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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. While I only watch WWE sparingly, I was curious about something. Someone PLEASE explain to me WHY Randy Orton is a main eventer? What was that slamming his fists on the ground thing last night? First he's this cerebral stalking type guy who moves slowly and calculating around the ring (which he doesn't pull off very well-he looks like he has back and neck issues), the he drops down and throws a sort of intimidation FIT? what is that?


    He's an anti-hero who basically turned himself because people were so hot for him after he broke up with Legacy. His pop at WM was one of if not the biggest of the nights.


    The fact they managed to turn him face and keep the stuff that fans actually cheered for is both great and surprising (considering how badly they botched his post Evolution turn)


    It's good to see I can not watch wwe for 6+ Months and the main even picture hasn't changed (unfortunately) I really wish they'd develop some more young talent and give em a chance. Not this "nexus" thing, whatever that is..a bunch of young thugs??


    One last thing..what's up with Jericho? I wish he'd leave, mainly because they given him these terrible gimmicks. Sit in the ring and cry about getting in a match? or he'll quit? GEEZ! Let him be the (oops hit the word filter) confident heel he was when he came in as Y2J and great great promos and bury his competition that way (like he did to the Rock when he did debut).


    The rest is stuff that sounds very much like someone who just fell onto planet Earth and started picking up WWE...I can't even begin why Nexus works or what's up with Jericho w/o recapping the last 6 months of storylines.


    EDIT: Not a criticism of you, per se, but what can you expect from people on a message board? An essay on how those storylines developed. ;)

  2. Probably until they have a form of competition that could be viewed as even remotely to be a threat. No reason to take risks right now.


    In other words, blame TNA for spending so much time sucking.




    Seriously...WWE has ZERO reason to make any risky moves. That's why they run the same match 47 times in a row, that's why their storylines are so predictable,that's why you can watch RAW once a month and be caught up on things...they're totally on cruise control

  3. R'Truth really has only had 2 gimmicks. The thug and the rapper, heel and face. He is much more believable as the Thug if you ask me. If he would just quit dancing around and starting scowling at people, he would have a little menace to him. I think they should start a black panther-esque stable. Be like a Nation of Domination stable but with a little more edge and not the damn African colors.


    I honestly think that they are afraid to do something like this with their current 'product settings'


    I'd say that's probably WHY they cut Burke; they saw that his Pope is Pimpin gimmick would get over but in today's WWE there's just no way they're running a black man out there to talk about pimpin and slappin hos.


    In the Attitude Era? yes...in kid friendly 2010? No

  4. What I didn't like? The R-Truth segment Sucked with a capital S. See? The S is capitalized. I honestly think I enjoyed Ted DiBiase Jr's rendition of My Way more than the crappy rap song R-Truth busted out with, which probably isn't the reaction they were going for. R-Truth is a crappy rapper and it's an even crappier gimmick. It didn't work well for him when he was K-Kwik, and it still annoys me today.



    No to harp on this (because hellshock might come in and we'd be stuck in a 7page debate on the matter ;) ) but R-Truth is a decent worker witha sh*t gimmick.


    I don't know if it's his fault or the hopelessly outdated writers...but his 'rapper' gimmick is pathetic because a)he's a bad rapper and b) it's totally unbelievable...watching RTruth is like seeing one of those cheesy 80s TV show/Commercials where black people would start spontaneously rapping about rainbows and potato chips or whatever.




    The fact that they signed Truth and released Burke at almost the same time is still one of the more baffling moves in wrestling over the last few years.

  5. Looking back I reread some of the arguments about RVD and Hardy not coming in or in Hardy's case more then a one show as well. That was fun. Although I give Jericho coming in less chance then I did them at that time.


    To be fair, RVD didn't come in until weeks after Hogan showed up and TNA popped a few decent TV ratings..it's like he was biding his time


    I'm still stunned by Hardy's decision. That dude must really love drugs.

  6. id pay to see goldberg vs angle


    that's what I meant, not Hogan vs Angle.


    Is it a coincidence that a new company was suppose to open in Florida around October of this year but was delayed until Jan (4th?) 2011? What if "they" was this new company...name-change? Now financially backed by Spike TV, Panda Energy, and Wilpon?


    Yeah its a coincidence


    Still IF and that is a big if he ever signs with TNA within 3 years I will remember this Peter hehe.


    Yeah...that's fair. TNA would have to grow a bit in order for Jericho to be a realistic signing. Never say never...but if Chris really walks away from the E in a few months, it won't be to head to TNA.


    In 2014...maybe..who knows?

  7. Depends on his price. I for one feel he is not worth the risk as Goldberg only works if you book him as Goldberg. Didn't we have this discussion a while back when he had that interview with a journalist who falsely claimed Hogan said he had been in talks with him which Goldberg then denied.


    We did. And I still think you'd be wrong, especially if Bill ended a short run by putting over one of the young 'monster' on the roster like Joe or Morgan.

  8. yh good point but do tna need another guy who hasnt wrestled full-time in years. is he still in shape to be able to put on a decent match?


    Who cares? He wasn't much of a worker to begin with.


    Seriously...on buy rates and merchandise alone, he'd pay for himself 5 times over. Throw in whatever small ratings bump you get and the fact Bill has TV shows, shows up in movies, and is a regular at UFC events, and he'd be totally worth it.

  9. then i'd say its either yet another older guy i.e. goldberg or another ex wwe midcarder. if she dont want benjamin then thats surpising i think he fit well in with the x-div guys and some of there high spot based match's, plus him and aj imo could be a great match


    They wouldn't say not to Goldberg. he's not some 'older guy'


    He was legitimately one of the biggest stars in the industry and would actually be a decent attraction in the short term.


    Dixie says that there was a talent who they were pursuing a few years ago who they pursued hard. There was a call from that person recently that they might be interested in coming to TNA, but she says that they appreciate that person thinking about them, but she doesn’t think they need him at this time. It is interesting to go from it being important to have ‘bigger’ stars, but now she wouldn’t trade anyone on the roster.



    I don't care how anyone spins it, if that's their response, then there's literally no way on god's green earth it's Jericho because there's no way on god's green earth TNA would tell him 'thanks but no thanks'.


    That's crap.


    It might actually be someone like Haas.


    Because TNA would have to be out of their mind to turn down someone like Chris who is literally a bigger star than anyone they've brought in except Angle, Hogan, or Flair.


    Also..she says it's a 'bigger name' not a 'big star' and with Dixie's track record of what she thinks is 'a name' that could be anyone from Mickie James to the midget that used to show up in WCW.

  11. Where did he say this.


    He's talked about it quite a bit but here's a recent interview:




    BEING brutally honest, Chris Jericho has nothing left to achieve in pro-wrestling.


    World championships in singles and tag wrestling, thousands of high class matches on many continents, jobbing to Rey Mysterio in China last week... only the inevitable Hall of Fame seat is absent.


    With his WWE contract up in a month or two, the multifaceted legend is switching his attention to music once again with feisty rock merchants Fozzy for the biggest UK swing of his career in October.


    FT caught up with Jericho for an exclusive chat this week, and he’s not sweating over his wrestling career – he has no need, he tells me.

  12. Don't forget that the E has a tendency to want to control everything their talent does. Plus they are very very reluctant to give people a lighter schedule.




    On the burning bridge I don't think that would be the case as other name stars like Hardy and Christian went to TNA and came back no problem.


    I do get all your points though but please remember TNA was contacted to see what the options where. It's not like they are already in negotiations etc. Maybe Jericho just wants to find out what TNA could offer.


    If it's not Jericho it is probably Benjamin imho.


    It's not Jericho. That's a pipe dream. If Jericho contacted TNA it was a ploy to get leverage and even that I don't believe because Chris has options that are better than wrestling for TNA would be.

  13. On the talent that contacted them I still think Jericho as TNA would let him do his television and music stuff but would make it possible for him to still wrestle.


    Then you must be high. If Jericho is leaving to pursue music and TV, why in gods name would he wrestle part time for TNA? It's beneath him. The E would put him on more TVs and actually help any career he has outside of the ring.


    TNA would not.


    If he can work as a part timer for WWE he helps himself.If he leaves for a while, he still maintains a connection with a company that would be worth far more than what TNA could pay him to burn that bridge. Another run...another DVD set..a HOF induction...


    he's gonna throw all that away because of the convenience of working 2 days out of the month??? That's ridiculous.


    For someone who has NOTHING but wrestling to fall back on, maybe. But Jericho has shown himself capable to find work regardless, so stepping down to work for a glorified indy company makes no sense.

  14. Not true. His run as Diesel was big time. I also give him and Hall a lot of credit for WCW 96-98. Fans were paying to watch both of those guys. Maybe you personally weren't, but a lot of people were.


    His run as Diesel is considered one of the lowest points from a revenue perspective in WWF history.


    He and Hall were great...but that was also the shock of two WWF guys showing up on WCW TV. A lot of it was the booking.


    I do admit that when Nash was getting a pseudo face run as the guy who's finisher was banned and the leader of the Wolfpack, he was insanely over. He's a star...but nowhere near the level of star he claims to be.

  15. So there are plenty of reasons to keep it around. Thats why I always laugh when I hear "Spike is about to pull the plug on TNA".


    This plus there's still more than 2years left on a guaranteed 3 year deal


    Your post also makes me wonder how long is left on Spike's deal with UFC? Wouldn't it be a mutually beneficial deal if ESPN were to come in...they need programming, UFC would love the added exposure, revenue, and it makes them seem more legitimate..


    I mean, that seems like the obvious move for UFC imo

  16. Eric has done more for pro wrestling than anybody gives him credit for. He made mistakes but so did McMahon (nearly bankrupted his own company), so did Heyman (he DID bankrupt his company) and so has every other promoter out there and the truth is nobody else in the history of pro wrestling has beaten Vince McMahon at his own game, EVER and at this point they likely will. As of this year Vince has been in business for himself 28 years. When they look back on that time its going to read 26-2. Those two losses are 1996 and 97 and those two losses came against Eric Bischoff.


    I think that, at least for me, the problem is that Eric is VERY aware of how much he did for wrestling and spends as much time as possible reminding people of it, while conveniently forgetting the mistakes he made (which were never his fault according to him)


    He was a brilliant producer, was much better than Vince about being smart about popular culture, could spot trends much earlier than the WWE did, and knew how to take advantage of the benefits that came with being attached to a large corporation.


    But that ego - that part of him that won't let him admit to his mistakes even years after the fact - is what killed WCW in the end. His unwillingness to change,his unwillingness to create new stars, his unwillingness to admit the nWo was dead, his unwillingness to take the WCW and net fans seriously (something he still does today with TNA's hardcore fans)...those all created an atmosphere where WCW went from cutting edge to tired and played out in barely over two years.


    He was a smart guy with a fatal amount of hubris. And he still is.

  17. As for 'they', I'd love to speculate, but I cannot possibly be interested in anything to do with Abyss.


    As for Daniels, he's good, but I'd MUCH rather see someone new.


    Daniels' big problem is that, with TNA's shift in the product their presenting, he's just entirely too bland. Unless he does that Fallen Angel thing, he's "just a guy."


    And TNA doesn't need any more of those.


    So what exactly do you do with a 50 year old Hulk Hogan who can't wrestle. You pay him all that money to go on talk shows and talk about TNA? Thats expensive marketing when you could essentially do the same thing with Ric Flair who's already proven he's great in the manager role (taking on the manager/player role in Evolution). So is Hogan there as Hyde suggested to get those over seas television deals? And since their paying him so much they bring him onto the show and might as well get some mileage out of him? What would you guys do with Hogan if you HAD to use him? Preferably realistic no Abyss vs. Hogan thumbtack matches.


    I'd continue the PR thing and actually keep him as the Authority Figure, buthave him play more of the bad guy role: have him talk about how the young guys can't hack it, how HE'S the reason TNA is even on the map, have him constantly telling guys they need to show they have the IT factor...and as wrestlers work to gain his favor he slowly builds a stable of his "chosen few" (they get the title shots, they get screwy referee bias ) ...so you're taking advantage of Hogan's popularity and leaving the focus on him as a storyline but you're also using the natural smarkiness of TNA fans who kinda want to root for their guys as the underdog anyway

  18. WCW had their main show on Saturdays... it turned into a jobber show basically because of low ratings and the birth of Nitro.


    different era...WWF also had a syndicated show that ran mostly on Saturday in most parts of the country..


    But yeah, eventually it became a jobber show because it was waste of time to throw good programming on when no one watches.


    Thats why SNME is basically a throw-away show now

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