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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. I'm so exhausted by both sides that I can't even muster the energy to get mad. But yeah, Dying Light looks good, but I wasn't very big on Dead Island, so I'll probably wait until it's a bit cheaper before I get it.
  2. I've been aware of it since it was called the "Quinnspiracy" (whole other can of worms you don't want to get into). Which was, about six months or so ago, I think. I don't think I could be more sick of something. What makes it even worse is pro-GamerGate has taken over Cheezburger and Know Your Meme, so when I'm browsing for something to make me laugh, there's gigantic, almost PowerPoint-like presentations on how "evil" the "SJWs" are covering pages. Especially on KYM.
  3. http://img.pandawhale.com/post-29271-Star-Trek-facepalm-sigh-gif-Im-Jh4k.gif Can we just...not? This has been my one refuge from that bullshit. But of course, we're going to, so let me summarize: one group thinks they're grand crusaders for truth, justice and the American way, meanwhile, the other group talks about how gravely they've been wronged by the other. Both descriptions can literally apply to either group in any given situation. And at the end, nothing is accomplished. Goodbye, video game thread, it was nice knowing you.
  4. Wow, even late 90's Sting booed him? Sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist.
  5. Personally, I'd have had Ambrose win the Rumble, beat Lesnar by a hair in a vicious match and then have Rollins cash in on him and win. You're pretty much set for most of the year with Ambrose again being completely focused on destroying Rollins, but with the added bit of getting back the title he won fair and square against an absolute monster.
  6. You mean Super-Power-Ninja-Turbo-Neo-Ultra-Hyper-Mega-Multi-Alpha-Meta-Extra-Uber-Prefix? Damn, this is serious.
  7. I want "pull the triggler on Ziggler" trending on Twitter...annnnnnd go!
  8. I'll concede my point about Suh. He's not someone I've paid much attention to this year, because I pretty much wrote him off as a reliable hand after the stomping incident however many seasons back that was.
  9. Okay, so I shouldn't have trusted ESPN for any worthwhile data. Best player stats-wise, the minute he's playing against a QB he wants to make a point against, the penalties start racking up. He's like Dan Marino, the lineman (and with a worse attitude), great on paper, useless when you really need him.
  10. Seattle's entire defense: 1st vs. pass. Both games were no-win situations for the passing attack. Look at how much worse they lost when they relied on Rodgers the entire game. So basically the Bills pass rush, but worse? You know, since their front line, like you just said, were at the top of the league? And wouldn't Suh be too busy getting penalized to do anything? Plus, I said he would have tied Wilson in INTs, not total turnovers. I still think Rodgers is the best QB in the league right now, he just pulled a Favre against Seattle. And McCarthy, having coached Favre, recognized it. Where's the anger at the defense for failing to stop Wilson when it counted? Or did I imagine him throwing a game-winning touchdown in the same game he threw four picks?
  11. Anyone else seen that GOG put up all the X-Wing & Tie Fighter games? Of all the damn times for me to finally go to college...
  12. We all know they won't learn anything though.
  13. It's another case of Dick Dastardly, sorry, Bill Belichick stopping to cheat when he's already ahead.
  14. Let's look at the Buffalo game from December: 17-42, 185 yards, 0 TDs and 2 INTs. Imagine how worse that would have been if it had been the Seattle secondary in that game.
  15. Well Rodgers was really off in that game and if he had thrown more, he'd probably have tied Wilson in INTs.
  16. That first zombie scared the crap out of me. Wasted all my ammo killing it. Then I encountered the dogs...
  17. Perhaps, but I raise you a Vikings fan song/unofficial anthem: Though you could probably cut out the Super Bowl references and replace the Packers with the Redskins and it would probably work for the Cowboys.
  18. I haven't really gotten excited about Evolve. Mostly because I don't have enough friends to make it fun and I hate playing with people I don't know. 2K's preorder BS has exactly helped either. Good summary of the crap they're trying to pull with this game: (probably NSFW with all the swears)
  19. So I watched X-Men: Days of Future Past last week and apparently I'm in the minority of people who hated it. The entire 70's part of the film requires both Mystique and Magneto to never think about the consequences their actions would have on their fellow mutants. That lack of concern made more sense in X 1 and 2 because the Brotherhood was actually established enough to protect their people. I don't know how the same guy got Magneto's characterization so right in two other films, but not this one. Oh, right, Singer wanted to make sure that he raped every aspect of First Class that didn't tie directly back to his movies. Liked the supporting cast of First Class? Pretty much all of them are dead, save for the ones from Singer's movies and Havok (for obvious reasons). Wanted to see the Brotherhood members do more than stand in the background for half the movie? Too bad, they're dead too. This is all dumped on you in the first fifteen minutes by the way. Then we come to James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender's interpretations of the Charles and Erik. You know, the ones that made First Class so good? Well, Xavier spends most of the film as a useless, emo shithead for reasons quickly vomited out by Beast (show, don't tell, guys!) and Fassbender pretty much just does his best Ian McKellen impression. Once again, Bryan Singer doesn't respect anything that doesn't have absolute reverence for his films. Though worst performance would have to go to Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. I found her to be one of the weaker aspects of First Class, but here, all of the flaws are front and center. She spends the entire movie accusing Charles of trying to "control" her, something he even acknowledges! Did I miss something? When the hell did he do that? He was protective of her before, but I don't recall him acting anything like a control freak. And, I'm not quite sure how, but Miss Lawrence (and the screenwriters) actually managed to make me have no sympathy for someone trying to avenge the deaths of her friends. In a way, that's actually kind of impressive. Jackman, of course, turns in a good job as Wolverine, but he's not exactly a complex character to begin with. I would venture to guess that even a talentless oaf like Channing Tatum (who I just can't wait to see ruin my favorite mutant next year!) could pull off a decent Wolverine. Like I said at the start, the entire movies runs on idiots. It requires idiots to not understand what a public murder of a prominent scientist would do, it requires idiots to just meander around in front of tons of cameras and not try to destroy them or something (Hey, Mr. 'Neto, film is sensitive to magnets!) and it requires idiots to not just say, "Hey Logan, chop Mystique's head off at the first opportunity!". Best of all, despite his very clear hatred of First Class, not one bit of this movie makes any sense without having seen it. Throughout this entire movie he tries to pull together this snarl of a knot in order to tie his movies and one practically unrelated film together. Let's see, something good to end on...Quicksilver was entertaining and McAvoy and Fassbender do the best they could with the crap they were given. tl;dr, Bryan Singer thinks he's awesome and hates First Class because his awesome presence wasn't required for it to be good, but still requires you to have seen the film he hates in order to understand his idiot plot of a film. And I clearly expected too much out of a "dumb" action movie that's about 75% talking, exposition and talking about exposition. Bonus complaint: !SPOILERS!How in the blue hell does Wolverine preventing the death of Trask revive Cyclops and Jean!? For that matter, what the hell did Mystique disguising herself as Stryker at the end even mean? Does Logan not have adamantium bones anymore? Did she spend decades as Stryker in order to give a man who hates her BAE unbreakable metal bones?
  20. I said "what's more trash?", not "what's equally trash?".
  21. This burns me like a vampire facing a cross, but I'm kinda hoping the Patriots win and put Wilson in his place. If only so he can understand that he still has a lot of room to improve if he wants to be one of the best QBs in the league.
  22. I would if the Viking's definition of "good" wasn't getting a step away from the top and then plummeting right back down the mountain.
  23. Minnesota. We Vikings fans pretty much have nothing else to do but complain about other teams and wallow in our team's continued disappointments.
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