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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. I'm still trying to figure out how the guy who stole the show from DiCaprio and Damon in The Departed is the same guy who was in The Happening. Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again: chains on title belts are the best!
  2. TBH, I suck so much at BG that I actually prefer playing on easy or story mode because I have fun playing finding out how things progress for different alignments. If I ever actually found a group to play real D&D with, I would totally be the melee guy who smashes through things because I have zero strategic ability. On a different note, I've been playing High On Life since it came out on Game Pass and I'm stunned by how good this game is! The humor is hit or miss and Justin Roiland's style of improv has long since overstayed its welcome for me, but underneath that is a spiritual successor to Oddworld Stranger's Wrath with really satisfying combat.
  3. Being classy is physically impossible for them. All their class went into creating Leonard Nemoy.
  4. Considering its Boston we're talking about, I can totally see the Boston title staying the main title because "there's New England and then there BAWSTON!!!! YEAH! GO SOX! WE LOVE TOMMY BRADY! SOMETHING RACIST SHOUTED AT A BRUINS GAME!" and so on and so forth.
  5. My money is on some corporate moron forcing the Dark Alliance name on the devs who just wanted to make a multiplayer action game set in a D&D realm. Probably the same reason Drizzt is in the game too. "I see you've got a dark elf for one of the player characters, it would sell more if it were the dark elf!" "But the game that inspired us was allowed to have its own unique characters! If even Games Workshop can see the value in that, surely-" "You're putting Drizzt in there right now or I'm making you find a way to fit Elminster in there as well." "Yes, sir! Right away, sir!" Execs with zero knowledge of their own product become convinced that name value alone will sell units and the game itself won't matter. I'm also realizing that since the original DA was a Baldur's Gate spinoff, they could have made this about Minsc's misadventures after BG2. Him and a group of new characters (and actually letting the developers FINISH the game before release) would have been way more appealing to me!
  6. Jeez, I'd totally forgotten about that awful Dark Alliance "revival". Devs, if you're going to copy Vermintide is it too much to ask that you do it well? It's like they thought up "Drizzt is a playable character!" and stopped considering much about the gameplay afterwards.
  7. It's actually going to be August of next year, to my immense frustration (I COULD HAVE BOUGHT IT FOR MY BIRTHDAY NEXT YEAR INSTEAD OF THIS YEAR ARGHFKLARKJHIWS!). Personally, I think there was no winning everyone over no matter which developer was picked. I don't see how they threw aside party-based combat though, the game has companions for days. Did you mean that they swapped the real time with pause combat of the first two with turn-based? Because I know that's been a contentious issue with people. Personally, since discovering the old Gold Box games, I've come to prefer rules-accurate D&D video games to be turn-based. If you want RPGs with dark settings and you haven't already played them, Pillars of Eternity, Tyranny and Disco Elysium are all excellent. Pillars of Eternity didn't quite live up to being a true successor, but it did carve out its own niche in the attempt IMO. Tyranny is a bit on the short side, but has a ton of replayability and is one of the few games I've played where being the bad guy didn't feel like I was forced to act out all the writer's edgelord fantasies. And Disco Elysium... if I could marry a video game, it would be this one. A murder mystery that spirals further and further down a rabbit hole of a broken society. A game where your "skills" are all fragments of the player character's shattered psyche and maxing any of them out turns said fragment into a compulsion. A game with zero combat that manages to feel more like a role-playing game. A game where succeeding on a random, completely optional karaoke skill check gives you a haunting song that perfectly encapsulates the themes of the story and of the main character's miserable life before the game's start. To put it simply, Disco Elysium is a masterpiece narrative on the level of Planescape: Torment that I can only hope gets imitated by dozens of games for years to come. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Apologies for that turning into gushing about a single game, I get like that around Disco Elysium.
  8. It truly is a logo fit only for the most charismatically championship-caliber of Canadian combat.
  9. It isn't a full 1.0 release for now, ex. they haven't fully implemented Daedra worship (you can pick it as a religion but there aren't extra decisions and the like yet) so not all the flavor of the setting is there but they've managed to wrangle CK3 to feel Elder Scrolls-y if that makes sense. The Elves and Beast races look fantastic, the map is huge and detailed and you can even toggle an option to change trait names and the like to be more lore-friendly. As a bonus, they've included a bunch of features from quality of life improvement mods for good measure.
  10. Dear Lord, I can feel my inner Wyoming redneck coming out just looking at those guns! I can't stop i- YEEHAW! We're bringing real American high flying to them sissy Brits!
  11. I've never been big on APWF (mostly because Terry Lambert as owner is a headache and a half), but that set is definitely making me reconsider.
  12. Back before the reboot was first announced, I was hoping for an Egyptian God of War (Norse myth was a close second) so I'd be totally on board with that!
  13. I really wish I had a PS5... I know it's on PS4 as well, but I heard it makes the system run louder than a jet engine and mine already does that so I can't risk it.
  14. There's also a weird thing where I've seen the attitude people should have towards AAA titles for being buggy being used more often on AA and indie games that more often than not legitimately didn't have the funds to keep delaying development any longer. Tons of entitled people getting mad at a lower tier game for daring to not aspire to 10/10, would let the developer sleep with my mother, territory and instead just be a fun game. Haven't played it yet myself so I can't comment on the game's quality, but I've seen a lot of anger directed at Evil West not for bugs or the like, but because it's a linear single-player game with limited replayability - which is all it was ever hyped as! Meanwhile, the actually greedy AA companies like TaleWorlds (Mount & Blade) that make money hand over fist with their games despite things like Mount & Blade 2 leaving early access despite not actually being finished with the company openly admitting they did that to boost sales.
  15. IMO the bar was lowered back when console games could first be patched. Before that even a bad launch on PC got a ton of bad press games didn't recover from (sadly dooming some very good games to obscurity for the crime of being forced out the door early by an impatient publisher). So for the most part big brands were leery about one of their franchises having a buggy release. Except Sega and Midway, those two never cared once gaming went full 3D.
  16. The history nerd in me wants to give you all the awards for the Ancient Greek pottery reference with this.
  17. I get the feeling this promotion is based out of the underwater city of Rapture where everything is fine and will always be fine.
  18. TBH, I felt the seasons immediately after his departure were better. Season 4's Normal is still one of the show's absolute best.
  19. It was years after the fact when I rediscovered bands like Static X that I realized Batman Beyond got me into industrial. Also, Conroy doesn't get enough credit for how well he portrayed a bitter, elderly Bruce. Beyond is massively underrated in general, but Conroy's acting was what especially carried a ton of the dramatic weight.
  20. Batman: TAS and Batman Beyond helped me get through some awful times in my childhood, Kevin Conroy will always be my favorite Batman because of that. RIP
  21. They're not invading EWA, it's just a special wrestling operation! For some reason my brain immediately went to thinking of an all-female sister promotion called Russian Girl Power Wrestling where the only change is that the bear has lipstick.
  22. They'd also have to pretty much stop running storylines too because the ebb and flow of a normal storyline (I.E. face chases heel) is going to put the average babyface's record at 50% or lower without the jobber farming while the top heels will be hovering around 90%. In TEW terms, they'd have to switch from Wrestling Nerd Nirvana to Royal Puro or Faux MMA in order to make the records mean something AND work with the booking.
  23. It seems like the simplest solution to this win/loss record problem is to just stop keeping track of the records and admit that it doesn't work with the way American wrestling is booked.
  24. And doing so gets you put on a watchlist. It's all part of a long term strategy to catch Zombie Bin Laden by using his love of trashy American shows against him.
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