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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. Because he wasn't over at all before creative ground his momentum into the ground. Sure the gimmick's currently over with the crowd, but what do you think they're going to do once the gimmick's run its course? Creative is still going to ignore his obvious charisma and character skills and just force him into another comedy persona, but this time, the fans won't care for it because they wanted to see him do something different. Then creative (namely, Vince) will misinterpret this as him not connecting, then we'll hear that they "have nothing for him", he gets future endeavored and then we've got Damian Xandow in TNA. Let's be generous and give this two years to happen.
  2. <p>I honestly didn't think of him selling the PS4. You couldn't get me at gunpoint to give up any of my game systems, no matter how mad I am at a company.</p><p> </p><p> I'll concede the Sega point, the Dreamcast still remains my favorite system and it bugs me to this day that they could have made what, essentially, built the foundation for modern game consoles and deem the DC a failure. Especially when it finally started turning the corner in sales in the last year of its cycle. But your PS2 is pretty much the exact opposite of mine, hell, it took modding the system so it could play import games before my PS2 started malfunctioning and even that took a couple years to set in.</p><p> </p><p> And as for Microsoft, I won't argue, they've been much better in the past couple years, but let's not forget that they built up so much consumer rage before the XbOne's launch (which they have recovered from well) that all Sony had to do was announce that the PS4 would play used games to get the E3 attendees pop. Their general thickheaded behavior going into that E3 pretty much solidified in my mind that they're just as predisposed to "profit before all else, even common sense" decisions as Sony is.</p>
  3. You know, bringing Balor up to the main roster as the straight man to some stooge tag partner who keeps ignoring Finn's skill in the ring and instead, forces him into idiotic outfit after idiotic outfit until he finally snaps and beats the crap out of his partner wouldn't be the worst way to try and get him over with the "Universe". As long as they actually remember that the stupid costumes are a temporary thing and don't ruin him like they did with Sandow...
  4. So, in retaliation for not getting $60 (or whatever it is in pounds) back, you're going to spend $400 on a system (if you don't get the Kinect) and however much on games and peripherals (I'm guessing since you have a son, you usually like to have more than one controller) made by a company that is just as, if not more crooked as Sony? Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who swears by Windows and has used their products all his life, Microsoft would screw you over in the exact same way if your kid had bought Unity on the XbOne.
  5. That's actually one of few points that aren't illogical. Altair banged an English chick and the resulting child could have had more than one kid, one of those kids goes to Italy, becomes part of the Auditore (think I spelled that right) family and Ezio was a known womanizer and more than likely had several children across Europe. And unless you didn't play AC3, you should know that Haytham, an Englishman, was Connor's father. Well of course, Darkest Dungeon deserves to be talked about. It's a rare day when you have an Early Access game is perfectly playable right off the bat.
  6. The line so hilariously bad, even the REmake couldn't keep it out entirely.
  7. As hard as it is to take seriously, I adore Resident Evil and all its cheese. Besides, what RE fan wouldn't be excited about Revelations 2? Barry AND Claire are finally making a comeback! That's nothing, I timed the ending cutscene and credits of MGS2, 90 minutes. I literally could have watched an action movie in that time.
  8. On a lighter note, I found a video that makes it even harder to take Resident Evil seriously:
  9. Or perhaps not run a shotgun play when you're less than five yards away from the endzone.
  10. That picture is appropriate on so many levels... Didn't wind up watching the Super Bowl this year, no real reason to. It's not like anything interesting was going to happen, either we had a repeat, or a dynasty got another ring. It's like a match between Hogan and Cena, nobody wins.
  11. Yet no publisher wanted my Dragon Ball Z/Powerpuff Girls crossover fic. Maybe if I had put more than one sex scene in...
  12. Of course Zeke was cool, he was the only person in the movie who had more personality than a cardboard cut-out. I got most of my enjoyment from just how paint by numbers the film was and how, unlike most movies like it, seemed to revel in its own simplicity.
  13. Well I already have my internet [sEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT] (honestly not sure if I'd get yelled at for using the "P" word), so why would I shell out $10 for a ticket and probably $20-25 for a small popcorn when I can watch the proper, poorly acted variant for free at home? Much less tell people I enjoyed the first High School Musi-er, I mean, tell people that I watched it. That...completely explains my desires to be dominated by a handsome man. NO WAIT! I LIKE WOMEN!
  14. Don't you mean the Rule 34 Twilight fanfic? EDIT: On the subject of it, it is letting me see the new Spongebob movie a week earlier. Because, for some reason Viacom is worried about competition between Spongebob and 50 Shades.
  15. Personally, I've always found that Steen's appeal came from his look and how much it makes people underestimate him. At first glance, he seems like nobody special, then he gets in the ring and shows just how quick and vicious he really is. He's the old school kind of tough where you only find him intimidating once you know what he's capable of.
  16. Good sweet Lord, I understand completely. In Tennessee you have to go to the DMV to get a photo ID and when I went, the AC was broken, in July, in the middle of a heatwave. And, well... http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/Misc/SwampAss_zpsb058b0ba.png
  17. You threw your phone against the wall and yelled "**** it! I'll just go in person!"?
  18. Honestly I was trying to think of some clever way to segue into one of my favorite moments from Duck Dodgers. Unless someone badmouths animation as an art form, people don't really get to me anymore. Also, your dad sounds like an awesome dude.
  19. I don't have Dying Light, but my brother does on his PC and he's been playing it almost constantly. So I'd say it probably is better on PC like you said. Doesn't excuse not being able to re-bind the controls though, especially considering you can on the PC version. I've been mostly swapping between NBA 2K14 (I'm not paying $60 for a slight update) and Resident Evil HD. How far I've gotten in the latter would make my younger self so proud. Crimson Heads still scare the shit out of me.
  20. Unless I'm misreading it, I think it actually refers to wrestlers not being able to go out with people who don't work on-screen. I.E. Cena couldn't dump Nikki for Vince's secretary. Either way, it's cute how WWE tries to convince people they're a "professional" company.
  21. While attitudes have changed somewhat in the past few years, I've noticed many people still don't grasp why someone my age would still enjoy cartoons. Stuff like this is why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG7QbiPtH9M EDIT: Crap, wrong version. Fixed it.
  22. X is even better IMO, because it features a ton of RPG elements and lets you play as an officer instead of a ruler if you want, while still having all the customization of XI (Though I will admit that the duels and debates are cooler in XI). You can even switch sides or form your own kingdom mid-game if you get sick of your liege. Seriously, Romance of the Three Kingdoms X is the best argument around for why you should still own a PS2.
  23. I cancelled a little bit after the Rumble, but it was because I wasn't really watching anything, not because I can't stand that Reigns won. But I'm probably now lumped in with the people who did.
  24. I love Romance of the Three Kingdoms! RotK X is one of the best games to ever come out on the PS2.
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