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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. Also, that part at the end (well, before the Giant Enemy Crab makes it terrifying again) where he's wear the suit of armor was just adorable!
  2. I was looking through various games from Gamescom and found this neat game called Ghost of a Tale. Here's the trailer: It makes me think of a medieval version of Fievel, and I'm perfectly fine with that.
  3. Sounds about right. Maybe it's just me, but I lost a lot of faith in Kojima's ability to tell a coherent or at least interesting story after I played Metal Gear Rising.
  4. Never said there was, in fact, I think it's a criminally underrated flavor.
  5. Today I, a man whiter than Dr. Phil eating vanilla ice cream in a blizzard, made Mongolian beef. And it didn't suck!
  6. It's only taken entire console generation to remember, but it's nice to see they finally got the wrestlers to look like themselves again.
  7. Oh my God yeeeeessss... I thought I was the only one who hated him, he just embodies how NOT to be a heel. Not to mention that he's already completely out of his depth in ROH, so Japan will eat him alive.
  8. Didn't JBL get cold cocked by Styles? I would have loved to see that.
  9. Common sense doesn't always win out when you're angry. And there really needs to be a different word than "assault" when it's a slap or the like. Assault makes me think that the victim was brutalized, not that their cheek might be a little red. I get punishing him for stepping out of line, regardless of how justified I think he might have been, but did he really do something worth a firing? Especially considering the not exactly "professional" history of WWE, it seems a bit hypocritical to me.
  10. The more I learn about the business world, the more I think it's stupid.
  11. Really? Just a slap? And if that guy did make a crack like that in public, he was asking to get smacked.
  12. I'd be willing to join up. As long as no one minds easy wins.
  13. I'd expect that kind of crap from a Philly or New York crowd, but not from a Florida one. They're vocal, but they're usually just there for fun.
  14. I do agree that they still need work, but I wouldn't call them sloppy either. Mojo Rawley is sloppy. I think if they put in the effort, then the Ascension could be a great tag team. A mouthpiece like Ellering wouldn't hurt them either.
  15. Did you seriously just use the word "scrub"? Honestly, they don't need to be great in the ring, they're a monster team. All they need to do is brawl and throw their opponents around. That's all the Road Warriors did, Paul Ellering just gave their actions more weight. And (as far as I know) the Ascension doesn't stiff their people for shits and giggles like them. (Never get tired of watching Dan Spivey legit break a chair over Hawk's head and back: )
  16. I'd really like to see the Ascension actually be given a chance to do something other than squash matches. Maybe I'm wrong, but they give off a Road Warriors/Demolition vibe to me and I truly believe that they could help reinvigorate tag wrestling.
  17. Never watched any of the movies, really should change that. I am extremely nostalgic about the 100% unrelated cartoon. Stupid fun doesn't even begin to describe that series. Plus it had Tim Curry AND Tony Jay! How can you not crack a smile at listening to those two try to out-ham each other?
  18. I have to agree with Hive, game length should vary from genre to genre. I've played several games that didn't last more than six or seven hours and had more fun with them than some eighty hour games *cough*Oblivion*cough*. (...I'm going to get crucified for that crack.) On another note, not sure how many people remember my terrible video reviews of old and obscure games from a few years back (which I gave up on 'cause I'm an emo git), but I've been considering taking another shot at something like that and I wanted to know if anyone here had any interest in it. My main goal would still be to highlight games that I feel deserve more of the spotlight.
  19. I've been trying to get C-Verse alts down and started playing around with J Silver's awesome Austin Smooth render. http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt1_zps962842ff.jpghttp://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt2_zps147c7c73.jpghttp://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt3_zpsd9c98fa4.jpghttp://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt4_zpsee95c66c.jpg http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt5_zpsf29b0d87.jpghttp://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt6_zps6123f6ae.jpghttp://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt7_zps5b114fbf.jpghttp://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt8_zpsd8d995df.jpg http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt9_zps2ead6094.jpghttp://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b500/theswanton/C-Verse/People/AustinSmooth_alt10_zps52160990.jpg Thoughts?
  20. I really do hope it is. Sandow is one of my favorite guys in WWE, but I can't shake how much this gimmick reminds me of Charlie Haas right before he was fired.
  21. <p>I bought Marc Ecko's Getting Up a little bit after it got put on Steam and I finally got around to trying it. It's...actually pretty fun. Don't get me wrong, it's still a really stupid game. But the beat 'em up gameplay and the simple, yet fun graffiti make up for the idiotic "Yeah! Fight the power! Anddon'tforgettobuyMarcEckoclothingandNokiaproducts." that makes up the whole story and setting.</p><p> </p><p> Plus Adam West is in it.</p>
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