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Posts posted by GatorBait19

  1. Could be just a case of him growing up. Also, maybe because of all of the set backs he has had, he realizes he will not have the career he thought he was going to have.


    I have nothing against him, I have never met him, so I don't know. I was just going by what I have heard about him.


    that could be true, I never met him before this year so who knows.

  2. I know someone who played on the same team with him in I believe it was American Legion Ball (That could be wrong.) and said that Rocco was a jerk who always let his hype get to his head. Now I do not know him personally, I am just going by what someone else said about him.


    Heck he is considered a god here in Rhode Island. If he was a jerk hopefully he has matured.


    I got to sit in on the interview he had with my boss when he came back to Tampa at the start of this year. He was polite and just came off well, he even invited us to join him for lunch.

  3. Yeah that's it...the reason players don't win 11 title..because they played DEFENSE back then and no one does now :rolleyes:


    Nothing to do with the size of the league, the popularity of the game, the greater depth of talent, the rules restricting roster movement and when and how teams sign and draft players, the expansion of the game to international markets...


    It's because old timey basketball players played DEFENSE like no one in today's game can..durn those whippersnappers!!!


    What are you, 90?


    I agree 100%. It's not all about the defense, it has a lot to do with the expanison of the game.




    The defense of today is much different then the defense of yesteryear. Also though it must be mentioned that besides what Peter said the gameplay is much different as well.


    It's like football when old time QB and Defensive players laugh at today's QB when they cry about something. In the NBA fouls are called much easier, I remember reading an article about Wilt when he said that he would go the the charity strip 14 times a game, but every foul was a hard one. Now a days people get bumped the wrong way going to shoot and it's a free trip.


    The 3 point was awarded in I believe 79, that changed the game as well.


    All together, I believe there are many reasons why people don't win 11 championships anymore. Defense is a reason, but also the fact that any team can go from a contender to a loser and vice versa is the biggest reason.

  4. Same, is that a bad thing?


    I just saw NBA2K11 is announced, can't wait best basketball game I've ever played hands down!


    I agree.


    1) It's cheaper then NBA Live...... sorry Elite

    2) The gameplay is better, I have never seen Shaq do a cross-over, but in Live he did

    3) The graphics are better

    4) MGreene78 is doing a my player dynasty in special dynasty forum and it made me try it out. It's quite fun.:D

  5. I think it's only a matter of time before someone cashes in MITB and fails, but I don't think it'll happen to Miz. The crowd really seems to be responding to him, and he could be on the cusp of being a big star. It's certainly possible, though. I thought Swagger would lose when he cashed in, and also thought there was a decent chance it could happen to Punk the second time he won the briefcase. Who knows?


    I remember when Swagger did it the day after he won in on Raw and then he lost. They then went on to make it a swerve angle. To bad, I thought Jack would have bounced back nicely and at least started some sort of feud.


    Rey will probably go down as the most Main event titles won, but never hold it for a combined year lol

  6. Count me in as well. Played ball in high school so I can handle the rigors of being on the bench. Also, played baseball for a long time so I can master the intricate high five actions of being in LeBron's introduction. :D


    Speaking of that does anyone watch Blue Mountain State of Spike TV and if so did you watch the season 1 finale?

  7. Penny Hardaway says he'd like to play for the Heat.


    I'll just go ahead and like to make my intentions clear for everyone as well, I'm announcing I wouldn't mind playing for the Heat either.


    I agree, umm I am officially coming out of retirement as well, I don't even have to touch the court. I will just make the vet min. which is like 500k and sit as the 15th man on the roster :D

  8. http://sports.espn.go.com/new-york/mlb/news/story?id=5386264


    wow just a crazy story. First the team publicist threw his team under the bus, then when asked if we was the one who sets up the travel plans for the players he said yes...... So now I am confused, when did the title of team publicist also come to include making travel plans for the team?


    Last thing a publicist is supposed to protect his team and players. This didn't do that at all.

  9. In a twist, Cohan sticks it to Warriors fans one more time on the way out the door. Everyone wanted Larry Ellison as the new owner because of his deep pockets and win at all costs attitude.


    However, seems a Boston Celtics minority owner and the owner of a movie production company won the bidding and bought the Warriors for a record $450 million (seriously what are the Lakers and Celtics worth if the Warriors goes for that!). And how on earth is the NBA claiming to have lost over $400 mil this year when teams like GState are selling for $450. Hello lockout lol


    lol imagne what teams like the Lakers, Spurs, Knicks, Celtics, Magic, Heat, and other teams with good records, attendance, and new stadiums would cost. Also it sucks for Warrior fans, but deep pockets isn't everything


    1) They can only spend 90 million a year no matter what. That's the hard cap and they can't go over it.


    2) Deep pockets doesn't mean the ability to put talent on the field. Look and Dan Synder of the Redskins, he has some real deep pockets. That team was dreadful the last couple years. Heck the Bucs almost beat them last year and I think the Lions did.


    Warriors' fans shouldn't be to upset since this guy has watch how the Celtics run things and how to build a championship


    1) Trade for three aging stars

    2) Find a coach

    3) Draft a PG that fell in the draft and comes out to be one of the top PG in the game

    4) Build around them. lol :p

  10. Thing is that all the bad stuff he did was public, was usually his own voice, whereas the good stuff he did, he did privately. I saw a quote earlier, where he said something to the extent of "my father once told me that if you do something for someone, and two or more people know about it, you did it for the wrong reason."


    I may not have always agreed with the man's decisions, and some of the choices he made in life weren't the best by any measure, but what he's done for the pinstripes, for baseball, and for the communities in New York and Tampa can't be ignored. Gonna miss the Boss.


    My boss and I were talking to talking today and joking around about old George stories. He said that George always did things on his term (baseball wise) and didn't care who didn't agree. He then said jokingly that "Only George would die on a day when 5 players started for the AL team from two cities that he contributed so much to. Only George could take away from the all-star game and of course only George could make people see with all the stuff he pulled in the lime-light, only he could be discreet enough to be known as one of the most caring men to ever grace New York and Tampa. George The Boss may have died today, but he did it on his terms."



    Now my boss wasn't saying George planned to have a heartattack. He was just saying George went out on a day where baseball wasn't focused on team rivalries, but more of putting on a showcase for the fans. George one of the biggest showmen ever went out when the whole nation was focused just on baseball.

  11. Honestly I don't understand the need for Bosh. He's worth his contract for his offensive production to this point, but his scoring is going to drop significantly next year when he ends up as a #3 option. He's a good but not exceptional rebounder, too skinny to d-up in the post, and actually recorded less blocks (at 6'10) than D-Wade did last season!!! I mean as unfair as it would be, Dwight Howard would make sense as a #3 option in the post, because he gives you power and defensive presence in the middle that Wade and LeBron don't give you. If I were Pat Riley I would much rather have my own Shane Battier, maybe get Tayshaun Prince off the sinking ship that is the Pistons, or bring in a younger guy like Ronnie Brewer to play perimeter D, then get someone who can play the low post to complement Haslem, who is a very good role player. Birdman Andersen would be my top pick but any defensive-minded center would work. And even at a reduced price you could get a Ronnie Brewer and a Center for a lot less than Chris Bosh.


    I think the need was just to have another person who can score in case Lebron and Wade can't :rolleyes: . It makes sense to me because of the injury history Wade has. Bosh could easily go from 3 to 2 option with a matter of a injury to one of the other two.

  12. All kinds of stuff coming out today..


    --The Heat have agreed to terms with Udonis Haslem, Mike MIller, and Zydrunas Ilgauskas






    --Orlando signed Q Richardson...which means Matt Barnes and possibly JJ Redick are out




    --The Chandler deal:




    So Diaw and Calderon stay in place. And the Chandler/Heywood combo should be solid.


    people are talking about the lineup looking like this


    PG: James

    SG: Wade

    SF: Miller

    PF: Haslem

    C: Bosh


    I would feel bad for any PG who had to cover Lebron lol or get covered by Lebron.

  13. Mavs just picked up Tyson Chandler.


    yeah I saw that, it will be interesting to see how they do with a big man like Chandler. He isn't world class talent, but in a NBA where Big men aren't what they use to be. Chandler would be considered a top 10 center now a days which is something Dirk has never had.

  14. what kills me is that the mentality is "oh I have all this space..I have to spend it all immediately even if the guy i'm going to spend it on doesn't deserve it" :rolleyes:


    seriously, after hearing about this deal


    1) Steve Nash has to be kicking himself.


    2) Stern can't sit here and say anymore that we are losing 370mil a year because of salaries. No you are losing that money because you guys don't brand well, charge way to much for tickets, and you spend like retards.


    I know I was critical of the players before and I still stand firm that a hard cap would help, but as long as the owners don't stand their ground and say this is the contract and I don't care then it will continue to happen.


    It's dumb that a back up player like Josh Childress makes more money then both starters combined for the All-Star game (david price and Jimenez)

  15. Peter we argued a couple of weeks ago about if the Salary Cap and it not being a hard cap is hurting the NBA owners. After hearing that Josh Childress got a 5 year 34.1 million dollar contract, I agree GM/Owners are dumb.


    I was reading a ESPN Blog talk about how so many teams are under the cap with not so much talent outside of the top 7 so people are going to get overpaid to fill positions. I can get that, but 7 mill a year to a career backup is crazy.

  16. I don't wanna sound overly negative about Wade to make this point, but he's also the guy that hasn't been able to get his team out of the first round the past four years. It's been Wade's team, but it's not the same Heat squad. This team is either about LeBron or it's about the threesome, I don't think it's singularly about Wade anymore.


    That's just how I perceive it though, like PH said, I'm no Nostradamus...I don't know how they will play together...I just think anointing James a sidekick to Wade isn't going to hold true for long once the games start.


    Ah you are right about this, but Lebron James is the same man who has failed to take a team that's been picked to win the finals the last three years, to the finals.


    Wade has done all of his work with out, what Lebron had with the Cavs, Talent. Wade biggest name he played next to was Shaq who was there as a filler and helped him. James has had year after year of talented players with him who have made all-star game apperances.


    Wade made the Heat the last couple of years overachieve. Look at the Heat with out Wade and when he is hurt. They sucked and got the 2nd overall pick. With him they are talented enough to make the playoffs. Cavs with out Lebron are still good enough to float around .500 and make the playoffs.


    Lebron will play second fiddle to Wade. Wade is the captian and Wade is the man in Miami. Not because he has lived there longer, because he actually lives in Chicago in the offseason. It's because like people mentioned, he brought a title to Miami, played there is whole career, and will stay there his whole career.




    Peter I agree with Lebron taking the sidekick role. I still believe that leaving a city and not winning a championship really hurts your legacy though. Think about guys like Wilt, Oscar, and Shaq, all great players but are never mentioned in the talks of Jordan, Bird, and Magic because they ditched their teams for the chance at a title. I don't think that's bad like I stated before, but it also makes people stray from you when talking about greatest all-time

  17. David Stern chimes in about Lebron leaving the Cavs





    if you watch the video near the end Wade talks about how people are saying Jordan and Magic did it by themselves. I just don't remember anyone saying that about Magic or Jordan. I also don't think anyone is ganging up on Wade or Bosh either so in the sense he is sticking up for Lebron there. Most people are ganging up on Lebron saying Magic and Jordan stayed and won it not bolted because they couldn't beat better teams.

  18. Wow this has gotten crazy. ESPN poll question today.


    Who has done more to damage their reputation in the past year?

    A Tiger Woods

    B Lebron James


    That is just insane. I dont agree with the decision he made and dont respect how he did it but I am not sure how these are even comparable.


    hm one man left his home states' team for a chance to win a bunch of titles. The other man decide that just like golf he need more championships in his personal life......... I would assume option 2 :p

  19. I always thought that the reason why they could never attract an ace (well besides Nolan Ryan) down there was because pitchers have a hard time with the heat. Maybe I am wrong on this but I remember somebody talking about that once.


    That could be a reason, but also that park is horrible for pitchers. Rich Harden has ace type stuff, injuries have really derailed his career, but he went there. Kevin Millwood is another one of those guys who had ace type stuff who had some of his worst ERA's when he was in texas.


    The Heat may play a factor, but pitcher don't do to much movement to kill their fatigue with the heat. I believe the biggest reason big time pitchers don't go there is because that ballpark is a hitters play house.


    I'm not saying Lee's number will go up big time, because he has put his ace type stuff together to become that big ace. We will have to wait and see how he ends though


    Here are his stats at the time of the trade.



    13 games started, 8-3, 2.34 ERA, 89 SO, 6 BB, 5 HR's, .231 BAA, .95 WHIP, 5 CG, 1 Shutout, 91 hits, 31R, 27 ER, 103.2 innings. with 109.2 pitches avg per game.




    now we can come back to this link at the end of the year and compare. If they are higher then I will short out his Home vs Away stuff to see how much of a difference it was.

  20. I agree with that but that's another discussion. Jordan at 25 years old hadn't won a ring and the Bulls had lost to the Pistions 3 years in a row in the Playoffs if my memories working. It's funny because it was the addition of Phil Jackson and a few others like BJ Armstrong that pushed that team into the status it now holds. Jordan was the best I've ever seen I agree but basketball is far from a one player game, Kobe has proved that in both good and bad situations. Obviously that kind of change wasn't coming to the Cavs and Lebron wanted out, he's still very young.




    I still think it's too early to call, in 2 or 3 years yes but not yet. He could very easily end up with more rings then most of those guys.


    This is true, but those five guys also have one thing that will set them apart from Lebron. They did it with one team. Lebron could now win 4 to 5 titles, but to me it would be hard to put him ahead of any of thoses guys because they stuck through the good and bad times of their teams.


    I don't fault Lebron for wanting rings, it is what seprates players from talented to one of a kind.

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