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Posts posted by Bigpapa42

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="JoMo" data-cite="JoMo" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Please stop to bring the Political Topic to the table. <p> The biggest Wrestling Promotion Held an event in Asia this year, the stadium was sold out twice. Therefore there is a market for Wrestling. And thats what the Game should be all about. Not politics.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I wasn't pointing it out as an attempt to "bring politics to the table". I was trying to point out the reality that it was not a standard WWE show that was promoted in the normal way for the normal reasons. Even leaving aside any issues with what government it was, it was still a government paying the promoter massive sums of money to hold those shows. Take that away and those shows almost certainly do not happen. So pointing them as "we should be able to promote shows here" isn't the strongest argument when those two shows were not promoted as wrestling shows normally are, or how it works in the game.</p>
  2. Absolutely acceptable, but why won‘t you include Asia? For example WWE held two shows this year in Saudi Arabia.


    They did... but those were not exactly "normal" shows held for typical reasons. They were also come with a huge amount of baggage. TEW obviously doesn't need to include the reasons for that baggage, but "shows purchased for government propaganda" isn't really ideal reasons to include shows either.

  3. Todays feature is interesting. Not something I've ever thought "man, we absolutely need that", but I've thought about a few features over the years that ended up being significant for me in TEW lol


    Meant to mention yesterday, regarding the discussion of event importance (YES!) and the possible suggestion of "Go for Broke" events. I quite like this thought. If a company is doing that, its basically a matter of marketing, no? They are pouring more time and effort into marketing it. That means both money and time. So you can select it at the last minute - has to be a certain length of time out, and once selected, your marketing costs go up two, three or even four-fold. You would have to achieve a certain show quality for it to be considered a success (this should be provided when first selecting and before finalized). If you are a storyline based company, maybe even require there to be storylines of a certain heat level for the show. The risk should be beyond financial, though. If you don't deliver, company popularity, prestige, momentum, event prestige... all take a hit. If you succeed, it impacts the things to a slightly bigger degree than a good show normally does. To prevent it from being exploited or exploitable, limiting its frequency of usage (once every couple of years, maybe) and restricting the impact of "add-ons" like celebrities, etc, would seem reasonable.

  4. Hirobumi Takimoto! I've had very good luck with him in my save(s). Got lucky enough to have good chemistry with Naozane Goto and they had a short title run up to the point that Goto did what Goto does and got mad about a disciple issues and left the company.


    How's attendance been up to this point? Where are you finishing in the regional battle? Have you been really raided yet?


    Takimoto indeed. I want to pair him with Rokuemon as a tag team like Wild II. I will probably even name them Wild II lol


    Attendances have been between 200 and 600. I've been running the events in the home region and they've been around 3K. But I've still lost $450K in the two months. I finished 3rd in January but after upping the production values, finished 2nd in February. Finished off the first tour last night and advanced through the off month in March. Things got.... bad.


    Fully expected to lose talent. But it got a bit messy. Burning Hammer has been predatory from the start, and they've mostly poached GCG, which led to the Golden Canvas poaching us. But GCG just hit Cult so they got more aggressive. I lost Sojoro Sen, Roku Satomura, Inejiro Yoshizawa, and Dynamite Narahashi pretty early. Part of why I went on a signing spur to grab guys who would become loyal. But through the March break, we also lost Finlay, Yoriie Ippitsusai, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Kadonomoro Misaka, and I think there was an offer Sharaku Okimasa. GCG are now offering written deals like Burning Hammer, so even if it was tempted to try to outbid them to try to keep one or two workers, I really can't (and it would screw the finances so it would be a poor decision anyway). I counted 10 departures, and there might be a couple more who have signed and haven't left yet. I legit lost count. The starting roster is 20 so I've lost AT LEAST half of it, possibly more. None of them are truly irreplaceable talent, but the midcard is gutted and it makes building up the new generation tougher. The team of Kadonomoro and Kiyoka was going to anchor the tag division, and several of the departed were in the Grand Prix. I'm having to replace about a third of the Grand Prix participants.


    I am really tempted to call this a learning save and start over, control the roster bloat a bit more, and be more prepared for the possible complete carpet-bombing of my roster. The only thing that is making me hesitate is Takimoto, which I'm pretty sure was a random event and I don't expect PGHW would release him like that in another save. But I also don't think its enough to keep going with it.


    One thought... With GCG at cult, they would no longer be involved in the regional battle, would they? Meaning I could win it potentially?

  5. <p>Just about to finish the first tour. We are down $400K at this point so money is beginning to make me sweat a bit. I did raise the production in early February so the penalties are gone. Every show raises our popularity, which is nice. The popularity of the top stars hasn't moved much. Promo angles keep their momentum really high, so it should start to shift. Best show I've managed so far is a C+. </p><p> </p><p>

    American Demolition won the Big Battle TagMania tournament. I wanted to go with Black on Black (Kiyoka and Kadonomaro Kamisaka, with good chemistry), but they didn't increase their popularity quick enough to make it workable. </p><p> </p><p>

    The first matches of the Maeda Grand Prix are underway. Two blocks of 6 so its not huge, but I'm enjoying booking it. Feels weird to have it split up by a tour break, but it works so whatever. I upped my shows to 1.5 hours so each show is 3 GP matches and 1 more match, plus a couple of promos. </p><p> </p><p>

    I keep adding to the roster. A pretty decent randomly generated worker came through and I signed them. They are raw but look to have potential. Then PGHW cut one of one of this young "future stars". Can't recall the name, but he is basically a clone of Rokuemon Matsushita. Another big bashy boi witih Stamina issues but good Star Quality. Don't know why PGHW let him go but he's in the BCG fold now and loyal. I will absolutely be trying to pair them as a tag team.</p>

  6. <p>El Horse, thank you kindly. Its great to read stuff about how you've done and how the gameworld has unfolded around your BCG. I love threads like this for that very reason, but a lot of the recaps people have provided on here was back before the loyalty-fixing patch, so that makes a big difference. </p><p> </p><p>

    It was indeed Kikuchi and Shimizu that I stole from GCG. I figured they would be pretty useful even if they never become stars. I've really come to value midcard workhorses with enough skill to put on a solid match with anyone, and I hope they will both be that. </p><p> </p><p>

    I haven't touched the production issues yet. Maybe I will for the spring tour, as getting rid of those penalties will make a difference in the show grades and help growth, which helps make more money.</p>

  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tag01" data-cite="Tag01" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41393" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Regarding Rokueman, I’ve had great luck with him. But until his stamina improves he can’t be your ace. He’s a great special attraction though.<p> </p><p> My last game I had him tag with Motoyuke miyake since they had chemistry. They did a menace angle prematch on most shows (elaborate entrance) and rarely lost. Within 9 months he was the third most popular wrestler in Japan. His matches weren’t great because of time limitations but you can stretch a tag match with him into 20 minutes. I would have them dominate the tag ranks but have him put over a rising star in a singles match every couple of months.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice. </p><p> </p><p> I have him in the unit headed by Razan Okamon, so they will tag together sometimes. That should help address the Selling to some degree. The Stamina is going to be a slower process. I was considering having him work regular dark matches against local hires and just constantly push each one to the edge of what he can do. That should gradually push up the Stamina. I haven't started doing that yet because I don't want to spend the money just yet. </p><p> </p><p> I did drop the match-angle ratio to 90-10 and have been running some talk angles, emulating the big stars say something on the mic before or after the match. In Burning Hammer, it drew strong grades, skyrocketed momentum and that then helped push popularity up. The grades are not awesome so far but it looks like its probably helping with momentum.</p>
  8. <p>Thanks El Horse. </p><p> </p><p>

    So rolling with a BCG save. An entire 2 weeks in. Just held Heritage. Things are decent so far. Most shows are growing the company. Funakoshi is a monster and I love him. We are losing money and I bloated the roster. </p><p> </p><p>

    I typically take a "learning save" to get a handle on a promotion, so this might turn out to be that. I've done a touring promotion enough times, but not at this size. The reality of having to watch the spending isn't something I'm overly used to as a I typically go for bigger companies. </p><p> </p><p>

    -I am using Maeda as much UC. My typical approach. The upside to it is that I could offer Razan, baby Taku, and Tanyu more money than Maeda as an owner would otherwise let me. So I beat away GCG to keep them. Razan and Taku are now loyal. Tanyu is not, so I will probably lose him down the road. Trying to build some positive relationships around him to maybe help that. </p><p> </p><p>

    -I always bloat my roster, so I... bloated my roster. We've lost 3 to GCG so far and I released a couple of the less talented oldheads. I compensated for the losses by signing about 15 young workers who became loyal. Thankfully most of those are on lower-wage contracts, so even if they don't get used, I'm paying as low as $200 downside to keep loyal young workers. I also signed a couple of the non-loyal GCG youngsters to touring deals so they would leave GCG - when the touring deals are up, I will try to sign them and make them loyal. I also have a couple of touring deals for workers who are contracted to but not loyal to other companies - the touring deal didn't force them leave since we aren't at war. </p><p> </p><p>

    -wanted to run Big Battle TagMania as a proper tag team grand prix but doesn't seem like the best idea so probably going to emulate Dark Raider and do it as an elimination tournament. The Maeda Grand Prix is going to be a GP but with the March break and the event in week 2 of April, I am going to have to emulate DR again and start the matches after Tag Mania, but I may also have to move the event back a bit. </p><p> </p><p>

    -lost $65K so far in the first two weeks. Some of that is going to be the signing bonuses - I gave out as little as I could but it does add up when its a handful of wrestlers. I've also been running 1 hour tour shows with only a handful of matches so I am trying to have some restraint. </p><p> </p><p>

    Its weird. I partly miss the financial laissez-faire-ness of running Burning Hammer, plus the fun of coming up with new masked Super Juniors. But trying to build up this company through the small group of loyal young stars is also appealing. My main question at this point is whether the signings I've made are going to unhinge the finances to the point that I need to start over (making this one the afore-mentioned test save) or whether I can make it work.</p>

  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>On that note, could we please have guest/replacement referees be rated on their Overess instead of actual refereeing skill? I think the reasoning (and real life examples) are pretty self-explanatory...</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I thought this was already the case?</p>
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LloydCross" data-cite="LloydCross" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>My understanding of Commercial versus Subscription game mechanic wise is Sub has more money potential and Comm has more popularity potential. There might be slightly different requirements to realize those gains.<p> </p><p> The most realistic for WWE Network is subscription because that's literally what it is. Having it as a commercial network would be like if WWE network were something you could just flip through on cable (like USA), which probably wouldn't fly real well with there actual commercial TV deals.</p><p> </p><p> And frankly, making a new commercial broadcaster isn't particularly realistic in real life for anyone that isn't already a telecommunications company (think Comcast, GE, other major networks) since you have to have enough money/pull to actually get cable providers to offer it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fairly accurate. And it makes sense. How many people are going to want to pay for a subscription to watch something they aren't already a fan of? Its not a strong way to draw in new fans. It takes advantage of existing fans moreso.</p><p> </p><p> And the WWE Network does (or at least did) function as a commercial network to an extent in some areas. When the WWE Network first launched here in Canada, it was only available on some cable carriers. When my cable carrier first started carrying it, they didn't offer the streaming service. The "$9.99 per month" got you a stand-alone WWE channel that showed 24 hour WWE programming, including the PPVs, NXT, etc. It took about two more years for the streaming version to be added. That was kind of a mixed situation and down to a whole host of reasons. But if the WWE had done that more widely and made their money from running more ads while being included in cable packages rather than as a stand-alone... that would have essentially been what the Commercial network in-game is. Both they launched their own subscription networks, both the WWE and UFC looked at buying existing channels to do that. So its not unthinkable.</p>
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="moafnsteel" data-cite="moafnsteel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41393" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>BigPapa, if I am not mistaken isnt Tanyu signed to PGHW? I don't have the game in front of me to look. I know when I play PGHW he is always somebody I push, but I cannot remember if I sign him or if he is already signed to a PPA because for some reason PGHW has some people on PPA.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nope, he starts at Black Canvas so you grabbed him right at the start. I do the same when I'm running Burning Hammer - he's an almost-certain star and pretty solid to begin with.</p>
  12. <p>Regarding promotions being added.... one thing I've found in real world mods that endeavor to include every small promotion under the sun is that there ends up being a huge amount of overlap. You have a bunch of smaller indy promotions with essentially the same product and many use the same talent. Unless the modder (or something helping with the mod) is very familiar with the promotions, then products are generic and the local guys (some of whom might actually be local stars for the indy company) are very generic low-level workers in the mod. It ends up creating a huge degree of repetitive redundancy, even beyond the concerns about data size, etc. </p><p> </p><p>

    Just what I've seen a few times over the years on mods.</p>

  13. <p>I've booked a bit in Japan. I had nice saves with Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods a few times, including one on TEW 2016. I've also been messing around with Noah in a 2001 mod. So I've got a bit of the routine down for a touring Japanese promotion. But BGC is also different from both of those. Burning Hammer is a monster and I didn't really worry much about loyalty because I could just sign them to written deals. Noah was the same, and while money is a concern there, there is a lot more in the bank to start. I don't do regional sized companies much and with bigger companies, money is generally less of a concern. So the dynamics I'm not used to with BCG will be watching the finances very closely and dealing with talent being poached. </p><p> </p><p>

    The intent would be to build around the loyal guys only. Other companies are too predatory to trust them lol</p><p> </p><p>

    I assume that it must be age with Tanyu. He has 4 years experience but he's 26. The other two have 4 and 6 years experience but are both 24 years old. If I can keep 2 of the 3, that's still pretty good with what the company already has. But even just testing for a few weeks, I see how hard it will be to keep good midcard and upper midcard vets. Not much that can be done to keep those and trying to outbid the bigger companies doesn't seem ideal. </p><p> </p><p>

    Another question.... Rokuemon Matsushita. Have people managed to develop him into a true star? He intrigues me significantly, but he needs more work than most of the top prospects in the company.</p>

  14. <p>Thanks for the reply, Raider. Pretty much what I was hoping about the finances. </p><p> </p><p>

    For a junior division, I was indeed thinking a standalone division, though not necessarily with the weight split on or with a huge number of workers. It would definitely be down the road, once the finances are solid (beyond the Tsunami) and possibly just once the company is safe at Cult. It would be junior division, not Super Junior, if that makes sense. </p><p> </p><p>

    So I tested a little. I managed to keep Yoshinak Taku, Tanyu Toshusai, and Razan Okamoto. Razan and Taku became loyal to us when they accepted the new deals, but Tanyu didn't. I'm pretty sure CGC was bidding for all three but I deleted the emails so I can't check. Anyone have any idea why Tanyu wouldn't have become loyal? </p><p> </p><p>

    Also, I thought I read earlier in this thread that touring deals would result in loyalty but I tried it with a couple of workers and it didn't. Which makes sense. So PPA deals are required, but does do they only become loyal on an extension?</p>

  15. Couple of questions for those who have or do run Black Canvas...


    The finances. Jon ran a really tight ship in his second save and Dark Raider kept the production values down, despite the penalties. So... how tight are the finances?


    Does anyone create a junior division? No super juniors, but just junior heavyweights? Or do you all keep it single division due to the canon?

  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Spud1305" data-cite="Spud1305" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Reading this has got me interested in starting a game in Japan. This has probably been asked before, but I didn't see it, what stats / skills does everyone look at when scouting potential signings? I've been looking at good performance skill, athleticism and high flying. Just curious to see what others look at <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well, are you looking for a heavyweight or a junior? Generally, I want strong Performance skills and at least somewhat decent top-row skills. Athleticism is nice, more particularly in a junior, and Resilience is important given the nature of the product. Star Quality is nice but less required if I don't see the worker as a potential star. Age and experience levels are a factor I take into account when looking at a potential signing - a young raw prospect will be held to a different standard than an experienced wrestler I want to step into the mid-card.</p>
  17. This is what I thought the problem might be and that's what I decided to do. I signed Jack America and Seven Brandt and think they might be good as future Figureheads.


    Not sure Seven is quite high enough in Star Quality to be a truly ideal figurehead. By memory its around B- or B.


    The short-term goal should be more about getting the overall popularity of your upper card up. That will help more with the match grades to anchor overall shows. Don't have the game in front me to confirm, but again by memory, the main event scene of PWI has a bit of a range of popularities. And the upper midcard obviously a step below that. Getting an easy B+ or A match grade is easier with two talented wrestlers who are in the B range or higher than a match between two talented wrestlers where one is B popularity and the other is C or even C+.

  18. I'm running a 2001 WWF save where ECW and WCW are still alive (it starts in 2001). The problem I'm having is that all the guys up top have been up top since 1999 - and the guys in Development who are ready to come up (Lensar, Orton, etc) historically didnt arrive until 2002.


    My guy says it would be fun to bring them up early and flesh out the roster...but then I'm concerned they'll ultimately get beat too soon by the established Main Eventers and lose their luster.


    It's quite the dilemma....


    Not really a dilemma at all.


    The guys at the top of WWF had been there for 2 years, given or take. The guys at the top of the WCW card in the late 90s had been there, in large part, since the mid-80s. Not really comparable. So 2-3 years isn't really that long in wrestling terms. There isn't any real NEED to freshen up the top of the WWF card.


    Which doesn't mean you can't. A huge part of a historical mod is creating your own history rather than staying true to everything that happened in reality. In reality, the WWF loaded up their roster with ex-WCW and ECW guys in the middle of 2001. If that doesn't happen, then calling up some talent from developmental makes a ton of sense. If the likes of Orton and Lesnar are ready. in reality, they probably weren't. In TEW, they might be.

  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mike7273" data-cite="Mike7273" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41411" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm running a PWI game. I can barely get matches into the low 80's with my best workers. Can anyone give me some tips?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well.... PWI isn't really all set to be a monster grade machine like NOTBPW used to be. Its more like Burning Hammer in the Cverse - the potential is there, but they aren't going to get grades like PGHW does right from the start. </p><p> </p><p> I always like to establish a baseline for a company. What I do is start a save unemployed and sim a few months. Doesn't take very long in most mods. Then I take a look at how the AI does booking the company. It provides a baseline. There are some variables involved, and the bigger the company is, the biggest effect those variables can have. But with PWI, I don't think you are generally going to see the AI grabbing constant A grades. I haven't mucked about in the Tverse for some time, but I do recall that I generally took the view with PWI that any show that didn't lose any popularity was a success. And then built from there. </p><p> </p><p> PWI is a company that needs some work. They have a LOT of pieces in place, but you need to get the baseline popularity of the upper card raised a bit. Popularity always matters and that will help. Beyond that, good matches with clean finishes and simple road agent notes is the direct I usually go.</p>
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="southside_hitmen" data-cite="southside_hitmen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45652" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks! He's not quite Meiko Final Boss level, but he's definitely improved!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yay!</p>
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