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Everything posted by Idolized

  1. Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling is now complete This brings the total number of completed promotions to 30 with 11 more to go before the initial release. I have also gone through and edited the stats for all of the future workers that were included in the Ruthless Aggression base data. More future workers will be added before the initial release. I have also gotten the data out to a number of testers and have incorporated a small number of suggested changes based on feedback I have received thus far. This mod has been an incredibly long journey but things are coming together.
  2. Looks fantastic! if you want/need anything from my 2004 mod in progress, just let me know. Good luck!
  3. Edit his contract in the editor if that's how you want to pay him.
  4. New ROH Logo EDIT: Here's a banner to go with the ROH Logo And a Legacy stable logo
  5. Might want to change the font color, the post is unreadable on mobile with the light skin
  6. Thanks, if I have some time this week I may pull some further organization together if you’re ok with it. 😍
  7. https://bethebooker.net/thread/162/tew2020-download-index Its the same pack as Hostile Takeover and Monday Night Wars linked on that page be Gazwefc
  8. Started a game with Ohio Valley Wrestling while testing out my April 2004 mod to make sure things play how they should, and it's proving to be pretty fun. The main storylines going into April in OVW OVW's top heel faction is The Team Players a group led by Inspector Max Impact (Luther Reigns) who is basically a planted stooge for John Laurinaitis who sent him to OVW as his personal mole to see to it that the company is ran how the WWE wants it to be. Impact uses various means to bend OVW to the Team Players' will, including bribing roster members to do his bidding with "main roster perks" like cash bonuses. OVW Heavyweight Champion "Mr. Wrestling" Nick Dinsmore is an unwilling member of the group, mostly being forced into it with promises of finally getting a main roster call up after years in developmental as well as such main roster perks as his new valet Venus. Rounding out the faction are OVW Southern Tag Team Champions The Troubleshooters, Chris Masters and Brent Albright who recently toppled the tandem of Adrenaline - Chris Cage and Tank Toland for the belts. Former members include Passion and Mark Magnus (Muhammad Hassan), though they just recently made their exit from the company after losing a loser leaves OVW match to Standing Thunder and Alexis Laree. Though Passion was technically the one who lost and was forced to leave, Magnus blamed himself and announced to the OVW crowd that he was quitting professional wrestling for good. The biggest thorn in the side of the faction has been Sean O'Haire, who returned to OVW in February after recovering from injuries received in a motorcycle crash. While Max Impact stacked the deck against the OVW roster as Laurinaitis' personal Inspector, O'Haire had been sent to OVW as an Inspector as well - by none other than Jim Ross! Former Tough Enough winners Matt Cappotelli and Johnny Nitro's run as a tag team came to an end when Nitro accused Cappotelli of being something of a "glory hog" after securing a pair of singles victories over The Disciples of Synn's Seven and Travis Bane in back to back week's at the start of the year. In reality, the main roster stardom of being Eric Bischoff's personal assistant on Monday Night RAW had clearly gone to Nitro's ever growing head. Cappotelli, thinking he'd get one over on his former partner, brought in an ex-girlfriend by the name of Melina Perez who had promised to expose how awful of a person Nitro had always been. What happened instead, was Perez delivering a low blow to Cappotelli before aligning with both Nitro and his new tag team partner Joey Matthews. Booking for April 2004 Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Wednesday Wk 1, April 2004 - I had to mix some of the actual real life booking of this episode of OVW TV with my own since their taping schedule including the actual tag team title change that happened in March as well as Mark Magnus kayfabe "quitting" professional wrestling. - Inspector Max Impact gave an in-ring promo telling the fans in the Davis Arena that Sean O'Haire was in no condition to show up tonight after what Mark Magnus did to him over the weekend at a WWE Live Event. Footage shows Magnus delivering a nasty Spinebuster, and Jim Cornette tells everyone on commentary that O'Haire was diagnosed with three broken ribs. (In reality, they used this to write O'Haire off television because WWE made the boneheaded decision to release him from his contract on April 3rd, but ain't no way I'm doing that!) With O'Haire out of the picture, Impact boasts that it's clear there is no way in hell Johnny Jeter is walking out of the Davis Arena with the OVW Title tonight. - Alexis Laree and Jillian Hall def. Gail Kim and Passion by double countout after Gail Kim grew disgruntled with her partner and walked off. Gail is on an Alliance Loan from WWE to help some of the women in OVW who desperately need someone good to work with. - The Troubleshooters (Chris Masters and Brent Albright) def. Adrenaline (Chris Cage and Tank Toland) for the OVW Sourthern Tag Team Titles (Albright forced Toland to submit with the Crowbar) - The Jersey Shore Crew (Nova and The Idol (Aaron Stevens)) w/ Trudi DeNucci def. The Disciples of Synn (Seven (Kevin Thorne) and Travis Bane (Tomko)) w/ Synn in a Jersey Shore Street Fight when Danny Inferno debuted and helped Nova put Bane through a table with an elbow drop for the win. - Mark Magnus (Muhammad Hassan) comes out to the ring and says it is his fault that Nikita had to leave OVW last week and announced that he was quitting professional wrestling. The fans in the Davis Arena chant "Na Na Na Naa - Good Bye" - "Mr. Wrestling" Nick Dinsmore def. Johnny Jeter to retain the OVW Southern Heavyweight Title with the help of Inspector Max Impact who hit Jeter with the belt, allowing Dinsmore to lock in the crossface on an unconscious Jeter to get the victory. - After the match, OVW Tag Team Champions The Troubleshooters tried to assault Jeter along with Impact, but Sean O'Haire, wielding a steel chair and with taped up ribs, made the save as the show went to credits. Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Wednesday Wk 2, April 2004 - It is announced that as a result of last week's attack by The Team Players after the main event, Johnny Jeter suffered an injury to his shoulder and will be out of action for at least three weeks. In footage from "earlier today," Sean O'Haire confronted Inspector Max Impact and OVW Heavyweight Champion Nick Dinsmore in their locker room, challenging Dinsmore for the title. Instead, the Inspector laid out a challenge of his own... should O'Haire find a partner and defeat Impact and Dinsmore next week on OVW TV he'll get his title shot. - Carly Colon and Da Beast w/ Nurse Lulu def. The Bell Brothers (Mike Bell and "Mad Dog" Mark Bell). Da Beast is a young Shad Gaspard, and Colon is of course Carlito. I'm thinking of slowly morphing Carly into Carlito here in OVW as I build him up. They seem to pair together pretty well too, so Da Beast as the arrogant Colon's muscle could prove to work well. Nurse Lulu was the younger sister of Tough Enough winner Nidia. She didn't last in the business long. These three are all members of Kenny Bolin's Bolin Services stable. - Inspector Max Impact def. Rod Steele after hitting him with the ring bell. Basically an extended squash to further get Impact over as a dick. Steele was a limited big man who was actually kind of over with the crown in OVW. After the match, Impact cuts a promo on Sean O'Haire telling him that he has no friends and with Jeter on the shelf, he has no partner. OVW will bend to the will of The Team Players and there isn't a damn thing he can do about it. - Johnny Nitro and Joey Matthews w/ Melina Perez def. Matt Cappotelli and "The First Nation Sensation" Standing Thunder w/ Alexis Laree when Nitro pins Standing Thunder after miscommunication with Cappotelli. The story here, is that Cappotelli is struggling to find a partner while Nitro, Matthews and Melina continue to see success as a unit. After the match, MNM tell Cappotelli how much of a loser he is. - Rodney Mack made short work of "Jungle" Jim Steele in his return from injury - In the ring, Jim Cornette interviewed Sean O'Haire. Cornette explains that in order for O'Haire to earn a shot at the OVW title, he must find a partner and defeat Inspector Impact and Nick Dinsmore in a tag team match next week. O'Haire reminds The Team Players that they aren't the only ones with main roster connections, and announces that his partner next week is none other than... Hardcore Holly! Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Wednesday Wk 3, April 2004 - Gail Kim def. Alexis Laree with her feet on the ropes after a back and forth match - Kenny Bolin and Bolin Services open up the show with Bolin talking about how all he's been hearing about in OVW lately is The Team Players and how they're going to bend OVW to their will. Well he's here to remind everyone that there is only one power faction in OVW and that's Bolin Services! Bolin talks up Carly Colon, "The Giant Killer" Mike Mondo, Da Beast and Paul E. Normous before issuing an open challenge for anyone to come on out and take on the muscle of Bolin services right here in the ring. - Rodney Mack answered Bolin's challenge and completely steamrolled Paul E. Normous to earn his second victory since returning from injury. After the match, Bolin Services returned to the ring, and Bolin was clearly embarrassed and irate. After Paul E. Normous got to his feet, Bolin gave the order and Mondo, Colon and Da Beast turned on the muscle of Bolin Services, beating him to a pulp! - The Jersey Shore Crew (Nova and The Idol (Aaron Stevens) w/ Trudi DeNucci), with newest member Danny Inferno (now going by Danny Gimondo) defeat Mac Johnson and Seth Skyfire when Gimondo interferes and allows Nova to pin Johnson following a top rope elbow drop. - Sean O'Haire and Hardcore Holly def. Max Impact and OVW Heavyweight Champion "Mr. Wrestling" Nick Dinsmore after an Alabama Slam sets up The Widow Maker on Impact for the pin. After the match, O'Haire taunts Dinsmore with the belt around the waist motion as the show comes to a close. Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Wednesday Wk 4, April 2004 - Jim Cornette interviewed Sean O'Haire in the ring. The new number one contender said that he's not waiting until The Six Flags Summer Sizzler Series in May, he wants his shot at the OVW Title right here next week! O'Haire was promptly interrupted by OVW Champion Nick Dinsmore. "Mr. Wrestling" wants to make one thing clear, he may be a "Team Player" but he's never backed down from a fight. Dinsmore agrees to put the title on the line next week. That didn't make Inspector Max Impact happy who came out and chewed out Dinsmore, telling him that "Mr. Laurinaitus wouldn't like that decision." After some back and forth, Impact shoved Dinsmore into O'Haire and then blindsided him with a big boot. But as Impact mounted his attack, Hardcore Holly ran in for the save and fought him off. - Standing Thunder def. Mike Mondo w/ Kenny Bolin. This was supposed to set up a program with Standing Thunder and Alexis Laree against Carly Colon and Nurse Lulu as they interfered in the match in an attempt to help their Bolin Services stable mate win the match, but botched it allowing Standing Thunder to pick up the win. However, Standing Thunder suffered a back injury in the match and that put heat on Mondo with the locker room who believe it was his fault that Thunder was injured. The injury forced me to change the following segment that was supposed to see Alexis Laree rush to Standing Thunder's aid with them fighting off Colon and Lulu, but since he wasn't able to participate (getting medical attention) I had to take him out of the angle and just have Laree fight off Lulu. - After commercial, Dean Hill and Jim Cornette announced that not only would Nick Dinsmore defend the OVW Heavyweight Title against Sean O'Haire on OVW TV next week, Inspector Max Impact will take on Hardcore Holly in tonight's main event! - Johnny Nitro, Joey Matthews and Melina Perez def. Mike Taylor, Rob Begley, and Jillian Hall when Melina pinned Jillian with her feet on the ropes. - After the match, Johnny Nitro again ran down Matt Cappotelli and put over how much better of a partner Joey Matthews is. Matt Cappotelli came out and told Nitro that he's found a new partner that he thinks will be a much better fit as well... the seven foot Matt Morgan! With that, Morgan slid into the ring behind Nitro and Matthews, goozling them both and taking them out with a thunderous double chokeslam! - OVW Southern Tag Team Champion Chris Masters def. Seth Skyfire 8:50, 19 - The New and Improved Jersey Shore Crew cut a promo backstage and let everyone know that they want their OVW Southern Tag Team Titles back. - Hardcore Holly def. Inspector Max Impact after a back and forth brawl when Impact got himself counted out and walked out of the match. However, as Impact reached the curtain, Sean O'Haire ran out and cut him off! After brawling back and forth, O'Hair threw Impact back into the ring where Holly delivered an Alabama Slam to send the crowd home happy and the show to a close. That's all of April booked. Two days in, WWE sent their notice that Nick Dinsmore is being called up to the main roster, so getting the title on O'Haire is really the only choice at this point if I want it on the most over option. I hadn't played around with the taping schedule in previous games much before, but I do quite like taping two shows in one go, especially when they are one hour long. As a "test" for the data, this has been a fruitful experience. Rip Rogers is completely useless as a Road Agent, so his stats need to be adjusted. I'd set up the roles in the Team Players incorrectly. I'd also overlooked that The Disciples of Synn were actually faces at this time and have them set as heel. It also appears I used that dreaded "100% Heel" attribute for each of them that has to go.
  9. First time seeing this in a play through. Too bad Dinsmore only has a couple more weeks before he's called up.
  10. Scratching another one off the list, the Great White North sees another playable promotion added to the database as... Border City Wrestling is now complete
  11. I don’t currently have any plans to do that myself, but once the data is released it will be freeware, under the condition that any future mod using it as a base will also stay freeware. So if someone is up to the task, a major portion of the groundwork will be laid out for them.
  12. I will probably go that route. The game states lightweight ends at 230. The thing is though, the potential is there to not allow for foreign workers like Jericho, Styles, etc or even a guy like HBK to be signed in the future and never be able to challenge for the IWGP Heavyweight title under the AI.
  13. I’m not, I do not have the knowledge to do them justice. The first post of this thread has a list of the promotions I am planning to include.
  14. I may further tweak NJPW when it comes to worker sizes and the weight limits for the IWGP titles. I'm not really liking some of the sim results I am seeing with how they are currently set up. For instance, if I set the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title to lightweight and below, you get the fringe guys like Nakamura and Tanahashi able to challenge for the belt when they should only be challenging for Heavyweight Titles. On the same note, if I set the IWGP Heavyweight Title limit to Middleweight and above, Nakamura and Tanahashi become ineligible to fight for that title. Setting the IWGP Title to Lightweight and above then opens the door to Jushin Thunder Liger, who is incredibly over, to always become champion or top challenger to the belt. I'm thinking the best fix to get around this is to set guys like Tanahashi and Nakamura to middleweight regardless of their actual true to life numbers, but it doesn't really seem ideal. I will have to toy with it more.
  15. Did I mention how much I was dreading tackling the scene in Japan? New Japan Pro-Wrestling is now complete Well, at least as "complete" as I will be able to get it with my limited knowledge of puro and the means of research that I have. I will note, a number of the Makai Club members were under masks at this time period, but finding actual studio photos of those gimmicks is just about impossible. If by any chance someone does know where to find those, I'd be happy to cut them and add them to the game.
  16. Finishing up what will be included of the British Wrestling scene, Frontier Wrestling Alliance is now complete.
  17. If you create an action in Photoshop, you can then use it to batch process an entire folder.
  18. The UK's All Star Wrestling joins the list of completed promotions. I set them up in game as a touring promotion with two pre-set tours since they ran multiple house shows per week over the course of certain groups of months, still have some testing to do, but I think this setup works out well so far.
  19. Some updated JPGs LA Knight, Dana Brooke, Charlotte Flair and Chris Parks (Abyss)
  20. If you download my graphics pack for the 2004 Ruthless Aggression Data, I believe I included all of the logos and banners in there https://tewdb.com/img1007.htm
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