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Posts posted by Bigpapa42

  1. 2 hours ago, gazwefc83 said:

    That sounds awesome. Definitely keeping going, working on more as we speak. Tommy Cornell has me stuck, hes such an iconic character so i want to do him just, any real life people you think he ressembles looks wise?

    Hmmm... the Cverse icon is definitely a tough one. Don't at all mind Idolized's shout of Brosnan. But in my mind, more of the "aging" Brosnan than the early career appearance. Younger Bronsan is a bit too polished and pretty to what I imagine. Gerard Butler is another who has some of the look. With the nickname and Star Quality and backstory, I always thought of Cornell as a "ruggedly good looking" movie star type. More likely to be cast in an action movie than be the romantic lead in a romantic drama. The kind of guy who isn't that worried about how he looks, doesn't have a skin care routine, and has some "wear and tear" from a life hard lived. The kind of guy who Brits just see and immediately assume is "a hard man" because he has that look (I think that's probably more about how one carries themselves than appearance, but...). 

    Of the ones  you've posted so far, the only ones I didn't use as intended were Steve Frehley and Remo... Just reversed them as the vibe the Frehley render had was closer to what a lot of re-renders I have seen of Remo. 

    • Like 1
  2. Dunno if this is worth sharing but why not? Grabbed all the PNGs and started putting them on varied backgrounds. Prefer them zoomed in a bit more in-game. Which also kinda sucks at the same time because the wider view adds a lot, especially on workers wearing gear or with shredded builds. I'm also putting them on white backgrounds with borders, nGo style, because they are photo-realistic enough to be used as free pics in Real World mods. Can't wait to add them to the data properly and see what they look like in a save, but a few them are already getting me to rethink certain characters, which is just inspiring. 

    Again, great work on these. Hope you keep going. 

  3. Exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping for, so thank you. Couple of questions... How quick did you open a developmental company? Same for the broadcaster - how quick, how big, type etc? 

    Funny you mention the Japan schedules in the Tverse... With Mammoth posting up event pictures for all TV promotions, I spent time on the weekend downloading and adding them. Led to me toying with a UPJ save. which might happen down the road but really want to get at least a bit into a Burning Hammer save. But having a few Lesser shows makes a ton of sense. I've already added some additional tour shows for BOSJ and for a HW G1-esque tournament. 

    And I think I'm just stuck between the "preferred option" of doing a "add nothing" save where I run the default roster for at least awhile, one where I add a few workers but keep the numbers minimal, or doing that but also opening the developmental. I realize none are wrong and any should be fun. Its something I almost always struggle with deciding regardless of company. 

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  4. After messing with a few different Cverse saves (mostly SWF and TCW in both default and the 2010 mod), I found Arlovski’s AI renders for the Japanese wrestling scene (male side) and added those. They look amazing. He’s using them in his BCG diary and since I have a soft spot for Black Canvas, was tempted to go with them. But Burning Hammer is equally tempting. Gone back and forth on them a bit. The smaller roster of Black Canvas has its appeals, but I love the lore and pageantry (at least in my head-lore) of Burning Hammer, plus the product and the juniors. I have a load of fun creating both new and generational super juniors. 

    I’ve started saves and booked about a month with Burning Hammer 3 times now. I tend to do this – test saves to get a handle on the company, get comfortable booking the product and schedule, and to refine who I sign. Because bloating a roster is a specialty of mine. And its so tempting to do with Burning Hammer – a rebuild needed and snapping up talent (theoretically) helps weather the economic issues. And Japan has a LOT of available talent you can sign. Every puro company has a few talented or promising workers that aren’t loyal, so they can be signed away on exclusive deals. You can sign some really good loyal workers to PPA deals and play the long game of building their popularity to the point their home promotion can’t afford to keep them. There are some reasonably promising young free agents. And of course, a lot of gaijin. Even more if you ask some to make themselves available in Japan.

    My standard approach has been to open a child company (White Canvas Grappling) and stock it with some talent. I mostly avoid signing the loyal talent now. I don’t load up on too many gaijin. Its tempting to open a performance center but something that can wait. Same with opening a broadcaster to grow abroad. I’ve whittled down the list of who I tend to hire for the main roster to workers that feel either “must sign” or very useful. Takano, Miyamoto, and Kobayashi from PGHW. SUKI, Toshusai, and Furusawa from BCG. Yanagimoto (becomes Optimus II or Dark Optimus) and Orange Tsuchie from EX2010. Jayson van Pelt comes in as Black Cobra II. Last test save, I ended up signing 14 to the main roster. The problem is that outside of the 3 from PGHW, everyone has only regional popularity. Its not too hard to build them up a bit… but it gets hard to do that many all at once. Feels messy and unfocused. Also realizing that only PGHW has the ability to lock up a worker to an exclusive iron-clad deal in Japan, so I can add some of these more gradually. So I'm back to planning and trying to decide who to add now and who to wait on. 

    Also rethinking the child company. Its obviously useful to develop workers and most of the contacts for the developmental talent aren’t that expensive… but it’s a hefty investment.

    So… thought I would ask what others do? What’s your approach in a new save with Burning Hammer? Do you invest in a child company? Broadcaster? Performance Center? Drain the bank and do them all? What talent additions do you go after first? Who is your “must sign” talent? Even curious on what new units you create.

    • Like 1
  5. On 7/4/2023 at 10:46 PM, Jaysin said:

    This is a personal rule, but I don't hire any road agent with less than 70 psychology. Thankfully, working as a road agent increases the psychology skill itself. If you have the funds, good road agents can really help your talent grow. 

    Yeah, I'm pretty much the same. Maybe if I was running a really small company and there were no better options... but there always are. Even in the 70s gives me a bit of hesitation. 

    The funds aren't a HUGE issue but its also Japan and bad economy. But... experimentation made me realize giving a per show wage instead of monthly makes it far more reasonable. Like $1200 per show instead of $70,000 per month.

    On 7/5/2023 at 12:14 AM, Dave Mac said:

    I tend to have road agents who have positive personality traits as well. So basically a good guy backstage. Think Jim Ross in the attitude era. In my head they are that talent relations person keeping everything ticking over backstage as well. 

    Very much the same. I look for positive personalities. I love how someone like Enforcer Roberts keeps the roster in check, so I'm always seek that kind of influence. 

  6. Might be overthinking this because its late... but how much importance should I be placing on having truly great road agents? Have several with Psychology in the high 70s to high 80s. Respect is 100 or near to that. But there are a couple of legends I can talk out of retirement who have Psychology from the mid 90s to 100. Respect is equally high. So basically as good as you can get as a Road Agent. With strong personalities. But they come at a cost - a very pricey contract. Of note - its a company with a work-rate heavy product. 

  7. Apologies for the double posting....

    Thanks again for posting up the set of named renders. I thought the style looked cool when you first posted the Cverse background images, but wasn't sure how it would mesh with the other Cverse renders. And honestly, seeing a grid block of them doesn't do them justice. Seeing them in your BCG diary thread made me want to try them and boy, I'm glad I did. In game, you can really see the detail and personality that they have. 

    Spent some time this weekend getting them into the game. Now have this style for all pretty much all male Japanese workers. Can't wait to get a save going. 


  8. 7 hours ago, arlovski said:

    I was asked whether I could post the re-renders I am using in my current diary. Here they are: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ad1xugv31zpzsg0/rerenders.rar/file

    Some of these are overlapping with the ones I already posted. I just started creating these specifically for the diary, as I wanted to see if this is going to give me a more satisfying visual consistency. Also they are very BCG-focused at the moment, meaning it's people either working for BCG or potentially interesting for me when playing a BCG save. 

    You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

  9. 2 hours ago, Jaysin said:

    What about Xavi and Ring Generals? I paired OMA with Xavi as the Nu Wave. 

    Love me some ring Generals. But I have them ear-marked for another unit. 

    Even if I didn't, they are a bit older than I'd prefer, and both are technicians. Also lean towards heel. Being picky, I know. 

    Nu Wave. Nice. One of the names I've been toying with so you may have mentioned it before. Xavi and OMA as a pair might be a decent starting point, especially if whoever else I pick needs time for development. 

    Starting to think pairing a random duo or trio might be the best bet. Endless options but also endless possibilities. That can be fun. One of my favorite ever units I put together was a trio in some early releases of the Tverse. Wanted to create a Tverse version of the New Wave, ironically enough. Ended up putting together a mixed group that was a regular wrestler with good SQ, a lightweight brawler, and a MW technician. The idea was a long-term trio group with a para-military theme (this was before The Shield). Intended long-term story arc was always going to be a bit like what The Shield ended up being, except not all 3 were going to be stars. Maybe I can settle on a mixed group like that - Xavi, Ant-Man and someone more technical or a flier... just a nice mix of styles. 

  10. Okay, suggestion time. Looking for tag team suggestions for a specific team or workers who could be made into a team. I've looked a LOT of possibilities but figured I'd ask for some thoughts. 

    Haven't had a proper TCW save yet on the 2020 default data. So putting plans in place (which might be as far as it goes lol). Looking over the roster, looking over potential signings, trying to ensure I don't bloat the roster too grossly... Realize I miss The New Wave... but reforming them directly isn't that appealing. Always one of my favorite combos in the CV, and I love me some tag teams. The idea of a talented pairing where both were good enough to do well on their own, the military / paramilitary gimmick, and the ability to work great matches of any type... That just appeals to me. But instead of living in the past by resurrecting the dead team, I can recreate the past by rebranding a team to be a new version. So they become...

    The Newer Wave

    Uhhh... that won't be the name. But I figure I can find an existing team that kinda suits the idea, give em some free pic renders of face paint or even military-type masks. One Man Army will lead them, at least at first. Be the voice, even tho he's not great on the mic. So I start digging in the data for options. There are many. Too many. I'm getting bogged down in the options. Partly because I'm not being super restrictive in my search.

    I find some options. The likes of The American Cobras look close to ideal, but I keep looking. Casey Brothers are too raw and Tully is... not ideal. Have other ideas for the Night Terrors and Ring Generals. Dynamite Express aren't available. Notorious, Wild Cats, Yukon Boys, LA Stars, Rich n Famous, and Past Masters... none quite fit the targeted dynamics. Next of Vipers are a bit older than ideal. I was starting to troll thru Aussie companies and another idea kicked in. I had spotted Xavi Ferrera in PSW. OMA's protege and I think there used to be a face-painted alt of him. Used to add him as a third to The New Wave on older Cverse editions. Maybe I find another suitable candidate like Xavi and pair them as a new team? Or even add a third to team to make a trio (a la The Shield). Now there are way too many options lol.

    So what I'm looking for a team... individual workers (who can paired or tri'd up) or a team. Prefer under 30 and signable without editing. Fairly open on size and style, but big plodding super heavies or a duo of tiny flippy dudes isn't quite the ideal. Diverse styles and skills would be great, as I would love to emulate the "can work any style of match" dynamic that Guide and Scout had. They should be solid overall workers, decent Star Quality (60 plus), reasonably athletic, and without problematic issues (really negative personality, bad habits). Able to work babyface. They don't have to be American, but that does work nicely. They also don't NEED to be fully developed and ready for a big company, but it would be nice if they didn't need to percolate in developmental for a year before they can debut. For individual workers, there are a lot of "likely future stars" that I'd probably prefer to avoid (Ernest Youngman, Fro Sure, Blackfriar, Ash Campbell, DWN, etc). 

    Could fall into any of the three options...

    Option One - an existing team

    Option Two - a new team of individual workers. 

    Option Three - an individual worker paired with an existing team. 

  11. On 1/16/2023 at 2:47 PM, SomeLazyMagic said:

    The first guy who came to mind is the future Rogue, Jack Giedroyc, though he's definitely pretty raw as a talent at the start of the game. If you're willing to stick with him for development however, you could always give him some development in a cult run as simple acolyte fodder until he's ready to properly evolve and take up the character.

    Great shout and while he needs polish, the setup should allow that. But he's one of those I have some ideas for. Not that those ideas are necessarily amazing, but having him be aligned with that cult for a time is definitely a possibility. 


    On 1/16/2023 at 3:33 PM, Joshdb said:

    I'll throw Alexander Robinson's name out there. In canon in my mind, he evolves into the technician gaijin tag team worker, but he ticks all the boxes you are looking for, even charisma which surprised me a bit. I do love the idea of Chester Stein or Colin Kennedy though, because when on earth do people get a chance to run with them. 


    Its funny you mention Robinson (in a good way)... I hadn't really paid much attention to him and his partner until the most recent troll thru the CV97 worker list in search of this character. And I realized how good they already were and how much I NEEDED to make them a core tag team in Supreme. Already have some solid ideas there. Great suggestion but already tagged for another kind of greatness lol

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  12. 1 hour ago, Undertaker666 said:

    You can "tick" multiple messages and then delete them all in one go. When the forum changed over it took me a loooong time to remove the majority of them as I had PM's going back all the way to 2006!

    THANK YOU. I figured there had to be a more efficient way to do it than what I was managing. You description got me rolling and I'm all "clean" 

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  13. I just realized I'm at 778% capacity for PMs on here. Started trying to prune but its not really slick at all. The list of PMs on the left side reloads each time I delete one and I can't quite figure out how to sort them effectively. Plus deleting a thousand PMs one by one is... not appealing. Beyond just cleaning out the inbox entirely, any option?

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