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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. http://cdn.meme.am/instances/57400577.jpg You are now a god to me Hive.
  2. Hmm, Ratchet & Clank remake, Until Dawn, No Man's Sky, new Ninja Theory game and an Amplitude reboot...your horrible customer service is forgiven Sony. For now.
  3. I'm not convinced about Mariota in Tennessee yet. He's got an amazing amount of potential, but I've yet to see an Oregon quarterback come out of that system ready for the NFL and I don't think the Titans have anyone on staff who can get him ready.
  4. It doesn't make it abandonware if that's what you're asking. BTW abandonware doesn't have any legal precedence, so it doesn't make it okay to pirate it.
  5. Now? People may have just figured out how to make it multi-player. This is the internet, if that wasn't one of the first things people did, I would be amazed. Anonymity + Audience = Well, something I'm not allowed to say. That news report brought me back to the old days when GTA III was blamed for everything. *Sigh* Memories...
  6. Probably. Unless the pregnant woman he hospitalized miscarries, then the hammer's coming down hard.
  7. So he goes back to grab the cash but still leaves his weed behind? How many head injuries has this man sustained?
  8. Basically, both versions got screwed over with something.
  9. It's an off-brand My Little Pony game, what do you think? Have you ever seen any MLP thing where people ride them? And not in that way you pervs. Also, sweaty, oiled-up and scantily clad men rolling around on the ground with each other = totally hetero, colorful cartoon horses = gay?
  10. He's definitely not a bad choice. I read an interview where he talked about how he saw the Joker as a kind of Shakespearean character and a great challenge for his abilities. Leto clearly has a lot of respect for the original material, much like Ledger did, it's just too bad no one else got the memo that you don't have to imitate Nolan and/or Miller every time you do something Batman related.
  11. That's just mean! How can you say Marilyn Manson looks even similar to that Juggalo wannabe. Source: http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/954/081/a7d.png Speaking seriously, if they would drop all the tattoos except the tear drop, since that's the only one with any real meaning, it would look a lot better. Plus they can still keep the whole "This isn't paint, it's his skin." thing they've got going.
  12. Actually, all the DLC is included with the PC version and it's priced at $45 until the launch sale is done, then it just goes up to $50. If anything, they're doing their best to screw over console players. Plus 2K's usually pretty good with their PC ports, at least with the NBA series. As long as Yuke's didn't handle the porting job, it should be fine.
  13. And the guys in the kitchen are going, "Just keep working, he can't kill us if we're working".
  14. And the result of relying entirely on a physics engine: Do you really think Yuke's wouldn't just make something even worse than that if they didn't use canned animations? Match-wise, 2K15 is probably the smoothest wrestling game in a decade. The dearth of features just kill its replay value.
  15. He doesn't need the flying to make his style work. He's a fantastic technician with a huge repertoire. WWE likes imitating MMA, so have him be the guy who is deadly once he takes you to the mat. It's not like it's far from the truth.
  16. Because, while you can beat the CPU on most difficulties by button mashing, other players learn ways to counter most attacks. Liu Kang in particular, is a really good character against button mashers. Also, Scorpion (who I'm assuming you used) is very much a beginner-friendly character who's good at all ranges. Try playing as a ranged attacker like Ermac and you'll see the difference. Difficulty changes are also much more notable in fighting games, fighters you can absolutely destroy on Easy can kill you on Medium. That's not even getting into the bosses. And as for my opinion on MKX, it's definitely a slower-paced fighter than 9, I've had little to no trouble chaining combos and specials (especially with Mileena). Personally, I like the new pace, feels like Netherrealm realized that there were people like me who enjoyed Deadly Alliance and Deception and worked to mix those two in with 9 to create X. I especially enjoy that I'm not frantically mashing buttons, hoping for something magic to happen while I'm being combo'd into oblivion as often. The story is also good, especially for a fighting game. They did a great job with new cast, each of the new generation kombatants feel like their own characters, rather than lazy clones of others. I'm also very impressed that they managed to take the underwhelming MK4's story and lackluster big bad and turn both into strong aspects of a great game. Shinnok's still no Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn, but he's a lot more menacing now. So yeah, I think people should buy it.
  17. It's out of this world good. The Witcher 2 blows the first game (and nearly all recent RPGs) out of the water.
  18. You could also try out a Paradox grand strategy game (Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, etc.) maybe two addictions will cancel each other out.
  19. It's the ones you least expect that care the most about wrestling.
  20. You're not going to find it digital anywhere, EA is trying to pretend that there's no such thing as a PC gamer who likes sports games.
  21. Squeenix just announced the sequel to Human Revolution.
  22. I know it's hard to believe, considering who made it, but I haven't heard about any major issues with it. Personally, I'm about eight hours in and I have yet to encounter any real problems.
  23. And Alpha Protocol being a mess from a gameplay standpoint wasn't even his fault. Chris Parker, one of the heads of Obsidian, kept insisting on changes every time he saw some new feature in another game. It's amazing the game didn't turn into another Duke Nukem Forever. I mean, at least Alpha Protocol was fun.
  24. I see you've found the golden rule of the Elder Scrolls, the newest game in the series is always the worst until the next one comes out. Just wait until VI, then we'll all be talking about how amazing Skyrim was.
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