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Posts posted by Bigpapa42

  1. Please comment with any suggestions to be added


    Great list!


    For additions.... hmm....


    So this is HIGHLY subjective, but definitely can add the attribute for some workers who can do Comedy. The subjective part is probably separating who can/has done comedy in matches and who does it WELL. Lots of the UK scene uses comedy at times. Lots of the WWE has had to do comedy at times - again, its a question of how well.


    The "Age Is Just A Number" attribute can be applied to a ton of veteran workers across the gameworld that are still good, despite being well past 40. Mexico has quite a few - Negro Casas, Black Terry, Dr. Wagner Jr all jump to mind. Japan also has quite a few, like Taskashi Siguira.

  2. <p>I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product on this, and quite enjoying the previews. </p><p> </p><p>

    As for the Miz, he looks very solid to me. Attributes are obviously always going to be subjective, but I've long viewed Miz as a prototype WWE wrestler. Basically, a solid and reliable performer who is rarely going to excel. He is much the same on promos - better than most on the microphone, but for me, he rarely breaks into that elite category with truly great promos. </p><p> </p><p>

    At the end of day, my preference will always come down to gameplay. I have just as much tendency as everyone to get caught in concerns over the skills, but it really comes down to how it emulates and plays. Even if Miz is capable of being better on the mic than he typically shows, this looks like it would emulate his "level" fairly accurately.</p>

  3. Ah yes, the infamous John Cone problem. The man who has me triple check every match out of fear. Having them be alter egos is a good idea, but would just be an extra step. Could just be worth putting in the notes/readme somewhere to add "Referee" to whoever's name when they retire in the editor. Like Drake Younger would be one I'd assume.


    I haven't done any graphic work on a major modding scale (or any modding scale tbh), but if you do end up needing help in that department, I'd definitely lend a helping hand.


    I may take you up on that offer somewhere down the road. Not going to tackle that part of the pic pack in the near future, though.


    Younger is indeed one, and he does have a Drake Wuertz alter ego with "Ref' in front of it lol. Just added him into the data last week.


    I would very much love to see a beta of this for 2016! I know the 2020 version is going to be incredible!


    I'll be honest - I've toyed with this. If nothing else, it would be great to see what some others think. I literally just shared the data with someone for them to take a peak at stuff and provide some thoughts for the first time since I started the project. I would love more feedback... but its not really teh right time.


    Nothing is complete yet. A couple of rosters are very close in terms of talent, but nothing is 100% done. Which is why testing isn't really doable yet. The focus right now is and kinda has to be on adding new talent. So while I need that feedback from the community, its just not the right point for it.


    One of the many lessons learned in this mod, for me, was that while I enjoy bouncing from game area to game area as I add more talent, a more systematic approach does have its advantages. Allowing for more accurate testing earlier in the process would be part of that.

  4. <p>Appreciated the reply, good sir. </p><p> </p><p>

    The ref naming convention is hardly a massive thing, but its a small one I dig. Biggest advantage is that it eliminates the old "meant to book John Cena vs Randy Orton in the main event and ended up with John Cone vs Randy Orton" mistake. Its not perfect - there a few workers who aren't primarily refs but do it sometimes, and it won't be consistent with refs who the game creates or workers who retire and become refs. I could have done it with alter egos and contract names, but have done it with their full name instead. That groups the refs for searches, as well for rosters. </p><p> </p><p>

    Sepia-toned images for the HoF/HoI might be ideal, especially looking at those examples (thanks for those, BTW). It looks good and can (potentially) be quite consistent. If memory serves, it was one of the options bandied about when the Mod Squad picked the Classic images coloring that we ended up going with. Back when I had Photoshop available, I think it had a pretty simple filter option for that. But I haven't found anything simple on GIMP yet. When I did a tutorial search, it was about 500 steps long and I don't think I even get far enough to try it. If I could find a process that wasn't hard to replicate, that would be a great option. Or I could ask around to find someone to tackle a batch of them for me, but I've been trying to avoid that with graphics for this project. </p><p> </p><p>

    If anyone knows of an online photo-editing tool that allows for easy and consistent sepia filters to be added to JPGs, I would be very open to using something like that. I haven't got too far into the HoF process yet - since title histories haven't been added yet and that's where the game mostly takes the data from - but I imagine it would be a pretty big batch of Classic agers needing to be recolored, hence why I hesitate to ask someone else to tackle it.</p>

  5. <p>Been a bit, so probably time for a bit of an update. Still working on this. Some other projects are ahead of it so I pick away when I have a bit of free time. We are now up over 1000 total workers. Still focusing on adding already-debuted talent, but I have spent some time doing non-wrestlers, which are generally pretty quick and painless to add in. Although its much more difficult to verify where they worked and when, outside of those who worked for the WWE or maybe TNA. </p><p> </p><p>

    As mentioned previously, I'm not really doing much in the way of testing at this point. The bigger concern is adding talent to fill in the game world. But the few test I have run are spitting out results along the lines of what I was hoping to see. I'm sure there will still be plenty of tweaks needed to optimize, but its too early to worry on that, especially with a conversion to TEW 2020 happening somewhere in there. </p><p> </p><p>

    Its tempting to post more frequently on the progress, like I do elsewhere, but the posts are more stream-of-consciousness of the process than actually providing updates so I expect that would probably get pretty old for you guys pretty fast. </p><p> </p><p>

    I did end up having Jim Lee as the owner of Attack. Another concession to game-play over realism was adding Hector Garza. In reality, Garza had to retire in late 2012 due to cancer and died in later May 2013. So he's technically alive when the mod starts. But that somehow feels wrong to have the mod keep him alive, so I've set him as deceased to start. </p><p> </p><p>

    A couple thing I'm seeking feedback / suggestions on....</p><p> </p><p>

    1. Classic Agers and Deceased Workers - so I'm blatantly stealing a few things from the ThunderVerse. One is having anyone who's primary role is a ref to have that in their name. I was also going to have any workers who are deceased to have Worker Images in black and white. They would also probably be peak-career cuts rather than end-of-career images. But... that would end up overlapping with something I was going to do for Classic Agers for anyone in the Hall of Immortals or a company Hall of Fame. I did a bunch for another mod I worked on, using career peak cuts in black and white, which made for a nice consistency to the HoI and HoF sections. Having both those and the deceased worker images in black and white isn't wrong, but not sure its ideal. I thought about doing one set in some other color tone - sepia or whatever, kinda like the Mod Squad pic pack had them done - but honestly, I haven't find a filter on GIMP that worked in a consistent way that made them look nice (I'm sure that's my failing, not GIMP's, but still...). So open to suggestions, even if its just so ay that having both deceased workers and HoI/HoF cuts in black and white is fine by you.</p><p> </p><p>

    2. Anyone on here who is very familiar with the Aussie scene and wouldn't mind dropping some knowledge on me.... wanna post or DM? Sorta same for the UK and European scene. Particularly looking for non-wrestler knowledge on that one. </p><p> </p><p>


  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47289" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Can someone summarize what needs to be done to convert? The way this works is that the convertor will automatically translate everything to the new engine, except of course the new features which could either be filled in automatically based on previous values, or just standardized.<p> </p><p> So what's new? </p><p> </p><p> - Some stats are changed like "submission"-"mat"-"chain"-wrestling being 1 stat now. I think the way this worked in WMMA4 is that the game takes the highest stat of the 3 instead of an average.</p><p> - There's the face/heel-attributes, but luckily Adam mentioned the game is smart and will give the attributes based on the ratings.</p><p> - Angles should automatically get tags based on title/content.</p><p> - ???</p><p> </p><p> So hopefully all you need to do is a check-up and just add whatever you want to add.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No one really knows for sure until the game releases. On the past couple of TEWs, the conversion process did 90% of the work. But that 10% was a difference-maker. You could absolutely play a 2013 mod converted straight t 2016 but thing would be... wonky. On that one, a big change that required updating was broadcasters. without updating, any company could get any broadcast deal and that made things unfold weird. That wasn't hundreds of hours of editing to get the broadcasters to fit the 2016 model, but it was some work. </p><p> </p><p> Looking at the 2020 changes, there are some changes that will almost certainly require some manual attention post-conversion. Company products, Attributes, dojos, maybe schedules.... </p><p> </p><p> For me, the 2013 mod I've been working on will be converted over. As much as possible, I've been putting it together with a 2020 conversion in mind. But I can't see it being near ready by the time the game launches so it won't be out for awhile. And has already been said, I will want to actually PLAY TEW 2020 so that will further delay things.</p>
  7. Looking for some help, if anyone knows / can find a good source of pictures for the following companies I would extremely appreciate it.


    AAA , CMLL , BJW


    Also here's a teaser, I finished AJPW today




    Awesome to see some teasers.


    You've probably checked, but I was able to find halfway decent images on the official BJW site. Isn't too bad to navigate around if your browser is able to translate. The worker pics that show up on the work page aren't huge, but you can right click on them to View Image and they are decently sized for cuts. The watermarks on some of them are not ideal, but they are usable and seem to be fairly current.


    The same was true of one of the two lucha company sites... I wanna say AAA had ones that worked for and CMLL didn't, but I might have them reversed. Lucha Wiki is a great resource for info, but its spotty for pics. Some aren't that recent and some workers only have 1 or two. But it can be worth checking.


    Otherwise, I've had some luck bashing around on Google and Facebook but that's more for specific workers.

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Historian" data-cite="Historian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="42115" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The game won't let you load a game where people have two positions of power, whether that is own one and are booker as another, or booker in both places. I've tried it before and even just did a quick retest to see if I was remember it correctly.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you much and I suspected as much.</p>
  9. Figure this is as good a place as any to ask.... Owners and bookers... In the 2013 mod I'm working on, the WWN-affiliated companies are pretty incestuous with owners and bookers. I don't think TEW would like it if one worker was an owner of two separate companies.... but what about someone owning one and booking another? Has anyone tested that to see if it causes conflicts, errors, or generally wonky outcomes?
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mammoth" data-cite="Mammoth" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Adam has gone over this in some of his most recent posts. In layman's terms, it sounds like modifications convert from TEW16 to TEW20 pretty well but as always, there will be some work for modification makers to do to ensure all the new features work correctly. So basically, a lot of modifications will be playable but it'll probably be a few months (some may even be sooner because I know a lot of people work quicker than me) before anyone releases anything specifically for TEW20.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is my thought too. I've read through the features list more times than I can count and it doesn't SEEM like any of the additions will be conversion-impacting to the point of breaking a mod. I mean, TEW 2013 mods converted to TEW 2016 were fully playable. It just didn't make full use of some of the new additions, and the game world did funky things because of the broadcaster changes.</p>
  11. As I read through it, I thought about a faceless owner, so I do think your idea for a group would be a good idea. Like you said, not ideal, but I think it's a good option. Would just have to add a note saying if ATTACK ever closes or something, have users set him to retired or something like that.


    I think Lee being the owner is a good one as well. Again, not ideal, but he's still involved with ATTACK (I think anyways), so I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility. As long as its in-house it's fine and I don't imagine many would be too broken up about not being able to sign Lee exclusively.


    Neither response is really a definitive answer haha, but I don't think you could go wrong with either one. Sacrificing a bit of realism for playability shouldn't harm anything in the long run.


    Thanks for the reply. I'm thinking I will try to see what information I can find for Lee as that might dictate whether he's included or not at all. But I'm kinda leaning toward having it be him, with the "consortium" as a backup plan.


    As for the bolded, that's pretty much the approach I'm taking with the mod as a whole. Playability is what I'm aiming for more than anything else.


    Another ownership situation I'm mulling is that of Jersey Championship Wrestling. Big thank you to Mammoth for helping to make sense of a messy situation. I have JCW in the data because they were bought in 2015 and became Game Changer Wrestling. They opened in 2001 but didn't really seem to run shows between 2004 and late 2013, but there were some NWA links. Apparently the owner of JCW sold the company in 2004 and got it back in 2013, which is when they started running JCW shows again. So it probably shouldn't be an active company at the start. I will probably have them "open up" in late 2013. And if JCW doesn't survive in tests, I can always have it open as GCW in 2015 instead. the latter might be easier in terms of accurate ownership and product and such.

  12. Hard to say what my plans are. So much is dependent on what happens with the Cverse. The changes to the companies will probably dictate what companies interest me. TCW is my usually default, but they could be closed up. Burning Hammer are another one I love to run, but again, they could be utterly wrecked from the tsunami. SOTBPW interest me more now that I'm watching lucha libre, but they were pretty stacked in TEW 2016, so... it depends.


    Beyond that.... well, it will depend on what mods are released at what point. I don't expect there to be fully converted mods for 2020 for awhile.

  13. Question


    Question #3 - Ownership of Attack Pro Wrestling


    So Attack Pro Wrestling is one of many British companies in the data. In a sense, there is probably too many but there is a lot of young talent so it provides a lot of places for them to work. I'm sure that a few will fail in most saves. Attack has never been all that big, at least from what I understand, but it provides a slightly different product that most BritWres companies.


    The concern I have is the ownership. Attack was founded in 2011 by Pete Dunne and Jim Lee (ring announcer). Lee left in 2012 and the company is "run by a regularly-changing collective of British Wrestlers", which currently is comprised of Dunne, Mark Andrews, and Chris Brookes. Companies with a group of owners are always a bit dicey to pick out who to be singular owner in TEW terms. Dunne would make the most sense to me, but that creates a problem. As long as Attack is active, he won't take a Written deal elsewhere which means he can't be put into an NXT-UK type situation, making it impossible to replicate what actually happened. Dunne is a popular talent that I'm sure a lot of folks would like to use in some direct way, but him owning Attack in TEW would limit that a bit. Still having Lee as the owner solves that, but feels... as inaccurate as it would be.


    Another option, which I hadn't really considered, would be emulate what a few mods have done and represent the collective as a single worker. Name them something like "Attack Ownership Group", give them some funny pic, and no skills except ownership. I was trying to avoid that, but it might be the best option.


    So... thoughts?

  14. Would offer to help but my free time isn't so free at this point with some projects of my own going on. I have gotten into lucha recently, in part due to one of those projects. When it comes to disposition, I'm finding its actually not as tough as other types of wrestling to figure out the face / heel dynamics. Generally talent doesn't flip flop from rudo to technico and back too often. So that helps. Between Wikipedia and Cagematch and LuchaWiki, you can sort a lot out. Like if you see on someone's Wiki profile that they have always worked rudo, or had a big rudo turn in 2014... Well, you know the disposition of that worker. And then look at who they teamed with, who they feuded with, etc. You can figure out most of a roster that way.
  15. Managed to hit 800 workers, so I figured I would mark another milestone with an update post. I updated the progress post on the first page, although I didn't start up a save to check and update the Top 25 (actually 45) workers. It may have changed slightly.


    My focus has been on active wrestlers. A few yet-to-debut workers do sneak in there, and I have added some non-wrestlers (refs, broadcasters), some road agents, and a few legends. Its tempting to do more of those, but adding active workers who are working for at least one company fills in the game world more and that's been the intent for awhile. My "who to add" technique has evolved slightly. I went from doing it pretty randomly to focusing on specific game areas, then specific companies (not to the point of completing the roster but filling it in more). And lately, I've just been grabbing a section of the tracking spreadsheet, adding 5-10 wrestlers that are listed in a row alphabetically and then converting them over. End up with a variety of talent going in.


    It sound weird, but an area that is lacking in the mod currently is lower level workers. The types who are mostly Es and Ds. Not the most exciting to add, but a mod needs them. I don't intend to do skill scaling to the degree that some modders do, but I do definitely intend to do some analysis of skill averages and compare that to the Cvere and Tverse. Its tempting to do that already but I know things would skew high because I've been adding in the higher level workers.


    I do have a question I will throw at you folks soon as there is something else I would like some opinions on.

  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gord" data-cite="gord" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41411" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>@dalton0911 I tried to dip my toes in the puro waters for the first time by using HONOUR. However, I found booking three “house shows” a week (with few angles) incredibly repetitive and I got rather bored with it before I even got started (I book all of my shows three months in advance). <p> </p><p> Seeing your methodology might help ignite a spark again, but I’m not hopeful.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Puro can be repetitive and overly structured, regardless of the mod or company. Which means it isn't going to be for everyone. But a few things that can help....</p><p> </p><p> 1. Units. They give more structure and reason to those 3v3 and 4v4 and 5v5 tour show matches. They provide easy storylines with rivalries, betrayals, switches, etc. </p><p> </p><p> 2. Structure. There are a load of ways to embrace this. But have some rules in place. Whether those are just takings rules from existing real companies or finding your own. But stuff like 1v1 should never by heavyweight vs junior, except with special circumstances. </p><p> </p><p> 3. Naming. This one might just be, but I find it easier to stick with a set structure when the names represent it. So I when working with different divisions, I will create match types that have that as part of the name. Just a standard match otherwise, but with "name value" so it shows up the show history as "A defeated B in a Super Junior match". </p><p> </p><p> 4. New Juniors. Probably my favorite part of puro was with BHOTWG in the Cverse mod where I learned to embrace the SJ division and run with it. I created new versions of classic SJ characters and just generally had a load of fun with it. </p><p> </p><p> 5. Tournaments. And tournaments. And more tournaments. Honor already has 1. But most of the real puro companies have a variety. Tag League. Junior Grand Prix. Junior Tag League. Young Lion Cup. You name it. Creating a tracking spreadsheet and get cracking. Love a good tournament or Grand Prix.</p>
  17. I bashed around on Risky Business with the WWF and quite enjoyed it. I didn't go as long with the save as I hoped to, because I couldn't apply any level of restraint to signing future stars and hightlighting Hogan to the degree I did gets old.


    When it comes to mods, my technique is always to run a watch sim for about a year. That way, I can see what the AI manages to do with a given company and how it grades. I know I can book better than the AI by a grade or two, so it sets a baseline expectation for me and lets me see how the mod simulates.

  18. Very much agree with Historian - there aren't that many dead-on equivalents. In that they match up to the Real World worker all the way around. Skillset, render, gimmick, personality, career-arc, character...


    I've been doing quite a lot of this kind of thing lately, as I'm assembling a real world mod by importing Cverse and Tverse workers that resemble a given RW in terms of skillset and adapting them. Its a bit different when you just look at the skillsets and not the other elements. You can end up being surprised with how matches up similarly. And who doesn't.

  19. Was hoping to hit 700 workers this weekend and fell just short. But I'm getting close. I will update the front page with new the info once I'm there.


    I did add in Tokyo Joshi Pro. And I will be adding minis.


    I'm really looking forward to this mod. I recall that you helped me out in the rare instances of me posting threads on this forum so I can't wait to see what you offer with a mod. Thank you!


    Also if you ever need any testers when the time is right please feel free to PM me. I would be more happy to do it and would try to be detailed as possible.


    Glad I could help you out, and even glad-er you are looking forward to this. I appreciate the offer and will definitely be looking for help testing it down the road. I have actually started toying with the idea of creating a few Google docs sheets that I can share where people can add in things they see wrong, errors, what they would like added, etc. Seems like it might be a slick way to do it.

  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mammoth" data-cite="Mammoth" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47090" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Shifting Sands has an assortment of minis in it and like everything I do, they're full to the brim with information so you're more than welcome to take a gander. Personally, I do their skills like any other worker because some of them are actually better workers than three quarters of "normal" wrestlers, and they shouldn't be dampened just because they're a mini. The <strong>only</strong> skill that I don't quite tally the same as regular sized workers is power, because more often than not they obviously don't have the same strength as their peers. I do agree they should be semi-active though as it not only reflects their real life availability, but it's a big help with TEW mechanics as it stops them asking to be on TV more than they would in real life, and also saves you from pushing them unnecessarily. So yes, I'd definitely include them as they've always been a reliable sideshow in Mexico but I just wouldn't add too many, because if you try to add every mini you come across you'll drive yourself mad and it just won't work too well in the modification. The site I've supplied with our recent private messages - luchawiki.org - actually supplies a lot of detail and often explains which mini was which at certain points at times, so I'd point you in their direction if you decide to include 'em.<p> </p><p> As for DDT and TJP, I think you pretty much hit it on the head about waiting to see how it converts from TEW16 to TEW20 because by all accounts, it seems company relationships are going to change a lot so there might be a way to simulate it next year.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Oh, awesome. I had actually started bashing around in mods yet, looking to see which ones included the minis and who hadn't. You might be one of the few. I'll have to start deciding who goes in. Definitely won't be looking to add everyone. </p><p> </p><p> Luchawiki has been getting plenty of work. Great resource. Between it and Cagematch, its usually enough info for most workers. I've only run into a few with very little information available on either site. </p><p> </p><p> Speaking of those PMs... unbelievably helpful. Thank you again. Been going thru the list and adding refs. Got about 15 new ones in already. I found a slick little system. I've also been finding cuttable pics for most, so that is another concern has basically taken care of it itself.</p>
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