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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. This has been your daily dose of, "DaMegaFish Minute". Back to you Tom.
  2. "Faugh A Ballagh" first result when you Google "Celtic war cry". It means "clear the way!" Seems fitting for someone like him.
  3. It's more likely that he's upset that WWE turned an 8 year-old's death into a media campaign about how saintly WWE is, all while continuing to treat their employees like beasts of burden.
  4. Am I the only one who noticed that Rousey was wearing a Dragon Ball Z t-shirt?
  5. Did a few paramilitary-themed alts as a request recently and I thought I'd share them. Nelson Callum http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/Nelson%20Callum_alt1_zpsoqwschta.jpg The Architect http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/The%20Architect_alt1_zpsz10lbz3i.jpg Antonio del Veccio http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/Antonio_alt1_zpshsla4uc2.jpg Ranger http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/Ranger_alt1_zpsrbphzvxp.jpghttp://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/Ranger_alt2_zpsn6w5mnkn.jpg Chris Flynn http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/Chris%20Flynn_alt1_zpsfiyefbqz.jpg Frankie-Boy Henandes http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/Frankie%20Boy%20Fernandes_alt2_zpsp4vibmdz.jpg Riley McManus (This one's probably the worst) http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/Riley%20McManus_alt1_zpsypje3hmb.jpg Roderick Remus http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/Roderick%20Remus_alt1_zpsecvq3zr1.jpg
  6. Why would you say that? You're practically inviting "creative" to have Roman squash them with sentences like that.
  7. Now that mention it, I can totally see the comparison. I was amazed when I found out that his face was animated and not mo-capped. Now I really want to see the studio that made the trailer get a chance to make a full movie. And Just Cause 2 is right up there with Sleeping Dogs (another Squeenix game) when it comes to action movies in awesome video game form.
  8. Looking at TW: Attila's DLC volume after just roughly a month of being out, I'm starting to wonder how many more Total Wars until we only get three factions in the vanilla game and the rest are DLC. Though I wish people would take their hate out on Sega and not on Attila, because the game itself is fantastic. I keep going back and forth between it and Rome II to compare and Attila massively improves on everything. The destruction mechanics are probably my favorite, I love decimating a city and it actually having an effect after the battle. Also, Attila himself has one of my favorite monologues ever in the announcement trailer: Seriously, that video should have been the game's intro. The comments are an absolute fustercluck of morons though, even by YouTube standards.
  9. Those first two pics are absolutely unfair to Kevin Nash, he can cut a promo.
  10. Completely off-topic, but I found out today that one of the aerobics instructors at my gym has acting classes with Edge. I'm still not sure what to do with this information, but I definitely had to contain my squee at finding that out.
  11. It's an accomplishment for weaker schools who are still building. It actually used to be on roughly the same level as the NCAA Tournament, though I don't know what brought it to the state it is now. As for McCartney, maybe he just wants to prove that he's so revered that he can guest star in any shitty song he wants and people will still worship him.
  12. L.A. fans: "It's not fair! We deserve an NFL team too!" *NFL team moves* "Pfft! Who want to watch our NFL team? They never win. Let's go to a Lakers game instead." *NFL team moves out due to lack of fan support* "It's not fair! We deserve an NFL team too!", and so on.
  13. Jennifer Lawrence is leaving the X-Men franchise after Apocalypse, all they need to do now is announce Matthew Vaughn as director for all future X-Men movies and this will be me: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/609/082/c4c.gif
  14. "Electrosmog?" so we're living in a bad Sci-Fi novel now?
  15. Why do I look up shit like that? I already knew what happened, why did I have to see it? I also love how people on YouTube are blaming Rey when it was just a bump gone wrong. Why not blame Saito for Misawa's death while we're at it? It's already tragic enough, we don't need all this drama these neckbeards keep trying to stir up.
  16. So, Hideo Kojima is claiming, yet again, that this is going to be his last Metal Gear. He's super cereal too, as he's planning on leaving Konami all together, apparently leaving Silent Hills in the dust. (Then again that might make the story for Silent Hills not be a clustered mess)
  17. Only because Steam doesn't consider The Binding of Isaac and Rebirth the same game.
  18. And then Jay opens his mouth and they're out the door before their first match. Glad to see someone as creative as Jimmy Jacobs getting a spot on the creative team though, hopefully they'll do what Final Countdown suggested and make him a manager too.
  19. Oh God, you're right! Someday I might just have work on my backlog of hundreds of console games, hundreds of on-disc PC games and hundreds of handheld games! The majority of which I was able to buy because Steam gave me digital PC games for cheap...oh right, that's the exact opposite of a problem. You do realize that Newell is just joking shorthand for PC gaming these days right? And that I was just making a joke?
  20. I forget that they prefer long-term bad publicity over short-term.
  21. I don't get why they don't just do what they did after Eddie and Benoit, pretend that they didn't know how bad the problem was, throw a couple people under the bus and promise real hard not to do it again...even though they will.
  22. Remember PS3/4 users, our lord and savior awaits: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/370/670/445.png Simply renounce your heretical console peasant ways and welcome Gaben into your hearts. Only then will the true power of discounted PC gaming be yours.
  23. I probably don't have the most updated version, so apologies if this has already been addressed. I was playing as FFW and looking for someone who would make a good authority figure and noticed that Miles Jenkins' bio said that he wanted to be a GM at some point, but then I noticed that he's at an F- on the mic. Was that on purpose?
  24. Oh the Vikings will show you Packer fans, they'll show you...right to the playoffs as the Packers beat them like Peterson beats his kids.
  25. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/649/058/8ed.gif
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