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Posts posted by GatorBait19

  1. Rose over Lebron, Dwight Howard, or Chris Paul is one of the craziest things I have seen posted in this forum. And Lebron is the best player in the NBA today. He cant help it his teammates blow in comparison to Kobe. With similar talent surrounding him Kobe's team were 1st round losers.




    So how is it that Durant and Rose make their teammates better yet Lebron is simply"could be the best stats wise"? Didnt Cleveland just have the best record in the NBA this year? You must just say this crazy stuff because you know it will generate a reaction because you cant possibly be serious.


    Rose took a woe-ful Chicago team to the playoffs his first year and did crazy things in them against the C's. I like Paul, I just don't buy into the hype as quickly as everyone else does.


    Also, why are you so high on Dwight Howard? because he is a beast at the defensive end, but his only true offense is a dunk? I love Howard don't get me wrong, but he has some flaws that make me question if he is even best big man in the game today. Tim Duncan who wasn't even flashy had much better numbers then Howard has had at this point in his career. Last year's title run had a lot to do with Lewis and (oh god) Hedo.


    I have no problem saying Lebron is the MVP and has the best stats. Stats don't make the best player though. What made Jordan, Isiah Thomas, Larry Bird, and Magic Johnson so great was that heart. Mike Brown was a very good coach and it's a shame he was the scape-goat in Cleveland. Lebron just doesn't have that heart to me. Could that change, yes it did for Kobe. The thing I think Lebron has lacked in Cleveland is the fact that the fan base doesn't push him. how many times to do you think he has been critized up there? If he left do you really think they would boo him or the frachise?


    Like you I want Lebron to be the best player and better than Jordan or Kobe, but until he wins (a championship) he isn't in the same breath as Kobe, Jordan, or Wade. If you would like I'll move Lebron to third ahead of Durant and Rose, stats wise I have no problem with that. The way Rose has pushed teams in the playoffs so far and how Durant pushed the Lakers this year just makes me believe they are going to be something more than 30 ppg, 7 ast, and 7 RPG.


    But, I will not move C4 or Howard up. Howard has a lot more to prove, he has to lose is childish ways and become more of a leader. C4 big thing is I want to is how he comes back from that knee injury. he played a couple games last year, but this year will be a big test.



    Lazor, I loved Duncan in his heyday, but I see it being Howard, Bosh, Gasol, Lee, Dirk, with Ducan and Jefferson tied. Duncan put up the same numbers (pretty much) as Jefferson. Jefferson was coming back from a knee injury. Age has just caught up to Duncan and it sucks, he avg the least amount of min pg this year and yet in the playoffs (like last year) with him getting more minutes his stats declined


    Also if Gasol could do 18ppg, 10rpg, and even 4 to 5 ast pg he'd be the best big man in the game.

  2. Haynesworth's bonus was guaranteed but it was what's called a convertible bonus. An option bonus is straight, flat out cash with no reservations. A signing bonus is contingent on the contract being honored by both sides and the terms of said contract being met. If a player screws up and the team feels the need to cut them (Charles Rogers, as an example. Barry Sanders is another, in a different way), they can appeal to an arbitrator (or go to court) to have a portion of the signing bonus returned. The reason being, the player didn't live up to the terms of the contract (which almost always includes a 'character clause'). A convertible bonus gives the team the option of turning what would be money in the bank, to a conditional payment that could be recovered later on.


    Now, if you think Haynesworth's deal is ridiculous, look at the deal Jake Delhomme signed with the Panthers the season before they cut him. Jake gets paid regardless of whether he plays football or not since the contract has no offset. (Offsets are guarantees reduced by new income. So for example, if a player is due to make $10 million guaranteed and he gets cut and signs with another team for $3 million, the team that cut him is only on the hook for $7 million). So Jake is making $12.675m from the Panthers....and he's a BROWN.


    The thing is, the Titans are playing chicken with their franchise player. It would take next to nothing to sign CJ longterm. This is an extraordinary circumstance where extraordinary measures are warranted. You look at the perennial Super Bowl contending teams and what do they do? They make sure their "stars" stay paid at a level befitting them. Who, realistically, do the Titans have to pay BUT Chris Johnson? How is it that his backup is making more money than he is?


    Logan you also have to remember that the Titans are considered a small market franchise in the NFL (which I have never understood because as long as you win people come to games and even if you lose people come to games). So where teams like the Bucs, Redskins, Giants, and others were willing to offer that money to Albert it was better fror the Titans to give him a much lower contract and hope he takes a hometown discount. If not then move on and use that money on other players.

  3. Is it me, or has the season that Stephen Strasburg has had thus far mirrored Doc Gooden's rookie year? I mean the guy can throw k's just like Doctor K and he has had a great rookie year thus far (granted he does not have that many games under his belt yet).


    Now I highly doubt that he will match Doc's wins (Only because Stephen has come up mid-season and is playing on a team that is not as good as the 84 Mets.). That being said this kid has lived up to the hype so far and hopefully he can bring interest to Baseball in D.C., just as a screw you to Peter Angelos.


    Eh, it'd be hard for him to hit the wins you are right, but he could. As of right now the Nats are still keeping him under 100 pitches and he has still manged to get into the 7 twice (shows that even when he SO a lot he is smart and quick about it)


    He does play on a horrible team but a pitcher can make them look good the night they do play (think Rockies and Ubaldo, Halladay and Phil's) now they aren't bad teams but they are struggling, When those two pitchers pitch though the teams look like World Series contenders each time.

  4. Agree with you completely there, I've been saying for years Lebron isn't even the 2nd best player in the league due to Wade. The way he plays the game is just a joy to watch.


    I love Wade and think at times he gets overlooked.


    I don't even think Lebron is the 3rd best player or 4th (Kevin Durant 3rd and Rose 4th)


    Lebron does a lot of things for the Cavs and when all is said and done he could be the best stats wise, But Durant, Kobe, Wade, and Rose make their teammates better players.


    Rose: First look what he's done in the playoffs, he takes himself to a different level and carries his team. What he did last year against Boston is what makes legends. Also Noah was looking like a soft bust before Rose and Deng and Henrich were struggling to. Now they all look very good and it's because Rose plays his butt off.


    Durant: Came into the league on fire, and now with talent around him we see the superstar of now and not tomorrow.


    Kobe: Enough said


    Wade: Sure Wade won his Championship with Shaq, but he has also lead the Heat to the playoffs (I believe) 6 out of his 7 years and the year they didn't go he was hurt. Imagne if the Bulls would have taken Beasley. Heat could have had a Dynasty. He has also had very little support outside of Shaq and still manges to carry the team.



    So my list is


    1) Kobe

    2) Wade

    3) Durant

    4) Rose

    5) Lebron (I know tough a crazy, but he hasn't proven enough to me)

    6) Howard (When he matures and leaves his childish act at home he could move up)

    7) Chris Paul

    8) Bosh

    9) Dirk (Hasn't won it all, but he carries that team)

    10) Nash

    11) D. Williams (Utah boy that many might not know much about, he lead Illinois to a championship game, losing to the big 5 of UNC, is one of the best PG in the game)

  5. .......


    Does anyone remember the fact that there were tons of reason Titans went down hill.


    1) Kerry Collins isn't a QB to be depended upon, he can hold you over for a year but then people catch on again and it's over.


    2) I agree with Remi that White isn't talented (anymore) but I do think giving him the ball a little more would have deflated CJ's ego.


    3) The Titans tried to fill AH void with Javon Haye...... someone who is much smaller and did well in the Tampa 2 where small DT do well.


    4) besides injuries the Titans lost something bigger then Ablert..... their D-Coor. He played a big part in that D and simliar to the Giants, Bucs, and Eagles it is not easy to replace a top of the line D-Coor.



    Albert was a key piece to the Defense no doubt, but he wasn't the main reason that team went downwards

  6. I'm starting to think the Titans knew way more about Albert Haynesworth when we didn't re-sign him after the '08 season. I knew he was the type of player to take a paycheck and play 50% of the time. And his injuries while with us were always a problem. Even Kevin Mawae (veteran center and former teammate) is ripping him to shreds. He's the DT version of Terrell Owens. Does any team want to risk paying this guy money ever again? I sure as heck wouldn't.


    Lol, I am just happy the he didn't take the Bucs offer. Report tell us all that the Bucs gave Albert a bigger offer overall, with less gauarantee. Some one on ESPN (can't remember their name) was talking about with mess ups like Albert, J Russell, and other big contracts that the owners in the new CBA will try to get a cap or something to fix all of this.


    I like the thought because I have always hated the fact of people getting money without ever playing, but it's the same in every sport so this will be interesting.


    Last thing, the union and NFL talked this week..... but not about a new CBA. They came together to talk about more NFL games (which I would love personally), but right now I believe making sure their are players to play the more games is more important.

  7. I think the arguement between Lebron and Bryant is over. Bryant pushes his team to be better.


    The real arugement now is Wade vs Bryant. Bryant for sure has the edge, but the way Wade has pushed a team with no one on it has always impressed me.


    But right now, Kobe for sure.

  8. I just don't see most of the modern day athletes knowing who Bill Russell was. The NBA is a league of me now, and so I highly doubt the the players now either know or care about the greats from the past.


    This is not like Baseball where there is a rich history and a lot of the older players from the past come in and work with the younger players. Heck, how long did it take Kareem to get an asst. coaching job. One of the greatest Centers of all time had a hard time finding a coaching job. Yes I know his personality was not all that great but in Baseball Ted Williams managed to get a job as the manager of the Senators (Texas Rangers now), and he was a huge jerk.


    Who knows..... Remember though that there are few to no NBA players who were even born when Russell played his last game. Kind of how Kareem is the all time leading score and Jerry West is the freakin logo, but Michael Jordan is the man everyone wants to be.

  9. Lol, quoted this because I had a feeling you'd be proved wrong. Down the stretch Lakers (the better team) carried Kobe ;)




    I'd say most young guys would definitely know Russell, he's a basketball God. I don't think they use him or guys like Wilt for example as comparisons because the game was so different back then, it isn't really a fair comparison.


    Good going, you did call it. Homecourt was a factor but the final two games the Lakers were better coached and the better TEAM.


    Also I am very proud of Kobe, he's grown up a lot since the days of him and Shaq.


    Now the interesting thing is Gasol and Kobe are together for another what 4 years I believe. Bosh wants to go to LA and I am sure LA will be looking to add more talent this year (either MLE or by sign and trade or both). I do believe the Lakers would be willing to give up Bynum if it meant they could land Bosh. There is a five year difference between them, but Bynum's knee has been a bother and Bosh is a 20/10 guy. They also need to find a PG of the future, Fisher can hold it over for a year or two but after that they will need someone. All in all this is a dynasty..... maybe Shaq comes back lmao.



    Also I think the reason people don't say russell's name is because like you said, times have changed. There wasn't free agency back then and not as many teams. 6 titles is seen as the mondern day record for elitness among a players. (Or as I like to call it Jordan Era)



    Celtics are at a cross-road. They have a mix of young players (Robison, Rondo, Davis, Perkins) that they can build around with older guys that are (like Fisher) going to be able to hold it down for a little while longer. They bought their championship, now it's time to bring in young guys to sit behind the big three and learn while they develop.

  10. Kobe has now won back to back championship without Shaq..... How many back to back Championships did Shaq win without Kobe? :p



    I remember when Shaq was traded and everyone said Kobe wouldn't win won without Shaq.


    Now remove their numbers with each other and here is how it figures out


    Kobe; 3 Finals Appearances, 2 Championships, 2 MVP awards


    Shaq; 1 Finals Appearances, 1 Championship.

  11. GatorBait19:


    Barry, much like CC, is a very good striker with limited ground skills. CC subbing him is kind of like saying "Yeah, I made it this far with that, but I'm Cro Cop." Do you understand?


    Yes, the way it I read it was you were saying Cro Cop M.O was making one dem. guys tap.


    I still think a better finish would have been Cro Cop KO Barry with his left leg (cemetery)

  12. WOWOW is Pay TV, not Pay Per View. The UFC is not on PPV in China.



    No, it's not an interview...it's a transcript of the press call. I should know, I was on it. Note the bold tex below from the link you posted.


    "[barry] is a good fighter, very fast, and I saw the way he destroyed (Antoni) Hardonk," Filipovic told MMAjunkie.com (http://www.mmajunkie.com) on Friday's media call promoting the event. "It was amazing. It will be a good fight, and I'm looking forward to it."





    And this wasn't an interview with Fighters Only. It was a translation by a poster on Sherdog of some comments he gave to a Croatian website when they ambushed him at the airport before 110.


    If you're going to be sarcastic, at least make sure you're right.




    ...you realise that this fight was on TUF, yes? That Nelson and Kimbo were contractually forbidden from talking about it until the show aired? And that once it was announced (a week in advance, if memory serves), both Nelson and Kimbo were put on press tours? Again, I should know, because we interviewed both of them the week before that episode aired, as did numerous other outlets.




    ...which is exactly the same way boxing matches are promoted. The idea that all (or even the majority) of MMA PPV buying fans are familiar with all 10 main card fighters is A) False and B) Irrelevant to the point. Of the 10 fighters on a card, only four (occasionally six) are featured in the countdown show, press call, press conference, promotional material etc. Example: The Strikeforce press call I did last week featured only Robbie and Babalu. The WEC one on Monday featured Varner and Kamal Shalorus. The TUF Finale one I'm doing tonight is McCray, McGee, Jardine and Hamill. The Strikeforce one I'm doing tomorrow is just Fedor and Werdum. 116 is just Lesnar and Carwin....and so on.




    So? He isn't confident in his English, so he speaks through a translator. What's the difference?


    First, Wowow is a paid broadcasting (similar to HBO, HDNET) so yes people do pay to watch the fights. Second PPV in China is here (started with UFC 109) on Sohu.com (how do I know I have a brother stationed in Manas Air Base. He has to pay to watch the programs.



    2) It was still an interview with a website


    3) I would love to see your interview with Kimbo and Nelso because honestly I didn't hear anything about. On the other hand, yes I knew it was a TUF fight and the weren't aloud to talk about it. In that one week do you really think the Media was the reason 6 million fans (4 million more than usual if im correct) tuned in to watch Kimbo vs a guy they barely knew........... Ya still doubt it.

  13. So? Ahead in what? UFC fans in Croatia/Japan don't buy PPVs or fill staduims, so they're irrelevant. I could name 20 fighters that are more well known internationally than Nelson, none of whom people are paying to watch. The markets that actually matter (US, Canada, UK (not PPV), Australia




    He has Ed Soares do it for him. He doesn't hide in Europe and have an additional clause in his contract absolving him of press duties. All UFC fighters are contractually obligated to do press interviews to promote the fight. All except Cro Cop, who had it removed as a condition of his resigning. All he had to do for 115 was the press call/conference.


    Besides, you can't compare Anderson to Mirko. Anderson is one of the top three fighters in the world, who's had what, three bad fights in the past five years?




    Now you're just assuming things. And are you seriously suggesting that fighters hyping a fight in the press has no effect on people buying it? Look at the top selling PPV's in UFC/boxing history, all of them have one thing in common...talkative fighters.


    I said nothing about filling a stadium, UFC can barely do that without giving tickets away. Yes people in Japan buy PPV (Wowow), also they now have China to worry about as well.


    I believe everytime I have watch a cro cop fight he does the prefight interview....... I guess that isn't an interview


    http://mmajunkie.com/news/19423/rebuilt-and-re-focused-cro-cop-says-hes-anxious-for-standup-war-at-ufc-115.mma or that one




    geez it's like this guy only does conf. calls. no pre-fight interviews for this man.



    Also that is bull crap, look at Nelson vs Kimbo on TUF 10. It was the most hyped fight ever on that show (scored it's highest rating as well) and neither fighter promoted the darn thing.


    Boxers promoting fights is something different then an MMA guy doing it. In boxing you are getting a couple of fights with the only one anyone truly cares for is the ME event. MMA you have a bunch of fights (5) that are on a card and exciting to watch. The mainevents between two guys who hate each other are bigger sellers, because 1) people want to see two guys who hate each other beat on each other 2) most of thoses fights are the second time it's happening and the first one was a good fight.


    Every since UFC 50 each PPV pretty much does a buyrate of 250k plus


    Once again Silva isn't promoting if his guy is doing it for him. Heck most were shocked to see him at the Fan Expo let alone speaking to the media and talking in...... ENGLISH... well at least as much as he could.

  14. Seriously, stop reading Wiki and watch the fights. If you watch the fights, you'd know that their first fight ended on a shoulder injury, their second went to a decision, the third saw Josh tap out after an eye injury. None of those have anything to do with Barnett being better or worse than Mirko on the ground, as you stated in your original post...the first one particularly was an absolute fluke.


    Cro Cop submitted Barry and Kevin Randleman.




    there is my wiki.


    Barnett submitted when he hurt his eye he yielded to Cro Cop because he knew with the injury he was at a huge disadvantage (not like it mattered it pretty much followed the matches before of Cro Cop looking better). The Ref did not stop the fight, Barnett submitted.


    Same with the injury, also I don't know why I kept putting three I just overlooked it.


    The point of the post was pointing out Cro Cop's MO isn't making a one dem. fighter tap (seeing as how he only has done it twice and one is questionable because Kevin wasn't really deminsonal in anything).

  15. I think it depends on what you've broken and how you've broken it. I shattered my outside metacarpal on my right hand, two clean breaks, and crushed the same knuckle. Couldn't make a fist, let alone punch. Still having trouble with it nine years on.


    Was it Kevin Burns who poked Anthony Johnson in the eye because he couldn't make a proper fist due to a previously broken hand?


    I agree with you here, I also believe Barry had a broken foot as well. Also it was Burns who poked him, but it was never proven about the hand. Burns fought 5 months later and replay showed the hand was open.

  16. :rolleyes:Someone needs to stop reading Wiki and start watching fights....



    Completely irrelevant. Nelson is coming off a TV show watched by just shy of a couple of million people for 12 weeks, followed by two fights that were live on free TV. Cro Cop is an unfamiliar commodity...another 'Pride guy' who's UFC fights, lets be honest, have been garbage for the most part.


    The only place where Mirko is more popular than Brock Lesnar is Croatia (and maybe Frank Mir's house)...there's not 'international' fanbase that he can draw. Also, Nelson is an American and a good talker who will actually put the effort in to promote the fight, something that Cro Cop has never been willing to do.


    Nelson vs Lesnar does more PPV's than Lesnar vs Cro Cop any day of the week.


    Yes I know those three weren't real submissions (they were striking submissions and one a shoulder injury).


    What I should have put instead of Cro Cop would draw the international base is.... that he would help draw it over Nelson. Nelson was watched pretty much by the same people each week on the show and had a boring fight against Kimbo (yes he played to his strengths over Kimbo.... still sucked). Cro Cop is known a lot more than Nelson is hands down. His run overseas plus fighting against nice named guys over here has him ahead overall.


    Also, Anderson Silva doesn't hype his fights. He rarely even talks to people besides the ya I'll win, people still pay to watch him. Lesnar would do enough promoting and Cro Cop would even (:eek:) give an interview to hype.... why because it's a title match. Dana does most of the promotional work, not only that but when was the last time you bought a PPV or went somewhere just because a guy did an article or interview saying "WHAT MY FIGHT, it's gonna be good!". Brock would run his mouth and Cro would let it roll off his back and say something. Better than people seeing Nelson and going..... who????

  17. I read somewhere that Cro Cop said this was his favorite win other than the GP so I would love to see him end his career on such a good note. The thing I like most is that he subbed a one-dimensional striker. It's like the perfect ending considering that's been Cro Cop's M.O. since day one.


    :confused:....... wait how is Crop Cop's M.O is subbing a one-dimensional strkier?


    He has four submission victory's his whole career (3 on J. Barnett) Josh wasn't one-dimensional (and was much better than Cro Cop on the ground)


    Cro Cop was known for the leg kicks and his striking. Cro Cop was getting smashed by Barry and if it wasn't for the fact Barry was hurt he probably would have finished him the second time he knock Cro Cop down. Cro Cop took advantage of it and hit a (very rare) rear naked choke on him.


    I think Cro Cop is like Liddell, during their hay days they were some of the best. They're just one dimensional themselves. Cro Cop and Liddell were great strikers, but with the fighters learning different styles of fighting they got pushed to the wayside. People like Tito, K. Shamrock, W. Silva, Tim Silva are the same as well. They were talented strikers and could knock out anyone, but with other fighters doing different things (ground and pound, wrestling, submission) they couldn't stay at that level anymore because were one dimensional along with their skills declining.


    The reason fighters like M. Hughes and R. Couture have maintained a certain success at an older age is because they were not one-dimensional even with them declining with age.


    One last thing you said about Roy Nelson and Lesnar being a bigger fight then Cro Cop vs Lesnar. I don't see the logic here, Nelson is still not a big fighter. Most people haven't even heard of IFL and only recently started hearing about Nelson after he joined TUF 10. The big matches Nelson has been in (Monson and Arlovski) he lost. Now Nelson is a talented fighter, but right now his name value isn't anything like Cro Cop (even though I believe Cro Cop isn't a ME guy either). Lesnar vs Cro Cop would be a bigger fighter for certain reasons


    1) Lesnar would draw the American crowd (along with the people who do know Cro Cop) and Cro would draw the international base.


    2) Cro Cop has beaten top level talent (Barnett, Silva, Coleman) to where Nelson still needs to build that.

  18. Funny thing is we all sat here talking about Crocop headline and could he or couldn't he, but here are the facts


    1) He has never one a CHAMPIONSHIP (please don't come here with the grand prix) in Pride or UFC


    2) His contract is up


    3) Pat Berry could have been his last fight, many are talking about how he might just retire.

  19. If the Lakers win won't that prove they're the better team?




    You forgot to mention a huge factor in what makes a team great, a coach... need I say more? I remember the same argument being thrown around in the Bulls/Jordan days, my how MJ and co. proved so many wrong.


    I've said on here before I believe Doc Rivers is a good coach.

  20. This series is proving that the Celtics are a better TEAM however the Lakers have the better player. Unless Kobe can step up his game even more than he already has the Celtics are going to win this.


    Laker do have the best player in the series....... but that doesn't matter. They C's have proved that just because the best player is on the opposite side (Wade, Lebron, Howard, Kobe) the C's still win, because like you said C's are the better team. The Big 4 may be old (besides Rondo) but they are a complete team with a nice bench. If the Lakers can't step up for Kobe, then this series is over.

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