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Posts posted by Bigpapa42

  1. Funny timing here,

    I came on to the board specifically to look if there was any recent updates before I started a new game with the mod. LOL


    I guess I should hold off just a bit?


    Well, if you can hang on for a few days... still running the test sims and those look okay so far. Don't think I've buffed anyone to the point of them being overpowered, which is mainly what I wanted to avoid. I don't expect I'll be adding a significant number of future workers. Just a few who are becoming more active on AEW, basically.

  2. My tips for TNA:


    - First priority is sorting out the locker room, it is very easy for it to spiral out of control and ruin your shows and your only option will be to burn the locker room to the ground and start over (which you can't really afford to do). Guys like Joey Ryan and Morgan are good targets for immediate release but you don't have the money to go on a mad firing spree. I'd send Brooke Hogan and Garrett Bischoff on a paid vacation until their contracts expire, they are terrible influences and love to drag their parents into their incidents, and once Hogan and Bischoff are in a bad mood, you're in trouble. Hire a bunch of cheap positive influences on open contracts to serve as bodies to beat on Xplosion and maybe later build up as stars. Put your starting stats into managing talent and the locker room (and negotiation) and don't be afraid to invest in things like catering and massages to keep morale high, you're losing money regardless so it isn't the worst thing. Be aware that Dixie (who I personally switch to a Needy personality as that seems to be the best fit IMO) will expect to be on most PPVs and TV here and there so just have her stand in the background of scenes to keep her good.


    - Run two PPVs a month. It sounds mad and honestly a little exploitative but your only hope of staying on Spike is getting the company back to Medium fast so you can actually talk to them and get them to shift you to a better timeslot. Plus most of your talent are on written contracts so you A: want to have them working as much as possible and B: want to get back doing house shows to make use of that. Losing TV isn't the end of the world, my current save I didn't start doing two PPVs soon enough and lost TV after a bad show. It does mean no TV for a year and no Spike for 5 but I went back to old school weekly PPVs and cut costs.


    - Booking-wise, the whole company is honestly a mess but you've still got a lot of key talent. Use Hogan, Bischoff and Sting in angles, they're guaranteed great scores and can help boost up your young guys. Bully can be a pain but if he's happy, he's usually OK and teaming him with Devon again can make for some of your strongest TV main events. Make sure you are booking to your product as if you're not the owner, Dixie likely won't let you change it and some aspects of it can trip you up, fans usually turn on any match past 15 minutes and your women's division is all eye candy despite having some great in-ring talents (although will still get strong ratings). I wouldn't invest in your troublemakers too much, trying to build up Aries will likely blow up in your face. Remember to bring Jarrett back to the ring, he can still go and put some guys over.


    - Check and keep track of when the big contracts run out. There seems to be a little bit of randomness in this, so sometimes you might be waiting a while for certain talents, other times you can get lucky. King Mo has a big contract and will likely never return from MMA in time to even appear for you, Hogan should be let go when the contract expires and certain talents can be negotiated down a significant degree with written pay-per-appearances, Sting for example went from $75,000 a month to $1,500 a show, so the moment you get the option, decide what you want to do with that talent. It took me six months to turn a profit and another three on top to be back in a positive bank balance. Note that OVW will almost certainly break the developmental deal after the first month so you'll be receiving an influx of dev talent to your roster, so you'll have plenty of bodies to play with.


    Over a year into my save, TNA is back on TV, nearly 2 million in the bank, safely at Medium status and have signed recent WWE departees Rey Mysterio and Cody Rhodes to join a roster of 67 workers. So it is absolutely doable and very rewarding to pull off but you do have to really nail those first few months.


    Awesome post and some great advice.


    I have mentioned that I'm tweaking some things for the next release that will impact those playing as TNA. The massive contracts won't be disappearing though as its meant to emulate the money troubles TNA had around this point.


    First of all, thank you so much for doing this, I can't imagine how much time this must have took.


    I really enjoy the general balancing thus far and I'm having a hard (but fun) time trying to not lose too much money with ROH. When I'm a little more advanced I will go more into detail about things I've encountered.


    A small tidbit is the title history of Survival of the Fittest as Elgin is listed as winning in 2018, not 2011. But other than that just here to give my kudos to you!


    You are most welcome. And yes, it did take a huge amount of time and plenty of help from others. Survival of the Fittest corrected.


    Update on Update: I was hoping to have the next update out in August, partly because I had a month-long trip but I got a bit too ambitious on the tweaks. I just finished them and am running some tests. I will also look to add a few more future workers but I'm hoping to release it fairly soon. I don't imagine I'll be adding more than a handful as you can keep adding "one or two more" forever.

  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mattythomas25" data-cite="Mattythomas25" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53015" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Looking forward to playing this and sinking my teeth into saving TNA. Been looking for a mod like this!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It is a challenge!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Madhell" data-cite="Madhell" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53015" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wowzer, Great mod, loving the challenge so far. <p> </p><p> Tried a run at TNA, and like a few people before me have said, its tough. I think I might have failed this one. </p><p> </p><p> Just finished my fourth PPV, ratings are starting to drop, the backstage is stuck on 0%. I sacked all the negatives influences on handshake deals, and sacked and fired a few of the other troublemakers on written deals, but with the toxic backstage, everyone is annoyed and stirring each other up now. I get 5-6 issues per show. I even hired a whole bunch of only positive influencers, they all starting to get annoyed now too! LOL</p><p> </p><p> I even have a legal case coming up! </p><p> </p><p> A big of a whirlwind ride to be sure.</p><p> </p><p> Any suggestions for round 2? I think its getting to that time.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It kinda depends on why everyone is getting upset. It happens for different reasons, which means you might need to use different techniques. One option is to put extra user points into the skills that impact morale and reaction to incidents. Might mean leaving points out of things like Creative or Motivating. </p><p> </p><p> You can also be proactive in getting rid of negative influences. If I remember correctly, the degree to which a worker has a positive or negative influence is impacted by their popularity / card position. So a scumbag who is a star is going to hurt more than a scumbag who is unknown to fans. Your stars being unhappy and angry kills the backstage in a hurry. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DaBigRy" data-cite="DaBigRy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53015" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I failed my first time as well, my suggestion would be to push AJ to the moon and put him in most if not all of your main events, to raise the show's total rating, until some other people start to put on matches that are close to as good. It gets a bit boring, but it worked for me. If you haven't managed to get your show ratings up to 75 before the first month ends things will be a lot more difficult as Spike will kick you off soon after that.<p> </p><p> Use some of the people who are damaging morale to put over people you want to push and annoy them until they ask for a release.</p><p> </p><p> Also hire some people on handshake deals that will help with backstage morale (DDP and Kevin Nash are both huge boosts in this regard).</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Some solid advice. Especially jobbing out those you want to get rid of. It can backfire if they have friends, but getting them to ask for their release is usually cheaper and easier than firing them over an incident. Which can result in the lawsuit that costs you more in the long run. </p><p> </p><p> Regarding the Spike show ratings.... that is something that will be tweaked on the next release. Staying on Spike TV should be a challenge, not an insurmountable mountain. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Next Update Update</strong> - starting a WWE save led me down the rabbit hole of tweaking things. I went through the full list of active workers, looking for anything wonky - skill adjustments, bio additions, etc. I've started teh process of making those tweaks. Started at the bottom alphabetically and up to S, so partway done. Roughly 1/5 of the active workers are getting some kind of tweak. None of it will be significant but a few popularity tweaks will make some companies a touch easier, just because it will reduce some overness gaps. A few missing future workers have already gone in and there are a few more I will add. Can't really put a time frame on it, as I mentioned before, because things have a tendency get busy suddenly, but I'm definitely hopeful the process won't take months.</p>
  4. Greetings gents!


    So I've been adding any feedback that I've gotten in this thread. I also started a WWE save, which didn't get very far before I start noting enough things I wanted to tweak that I figured I should do that first. None of its all that significant. Added a few workers but no one major. Probably the "biggest" change was altering the pop of a bit of the WWE upper midcard to reduce a gap there. Most of it is things like upping someone's Consistency by 5 points or dropping their Experience by 10. Again, nothing that is going to significantly alter the game-world.


    I'm in the process of going through the whole list of active workers, looking for tweaks. Its not the quickest process. Once I've done that and tested, I will upload a new version of the mod. Not going to put a time-frame expectation on it as the next few weeks could be stupid busy around here.


    Really enjoying this mod so far! I had a long-term save with TNA in TEW2013 so I'm trying to replicate that, I also have a save with Method Man running his own company, Taste The Pain Wrestling, mainly focusing on African American talent.


    Noticed that you've got America's Most Wanted set as James Storm and Chris Hamrick, it should be Chris Harris :)


    That's awesome to hear. And I love that someone made use of one of the user characters like that. I solicited suggestions so that's where a lot of them came from. I have more on the list that I should add at some point.


    Just wanted to pop in and say (again) how much I love this mod. Have been sinking a LOT of time into it lately, playing as Jazz running a new all-women promotion. The amount of workers (and debuting workers as time goes by) is deep and damn impressive.


    Unfortunately in this save Kurt Angle was gunned down by a SWAT team in the first month! Tragic news, though I guess it helped TNA's financial situation, clearing his contract off the decks... :p


    Poor Kurt Angle. A damned American hero. He deserved better.


    The Jazz promotion sounds awesome and I'd honestly love to hear / read more.


    And if you notice anyone who could be in the data, as current or future, please let me know. Retired or semi-retired vets who can be used as a road agent are always needed. Same as suggestions for someone who could use owner or booker skills. I like to have lots of options in that regard and am looking to add more.


    Glad you are enjoying it!


    One minor thing I've noticed is no Miz & Morrison as a tag team in the data


    I think I added this one recently but I will make sure.


    I would adjust Goldberg's global popularity so that he's not the fourth most popular wrestler in all of Japan.


    Good catch. Global popularity scaling is something I've tweaked but a few slip through the cracks. Thanks!

  5. tenor.gif?itemid=14683854


    Not gonna lie - dropping a Trailer Park Boys GIF is a big thumbs up from me, but also makes me want to increase the Pikachu Sex Appeal to.... like.... 93....


    I'm really looking forward to sinking my teeth into this mod. I really like the worker pictures you've gone with here. One note that I will post here, and I will do a proper list later on, is one of the injuries:


    Coccydynia- From doing some googling, the recovery time should actually either be a few weeks or a few months. Surgery can be an option, but is recommended as a last resort when other treatments fail, so I'll leave that to your judgment. Right now, the recovery time is listed in the mod as being a year but can be worked through.


    I'll go through the injuries again some time and list all the ones that are listed as Can Be Worked Through yet have Surgery options. IIRC, I believe injuries that can be worked through, even if given surgery options in the database editor, won't give you a surgery option once you are in-game.


    Thank you for the feedback, sir. Very much appreciated.


    So I've decided to jump into the mess that is TNA 2013 with the new data and it is amazingly brutal. I'm now into my second attempt as the first time I drastically underestimated how bad the locker-room was and ended up basically ditching two thirds of the roster and going $2 million in debt while the show ratings tanked.


    Some little things I noticed:


    - D'Lo Brown should probably be on as default as an occasional wrestler, as he was on screen and wrestling a fair bit during this period.

    - The Blossom Twins in development need a family relationship.

    - Garett Bischoff is still set to be a referee when I don't believe he was doing that role anymore. He also has no referee skill.

    - TNA had just introduced ODB as the Knockouts referee so I guess that could be put in? Reading TNA results at this time is a real trip.

    - Chris Sabin and Velvet Sky might be in a relationship at this point. I did a bit of searching and I can't find any source for when it did start but the general feeling seems to be they were dating for a while before it was brought on-screen later in the year.

    - Kenny King probably should have some level of heat with Cornette after the whole "jumping ship from ROH" thing.

    - Gunner and Storm didn't start as a tag team until a segment near the end of May, but doesn't really matter either way.


    In terms of improving the experience, adding some momentum for relevant people would help as it means you aren't booking from scratch. Some storylines might help as well, although at this point TNA were putting all their eggs in the Aces & Eights stuff. Closest storylines I can find:


    - Robbie E and Jessie Godderz are in a storyline against Rob Terry where they get destroyed every week. Don't know if development talents can be in storylines though.

    - Bad Influence, The Dirty Heels and James Storm are tangled up with each other, as both teams chase after Chavo & Hernandez. The two heel teams are messing with each other to try and get the tag gold while trying to get Storm on side and teasing a Fortune reunion. This is the storyline that leads to the random Storm & Gunner team and a fourway at Slammiversary.

    - The women are just heading into a storyline, Sky has just defended the title against Mickie, this leads into a brief Kim/Tara team that takes out Terrell, gets beaten by Sky/Mickie and then Mickie wins the title. But yeah, probably too early to be included.


    Huge kudos, good sir. Some great feedback I'll be working in. I honestly had stopped watched TNA by this point and have less than zero desire to go back and watch some. So this helps a ton. Very open to other tweaks, whether its skill adjustments, relationships, or pretty much anything!

  6. Thanks again for your continued work on this. I haven't had a lot of time to play TEW recently but whenever I do it's with this mod.


    That's awesome to read. Glad you are enjoying it!


    I haven't had a chance to do a proper save with this yet but just from looking through everything this looks absolutely fantastic. I love the bios as well.


    Hope you do, QL. Much thanks to you and the RWC crew as lots of little pieces are in this one.


    Hey noticed some errors while playing as TNA


    • Bruce Prichard has 0 for experience that causes him to have awful ratings as a road agent
    • Mr. Anderson is listed as Hispanic Anguillan
    • The Beautiful People (Angelina Love and Velvet Sky) are missing as a tag team in the game
    • Victory Road is set to May when the last one was in March.


    Thanks for the feedback. Would love to know more as you play as TNA as I've not been able to test that as much as I'd like.


    Got these all corrected, except the PPV. Honestly, TNA's PPV's are a mess. But there wasn't really an idea way to do them. Victory Road wasn't happened around this time at all. TNA had moved to that "One Night Only" series, which doesn't really translate at all well into TNA. And I figure if I can't get the AI to replicate how they were booked (from what I understand, completely disconnected from the on-going TV stories), there wasn't much point having them in for the name. So I used one or two TNA events from the past and tried to fit it in as best as possible. If memory serves, Victory Road was generally a July PPV.


    This is looking really solid and well put together!


    Two things, though:

    James Mitchell's got 0 popularity. I'd probably bump it to the 20-ish region nationwide.

    Also - and I hate to put you on the spot like this - do you want to defend your decision to give Pikachu a Sex Appeal of 85?


    Thank you, sir!


    Not sure what happened with poor Jimmy Mitchell. He wasn't at 0 popularity when I added him so I must have accidentally nuked his popularity.


    There is no defense of Pikachu. In any way. But the Sex Appeal was a wee bit of a joke that I really didn't expect any one to spot. Good eye! I have a few little goofy things in there, mostly in bios. Snarky comments that I'm not sure anyone will spot. A few have already been noted but I think there were more in there. It added a bit of fun to the modding process.

  7. I keep putting off doing a 1.2 release because I keep doing stuff. Nothing big. But I added a couple future workers and tweaked a few things like the default matches, and was going to upload it. But I decided to book a few shows with the WWE, which led to me making some tweaks. Then I had to test. Then I got a bit of feedback on New Japan and did a bit of tweaking there, leading to more testing. The changes made are not anything massive. Both companies had workers get nerfed a bit in the early testing phase - in terms of key skills and popularity - as a way to keep the AI grades from being consistently obscene. But that was not too long after the release of TEW 2020 and things have changed over time with the game, so I feel like some of those tweaks took some of the workers a bit below, especially when they are being booked by a user. The WWE had a popularity gap between the top guys and the near main event talent.


    Still testing those tweaks but it doesn't look like the main event grades for either company get out of control, at least in the first couple of years. If things hold, hoping to have 1.2 out in the next few days.

  8. Couple things I noticed about Vince McMahon if nobody else has caught them yet:


    - His experience stat is set to 0 even though he's wrestled before and was a part of some huge storylines throughout WWE's history.

    - His commentary (colour and announcing) is set to 0, even though he used to be a commentator for ~20 years. Even though he doesn't do that anymore, he could probably still hold his own commentating a match or two nowadays.


    This was mentioned awhile back and has been corrected. Thank you, good sir.


    Shark boy isn't active in America


    Well, obviously not. Shark Boy is clearly a Pan-Pacific Man-Shark and so it only made sense to have him active on Oceania and nowhere else...


    ...or something...


    Seriously, though, good catch. Stuff like that is residual data. Stuff leftover from the worker that was converted. Thanks!


    One thing about the match file is that various tournament matches are set to default so the auto booker will book me BOSJ matches between random WWE monsters.


    Ashley Miller>Audrey Marie

    Dean Muhtadi> Mojo Rawley


    Both have alter egos but are set to their defaults for their NXT contracts


    Michael Cole and John Laurinaitis have announcer experience instead of John Layfield (Adequate)



    WWE's merchandising levels should be way up, probably max. They have had items out for the most obscure of roster members.


    Still liking the challenge the stats give after a couple of runs. I think momentum and gimmick bonuses are few and far between to start, which is where a game really gets steamrolling in my opinion. Also did a watcher and saw a lot of random gens going straight to the big promotions so I've turned graduation off


    Thanks for the feedback.


    I already cleaned up the matches file and have added a couple more match types. But open to suggestions in that regard.


    I tried not to go too overboard on the gimmick and momentum effects, but I'm open to suggestions. I do need to add some more Gimmick Pros and Cons, which I will look to add but probably not too many for the next release.


    Mercedes Martinez Should be set to homosexual


    Good catch as well. I'm almost certain there are some other workers with that set incorrect, so if you (or anyone else) notices, please let me know.

  9. I don't know what a compromise would be, but the contract status of the BOSJ tour guys is difficult because they'll just end up sticking around. Ideally you could just give them 2 month contracts but that's not an option in the game since it jumps from 1 to 3. Another option would be scrapping them altogether since the tourney didn't start until the last week of May. The AI only runs one day for the actual tourney (June), and the user could be in control of the field in that case (and not have to run a month of shows with them in the locker room doing stuff).


    Neither is ideal but I think the larger game world would be better off if some of those guys didnt have NJPW obligations most of the year (namely Omega and Ricochet).


    Some other additions:


    KENTA- Troublesome knee, should also have relationship with Kobashi (mentor)

    Hiroshi Tanahashi- Can't play Underdog for some reason?

    Christopher Daniels- Future road agent

    Kevin Steen & Rami Sebi are best friends


    Changing Brock Lesnar's show control to only Events would ensure he wont just wrestling on every week of tv, as he seems to be.


    Would also choose "fixed titles" for essentially every small promotion but that's a personal thing because I hate the AI creating fake titles. This is a really great mod.


    I really appreciate the bolded and am tickled you are enjoying it.


    I've adjusted pretty much all of these. Not sure why a couple weren't in there, like Steen and Generico/Sebi.


    I dropped the NJ contracts for Omega, Ricochet, and Titan. Decent chance Omega and Ibushi get signed by NJ anyway but at least it leaves them in DDT for awhile.


    I had toyed with different contract stips for Brock a long while back and it seemed like the AI would still use him regularly on TV, but I just tried and its working as intended. That will make WWE TV look a bit more proper.


    I'm not sure on the locking titles, as lost of the smallest companies have just one or two titles, but could legit add more as they grow.


    How does ROH "play", from a financial aspect? Does it bleed money, given its contracts?


    Not really, no. Its a similar arc to TNA but on a short time-span. Just ran a pair of watcher sims to check out the finances of a few companies. ROH lost money for about 3-4 months, but not on a large scale. Then they became profitable - again, not on a huge scale in that direction either. That's without the AI signing up tons of indy talent, so if you do that, dynamics will be a bit different.


    The frustrating part of running ROH will be dealing with Sinclair's ownership. Good luck with that.


    Decided to run a watcher (With Free pics removed to ensure the existing free agent pool gets a fair shake.) and hoo boy, things have gotten interesting.


    NJPW got hit with a Yakuza scandal in 2014 and have stagnated HARD. As a result AJPW, NOAH and DG have all closed the gap in Japan (With the former poaching a handful of NJPW's roster - including Naito and Ibushi.)


    Meanwhile stateside, Vince passed on in May 2015 and Triple H has wasted very little time in bringing his vision to the main roster. Some very indyriffic signings, coupled with a few classic "looking out for the boys" ones (*coughX-Paccoughcough*) and a megapush for Cesaro (No, seriously. I looked at his match history and his singles push very much coincides with Hunter taking the reins.)


    Meanwhile a few suggested changes:


    Batista - Shorten his starting absence; he returned in January 2014.

    Tam Nakano - Not a Stardom dojo graduate.

    Ruaka - Graduated from Stardom's dojo, not Ice Ribbon.

    Jungle Kyona - Race should be set to Asian, not Hispanic.

    Natsuko Tora - Better as a Heel.


    LOL those two things would definitely shakeup the game world. I like that things can evolve differently.


    I've made those adjustments. Thanks and keep em coming if you spot more!


    Tony Garea is set to have 0 experience which makes him an awful road agent.


    Adjusted. Thanks for catching it.

  10. Not really that big of a deal, but Shane and Stephanie McMahon have a higher default starting reputation than Vince


    The WCW Invasion worked I guess lmao


    Do you mean booking reputation? I checked and he had a strong Reputation... which is debateable lol


    Same with me even though he has 4-5 in the picture folder. When I go to change it gives me an error message that stops the game.


    Weird. That sounds like a corrupted image. I was able to change the image without issue in the Pre Game Editor. Maybe try that? Otherwise, I will be uploading a new version in the not-too-distant future. Just getting some workers into the data. Its not going to have a lot different which is why I'm not rushing to get it out, but the Ziggles image should be corrected.


    The contracts of the likes of Hogan, Bischoff, Hardy, etc were payed for by Spike rather than TNA, so the wage bill shouldn't be made an issue for them imo.


    True. But... the network paying for even a portion of contracts doesn't really replicate in TEW. Same as late era WCW having all its stars contracted to the parent corporation instead of the promotion itself.


    The contracts for those workers being large is a compromise. Its generally accepted that throughout almost the entire ownership of TNA by Panda Energy, the company struggled to make money. I know there is inherent risk in 100% believing dirt sheets and the stories of disgruntled former employees. But when there are so many examples, its hard to ignore. There are boundless stories of TNA paying talent very poorly or being late on paying them. Stories about them refusing to pay for costs associated with injuries suffered by their performers. Looking for investors. They moved to a weird PPV model around this time (which also doesn't replicate in TEW) because PPV buyrates for most of their PPVs were negligible. A few years after this, they were forced out of the company headquarters and had to set up in their merch warehouse. Everything points to a company struggling to be profitable.


    Setting up a company to be successful but not easily successful is not the easiest thing in TEW. I could have just set them up without making finances a concern, so the company would easily make 5-10m per year. But that felt really unrealistic and ignoring a reality about the company. That was one thing I always felt impacted my immersion in TEW mods from this era - TEW would generally turn into an absolute monster company and the clear #2 behind the WWE, because they were loaded with talent, set up for success, and many of the issues that kept real TNA from doing that weren't things that happened in TEW.


    As it stands, the AI booking TNA will lose money for about the first year and then start to turn things around be profitable. That's without making a lot of cuts. A user booking TNA can easily do the same, and potentially become profitable more quickly by making some personnel decisions. It pushes the user to make a decision and I think that's realistic. A user won't have significant funds to open a big development company, sign up huge numbers of indy workers, or open a performance center. But if someone wants to backstory TNA being "bought out" by someone rich, they can always do some editing so they have the funds available to do those things.


    So those contracts being big and leveraged onto TNA itself isn't 100% accurate, but its a way to recreate the money dynamics that TNA did legitimately face at the time.


    Looking forward to trying this out, really enjoyed this era of WWE. Thanks for all your hard work.


    Thank you, good sir.

  11. I've been playing this mod for a few in-game months with a created promotion and it plays very well. I love the work in the bios, the personalities feel great and there's a lot of potential conflict you can add to your dressing room and I've not seen the companies do anything particularly strange (other than the game's typical decision to can half the stables, which happens in every mod, and WWE Raw's bizarre obsession with having Brock Lesnar squash Alex Riley in the semi-main of their show every week).


    The only thing I've seen going wrong so far is TNA have plummeted themselves into pretty bad debt. This is on 1.0, so might no longer be accurate, but they're nearly $800,000 in the red despite managing to put on some good shows and go up a size. Looking over their finances, they pretty clearly can't handle their wage bill, but Dixie being Dixie, has been happily signing and re-signing talent, so we'll see how long they last.


    I do like the decision to scale back on worker relationships for the most part but I do think there is room to add some in. Just some things I've noted:


    - John Hennigan should be in a relationship with Melina at this point I believe. It's widely accepted as the reason his career stalled at this point. Could have a friendship with Miz too.


    - Vince Russo should probably be in the data, he would make a secret return as a consultant in TNA in October and that was instrumental in TNA losing their Spike deal. While he's not likely to do much in most saves, having Russo potentially become booker somewhere for an AI company is always fun to see on a save.


    - The OMEGA boys should probably have relationships with each other, at least The Hardys/Helms/Moore.


    - Ryder, Hawkins and Trent should have a friendship.


    - Ron Simmons and JBL should be friends. In general, there's a few veterans in the WWE locker room who could do with some more relationships, positive and negative. There's something a little sad (if perhaps real) about seeing a guy like Kane having no relationships 20 years into the business.


    - Pro Wrestling NOAH have put their World Title on Toru Yano. This does not need to be fixed and is in fact a feature.


    Really tickled to read that you are enjoying things. And also that things seem to be rolling pretty well.


    The TNA finances are somewhat intentional. Back then, there were still stories about them not paying some talent and failing to help out with medical bills for talent hurt in the ring. At the same time as they were paying big money to Hogan, Bischoff, etc. The idea being is that if someone wants to run TNA, they have some decisions to make, money-wise. That said, the AI will almost always turn things around. I can't recall the last time I saw a test sim where TNA failed. I would actually like to have them with a failure risk of 10-20% but they generally seem to survive.


    I've added the relationships you suggested. And added Russo. I'm not his biggest fan so its not the kindest biography I've written.


    I don't disagree on it feeling a bit weird to see someone who's been with a company for years with few relationships. But how I've started to look at it is that TEW doesn't replicate the most basic positive and negative relationships that exist in a workplace. Loads of people in any work place have standard positive relationships - someone they might consider a friend and even hang out with, but its not a strong enough relationship that they are going to quit to follow that friend to another job. And the inverse is true - most of us have coworkers we dislike to some degree or don't get along with but most of those situations don't have a toxic impact on the workplace environment. The relationships that TEW provides are stronger and they have a big impact. So that's another reason I go with a more minimal approach.


    The New Japan guys in Noah is...not ideal. But they were on the roster, so....

  12. Update time! So this has been almost completely backburned because I didn't want to divert my focus too much from the 2013 mod. Now that's been released, I'm going to play a bit of TEW but I'm also going to put a bit of time into this.


    I'm currently at 25 workers. LOL


    So basically my methodology is using templates. I have about 25 of them. I have somewhere around 250 template workers, and am slowly filling those in to be complete workers. The upside to using the template method is that I can easily fill in a roster with workers that are at least an outline of a worker, allowing for testing.


    When I fill in a worker, its adding all the details, except a biography. Leaving those blank for the moment. Undecided whether I will do some custom-written bios like The Yes Mod has, or use organic biographies. Or some combination of the options.


    The one of the most time consuming aspects of filling in each worker is the employment history. I mean, I just filled in Curt Hennig, who debuted in 1980, and even he has a variety of companies he's already worked for. And someone like Abdullah the Butcher, its just a nightmare. I'm debating whether I should keep doing the histories. It would very much save time to do it later.... but I also agree with the advice in Derek's Mod Making guide that leaving those kind of details "for later" is dangerous because you probably never go back and deal with them. And I like having employment histories because it makes the world feel a bit more detailed, plus it really helps if I do end up using organic biographies.


    Regardless, I doubt this gets the kind of focused attention that The Yes Mod did and is going to come together slower. Its a smaller game world so that might not matter, but this will be a long long process, I imagine.

  13. Good to hear thank you for your work on this


    You're welcome! Just hope folks are enjoying it.


    At HWRP's suggestion, I ran a test sim for a few years to see if financial changes made much of a difference. It does look like a few companies struggle a bit longer than they did previously but most seem to end up making money. The companies that do die mostly are ones that actually did die, so I'm not inclined to go overboard to try to keep them active. The one that does go bankrupt that I'd like to keep active is BJW. Going to make a few small tweaks for a (hopefully not anytime soon) 1.2 version.

  14. By the time anyone reads this, the first post should be updated with 1.1. I'm running a short test and uploading while typing this.


    The big fix is the title belts. I have also switched to Teh_Showtime's Interesting Angle pack (plus a few of my own). The other fixes are what has been mentioned in this thread, plus a few Attributes. Only worked I've added is Dominick Mysterio. Not uploading the picture pack again as it should be good.


    I have also included the Intro screen that Asaemon kindly made. I think it looks awesome!


    I prefer brand split. That's the way I like to play but I think it's better for AI too.


    Had a busy week so haven't got so deep in the game yet. One thing I see is that Shield tag teams aren't set so they have no experience together. They started together late 2012 so they should have some experience by May 2013.


    Good catch. Added some experience for the trio.


    I prefer brand split as well and looking forward to the update!


    Any reason NXT has two tv shows? One is named NXT and the other is WWE NXT. One is taped in four show blocks and the other is one taping


    Deleted the 2nd NXT show. Just there in error. Thanks Jaysin!


    glad to see this get a full release, even though I found the beta to be near enough perfect for me :D


    Appreciate all your hard work BP!




    Well, the joshi scene got a lot of additions. Like, a LOT a lot. I'm sure there are still some who are missing but the scene debuts a lot of talent as the gameworld unfolds, so hopefully that makes it even more fun.


    Excited for this mod. Looks like a ton of work went into it and can't wait to play it. I downloaded the most recent version, though, and there are 26 critical errors in the data. Any idea how that happened and how to fix it? Thanks.


    It's because some titles have wrong title start dates. The newest patch put in a block to stop that from happening. BP said he's working on fixing them.


    Got it. So, is the previous, error-free version available anywhere? Because this mod is currently unplayable for me due to the errors. Or maybe there's a manual way to fix the errors?


    Either wait for BP to post his update or use the editor to fix the errors yourself.


    it was a patch to the game, that caused the issue, the mod will be fixed for it soon I'm sure


    The patch didn't cause an issue. The errors were already there, they just weren't stopping user from starting a game.


    If someone wins a title May 1st 2013, they shouldn't start as champion in this database as it's morning when the game starts. Only things that happen BEFORE the 1st of the month should be counted.


    All 26 errors are corrected on the 1.1 update. And like Jaysin and Jameschaos said, it was the most recent patch that began checking for reigns that started on or after the start date, so first day of May 2013. A lot of the vacant belts and almost all of the annual tournament belts had that because I think the game defaulted to that when they were created, hence the glut of errors.

  15. If anyone has upgraded to the newest patch and tried to start a new save, you will get hit with a long list of errors regaarding future title regins. In the process of fixing these and I will upload 1.1 later today. Have also fixed a few other small things and realized the Zero1 Fire Festival tournament lineage never got added.


    One more thing I noticed and I could be wrong but I think Randy Orton was a face at this time. Pretty sure he turned heel when he cashed-in at SummerSlam and joined/started The Authority


    Correct! He was indeed. Thanks and corrected.


    Related... A bit ago, I had started to go over the WWE roster to double check things and obviously never completely finished the process. One thing that is a bit of an issue is that the brand split exists but its fluid, so a lot of workers are without a brand. I could have just left the brand split out entirely, but I did find it testing better with at least a partial split for the AI.

  16. By far it turns out I meant 4 months, 4 months feels a lot longer when you realise its 56 shows ahaha.


    I'd consider that pretty deep. Takes a lot of shows to get that far with the WWE.


    Didn't realize you were YouTubing the save. Going to have to check those out. Love seeing someone playing it and sharing with others!


    Was playing about with the mod last night and noticed that Bobby Roode has his gimmick set as "Cowboy" in TNA. Really fun mod so far though


    Should be his default City Slicker. Good catch.


    This feels minor, all things considered, but Richie Steamboat should probably be in the database. He was out with a back injury around this time, but he was still under contract and it wasn't totally clear yet that he'd never wrestle again.


    Edit: Out of curiosity, what did you use for the venues?


    I'll be honest - I was really torn on Ricky Jr and several like him. The issue I kept running into but then if I'm going to include him, I also need (or want) to include his injury at its realistic severity, which means he wouldn't be back as an active wrestler and then I feel like its not worth including him... Including him but with the injury at what severity it was thought to be at the time feels.... gamey? I'm open, but that's why he was left out.


    And the locations pack is a mix. It came from a version of Genadi's 2001 WCW Lives mod that I edited quite heavily for personal play on TEW 2016, but I'm not 1000% if I used the Genadi base mod Locations files or another. I definitely edited it heavy - regions had changed a bit, plus I prefer the venue names to be the venue not, without the locale prefix some mods use. I started to edit it for 2020, with the changed and added regions, but never got through that much of it. Some regions need more venues. I imported a few from a mod someone did - I can't find it on the board now - but again, never got too far with it.


    Venues are one of those things that I have a particular preference for but they don't have a real impact on gameplay, especially with Locations now being a thing. So I will finish going thru, I just don't know when.


    2 things I noticed so far, both are in the venues.

    Under "Great Lakes" you have a duplicate with Joyce Center and Edmund P. Joyce Center. The other one is McArthur Court is in Eugene, Oregon which should be in the Northwest region


    Thank you! gonna be a few in the venues - see above.


    Dolph Ziggler has no pic attached.


    Think its just his WWE contract that doens't have one. But fixed. Thanks.


    Ric and Ashley Flair are missing blood relations. I Know its always the multitude of tiny details in a mod. Great job on 1.0.


    Weird. I remember creating it at one point. But good eye. I'll add it back.

  17. Happy to see folks downloading and hoping everyone is enjoying.


    A very self-serving, selfish request... I enjoy when folks share what they are doing in a save and I very much enjoy it when its from a mod I've worked on. Can be a basic overview or a detailed breakdown. I just enjoy. So if you are so inclined... please share what you are doing!


    Awesome! Loved the beta so am really looking forward to starting a new save with this version. Thanks for all the work you put into it.


    You're welcome and hope you enjoy it.


    Very happy to see a full release of this. Im quite far into my save now, so realistically what would stop me importing a few things, have any companies or workers been renamed since the beta that would create dupes?


    Curiosity - how far is FAR?


    I know El Generico became Rami Sebei. There may have been a few other name tweaks / corrections, but not many. Can't guarantee you won't end up with duplicate workers, but shouldn't be a ton. And shouldn't be any duplicate companies as I can't recall changing names on any of those recently.


    Let's gooo!


    So glad to see this get properly released.


    Hope you enjoy!


    Oh yeah! Sadly at work for the day but I hit it when get home. The beta was already one of the best (if not the best) RW mods on 2020. So glad you hit 1.0 release now!


    Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the beta and hope this one is even better for ya!


    Will there be an updated version of the GIF. picture pack to go along with the full release?


    Excellent question. And I have no answer. But that was all the work of gazwefc83 and I'm not sure if he will / can update or not.


    Looks good although I have found a few errors (in my opinion);


    Dolph Ziggler was still heel at this point, didn't turn until the month after. Also has no picture assigned for WWE contract.

    CM Punk - Heyman was still managing him until June

    Punk & AJ Lee didn't start dating until Septemebr 2013

    Sami Zayn has no picture assigned for NXT contract

    JTG had a strong friendship with Shad

    Ken Anderson reportedly had heat with Orton & Cena

    Kane & Undertaker had a strong friendship

    Shane McMahon should probably be set as left the business

    Dan Moloney - inflated skills and overness for a 16 year old unknown


    This looks like a really solid mod that I will be putting a lot of time into. If I find anything else I'll let you know.


    Some good catches. I've corrected most of them (for a future release only, though). Not sure how Dan Moloney ended up looking like that - he's been nerfed a bit and he starts with pretty much no popularity (instead of a bunch in the US which was.... inexplicable).


    I added Anderson-Orton but not Anderson-Cena. In general, I've tried to avoid having every relationship possible in there, especially ones based on rumors. Having a huge volume of relationships brings a game world to life for some, but it also slows processing, so I've tried to minimize them, to a degree.


    As for Shane...


    Please don’t do this. People set to ‘Left The Business’ can’t return at any point.




    It doesn't seem like Shane will necessarily go back to the WWE when he returns but keeping him out entirely is problematic.


    looking forward to playing it


    Awesome :-)


    Which product do you recommend to play as WWE?


    Thanks for your work, i've played the beta and this is really a great mod!


    Hmmm.... almost any of the Sports Entertainment products that come up under a WWE search would be pretty valid. Classic Sports Entertainment or Family Friendly SE.


    The point of using the Soap Opera SE was that it is (was) a way to limit the main event match grades for the AI. The AI is gonna book the likes of Brock, Punk, Triple H, DB, and others in TV main events all the time and some of those are gonna be STRONG matches. It won't keep the AI (or you, if you keep it) from having 90+ or even 95+ rated matches. Just a bit less frequently.

  18. <div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Thanks</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

    An incomplete but appreciative list of Thank You</p><p> </p><p>

    Mammoth – major contribution</p><p>

    Oyaji – major contribution</p><p>

    HWRP - major contribution</p><p> </p><p>

    Adam Ryland</p><p>






    Christian Shane</p><p>




    Dylan Zero Sky</p><p>










    I Effin Rule</p><p>












    Mr Creative</p><p>








    Sockpuppet - Injury mod</p><p>






    Tverse Team</p><p>



    Wweu5</p><p> </p><p>

    And many others that I've surely missed. All the assistance is very much appreciated.</p><p> </p><p>

    This mod is freeware. Anything can be used but credit is appreciated.</p><p>

    Pieces have been used from a lot of different sources, with credit sought where applicable.</p><p>

    Please reach out if you are intending to use the mod as a base for another mod.</p>

  19. The YES! Mod - 1.0 Release




    The YES! Mod


    The Yes Mod (TYM) is a TEW mod starting in May of 2013 that is built from scratch… sort of.


    This is a full release. However, I do expect that there will be an eventual subsequent release. Cannot provide any timeline on that.


    There has been extensive testing on the development of young workers (thanks to HWRP). But less focus on the development of debuting workers. That is an area that may require further refinement.




    -if you intend to book the WWE, you may want to consider changing the product to another SE variant. The one selected is meant more for the AI.

    -if you intend to book TNA, you may want to consider editing Dixie Carter's personality. The scumbag personality was meant to try to have TNA emulate some of the shady practices they have done under her leadership rather than truly represent her. The contracts situation in TNA is meant to create some challenge

    -NXT-UK is not in the data as its impossible to have it debut similar to how the child company actually exists and functions

    -almost nothing in the data is FINAL, so any suggestions will be taken into account. No guarantee they will be enacted

    -some things are certain ways for gameplay purposes, to keep things from being overpowered

    -quite a lot of top workers have had skills dropped to keep grades reasonable. As such, testing to see how the worker grades isn't a bad idea when making suggestions for major stars for big companies. Having just one of those being overpowered in terms of grades can unbalance things.

    -Attribute suggestions are very welcome. Some negative attributes are based on hearsay and rumor, others are random. If you aren’t sure, point it out

    -for workers with international recognition, popularity cascades to some level, similar to the Cverse

    -notable workers from small or above companies will typically have a small degree of international popularity, often about 5 points

    -I changed out the Work Name file to the Default one. The previous one resulted in some really fun combo names, but they happened way too often.



    1.04 Data - Released November 1, 2021



    Picture Pack

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  20. I'm assuming this starts right before Wrestle Kingdom 7? Such a great show and a fantastic start point for the Tanahashi/Okada feud... or to take the company in an entirely different direction


    Thanks for the shout-out, guys. Glad you are enjoying.


    It starts in May, so right as the first iteration of Bullet Club was forming.


    The beta is available to play. The first full release should be out fairly soon. It will have quite a few more workers than the beta and some refinements.

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