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Posts posted by GatorBait19

  1. I'm just talking about name value alone. I'm not saying that he will get a title shot even after those guys have stepped up to the plate. But I think the buyrate for a PPV headlined by Lesnar and CroCop would be huge.


    really? (IMO) i just don't see that, cro crop is old an is fighting in a different era than he did in pride. Fighters now (at least championship contenders) are more well rounded then before. Cro hasn't headlined in America (at least to my knowledge) and he isn't getting any better. Plus the fact that he is a free agent doesn't help. Would I like to see Lesnar vs CroCop sure it would be an fun fight to watch, I just don't think CroCop has the name value in America to do it.


    Also did anyone see where Toney vs Couture has already been signed?

  2. I wrote an article on Bleacher Report on the Patriots and their depth chart.




    Check it out and leave comments here or preferably on the article itself.


    Let me ask you (because my boss and I have argued this)


    I believe Brandon Spikes will be a very talented MLB for the Pats, he doesn't think so. I thought Spikes fit that system from the start and the big thing that allowed him to slide was the 40 time.


    Also I believe the surprise of the Wide outs will be Tate. I also love their pick up of Aaron H. I think he will be Brady's big TE target. Florida loved to use him as a TE/WR and another problem with him was that he didn't do the combine and the failed drug test (mary jane) This was the man who won TE of the year, which past winner like Chase Coffman, Fred Davis, Heath Miller, Kellen Winslow, Dallas Clark, Daniel Graham.

  3. Jon Lovitz, I mean David Stern, doesn't much impress me as commissioner. As for Selig, even without that contract, go after the players, if they get rid of you, you still collect. But at least you're taking a stand. As for the resistance to replay, it's one of the many things that continues to de-legitimize the game, so if that's what they want to do, that's cool.


    replay is still flawed itself though, because of the simple fact that humans make the call. Now while replays will help correct the big mistakes (i.e last night) it won't always resolve the little ones. People will complain still about the umps judgement and life will go on. So for an instant like last night I don't care use it, but if people are going to want to replay everything then it won't work. (strikes/balls, errors, other little tid bits)

  4. Bud has been stuck with a lot of things that he couldn't do anything about.


    If he had tried to go after steroids in the 90s he would have been voted out and replaced with a guy who would have covered up the whole thing. I think fans getting mad at him over steroids are misdirecting their blame. The owners and Players Association are the reason steroids were so prevalent and the reason why it was so accepted. Expecting Bud to go after 30 billionares (who hired him and have the powe to fire him) and 500 millionares on his own is unfair to Bud.


    Slag I like you so please don't take offense to this.


    ARE YOU CRAZY! He didn't start doing anything about it till it went public (in 05) he signed a contract through 06 back in 01. Selig and the owners had to have know (believe Jose C or not) about what was going on. Selig didn't want to fix it. He saw attendance going up, revenue going up, and along with it his salary went up.


    Selig will make 18 million this year (the same as last year). He makes more than Stern and Goddell (two much better Comish). He also gets paid more than pretty much every baseball player (I think maybe 15 make more then him).


    I loved how he tells people "I am old and want to retire and nothing not even a great amount of money will change my mind"...... "What you want me for 3 more years okay!" Selig had the vote of the owners don't let anyone fool you on that. Even when the steroids hit and people blamed him it didn't sway (yes because it's not his fault that players took him you are right about that), but he didn't do anything to stop it which makes him (the head figure of the game) just as reliable as the owners, players, and players Association.



    Once again, that was nothing against you slags just me voicing my opinion on that part..... sorry bud:( lol

  5. Bud Selig should have never been made commissioner in the first place. A commissioner should have some level of imparcialness (not sure if that is a word:D) to him. He or she should not be a former owner.


    Lol or current owners :p (yes I know he gave up interest when he took over the role, but did he truly stop helping... the world may never know ;) )

  6. That's fine. I understand the arguments against replay. I don't agree with them, but I get it. It's about tradition, and not tinkering with the rules of the game and all that stuff. Like I said, I don't agree with that opinion, but I understand it. I just had a problem with the "real fans" bit of your post. It probably would've worked better if you'd said "purists", or something like that.


    Here's a different question: will we see expanded use of instant replay in baseball? Not "should" we, but "will" we?


    I apologize to both of you. You two are right you are real fans just not purists like BHK and myself, so once again I apologize I should have used better terminology.


    Honestly yes I think it will get a big push to be more helpful to team. Honestly baseball needs to do something to attract more fans first, if that is fixing the game (as much as I would hate it) then that's what they are going to do.


    I also will catch a lot of crap about this, but I think Bud Selig is the worst Comish ever, but I respect him for not overturning the call.

  7. I'm not a "real fan" because I want to see some form of replay system? Whatever you say. :rolleyes:


    agree to disagree, you want replay so that questionable plays can be made right. I see it as something that has gone on for over 100 years and his embed into baseball history.

  8. A lot of baseball fans (and I include myself in this group) do not like drastic changes made to the game. So it becomes a hard sell to introduce something so radical to the game.


    Hell I hate the Wild Card and the three divisions with a passion because you have weak teams either winning the wild card or winning their division.


    I can agree with BHK on the change.


    Real MLB fans (no offense to anyone) don't want change at all. We like our sport the way it is. Errors are a part of the game (hence why we made it a stat). I do agree that replay would help but at the same time it could hurt the game.

  9. If they add replay like this to baseball it is going to ruin the game. There going to start looking at every little thing and ruin the spirit of the game. That's just my opinion. I mean the Refs can't be totally accurate all the time it's human error. If you start to mess with the game it's going to ruin it.


    No I agree with both you and BHK about replay making the game longer. Now if there is a way to make it quick and easy (where the umps don't have to go into the dugouts and stuff) like only takes 2 seconds and the replay ump announces it over the loud speakers then I am all for it.


    But limit it to certain calls and make it quick if you are going to do it.

  10. ESPN has a poll this poll going about the call


    A) Change the call and award a perfect game


    B) Let call stand



    I choose let call stand while 76% say change. Here is my reason though, it's sports you take the good with the bad. An ump blows a call...... geez were have I heard that from. There would be no point in overturning this. I feel for the guy, but you have to take the good with the bad.


    I remember the Steelers vs Lions (blown coin toss), Padres vs Rockies for the final spot in the playoffs (I believe it was the padres but I remember the guy was out at home and the ump called him safe)


    Maybe after this MLB officials will try to make Replay become a bigger part of the game in baseball (mistake). If MLB was thinking of changing this call please don't. Once again I feel for the pitcher, but blown calls (even as bad as this one) are apart of the game.



    Edit: It was the Padres and not only the home plate play there was also the mess up on the HR


    But that's been apart of baseball forever.

  11. Well, nobody's perfect! [/irony]


    There is an overabundance of perfect games though. What's it been, 3 in as many weeks? How many had there been in the history of baseball before that?


    It's 20 offically, but this one would have made 21 and 18 before this year


    8 have come in the juice ball era


    2 are by the Rays (two years in a row) 3 by the Dogers.





    there are a couple unofficial ones on there that made me laugh

  12. My Tigers got robbed! Hey Armando Galarraga has thrown the first ever 28 out perfect game!


    lmao. (as a joke) him and Barden are the top two guys for the CY Young and a writer gives the last vote (winning vote) to Barden because he pitched a perfect game lmao!

  13. Diaz is excellent and has been on a good roll lately but hasn't faced any good wrestlers with sub defense. I would pick GSP, Fitch, Koscheck, Shields and maybe even Hughes to beat him. Alves also even though he is not a wrestler. I rank Diaz behind all of these WW's, number six.



  14. Behind every good wrestler in the division IMO.


    he's talented but he has also lost to some good fighters. Karo, Sanchez, Riggs, and Sean Shark.


    Now he has a nice winning streak here as of late, but (IMHO) dream and Strikeforce WW aren't anything compared to UFC WW

  15. All true. I guess what I was saying is that you have to set the talent debate aside when you discuss the FA market because SOMEONE will shell out that money.


    I don't know if I'd pay max money to Bosh because i've never seen him in a pressure situation. I don't think Joe Johnson is a max deal guy because he's a limited player and really doesn't add anything outside his offensive skills and i don't think those skills are good enough on their own to justify his contract.


    But they're both going to get max or close to max deals because GMs can't help themselves.


    So yeah..call them all max deal guys because that's what they're going to get paid.




    Stop being so touchy every time someone disagrees with you.


    No sh*t it was your opinion on who deserves max contracts. I was just interjecting the fact about what those guys are going to get.


    If you want to have a private conversation use PMs. I don't need to get your permission to comment on a post in the message boards.


    PS David Lee is a guy actually "deserving'' of a max deal in the same line as Wade, Kobe, Lebron, Dirk, Carmelo, etc? REALLY? And I'm talking like a chicken with it's head cut off?



    I wasn't being touchy, you came in here calling us retards stating something that was already said. We never said these guys wouldn't get there money. We just stated who we thought were true max type deal guys.


    Yes, David Lee is a max deal type of guy. He's a hard player who plays both ends of the court. He score you 20ppg, grab you 10rpg and even diss it out 3 to 4 a game.


    Problem is Lee has been stuck on a horrible team like the Knicks, but the Knicks hope to package him with Bosh and Wade/Lebron.


    It probably wont happen though since he pretty much wants out of New York. On the list of free agents for this year (that I can remember right now) he and Bosh are your only double double guys. Like you said someone GM is dumb enough to give it to him.



    Like I said Peter, that wasn't me being touchy (well for the simple fact that you agree with both CQ and I about the players will get paid). I didn't like how you came in here (once again, like a chicken with it's head cut off) to rant and rave about something we had already said.


    Like Lazor told me once when I jumped into a conv. before reading it all..... READ THE CONV SO YOU KNOW WHAT'S BEEN SAID. You coming in here calling CQ and myself a retard made no sense seeing how you were the retard yelling about what we already said.



    Edit: Not only that, but you were not disagreeing with me. CQ pointed it out before and I agreed and If anyone gets touchy about people disagreeing with them it's you.



    PS David Lee is a guy actually "deserving'' of a max deal in the same line as Wade, Kobe, Lebron, Dirk, Carmelo, etc? REALLY? And I'm talking like a chicken with it's head cut off?


    That's you disagreeing with me and then talking about me being a chicken with my head cut off. Which was odd because I said you were a chicken with your head cut off because of the fact that you came into a conv. with something we already pointed out at the beginning.


    The point of the story Peter is you think you need to be heard on everything. Simple fact is that conversation was going well then you need to talk about us being retards because we didn't see the big picture (even though we already said that).


    So please all mighty ruler, school me and show me where I am wrong like always? I'll be waiting for your all powerful word.

  16. it's sad really, I truly thought Griffey was one of the top 5 to ever play the game. A-Rod, Pojuls, Howard didn't have power like the kid did. His power didn't come from big arms, it came from one of the quickest bats I've ever seen. He ran well, hit well, and arguably one of the greatest center fielders of all-time.


    I really think the Reds trade doomed him. It was sad to see him fall the way he did, but the first 8 years of his career there was very few better.



    Also might I say after 2 or 3 years Barry Zito is starting to earn his money.

  17. While that is true keep in mind that Mayweather's level of boxing has been polished to perfection and it's certainly far more technical than any MMA fighter's stand up. I don't even really like boxing but I know that even the best MMA boxer would absolutely fall apart in a boxing match against anyone half decent.


    The reason for this is just that boxing's been around longer. MMA is still working out that it's a good idea to keep your hands up and your chin tucked, never mind some of the stuff Mayweather pulls off.


    I personally think it's that darn Shoulder Roll defense lol

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