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Posts posted by GatorBait19

  1. I don't understand where this Hedo Defense is coming from?


    Watch the whole season plus the playoffs the defense it isn't there. In fact Lebron would torch Hedo when he was in the game, but the moment Mike P. would enter he would challenge Lebron. Lebron struggled against Mike P. and did well against the likes of Lewis and Hedo.




    I am not defending Carter, but when you look at the stats Carter did better this year. He doesn't play the 3 he plays the 2. With the trade of Carter we also got a kid who reminds people of Hedo. We only have to deal with Carter for two more years (which means maybe only one because someone might want his expiring contract) to where we would have to deal with Hedo for 4.


    Was Carter there in the playoff's (outside of the first two series) no.


    The Magic need to do a lot of work this offseason. We have 3 and 2 years left with Lewis and Carter. Nelson and Howard are the two true players that should be kept on this team. I don't like Van Gundy (don't like his offense) but he is a good coach. They need a PF (like a Bass or Gortat) who can play good minutes, when the Magic three point game is going it's because they fed the ball inside for shots.



    The Magic have some big trade peices, Gortat (big Center that people wanted last year for only 5 million), Bass (feel out of favor with the Magic.... to bad), a 8 million dollar trade exemp.

  2. Then you guys are idiots because this year you had a real chance to win it all with Hedo and a longer bench.


    As for the series, if Pau doesn't allow himself to be outmuscled and Artest guards Pierce with the ferocity that LA brought him in expecting, the Lakers should win in 6 or 7.


    No the Magic (and there idiot fans) saw the signs last year. His numbers were down and we would rather have a SG who can score (at rare times) and who has horrible defense, then have a SF who was declining and didn't play defense. for 7 years at 15 mil a year (which is what he wanted from the Magic).


    Hedo wasn't the key to the Magic's offense during the playoffs last year. He helped us against Cavs with the matchup problems, but Lewis was the key.



    Now I think the trade for Carter was stupid but Hedo leaving and Carter coming having nothing to do with each other (seeing as how the players invovled with Carter weren't Hedo). Magic wanted nothing to do with a player that was on a visible decline and would rather take the risk on Carter (a stupid one because Lee could have been something but we did get Anderson who reminds people of a hedo just not on the decline)

  3. OK, I thought you were originally saying that Rampage should have won by KO, was robbed, etc.


    I do feel that Rashad is the better fighter overall though due to him being more well-rounded, but hope you're right about the rematch as I, much like you, am not very fond of him.


    Good thing we have Shogun!


    lol no, I like the fact Dean didn't call the fight (cause like I said he looked out to me) but Dean was right there and I have seen some bullsh*t calls before.


    if Rampage gets motivated, which I think he can, he can be dangerous. After reading every report from his camp last night and today Rampage took this loss personal compared to other. He felt he was as prepared as he thought he was, so I hope we seen something changed.


    Also I don't hate any fighter, do some talk to much.... yeah, but for the most part that's them being showmen, trying to get people against them. I know people say this isn't WWE but the fighters still stir up the crowds and other fighters for their own personal gain.`


    Shogun vs Evans will be a good fight. (also to me Evans punches just didn't seem to faze Rampage much) I don't think Evans striking will match Shogun but ground game could be good.


    Like I said Evans just to me seems weak when he throws, I don't know if it's all his moving around, but it just seems weak. I know he knocked Liddell out and a couple others but I believe his lands nice shots (Evans shot on Chuck was a clean nice place hit, Jackson's was both men falling backwards and clipped him for the KO)

  4. Yeah well I bet the Magic wish Hedo hadn't left after the giant turd Vince Carter laid when they needed him most.


    To be fair, how many people were surprised that pansy choked?


    lol I doubt it. Every fan in Orlando would rather have a over-the-hill SG for 2 year instead of an overrated SF for 4

  5. I saw Evans as the dominant fighter because he out stuck Rampage, outwrestled Rampage, was much faster, imposed his gameplan and more. Rampage did only two things the entire fight in rocking Rashad (did absolutely nothing to follow up) and getting some ground and pound (most of which was blocked).


    How long Rampage was off or how he would do in a rematch does not change the fact that he was dominated this time.


    I agree, Evans was the better fighter last night, but not the better fighter overall. That we wont know until there is a rematch where there are no excuses.


    Also re-watch the tape when Evans was down, Rampage got 6 licks with no defense from Evans who was still rocked from the shot.


    Also I never said Rampage should have one, do I think Evans was out, yes, but Rampage didn't stay on top and finished it. Evans was the better fighter tonight and deserved the win, but this doesn't make Evans the better fighter overall

  6. Let's be honest, this post screams "I don't know what I'm talking about."


    hmm, you might be right. Your post screams "I'm a ****"



    hm, let me guess......



    You see Evans as the more dominate of the two fighters because he was quicker, naturalized Rampage against a cage 60% of the fight, and got a nice shot in at the begining. It doesn't matter to you that Evans stalled, he ran away from Rampage, and didn't want him to get any motivation.


    Now was this smart, yes. For the first time I saw Evans use a game plan, but to sit here and say Evans is the more dominate fighter when Evans has had 2 fights since Rampages last fight and has trained consistently over the year is retarded to me.



    Rampage looked slow, not aggressive like before in this fight with Evans. He had to cut 30-40 something pounds as well for the fight. Rampage rocked him in the 3rd (rewatch the video) he get a couple good licks on Evans with him not defending himself. I have seen plenty of fights like that where the ref would call a fight after the second lick with no defense.


    Rampage was slow, rusted, and not completely prepared. When he gets that rematch he will beat Evans, if not I will receded my remark about you and never talk in this thread again, but I doubt he loses.

  7. That's OK. I was just confused as to what you were referencing because there was a bunch you could have been talking about.




    I agree with you though. He definitely has the reputation of being lazy and unmotivated. He's pretty much a RB version of JaMarcus Russell.


    my favorite part is White has had success...... Mike Williams not so much lmao

  8. So Doc throws a perfect game against the Marlins.


    So let's see, 2 perfect games in one season, one in the AL and now NL. The Rays were the AL team to be blanked. Marlins were the NL team to be blanked......... Looks like Florida is covered :D

  9. I truely thought Evans was knocked out in the 3rd. He wasn't defending himself will Jackson laid in his shots and Dean didn't stop the fight. I have always hated how sometimes refs will let a fight go on, but stop others quick.


    Tonight to me didn't prove anything, Evans didn't want to stand up with Jackson. Jackson wasn't as quick as he's been in the past (mainly because of his rust/cut down of weight). I think the rematch (if we get one, which I believe we will) will be much better.

  10. Pffft he's scared of me. :D




    Yes this is true.


    What gets me is they know there going to get busted.


    Why throw there lives away. I mean seriously there in the NFL because they love the game. There lifestyle is fantastic. I mean traveling sucks but whatever. All these sports players you see on the news shooting people. Raping women, killing dogs, killing other people, shooting themselves. I just don't get it.


    They do stupid things because either A) they think they won't be caught or B) pressure.


    to you and I they are dumb for this, because they make all of this money and are famous. To them they barely know who to trust (with all the money), they have all this money and make poor choices with it (Vick) and the pressure makes them crack.

  11. They have to have basic medical insurance to cover accidents/injuries to fighters. I know the UFC pay for alot of the aftercare/rehab ect, no idea if Bellator does that too, but if I was pressed I'd say no, due to the cost.


    I think that's why a lot of fighter put up with some of the crap from UFC. They know they are covered if something happens in that cage. Also it doesn't hurt that they get paid well :p

  12. I am glad the Celtics are in the finals once again, I would never have picked them to get this far but they are here. I hope it will be Suns/Celtics...but I know it will probably be Lakers/Celtics.


    man 21 times and 17 titles vs (maybe) 31 times and 16 titles (1 NBL and 15 in the BAA/NBA)

  13. The Raiders shouldn't win as you said. Besides, there's nothing that FORCES teams to give guaranteed money. Every team in every sport could give contracts based on incentives if they wanted.


    lol I could just see there opening statement from the raiders.


    Today we are here to have something returned to al Davis. Mr Davis feels that he offer Mr Russell love, loyalty, and a boat load of money and all he wanted in return was a championship or 6. Mr Davis feels like he is entitled 10 million dollar he gave Mr Russell after he willingly opened a 24/7 all you can eat restaurant for Mr Russell. When Mr Davis foolishly looked at combine records instead of game footage, he believed he was getting a franchise qb. instead Mr Russell turned out to be the fattest cheerleader on the sideline who could win any hotdog eating contest against any member of the offensive line





  14. Was rose ever said to have thrown a game?


    see I would assume rose and Joe are different level than bonds. Joe is also (to me) on a different level than Joe. Joe never betted on the game where rose did. Joe I think just got the short end of the stick, it was landis first year, he was there to clean baseball and Joe was a big name. Some who was found not guilty twice as well. Rose publicly admitted to betting on the game

  15. I was wondering, is it time to remove the ban on Shoeless Joe? The longer it has been the more info comes out that he may have had no connection. Also several years after the trial 7 of the 8 (Joe being left out) said that they used Jackson name to give it some credit.


    He stats in the series were some of the best and a lot of the fly balls that got past him could have been for the fact that he was 32.


    Now, did Joe know and eventually took the money..... yes. He tried to warn Comisky, but Comisky wouldn't talk to him (it was later revealed that Comisky knew about it as well according to Harry Grabiner's diary. She was Comisky secretary)


    Jackson was the star of the Series, he hit the only homerun, fielded flawlessly, batted .375 to lead all players, and his twelve hits set a World Series record that stood until Pepper Martin tied it years later. Joe accounted for 11 of the Sox 20 runs in the Series, he led players on BOTH teams.


    The man who set up the fix (Bill Burns) never talked to Joe about the fix. (even said that in court)


    The jury in Joe's 1924 civil suit against Comiskey for back wages also found Joe not guilty of any culpable involvement in the Black Sox Scandal.


    Now should Joe have been suspened for knowing, yes. To ban him for life though is something that shouldn't have happened.


    Joe earned the right to be a Hall of Famer and it's time he was given that.


    Also Landis (the MLB's first commish) was known for his iron fist on the game (think Hitler running MLB) he would ban people for the most minor things.


    (once again this is how I feel on the sit.)

  16. Yeah I hope the Raiders do not win this either. Just because it will have huge implications not just in the NFL but in all major sports. I am sure the Yankees wanted their money back in regards to Brien Taylor.


    Lol, it would be huge. It pretty much would hold the players accountable for not living up to the contract. You could say many people like Carl Pavano and the Yanks.


    List that comes to mind.


    Ryan Leaf; Chargers

    Akili Smith; Bengals

    Cade McNown; Bears

    Shawn Andrews; Eagles

    Pat Burrell; Rays

    Javon Walker; Raiders (though I have heard he offered to payback some of his contract)

    Grant Hill; Magic (barely played)

    Anyone; Knicks

    Asian Guy Iwega; Yanks


    Anyone else who got a fat contract and never lived up to it. Also, if Raiders won what effect would it have on the labor talks. Players would be piss and the owners would have some leverage when talking about the skyrocketing salaries.


    I hope the Raiders don't win, because I do believe Owners should be held accountable (like I said), but this could be huge.

  17. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5227459



    Wow, well if first is if the Raiders win this it could open a huge can of worms for other big signing flops. Personally I don't think Raiders should will for the simple fact they were the ones who gave him the money. Unlike past events like this (Vick, Charles Rogers) Russell never did anything that prevented him from playing. He was just overrated and the Raiders bit on him to turnaround the franchise.

  18. Looks like the league took back one of the T's on perk. He'll play game six, but a T and he's gone for game seven.


    Got a second chance here perk, don't screw it up by getting involved in something.


    Game six is the C's game seven imo.


    Did they take the first or second one away?


    I can understand why he got the second foul. Dwight gets them all the time, Perk said something and the official reacted. Dwight and Perk both get stupid little T's because of the simple fact they get fouled and dont' shut up. They want to argue about it and it lands them into more trouble.


    I don't think the first one was warrented at all. Perk was trying to help Paulie up and Gortat was just really close. The second one was lame as well, but the Ref was proving his authority (in his mind anyway)

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