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Posts posted by Bigpapa42

  1. I am excited for this, as it seems super promising, and I really think the google docs system is brilliant. Best of luck and thank you for the work!


    Good to hear, Oyaji.


    If the Google docs system works as I hope, it could be very slick. Or it could be a hard-to-track mess. But I'm hoping it will encourage suggestions and corrections, as that helps the mod immensely.


    Love Ishimori finally becoming a top guy. Was he still with NOAH or did NJPW sign him away?


    I'd have to go back into the save and check, but I'm 99% certain it was with New Japan. I don't give him loyalty to Noah, for obvious reasons, so he is likely to be poached at some point.


    NJ are an absolutely powerhouse in this. I ran another test last night for about 2 years and they had grown to low 90s popularity across Japan. they just don't expand beyond that to any degree. I may need to look into ways to slow that growth a bit. I really have no issue with them winning all the awards and putting on great matches and shows. But when the pop gets into the 90s, you are drawing huge crowds, etc. Its something I will play with, but its definitely not the current focus.

  2. So the broadcaster conversion process is done. It still requires testing and tweaking, and there are probably 30-40 missing broadcasters I need to add. But its a nice step to have tucked away.


    I'm back to adding workers. My list of to-add workers is around 400-450 active workers, and easily 100 non-wrestlers. I'm sure there will still be active talent missing even once I'm through that. I've also been picking away at other 2020 optimization elements, such as company products, workers attributes, etc. Loads of work left to do in that regard, but working my way through it all gradually.


    One change I did make was having Game Changer Wrestling debut as GCW in 2015, with Brett Lauderdale as the owner. I originally had them re-debut in 2013 as Jersey Championship Wrestling, with the intent of using a narrative to change the name and logo. But this just feels more accurate and is the only way to end up with the correct owner.


    I may have mentioned this before, but my tentative plan is that when I do release this as a beta, I will have a set of Google sheets set up that people can access to add things they suggest tweaking, missing workers, issues they encounter, etc.


    When will a beta come out for this out of curiosity?


    Probably awhile yet, unfortunately. I'm hoping somewhere later in the summer rather than autumn, but there are a lot of life variables involved. Its playable in most ways, but its just a mix of stuff that isn't optimized yet, which is going to impact any testing that's being done. I will very likely release a beta before I get into the process of adding yet to debut workers, but I'd like the starting game world to be in something near to "proper" shape.


    oh ok i didnt know if you were gonna include the punk walking out narrative, or bryan's yes movement etc. still cant wait for this mod, keep up the good work!




    Both dynamics are in the mod, but not directly as narratives. Punk will be unhappy, which means a user will have to deal with that (the AI may not as much). I'm not sure I'd want to have a narrative that pushed him out of the company for certain even if there was one that did that.


    The Yes movement is replicated with some of the worker Attributes and things like good momentum. It seems to work but may actually be a touch overpowered. Bryan has ended up as 2013 Wrestler of the Year quite a few times on shorter tests I've run. The New Japan guys often take over from there, but Bryan is still a top level worker and the momentum of those Attributes usually put him as a top star for WWE.


    As well they should, CVE didn't get enough of a proper shake at TNA and I've no idea why


    I always really liked her, but that was more based on her unique look than anything else.


    The AI creating new stars is legit one of my favorite TEW 2020 features by a long, long way. They definitely sometimes pick some weird ones - like TNA was giving a heavy push to Tiffany in one test, and Giant Khali was a top TNA guy in that longer term test. But its great that they do it.

  3. Ran a test soak to January 2020. It was more of a general stability test than outright results. Things are pretty stable over the period of time, which is great to see. A big element is that there isn't much for new workers coming in, so the game world is kinda static in that regard.


    So for companies dying, we lost AAW, Wrestling New Classic, Dragon Gate USA, The Crash, OTT and Freedoms.


    Wrestler of the Year 2013: CM Punk

    Wrestler of the Year 2014: Shinsuke Nakamura

    Wrestler of the Year 2015: Kota Ibushi

    Wrestler of the Year 2016: Hiromu Takashi

    Wrestler of the Year 2017: Kota Ibushi

    Wrestler of the Year 2019: Tajiri Ishimori


    Pretty obvious that NJPW are killing it but that's not unrealistic. They are at like 95+ popularity across Japan, which might be a bit excessive but they aren't translating that into global popularity.


    WWE are still the #1 company. AAA are #2. The size rankings a big all of the place - NJPW is #7 at Big, Chikara is #8 at Small, and Dragon Gate is #9 at Big. But North American companies benefit from being able to gain popularity in Canada, and broadcasters might be a factor.


    Lots of companies are pretty rich, but there are lot of indy companies that still have under $1m. So not everyone thrives financially.


    The absolute coolest aspect is seeing companies make new stars. A few of them:


    -WWE has AJ Lee, Ricochet, Drastik Boy, and Kana/Asuka as stars

    -TNA has turned Athena / Amber Moon into their biggest star

    -Evolve are a monster. They have Diasuke Harada, Bobby Fish, and Andy Bird that are all VERY over


    what kind of narratives are you planning on having? can't wait for this mod, easily the most ive looked forward to one, as this was a very fun time for me in wrestling cause i was 13 and just discovered indy wrestling and started watching TNA lol


    The only narratives I had in place were to financially crash Dragon Gate USA, but I've taken them out. At this point, I don't really plan to have narratives to impact the evolution of companies, beyond things like logo and name changes.


    As I just saw on a test, there is a lot of tweaking to be done and some of those tweaks may be ways to limit certain companies in terms of growth potential, but I also don't want to completely and totally hamstring them either.

  4. Meh. It's not a big deal if it can't be replicated. I was just curious if it was possible.


    Given TNA has survived, albeit under a different name and new ownership, I think it should be made so they are more than likely to survive although not definitely. Adds some variance if it isn't a definite, but it would be silly to curse them to fail.


    Looking forward to this mod. Good time to play. Rebuild opportunities for TNA/ROH, excellent time to play as NXT and lots of potential to book WWE properly and not how Vince has been doing for the past 15 years :D


    Yeah, I definitely don't really want them to be destined to fail without a hope. But it should definitely be a possibility.


    A lot of mods I've toyed around with in this period of time - most of which were from previous versions of TEW - would have TNA be really strong. The roster and the product type just made them potent. And that's not a knock on those mods - they were probably set up quite accurately, but the idealized, virtual TNA managed to be run far better than the real TNA. So I wanted to avoid that dynamic - where the AI would have an easy time with the company and just chase towards National/Big size. so the intent is to have realistic barriers there that the AI may deal with successful... or may not.


    They should still be fun to play as. Maybe not quite as fun as in the 2010-2011 period, but quite fun.


    There is a real potential in the WWE at this point as well.


    Personally, I am very interested in playing in Mexico as AAA, in the UK as Progress, and in Japan as Noah. All of those should be hella fun. And the two Aussie companies should be very very interesting.


    In terms of progress (I doubt many people care for a blow-by-blow update, but...), I am still plugging away at broadcasters and also puro schedules. I added in DDT (although it feels incomplete, so still deciding how to handle that one) and almost done with DG, which is a massive schedule.

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Gockelinho" data-cite="Gockelinho" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49436" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What's your problem? I wanted to say it's a nice community but some dumbass like you kills it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, 10 people posted possible things you can look at as potential causes. So posting pics and repeating "these are bad" doesn't really help or give us the information we said was needed. You provided some info in the prior post and I missed that - sorry. But again, a multitude of people are offering things you need to look at and consider. Apologies for thinking you might actually look at what was suggested.</p><p> </p><p> Sincere apologies to responding to an abrasive post with similar abrasion.</p>
  6. I play with New Japan and normal Tag Matches with very very good workers like Okada/Ishii vs. KENTA/White or Naito/SANADA vs. Suzuki/Zack Sabre get like ratings of 45 on normal tour shows. What's wrong with that? Like normal 16-18 minute tag matches like New Japan always does on these shows it says "in an abysmal match" etc. Makes no sense.


    Kinda hard to analyze with a minimal amount of information. What mod? What are the road agent notes? What is the Dirt Sheet feedback? It could be an issue with the mod (especially if its a straight conversion with no further work) or your booking. But that kind of grade shouldn't be happening.

  7. How do you replicate the Global Wrestling Network for Impact Wrestling? It isn't owned by Impact but their owners.


    It can't be replicated, at least in any way that I'm aware. There are a few weird and wonky situations like that that the game just doesn't replicate. I can't even force the Anthem takeover of TNA to happen, so TNA can't evolve quite as it has.


    Speaking of TNA.... Ran a test sim into 2015. First one for a little bit, since some of the touring stuff has been changed around. AJPW and Noah are doing much better, money-wise. AAA is something of a monster.


    A few random things I noticed when poking around....


    -TNA is doing well. They always struggle for the first while but they seem to have recovered in this save. I'd like TNA to be fairly realistic in that they aren't absolutely certain to survive if they are run by the AI.


    -Marty Scurll has become something of a star in the UK and for xWx


    -WWE signed and made stars out of La Sombra (Andrade), Taya Valkyrie, and Ricochet. Styles is there too.


    -TNA made stars out of Kimber Lee and Christina von Eerie. They are the #2 and #3 stars in the company.


    -Strangest signing I saw.... Kota Ibushi signing on a Written deal with AAA.

  8. Not sure anyone is going to have too much preference on this, one direction or another. But since I can't mod at the moment, I'll muse...


    With broadcasters, I've gone for "game play" more than accuracy. What I mean is that I'm not going overly heavily in trying to be accurate with the range of each broadcaster, and instead going more for options and diversity. I'm also leaving out quite a few broadcasters that have not and will never broadcast wrestling.


    The data doesn't have much yet in the way of internet based options, except the WWE network.


    I'm leaning heavily toward making multiple versions of platforms like YouTube and Twitch that are limited in area. So instead of having YouTube as an Internet free-to-air option, I would have YouTube North America, YouTube Uk, etc. Obviously inaccurate but more realistic in terms of function. Sure companies around the globe can get a bit of widespread attention using YT or Twitch, but no one is gaining major popularity that way.


    When it comes to company-owned platforms, only the WWE Network is currently in the data. Been debating what else to include and how. My concern with adding company-owned streaming platforms is that if they open when they actually did, the company might not be in a position to make use of it and that could sink them. So this will take some experimenting. I will probably add them but limit their range to their home area. So NJ World, BJW Core, etc, will be limited to Japan. It will be up to the company to expand. While its not fully accurate - I don't think most such service were geo-locked in their early days, they were definitely not intended to be user friendly abroad.

  9. Very excited for this when it arrives.


    Awesome to hear.


    Still plugging away at it. Long ways from a preop release, but maybe a bit closer to a beta release. I've been going through broadcasters and updating them for TEW 2020, as well as adding in some of the puro schedules. NJPW, AJPW, and Noah now all have full schedules completed. I even finally added a title history for one title - the AAA Mega championship. Which was done because there is a short history to the belt. I even added defenses - I know some people said before they LOVE seeing that. Although I have my doubts I will be doing that for every title history.


    I know some modders have converted stuff over and had real major issue with certain things. Show grades being well below expectations, too many negative personalities, etc. Been pretty lucky. The AI grades for almost every company are right in-line with where I would expect them. It doesn't look like there is a heavy trend toward negative personalities - probably more than I'd like, but I was expecting to have to go thru Attributes or almost everyone anyway.


    Here's a few possible UK user character suggestions who I've heard are into wrestling:


    Jack Whitehall

    (comedian, friends with Tony Khan, was decently famous in 2013, was the guy who introduced Bret Hart at Double Or Nothing)


    Rob Beckett

    (comedian, less famous than Whitehall, but has mentioned wrestling quite a lot in interviews etc.)


    Maverick Sabre

    (Rapper/Singer who was near the top of the charts in the early 2010s, had a few songs that mentioned watching late-90s WWF)


    Phil Wang

    (yet another comedian, wasn't nationally famous at all in 2013 but has mentioned wrestling in his act multiple times and even did a comedy lecture about wrestling recently)


    Jonathan Ross

    (talk show host, a household name in the UK from the 90s to today, did a guest appearance for Lucha Brittania and has mentioned loving wrestling in interviews, also a massive Japanophile so probably loves puro)


    Of the five, Ross and Whitehall by far are the best known today. In 2013, Ross would still be top, but Whitehall and Sabre would probably be tied.


    Some nice suggestions. Thank you kindly, good sir. I'm thinking at least a couple of those will be used as UCs.

  10. What I'm gradually realizing is that there are no absolutes. There is - or was, at least - some modders who do a TON of research into the broadcasters, looking at how many homes a broadcaster is available in, what their audience share is, top rated shows, etc etc. That's not wrong, but its also not going to give you absolute ranges.



    If you haven't already done so, look in the Handbook about Broadcasters. Has some good info, especially talking about range. Its not about how many homes a broadcaster is in or could conceivably reach, but how many they are likely to. PPV is always going to draw fewer numbers than commercial or free to air simply due to an up-front direct cost to the individual viewer, so the range on those should be lower to represent that. Similarly, one could arguably make YouTube Enormous everywhere, because its available to almost anyone with an internet connection, but no wrestling company is getting 40,000,000 live views on a video. Saw doing it that way would create a massive and unrealistic financial imbalance. Making YouTube Very Small or Tiny in range, and limited it regionally, might feel unrealistic in some ways, but its probably the most accurate way to recreate the impact of YT.


    No matter how much work you put in up-front, expect to have to tweak the broadcaster data based on testing.


    As well, game-play definitely has to take precedence. Sometimes its better to move a broadcaster up or down in range to create options or to prevent something from being overpowered.

  11. Could just be the mod i'm playing but show grades are very unforgiving for me too. Every single show so far I have lost popularity and dropped a size after my first show as WWE.


    Look at how the AI does. Start a new save unemployed and sim a few weeks. Look at what kind of grades the AI is getting. If they are grading very well, its probably moreso something that you are doing. If they are mediocre or poor, then its more likely the mod .

  12. So I've taken a break from adding more workers to tackle the broadcasters. Started out with 144 broadcasters. Will probably end up somewhere around 200, as some of the web-based ones aren't in the starting broadcaster file.


    I'm through Oceania, Mexico, and working on the UK. Done a bit of Japan, Canada, and the US. Its going to take some testing to see how things should be set, but getting things updated to have the 2020 factors, plus biographies.


    May I nominate Youtuber Kevin O'Reilly, aka CallMeKevin? He's Irish, so you have the international thing covered. He's also built up quite the following on his Youtube channel, most notably with his series of Sims 4 videos starring his created sim Jim Pickens. And while he's not so much a fan, per se, he loves playing the WWE games for all the wrong reasons. He somehow managed to make watching someone playing WWE 2K20 entertaining.




    Sent you a discord message on this. Thanks for the suggestion. Definitely an option.


    Mod looks v interesting. I definitely take a look when it is available. I’m interested to play as both wwe and NXT from its earlier years in a game.


    As for possible uk people who could be added in, maybe some big British actor? Simon pegg, Andrew lincoln, Emma Watson, I dunno, just random suggestions.


    Love me some Simon Pegg…. Nick Forst could be interesting, since he has subsequently been in a wrestling-related film. Thanks!

  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Joshdb" data-cite="Joshdb" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47537" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Any guidance on where to actually start with a blank database?<p> </p><p> I have an idea for a small fantasy mod I'd like to do from scratch. I've been reading the handbook and playing the game with a few different companies to try and understand the products better and their relationship to workers.</p><p> </p><p> But when you have nothing in a new database, what is the first thing you do?</p><p> </p><p> Create companies? Fully create the companies with product / money / popularity or just the shell and come back later?</p><p> </p><p> Create workers? Again with stats and popularity fully fleshed out then create the companies?</p><p> </p><p> I know there will be a lot of tinkering regardless where you begin and that seems to be a lot of what you are doing on the front end if you are importing a mod (not that this isn't difficult and creative in itself) but again, I'm looking at a blank database and wondering how to start the workload for a fantasy mod.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There are no absolutes when it comes to the process. </p><p> </p><p> I usually start by importing "base data". That's things like name files, as those are required to run a save, even for a test. </p><p> </p><p> I usually go companies first. I'm typically working on historical mods and having the companies - whether they are filled in or just a shell - allow me to do employment histories when I started adding or importing workers. </p><p> </p><p> There is nothing wrong with creating "shells", whether they are companies or workers. The key is tracking and making sure you go back. Its easy to do workers halfway, then not want to go back to add bios, finishers or whatever.</p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BurningHamster" data-cite="BurningHamster" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47537" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Whole thing is a bit intimidating and confusing, but major issue so far is the promotion size/worker popularity/attendance balancing act as I consider this probably the foundation of any mod.<p> </p><p> TEW2016 always had their screwy company sizes (see ECW not being Cult Size) but at least they were based on actual terminology used in wrestling. Attendance was always way too high, now it feels too low even boosting company and worker popularity. Is there any guide to this? and you better bloody not say the Cornelleverse! <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Have you considered looking at the CornellVerse? </p><p> </p><p> <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I very much agree on the balance being a key component of any mod. I don't know if I lucked out, but I have found the balance to be relatively solid so far. Plenty of testing and tweaking to come, but things are fairly stable off the top. But I am mostly looking at the company pop - worker pop - results dynamic. I have never focused overtly on the attendances. I get why some want those to be on-point, and in previous versions, I feel like it helped moreso in regard to get the financials right. But between the financials breakdown being visible for each company and more financial controls available, I've really just focused on trying to get the companies and workers in the right areas. The perception system also helps in this regard, I find, because if I see a company has a heap of Major Stars, I realize quickly that something is probably off in the balance between company and worker popularity, or vice versa. </p><p> </p><p> When you converted the data over, did you find the balances were off and grades were off as a result?</p>
  15. Question for my hardcore mod boiz


    Realistically, how much work do you guys think it will be to get a converted mod functional in an acceptable way in 2020? I've been giving it a shot but am a bit overwhelmed by it all and questioning if it's even worth the effort. I mean, it never is worth the effort, but this feels like maybe less so than usual? :D


    I am converting one partially-finished mod over (to finish on 2020) and building a from-scratch one on 2020. The conversion doesn't feel too onerous, but its honestly a bit different because I wasn't starting out with a fully function, complete mod on TEW 2016. I had been building it with the realization of what would need to be redone on 2020. So I didn't bother looking at company products at all, etc. I just accepted those, broadcasters, stables, etc, would all have to be redone.


    I've limited the amount of testing I've done, but the bit I have done, the results are pretty in-line with expectations. I'm not seeing the AI get wretched grades like some people have seen, which I imagine would be massively frustrating.


    Where there particular things you are finding problematic and frustrating? Or just the whole process?

  16. Thanks for the input lads, iv got a good amount of editing to crack on with.


    Its not THAT bad once you get rolling with it. I started tackling this yesterday with the 2013 mod I'm working on. I had a few hours of mod time yesterday and managed to get most of the Mexico-based broadcasters done. Added in short bios from them even.


    Honestly, with the internet-based ones a new addition, I think these might take some experimentation. Like D-Lyrium says, breaking down YouTube might be 100% accurate but it seems like it might be the st best way to make it work in the game-world. Looking at the Cverse, the wrestling-focused Internet sub service is broken down regionally. Probably going to take some long-term soak tests and tweaks to find out the ideal settings for some of these broadcasters.

  17. <p>I would be careful with anything listed as free-to-air. I ran into this myself yesterday when looking at broadcasters and will probably add something to the Mod Conversion Checklist thread. When you look at broadcasters in Wikipedia, many will be listed as "free to air". But in TEW terms, that means they are terrestrial. As in, you don't need a cable package to get them. I checked the first one on your list, 10 Bold, which I throught was a sports channel in Australia. It is and sure enough, Wikipedia lists it as free-to-air, but that's almost never going to be the case for a sports channel. </p><p> </p><p>

    Free-to-air in TEW terms means they are not going to be able to pay for content. Its a public broadcaster like PBS, where anyone can get anything on if they produce it themselves and provide it to the channel. Not all publicly-funded broadcasters fall under this - BBC doesn't, CBC doesn't, etc. But TEW free-to-air channels don't make money from commercials so they won't pay for content.</p>

  18. Just something that I realized and wanted to satisfy my curiosity:

    Aside from 2010 (I think), I never saw a free pictures mod and with how the system works to generate people from it I am always surprised it doesn't gain more attention from the modding community (RW and renders) that go for long game-world time.

    I think that it would be more work from modders who make RW mods and maybe not as creatively fun for the modders that make re-renders or make original characters from their work. Is that it or are there other factors?


    There was a free pic mod released for RW mods for 2016. I want to say it was Derek_B who did it?


    Doubling up here:

    Can anyone clarify the new money system, when I add a contract to a player they have no value. Does the game generate a value based on promotion size? I noticed my smaller promotions were paying guys $25/show.


    Yes, they get assigned an amount based on their popularity. Not the company size, but their own individually popularity.


    I didn't get to play around with TEW2016 too much, so I'm a couple generations behind on my understanding of broadcasting. Anyway, here's my possibly dumb question:


    How does one represent YouTube shows (e.g. AEW Dark)? Do you set up "YouTube" as a Free-to-Air Internet broadcaster, or is there some kind of default "internet distribution" system in the game that you can apply to specific shows?*


    * I seem to recall internet distribution was a thing in 2013, but it was part of the merchandising section (I think) and therefore applied to everything the company did.


    YouTube would be Internet Free-to-Air indeed. if something was on a premium content YouTube channel, then it could/would be Internet Subscription. So you could very reasonably have two entries for YouTube, set up with just that difference.


    I've asked this in the general gameplay thread but going to ask here as well:

    Anyone know how to stop bookers being replaced within a week on a mod? Tried a few things but doesn't seem to be working.


    I haven't been seeing that, except where owners are also bookers.

  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="mjuww" data-cite="mjuww" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48649" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That was a week ago and no update has been made regarding what is being done to address the UI issues. Which kind of seems to me the same mentality of secrecy that caused these issues to reach this stage in the first place. There is a lack of openness and transparency.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That was posted Monday. Its Friday. That was 4 days ago.</p>
  20. Okay so, in addition to Dana White and Justin Timberlake, I will probably be adding:


    Freddie Prinze Jr


    Floyd Mayweather


    Ryan Reynolds (need a Canadian in there)


    Thought about Snoop Dogg and Kid Rock. I've toyed with Dave Meltzer and David Arquette, but both might go in as full characters rather than just User Characters.


    When it comes to other regions of the world, my pop culture knowledge is lacking. For Japan, Mexico, UK, Europe... I end up looking at former pro athletes or actors/actresses who have done Hollywood, or internationally known singers. Its not like having David Beckham and Oscar de la Hoya would be totally wrong, but... I feel like there are better options, you know?


    Freddie Prinze Jr would be a good user character. He's a lifelong wrestling fan and was on WWE's creative team at one point.


    Yes! I totally forgot he wrote for the WWE for awhile.


    Wale is another good one to add. Floyd Mayweather Jr. as well.


    Two more good shouts. Thanks.


    I wouldn't stress too much over the Osaka Pro schedule. They went from doing 300 shows in 2013 to 89 in 2014. Maybe do Osaka Pro Happy Weekday (June) #1? Do 2-3 shows a week and have the Osaka Tornado Vol. shows happen monthly, earlier than irl. At least I think that's possible in 2020? Admittedly I haven't screwed around with the schedule editor too much, so ignore me if I'm horribly wrong.


    I wonder with Ice Ribbon if you could do like New Ice Ribbon (#4xx) #1? Not the most aesthetically pleasing and would require the user to edit the numbers after 2013 though.


    BJW and FREEDOMS are tricky. Might just have to call them BJW June Tour #1 or something like that until there's a proper show name.


    Yeah, I'm gonna tinker with the Editor options available. Honestly, having some events plugged in and letting the AI do the rest isn't the worst idea. Safer in some ways, because putting in a full schedule could result in the company having too many or too few events for the size they are in the data. It just feels like I would be leaving something incomplete, but I guess its bound to happen.


    The month tour name is probably exactly what I will do for BJW and probably Freedoms too. Good shout.

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