidy Gilmour vs Omitsu Oichi Semi-Final 2 Winner: Ayame Joshuyo vs Bonnie Rain DNGR vs. Hollow Screams Champs retain because of the cool face mask thing. Jolanda Girard vs. Boudica Love Jolanda but she should be in PEWA getting reps in fr. Chikako Nishimuraya vs. Omitsu Oichi Cassidy Gilmour vs. Nariko Shiomi Ayame Joshuyo vs. Yuri Yamanoue Bonnie Rain vs. ??? Chloe Bourel vs. Katy Blaze Even if it pains me that she ditched Nina fr #Justice4Piazat Bonus: Who will Bonnie Rain's opponent be? Klaire Kliene because why the hell not.
  21. This was an excellent show. Loved the detail about the second 8-person tag, love the Raw Sex vs Hittlespitz feud. I think I'm even leaning towards Blitz beating Rob Edwards after seeing The Barracudas so united. You have told me many times I know the characters on the CGC roster well, I think by this point you have more than matched that yourself.
  22. Predictions: Drew Parker vs Rina Yamashita Just can't predict against her, she's probably losing Soul Meat vs Jun Kasai & Masashi Takeda Jun is the most important person... in the scene Daisuke Masaoka & Takashi Sasaki vs E.R.E Takashi Sasaki Suoremacy Kamui, Dragon Libre & Takahiro Katori vs Gentaro, Tatsuhito Takaiwa & Ender Kara These old men don't give a fuck Brahman Brothers & Mammoth Sasaki vs E.R.E. Let's give E.R.E. a win REAL HIPSTAR & Hajime vs Leo Isaka, Rekka & Ikuto Hidaka Don't think Ikuto Hidaka is losing but oh well
  23. Yeah, these shows have started getting stacked. Really successful show and it was mostly setting things up for a bigger card, which speaks volumes on your work. Apparently Kobra Khan is excellent, that's an intriguing addition to the main event scene.
  24. BACK HOME FOR A MONTH OF SHOWS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA! THE FIRST ROUND OF THE GEORGE DECOLT MEMORIAL CUP BEGINS! MATCH CARD INCLUDING 4 FIRST ROUND MATCHES: Blockbuster vs Sterling Whitlock Frankie Dee vs Skip Beau Ian DeColt vs Teddy Thompson Killer Karson vs Sean McFly #1 Contenders Triple Threat to the CGC World Tag Team Championships Generation Z vs Thunder & Lightning vs Tough and Glorious
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