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Everything posted by AboardTheArk

  1. GCG PRESENTS: IN THE COMPANY OF LEGENDS LIVE AT VARSITY ARENA One of the biggest shows of the year from CGC arrives, with the biggest attendance projected in a long time, and interestingly the fewest matches in a PPV this year. Alex DeColt also has a big announcement that will be carried out! MAIN EVENT: CGC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Intrepid Ian Identity vs Joey Poison (C) Ian has managed to get in an enviable position: with a title match at a huge night for the company, one step away from manifesting his destiny, as he says. Joey keeps being ailed by the difficulties of reaching the top of the mountain when not at your peak, with his leg targeted as often as possible by every opponent. It's truly a battle of youth vs experience, but it could also be overconfidence vs the drive to survive. Truly an exciting matchup! Marc Dubois vs Whippy The Clown Marc Dubois keeps winning ever since his arrival at CGC, but that keeps drawing the ire of company mainstays, with Whippy The Clown being the latest to attack him, trying to find ways to distract himself after losing his CGC World Championship. This has not rattled Marc who shows a determination and focus to reach the top of the company and show he is a changed man who has learned from his personal struggles, opposite to Whippy who seems to have forgotten the right way to do things ever since the pressure of carrying the championship got to be too much. Whippy is dangerous and shouldn't be counted out, but if this is a fair fight, Dubois seems unbeatable at this moment. CGC CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Hugh Ancrie vs Skip Beau (C) A battle of philosophies, a battle for the soul of the Canadian championship. House of Stone vs The DeColt Powerhouse. Ancrie is money. Skip is a born fighter. This is an easy sell, the future of Canadian wrestling becoming the present. A match that could steal the show, folks! CGC WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS MATCH: The Montreal Mafia vs The Canadian Blondes (C) Despite the fact there's not much separating these two teams, the Blondes managed to prevail in the cage. The Mafia managed to get momentum back the past few Sundays, and the two out of three falls rules are here to make sure someone separates themselves- three seconds on the mat will not be enough, and no interference will be tolerated. Who will prevail once and for all? METAL MAYHEM MATCH: Blockbuster vs Zeus Maximillion The battle to find the most metal superstar in CGC has been simple: Blockbuster's brash no-damn-giving attitude against Zeus' legitimate demigod powers. Man against God has been an eternal battle ever since a snake managed to trick Man into adopting a healthy lifestyle, and the Metal Mayhem chamber will test both these Combatants as they go out fighting for their pride. OPENER SIX MAN TAG TEAM MATCH: Alexander Robinson, Sterling Whitlock and Lewis Frey vs The Beat Up Battalion A challenge laid by Robinson to test his young students might prove to be a big mistake as the battalion are licking the wounds after their loss to the Superfriends, arguably being at their most dangerous. Regardless, this will be a very fun way to open the show and a very competitive affair. VERY FEW TICKETS ARE LEFT WITH DAYS TO GO! GET YOURS TODAY AT TICKETMASTER!
  2. I hate 21CW. I hate how it essentially makes it impossible to grow a british scene, I hate that it took Koller from VWA, I hate that it's SWF UK but with the young guys being even more bland and terrible, and I hate that RAW did the SWF but with cultural differences trope so, so much better. Honestly, 21CW has no reason to exist but also no way it could ever go under or need to change.
  3. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 158, Tuesday, Week 3 of June 2018 As we transition to our CGC segment, I'd like to say that I figured out why my ratings have been consistently higher lately: the crowd actually makes some decent noise, which makes moves feel important. The segments still are driven more by the content, but when you have a wrestling crowd react to wrestling moves, no matter how jaded I get that will always hit different. MATCH 1: Gopher & The Ant vs Thunder & Lightning. A bit of a shame that we've gotten this Canadian indie dream match twice already and it meant nothing either time. Regardless, this is great, the crowd is making noise, I think this month of Ontario shows has completely reinvigorated the energy in the product, and I don't need to get too in depth with the content of the match, as it's what you'd imagine. The technicians trying to keep Topher grounded and Ant-Man incapacitated so that they don't get overwhelmed by their flashier offense, but inevitably since they're currently jobbing, a Springboard Leg Drop from Topher Smith gives Gopher & The Ant a nice win. Segment Rating: 54 MATCH 2: Clause Reed vs Nathan Black. Forgettable, but a high floor of action, nothing bad to pick out. Reed is really over, which makes sense since he's local and his gimmick is really simple to get behind. Nathan has taken to being a gatekeeper so well, you'd think he was relieved to settle in this role. Clause Reed is really adept at hitting the basics, his shoulder tackles are crisp, his clotheslines look like they hurt, and his Log Saw a finisher that is growing on me. Segment Rating: 46 SEGMENT 1: Blockbuster and Zeus Maximillion are on the top of the ramp, where a mini stage is set. Blockbuster has an electric Cello because they don't make guitars for hands his size, and Zeus has a harp and a tiny amplifier. They proceed to have a "metal-off" of epic proportions, with Jenny Playmate as the judge. Blockbuster tries to sound violent and hectic and domineering, while Zeus' style is more...it's not the right word considering the genre, but laid back. In the way that he's slow, anthemic and powerful. Blockbuster gets immensely annoying at clearly losing, and tries to argue that since art is subjective he shouldn't be subjected to criticism, but it's too late for him, and Zeus is declared the winner. Blockbuster calls them posers and storms off, because he'd never try to break his prized possesion on their heads. Segment Rating: 48 MATCH 3: Alexander Robinson and The Montreal Mafia vs The Canadian Blondes and Philippe LeGrenier. This was definitely good, but I thought the opener was slightly better due to this match being a bit too busy. The faces were in control for most of the match, with the blondes and Philippe resorting to underhanded tactics constantly just to stay in it, but Robinson was a killer hot tag and his Canadian Violence on Ozzie Golden led to a pin attempt that had to be broken up, and chaos ensued in the ring. The brawl was brief but it led to The Montreal Mafia taking out Flash and Philippe (while getting taken out themselves), and Robinson managed to lock in the Mapleleaf submission for the win. Segment Rating: 53 SEGMENT 2: Dan DaLay is in a poorly lit backstage office room alongside Jamie. He tells Atherton that he's done some thinking over the past week, and brought some extra help. Adrian Garcia walks in, as a guest teacher in the class "what do you do when you got your ass kicked by the good guy?". Adrian says that essentially, the answer is to find the next person to terrorise, even if just to get your mojo back. The end goal is the title, but it's not always about the title. Dan interjects, saying that's what he did attacking Dubois, even if it didn't work out, but his priorities have changed lately. Jamie gets some words of doubt in, but Garcia and DaLay restate their point in a catchier way: back in the day, there was always another DeColt. So, you know, just remember that there's always another DeColt, even if in these days it's more of a symbolic thing. Jamie is perplexed, but then he gets an idea, and thanks both men for their help, showing that bad guys have comradarie and altruism that CGC faces could never show. Segment Rating: 57 MATCH 4: Hugh Ancrie vs Sterling Whitlock. Skip Beau joins the commentary table, putting over Sterling huge as a tough fighter who embodies what the new generation of CGC should be about, and Hugh as a huge threat to his title and a wrestling savant. And in the ring, these guys deliver the praise, going all out and giving us a cutting edge match full of high impact offense, to the point they were both going groggy 10 minutes in. Alexander Robinson has trained Sterling like a PGHW wrestler, and in this match where his opponent is an elite endurance athlete with excellent basics it shows, as his plan is to hit him in the head until he's dead, and Hugh's plan is similar in order to set up the Crying Game. Around 13 minutes in the contest, Sterling is completely locked in to the concept of ending things with a Vertical Spike, but Hugh either stops him outright or counters every time. Frustrated, Sterling tries to go for the Lariats that gave him the win at Chaos In the Cage, but Ancrie dodges and uses his momentum to get him in the position for the Crying Game. Whitlock has no choice but to tap out, and this is their first "short" match that gets this good a rating, excellent stuff. Segment Rating: 63 SEGMENT 3: Skip hits the ring after the match to congratulate Ancrie, but Hugh isn't in the mood to play nice. Hugh tells Skip that while he thinks Skip Beau is a good Combatant, he doesn't think he's a good champion. Where he comes from, the Canadian championship represents excellence, while here he sees Beau play second fiddle to old men and people he's beaten before. Hugh aims to give this title prestige, and make it something that shouldn't be beneath him as he expressed when he first came here. Skip says that he shouldn't plan ahead as he still doesn't have the belt, and he should learn from Jamie's failures because he doesn't intend to give the title up that easily. Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 5: Intrepid Ian Identity & Whippy The Clown vs Joey Poison & Marc Dubois. This was killer despite the fact Joey and Marc had bad chemistry- or maybe they didn't and it was just the fact they chose to make a huge deal out of Joey's leg. It's getting tiring but I think they can get some more mileage out of it before it jumps the shark. This match was their usual tag main event, slowly built with the heels cutting off the ring until the babyface gets the big hot tag, and Dubois on offense keeps being unstoppable. Quibble tried to interfere but got a superkick for his troubles, Whippy got thrown out of the ring (and Joey hit a Suicide Dive on him for good measure), and Marc was in there with the #1 contender, ready to fight. Ian used some underhanded tactics to get Dubois grounded and get him in the Prison Lock, but Marc isn't injured and so his opponent's flexing just compelled him to palm strike Ian in the jaw, which got him out of the hold. Ian, dazed and not sure if he's lost a tooth, tries to go for the Identity Theft to end the match, but Marc is in the zone, and the Marc Of Excellence is still to get kicked out of in CGC. Segment Rating: 62 Overall Rating: 62
  4. Lucha III is your best guy who hasn't held the main belt yet, but he's not your only interesting guy. Mephisto, Extraordinario, Silver Tiger, they all kick ass, and your women can main event. Do what you want, bury anyone you want, we're here for the journey. First show was really promising, can't wait for more.
  6. GO HOME SHOW FOR IN THE COMPANY OF LEGENDS! TITLE BOUT WRESTLING FROM BRAMPTON, ONTARIO! Intrepid Ian Identity and Whippy The Clown vs Joey Poison and Marc Dubois Hugh Ancrie vs Sterling Whitlock Alexander Robinson and The Montreal Mafia vs The Canadian Blondes and Philippe LeGrenier Clause Reed vs Nathan Black Gopher and The Ant vs Thunder and Lightning
  7. We're +6 in popularity than when we started (not being in the graveyard slot helps a lot too I guess) and pop bumps up ratings majorly it seems. I never thought Clause Reed vs Jamie could get a rating like this. I guess...maybe...by the next Wrestlefestival we might be reaching the 70's in the huge matches. Exciting stuff just because it gets tougher every week to go "yeah this match was great...here's your 49 rating".
  8. VIBERT'S VOICE - Ep. 157, Tuesday, Week 2 of June 2018 At the end of the day, no matter what your preferred brand of wrestling is, when you're one of the thousand people that give me money to talk about it, you know you deeply care about the art form and the business, and subjective opinions shouldn't overcome your will to pay me. Which brings us to CGC, my favorite currently sports entertainment product, because I can't help but root for achieving underdogs. MATCH 1: The show opens with Ant-Man vs Blockbuster, and it's the first time this year that Blockbuster hasn't dropped the ball when in an important match (I will not count Dubois carrying him through the sheer excitement of his debut). He's genuinely menacing here, it's not just Ant-Man getting offense and being fun with it. His strikes are less fake, his power moves hit with more intent behind them, and well, I know Ant-Man is carrying the action but it just flows better than most of the matches we've got from Blockbuster this year. Which is why when I saw him hit Ant-Man with that Turnbuckle Bomb, I winced and got really worried, but thankfully the Ant is fine. We got Ant-Man hitting a Dr. Bomb on the 6'6 Blockbuter for a very nearfall, but it wasn't meant to be. Blockbuster responded with the Iron Maiden Claw, and when he saw Ant-Man wouldn't tap out, a Busterbomb for good measure and the win. Segment Rating: 50 SEGMENT 1: Zeus Maximillion comes out with a microphone, saying that it seems half-men half-ants are more Blockbuster's speed, but the San Francisco native cuts him off. He retorts that Zeus is all talk, all love and thunder, which just isn't metal at all, and he lays a double challenge: a music contest for next week, and a match at In The Company Of Legends: Metal Mayhem, the one on one version of Chamber of Horrors*. Zeus smiles and tries to summon a thunderbolt for dramatic effect, but Blockbuster kicks him in the balls. Segment Rating: 41 MATCH 2: Clause Reed vs Jamie Atherton showed that the top featured guys (and by extension the show itself) have reached a special point of popularity: Put the top guy vs anyone and you get something that is both solid enough and over enough with the crowd that is better than anything they did until April. This match ruled, and it was just 8 minutes of Jamie getting yelled at by Dan DaLay (who was at ringside) every time he went for a flip, and losing control to Reed until he went into the "cathartic bullying" techniques taught by Dan. Those did turn the tide in his favor, but without having the separation to go for a Thunderbolt, and being the much smaller man, Jamie got the win by countering a piledriver setup into a Jackknife pin, pulling on Clause's gear to hold on as much as possible. Segment Rating: 54 SEGMENT 2: Dan tried to give Jamie a few pointers on his technique and how "next time just lift the guy sometimes like I do, son" but Atherton had to interject. He said he understood the general philosophy, but he didn't think it's a one to one fit because of the foot long difference in height and 70 pound difference in weight. Dan says that he can stay for next week's special class since he's already made the payment, and they'll see where they pivot from there, to which Jamie agrees. Segment Rating: 50 MATCH 3: The Montreal Mafia vs Drake Young and Philippe LeGrenier. This is another example of what I talked to earlier- Montreal Mafia are just way more over than expected and can do no wrong, so the undercarders' heel antics are elevated- and since the Mafia are lifelong underdogs, it's a perfect fit. There's a bit too much comedy maybe with Young bringing back his invisible grenade spot from years past, but other than that it's just clean action and Philippe looked really good. Once again The Canadian Blondes don't really bother to come out and return the favor from their two allies, and Drake Young taps out to the Montreal Crab. Segment Rating: 54 SEGMENT 3: The Mafia actually speak! And they call out the Canadian Blondes. They say that they should mix things up. Three weeks ago they had a cage match. At In The Company Of Legends, it should not be decided by who gets the first pinfall when they're so evenly matched. Quality and consistency should prevail. They want a Two out of Three Falls match, to show these two pretty boys why they're considred the best at waste management. The Blondes come out, they accept, then immediately they have a shockingly brutal brawl by CGC standards, where the Blondes drive both members of the Montreal Mafia face first into the ring posts. Segment Rating: 51 SEGMENT 4: Hugh Ancrie has yet another interview with an, ahem, increasingly horny? but PG-horny of course, Jenny Playmate, and Intrepid Ian Identity is there, trying to leech off of Hugh's popularity. I can't really get into the content of the segment because it was a bit chaotic and Ian constantly interrupting both the questions and any flirting, but it was fairly fun if kept in really small doses. Considering Jenny isn't interviewing anyone else lately, I'm going to call this a gimmick. Segment Rating: 62 MATCH 4: Topher Smith vs Whippy The Clown. Marc Dubois was on commentary, which was great because he has kind of either cut a generic promo or gotten interrupted after his debut, so this is another good chance to humanize the new face of the company, who talks about his issues with Whippy and how he's been wrestling a lot the past few weeks to make up for the time lost. In ring however, Whippy turns back the clock in order to have a high flying focused match with Topher Smith, and this really puts the youngster over by comparison. It's a fine match, one where Whippy doesn't even try to cheat until he knows he'll lose, and as Topher goes for the Gopher Broke 450 degree splash, Whippy gets the knees up and rakes his eyes to get Topher up for the Joke's On You easier. Segment Rating: 52 SEGMENT 5: Marc instantly gets in the ring after Whippy's match, Whippy tries to shake his hand but he clearly has a buzzer on. So Marc eviscerates him with words instead, talking about his real problem with Whippy isn't being targeted or the cowardly manner of his attack, but the fact he was talking such a big game, and one good day, one good moment of Joey showing he's a great wrestler was enough to get him from someone proudly carrying the company to a parody of a wrestler. The Comeback Kid says he hopes he'll beat some sense into Whippy but he's cut off. Whippy reminds him that Marc Dubois was brought in to be "the top wrestler and face of the company" while HE was holding the belt. Alex DeColt replaced him while he was on the run of his life, so all Whippy can do really, is take Marc out. Tells him to watch his back, because if it's not him who beats Dubois into a quiet retreat in rural Manitoba, it will be someone else. All he knows, is that Dubois is not fit for CGC and the locker room knows it. Segment Rating: 64 MATCH 5: Champions vs Challengers tag match. Well this was simple. Hugh and Ian just cut the ring in half, and kept on brutalizing Joey Poison's left leg like they said they would. To the point that this was a somewhat boring main event for the crowd in attendance, even though to me the action worked and the story moved forward just fine. Skip Beau is an excellent hot tag, even if Hugh didn't quite sell the severity of those punches: something to look into in the future! The finish found Ian and Joey both in the ring, and Ian debuted a new move, just for Joey and their title match: he put him in the Prison Lock, and he would just flex for the crowd as Joey was helpless and in pain. Skip broke the hold, but the message was sent. Hugh lariated himself and Skip out of the ring, and as Joey slowly got up, Ian Identity hit a brutal Identity Theft for the win. Segment Rating: 54 SEGMENT 6: After the match ended, Ian made a point to pose over Joey's body with the World Championship belt, and as the referee took it off him so as not to have any theft shenanigans, Ian pretended to trip and knee dropped Poison on the leg. He fake shouted at the ref for causing this, then retreated laughing. The deck is certainly stacked for next Friday. Segment Rating: 52 Overall Rating: 57 *CGC's December PPV, think Elimination Chamber with weapons. The solo version is more claustrophobic, a bit more like a cage match.
  9. CGC IN OTTAWA! TITLE BOUT WRESTLING WITH THE FOLLOWING CARD: Champions vs Challengers: Joey Poison and Skip Beau vs Intrepid Ian Identity and Hugh Ancrie Clause Reed vs Jamie Atherton The Montreal Mafia vs Drake Young & Philippe LeGrenier Ant-Man vs Blockbuster Whippy The Clown vs Topher Smith
  10. Vibert's Voice - Ep. 156, Tuesday, Week 1 of June 2018 Ok so, we did Total Mayhem, we did the potential politicking to get Aaron Andrews over Rocky Golden in the biggest show of the year, we did Huggins vs Jameson in the match of the night, is there anything else? Oh, right. CGC time. Title Bout Wrestling was once again a solid show! Slowly bringing up those crowds, 575 announced attendance, although they've drown more in Ontario than they do at home probably due to scarcity. SEGMENT 1: Intrepid Ian Identity opens the show, and basically hypes himself up for his #1 contender's match in the main event, saying he understands that the boss, Alex DeColt, is showing him some tough love and is grateful to let everyone in London know that he's him. His birthright won't be denied, his destiny fulfilled, and he will beat Joey Poison at In The Company Of Legends, because it's kind of written in the stars that he will. Joey Poison comes out, reminding Ian that he shouldn't be overconfident going into the main event as Joey himself will make sure he doesn't use any underhanded tactics, but Ian says how can't he be confident when Joey has been physically struggling for months and is only just holding onto the belt because of the power of friendship? Ian knows this is just his path to becoming World Champion, but Joey just shrugs him off and flashes his belt, because Ian lost his to Skip Beau in his last 'biggest match of his career'. Segment Rating: 59 MATCH 1: Flash vs Marc Raisin. This time, Ozzie and Dermott Ayres were the ones trying to help their partner overcome how extremely even the odds were and how well-matched these four are, but this match was the flippiest match of the year in CGC, and had less opportunities for blatant cheating, at least early on. Whirlwind pace, great counters and just a sense of fun prevailing. But things don't go similarly in this match, as seeing Dermott thwart him too many times, Ozzie Golden has got backup: Drake Young and Philippe LeGrenier come in, beat the hell out of Dermott, and as the second member of The Montreal Mafia complains to the ref that they should be ejected and order restored or else he will wake up with the head of the horse in his blankets, Flash got him in the Crucifix pin for the win. Wrestling is simple, and these four do it well. Segment Rating: 54 SEGMENT 2: Blockbuster goes into the "dweebs locker room" in order to recruit a tag team partner for his match later on, but he gets shut down by everyone. Curtis Mobstar doesn't like his music, the Beat Up Battalion are offended by his lack of commitment after they tried to recruit him weeks ago, Dapper Danny Draper talks about the unbreakable bond of Team CD and how he cannot betray that...but Chucky Dorrance certainly can, as he hastily accepts the opportunity for Exposure. Segment Rating: 38 MATCH 2: Ant-Man vs Nathan Black. This was Ant-Man showing he can beat up on people his own size, as he manhandled the veteran with increasingly enjoyable offense, and kudos to Black for bumping like that 19 years in. Not much to say other than Ant-Man not opting for the Doctor Bomb, but ending things with a Top Rope Headbutt instead. Segment Rating: 44 SEGMENT 3: Jamie Atherton has found just the person he needed to in order to get his mojo back: Dan DaLay. He goes up to the locker room harassment leader, shakes his hand, looks at him firmly in the eyes, and asks him for advice because he has been losing to the DeColt family for 20 years, so he must know how it feels now that Jamie got pinned once. Dan is, shockingly, enthusiastic to help him, and they go over a motivational montage: Jamie needs to decrease the number of flips and multiply that by the number of people whose lives he's made a living hell. It's not about winning, it's about sending a message. But also, sometimes it is about winning. Dan says he's got a match for him next week, to demonstrate what he's learned. Segment Rating: 52 MATCH 3: Marc Dubois vs Quibble The Clown. Maybe there should be a weight limit put in terms of who Marc Dubois fights, because the last two matches were absolute fire and a little better than the big DaLay match. Quibble has come into his own as a performer in the indies- well, I guess CGC is not an indie only due to the pity TV deal they have- and he was an excellent foil to Dubois in this match. Whippy was mostly cheering him on, other than a spot where he put an invisible wall up as Dubois was chasing Quibble on the outside. This little interference did help hip get the upper hand with dives and a lot of hair pulling (people in CGC seem to not like luscious blond hair), but Marc did what he usually does in these matches and steadily built up to a comeback with clotheslines, forearm strikes, a big Flapjack. But in this match Dubois didn't go for the Comeback Lariat or the Marc Of Excellence, debuting the finisher we mostly have known him with in the SWF- The Model Solution guillotine choke. Quibble tapped out immediately. Segment Rating: 63 SEGMENT 4: Whippy tries to instantly get in the ring and attack Dubois, but he has let go of the hold and is ready for a scrap. Whippy backs off, then implies a peace offering as he wants to retrieve Quibble's downed body. Marc takes two steps backwards, and as Whippy helps his fallen soldier to his feet, tries to spray Dubois with the most tiny of water guns, violating the truce and perhaps the Geneva convention, and presumably officially laying a challenge for the PPV. Segment Rating: 62 MATCH 4: Blockbuster & Chucky Dorrance vs Zeus and Stevie. This will shock everyone, but the heels didn't have the best rapport or cooperation. Blockbuster would just scream commands at random that were stuff like "beat his ass" and "no, take that hit harder what are you doing" and "DODGE", but all Chucky was able to do is question the integrity of his tactical nuance, and he therefore lost the match in quite a short, brisk runtime without the metalhead even tagging in, as Stevie Grayson rolled Chucky up despite having hit him with way too many dropkicks before, as if he didn't know how to pin someone normally. Segment Rating: 43 SEGMENT 5: Blockbuster, furious, tries to write off the loss and say it's clear we don't know who's the most metal of the two yet, but Zeus points out that his hair is still in Yu-Gi-Oh shape after the thunderstrike last week and that he lost tonight, so, really it's obvious. Blockbuster tries to lunge forward...and attack Stevie Grayson, but Zeus sees everything coming and clutches his arm in order to use ancient Greek techniques and transition to the Olympian Clutch. As Blockbuster screams for help, Zeus motions for Stevie to put the mic closer to his face, and declares that Blockbuster needs to prove that he can even contend for the title of the Most Metal Wrestler in CGC. Perhaps Half Man Half God is too much for him. Segment Rating: 46 MATCH 5: Intrepid Ian Identity vs Alexander Robinson was a really good match, where Ian took all the "tries to cheat but isn't able to" spots out in the first 5 minutes, because he then had the same realization as a couple weeks ago: he's a really good wrestler who knows how to do this. Alexander was an excellent dance partner, and was allowed to have his best CGC match yet, because Ian is one of the most polished performers on the roster and Robinson knows how to build a match with those qualities. If I had to describe the style, I know that the DeColts used to have a lot of classic brawls, but this had something more american to it as a match. The way they hit their cues and exchanged signatures, Ian kind of escapes the Jack DeColt comparisons (he's the one who used to train these guys after all) and reminds me a bit more of young Jack Bruce. Might just be how he smiled at Joey every time he took an advantage. Robinson hit the Canadian Violence european uppercut, but Ian got his foot on the ropes, and after that it was all about outlasting the veteran, even if he's in excellent shape for a 45 year old. Ian's punches just didn't get answered with the same glee after about 15 minutes, and that's when he capitalized. Punch, punch, dodge, kick to the stomach, DDT. Play to the crown, call Joey Poison a relic that will be forgotten as he makes history and manifests his destiny, get hit by Robinson, get your bearings back, stomp on his foot, elbow strikes, Identity Theft (Rock Bottom). That's how Intrepid Ian Identity became the #1 contender to the CGC World Championship. Segment Rating: 60 SEGMENT 6: Joey Poison gets in the ring, tells Ian that he carried himself like a true Power House graduate, but he should not expect his first title challenge to be successful, because no one's has been! The important part is that he's learning and seems ready for the big dance. Ian asks him what would happen if he kicked the inside of his left knee right now, and as Joey kind of uneasily backed off, Ian went on a tirade. He said Poison didn't think what would happen if he actually took the title. That he's the most vulnerable man in Canadian Golden Combat, to the point where he hasn't won a match with his finisher in months. Ian knows he's inevitable, but Joey shouldn't have made it so easy on him. But the best part is, he doesn't even have to attack him and stain his image, because he legally has a chance to incapacitate him next week, on Title Bout Wrestling's main event: Intrepid Ian Identity and Hugh Ancrie vs Joey Poison and that twerp Skip Beau! Segment Rating: 60 Overall Rating: 60
  11. You know, at first I found the format a bit dizzying (and totally not because I was too lazy not to skim!), but this is actually flat out excellent and getting better every show.
  12. Bringing this old thread back to express my undying love for Mr. Lucha III. He saved OLLIE on his own with a rudo run as "La Evolucion" wrecking Lopez and Flores and then giving his name on our weekly TV show (OLLIE Evolucion). He dropped 15 months in to Silver Tiger, then turned tecnico in a Hijo Del Mephisto feud that got so heated he got the masks of everyone in the Council Of Decay other than the leader who he ran out of the company (poached by EILL)...so then naturally I gave him the COTT title which he held for like 20 defenses. This is like if Go Shiozaki's 2020 NOAH reign didn't involve him destroying his shoulders and never returning to his physical peak again, it was truly a landmark run and since he was in his prime he reached some ungodly stats, was giving me 85-90 performances when we were lower medium in popularity.
  13. 1) Campeonato de las Mujeres OLLIE title match - Celeste Moon © vs Mystery Pink 2) Electric Dreamer & Ursula Saez vs Queens of the Damned (La Hija Del Diablo & Queen Amazon) 3) Marcos Flores vs Phobia 4) Campeonato de Mexico OLLIE title match - Distubed © vs North Star Jr 5) The Freedom Family (Luis Montero Jr w/Agueda Alonso & Tricolor Jr) vs Evil Intent (Hellspawn 666 & Slayyer) 6) Campeonato de Universal OLLIE title match - Nicolas Lopez © vs El Hijo de Espada Roja 7) 20 Man Battle Royal: Extraordinario Jr
  14. My two favorite companies are gone, CGC and GCG. After those, I really appreciate NYCW as they were the easiest for me to book when I first got into the game. I actually prefer modern TCW to prime, they were too good and overwhelming with Cornell in there.
  15. This show felt like a complete swerve to me, but I was rooting for Rob to walk away with the title and got what I wanted. I am sure someone in a message board is complaining about nepotism booking and Lori making sure her guys stay on top, despite the fact this is only the beginning. I am thinking something big is coming in year 2.
  16. Humility is a strong word! I am glad that the feuds have started off strong because as mentioned I changed plans multiple times, and someone (probably Joey) was always going to get shafted by the arranging of the heels and who they'd work with. CGC IS COMING TO LONDON, ONTARIO! TITLE BOUT WRESTLING HEADLINED BY A #1 CONTENDER'S MATCH FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! Flash goes up against Marc Raisin to continue the build of matches ahead of the anticipated rematch of The Montreal Mafia for the tag team titles! Ant-Man faces Nathan Black, the former Predator wanting to get back in the business of winning wrestling matches! Blockbuster needs to find a tag team partner in order to face Zeus & Stevie after he was struck by the Demigod's wrath last week! Marc Dubois faces Quibble the Clown, working his way towards Whippy after the Clowns' devastating attack after his incredible win in last week's main event! And after these huge matches, the main event is going to be Alexander Robinson vs Intrepid Ian Identity, with Alex DeColt surely hoping the veteran slaps some sense into the brash challenger. Champion Joey Poison will act as enforcer to make sure this match is clean and worthy of the stakes! These tickets are more in demand than ever, grab them as fast as you can!
  17. Now that Revelation was halted, divine intervention is more common and less time-consuming.
  18. Vibert's Voice - Ep. 155, Tuesday, Week 4 of May 2018 While we transition into our CGC segment, let's talk about two alumnis of the company as Bobby Thomas defeated Antonio Del Veccio in Varsity Arena, the same venue CGC will run In The Company Of Legends from, to win the 4C Championship, the first major honor of his career, in a match that I thought was quite damn good. Let's see if CGC's regional tour in Ontario has gotten to an equally successful start, shall we? SEGMENT 1: The show opens with Joey Poison's big celebration for winning the CGC World Heavyweight Championship, essentially thrown by the locker room and organized by Faith. There is baloons, banners, weird 2000's indie blasting and an incredible ovation. These folks have missed CGC I think. Joey has his moment to cut a promo thanking everyone for believing him and being with him for this wild, really 23 year long ride. He however adds that being a champion is not just about the belt, but what you do with it. He will defend this hurt, healthy, here, there, everywhere, and he can't wait for his first challenger to show u- generic, identity-less music hits, and Intrepid Ian Identity comes out, saying that he has had a historic 4 week undefeated streak and he declares himself as first in line, because Joey may have fluked his way to greatness, but it's Ian's destiny and birthright to reach the top and relieve him of that belt. It's kind of a downer ending to the party but a fine segment. Segment Rating: 61 MATCH 1: Dermott Ayres vs Ozzie Golden. Marc Raisin and Flash were ringside, and Marc made sure this one would be clean, constantly repelling interference and that threw both Blondes off their game. Dermott went in with a plan, hitting rapid backbreakers in between just unnerving offense. Usually these two are the technicians, but after the PPV loss, The Mafia knew how to adapt the gameplan. As a result, with Ozzie not able to take the easy way out and also familiarity between the two competitors muted, it was a matter of time Ayres made him tap to the Montreal Crab. Segment Rating: 53 SEGMENT 2: Jamie Atherton is sitting alone in the locker room, having it emptied out from the common wrestlers, brooding, monologuing. He's absolutely in disbelief after his failure at Chaos In The Cage, feeling things he never has before. Self doubt? Disappointment? Like he has to try? What is this and why does it feel like middle school? For the first time in his career he feels directionless, and like he might be like everyone else. After he almost throws up by simply uttering those words, he has an epiphany: he needs help and advice. Segment Rating: 67 MATCH 2: Lewis Frey and Sterling Whitlock vs Thunder & Lightning. I am told the move to put these two together mirrors real life as Robinson seems to have taken Frey under his wing backstage. Also to me it makes sense to put two serious guys together and hope they develop their personality. We've talked about Thunder & Lightning, it's bad that they lose all the time but they get fine matches out of their losses even without being over. Whitlock pinned Thunder after a Backdrop Driver. Segment Rating: 48 SEGMENT 3: Ian bursts into Alex DeColt's office demanding a match for the title by virtue of being on a streak and having talked to the champion on live Television which should be sealing the deal, really. Alex tells him that he's making a compelling case, but he's never not going to give a young Combatant the opportunity to prove himself further. That's why next week's Title Bout Wrestling main event match will be a #1 contender's match between Intrepid Ian Identity and Alexander Robinson, with everyone barred from ringside except Joey Poison who will act as an outside enforcer. Ian will have to earn his title shot, and he's devastated. Segment Rating: 63 MATCH 3: Blockbuster vs Zeus Maximillion. These two decided to work a very bare-bones match, two dudes who think they're more badass than each other exchanging blows. At some point, the Meathead Metalhead beats up the demigod so badly he finds an opening. As he goes for the BusterBomb however, He is STRUCK BY LIGHTNING and the match ends in a no contest. This was metal, but also kind of bad because they were clearly holding back. Segment Rating: 38 SEGMENT 4: Skip Beau wants to address the fans after a very gutsy title defense on Friday, but he doesn't even get the time to do it, as Hugh Ancrie comes out to congratulate him, but more importantly to not make him get a word in. Hugh says that he was really impressed by his performance against that cocky cruiserweight from Alberta, and that he realized he doesn't just have to go after the CGC roster, but the DeColt Powerhouse trainees. Winning the Canadian title, the title equivalent to the biggest he won in his career, is just a bonus. Skip seems to just be happy having a real man's man present an honorable challenge to him, and he goes for a handshake. Hugh accepts, flashes a smile to the hardcam for the twitter meme posters, and pulls him in for the Reverse DDT. Segment Rating: 56 SEGMENT 5: The Clownshow duo are hanging out in a poorly lit room backstage, plotting their next move. Quibble seems heartbroken about Whippy's loss at Chaos In The Cage, but Whippy is just hyper, perhaps to supress the feeling of failure. But it's fine, because he has the next big thing. A plan so big, and heinous, that it will shake CGC to its core, force everyone's hand, and either ruin the company or have Whippy walk into endless title chances, money, fame, stand up gigs in stadiums instead of running local theaters with his improv group, Burden of Prov, and so on and so on. Quibble gets him back to reality to specify his plan. Whippy says it's simple: We kill the kid. Segment Rating: 52 MATCH 4: The Superfriends vs Beat-Up Battalion. It was a fun 6 man tag, these guys have developed some chemistry over the last month and have gone from practically having "non-terrible" matches to something solid. And that's even with the Superfriends controlling most of the match, which was a refreshing change of pace in terms of how the rest of the show has gone with heels dominating screen time. Clause Reed put Charlie Homicide in the Log Saw while Gopher & The Ant took the other guys out with stereo dives, and the Superfriends prevail, for the final time in quite a while I presume. Segment Rating: 43 MATCH 5: Curtis Mobstar vs Dubois was the most intense match the company has run this year, and probably what they were envisioning when they brought Marc Dubois in. Mobstar can do a timeless brawl, that guy has a future in this company to me. Marc struggled a lot (in story terms) with that energy Mobstar kept bringing, but he had that Ace skill to get up to speed and outdo him instead of change his plan. As Mobstar went behind, he tried to bring weapons into the mix, but that only angered official Russell Eicke, who kept him on a short lease for the rest of the match, and by that point hair-pulling and hard strikes could not stop the inevitable: a Marc Of Excellence for the win. This was great. And just one rating point better than the Thomas vs Del Veccio match I mentioned earlier. Segment Rating: 63 SEGMENT 6: Marc Dubois wants to send the crowd home happy, talking about every time he's in a CGC ring he raises the target but he never misses the Marc or something like that, and Whippy The Clown comes out holding some sort of one-red-button remote. Whippy says this is a wonderful occasion, in front of the CGC faithful here in HAMILTON, ONTARIO (mixed reaction because wrestling fans sometimes just have to cheer for their city). And a big moment too, as we all witnessed Marc Dubois, The Comeback Kid, win his LAST CGC match. He presses the button, and from the top of the arena, a huge dark dumbbell with 1000 KG written on it in white lettering. It falls to the ring and...it's made of foam and just casually bops off Marc's head. Dubois is only irritated at Whippy's stunt and tries to exit the ring to give him a piece of his mind, and Whippy just starts pressing the button again and again in panic...which summons Quibble The Clown and his trusty baseball bat, with which he obliterates Marc Dubois to end the show with Whippy ROFLing on the floor laughing. Segment Rating: 61 Overall Rating: 63(!!!!!!!)
  19. This looks really good, RIPW is one of the few companies I know nothing about. I read a bit of the America At War and No Ordinary Men diaries and so I think this has potential to be excellent.
  20. CANADIAN GOLDEN COMBAT HITS THE ROAD FOR AN ONTARIO TOUR! Continuing the big success of CGC in 2018, the company has heard the pleas of our fans in Ontario, and the next 4 TV shows are coming from cities in the region, with IN THE COMPANY OF LEGENDS scheduled to take place in Toronto's Varsity Arena, the first PPV here since 2014! Purchase a ticket and come for CGC's superstar Combatants like Marc Dubois, Skip Beau, Jamie Atherton and CGC World Heavyweight Champion Joey Poison! The Card for Sunday, Week 3 of March 2018 in Hamilton, Ontario, Title Bout Wrestling's backlash from Chaos In The Cage, has been released: Joey Poison's Big Championship Celebration is taking place! Thunder & Lightning face off Sterling Whitlock and Alexander Robinson's newest prodigy, Lewis Frey! The Montreal Mafia and Canadian Blondes differences have NOT been settled, and Dermott Ayres is going up against Ozzie Golden in a singles match! Blockbuster battles Zeus Maximillion in a battle of incomprehensible power! We will hear from CGC Champion Skip Beau! The newly-dubbed Superfriends want to end the Beat Up Battalion's terror once and for all in a 6 Man Tag Team Match! And for our main event, fresh of his Chaos In The Cage win, Marc Dubois does not want to rest, he only wants to get more Hard To The Core, as he goes up against Curtis Mobstar!
  21. You're too kind! If I was going to justify 5 cage matches, I thought I have to really sell the cage like it's the 70's. Only Brett vs Hugh was unaffected, intentionally due to how the NOTBPW guy wrestles. I do think maybe some matches were similar (the way Jamie and Dan attack, for instance), but that's just me writing these down in like a couple of hours rather than pre-planning the spots themselves. A smart booker would keep the title on Whippy and transition to Dubois vs Whippy in a title feud, even if it's early just to capitalize on the big draw and the fact Whippy will never have more momentum and he's probably the best part of the show. But I told a specific story, and it's not the most unique, but the way I stacked everything up against Joey and made this about whether he's a main event level guy or not, I thought I shouldn't change my plans on him winning because of the signings. The thing that pains me however is that there's no way he's getting a long reign, so maybe I just rationalized making a worse decision. But in my mind CGC is a company that is all about the good guys winning (ironic in how I've structured the roster!), which also played a part. We'll see, I've changed my plans on the build for the next PPV three times, as this was as far ahead as I had practically 60% of things down before I started the save. By the way, the match got a 57...because Whippy also entered physical decline one week before the PPV. Luckily their stamina number is quite high so if you go with slow build, you can get a pretty good and long match. Also I am pretty sure the match got penalized for the storyline not being hot due to the video package flopping which is hilarious.
  22. CGC CHAOS IN THE CAGE 2018 REPORT Attendance: 1626 PPV Buys: 15,152 A Classic night of high-level wrestling has been delivered from Canadian Golden Combat, a company that is stepping up once again to become a player in the chaotic Canadian wrestling scene. Chaos In The Cage has been the pinnacle PPV event of the company in 2018 in terms of quality, and a landmark of the company's recent history. MATCH 1: Superfriends (Clause Reed & Topher Smith) vs Beat Up Battalion (Charlie Homicide & Tongan Death Machine) The opener contest held special interest as it was the first time these two combinations teamed up, and they delivered a fine result. Charlie Homicide shine brightly, by having the brunt of the offense and his smart wrestling keeping the Superfriends down, but he also made the mistake that allowed Topher to get to Reed finally for a huge hot tag where he absolutely dominated! Clause Reed picked up the win with the Log Saw on Tongan Death Machine, and the Superfriends prevail. Segment Rating: 36 MATCH 2: Alexander Robinson & Sterling Whitlock vs Drake Young and Philippe LeGrenier The opportunity to get revenge was really enticing for Robinson and Whitlock, who have had the tag team titles on sight lately. Drake and LeGrenier have fit really well together, and they presented a real challenge to competitors who usually have the drive and focus to dispatch of these opponents. At some point the bad guys managed to really wear down the legend, hit him with brutal stomps and generally drive the offense towards his "ugly and unfabulous" face, but patience is the biggest virtue in wrestling, as Robinson managed to hit an arm drag that sent Philippe to the outside and that got him enough time to get a fresh Sterling Whitlock in, and he went crazy on poor Philipe to the point where he had to tag in Drake Young. At that point, the result wasn't really in doubt, with Whitlock hitting continuous lariats on Young, hitting a palm strike on LeGrenier to make sure he doesn't get involved, and pinning his helpless opponent. Segment Rating: 47 MATCH 3: Ant-Man vs Killer Karson Karson wagered his status of never having been pinned or submitted in a CGC ring (a bit ambitious considering the length of time) against the unofficial leader of the Superfriends, a man with freakish strength and the heart of an...ant? This match was actually really fun, although it lacked substance. Karson showed off his insane athleticism by going toe to toe with the cruiserweight in terms of distance ran, showing what makes him so dangerous. However, this hyperactivity was to be his demise, as he went for the Killer Boot three times and it was reversed all three, with the last one being a visually awesome Capture Suplex from Ant-Man that gave him the win! Segment Rating: 43 MATCH 4: Jamie Atherton vs Skip Beau (C) in a Cage Match for the CGC Canadian Championship Cage Matches are unforgiving, claustrophobic, and painful. They completely change the complexion of any match, even just by making retreats impossible. And that changed everything in the complexion of Jamie Atherton. Gone was his cockiness, and he instead found deep in himself the drive to fight a gritty wrestling match. But surviving the Raging Bull is a really tall task. So he went for the eyes, the kidneys, the legs, the private parts, but that would only get Skip angrier, and angrier, and he would reataliate in more violent ways each time. Being thrown repeatedly face first into steel is not fun, everyone! And so, the answer to fight or flight became flight. Dodge attacks, hit kicks, climb up, try to hit a big plancha, repeat. One miss and it would be over, and it happened around 20 minutes in, when Jamie went for a Thunderbolt from the top of the cage, but he just hadn't done enough consistent damage for Skip to take it instead of dodge, so he crashed back first. Skip went for the pin, but he did find the drive to kick down and only lost after a Flow Down. Champion retains, hubris is punished. Segment Rating: 56 MATCH 5: The Canadian Blondes vs The Montreal Mafia (C) in a Tornado Tag Cage Match for the CGC World Tag Team Championships We've talked about the complexion of a cage match, and we now see what happens when we have a bit of a mirror matchup: a high-flyer and a technician against a high-flyer and a technician. The enclosed space limits the work these two sides do, but the pace is absolutely frantic. They did start off slow to get their bearings, but the amount of pin break-ups, submission counters, tag team moves and copycat offense was dizzying. This was an ACPW match, and maybe that's why the response was slightly worse than the match before, which told a simpler, classic wrestling story. This contest between the two teams has surely only begun however, as the Canadian Blondes may have captured tag team gold, but they did it by shoving Marc Raisin into exposed steel (of the turnbuckles with the pad removed, which allowed them to double team Dermott Ayres and get the win. Segment Rating: 50 MATCH 6: Brett Fraser vs Hugh Ancrie In A Cage Match Hugh Ancrie is a complete beast, but Brett Fraser is a beast hunter. The former House of Stone graduate tried multiple times to end things quickly and choke Fraser out, but he couldn't due to his unrelenting toughness. Headbutts, slaps, kicks, punches, throws, all were used to keep the distance between the two. But Hugh Ancrie isn't one of the animals Brett hunts in his spare time (with license and responsibility of course), he is evolved. As the match went on, he would adapt. Attacking the neck doesn't work, so let's attack the leg for two minutes, then get back to what he is familiar with. The ever magnifying difference in speed became too much, and the suplexes and neckbreakers soon became a sight that is to become familiar: The Crying Game, Reverse DDT into Dragon Sleeper, securing another win for Hugh Ancrie, in merely 10 minutes. Segment Rating: 57 SEGMENT 1: Post-Match Interview Jenny Playmate sprinted into the ring after the match was over in order to get an interview with Hugh. He was asked about his dreamy-errr, dreamlike start to his CGC career, and what is next after this. To which he simply responded that he's on to bigger things, flashed a smile, and left. Segment Rating: 57 SEGMENT 2: Marc Dubois Makes His Entrance This entrance wasn't even too fancy, just a huge spotlight and Dubois in excellent red and gold gear. The point is, the crowd went nuts for this. The Comeback Kid made a statement by just coming out to wrestle. Segment Rating: 63 MATCH 7: Dan DaLay vs Marc Dubois in a Cage Match Dan DaLay is in his element in the cage matches. His old school offense thrives and he actually uses the cage heavily every time. Marc Dubois took a lot of punishment to a level that he hadn't been used to. This was very competitive, unlike what you may expect watching Dubois be at the top of his game, but DaLay has faced DeColts for 22 years, and he knows what to do when overmatched in every way other than power- you not only use your power, but you also rile your opponent up. Hair pulling, biting, stomping the groin, giving wet willies, dictating and demonstrating a whole bully's handbook to a ghost writer, anything it takes. But, as often in life, talent and determination prevails. Dubois' comebacks are unstoppable and completely tide-changing, from the whirlwind speed to the rope-recoil snap german suplexes, and most importantly the crowd ate everything up. Years of DaLay PTSD kicked in as while Marc went for the Comeback Lariat, a big boot and a DaLay Down got a 2.9 count. The brain claw that followed was agonizing, but Dubois had the answer for it. He used the steel cage wall as leverage to deliver an uppercut to DaLay, and when they both recovered instantly hit the Marc Of Excellence (Superkick into Skull Crusher) for the win, in what is so far the CGC Match Of The Year! Segment Rating: 61 SEGMENT 3: Title Match Hype Video The biggest story in CGC, spanning four months, is recapped for the viewers here, from Whippy's gutsy title reign, to the comparisons between the two during Joey's rise to contention, to Whippy helping him against Gargantuan and the Luck Of The Draw interference of Atherton, the classic at the DeColt Wrestlefestival, Faith's absence and of course, Whippy's devastating attack. This is the night it ends, confined in the unforgiving Cage. Segment Rating: 41 for some reason MATCH 8: Joey Poison w/ Faith vs Whippy The Clown (C) w/Quibble The Clown in a Cage Match For The CGC World Heavyweight Championship This is what is all about. The crowd was practically begging for Joey to win, and Whippy immediately took offense to that, making it a point to outwrestle joey whenever he could...which was often as each time Joey got the upper hand, he'd get a blow to his injured leg by Whippy, who would then capitalize. A part of the match was Quibble trying to play mind games to Joey by freaking Faith out, in order to make her seem like a liability and not have Joey capitalize on the mental boost of the Power of Friendship. Whippy really was in control for quite a large portion of this 24(!) minute match, hitting a Clowning Around but not getting the job done, before deciding to put all his attention on the leg instead of using it as a crutch. With ruthless efficiency, he attacked to the point of Joey having difficulty standing up, and at that point he requested from Quibble the handkerchiefs, wanting to choke Joey out. Faith tried to stop them but the threat of physical violence was too much, and Joey was on his own against an opponent with an unorthodox weapon. That tiny bit of separation however helped Joey mount a big comeback, with a backdrop that shook Whippy to his core, and a Twisting Cutter for the nearfall. He then noticed the "rope", and tried to grab it to tie Whippy's legs with it, but it resulted in a bit of Tug of War sequence where Whippy's experience in the matter help him use the momentum to kind of arm drag Joey and get him into this devious assisted Choke Hold. Poison struggled but knew he didn't have much time, so he let his legs go and got out with a Jawbreaker, jumped right into the Antidote's Web Cradle 1...2...the leg strength just isn't there! He swiftly grabs the handkerchiefs, uses them to tie Whippy's arm to his own, and that's the moment where instinct kicks in: countering a punch from the completely rattled Whippy, since he can't really run at this point, he generates the momentum to get him up for a big Modified Driver of sorts, and just collapses on top of Whippy for the pin. 1...2...3! He has done it! A sequence of pain defying brilliance was enough for Joey Poison to show he belongs at the top of the food chain in CGC. Joey doesn't get up until the referee has untied the two exhausted opponents. He receives the belt and a hug from Faith, and he stands tall, as CGC World Heavyweight Champion. Segment Rating: 57 Overall Rating: 57
  23. Hell yes! Great show, like three big crowd-pleasing moments, closure to two stories, a very badass debut, this show had almost everything other than Milton vs Rob II. I think your narration works really well with angles since it's very succinct and to the point. Also, a big win to the way you format this diary is that I was shocked and even almost concerned for a second at the birthday line, but then you realize they've been working together for what, 12 years?
  24. CHAOS IN THE CAGE PREVIEW: TICKETS ON SALE, LET'S MAKE THIS OUR BIGGEST SHOW YET IN 2018! Chaos In The Cage is coming and CGC is red-hot, receiving adoration from DeColt Country Citizens and critics alike! Our home in Vancouver is hosting yet another PPV, and let's make it another success that is truly the story of this landmark year in company history! A plethora of big matches are going to be presented, so don't miss out! MAIN EVENT: CGC World Heavyweight Championship Cage Match: Joey Poison vs Whippy The Clown (C) After over two months of Whippy fighting tooth and nail to keep his title against Joey Poison, the Clown Prince of Grappling finally snapped two weeks ago, getting Quibble The Crown back in order to viciously attack Joey! He says that there is no chance he loses to Poison, let alone when he's not at 100%, but his increasing protectiveness of his belt says otherwise, especially with joey Poison getting Faith back in his corner for the last time! This does not get more finite, as it's the last time these two veterans will ever collide for the world title! Will Whippy the Clown regret not respecting Joey Poison as his peer, or has his deviousness and Joey's injuries done enough to keep him at the top of the food chain? CAGE MATCH: Dan DaLay vs Marc Dubois Dubois has dreamt of wrestling at home forever, and CGC made that dream a reality by signing the international superstar after the DeColt Wrestlefestival. However, many people have taken offense to his arrival, and Dan DaLay is the only one with the mean streak to act upon it. It might be Marc's home, but CGC is his house, and he wants to kick Marc Dubois out, or at the very least give him an unforgiving beating. Can he stop The Comeback Kid? CAGE MATCH: Brett Fraser vs Hugh Ancrie Hugh Ancrie is a million dollar wrestler, who has everything he could ever want. He has taken exception to CGC's unruly style of wrestling, standing up for his distorted view of Canadian tradition (and also his sponsorship money) by trying to take out the CGC roster. However, he seems to have met his match with Brett Fraser, the man who hunts mooses for sport and wrestles to unwind. Will Brett's innate tougness make him able to stand up to this beautiful monster? CGC World Tag Team Championship Cage Match: The Canadian Blondes vs The Montreal Mafia (C) The Canadian Blondes feel entitled to the world tag team championships after Flash's injury forced them to give up their title shot in January, to the point where they've gone to any measures, legal or otherwise to ensure this title shot. The Montreal Mafia are on a roll of high level wrestling and finally broke through the glass ceiling that was keeping them down in their career. Will they make The Blondes just another victim or will that injury have just delayed the inevitable? CGC Canadian Championship Cage Match: Jamie Atherton vs Skip Beau (C) Jamie Atherton might be opportunistic scum, but he's also excellent. And he has continued his impressive record by securing a title shot for a title he doesn't even want! Skip has taken offense to being underestimated like that, but Jamie's cocky-as-hell demeanor cannot be rattled. He knows he will win, and to him it feels like he already has won. The Raging Bull seems to not be getting riled up by his opponents entitlement and mind-games, but does he have what it takes to beat an athlete at Jamie's level inside the unforgiving steel? Ant-Man vs Killer Karson The Beat Up Battalion have no regard for anyone's well being or enjoyment, and CGC needed a hero to step up! And that's what Ant-Man has done, who has ran through the group proving that the size of your heart is bigger than the size of your muscles. Killer Karson however has never been beaten straight up in a CGC ring, and this is truly a collision for the ages! Alexander Robinson and Sterling Whitlock vs Drake Young and Philippe LeGrenier After Drake Young cost the dynamic duo of Robinson and Whitlock a shot at the tag team titles, this match was booked to help them seek revenge! Philippe has been in impeccable form ever since finding a hype man in Drake Young, but Robinson and Whitlock are probably the most serious competitors on the roster, and they don't need to find extra motivation than they've already been provided! Beat Up Battalion vs Clause Reed and Topher Smith The second chapter of the Superfriends trying to take down the Beat Up Battalion, Clause Reed is in great form, Topher Smith is always exciting in the squared circle, but they're going up against monsters who feast on the idea of making their opponents hurt. It's definitely a tall ask for the Lumberhunk and the Gopher to make this happen! I am extremely excited for this show, but I will have a couple of days pass before I post it, to let everybody catch up and build some anticipation. I am getting back into the thick of things with university work starting next week, so I thought since I was excited and had the time I could do these daily shows to pass this great PPV cycle (although I will probably still post super often, as these don't take up *too* much time to get through and post). Match Card For Predictions Joey Poison vs Whippy The Clown Dan DaLay vs Marc Dubois Brett Fraser vs Hugh Ancrie The Canadian Blondes vs The Montreal Mafia Jamie Atherton vs Skip Beau Ant-Man vs Killer Karson Alexander Robinson and Sterling Whitlock vs Drake Young and Philippe LeGrenier Beat Up Battalion vs Clause Reed and Topher Smith
  25. Thank you so much, it's great to know people are reading! Vibert's Voice - Ep. 154, Tuesday, Week 3 of 2018 The go home show for Chaos In The Cage! You know they're on a roll when I actually watched this live instead of yesterday to fast forward over the bad parts. Honestly, I might watch the PPV itself live, maybe have someone from the site stream it, would be fun. Anyway let's get to the show! SEGMENT 1: Skip Beau opens the show, saying he is facing the biggest challenge of his career in 5 days. Jamie Atherton is ruthless, driven and dangerous, but he's not heartless. Skip knows that like everyone he has weaknesses, insecurities, and even a conscience. And that's the way to beat him. Find the hesitation, find the opening, find the weakness. As always, he'll charge right in, and come out victorious. Jamie has to respond to this, and he essentially keeps up the making a mockery of Skip and his title schtick, saying that he can't be beaten with the power of friendship or Skip seeing "good in his heart". He's already trying to get the paperwork done to vacate the title in the first Title Bout Wrestling after he wins it, or use it as a bargaining chip with management to get what he wants and deserves. Skip looks him, deadpan expression in his eyes, and tells him he should cut that attitude because he's not good enough for the main event until he does, and Jamie slaps him before backing off furious. Perhaps Skip found the right button to push. Segment Rating: 60 MATCH 1: Thunder and Lightning vs Zeus and Stevie. Thunder and Lightning should have a good CGC career generally speaking, but it's clear they've been pushed down due to the abundance of heels on the roster. Regardless, they're talented enough to have a good match even when they're not over, as they get a fine performance from the also de-pushed Zeus and Stevie. I get this in general as a move, now that the booking team has got their guys positioned at the top, it's time to give crumbs to the rest of the roster as well. Zeus submits Lightning Lomas with the Olympian Clutch, and this was very much not a waste of time. Segment Rating: 44 SEGMENT 2: Hugh Ancrie goes to the roster locker room (he has a solo one because he's a star or whatever), and finds Brett Fraser, who's positioning his hunting gear carefully in his bags. Hugh tells him that he has been in the ring with him twice, and he can sense that toughness Brett has, and therefore wants to tap him out in the middle of the ring at Chaos In The Cage, in a cage match. Brett Looks at him and tells him it's on, because he's a man of few words. Segment Rating: 49 SEGMENT 3: Ant-Man and Topher Smith are doing speed-date type interviews for the person who will help them vanquish the Beat Up Battalion. They reject Alistair Shufflebottom because he's too boring, Alan Parent because the "parental abuse" nickname doesn't align with their values, Brady Prince because, and then Clause Reed comes in, and tells them his weakness is he's too honest, he's great with children, and that he'll show them what he can do right after this interview. They're impressed and pencil him in. Segment Rating: 37 MATCH 2: Clause Reed vs Nathan Black. Clause Reed is actually improving! Maybe I misspoke, who knows? This match is nothing special of course, but it's better than any match Karson has had so far for instance. Interesting to see how all these interesting big guys (and also Blockbuster) develop in the next couple of years. Nathan Black seems to accept his new role of jobber, and he got wrecked by the young man's offense, before submitting to the Log Saw torturerack as Reed smiled for the cameras. Segment Rating: 39 SEGMENT 4: Joey Poison is backstage in the medical room getting taped up by the medical staff, as Faith enters the room, and they patch up. Faith tells him that while he acted stupidly and selfishly when he asked to go at it alone, and she doesn't think she wants to be his manager, she's still his friend, and he's hurt and betrayed going into the biggest match of his career. Joey again apologizes to her and tells her she doesn't have to feel like she owes him anything, but Faith says that for one last time, she wants to be in Joey's corner at Chaos In The Cage. Maybe her role as helping with interference will be limited, but she wants to have front row seats to watch her best male friend in this business kick that clown asshole's ass. A nice moment as they hug, and then Faith says she needs to put up her ad for a new wrestler to manage after the event. Segment Rating: 57 MATCH 3: Curtis Mobstar and Skip Beau vs Jamie Atherton and Intrepid Ian Identity. These wrestlers are all good and I've warmed up to all of them over the past five months, and I like watching them in a match together! It's a bit of a formula-ic tag match sadly, which I think they can get better at as they've settled into a routine (or maybe I've just watched every show and am overanalyzing because it was definitely crisp and really good), but once again there's a small swerve. Things kind of click for Intrepid Ian Identity when he's in the ring with Curtis and he realizes he's been a great wrestler, and he hits him with the Identity Theft from out of nowhere to pick up the win! Segment Rating: 56 MATCH 4: Ant-Man vs Tongan Death Machine. Shorter than I expected, this match is all about Ant-Man once again, but TDM shows why he was a professional athlete cooperating in some insane spots with him, like some running collisions and a big apron bump he took from a power slam. The Doctor Bomb worked again, and I am all on board with this Ant-Man push. Segment Rating: 40 SEGMENT 5: The other two members of the battalion come out to attack Ant-Man, but this time Topher AND Reed are out to help him, and with even odds the heels back off. Killer Karson gets a mic and says that Ant-Man may have beaten his other two idiots, but he has not been pinned or submitted in CGC, and he's willing to beat up Ant-Man at Chaos In The Cage, while his two buddies get beat up by Karson's two idiots. The meatheads aren't even insulted, and the babyfaces are fired up as they accept. Segment Rating: 45 MATCH 5: Dan DaLay and The Clowns vs Joey Poison, Marc DuBois and Sterling Whitlock A solid main event where it was cool to watch these interact and let me tell you: Grimm Quibble is really good. I'd love to see what he can do with some of these wrestlers one on one, even if this gimmick has limited self life. Sterling also got some time to shine, chopping the World Champion to death and hitting a very impressive backdrop on Dan DaLay. Dubois' time in the ring was limited to not waste his novelty, and Joey had some good segments with all three guys. Finally Dubois got the hot tag where he destroyed Quibble, but some cheating from the clowns made both people tag out, and Dan DaLay hit the DaLay Down on Sterling for the win after another small segment. Segment Rating: 55 MATCH 6: Whippy and Joey Poison have a final staredown before the match, while Dan and Marc are brawling on the outside. A bit of an unfocused ending but I think the big match feel is there and Garcia clearly wanted to remind people that DaLay vs Dubois is also a big match after it was a bit thrust in the background the last couple of weeks. Segment Rating: 53 Overall Rating: 55
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