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Posts posted by Bigpapa42

  1. I actually had plans to have a four elements Elemental situation going on in an EXODUS2010 game that was meant to poke fun at the Elemental gimmick and the passing on of masks to be honest. I was also going to go over the top and have Elemental/Optimus from everywhere in the world. It was more so poking fun at myself because these are ideas I have for BHOTWG as well e_e


    Before I knew about Kiyaru/Koyama, I thought they had a connection due to the similarities of their name.


    The other reason I'm less picky about who inherits the name is that the Junior division is so incredibly stacked as it is that I'd find it incredible hard to push whoever got the name anyways. EX2010 and WLW are supremely stacked with talent though so if you can get any of them on deals then you'll probably have a fair amount of extremely talented guys to take on the big masks.


    I was wondering why you kept talking about having to make sure you get all your KSGP matches in before the PPV, you're running an assymetric tournament in terms of when the matches happen? You should've just kept it simple and rotated between Group A and Group B even if guys were tired. Not every match will be great and IRL it can get pretty obvious that the older guys are gassed as the tournament goes on. In my PGHW game with older guys or guys that worked for other companies I just stuck to it even if the matches would be hurt. Having to figure out how to get all the matches in would be too much of a headache so I'd just stick to knowing I've got 18 nights, if you're tired then you're gonna get more tired ;(


    How DARE you mock the tradition that makes Burning Hammer so... BURNING?


    ...the mocking masks actually sounds quite fun to book...


    Its true on the depth of quality in the division, which should only get stronger as some of the new hires are rotated in. I'm hoping adding a B show gives another easy stage to let some of the lower card Super Js show off on a more regular basis. I definitely shouldn't be as picky as I am, but its just how I roll.


    Yeah, I didn't block out the shows consistently from the start and its made it a bit messy. So one show might have 2 Block A matches and 3 Block B matches, then a few non-GP matches. Never done this style of Grand Pix before and I only knew the G1 one so well before I started, so learning curve and all that. I guess if someone like Hamacho gets injured due to being worn down by the tourney, its not really going to impact the company in a huge way.


    There are Elemental alts on the forums for every region, plus a few more (USSR, the Koreas), so that could be a good source of legacies. As for Optimus, I would use Yanagimoto, as he's probably Japan's best unsigned junior and I personally expect Optimus' legacy to be "the total package", so to speak.


    This is true. Loads of sweet free pic masks. I mentioned before that even when its a straight legacy, I kinda prefer finding a similar "new" mask rather than just re-using the original render.


    Pretty much agree on Yanagimoto. The render I have for him (pretty certain its a re-render) is solid, but I don't mind giving him one of the legacies. The hard part is deciding which legacy he should get. A direct or indirect Optimus legacy might be best.




    I keep forgetting to mention that I stole William Hayes from PGHW. Hasn't joined yet. I didn't really meant to actually steal him - just intended to drive up the price for PGHW. But I ended up with him. Good hand and as long he isn't on Time Decline, not a bad addition. Not needed and will be a waste if he is already declining. Adding solid but not really outstanding late 30s wrestlers isn't really the intended way forward. They've had a couple other talents come up but all loyal so not stealable. And Emerald Angel's deal just came up but unless WLW can only sign him to a PPA, I won't be able to get him at all. Too bad. That would be a brilliant addition to the Super Js.

  2. Have a question regarding loyalty and company takeovers. I am running Burning Hammer. The Japanese tsunami will kill the economy in a few months, which generally kills a few Japanese companies. I have a target a few talented Japanese wrestlers who I can't sign on permanent deals as they are loyal to their current company. Now if the economy kills that company and they become free agents, that loyalty is gone - can't be loyal to a company that no longer exists. But what I buy the company out and keep it as a child promotion.... Will that loyalty remain in effect and block me from ever securing those wrestlers? Anyone messed around with that?
  3. I rounded the numbers a little for the workers, but most of the main event and upper card scene is sitting around 90ish so the field is very close. The original 2015 Summit Challenge was a very different story, much like your own... the gap in popularity levels was huge from top to bottom ad made for a lot of obvious mismatches and predictable results. The upside is that as your roster develops you'll see that evolve and become more interesting. :)


    I found that a few tactical uses of the "Keep Strong" road agent note annd perhaps a couple of bonuses where needed made a few upsets a bit easier. You need a few of those too. And just in case you are having a little trouble getting strong enough show ratings, I'll throw in that over the first two tours I lost 2 or 3 popularity points across Japan as I got used to the company. Now we're sitting at 93 popularity across Japan and I don't think I've had a show rated lower than 90 in about 18 months. :eek:


    There's always the possibility of teaming them up in future.... they may be great in singles or even in tag teams with other partners as they get lots of success... but the two men on the same page? When they are already over and developed into great workers? By goodness, they could be the greatest team ever from the moment they debut.... which is an angle I'm considering at some point in the future too. A team so good they barely even need to try in order to become the best, they just would be.


    Most of them have peaked around the 90 to 95 region, I think I've only seen Kikkawa and Elemental III be able to reach and maintain 100 popularity for any length of time. Tommy Cornell iis pretty close though, I think he reaches about 98.


    I'm happy to see people with thoughts on the blocks too, always exciting for some feedback. :D I'm just starting to book the tournament too and I'm still not sure who I'm going to have win it. Most of the game so far has had me with some pretty solid ideas of who I wanted to be at the top and while I do have plans for now, there is a mental gap for a small period in the future that I need to start making some plans for.


    I would really love to find someone that I could turn into a new figurehead for the company,but there are limited options for that. Tommy Cornell with 100 star quality, 90+ charisma and huge popularity is the easy #1 but seems to be about to hit Time Decline in the next couple of years. Razan Okamoto and KC Glenn both have the potential to move up from the Junior division and have both been primed to do that at some point too.... Razan needs a little more top row skill to get there but he is very close, and both are a little lacking in mic skills even though they both have excellent charisma and star quality. I don't NEED a figurehead, but I like the idea of having one since it's a very traditional Japanese thing to have an Ace....


    Optimus Zero sounds super awesome, I may have to try to find a way to use that. :D


    Having "The Ace" is definitely puroresu, through and through. If you don't have it, you can always ram the New Worker Generation up onto high and hope the game spits you out a monster talent randomly generated. There are tons of free pics for the Cverse.....


    Very true on using booking notes to get the upset win. I will be doing that in the future. I've never booked a tournament like this before (more on that below) so I just wanted to get the routine of it down and keep it fairly simple. From a presentation standpoint, I don't think fans would mind if it goes pretty paint-by-numbers as they would be getting some big names and some big matches in the first annual Kitozon Summit Grand Prix.


    Optimus Zero does indeed sound awesome. Honestly, if you start brain-storming some variation names, you can come up with some sweet options. The ZERO one could be used for "dark legacy" editions for almost all of the big masks, and end up in a stable. Could do NEO versions, align them with the NEO group. Elemental has the possibilities of doing something with the four elements. FIRE Elemental or WATER Elemental.... Was toying around some with possibilities for Kiyaru like Battle Kiyaru or Ninja Kiyaru or Honor Kiyaru....


    What about Reijiro Hiraki? He's got a lot of talent and is already one of yours... depending on his destiny roll he could be a potentially big star for you and carrying on one of the legacies could be the way to do it. :)


    I had looked a bit at some of the semi-established SJs on the roster a bit, but kinda feel like they would be "last resort". Might wait to see if any of them develop and they can be "honored" with the legacy as an open acknowledgement of it, rather than them just disappearing re-appearing as the new legacy, with fans mostly being aware of who it is. Hiraki is a guy I definitely have some hopes for, but I'm probably not doing enough with him just yet.


    I have the same issue you have when plotting out future masked guys. The Tsuneyo/Razan/Tsuchie guys are great enough without the mask. I'd rather give it to someone who feels somewhat bland but is talented, in that sense, the SQ doesn't matter as much for me so much as "can he perform". I think mask should theoretically elevate that SQ bit but it doesn't, nevertheless, I think that's the people mask should go on.


    I get what you mean about the SQ and the mask. Taking someone with low to middling SQ and giving them a legacy mask would, in real wrestling, give them a SQ bump all by itself. But the game mechanic doesn't work that way. The main reasons for wanting workers with higher SQ, at least for the bigger legacies, is that the originals had high Star Quality. That, and a combination of higher Star Quality and higher Athleticism make it really like that a young worker has good to great potential. Not to say that low in one or both of those will mean low potential, but it just doesn't make it as certain.


    Exodus has quite a few talents that could do well as legacies. Talent like Blade, Musashi, etc.




    Have to say that this thread being busy makes me happy and helps keep me motivated in my save. You could almost say this thread is.... ON FIRE....


    So small(ish) update. Booked a couple more shows last night. Have 8 shows to go before the next PPV, but I guess I can add more if I need. As mentioned, I want to have the final on that event. It will be Horri or Ino versus Nakasawa, I'm pretty sure. One of the issues I'm running into is that while some workers are almost done their run of matches, a couple only have a few matches done. Those ones are, generally, ones who have been getting fatigued, meaning I am leery to use them as frequently. Not going to have a choice. I boo-boo'd by including too many vets, some of whom are on time decline. Like Ieseda, Sanda, Hamacho.... They had better popularity than other options and I avoided having any Super Juniors in there. I figured most won't be in future editions so it was a "one last shot" thought. But its kinda backfired. Guess I can just work em to the bone for a few shows if have to.


    I've been doing okay on show grades. Most of the tour shows have broke even and I think I only lost any popularity on one or two. I think the promos have helped. Had a Kikkawa-Sakai one hit something like 95 or 97. The Nakasawa ones are mid-80s, which ain't bad either. I imagine those are helping the show grades. Just using really simple, Entertainment-based interview angles (my created defaults that I always use), talking about the others (off-screen and based on Overness).


    Mentioned before, but seeing a few workers go up in popularity. Kikkawa went up a touch, and so did Horri. Nakasawa is closing in on Kikkawa, which shouldn't be shocking as he almost never loses and has had some good wins in the Grand Prix. Elemental III has been jumping up significantly, with less reason. Pretty sure he's well past Sensational Dragon now. Toshusai remains the only real drop - and its not even huge, about 3 points, but hasn't gone back up even with some wins.


    So the only "outsider" included in the Grand Prix is Senmatsu from Warrior Engine. I have him, Konoe, and Makikoa. They've done fairly well for me as a whole. None are loyal so might end up signing them up full-time rather than just another tour deal. I feel like they might have a "taint" to BH purists over their WE background.... but Big Japan talent have worked for AJ and Noah, so.... talent is talent.

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lo-Drew" data-cite="Lo-Drew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Didn't even think about this. A Dark Elemental sounds pretty crazy but I like the idea. I had settled on Shin Optimus(True Optimus) as my new Optimus name, but I might change that. Inspired by what you were suggesting with Kiyaru, Optimus Zero sounds pretty cool too.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice. Glad someone else will get some use from the idea. </p><p> </p><p> The roadblock I'm hitting is finding young Super Juniors who are worthy of taking on such a mantle, even if its a "negative" version. Have most of the best SJ prospects in development, at least those who aren't loyal to other companies. Ideally, I'd like 3 or 4 options so I can go with a few different legacies. </p><p> </p><p> Tsuneyo Yanagimoto - probably the best bet for a major legacy. Has SQ, Athleticism, and is already quite developed. A bit old at 27 but a good really option.</p><p> </p><p> Totoya Munkakata - less SQ and not a flier. While a Technician SJ is intriguing, I don't think it makes for an ideal legacy</p><p> </p><p> Tetsuji Nishimoto - dropped in to development. Lacks SQ for a great legacy. Stuck him under a different mask already as "Tengu"</p><p> </p><p> Razan Okamoto - almost perfect.... but I kinda like the render for him</p><p> </p><p> Orange Tsuchie - another that I like the existing gimmick</p><p> </p><p> Motoyuki Miyake - a great option except he's not a flier. The MMA stylings are cool for a SJ but like Totoya, probably not for a significant legacy</p><p> </p><p> The other Exodus guys who are really good but loyal have decent enough characters & renders that I'm not sure I wanna put them under a mask, even if I can get them signed up full time. </p><p> </p><p> Other suggestions?</p>
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Derek B" data-cite="Derek B" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey hey hey, sorry I've not been posting in here much but I tend to post large amounts fairly infrequently rather than little and often. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> ...and snipped....</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Another great update. Enjoy reading these, so thanks!</p><p> </p><p> Have to say that I love that so many of your top guys are in around the same level of popularity. I didn't notice that when I was poking around in the save game you posted up. It makes a Grand Prix like this so much more interesting, I think. My Grand Prix feels pretty "by the book" and the more over wrestler generally wins, which would make it pretty predictable for most viewers. But I guess Burning Hammer isn't really about the swerves....</p><p> </p><p> As for options.... I would say either TANK or maybe one of the GCG guys. Funakoshi would be interesting. Would really cement the GCG guys as important in Burning Hammer. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Historian" data-cite="Historian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I believe them not teaming is cannon. In the previous release of the game, when Matt was in PSW and Greg was in Japan, there was a specific note in their bios that said they made their debuts on the same shows but never as a team, so I think the cannon was they both debuted as singles wrestlers -- which is also why they both have went on to:<p> </p><p> A. form teams with other people</p><p> B. never be employed by the same company at the same time</p><p> </p><p> You can even see in Sam Keith's booking of MAW, when he brought Matt in to work the Sam Keith Classic, he didn't team him with Greg.</p><p> </p><p> I've always, when having both Keiths, teamed them up because I love the twin brother team and with the exception of 05 Remmington Remus is a no go. I also love the Keith family and in my own head cannon created a daughter/little sister for them who also wrestles so that they can dominate every where -- but that's just me.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Bam! Okay, so it did say something in-game before. I knew the idea came from somewhere solid so that makes sense. Thanks.</p><p> </p><p> Its so hard not to team them up if you have both. So talented. Matthew is in my Grand Prix and while he's pretty much just losing, he can already put on a really solid match with a top talent, so once his popularity is up... I'm the same when it comes to brother teams, especially twins. Just something so cool about it.</p>
  6. Tell me you're going to take the Dragon title? That's my favorite looking title in the game.


    Don't have the game in front of me at the moment.... is the dragon belt the top belt for Hinote? There are a couple slick renders for Hinote belts, TBH. Enough reason right there to take Hash's idea.


    With the existing Burning Hammer belts, three new Grand Prix tournaments added, the Openweight title (or whatever it ends up being called) and the resurrected Hinote title.... I'm gonna end up with as many titles as current New Japan has. Not intentional at all either.

  7. I don't think the Greg & Matthew not-teaming thing is canon. Its more like... inferred canon? I think someone posted about it a couple years ago and it made a ton of sense, so I've basically run with it. Consider that Sam Keith was a global star that has no real world comparison. He was a world champion in the SWF (world's biggest promotion), BHOTWG (Japan's biggest), CGC, and MPWF (at least I think he was in the last one). And not just a world champion but an actual draw. There is not really a real world comparison, partly because world titles are a bit weird in Mexico and Canada doesn't have a scene like it does in the Cverse. Vader is probably closest, but I don't know if the European titles he won really compare. So this major globe-trotting star has two sons who are basically clones of his talent level. And they are twins. Both equally talented, with no notable negatives at all. Since the were first introduced to the Cverse as future workers, they have been widely loved and almost everyone has always signed both and put them together. Because why wouldn't you? You have this legacy talent who is as sure-thing as you find, and there are actually two of them. Why would you hire one but not the other? Realistically, maybe not even promoter would want them as a team, but quite a few would. And there is no indication they had any interest in doing that. They took separate paths. No reason to think they HAD to, so its a choice. They want to forge their own ways, individually. So there may not be any in-game canon to explicitly state they turned down offers to sign as a pair and team up for TCW, or NOTBPOW, or anyone.... but it just strikes me as unlikely to have NOT happened. And that's where the backstory comes from. Its completely unnecessary, especially in a non-diary game, but the canon is part of what I love most about the Cverse so..... its fun.


    Well, strong angles definitely help with momentum in other types of promotions. I can't say 100% that it does in Burning Hammer's product.... but I would expect so. I'm not sure if success level in the angle matters. I've used angles that grab easy strong grades for workers not in storylines at all and had them get positive momentum going it without wrestling at all, so....


    I think there are a couple of unused mask renders with masks similar enough to be a Kiyaru legacy. I could flat out re-use his render but... don't love doing that. Now.... how to go about the name. Amazing Kitaryu.... Dark Kiyaru.... Dragon Kiyaru.... Animal Kiyaru... Zero Kiyaru.... Hmmm....


    What I meant was that Nakasawa doesn't really need the KSGP win. Not to prove himself as a legit challenger Kikkawa's title nor to prove himself in Burning Hammer. He's more than done that all already. But having him - and Ino, and Hoshino, etc - in it definitely helps establish the Grand Prix as important. My backstory idea is that Burning Hammer has often held tournaments besides the BOSJ, but none as a regular thing. Some were throwaway ones and some were bigger - top four contenders to the Burning Championship, etc. To make it clear this is something different, they need big names. The second half of booking it should be fun as I've held off on a few of the bigger matches that can easily headline a tour show.


    I'm awful glad I emulated Derek and am using the spreadsheet to track the Grand Prix. Getting the match grade averages is a nice touch for helping to see quite quickly who is under forming and should be left out for next year.


    Thinking that once I wrap up the Grand Prix, I will look to start the junior tag tournament in mid-March. Just not totally settled on the format. Did a bit of research and it looks like the NJ Junior Tag League is an 8-team straight elimination tournament. Easy enough to book. The HW Tag League is round-robin but mostly single block. All Japan has done single block and double block for the HW league but only single block for the Junior version. Noah has done both, which surprised me a bit as I always feel like they have the smaller roster. Guess I can figure out how many teams I want to include and go from there. I just don't want to get over-ambitious and run out of time to finish it before the tour ends.


    Yeah, I'd probably flip the name. And I really could just use the Openweight title instead of coming up with something new.

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41193" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Pick up some of the old HINOTE Dojo titles, brand them as BHOTWG and as youngster titles and use them at the bottom of the cards.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Flat out forgot the Hinote dojo titles. I'm totally doing this... but for lower card talent. Once I'm past a Grand Prix I'm booking, I will drop one of weekly tour shows and add a B show on TV to give the lower card talent some more spotlight. The Hinote title would work great with that. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Skywalker1976" data-cite="Skywalker1976" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41193" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I always thought a submission title would work nicely in a puro fed a give and add certain twist to matches and the title.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Nice idea. Fits in pretty well with the Burning Hammer product too. I'm just not sure I want to make the title too "restrictive". Same with some of the other ideas I've mulled, like Under-30 title, Gaijin title, etc.</p>
  9. <p>So Sword of Destiny is in the books now. Which means I am almost 3 full weeks into shows. 12 done. But they are booking pretty slick. </p><p> </p><p>

    The PPV was pretty solid, though not outstanding. The thing that made me happiest was making $1.6m from PPV buys. I copied Jon and moved up to the bigger PPV provider, also on an Early Evening slot as I wanted to be sure I could . Also drew 23K. Was down almost $2m as I'm slowly losing money on the tour shows, but this put me back up over the $25m mark. I can probably drop the third tour show. Which would be a positive, since I've got 5 workers listed on the Medical screen as being exhausted. </p><p> </p><p>

    I did somehow manage to mess up the tag title match on the PPV. Meant to have the reunited Rebellion go over and take the belts but that didn't happen. Guess Aggressively Mediocre get another month with those straps.</p><p> </p><p>

    Avoided having any Grand Prix matches on the PPV. Filled the undercard with a few fun multi-tags that graded okay. The intent is to have the Grand Pix done by the next PPV so the final can be on that card. Almost certain that Nakasawa is going to top Block A and probably win the whole thing. Block B is a bit more open. Nakasawa doesn't really need the cred, but its a nice way to build him up to that big showdown with Kikkawa. Saiki's strong showing means he probably gets the GP win in 2017 and sets up a big showdown with Kikkawa. Long-term view. </p><p> </p><p>

    Nakasawa and Sakai have both gone up in popularity a decent amount. Elemental III as well. Horri, even in losing to Kikkawa, gained a few points. Lots of the lowest pop workers on the card went up in pop but that's just that mechanic working. Toshusai went down a couple points off of some GP losses and even a PPV win didn't bump it back up. Wondering if he might have the opposite destiny roll as Sakai. </p><p> </p><p>

    Feels like I've done a lot in this save... but not even really through 3 weeks of the actually booking. Very much enjoying, if you can't tell by the walls of text. The roster is big and a bit bloated, but I feel like I have a reasonable handle on it. I might keep the third weekly tour show for the moment so I can ensure I don't lag behind on the Grand Prix matches, then drop it when I can and instead add a B show to give the lower card folks a platform. </p><p> </p><p>

    Meant to mention yesterday... I went into the 2013 Burning Hammer thread that I started and saw an idea that I had forgot about. Mentioned that I'm looking for legacy workers for some of the great Super Juniors, but you can also go with "alt" versions instead of legacy. American Optimus is a alternate version of Optimus, rather than a legacy. But you could have Dark Elemental, Dragon Optimus, and so on. But you still need legit talent to ensure they are "worthy". But that's another approach I will likely take with newer SJs. </p><p> </p><p>

    Also a question, which I did ask in the Booking Committee thread. So there is a retired Openweight title as well as the King of Fighters title. I could buy the Hinote Dojo titles (and likely will). But anyone have suggestions for a mid-card title for the heavyweights that is a bit different in name but not necessarily too restrictive in its function? Skywalker suggested a Submission title, which would be neat but rather restrictive. Hashasheen suggested using the Hinote Dojo titles, which I very much intent to do but likely to give the B show a "headline". So any suggestions on titles?</p>

  10. I'm working on an alternate version of Black Canvas Grappling, where Pistol Pete Hall stays with GCG and instead of American hosses the BCG theme is British and European grapplers.


    I want to have a secondary title that reflects that change instead of the Challenger Series Championship, but I'm not sure what to call it. I'm currently stuck between the "Catch Division Championship" and the "British Heritage Championship", and the core of this change are ROF guys like Henderson, Robinson, Samurai, O'Curle and Svensson who will work with ex-INSPIRE talent (who I'm adopting instead of some of the OG BCG natives like Yokokawa, Sen, etc... that will go elsewhere).


    Should I try and focus more on the ROF aspect and use some sort of "fire" theme? Should I focus more on the catch aspect? The European aspect? Any ideas?


    If its directly going to be an overt connection to ROF rather than British wrestling as a whole, then something with either Ring or Fire as a clear intent would make sense. The problem with giving it a "Brit" label of some sort is that it then looks a bit weird if a non-Brit wins it.


    Similar question... Was gonna ask in the BHOTWG thread but thought I would try here too. Booking BHOTWG and looking to add a midcard singles title. I know they had a secondary main title before (King of Fighters) and a previous mid-card title (Openweight, I think). Could re-use one of those but thought I would solicit suggestions. Not really looking to make it too targeted or create a new division for it. Just something that could give a bit more meat to any mid-card singles feuds. So suggestions and ideas for names for it?

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jon The GOAT" data-cite="Jon The GOAT" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How long are your touring shows and how many matches do you tend to run on them? I know you're not going with a formula but I'm assuming you made a ton of starting stables to at least make it easier to book those shows? When does the KSGP winner get to challenge for the title and is it a guaranteed title shot or just when it makes for a compelling challenge? <p> </p><p> Sakai feels pretty deceptive. He's got some great technical skills but in the entire CVerse, the only wrestlers with better puroresu than him are PRIDE Koiso, Kozue Kawashima and Eisaku Kunomasu. I imagine Sakai isn't done growing while Koiso and Kunomasu are near or are declining so really his only rival as the best Puroresu guy in the world is Kozue. Sakai is some SQ/Charisma away for being such a perfect Ace. </p><p> </p><p> I think lowering Angle/Match ratio to 90% is something I'll do too. One thing you could do, for story purposes, is just run a lot more angles on the B show (if you get one) where grades and angle/match ration won't really matter. </p><p> </p><p> Greg Gauge is a hard to resist signing, can't blame you. Is Matthew teaming more with Greg or with Toshitala? Findlay/Bulldozer are great. Ring Generals are great too. Obviously Torii/Funakoshi are amazing and could easily come permanently if the tsunami works its magic. I'd definitely recommend finding a new The Awesome Kiyaru, man deserves to have his mask inherited. Are you gonna go for an Optimus II as well? </p><p> </p><p> I'm curious as to if you've signed any of the native gems that aren't loyal: Tsuchie, Razan, Tsuneyo, etc.? </p><p> </p><p> Anyways, BHOTWG is very fun and watching the G1 come to an end has given me much inspiration.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Think I mentioned it before, but I actually signed up for New Japan World so I could watch the G1. I only signed up about 10 days ago, so I'm only on night 6, but watching thru as a I can. Its definitely inspirational when it comes to TEW.</p><p> </p><p> I thought it might be too long when I first tried out Burning Hammer, but I have set the tour shows to be 3 hours and that seems to work pretty well. Its usually around 10 matches. I'm generally doing between 4 and 6 Grand Prix matches and try to fit in at least two Super Junior matches. But I do try to mix it up. </p><p> </p><p> I have a Sakai re-render with silver hair that definitely gives me an Okada vibe, but his SQ is a bit below that. Cutting promos with Kikkawa should help the charisma. But definitely hoping he develops into that ace level, even if he never actually becomes the figurehead. He might have a killer destiny roll here because he has moved up in pop rather quickly so far. </p><p> </p><p> The KSGP will get a huge money prize (kayfabe) and a title shot at the Burning Championship, but I don't think it will be locked in for a certain event. </p><p> </p><p> So far, the Rebellion Version 2.0 is going to be Toshitala teaming moreso with Matthew. This is partly because they start with better tag experience, but also because it creates some fun dynamics. A synopsis of the Keith Brothers backstory is that they didn't sign with a promotion together because they didn't want to get lumped together as a team. BH teases it a bit and they will tag together, but not as a regular thing. Fans all want to see it, but it will all be moreso about creating dynamics for future feuds between them. </p><p> </p><p> Would definitely be looking for more angles on a B show. If a worker can pull a B grade on an interview angle, it just helps with their momentum. </p><p> </p><p> I hadn't thought of Kiyaru II. Some fun possibilities for the name, TBH. And another Optimus is definitely a consideration, but its finding the right worker. Someone who is not just going to be a great worker but has the Star Quality to boot. I might wait to see what the game generates as I have new worker generation on high. </p><p> </p><p> Speaking of new worker generation, I did add the dojo graduate from my first save as a future worker and the game also gave me another Hinote graduate - his Performance skills are, no joke, A Basics, F Psychology, A Safety, F Consistency, and A Selling. WTF TEW? I doubt he develops into anything, but will be fun to see. </p><p> </p><p> I hoovered up any younger worker who seemed like they could have some potential and they are all in developmental right now. Razan and the like. Taku is one of the only ones who started on the main roster. Someone like Razan didn't REALLY need to start in developmental, but I figure it will bump his skills pretty quick so no harm. </p><p> </p><p> One small trick that I forgot to mention... done if for awhile for tournament matches and such. But I created new matches that standard, except for having Name Value, and then adding Super Junior or Grand Prix match (with separate ones for each block). The latter makes it much easier looking back at an event and seeing which were Grand Prix matches. The Super Junior thing is similar, but I find it helps with booking. On prior Burning Hammer saves, I found I was sometimes mixing lower level super juniors in with heavyweights. Somehow, the SJ matches having a visible label makes me be more careful when booking them. And I can also see very clearly if I'm not really giving the SJs enough on a show.</p>
  12. <p>So I'm about half-way thru February in a new Burning Hammer save. As with the previous one, I switched to a touring schedule. I also opened up on a developmental company, but only one instead of 2. Went a little easier on the signings, but probably still over-signed. At least quite a few are on touring deals. </p><p> </p><p>

    Currently running three weekly tour shows, plus the weekly TV show. Four shows in a week is a LOT, but its pretty slick to book so far. Using a backstory that the company announced the switch to a regular Western-style schedule late in 2015 and got such a backlash that they cancelled the plan. While I was tempted to emulate the backstory that TigerKinney did for his last BHOTWG project by creating a history of tournaments, I decided instead to use the idea that BH creates the Kitozon Summit Grand Prix as way to placate fans (with the idea that fans love tournaments but Burning Hammer does them rarely, aside from the Super Juniors, as they are convoluted to book and "too set" in structure). From there, the KSGP will become an annual event. Will also be adding a tag league and probably a junior tag league. </p><p> </p><p>

    So the KSGP is a full round robin tournament of 20 wrestlers. 2 blocks of 10 wrestlers. 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw. I kept Kikkawa out of it, but he keeps pretty active on the tour shows. The intent will be for the winner of Block A face the Winner of Block B, possibly on the March PPV event. Block A is almost certainly going to be Nakasawa, who will probably win the whole thing and face Kikkawa at some point. But much like the G1, this is great for creating feuds going forward, shifting dynamics, etc. Heihachiro Sakai has been doing better than I expected and his popularity is jumping, so this will likely be the start of him pushing past Ieseda and Okazaki (both of whom are declining) in the Army pecking order.... but also creates the possibility of him trying to usurp Kikkawa at some point. That dynamic could take 2-3 years to play out. Yay Japan!</p><p> </p><p>

    The volume of shows might drop after the Grand Prix ends. I added the third tour show per week partly because of having more space for GP matches but also to add to the finances as we are losing a bit of money. That might be offset by the PPV but haven't hit that point yet to be sure. I also toyed with the idea of adding a B TV show to give some of the lower card more of the spotlight. If I can afford to drop the third tour show, I might go that route. </p><p> </p><p>

    The one product change I've made is dropping the match-angle ratio to 90%, so I can run a couple of angles. So far its mostly been Kikkawa on the mic, but will do one or two others. Especially on the TV episodes. </p><p> </p><p>

    Another story I'm running with is a reunion of The Rebellion, and they will be taking Toshitala and the Keith brothers under their wing as one last run. Both Miyamae and Shimedzu are declining so this seemed like a good way to see them out the door beyond jobbing. Was tempted to do the same with Sanda and Hamacho, possibly with the Warrior Engine trio that are on touring deals. I have an over-elaborate backstory on why Greg Keith decided to join, in case I ever turned this into a diary project lol</p><p> </p><p>

    Tried not to over-structure the shows, at least so far. So not doing something too set - like 5 GP matches, 2 Super Juniors, 2 tag/multi-tag and one singles. Don't want to over-formula the booking, at least at this point. Do feel like I'm under-using the Super Juniors a bit. The big four get matches quite frequently but others not as much. A lot of the SJs just below the top four are older and a couple are declining, so much like the tag division, a bit of rebuilding is required here. The Four Pillars of Super Junior Heaven make it less of a priority. </p><p> </p><p>

    Some random thoughts.....</p><p> </p><p>

    -as mentioned, the heavyweight tag division needs some resurrection. I haven't moved the belts yet but given how far Shibanumo is into time-decline, it will happen soon. Just haven't settled on who gets them. I've added some gaijin teams - The Ring Generals are in on a touring contract. Findlay and Bulldozer need more popularity, but I've rebranded them (now Barrage and Gunner). Right now, the idea I'm liking best is having The Rebellion win them, and lose them a few months down the road to Toshitala and Keith. </p><p> </p><p>

    -definitely bloated the roster. But given the decline of a lot of talent and considering that many additions are just on touring deals, it doesn't bother me much. Yet, at least. Brought in a few good young workers who are loyal to other promotions - like Bunrakuken Tori, Funashoki, etc. I stole Eien Miyamoto and Totoya from PGHW, with the latter going to development. Miyamoto was even given a slot in the Grand Prix and looks to be a really strong worker for Burning Hammer. Also took Shingen Miyazaki from GCG, who will really just be a realiable midcard worker rather than future star. Held off on signing up Samoan Machine and Rhino Umaga, but still debating that one lol</p><p> </p><p>

    -as mentioned, I'm having some fun rebranding workers. California Love Machine is working in development as American Optimus II. I just grabbed Marcel LaFleur to be Black Cobra II (as a bonus, he is Duane Stone's apprentice). Mr. Lucha III became Burning Tiger under a different mask. Switched up Bulldozer Brandon and Findlay, as mentioned. I'm not familiar enough with New Japan to try to emulate with workers, but I may have signed Kirk Jameson to be an American Zack Sabre, and he got rebranded as Rayne Nelson, aka Hard Rayne. </p><p> </p><p>

    I'm really enjoying Burning Hammer so far. On so many saves, I'm looking forward to one particular aspect - whether its building up a couple particular workers, booking one storyline, a story arc for a major star - but having to deal with "the rest" creates a booking jam that I don't enjoy and that kills my interest. With this one, I feel like I'm anticipating a lot more than just one or two elements. I'm looking forward to building up that Kikkawa-Nakasawa clash. I'm looking forward to building up Sakai. I'm looking forward to see what other under-30 guys with potential can become stars. I'm looking forward to building up the Keith wins into an eventual Burning Championship feud. I'm looking forward to building up the Super Juniors, and to rebuilding the tag division, and all of it. The only downside is having to try to do things gradually, as is the way in Japan, and possibly the volume of shows (appealing and unappealing at the same time lol).</p>

  13. <p>I look at it like the Iron Fist method. Someone thinks they should get a small raise and has the balls to ask Allmann for it? They are going to get yelled at and called stupid. Someone has an idea they want to put forward for their character or match? They are going to get yelled at and called stupid. Basically, only the boss knows how things should be and you better just shut up and accept it. </p><p> </p><p>

    Heyman lied, but Heyman also inspired. And a lot of his lies were with the intent of trying to keep things going (doesn't make it a whole lot better, but...). I've seen multiple wrestlers say he would often give pre-show speeches that made everyone want to do everything they could. I don't Allmann doing that. And I don't necessity see him as a liar - rather, I think he would tend to be brutally honest and a bit manipulative. </p><p> </p><p>

    For some real fun, look up the kind of behaviors someone with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder might demonstrate. Give him a few of those. Loads of fun.</p>

  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sef4" data-cite="Sef4" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="42115" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Greetings,<p> </p><p> I did some quick research but couldn't find any better place than here. I would like to know if there is a mod of Summer of Punk for TEW16? I saw something from 10 that you need some converting but I hope there is something straight for the last game. It doesn't have to be exact mod but still something around the time of pipebomb and the buildup to the Money In The Bank 2011 would do the job. Thanks in advance.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There is one being worked on currently. You can find any updates in the Mod Squad thread, but no ETA at this point and no much use asking for one.</p>
  15. This post bothers me because of the fact that Giant Tana/Eddie Peak/Freddy Huggins are all still in TCW and have made seemingly 0 progress in a decade with the 16 database. I swear if you compared a 2005 Total Mayhem to a 2015 Total Mayhem it would pretty much be composed of 80% + the exact same guys. If I compare WWE's 2005 Mania to 2016 Mania then the only guys who are on the card are Jericho/Undertaker/Triple H. And 2 of those guys are only trotted out for Mania.


    It always weirds me out reading older TCW diaries because the rosters are very samey :/


    The slow evolution of the Cvere is something that is mentioned quickly frequently. TCW might be the worst offender, but the SWF isn't too far behind. Between 2007 and 20013, the rosters for both companies were surprisingly static at the top. The rise of USPW hit the SWF the hardest for 2016.


    It doesn't match the way real wrestling works.... but its not the real world, either.

  16. I think that was me Papaman. In terms of what Allman would do, it's likely that given the motive he'd do both. He's an out and out egomaniac. "His" women's division would be better than AWF. Or AWW. "His" cruiserweight division would like shy away from using the word cruiserweight, probably go with lightweight. It would lack the spark that makes a division, maybe have one or two guys with an actual character but then guys like Caleb Allison or summit. Allman is a person that is blinded by his vision to such a degree that he fails to see what is in front of him.


    Figured it was you.


    Its not a conception of Allman that necessarily makes easier to decide "this" vs "that". But he definitely feels like the kind of guy who could justify almost anything and basically "own it", as if he is the first to do it or the first to "do it right". I'm idea I often run with when I run PWI is that the sponsors and network pressure him to evolve the company in smaller but notable ways that he wouldn't want to. Without a choice, he would do it but paint it as "HIS IDEA", because that's the only thing his ego will allow him to believe.

  17. <p>I can't recall which T-Verse team member I was chatting with or in what thread, but Allman and his personality were something I was diving into. Probably a possible diary project. It might have been MHero, but could have be another one. </p><p> </p><p>

    He pointed out that Allman is an idealist but in an entirely hypocritical way. He embraces these ideals of how he believes wrestling should be. But he's also a businessman and a promoter, so he will bend his ideals to fit the situation. He might rail against the AWF, Sports Entertainment, and all the "unworthy wrestlers" that can only work the SE style. Yet if the opportunity arose to sign away a talented AWF star, he wouldn't hesitate. Because it would be a smart business decisions. Idealism without compromise is almost impossible, especially in something like the wrestling business. But its also fun to view him as a hypocrite, because that fits with the negative personality as well. </p><p> </p><p>

    So I think he would be able to spin almost anything to "fit" with his ideals. A women's division - well, the AWF is screwing it up, so I can show them how its really done! A CW division is pulling something from Japan and a way to use some real talent might otherwise get overlooked. Both have some business sense - exploiting an underutilized resource on the US scene.</p>

  18. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Poet Justice" data-cite="Poet Justice" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Honestly, the best way I’ve found to make money with BHOTWG is using a commercial, promotion-owned broadcaster. The only issue with making one early game is that the company canon-wise wants to expand into the West (specifically America), but your Japanese TV network stupidly covers shows in Hawaii so it’s seen as a competitor to your network (LOL!). You can expand into Canada/Mexico and hope for spillover, or do a realistic playthrough and start with Australia given its geographic proximity to Japan. <p> </p><p> An alternative would be to run a second event each month. It hurts your main PPV in buys but you’ll make a cool million each month if you play your cards right. The issue is, one you’ll burn through your matchups pretty quickly (given how Japanese product tends to sepearate important matchups for a prolonged time) and the need to hit a B minimum show to beat PGHW in a National Battle which only so many matchup can produce. One bad PPV can set you back big time. </p><p> </p><p> Lastly would be to cut the fat on he roster. Get rid of anyone over 35 that isn’t an upper midcarder or main eventer and all the bad influences. It would be a bit immersion breaking, but the most successful BHOTWG playthrough is basically a KC Glenn-Razan Okamoto-Keith twins show (so basically everyone’s TEW 2013 playthrough). But that ruins the immersion and the best part of BHOTWG is the massive rosters and the crazy diverse roster of characters.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm more worried making money to afford a broadcaster (or expand one) than anything else. Beyond that, just nice to have financial stability so you don't have to stress over giving a massive contract to your most over stars when their deals come up. But at a certain point, money becomes meaningless lol</p><p> </p><p> I've always targeted a Subscription broadcaster for some reason. Commercial is something I'll have to look at.</p><p> </p><p> I mentioned this a page or two ago, but one of the things I tried (because of the coverage issues) was creating a broadcaster with Medium coverage in Japan and Tiny in a couple other regions. Then, because of the existing broadcast deals, just used it to show the tour shows. Would work okay - grow the company outside of Japan, more income, and could eventually expand coverage both in Japan (making it as big or bigger than existing broadcaster Burning Hammer has deals with) and abroad. But it costs like $23m. Plus I wonder if broadcasting the tour shows makes a difference for the battle with PGHW.... So still mulling which direction to go lol</p>
  19. <p>So haven't gotten the new save started. Been watching some G1 shows after finally subscribing to New Japan World so that ate up some TEW time. As Hashasheen suggested, I have created Skate Masanobu in the default data. More future workers is never a bad thing lol</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lo-Drew" data-cite="Lo-Drew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Switching topics a bit, I'm curious as to who are some guys that people pick up that are a bit under the radar?<p> </p><p> What I mean is; obviously you got the usual suspects of top prospects(the top EXODUS kids, Okamoto, Funakoshi, Torii in BGC). Free agents like Miyake, Katou, etc. But what are some guys that you take gambles on?</p><p> </p><p> Generally, I prefer very raw prospects to either A) improve them and then let them go and help out the indie scene. Surprisingly, this is actually helpful. Or B) try to see if I can do something with them. </p><p> </p><p> For example, I actually took a flyer on a guy like The Masked Patriot from SWF. He was let go. Saw his stats. He's actually not that bad. I signed him. He spent a few years being the lost post in his unit and he actually improved a lot. He moved up a weight class and got his Star Quality to a B. I sent him to SAISHO for a few months. He came back as the Archangel and I have him kinda like a Jay White role. The idea of the character is that as MP, I envisioned him as a classic, American Sports Entertainer type but since his stats across the board are actually decent, as the Archangel, he's changed to a more dynamic offense. Most importantly, he's become more vicious in his approach, doing anything he can to win. Originally, he was brought back because Haronobu(who I also sent to Hinote for like six months, came back and immediately gave him the Openweight Championship) wanted to win the Trios title and he was there with Archangel as he improved. Those two(and Extraordinario Jr, new signing) won the Trios titles and did reall well. However, as soon as they lost three months later(one defense away from breaking the record), Archangel turns on Kobayashi, aims for the Openweight champions. He wins, by cheating, and thus has begun his road as a mercenary. He's not liked, but he slides his way into matters, making alliances with other units if it means he benefits. Right now he's about an A in Basics, B+ in Psych, B+ in brawling, C+ in Aerial. I've been really surprised at how he's improved.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I can't provide names with any accuracy as I don't have the game in front of me at the moment. But I will say that for a long time, I tended to target future stars and focus on them. But a few saves made me realize that not every young worker can be a future star, since you can't push everyone. A well rounded promotion - of any type, really - needs those backbone, work-horse types. They may never be stars, they may never be champions, and they may never give a 5* match... but if they consistently give you good matches night after night, that's valuable. Especially in a puro promotion.</p><p> </p><p> Since I add a developmental company to Burning Hammer, the workers I target are generally developmental prospects. Which is relatively risk free as long as you don't give them a silly-long deal right off the start. But even if you have to / want to add them to the main roster, PPA and/or touring contracts give you flexibility as well.</p><p> </p><p> I enjoy running test sims a bit too much, but its interesting to see how things unfold uniquely. Even without a touring schedule, working regular matches against some quality workers seems to help a lot of workers max out their potential. I've seen a few saves where mediocre mid-to-late 20s super juniors on the starting roster are pretty much world class workers by 2 to 3 years in. Decent to good Star Quality and Athleticism are usually a good hint that a worker will have room to improve, I find. </p><p> </p><p> Its fun to take a shot to see how someone develops. Especially when its someone who you can't necessarily land every save, because of their contract. Dig the story arc with American Patriot. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Poet Justice" data-cite="Poet Justice" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>SWF makes most of its money off of merchandise and sponsors. As long as you’re strolling along with B minimum shows, you’ll be making a massive profit much like real life WWE. BHOTWG relies on its PPVs being incredible (just like NJPW), and it provides a more diverse product than PGHW and WLW, providing both juniors and heavyweights, instead of choosing one or the other. Wrestling reliant promotions mean that you can worry less about how your workers are on a mic and more on their in-ring performances. <p> </p><p> To be fair BHOTWG is a bit infuriating because it’s easy to eat a loss at the end of the month while CPU Burning Hammer at cult with half of the Japanese wrestlers in the world signed to writtens will still somehow make a profit</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Good points, Poet. </p><p> </p><p> With a touring schedule, it could help running an extra show per week. Or even every second week. I'm thinking three tour shows plus the weekly TV taping might be overkill, but as long as the roster is rotated.... I also made sure to turn down the drug testing. I think it cost like $50K the first show I ran so I dropped it way down and the next show was like $3K. </p><p> </p><p> One thing I've considered but not toyed with yet.... using a touring schedule but adding a B show. Would be a slick way to give the undercard guys more exposure without worrying about it impacting show grades. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jon The GOAT" data-cite="Jon The GOAT" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't like the TVerse renders in CVerse just because of the clash of art styles myself. But I really enjoy the TVerse because of how consistent it is throughout even if it is a bit universal. CVerse has too many different styles for my liking but I still try to grab new rerenders whenever I start a new game.[/img]</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Funny how we all have different perspectives on the renders. The consistency of the renders has always been one of my favorite aspects of the ThunderVerse. Especially how easy it makes doing alts - the prop pack that was provided at one point makes it really easy to add beards and such, which can change the look of a worker more than one might expect. </p><p> </p><p> At the same time, I enjoy the diversity in styles of renders in the Cverse. I've always looked at the different styles as different types of headshots that you might see for the same worker between different promotions they work for. So while Jon's explanation of different art styles makes sense, its not something I've ever been too bothered with. At the same time, I'm with Hashasheen in that the oldest renders are the ones I tend to look to replace because they have a "softness" to them that I don't love. But to the next person, they are the best renders and should never be replaced. Its all good. I will say that the dedicated re-render community for the Cverse is one of my favorite parts of this community, and I can't count how many times a re-render has made me reconsider a character, or look at them differently.</p>
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lo-Drew" data-cite="Lo-Drew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41359" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Got ya. How does that work if you haven't switched to touring? Because, as I mentioned earlier, I actually have grown to like the Western schedule and have kept the company on a weekly schedule.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well.... it doesn't. You don't want to put your A show or PPV events on the network. A B show on your network only helps build worker popularity, not company popularity. So you could do a secondary A show or you could run weekly "house show" events that are broadcast on the network. None of those are really ideal. So I would either go with Derek's approach (no Japan coverage) or the opposite (Japan coverage as big or bigger than your current deal, replacing the PPV or TV deal you currently have).</p>
  21. Yeah it's interesting because right now, he's a B- across the board in technical wrestling and B- in brawling, but a C in Aerial. At first, I debuted whether or not to go with a flashier guy to put under the mask. But I like the idea of the new Optimus being a bit gritter. In my head, I see it as the new Optimus wanting to redefine what you think when you think of an Optimus. Also, seeing how Elemental III(who at point in my game, as I just reached the first day of 2021, is a five time Junior Champion and three time BOSJ champ) is going to win the tourney and the title again this year, the original Optimus uses this as a way to motivate the new Optimus to close the gap; using any means. Can go either way as far as alignment goes. Generally he would be without an unit as a big theme I did in 2020 was some of the best wrestlers(in the main and up and coming) deciding not to side with a unit due to how some of the other units have see betrayals and other stuff you don't have to worry about being alone.


    Anyways this broadcasting talk is interesting to me. At this point, I have 46 Mil in the bank so I got more than enough to pull it off. I'm not sure as to when and how I want to do it. Seems like the consensus is to start small across the board, yeah? Because right now, my pop in Japan is A so I'm doing really good as far as native popularity goes. And I already have the Hinote Dojo USA opened in the South West. So I'm just wondering how to roll it out.


    I actually love a Super Junior that isn't a high flier first and foremost. I think the diversity of style is part of what makes SJ so much different than prototypical cruiserweights. One of my favorites for a CW/SJ is the Tverse's Jayden Cole, who is a brawling muscular lightweight. His style may have been changed (don't have the game in front of to check) but it makes him something fairly unique. This talent sounds AMAZING to me. Definitely a future junior ace.


    There are definitely strategic considerations to take into account when deciding on a broadcaster. If you can't make the domestic coverage as big or bigger than your current domestic TV and PPV coverage, then its a financial hit to switch it over. But of course, that really adds to the cost in a big way. Which is why Derek's approach makes sense - the coverage for your network is international, so you keep the Japanese coverage as is. That makes for a profitable and effective way to grow the company. It just doesn't help grow the child promotions, because while you can put it on broadcaster, it won't grow the company in Japan or give the workers Japanese-based popularity.


    My compromise was to open one with Medium coverage in Japan (existing TV and PPV deals are at Big broadcasters) and Tiny in a few other regions where I want to grow first. Then, instead of putting the major PPV events on there, I was going to broadcast the tour events, as well as tour highlights. So I still get the income from the PPV and TV deals, but this as well. Just not sure its ideal.

  22. Write down the numbers and bio, pick a cool render for him and slot him into the database and then import?


    I considered this and I'm tempted. Quite tempted. I haven't started the new save yet so don't even need to import. Can just create him in the default DB for the save.


    Funny enough, one of my Juniors came through the dojo I think two years ago with A* star quality. He's been around for a bit, getting experience. His unit is about to disband and I'll send him to dev for how long. When he comes back, he'll be the new Optimus. Just need a name and a pic idea.


    Sounds like an intriguing talent. Would love to know more.


    I have almost 500 Cverse free renders with masks. So there are almost too options when it comes to that. I quite like taking some of the really cool ThunderVerse renders for top super junior stars that have been put on Cverse background. Hell, can even go so far as to steal the name. But I rarely have trouble coming up with a cool name, and having all the extra names from Fleisch's mod makes it extra easy.

  23. I'm of the opinion that if you have a broadcaster, you're better off having a dev on a regular schedule with a TV Show (or 2) + PPV. They'll quickly become profitable when they reach regional.


    That would also be better for developmental talent wear and tear with a fairly heavy product like Burning Hammer has.


    With a touring child company, I would be able to give them a TV show and broadcast it, plus an event deal, plus touring highlights. That might grow the company even faster, but honestly, it should probably grow fast enough regardless.


    Another factor, with regard to whether I should invest in a broadcaster that I can use to help out the child company - low level popularity gains and Borrow from Development can help out anyway. Having some of the better developmental talent called up for tour shows and losing should see them gain some popularity anyway.


    Forgot to mention the one MAJOR downside to starting over... A generated wrestler came thru Hinote Dojo at the start of February and he's one of the best generated wrestlers I've ever had. Skate Masanobu. A masked Japanese middleweight with decent SQ, great Entertainment skills, and strong Performance skills for an 18 year old (think everything was C- or above). Top row needed some work, but he looked like a certain star. His generated bio also mentioned a "rumored IQ of over 150", which was a cute little addition and I don't think I've seen it before.

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