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Posts posted by Bigpapa42

  1. A huge thank you to HWRP for all the work he's done. He's one of several community members who have really helped out this project in a notable way. His feedback and testing has been invaluable in moving this forward as he has looked at a huge amount of aspects that needed to be looked at but I hadn't addressed yet.


    So where does that leave a beta release? Well, I'm off work for the holidays and I was hopeful that would mean that getting through HWRP's latest feedback would take a day or two. But its taking longer. Still a bit to get through but almost there. Then a bit of testing and then I'll clean a few things up and upload. So I'm hoping by Christmas day.


    And if anyone has any info on the ROH-Noah relationship around this point... any help would be much appreciated.

  2. It is kinda odd.


    I'd put it down to Remo not necessarily being the most Hardcore but just the best at it. Timing. Ideas. Execution. Creativity. Not what he does but how he does it. Maximum effect with minimum harm. A lot of this would crossover into Psychology, but maybe he's merely smart when it comes to normal matches, and a genius with weapons. And maybe that's been a largely untapped skill all of these years.


    It is odd though.


    This is my thought on it. I've always perceived Remo is as this incredibly physically punishing worker. I think he is (or was) even described that way in his bio so its not exactly a stretch. So like Lesnar without the MMA-ness, a slimmer Vader in his prime, or even a more athletic Stan Hansen. He can just brutalize an opponent in a regular match. So make it a hardcore match or a street fight and it just FITS his natural punishing style.

  3. Nice to hear more work has progressed here, kudos. Any more feedback on the worker's skill acceleration? Like another user said, I have seen this mentioned in many circles.


    thank you, sir. Looking forward to letting people dig in and pushing towards a finished version.


    And the solution is I've been using is mostly nerfing skills strategically. Or semi-strategically. HWRP tested solutions like assigning Low or Very Low potential, or using specific Attributes (Not a Natural, by memory) but the results weren't ideal and a bit inconsistent. So testing to find those who progress too quickly and then looking to adjust their skills down a bit has been the approach, for the most part. To be fair, quite a few of those did need to be adjusted down anyway. As I've mentioned, I did have a few young workers who were too good already - most of them became really good workers by 2016-2018, and I was just a bit overeager to ensure they become that good in the data. A few might end up being nerfed too much but if their situation already ensures they develop a lot (young worker on a roster to start with), then it will even out.


    If you'd like to discuss the testing results with HWRP, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you touched base with him via PM.

  4. Alright so another Monday update.


    I've been working to get through HWRP's feedback. Mostly working on adding missing yet to debut workers, but that is going to be ongoing for awhile. Getting close to having 2500 workers in the data and I still expect to be somewhere around 3000 in total, with the majority of them yet to be added being those future workers.


    Woodsmeister has also been helping out with some feedback, which is helping further. And he helped me test out the Google sheets feedback system which seems to work nicely.


    The first batch of free pics was imported. I believe there is something like 850 in there now. More to come.


    I did add UK women's promotion Bellatrix to the data. Its owned by Sweet Saraya, mother to Paige. The UK does have EVE, as well as a couple of companies that have female divisions. But HWRP spotted an issue with Eve not having enough talent to run shows a few years into a test save - a situation created through a combination of not enough workers as a whole (notably future workers) but also the personality of Dann Read (owner of Eve) creating situations where talent would no longer work for them. That's been adjusted and there is more talent available now too. Having a second company should help ensure that talent gets opportunities and develops. I am toying with the idea of Bellatrix being the first company set to look at free agents only and being limited in size, as its never really grown much. Of note, Europe is another area that could probably use another company but I'm trying to avoid adding too many active companies right now as that requires adding a bunch of extra data and I would prefer to focus on finishing things off.


    So where does that leave us for a beta? Closer yet! Once I get the next batch of feedback and get that implemented, presuming that everything still runs smooth, we should be good. As I've said before, I would recommend against trying to run a "serious" save on the beta data as so much small stuff isn't done and the game world needs to finished up.

  5. wow lots of feedback can only be positive! hyped for this, keep up the good work


    Well, it might be a bit disheartening to get a load of feedback on stuff I thought was sorted out or problems I wasn't aware. But not the case at all. HWRP has tackled testing on a bunch of stuff I had on my list that needed testing and provided info on stuff that hadn't been done yet. So its been a massive help.


    The bloat of stats has been mentioned in a number of threads it even happens in the cornellverse.


    Still can't wait for this mod the detail and planning put in is incredible


    Yeah, its just the way worker development works on TEW. And it seems to be amplified with younger workers, especially as young as joshi and lucha libre sometimes has. Add in that they generally have decent (or better Star Quality) and good Athleticism, and its compounded even more. The adjustments won't completely prevent great workers from developing in bulk, but it will slow the process a bit. And probably results in more realistic under-30 talent as some did have inflated skills like Basics, Consistency, and Safety.


    I have spent a little of time to set up the Google Sheets. Mentioned this before, but anyone wanting to provide feedback will be able to do so here on the forum, via email, or the Google Sheets. I have about 10 sheets for various areas of feedback - workers, companies, titles, venues, etc. I've been debating whether to break it down further. For anyone who is thinking they are likely to provide feedback and likes the idea of the Google Sheets, would you prefer to have fewer sheets (so that a sheet can have more areas) or more sheets (breaking things down much more specifically)?

  6. <p>So some good news. I shared the data with HWRP a few weeks back, with an open remit to provide feedback on whatever he wanted to tackle. He has provided a massive volume of feedback based on running a bunch of tests. How much is a "massive volume"? Well, I took the emails and put the information into a Google Sheet... Totalled 55 pages. Adjusted the spacing and it was 42 pages. So yeah, its a lot.</p><p> </p><p>

    Managed to get most of the information into the data this weekend. It covered areas such as Worker Attributes, data tweaks, broadcaster tweaks and additions, missing workers, relationships, venue corrections, and more. Its a huge time-saver for me because its almost all stuff I would have looked at during the testing phase or gotten feedback on during the beta release. So its definitely great to have it provided now. </p><p> </p><p>

    One of the issues that has been identified that is being addressed but will require further testing is that young workers who are pretty good to very good develop into world class workers. This is particularly notable with younger workers and is exacerbated for workers who are working quite regularly. This particularly impacts skills like Basics, Consistency, Safety, Selling, and Stamina. It means that a 20 year old Joshi talent or a 22 year old UK worker can end up with some of those skills in the mid-90s or even at 100 within 2-3 years. The old "top row" skills and Psychology may not increase as much as quick, but you still end up with an excellent worker at fairly young age. The concern isn't so much that it happens, but how quick and how widely. This is with potential sent to be random and no Attributes that influence the development. So to keep the mod from being absolutely "easy mode" in a few years, the skills will be getting nerfed a bit for a lot of these workers. </p><p> </p><p>

    Beyond that, what does the volume of feedback mean for you? It means that we are in better shape to let you guys dig in soon. </p><p> </p><p>

    I will say that the beta release won't be a complete mod that just needs a few things to move to a full release. There will still be data going in - active workers, future workers, free pics, other things. But its complete enough to play around in. Just dont' think that starting a long-term save will be a great idea, if that makes sense.</p>

  7. Been a couple of weeks. Still making progress. Worker tally is up to 2425 and its mostly been future workers going in. Some active ones as well. I haven't been doing much with the remaining title lineages but there are only a few left. And I've done a few more company checks - which is literally just starting up a save with each given company and looking for things that need to be added, adjusted, etc. I have thus far held off on doing full proper testing as that's a phase unto itself and I can't really keep adding to the game-world while doing the testing. But there is some testing taking place and I'm waiting on some feedback that looks fantastic and will add a real level of polish to things.


    The main thing holding me back from releasing a beta version of the mod is that I'm counting on and expecting quite a bit of feedback from the beta. Which takes time to add into the data and then test. That will probably be a full-time focus.


    So before the beta, i would like to round out the game-world a bit more, but also integrate some of the feedback that's already on the way. Its covering everything from minor tidbits to broadcaster optimization to worker development tweaks. That will save a lot of feedback from the folks trying the beta and result in a likely much more polished beta release.


    Connecting to this is that I am off work for two weeks around Christmas, without much going on because of this pesky little global pandemic. So I'm hoping I should end up with a fair bit of time in that period. Ideally, I would like to have the beta out before then so I can dedicate some of that time to adjusting bad on beta feedback. If not, I will likely be using that time to get the data polished up for a beta release, which would push the beta to the start of 2021. Either way, its not too far off. Please don't take either time line as absolute or guaranteed. But I think we are getting close to that point and I think we have a pretty neat little game world here.

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="w4lru5" data-cite="w4lru5" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49281" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Got into my first-choice law school, so will start working on the update today (now that I'm done celebrating). Will be up by next Wednesday.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Wow! congrats, good dude!</p>
  9. It depends all on the mod.


    For example, I'm currently playing two games (1970 and 1985)


    In the 1970 mod, almost everyone is getting hired. There are very few free agents that are young (a lot of older guys)


    But in the 1985 mod, there are a ton of free agents (all ages, overness, etc)


    Big difference in volume of companies and sizes between them, or something else?

  10. You wouldn't even necessarily need to use fictional ones. There are tons of tiny local companies that have run for a long time without managing or even trying to grow. You could just do the size limitation and money roll with them, leaving them forever as what they actually have been. If they are being included in the data moreso to serve that purpose than try to grow or be meant as companies to be played.... that would work pretty well.
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gazwefc83" data-cite="gazwefc83" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47546" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just reading through the thread, Adam confirmed awhile back in the support thread that starting morale only affects the user and it totally ignored by the AI. <p> </p><p> Just didn't want you thinking you had done something wrong if all the guys stay with AJPW when sim testing etc</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, I recall reading that, and I think it was the same on TEW 2016 actually. So the user is the one who is going to be most affected. I'll have to play with some other options - leaning towards no loyalty to AJPW and some kind of positive relationship with Keiji Mutoh. Putting a negative relationship with the AJ owner would be limiting to a user wanting to try to keep those workers. </p><p> </p><p> And a small update... Got the NWA world title and its lineage in. Also did the lineages for ECCW titles. That leaves 3 companies that need lineages and 1 that has the world title lineages done but needs the rest. Then there are alliance titles and titles for dead companies that i want to add, but those are all less vital. Also picking away at company checks.</p>
  12. Glad to hear it's going well! Every update makes it sound better and better :)


    Thanks. It is a hype thread so....


    One thing I forgot to mention.... the gents who are testing things have noted that there are some slightly inflated stats that inflate more as the workers develop. Think its going to be particularly an issue with joshi, where its not uncommon to see fairly young workers debut and the volume of matches they work on a joshi schedule can see them turn into world class talents awful quick. So that's going to take some testing and tweaking to try to normalize. I don't really intend to set potential for every young worker and try to control the game world evolution to that degree, but a bit of a guiding hand is my preference.

  13. I can't wait to play this mod! Thank you for all your hard work!


    Thank you. Much appreciated!


    Up to 2361 workers. Making progress. The additions are active workers, future workers, some non-wrestlers, and even a couple User Characters. I've got some great suggestions for different user characters that will cover hopefully every region.


    I did a bit of digging into the issue I mentioned of smaller companies skipping shows due to lack of available workers. In a lot of cases, the shows being skipped were less important ones. For example, APW has regular monthly shows and monthly "Garage Wars" shows that are Lesser. The company is drawing like 30 workers to the main shows, so the Lesser shows aren't going to draw much. Those lesser ones are going to lose money, so.... Its basically a slight discrepancy between trying to have an "accurate to reality" set of events (or close as possible) and what works best in TEW.


    I did add Florida Underground Wrestling so there are now two NWA members.


    Another small hiccup.... Mentioned before that I was mulling the opening date of Tokyo Joshi Pro. Either having them open when the game starts (meaning their roster ends up being random) or starting them in August (which is inaccurate but the shows up to that point were more variety shows and didn't have a roster). I prefer the August option because they have a handful of workers debut in August, meaning they can have an accurate roster. When I switched it, the issue I ran into is that you can't have a company pre-set to debut as a child company... same issue I ran into with NXT UK. But it may make more sense to have the DDT Universe as an alliance rather than have TJP (and possibly other DDT brands) as child companies. They aren't really proper child companies. So the DDT Universe seems like the best solution.


    I've also shared the data recently with a couple of fine folks for some feedback and testing. They're going to be able to provide some very helpful feedback on some things I haven't looked at yet, which should result in a more polished mod come beta time. But the feedback on the data before that testing was pretty positive as well, which is always very nice.

  14. Bit of an update since its been a couple of weeks.


    Up over 2300 workers in the data now. Finished out the list of active workers I had picked out. Which as mentioned before, doesn't mean that I'm done with active workers. Just means I have to dig up people to add (wrestlers and non-wrestlers). The yet-to-debut list is a couple hundred names long. Started to focus on that and got quite a few in - they are faster to add to the data by a large margin.


    Also finished up the DDT Ironmanheavymetalweight division title lineage, which was LOADS of fun. Realized at the end that the "champion" at the mod start date is Yoshihiko, the DDT blow up doll "wrestler", who I don't intend to have as an active wrestler. So the belt will be vacant to start out anyway.


    I've been doing some testing but not focusing overly much on it. Mostly been checking for obvious anomalies, companies closing, etc. Spotted a slight issue - some of the smallest companies with limited worker options start to skip shows. They have insufficient workers. Companies like Freedoms, APW, and some joshi companies run into this problem, and it seems like more joshi companies do as time goes on. It just seems like there aren't enough joshi workers and the smallest of companies probably aren't wanting to pay travel costs for gaijin imports. Similar with Freedoms and deathmatch-willing workers. So I spent some time focusing on adding workers specific for those companies - not contract ones but ones that they could hire potentially. And adding some yet-to-debut workers for those areas. Its not a huge issue and will mostly be solved as the worker list gets completed going forward, but I figured it was worth addressing to some degree now as those companies not running all their shows will have a small effect on any test sims.


    I'm not going to completely alter course and try to have all yet-to-debut workers in the data before I do a beta release, but realizing it makes sense to have some in there to ensure game world stability at the lower levels.


    Another relatively small thing that has come up on testing is a large volume of retirements happening just after the start date, just because people tend to retire earlier in TEW than they often do in reality. Been using the Attributes to impact that but it won't prevent it in every case and also don't want to try to control the evolution of the game world entirely.


    Lastly, hoping to have somewhere over 2000 random worker images for worker generation. I dont' love regeneration, just because I find it disconcerting to have an 18 year old debut with the face of Aja Kong or Hulk Hogan. So regeneration will be turned off for nearly everyone and i will use the free pics take care of that. Its easy for someone to edit if they have a difference preference.

  15. Even though it would be a pain in the ass to set up, I do think Google Sheets would be the way to go. Let everyone else see what others have reported (and spare you from getting the same feedback over & over again), allow the testers to input feedback whenever/as they work instead of sending multiple emails or making multiple posts, and you could go in and color code items that have been completed/work-in-progress.


    Only other thing I thought of was a Discord server maybe? set up feedback, missing bits, questions, whatever channels. Though if there are a lot of messages in a given night, it could be a pain to go back and go through them. So I guess Sheets would be the best overall imo, then posts, Discord, and email last in my opinion.


    That's a good point in favor of the Sheets. Users can see what has already been reported, and I can show what has already been adjusted. The Sheets won't be horrible to set up - just take a bit of time. Probably going to be the kind of thing where I set them up, then find out how they will work better once they are being used.


    I hadn't really thought of a Dischord server. Haven't set one up before so might have to do a bit of digging to see how it work as an option.


    Thanks Atticus. And another batch of images is almost ready to sent to you.

  16. If it comes to the absolute worst, then I don't think anybody would get mad at you for just making one singular non-alliance NWA Promotion and calling it a day


    I might end up having to do something similar. Whether its having New Japan affiliated early or still having Zero1 as a member.


    I havent got the game in front of me but can you set a company to join in the future in anyway?


    If not it could be one for the suggestion thread


    I believe you can have a company set to automatically join when they debut if they are not yet an active company. Pretty sure there isn't a narrative to make an active company become part of an alliance.


    I'm not worrying too much on the NWA stuff at the moment but its something I'll keep an eye on going forward. Similarly, I have an alliance in Mexico - the Comisión de Box y Lucha Libre México. Blatantly lifted the idea from the Real World Chronicles. Its the commission that controls the Mexican National titles, so it works nicely. But an alliance has to be based on something like the RWC, i set it up to be based on talent. Which leads to CMLL and AAA sharing workers a bit too much. I gave them a relationship of dislike but that didn't stop it. i will play around with it more but its not a massive issue.


    Update time.... had a few days off of work and managed to make some good headway. I checked to see how many companies need events, titles, or title lineages and there were 16 active companies (not worrying on yet-to-debut companies yet) that needed some combination of those. We are now down to 4 companies needing title lineages. Everyone has events and titles. I'm not particularly concerned with lineages being done for a beta release so that's a nice step forward.


    Speaking on lineages, the DDT Ironmanheavymetalweight belt lineage is up to somewhere around 650 entries. So another 325 or so to go. Quite the process lol.


    The list of active workers to go in the data is under 50 now. To be clear, finishing up that list won't mean I'm done adding workers except for the yet-to-debut. I expect to have to add a couple hundred more active workers (wrestlers and non-wrestlers) but will need to do digging to figure out who is missing. And rely on testers as well.


    Beyond getting the rest of the list (and maybe some more) into the data, I also need to finish off doing company checks. That's probably where I will look at doing an initial beta release. Playable but unfinished. As I've said before, the biggest reason i have held off on doing a beta is that it kinda moves things into a full-on testing phase, and trying to do that while still completing the data makes things a bit... muddled.


    There will be quite a bit left to do even once I do finish the active worker additions. Finishing up the yet-to-debut companies. Adding more yet-to-debut workers. Doing lineages for inactive belts. Ages. Hall of Fame / Hall of Immortals entries. Free pics. A lot of that is detail and depth stuff rather than actual gameplay-affecting, so I'm okay picking away at it during the testing phase.


    Speaking of beta testing.... One of things I've been planning is to set up some Google Sheets as a way for people to provide feedback. I already have a specific email account and obviously posting in the thread would work. But having a set of Google Sheets with different sheets for different categories of data seemed like it would be slick. I'm reconsidering, pretty much purely on the time & effort it will take to set them up properly. Would anyone be highly likely to use that method? Strongly prefer it to sending feedback via email or posting on the forum? Just curious.

  17. Happy (slightly belated) Canadian Thanksgiving to everyone.


    Bit of an update. Still plugging away and have some time off this week, which should result in more progress. I've been adding active wrestlers (the list of active workers is down to something like 65), events, titles and title lineages. I haven't counted, but down to a handful of companies that don't have events and titles. So getting ever closer to the testing phase, which is where I will put out the beta.


    I've been picking away at the DDT Ironmanheavymetalweight title lineage and have somewhere just over 500 entries of the 975-ish. Didn't realize that 360 of the title reigns were the belt being traded between just two workers on a pair of shows in late 2006. That's making it easier.


    Mentioned before that I've done testing but mostly short-term stability testing rather than long-term stability testing with detailed results analysis. Part of the reason is that having a limited amount of yet-to-debut workers skews the results of any such testing to some degree. I did just run a test into mid-2018 and things are pretty stable. The only company of significance to die off was AAA, which was a bit weird. New Japan is an absolute powerhouse and their talent tend to dominate the top of the Power 500 - which feels pretty realistic. The WWE remains stable (although it sometimes drops in size) and the US indy scene tends to thrive. TNA, ROH, PWG, etc, all grow fairly well - in part due to the level of talent that's available since the WWE doesn't vacuum the scene clean like they actually did. One element I haven't gone out of my way to address yet is retirements, which happens in most real word mods. Talent beyond the "normal" age in TEW tend to retire in bunches. Attributes can be used to keep them active. A few important workers have them already but I'm debating adding them for everyone.


    Not really a question but something I've been low-level mulling for awhile. I have four alliances in the data - the Mexican lucha libre commission, WWN, World Triangle League, and the NWA. The problem is that the NWA doesn't show up. An alliance needs at least two active members to be valid and the NWA doesn't. The basic problem is that NWA-affiliated companies became pretty sparse in the Bruce Tharpe era. New Japan did have a relationship but as far as I know, that happened in later 2013. Championship Wrestling from Hollywood, SWA, Zero1, and other were all out of the NWA by this period. Most remaining NWA affiliate companies are very small and not in the data. I have found two companies I could add (Innovate and Florida Underground) but I'm kinda loathe to add in more companies just for the sake of it, especially as it would mean adding a bunch more workers to fill those rosters accurately. Beyond that concern, there is also no real way to transition the NWA from being an alliance to being a promotion as it has become under Billy Corgan. Its not a major issue but just not sure which direct I'm going to go.

  18. Small and unnecessary status update... verified that having over 1,000 entries in the title lineage for a given title won't cause any issues so I'm tackling the most fun of lineages - the DDT Ironmanheavymetalweight title.


    I would be in the dont add them camp, and if someone plays as WWE they can create it otherwise it doesnt represent how it works.


    Yeah, camp not add here too. It's just NXT UK.


    I agree with those above me, not add seems to make the most sense in this situation


    No one voraciously defending the inclusion of NXT-UK? Lol. I'm leaning the direction of leaving it out at this point.


    hows RVD look in this mod? im guessing pretty good considering he was super over for weeks after his MITB return, and had some pretty good matches to go along with it.


    Well, he's still a free agent since he didn't rejoin the WWE for about 5 weeks after this starts. His momentum will depend on what happens if / when he gets signed somewhere. In terms of skill and ability, he's good but not amazing. So similar to how he is in most mods. Enough popularity that he can headline for companies like TNA and ROH but isn't going to step into the WWE and be a major star - which I think makes sense because that isn't how they used him at that point.

  19. Ran into a small issue and I figured I would ask for thoughts. I realized the other day that NXT-UK wasn't in the data so I created it. But quickly ran into an issue. I can't have the relationship between WWE and NXT-UK (or NXT and NXT-UK for that matter) pre-set. Which means WWE NXT-UK debuts as a stand-alone company, which isn't really ideal. An easy solution which had toyed with before would be having a "WWE Universe" alliance with talent-trading, which can be pre-set for NXT-UK. The problem is that won't allow them to function as a developmental brand and have workers moving up to the main roster. If its not possible to set it up so that the company opens up and functions quite similar to how they actually do, I could also just NOT add them, allowing those who run the WWE to create the company whenever they want. Anyone have thoughts on a preferred approach with NXT-UK opening?


    And might as well give a small update. Still adding workers but also been doing company checks. I tackled Michinoku Pro, Osaka Pro, Kaientai Dojo, and Pro Wrestling FREEDOMS and they are all done. I also tackled the DDT title lineages which, I think, pretty much finishes off the Japanese companies beyond adding in a few more active workers. The DDT lineages means tackling the Ironmanheavymetalweight title and its 962 lineage entries. I will be doing that one gradually.


    I would like to get the company checks done before a beta release. There are still quite a few companies in the US (16), Canada (3), Mexico (5) and the UK (10). Some them are already compete but I just need to check them to be sure. Others will need schedules, lineages or both. Thankfully most companies don't have long histories with tons of lineages to worry about. Except for lucha libre, but thankfully the way they treat titles (champions who hold them for years without defending them) makes those lineages a bit less painful.

  20. <p>Thanks gents. </p><p> </p><p>

    Mentioned it before, NowThenMates, but the indy scene is kinda loaded. That's true of the US, but also the UK and Australia. Even Japan to an extent. Much of the NXT scene of the past few years and almost all of NXT UK is there to hire - with some game area restrictions, obviously. A bunch are already in bigger indy companies, like Roddy Strong and Kevin Steen in ROH. But there is a ton of options to build around, and a lot more who debut as you go forward. From the testing I've done (as stated before, I haven't focused too heavily on testing yet), the WWE doesn't raid the indy scenes to quite the same extent as they really did. I want to play with that balance a bit more but I would kind prefer not to see the AI-run WWE just sign everyone in sight and release no one. </p><p> </p><p>

    As a status update, I've done a few more company checks and have been mostly focusing on adding workers from the active male wrestlers list.</p>

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