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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. Oooh! I just can't wait for DeMott's RF Video shoot where he exaggerates his importance in WCW and claims that he was integral in training the WWE's next generation.
  2. And if Curt Schilling wasn't an idiot, we'd have had more than one Amalur game.
  3. And, stickied post or not, the mafia section was buried deep down the forum. I honestly kept forgetting we even had it.
  4. This! This! A thousand times, this! If a company pisses me off, I just don't buy their stuff anymore. It's not rocket science.
  5. This is what I love about these forums, you can state your dislike of something or someone, have a polite dialogue with someone who disagrees and then go back to your life without having any insults hurled by or at you. As an apology for making you read about such a boring story, here's a bit of the fun kind of internet stupidity (possible epilepsy warning):
  6. Yep. Not that Keighley isn't a tool, but it took Joe waaaaay too long to understand there was a miscommunication and there wasn't any attempt to "snub" him.
  7. I used to like him, then that whole VGA "controversy" happened and he showed just how egotistical and childish he can be. He's not a bad reviewer either, but if you give him a soapbox, he won't shut up for weeks.
  8. Would it be too much to ask Steam users to actually use the positive and negative reviews properly? I'm getting a little sick of trying to figure out if a game is any good (in this case, Total War: Attila) and having to wade through a sea of negative reviews that are just people bitching about DLC. Sega overcharges for DLC? Holy shit, you are a genius! In no way, shape or form would I have been capable of noticing the eight dollars they're charging for a couple factions. Next you'll be telling me that Capcom's going to do an updated re-release of their newest fighting game. I hate these idiots who write down ten paragraphs of what they think are Earth-shattering revelations, when it's actually something like "the sky is blue". What makes it so grating is that these people seem to carry their stupidity like a plague, because it's swept from GameFAQs forums to Facebook to Twitter to Tumblr to YouTube (well, morons like this started getting views after those three got popular. See: Joe, Angry) and now, Steam. TL;DR: Stop making negative reviews on Steam because of some outside factor. I want to know if the game is any good, not your beliefs on proper business practices.
  9. Ugh... If I see one more "Truth" PSA I'm going to <em>start</em> smoking.
  10. And as usual, the good promos are saved for the website: http://www.wwe.com/videos/get-the-attitude-out-wwecom-exclusive-february-23-2015-27141086
  11. Peterson's agent is pissed at the Vikes and wants him out of Minnesota. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/12370283/adrian-peterson-agent-gets-heated-exchange-minnesota-vikings-official My mom had the money in her wallet stolen yesterday and I broke my monitor in a childish tantrum today. I really needed good news like this. The Vikes can finally ditch AT (All Talk) and use that cap room to rebuild. Maybe now we can get on the road to the Super Bowl...about ten years from now.
  12. Two words: download caps. When I had satellite, the cap was 200 MB a day, and if I'm remembering correctly, that was with the top level package. Even when you were still under the cap, it only went at about 100-150 kB/s, the minute you hit the cap, it dropped all the way down to 20 kB/s. Mind you, this was in 2005, not 1995, so I doubt it's improved much. I can only imagine how much of a nightmare an always online console would be for someone with that kind of internet. I do agree with you that a good compromise would have been an IF > THEN line. But with the way Microsoft insisted that it had to be online and it had to have the Kinect, it was hard to read it any other way than "if you have crap internet, don't get our system" at the time. Actually, didn't one of their media reps at E3 say something along that line before it came out? I am definitely not one of those people. If there are launch issues, I don't go on some long tangent about my "rights" as a consumer, I just wait a couple days and see if it's fixed. If not, eh, I once spent $150 on a Dragon Ball game, I can't exactly bitch about my money being wasted. Not that there's anything wrong with being mad about a developer screwing people over, but when people are bitching for the fifth year in a row about the same developer screwing them, it gets a little hard to feel any sympathy.
  13. You mean this Time Warner? http://www.neontommy.com/sites/default/files/comcast-time-warner-cable-company-south-park-meme.jpg?1393369148
  14. Part of me wants to snark at how stupid Snow is for a rapper, but then I remember I listen to a guy named SwizZz... Anyways, I really thought snow would be no problem when I moved to Tennessee. I mean, how could it be worse than the ten foot snowdrifts in Wyoming? Turns out, TN drivers + black ice = Mad Max. I actually kind of miss living where people actually knew how to drive in cold weather.
  15. Well, at least we all learned something from this. Sony support is a bag of dicks. "Hackers would have no reason to target you"?? Here's a reason, "Hey Mitch, feel like stealing someone's PSN account?" They teach computer aptitude at every level of education, so how about some lessons on the hive of scum and villainy that is the internet? Or at least have one about how people online (especially hackers) like to do douche-y things for shits and giggles.
  16. As someone who had do deal with satellite internet for years, I can tell you that it's a more common problem than you make it out to be. It's also hard to feel bad for big-time developers not being able to "achieve their full potential" when, as disasters like Unity and Colonial Marines have shown, they can't even function with what they have now. And I'll be damned before I play a game through "the cloud". It's already enough bullshit to deal with games like NBA 2K15 requiring me to be always online just so I can play the single-player modes.
  17. Chase Owens is actually a local guy for me and I can say for certain that he has done nothing worth standing in a New Japan ring with Liger, even if he's getting up there in years. Chase does have the occasional flash of potential, at one point he actually resembled a young AJ Style, but he's mostly gotten the push he has because he's NWA Smoky Mountain's (the biggest punchline in the joke that is the modern NWA) golden boy. If there was anyone around here that should have been in that position (and they shouldn't), it should have been Jason Kincaid, he's not a mind-blowing talent by any means, but he can sure as hell put on better matches than Owens.
  18. So who wants to place bets on Vince doing the same thing next year? Bonus points if you correctly guess who it'll be. Personally, I'm going with Ryback.
  19. Damn, between you and Clarity, I'm starting to worry I backed the wrong horse this generation. Oh who am I kidding? I always do. For crap's sake, I genuinely thought the Vita would compete with the 3DS.
  20. Anybody else seen the trailer for the new Hitman movie? Yeesh...there's missing the point of what you're adapting, and then there's utterly ignoring the original work entirely because you wanted to make an over-the-top action movie. Here's an idea, just make an OTT action movie, but I suppose that's just madness. Also, I hope the ghost of Jimi Hendrix torments the people who did that shitty cover for the rest of their lives.
  21. Of course they're not going to fire him now, but his push is dead in the water. I'm willing to bet after WrestleMania, they'll slowly slide him down the card until he's feuding with some random midcarder over the IC title. With his momentum stalled, fans will lose interest and we'll probably see him back in ROH in a few years. I want so bad to be wrong, but the 'E is too predictable.
  22. Apparently we can blame Kevin Dunn for the "accent problem", for some reason, Dunn hates accents. Who would've thought another stupid thing about WWE would be Bucky Beaver's fault.
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