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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. Not defending him, because I think it's petty too. But I think what makes Punk mad is that he feels like they wanted to give him one last "go screw yourself!" so they bided their time until they could make his "official" release more than a formality.
  2. I idolized Benoit when I was a kid, I had already decided less than a year into watching wrestling that I was going to move to Atlanta when I was 18 and beg him to train me. So that whole business gutted my love of wrestling for years, only guys like Danielson and Nigel McGuinness kept me watching any wrestling. And after Benoit, seeing guys like Danielson throwing caution to wind and doing that damned headbutt, the move Harley Race has gone on record as saying that he wished that he'd never invented it, just make me terrified that it's going to happen again. His neck problems and his match at WM 30, a three-way between a smark favorite technician and two infamous politickers, certainly don't help my worries.
  3. He might see DBD as too laid back to be a major level player. Or Danielson could be planning to retire soon and Vince is one of the only guys who knows. Personally, I hope he is, I'm getting too many Benoit flashbacks with him for comfort.
  4. No, there's no way to play GBA games on any 3DS (unless it's through Virtual Console), you can get a GBA SP for less than 50 bucks off of eBay these days though.
  5. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/293/590/6f6.gif I always love a good shitstorm.
  6. Dude, every time Punk has come up lately, you talk about him like a jilted ex. Chill out, he's just a guy from TV, and, unless he punched you in the face or something, not anyone worth this level of hatred.
  7. And by most people's accounts Raven has an inflated opinion of himself. It's a common trait among wrestlers and performers in general. Also, you do realize how disrespectful it is to call him Scott Levy right? Yeah, Punk can be a jackass, hell, Cabana even pointed it out in the interview! But I think what he said lines up with what a lot of people say about working there and (especially how little the doctors care) really raises quite a few questions in my mind about how WWE treat their wrestlers.
  8. I KNOW, it's almost like these guys are trained how not to hit people.
  9. Ugh, anyone else uncomfortable seeing Jamie Noble take those back bumps considering what retired him? EDIT: Anonymous Raw GM is back: http://replygif.net/i/272.gif
  10. Because you don't like him, or because it seems wrong to have WCW's franchise guy in WWE?
  11. That's the best part about Bray! He looks and acts like a hillbilly (who, in my experience, are pretty greasy dudes) who would be more at home in an asylum than a wrestling ring. It's certainly more unique than another guy with a short haircut and black tights. EDIT: ...Jingle All the Way 2, starring Santino and Larry the Cable Guy...WHYYYYYYY!?!?
  12. Because Sting didn't want to sign with WWE 12 years ago? And they've got to use him for something, especially after that huge pop for the 2K15 reveal. It's better than another depressing Taker match.
  13. I don't get why people care about award shows, they're absolutely meaningless. Barring Metallica and Daft Punk I don't think a single band I listen to has won a Grammy. Does it change how awesome I think they are? Hell no. The album/game/etc. of the year is whatever you think it is. Anyone who claims to be the authority on who the best of the best are is full of shit.
  14. Geoff Keighley... http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/757/260/6eb.jpg that Geoff Keighley? I think I might have found why the nominations are mostly crap. Also, really? A pro gaming category AND an LPer one? I really hate the direction the game industry is going.
  15. You think that's bad? I timed Metal Gear Solid 2's ending cutscene and credits at about an hour and thirty. I can't speak for the console version, but I'm very much enjoying the PC version. It feels like a good middle ground between games like The Witcher, The Elder Scrolls and Origins. And you have to go online because, at least for the PC version, you can't import the saves directly and have to go through the Dragon Age Keep. Not a good reason, but at least there's a reason.
  16. All these years and that's all they could do for their first early access build? They put PWX on Greenlight two years ago! What the hell have they been doing for the past ten years?
  17. So Peterson's season is officially over now. As a Vikings fan, I hope he never wears a Viking jersey again. As someone who was abused as a child, I hope the piece of shit never plays football again.
  18. Or you could brush your teeth like a normal person. This thread doesn't need your anti-soda propaganda!
  19. No kidding, my brother can't get enough of the cream soda.
  20. Has anyone else tried Faygo? It really kills me to say this, but the ICP are right. Faygo tastes awesome!
  21. It's fine, at this point I'd rather just go back to whining about how WWE is doing everything wrong.
  22. So, JR is going to be calling Wrestle Kingdom 9. Also, Wrestle Kingdom 9 is going to air in America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tttKo1F-Bw
  23. And I would say there's about a 9/10 chance that it will wind up at the same level as Forever. Really hoping they prove me wrong.
  24. Okay first of all, I somehow missed that there were more writers than Punk involved. Secondly, I never once said that the established writers would be hurt by Punk getting to write a comic. I said that it would affect the newer writers, which I will probably be proven wrong about, what with the other new writers being involved. When I heard about this, I read it as Punk being given a Thor special all to himself just because he was famous and it came off as massively hypocritical to me for a man from an industry where paying your dues is required, not just expected, to go into another industry and not have to pay any dues at all. That's all I was trying to say.
  25. Comics are almost as ruthless as wrestling when it comes to work environments. It's an eat or be eaten situation where celebrities like CM Punk coming in can certainly disrupt a promising creator's career. By doing this Punk is taking attention away from other Marvel series and, since people only buy so many comics each month, disrupting the sales of new and up-and-coming series. So no, he's not reaching, if anything he's not reaching far enough. As Punk has yet to prove he can even competently write a comic. IMO, this is more like giving a celebrity a championship just because they're more famous than your wrestlers.
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