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Posts posted by GatorBait19

  1. So, supposedly Shaq and Spurs are heating up. My thing is Shaq wants to win more titles then Kobe. It's the reason he hasn't talked to the Lakers. So why the Spurs? He could go to the Heat and pound out three more and retire with 7!!!!! Kobe would need to win 2 more just to tie.
  2. Well yeah hench the post where I said he was right.:D Like I said those Celtic teams were so stacked with talent that two (I believe it was two but do not quote me) their 6th men made it into the Hall of Fame.


    Yeah, I saw that. I was already posting when you posted it :p

  3. Freaky how the big three numbers go up by 2 then 3. Bosh #1, Wade #3, and Lebron #6


    So they sign 6 year deals with each giving up 15 million apiece.





    After watching that video, this could get interesting. I really want to see how these three players work together for 82 to 100 games a year. Who takes the winning shot? what happens when someone sees their numbers going down? Will people bite their tongues for 6 years?


    They played well for the Olympics, but that was exbitions and going for gold. They weren't there to rack up 30 points apiece. Now this is real, so I guess we will see how it works out.

  4. I know little to nothing about Russell so its hard for me to say how he performed in the clutch. I mean he obviously was a winner but he was also surrounded with more talent than MJ compared to when MJ played. MJ won a championship his last 6 full years with the Bulls.


    BHK you know me and how much I believe Russell was one of the best all-time, but in this case I have to agree with JB. Russell had talent surrounding him that even Shaq at 50 could win with.


    Jordan was just special. That's why people want to live up to his level. Next year if Kobe wins his 6th he might go, "I caught Jordan, now it's time for Russell :D". Jordan is a bigger legend because he was able to win during the free agent period. Now it helped that Scottie Pippen was so terrified of being poor that he signed a long term deal that was made him vastly underpaid.


    Now in the fact though JB, Jordan did play around with some top talent in Chicago. Rodman, Pippen, Grant, Kerr weren't scrubs. You could also make the arguement that Pippen was the best 3 in the game at the time.


    All in all this is a tough arguement to take any side on. They were both extremely competitive players, but I'd have to give the edge to Jordan for the sheer fact that he hit huge shots and did it during the free agency era.

  5. I have a good question. How good could Tyreke Evans really be? I thought last year coming into the league he was being undervalued by people, but he came out to win ROY.


    He is one of four players to avg 20/5/5 as a rookie. The other three, Jordan, Oscar Robertson, and Lebron. I know he played on a crap team so his stats might have been bloated, but Lebron and Jordan weren't going to a championship contender themselves.

  6. In other news, Kyle Korver decided to follow teammate Carlos Boozer and join the Bulls as well. Three year deal, 15 million says the source.




    Love this guy, great shooter.


    He earned that money can't lie. He is a pure shooter who shots extremely well from the charity stirke. He might end up being their 2 and if he continues to shot 43% from the field and 41% from outside then he'll fit a need they had.

  7. ESPNews is saying that the Rangers have gotten Cliff Lee for Justin Smoak and three other minor leaguers. It'll be cool to see what the Rangers can do with a solid ace, they've never really had the pitching to do it.


    nice move for the Ranger. Smoak was a good prospect, but so is Chris Davis still. Ranger still need to figure out ownership issues and quick.


    I guess the Mariners saw this as hey they won't be able to retain Lee anyways. I hope they are right because it would suck for them to have to face him 5 to 6 times a year in the future.

  8. If the Yankees get Cliff Lee it will be great! That would be one awsome rotation, and they are going to need it because it does not look like the Devil Rays or the injury-ridden Red Sox are going to be going away any time soon.


    The Red Sox really scare me because they have been plagued with injuries this season and yet they are still managing to hang around at the top.


    I know it sucks :(

  9. And you're saying five years isn't long enough to assemble a championship team? Might wanna tell Danny Ainge that.




    Brandon Roy's name was broached several times that I recall. When the Knicks were working with the expiring contract of Allen Houston (which I think was Roy's rookie year), the value of the deal made it extremely attractive to teams looking to clear cap space in a hurry. His was one of several "big names" thrown around and reported on by both the NY Daily News and the Post. If the KNICKS of all people, are talking about a player, why isn't an actual real team doing so?




    This part I forgot. However, weren't the 'Big Three' in Boston assembled within the last five years? Where were the Cavs?




    You're a lame duck franchise. No one wants to sign with one of those. Had Gilbert put the proverbial pedal to the metal EARLIER (with all the piss & vinegar he's projecting with that letter), it might not be quite so hard to get people to come in.




    So, lemme get this right. You're giving a player credit for being "good"....on the Wizards? The Gilbert Arenas-less Wizards at that? Okay.




    GatorBait, look at the talent the Celtics put around Paul Pierce. Look at the talent the Lakers put around Kobe (after he threatened to bolt). Look at the talent the Spurs put around Tim Duncan. Look at the talent the Magic put around Dwight Howard. Within the last five years, you've had several bonafide stars change teams. NONE of them wound up in Cleveland. The other team will trade to you if you offer them the best deal. Please show me links to stories of Danny Ferry talking to the Sonics about Rashard Lewis or the Wolves about KG or the Grizz about Pau. Or hey, how about the Ty Lawson draft day trade. I'm sure the Cavs were all over that one. :rolleyes:


    Remi you seem to keep putting the fact that he continued to put better talent around Lebron out of your mind. In five years Dan took the Cavs from a team that didn't make the playoffs with Boozer and James, to a team that made the playoffs without Boozer. They put talent all around him that was picked to win the title by most experts.


    I can't comment of the Roy issues because of the fact I have never heard of thoses stories. If you could give me some short of material to read to refresh my memory that would help.


    Also, once agian when assembling a team like the Big Three in Boston or Gasol going to the Lakers you need to remember a couple of things.


    1) Gasol trade was fishy to everyone in the business. Jerry West was the GM and he gave them a great deal. The Griz were strapped for cash and the Lakers offered Kwame Brown, Jarvis Crenttion, and two first rounders. Both pickest were the 28th overall.


    2) KG's deal netted the Wolves Al Jefferson and Ryan Gomes plus other players. They also got two number one picks including a top five pick, who did they draft? O.J Mayo then traded him for Kevin Love. So for KG they got two talented prospects. As Peter and I have mentioned before as well, T'Wolves aren't the samrtest team out their when it come to trades.


    3) When Ray Allen was traded Sonics got, Jeff Green, delonte West, and Wally Z. Wally had that expiring contract. Jeff Green was seen as a big time prospect.


    4) Rashard Lewis was given a ridiculous contract from the Orlando Magic that will make him the second highest paid player for the next 3 years (IN THE NBA) Also why Bring in Lewis when Lebron plays the 3? The only reason Lewis plays the 4 in Orlando is because Stan Van wants a three point firing squad. Lewis doesn't defend in the paint or at all, and wouldn't have been on Mike Brown's good side because of this.


    5) Lebron never threatened to Bolt like Kobe. Difference was Lebron was winning and had a team that was projected to make the finals for the last two years.


    6) Magic didn't put anyone around Howard? He's on the same boat for your side of this. Magic put a broken down VC, gave him Bass who didn't play. Oh yeah that's right Jamison isn't anything, but Lewis is I forgot that. My mistake.


    All of thoses teams had something though. Expiring contracts and talented players to give back to those teams who traded away that talent. The Cavs were in a horrible state before Dan took over and even after he did. They Had Z contract that took of 11 million a season. They had Larry Hughes horrible contract so that Lebron could have another scorer next to him.


    The team has never drafted well, Lebron is the only talent they have drafted in the last 10 years that has done something for the team, that was a can't miss.



    Also They weren't the Arenas-less Wizards. I mean if you're going to go out of your way to ask BHK if he watches basketball, then you should ask yourself the same question. Gilbert Arenas, Antawn Jamison, Caron Butler, Brendan Haywood, Randy Foye, and Miller played 32 games with Gilbert before he got suspened. Antawn and Butler went on to play 9 more games together until Antawn was traded.


    So answer. No, I am not saying a player was good because he was on the Wizards. The Gilbert Arenas still playing Wizards.


    I'm sure they were in on the Lawson deal. Probably because he is just like Mo Williams, a shot first PG who thinks pass second.


    Lastly, the talent surrounding Duncan wasnt traded for, the Big three down there were all drafted and developed by the Spurs.

  10. Remi you need to make sure you check stuff first


    First, Dan has only had the team for 5 years.


    Second, When was Brandon Roy's name brought up in trade discussions? when he was a rookie?


    Third, Ben Wallace was on the Cavs the two previous years. He was apart of the Shaq deal and then got his contract bought out by Suns and wasn't even attempted to be resigned by the Cavs.


    Fourth, Dan tried to bring Artest, Ariza, and many others to the Cavs last year and they all declined even with the Cavs offering more money. Why, simple put who wants to get stuck in Cleveland with out James.


    Jamison isn't the best and I never stated that.I said he and Anderson were a decent PF/C combo. Plus the fact that before he was traded Jamison was doing 20 ppg with 8.8 RPG. Shaq, Jamison may have been past their primes but it's not like the Cavs lost anything when they traded for Telfair and Jamison. They lost Z........ wait no they didn't.


    When I said trash I meant the Media. Now if he does bad or the Heat don't win a championship people wont sit hear and say "oh he had no talent around him". I don't get how people think the Cavs didn't put talent around him, they tried everything humanly possible to do it. Just because you want someone doesn't mean the other team is going to trade them to you.

  11. Garnett isn't from Minnesota, is he? If LeBron were not an Ohioan, I don't think the reaction would be QUITE this bad.


    Nope, but he did spend Majority of his career there. Lebron couldn't even do that before he decide it was time to try somewhere else for a title. Also his brand seems to be working, it's been like 5 hours since he spoke and we are still talking about it :p

  12. And I promise you, Cleveland, that with your help, I will be the greatest 5th grade class president in the history of Taft Elementary! This will be the BEST YEAR EVER!


    I believe Comic Sans should be the official font for the Official NBA Discussion Thread!!!!

  13. Haha...as if Cleveland couldnt get any worse. (At least yall arent Detroit? Well...I guess they have the Red Wings...)


    Anyway, only way Cavs beat James to a championship is if he never wins one.


    Or they start competing in some other sport.


    Maybe put-put golf. Or bowling.


    Tigers are in first place!!:D

  14. Here is my favorite thing to come out of this LeBron situation so far, Will Leitch's column. Link


    you know what I find funny about all of this. The talk of how he betrayed Ohio. I always found it funny how people get so distraught over a player leave their team and feeling betrayed.


    I had a friend in LA told me that LA is where the best sports is and all these great players. I made me wonder why is it cities claim to be wonderful at all this when players are pretty aren't even from there? How is it New York is the greatest place to play baseball, but most of the stars in baseball where born from other places?


    I guess what I am saying is, Ohio truly should feel hate right now. James was their man, their hero of sports, and mostly an Ohio boy. This is nothing like Shaq leaving Orlando or LA, or any other player who left a team for a championship.


    If Wade would have ditched the Heat to play in Chicago (his hometown) and won a title, would people have been pissed.... sure, but the story would have been how Wade went home and won a title.


    I just never understood how a city can go haha we are the best sports city because of championships, when no one on your team is from that area. I know I'll catch something from Peter and Lazor about this because they don't understand this, but I just really think Ohio lost more than a player.

  15. I think it's hilarious. All these people complaining about how over the top the press conference THEY WERE WATCHING was. Um, how about not watching then?


    Lol, I just waited till ESPN online announced it. After all the reports I have gotten the last two days I was pretty much sure Beasley was going to the Wolves so they could sign Lebron.

  16. I have no problem with what Gilbert said either. My dad was here watching it with me, he never watches baskeball really, he knows who the big stars are though. He just turns to me and says, Who does this guy think he is? I bet Kobe wouldn't want his own special to announce he's leaving Los Angeles. His company is based out of Akron too and he was only interested because all the people that live around there and work with him were talking about how this could set Cleveland back a long way, not only in sports but in general.


    They were talking about 20 million lost just for the area around the arena. Also a couple years ago when Kobe was the selfish Kobe, he might have. Not now though and this, to me anyways, continues to put Lebron in a negative light. First was walking off the court after the Magic won and not staying to congratulate them on their win, next was the whole video tape debuckle, and now this.

  17. We'll see, it's not like they were left with a horrible roster.




    On another note, if the Knicks had the money to sign the big three, or if Chicago could have ditched Deng's contract. You think the big three would have gone to either of those two places?

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