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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. Well I love Dynasty Warriors and Sengoku Basara (which needs so much more love it's ridiculous), so repetition isn't something I have much of a problem with.
  2. I'm looking forward to Sunset Overdrive too. From what I've seen, it's pretty much a more violent, open-world Ratchet and Clank and there is nothing about that concept I don't like. The only thing working against it is that I don't have an XbONE and that will solve itself with the inevitable Steam release next year.
  3. I was kind of whelmed by this show on the one hand there was Cesaro vs Ziggler, Mizdow, Ambrose finally getting to beat the hell out of Rollins and Wyatt's attack, but I had to sit through the Bellas and their boring feud, The Miz and more Rusev crap (if they give him an Iron Sheik-like tag partner I will forgive everything). But it has to be said: http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/Misc/BrayWyattFaceTurn_zps1816ff43.jpg
  4. As long as he isn't made into Two-Face before Batman is even active, I'm fine with that I just figured since fullMETAL said Two-Face they were actually going to turn Dent into him on the show.
  5. So...DISH and Turner's "contract negotiations" have now ripped Cartoon Network and Boomerang from me. To say I'm pissed is putting it lightly.
  6. Funny thing is that if they Lefort play the in-your-face arrogant ass he did when he managed Rusev he'd be a great counterpoint to Enzo's lovable arrogance.
  7. He was a lot better back in NXT when he had Sylvester Lefort as his manager. For that matter, Lefort was a lot better then too.
  8. I really don't get why he was asked to call the game in the first place. Sure he's called some LFL (a league I could rant at length about) games. But really? That's all it takes to call an NFL game now? I miss Pat Summerall. Great, now by the laws of my irrational hatred of Pittsburgh I am honor-bound to despise JR.
  9. Words cannot describe how much I would love this to happen. It's also probably the only way the Ascension won't fall flat on their faces.
  10. Now I can't remember where he said it, but I remember Jim Ross making the suggestion that Bray making a face turn could be in the vein of men like Bugsy McGraw or Dusty Rhodes, where a man without the "traditional babyface" look can get over huge with the crowd as a face. Personally, I agree, it's not like he's been getting heat with the crowd to begin with and he's just so delightfully bizarre and deranged that I would actually rather see him feud with the heels. I don't exactly have much of an opinion on the other two as I don't really feel like I've seen enough of them standing on their own to judge if this is a good idea or not. He reminds me of the classic "loose cannon" in every good way. I didn't mean to compare him to Austin character-wise. Hell, when I look at him I see what happens when you toss Piper, Pillman and Ledger's Joker into a blender.
  11. I suppose so, but I have too little faith in Fox being that smart.
  12. Yeah, I doubt that they'd do that good out of the gate. I do think that if New Japan was given a slot on a sports network like Fox Sports (or if they're really lucky, ESPN) they could hit it big. But sports entertainment is too deeply entrenched in American pop culture to ever be uprooted.
  13. Yeah, I meant the feud between the two. Of course Rollins is nowhere near the Rock in character or charisma.
  14. Just watched Ambrose's hot dog cart attack. I'm convinced that if they keep going this route, Ambrose and Rollins can become the next Austin and Rock.
  15. Being the huge Batman nerd I am, I could rant at length about how wrong it is to use these two. But I'll just restrict it to this question: Why in God's name would you use two villains whose origins both heavily involve Batman in a show that's not about Batman?
  16. I really don't see it. Ambrose has shown, in my eyes at least, to be great on the mic. His awkward and stilted sentences are intentional, since he's y'know...a little unbalanced. And I don't think there's many in WWE can compare to his mastery of body language. Cue the IWC foaming at the mouth, claiming that WWE hired KENTA just to bury him...
  17. Those are all good (esp. Ultimecia), but I'm sticking to my guns on this one. One Winged Angel just encapsulates a battle for the fate of the world against a madman.
  18. I played it for the first time earlier this year and I was really surprised at how well it compares to modern RPGs. The story is great, Cloud's not the emo he's stereotyped to be (I think VIII actually started the trend of wangst-y protagonists) I love the Active-Time Battle system and One Winged Angel is the greatest boss fight music, bar none.
  19. And yet, I'm so desperate for a modern PC football game I'll probably still buy it unless it turns out to be the King in Yellow of video games.
  20. So I just found out that Cyanide, the guys that made Blood Bowl, are making a Front Page Sports Football reboot...I don't know how to feel about a group of Frenchmen making an American football game. Because Blood Bowl is closer to rugby with forward passes than football.
  21. Well duh, but that's like saying "He's a better wrestler than Great Khali".
  22. Well you can't exactly trust a guy named Fergal to know what a decent name is.
  23. I love this CRPG revival we've been getting this year! Now if we can just get Nintendo to translate more Fire Emblems. (It would also help if I could pry myself away from TEW and F2P MMOs to enjoy these games )
  24. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MichiganHero" data-cite="MichiganHero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="38420" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>history is interesting.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Truer words have never been said.</p>
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