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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. Davey Boy Smith versus Matt Borne


    I am going to be the odd one out here. This is not the WWF Davey Boy, so I think his popularity is not that high yet. So I am going with Doink.


    WCCW Television: One Man Gang © versus Iceman King Parsons

    Brian Adias and Mike Von Erich versus The Fabulous Ones

    Jerry Blackwell versus Rick Rude

    The Fantastics versus The Long Riders

    Billy Jack Haynes versus Randy Savage

    NWA American Tag Team: The Midnight Express © versus Rock N' Roll Express

    Chris Adams versus Hercules Hernandez

    Ultimatum Match: David and Kerry Von Erich versus Gino Hernandez and Jake Roberts

  2. <p>Main Event</p><p>

    <strong>Emma May © </strong>vs Michelle Cox (fka Katherine Goodlooks)</p><p> </p><p>

    Really like Emma as the champ</p><p> </p><p>

    Semi-Main Event</p><p>

    <strong>Kate Avatar and Deborah Tully</strong> vs J-Money and Christine Simon</p><p> </p><p>

    Special Challenge Match</p><p>

    <strong>Talia Quinzel</strong> vs Fuyuko Higa</p><p> </p><p>

    Preliminary Matches</p><p>

    <strong>Kalliope Woodchuck</strong> vs Ana Morales</p><p>

    <strong>Stunning Sabrina Wells </strong>vs Kristen Crane</p><p>

    Tag Match -<strong> Simony Sentinel and Maria Guest</strong> vs Sarah Borne and Victoria King</p><p> </p><p>

    Bonus Questions</p><p> </p><p>

    Which match will be Match of the Night? <strong>Main Event</strong></p><p>

    Show attendance (without going over last show 34)? I am not sure if I am reading this right or not. Are you saying the next show will not be over 34? Or are you saying it will? Either way if I am wrong I am wrong but I am going with, <strong>42</strong></p>

  3. The Long Riders (Bill and Scott Irwin) versus The Radicals (Marty Jannetty and Sean Michaels)

    The Fabulous Ones versus Rock N’ Roll Express

    Billy Jack Haynes and Jerry Blackwell versus One Man Gang and Randy Savage

    Hercules Hernandez versus Terry Gordy

    Brian Adias and Kerry Von Erich versus The Dynamic Duo (Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez)

    David Von Erich versus Jake Roberts


    WCCW Championship Sports (TV)

    Billy Jack Haynes versus Jake Roberts

    Brian Adias versus Chris Adams

    Kerry Von Erich and The Fantastics versus One Man Gang and The Midnight Express

  4. Match #1 - Deborah Tully vs Simony Sentinel vs Maria Guest


    Match #2 - Kate Avatar vs Victoria King vs Olivia Diamond


    Match #3 - Kristen Crane vs Miranda Breaks vs Emma May


    Match #4 - Kalliope Woodchuck vs Sabrina Wells vs Ana Morales


    Semi-Finals #1 - Simony Sentinel vs Olivia Diamond

    Semi-Finals #2 - Emma May vs Sabrina Wells


    Finals - Olivia Diamond vs Emma May (Winner crowned the HPP Queen of the Ring)


    Bonus Questions -

    #1 - One wrestler will not be able to compete and will be replaced by Christina Simon. Who will not be able to compete? Miranda Breaks


    #2 - What will the opening night attendance be (Popularity in Hawaii 5) 44


    #3 - Best match of the night in the Opening round matches? Match #2


    #4 - While the format seems straight forward in the tournament I will ask the question, at the end of the night who will be the Queen of the Ring? Olivia Diamond

  5. What I found funny on the last show was when LA Park kept on switching out of the match with his son and on commentary they were saying the ref did not notice it. That made the ref look like a complete moron. How could you not know the difference between father and son?


    One is massively overweight and the other pretty thin. Way to make your ref look like a complete moron MLW.:D

  6. rCEsYBI.gif





    NEW Paths of Glory 2020

    Location: New Haven, Connecticut

    Attendance: 66

    Show Rating: 45






    [The show begins with the typical NEW opening video package where we are shown various members of the roster and at the end of the video we see NEW Owner Buddy Garner putting the NEW Championship around Raphael’s waist.




    Once the video package is done we head on over to the announcer’s table where Rob and Honest Frank welcome us to New Haven, Connecticut. The announcer’s then proceeded to run down the matches that will be on the show tonight.]


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    Onslaught vs. Sasquatch McGraw with Carl Batch




    • Heading into this match it would not be odd to think that this would be a walk in the park for Sasquatch just due to the massive difference in size between the two competitors.
    • Well, looks can be deceiving as Onslaught did what he had to do to stand a chance in this match and that was using his massive speed advantage in order to make the big man get tired.
    • This was actually working pretty well for the young Texan, that was until SJW came down to the ring.
    • SJW started cheering on Onslaught and this caused Onslaught to be distracted, which is never a good thing to be when in the ring with Sasquatch.
    • Sasquatch was finally able to catch his prey and Carl Batch implored his charge to not end the match quickly adding, “I want to see him suffer for daring to even think he could beat you!”
    • Sasquatch did exactly as he was told, inflicting as much pain as possible onto Onslaught.
    • SJW pleaded with Carl to have Sasquatch stop brutalizing Onslaught saying, “Please make him stop, you’re a marginalized person. Onslaught is as well. You cannot keep doing this to him.” Carl just looked at SJW and smirked.
    • Finally, Carl said, “Wrap it up, he’s suffered enough.”
    • With that Sasquatch nailed Onslaught with a Running Big Boot and three seconds later Sasquatch picked up yet another victory.


    Winner: Sasquatch McGraw

    Time: 6:46 by

    Match Rating: 40


    [We are now shown footage that was shot, according to the graphic on the screen, earlier today. In this footage, we see the members of the Jet Set (Prime Time Jack Pryde, Tavon Blake Jr., and Rocco Renoir) in the backstage interview area.


    Rocco has a bag of Mullet Mike’s hair in one hand and a cordless battery-operated razor in his other hand.]




    Rocco Renoir: Last month that foul-smelling scrub Mullet Mike had the audacity to blow cigarette smoke directly into my face. Never in my life have I been through such a traumatic experience as that.


    Luckily I went to the doctor and she told me everything was okay. But trust me when I say this, for a few days it was touch and go for me.




    Jack Pryde: It really was, the poor guy kept on texting me worried about what your cancer stick did to him. It was rough…




    Tavon Blake Jr.: But you did get a measure of revenge…


    [Rocco smiles and holds up a bag of Mike’s hair.]




    Rocco Renoir: Yes I did...granted I did not get the actual mullet hair but I did get some of that greasy, disgusting, unwashed, hair of his and that was the best revenge I could get.




    Jack Pryde: You did take a decontamination shower after that, right? I mean who knows what sort of gross, vile, disgusting things live in his hair…




    Rocco Renoir: Of course I did. I am not an idiot like Mike.




    Tavon Blake Jr.: Speaking of idiots...tonight we’re not facing off against just one idiot. We’re facing off against three idiots.


    BP and Nate you couldn’t leave well enough alone. You just had to stick your noses in Jet Set business once again. Well I know both of y’all are foolish, ignorant, morons and tonight we as a collective are going to prove just how stupid you two are for joining forces with that mullet moron.




    Jack Pryde: Mullet moron...Tavon you have such a great way with words and you’re absolutely right. Tonight Nate, Mike, and BP are going to learn the hard way that you simply do not mess with the Jet Set. Only damn fools would try to do so and well...I mean they are fools but still.




    Rocco Renoir: Oh and Mike if you think I am done playing barber. Well, you are sadly mistaken.


    Because tonight I have a razor and I fully intend to shave that thing you call hair clean off your head. Your hair is a public health hazard and I have the tool to clean it up.


    Or better yet, think of it as my Christmas present to the rest of society. Yeah, I like that better.




    Paulie Pelton & Jerry Pepper vs. No Remorse




    • Heading into this match it was clear that the members of No Remorse (Remmy and Cip) took their opponents lightly, this was a mistake on their part.
    • Even though Paulie and Pepper have never won a match in NEW both men were determined to change that.
    • In fact, Paulie and Pepper came very close to claiming their first respective victory on multiple occasions throughout this match.
    • The fans were clearly behind Paulie and Pepper as every time they would even get a two count the crowd would pop with excitement.
    • Sadly for P&P and the fans tonight, as many other nights in the past, would not be their night.
    • This sad fact happened after Cip nailed Pepper with a Running Boot.


    Winners: No Remorse

    Time: 12:02

    Match Rating: 42


    [The match is done and Cip leaves the ring to snatch the microphone from the ring announcer. The real man’s man then begins to speak with his gravelly voice.]




    Cip Conduit: What you saw right there were two real men showcasing our talent against two boys who were clearly not fit enough to lace our boots. Remmy, I am getting sick and tired of NEW officials booking us in matches against people who cannot beat us.


    I know I’ve said it before, if NEW officials have run out of opponents to challenge us then why don’t they book us against something that will challenge us. Remmy and I are real men’s men. We don't care who or what we fight.


    You wanna put us in the ring with two grizzly bears, we’ll beat their asses. You wanna put us in the ring with two rottweilers, we’ll beat their asses. Hell, you wanna rent out a water tank and put two narwhals in there...we’ll beat their asses. Cuz I wouldn’t hesitate to punch a damn narwhal in the face. I just want a challenge, I am sick of beating the same pretty boys month after month.


    Because of that, I think it is high time we take our frustrations out on the two brats in the ring.


    [Cip and Remmy enter the ring and attack Paulie and Pepper (Pepper was still lying on the mat and Paulie was checking on him). Cip removes the belt from around his jeans (Yes he wrestles in jeans, he is a real man's man after all.) and begins to whip Pepper’s back with the belt. While this is going on Remmy has Paulie locked in a Scorpion Deathlock.


    This attack quickly comes to an end once High Octane (Langston Franklin and Jerry Martin) run down to the ring wielding steel chairs. As soon as Cip and Remmy see High Octane coming they quickly bail out of the ring and then hop the guardrails and retreat through the crowd.


    High Octane do not pursue the heels, they instead check on the statuses of Pepper and Paulie.]




    Devil Dog vs. Seth James Wilson




    • There is no trigger warning issued this month as the ring announcer refuses to hand the microphone over to SJW, SJW says something about toxic masculinity and the match begins.
    • SJW does his typical run out of the ring strategy, though one has to question if it is an actual strategy or is SJW truly frightened of his opponent.
    • Once the former Marine Devil Dog caught up to NEW’s resident social justice warrior, it was just a matter of time before Devil Dog applied the Rear Naked Choke.
    • This forced SJW to tap out.


    Winner: Devil Dog

    Time: 8:16

    Match Rating: 27


    [We now head to the backstage interview area where Nate DeMarcus, BP SWOLL, and Mullet Mike are standing by. Both Mike and Nate are wearing Boston Red Sox hats.]




    Nate DeMarcus: Rocco Renoir what you did to this man last month was foul. You don’t mess with a man’s hair.




    Mullet Mike: That’s right!


    Rocco, you ain’t nothing but a little punk...you’re a clown ass coward for what you did to me last month.


    Now I’ll tell everyone that I meet that I ain’t the smartest guy, I don’t have the best fashion sense, but the one thing I do have, besides great taste in music, is a bitching mullet. That’s something I take great pride in.


    Well, last month you stripped me of my dignity when you did this to me bitching mullet!


    [Mike removes his hat to reveal a patch of shaved off hair near his hairline. BP looks at Mike’s hair and cringes.]




    BP SWOLL: Jet Set...you warned me and Nate about getting involved in your business. Well me and Nate aren’t at all worried about your warnings because getting involved in the Jet Set business is what we do.




    Nate DeMarcus: That’s absolutely right SWOLL. Some people play video games, some folks play dice, and others might play Magic the Gathering...but what me and big man do… what our hobby is, is getting all up in y’all’s business.


    It’s a fun hobby to have because it means nearly every month we get to kick the ever-living crap out of three bullies and there ain’t nothing more fun than putting some wack-ass bullies in their place.




    Mullet Mike: Rocco you ain’t ever gonna get another opportunity to get anywhere near my bitching mullet. That much is true and tonight when me and my boys take care of you and your lame-o crew, I might just pick up that razor and give your pretty boy hair a nice little shave.




    Mullet Mike, Nate DeMarcus, BP SWOLL vs. The Jet Set




    • This match was a cluster you know what, right from the start as all six men fought in the ring.
    • The action soon spilled outside of the ring and Referee David Poker tried desperately to try and gain order in the match.
    • The action soon returned to the ring and Jet Set gained the advantage as they isolated Mike in their corner.
    • The Jet Set used triple-team tactics to keep Mike in their corner, this caused BP and Nate to desperately enter the ring every time the heels would team up to attack Mike.
    • Tavon, Rocco, and Jack began to work on Mike’s left leg, this was done so that when Tavon applied the Figure Four, Mike would be quick to submit.
    • It was at this point that BP and Nate began leading a, “Fear the mullet”, chant. The fans soon joined in and it seemed like the support of the fans gave Nate the extra needed push he needed in order to fight out of the Jet Set’s corner.
    • Mike hot tagged BP into the match and BP quickly dispatched both Rocco and Jack with a double clothesline.
    • BP and Tavon then went at it in the center of the ring and the action once again spilled out onto the arena floor.
    • Once again all six men partook in mutual combat on the arena floor as David Poker made his slow count to ten.
    • When neither Tavon nor BP, who were the two legal men in the match, returned to the ring before the count of ten David Poker had no other choice but to count both teams out.


    Winners: None, both teams were counted-out

    Time: 13:06

    Match Rating: 29


    [All six men continued to brawl at ringside before finally stopping when a slew of NEW backstage officials separated them.]


    [We are now shown footage that was shot earlier in the day. In this footage, we see NEW Champion Raphael and his girlfriend Lucinda Larouche arriving at the arena. Raphael is wearing a three-piece blue suit, while Lucinda is wearing a yellow sundress.


    Raphael smiles at the camera and a voice off-screen asks the champion a question.]




    Unknown voice: Hey champ, how do you feel about Conner calling you a coward?




    Raphael: Just peachy!


    What, did you expect me to be angry about that? Why would I be angry over something like that?


    Look here mister cameraman, I am an elite athlete but I did not earn the right to call myself that just on my natural skills alone. No, I earned the right to call myself that because not only am I the most talented in-ring worker in this company but I am also the smartest.


    Now that’s not me being conceited, that’s me telling the truth. Conner and Buddy Garner might view what I did last month as cowardly...both have said as much. But at the end of the day, I decided to make a tactical retreat last month...I decided to use the rules to my advantage.


    Some may see that as being cowardly, I see it as being the smartest option I had at that moment. Remember, I work smarter, not harder.


    Now if you’ll excuse me, pal, me, and Lu have some adult fun we would like to partake in before the show begins. Ain’t that right baby girl?




    Lucinda Larouche: That’s absolutely right tiger!




    The LA Stars vs. Manny Alvarez & Reggie Bishop




    • There are three new faces in this match. The LA Stars are a very good young tag team who have gained notoriety for their time in NYCW and former ACPW wrestler and tag team specialist Reggie Bishop.
    • This turned out to be an excellent back and forth match with both teams getting a chance to shine.
    • At the start of the match neither team had much of an advantage, that soon changed as the Stars were able to gain control.
    • Reggie bumped all over the ring for his opponents and it looked as if the Stars were going to cruise towards a quick victory.
    • But that was not the case as the heel used some underhanded tactics to gain the advantage.
    • Manny and Reggie then isolated LA Star #2 in their corner and they kept him there, inflicting as much pain as possible.
    • LA Star #1 was able to mobilize the fans to cheer on LA Star #2, LA 2 was able to fight his way out of the heels corner and hot tag LA 1 into the match.
    • LA 1 was able to nail Reggie with a graceful dropkick, knocking the Canadian out of the ring.
    • The LA Stars then teamed up to take Manny out with a Star Destroyer and three later the Stars picked up their first NEW victory.


    Winners: The LA Stars

    Time: 9:16

    Match Rating: 44


    [Onslaught is angrily walking down a hallway in the backstage of the arena. He soon arrives at a door and lets out a deep breath to try to calm himself. Onslaught tries to open the door but it is locked, this infuriates him even more so he pounds on the door and yells out...]




    Onslaught: Open up the damn door Seth, I know you’re in there.


    [A very odd sounding British accent can be heard from the other side of the door.]




    Odd sounding British accent: Oi gov, there ain’t no Seth here. Now move along…


    [Onslaught does not know if he should laugh or get even angrier. He decides to do the former, he laughs and shakes his head.]




    Onslaught: Come on dude, I know you’re in there. There is a white piece of paper right on the side of the door saying Safe Space, check your toxic masculinity. Who else would put up such a trash sign like that?


    [We once again hear the odd sounding British accent from behind the door.]




    Odd sounding British accent: Look gov, I told ya there ain’t no Seth here. But I am looking for Gavin...he’s my best friend.


    Have you seen him?




    He’s an English bloke. Lovely feller. He went missing and, uh...now I'm all alone.


    [Onslaught shakes his head again.]




    Onslaught: Look Seth, I have not come here to hurt you or Mister Howie Bear. I just thought...well...two months ago I thought we reached an agreement.


    I thought you finally agreed to stay away from me...I thought I would never have to listen to your annoying view of the world again. I thought I would finally have some peace…


    [The door to the Safe Space opens up and Mister Howie Bear sticks his head out. Moments later SJW sticks his head out as well.]




    SJW: We did have an agreement, an agreement which you reneged on when you supported the fascist fans last month in my match against Nate DeMarcus. You led that evil, fascist, non-diverse crowd to cheer against me.




    The champion of the marginalized!


    The man who is clearly put on this earth to serve as an ally to you and all oppressed individuals.


    That broke me...but then I realized that maybe you were testing me all along…




    Onslaught: I assure you I was not…




    SJW: You say that but you could be using coded language...you know yes means no, no means yes...two plus two equals five…




    Onslaught: What the hell are you talking about bro? Have you finally gone loco?




    SJW: Oh loco, I love it! I feel Latinx just hearing that beautiful word!


    I feel like you have finally accepted me as your ally…


    [Onslaught shrugs his shoulders, smirks, and walks away. Knowing that nothing will get through to SJW. SJW basks in what he believes is his newfound connection to Onslaught.]


    [We now head to the backstage interview area where NEW’s backstage correspondent Tabitha Mara is standing by with Conner Threepwood.]




    Tabitha: Conner tonight you have earned a rematch for the NEW Championship. This happened after NEW Owner Buddy Garner and other various NEW officials decided to give you another shot due to Conner’s actions last month.


    My question to you is, what can you do to stop Conner from using the championship rules to his advantage?




    Conner Threepwood: Honestly Tabitha, I am not sure there is much I can do to prevent Raphael from using loopholes to his advantage. Trust me I have tried everything I could to get him to fight me in an honest match.


    I’ve tried to appeal to his competitive nature and that does not work. I have called him a coward and that does not seem to bother him either. I just don’t know what I can do in order to stop him from cutting corners.


    Raphael, I am going to make one last appeal to you right here, right now. Let me and you have a fair and honest match tonight. Let us truly prove who the better man is.


    Look, I get it, you’re the champion. This means you have built in advantages that I do not have. You can get yourself intentionally disqualified, you can get yourself counted-out and if you do those things you will retain your title.


    Well Raphael, if you truly honestly believe that you are the best wrestler in this company today...then why do you wrestle a clean match this one time. Why don’t you show the fans and the boys in the back just how good you really are. I think you and I owe the fans that much and I am cautiously optimistic that you might see the light and feel the same way I do.


    Raphael, we can end this thing between us tonight, if you just do the right thing and help me give the fans what they really want to see. Which is a match between two of the best wrestlers in this company. If we do that and you beat me in an honest manner, then I will gladly shake your hand and put that belt around your waist. Because if you beat me tonight in a fair and honest manner then we will both truly know who is the best wrestler in this company today.


    The Following Match is for the NEW Championship:






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    Conner Threepwood vs. Raphael © with Lucinda Larouche




    • The bell rings to signify the start of the match and Raphael immediately slides out of the ring and tells Lucinda to follow him.
    • The first couple of NEW begin to make their way to the backstage area of the arena.
    • Conner, not wanting a repeat of last month, goes after Raphael and the two men begin to brawl in the aisle leading towards the ring.
    • The two combatants soon make their way back into the ring and within moments Conner is on the offensive and he takes control of the match.
    • Conner gets in a couple of near falls during this stretch of the match and this keeps the fans on the edge of their seats as the vast majority of them want to see the Hick from French Lick pick up the NEW gold.
    • A nervous Lucinda jumps up onto the ring apron to chastise Referee Xander Summer’s refereeing skills.
    • Conner heads over to see what all of the commotion is about and this temporary distraction gives Raphael the opportunity to clear the cobwebs and attack the challenger from behind.
    • It is now Raphael’s turn to dominate the match but it would appear that there is nothing Raphael can do to put Conner away.
    • At one point, Raphael put Conner down with a Cupid’s Arrow and Conner had enough ring awareness to put his foot on the bottom rope. This caused Xander Summer to stop his pinfall count.
    • Raphael can then be heard saying, “Screw this, I’m done for the night.”, the champion once again slides out of the ring and makes his way towards the dressing room.
    • He is met at the curtain to the backstage area of the arena by none other than NEW Owner Buddy Garner who orders Raphael to go back to the ring or he will be stripped of his championship.
    • An angry Raphael runs back to the ring and he is met by Conner as the two men begin to brawl in the center of the ring.
    • Neither man had much of an advantage during this part of the match as both men were able to get their offense in.
    • As the wrestlers approached the twenty-minute mark in the match, it was clear that Conner’s tank was starting to deplete as he was sucking wind hard.
    • Conner threw everything he had offensively at Raphael during this point in the match and once again there were a couple of very close near falls.
    • At one point Conner was mere microseconds away from becoming the new NEW Champion.
    • Conner then mustered up enough reserve energy to put Raphael into the Stretch Plumb.
    • The fans were starting to go wild as it looked as if Conner was going to submit the champion.
    • Lucinda was not about to allow that to happen as she once again jumped up onto the ring apron to protest something.
    • This caused a very annoyed and tired Conner to release Raphael from the Stretch Plumb.
    • Conner then slowly lumbered over to where Lucinda and Xander were, in order to hear exactly what Lucinda’s grievances were.
    • This once again allowed Raphael a much needed rest period and Raphael snuck up from behind Conner and nailed Conner with a low blow from behind.
    • Conner doubled over in pain as Lucinda hopped off the ring apron.
    • A beyond tired Raphael used this time to taunt the fans yelling out, “I work smarter, not harder!”, Raphael then downed Conner with a Cupid’s Arrow, and three seconds later he made defense number four of his NEW Championship.


    Winner and still NEW Champion: Raphael

    Time: 26:33

    Match Rating: 53






    Prediction Results:


    TheEffect 5/6

    Zergon 4/6

    KyTeran 3/6

    michgcs 3/6

    Herrbear 1/6




    KyTeran 14 points

    Zergon 14 points

    michgcs 12 points

    1PWfan 6 points

    Herrbear 5 points

    Historian 5 points

    TheEffect 5 points

    smw88 4 points





    Post-Show Notes:



    1. I would like to thank everyone who predicted in the prediction contest. Especially TheEffect for who joined in on the competition for this show and picked the most correct for this show. TheEffect was also the only one who correctly guessed which match would have the non-finish.


    2. Speaking of the non-finish, I felt bad because the obvious choice was the main event. However, I did a non-finish between the two of them on the previous show and I did not want to do it again.


    3. Reggie Bishop is a high match rating machine. I have a feeling he is going to be like Remmy where I have to push him because of good he is. I mean I had every intention of pushing Remmy but his popularity seemed to blow up after putting on great match after great match for me. I think Reggie might end up being the same.


    Reggie and Manny have great chemistry as a tag team. This sort of sucks because I had no intention of making them a regular team, but now that I know that I might do so down the line.


    4. Yes the whole SJW/Onslaught conversation was a rip-off of Red Dead Redemption II. I just copied Nigel's dialogue from the RDR2 wiki. For those of you who do not know, Nigel is an English guy who is looking for his friend Gavin in RDR2.


    The game takes place over the span of I believe seven years and Nigel can be found looking for his friend throughout the entire game.
















    Real life REALLY sucks right now (see what I did there? lol) so i fully understand not wanting to write. But then again, if you do ever need an escape, this might be the perfect avenue. Just my two cents. :)


    You might be right. I do miss writing on here when I am not doing it and when I am doing it I find myself asking, "Why am I doing this?"


    But I guess maybe this is a good avenue to escape for a little bit.



    No predictions for me right now as I am just getting into this, but happy to be. Strongly support you keep going, also strongly support you putting real life stuff first as I've had to do this recently as well.


    Happy to be here and following along.


    Thank you for the kind words. I am glad you have decided to keep up your ECW dairy as well. For those who have not got a chance to check out Tobin's diary, you really should it is very well written and the graphics are awesome.


    Mullet Mike, Nate DeMarcus, BP SWOLL vs. The Jet Set

    I recall you saying Mike was actually decently popular so thinking that wth that information, faces are just the stronger team overall despite heels being the group here.


    Yeah, Mike really did not want to lose to the Jet Set, I had to make him look strong in the road agent notes. Oddly enough, his popularity did not go down and nobody else in the match had their popularity go up.

  7. I just wanted to say this diary is not dead. I just have had issues in my personal life that have led me to not want to write. I do have the next two shows after this one in the can as well but I did not want to burn through them. My goal for this diary is, at the very least, to make it through one game year.


    I feel like a bit of a jerk for not responding to the comments below but as I have said before, I try not to bump my diary to respond to comments because I have always viewed that as a cheap bump. I do not want this diary being bumped up to the top while other writers who have actual updates (Be it shows or behind the scenes write-ups) are bumped down. That is why I do not respond.


    That being said I had fully expected to respond to them before now but then I took my hiatus which was only supposed to be for a few days. But a few days turned into a week, which turned into a few weeks, and now here I am a month later.


    Just read the show, I've missed the start but from what I've read one can relate and get the picture of everything that is going on. The sneaky champion was to my liking. I like "Travon", Jack Pride and Rocco Renoir they provide some entertainment to the show in a different manner. Most of the characters are getting fleshed out and I enjoy your writing style. Will definitely stay around and follow your work from now on! - cause "I fear the mullet!" or not ahah.


    Thank you for the kind comments. Oh, and you should always fear the mullet because, by the looks of it, it seems like he has not washed his mullet in a few years. Maybe Mike isn't a meathead and he's more one of those people who lived in a hippy commune.


    Good show as always, dude.


    Thank you.


    1. Mullet Manny and Mullet Mike in a mullet-off? More like it's a tag team in the making! Mullet Men assemble!


    I might revisit that idea (aka steal) somewhere down the road.


    2. Yes, the LA Stars look cool. Sucks that they're jobbers (for now).


    They are not going to be jobbers as they are too popular. I just probably should not have signed another two masked men. That's four on the roster right now and only one is a Lucha wrestler.


    5. The song was okay, but sounded like generic 80's music IIRC. I really hope I don't hear any of those songs in the future (although the radio station I do listen to has started to play older songs). They were playing late 90's and early 00's songs the other day and I was like, "damn, I'm (we're) getting old." But reading your songs now... well, you're older LOL :p


    I mean I wasn't around when Accentuate the Positive was a hit. I was born like thirty years later and the Christopher Cross stuff came out when I was a little kid. So while yes I am old, I am not really old.


    It is funny but I was thinking about it the other day and I remember watching Big Brother when I was in my early 20's and they had a couple of contestants in their early 30's on there. At the time I recall thinking, "Man 35 is so old." Well I passed thirty-five about seven years ago...so yeah I keep on telling myself age is just a number but I don't know if I believe it or not.:D



    Paths of Glory 2020


    For the NEW Championship:


    Conner Threepwood vs. Raphael ©


    The LA Stars vs. Manny Alvarez & Reggie Bishop


    Mullet Mike, Nate DeMarcus, BP SWOLL vs. The Jet Set


    Devil Dog vs. SJW


    Paulie Pelton & Jerry Pepper vs. No Remorse


    Onslaught vs. Sasquatch McGraw


    There is a non-finish on this show. So one match will end in a draw.

  8. <p>Singles Match</p><p>

    Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit</p><p>

    COTT Mid American Championship</p><p>

    "The Living Legend" Sean McFly versus <strong>"Bulldozer" Brandon Smith</strong> w/ Mark Hyatt</p><p> </p><p>

    Co Main Event</p><p>

    Tag Team Match</p><p>

    Twenty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

    HPW Tag Team Titles</p><p>

    The Dynamite Express versus <strong>The Texas Express ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Opening Match</p><p>

    Six Man Tag Team Match</p><p>

    Melvin Jericho, Brent Carpenter, & Edwin Garcia versus <strong>Deverell's Army</strong> w/ Haley Buck</p>

  9. <p>WCCW Television: <strong>One Man Gang © </strong>versus Owen Hart</p><p>

    <strong>Rock N' Roll Express</strong> versus The Radicals (Marty Jannetty & Sean Michaels)</p><p>

    Jerry Blackwell versus <strong>Rick Rude</strong></p><p>

    Bobby Fulton versus <strong>Randy Savage</strong></p><p>

    Brian Adias and David Von Erich versus <strong>Jake Roberts and Terry Gordy</strong></p><p>

    <strong>Kerry & Mike Von Erich</strong> versus The Dynamic Duo</p><p> </p><p>

    WCCW Championship Sports (TV)</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong> Billy Jack Haynes and Jerry Blackwell</strong> versus Randy Savage and The Missing Link</p><p>

    <strong>Rock N' Roll Express</strong> versus The Fantastics</p><p>

    Chris Adams and Hercules Hernandez versus<strong> David & Kerry Von Erich</strong></p>

  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blodyxe" data-cite="Blodyxe" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47513" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have TEW saves on the side with more continuity <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Not much to say but this comment did make me laugh because it is so true. I can book TEW better than some of the crap they put out.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cappyboy" data-cite="cappyboy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47513" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Certainly can't deny that the booking of MLW has seemed all over the place since returning. Take the middleweight title sitch. I can't say I was totally surprised to see Myron Reed lose it. That felt like it was coming for sure. But to give it to a guy just coming in the door like Lio Rush? And then for Rush to be rather inivisible since? Yeah. That is a way to go. Doesn't seem like a very good one but it is an option.<p> </p><p> Kind of like the idea behind the Gino Medina/Gringo Loco beef. Can't think of another time I've ever seen cultural appropriation used as the basis for a feud. And given the extra layer of Gino's familial connection to the term "Gringo Loco" it feels all the more organic. But to be doing this with Gino when the deal with Richard Holiday has yet to be properly resolved? Seems like this feud could have waited until after the Dynasty fallout had settled.</p><p> </p><p> And speaking of The Dynasty, what even are they anymore? MJF is long gone. Hammerstone has evolved beyond the group. Attempts to expand the ranks like Grogan and Gino Medina were failures. And Holiday seems to have gone soft. The guy can still be a bit shady as the Tim Donaghy hiring showed. But at the same time, every time the Dynastic Coffee merch promo comes on, he feels almost like a parody of his former self. It may be time to either end the Dynasty or reformulate it.</p><p> </p><p> Or Contra. That group really seems to be showing its age. It feels like Jacob Fatu is still champion primarily because MLW is so weak at the top these days. But beyond that, Gotch is often an afterthought. Mads Kruger hasn' really been that interesting. Daivari's alright but feels like he's trying to get in at the wrong end. Really feels like it's time for Contra to fall apart but there really isn't anyone that can kill it off.</p><p> </p><p> And I get why they resigned ACH. But did they really need to put him with the Von Erichs just because all three are from Texas? Having Ross and Marshall on my TV screen has been some serious wrestling comfort food for me. Loved their dad and uncles back in the day and had lost track of the male Von Erichs terribly before they arrived in MLW. But ACH? If there's one man in all of wrestling I'm burnt out on, that I would happily never see again, it's ACH. And that doesn't even have to do with the WWE stuff. Although that certainly didn't help. I was already getting bored of the guy before he left Ring of Honor. I certainly wouldn't say ACH is a poor talent. I understand how I could be in the minority. In a very distinct minority even. For some, his considerable athleticism would be enough. He just strikes me as a very boring personality. He's always projected himself the same when I've seen him. Never seems to grow or evolve or really offer more than the athletic prowess. Dude just can't seem to project himself in a way that isn't a broken record.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Lio was on the MTV reality show The Challenge and it was either the week he won the title or a week later he quit the show because he missed his family and the show was being taped in Iceland. Now I do not begrudge him for leaving the show, I just found the timing funny that he wins two championships but he quits a reality show.</p><p> </p><p> Those Dynastic Coffee merch promo's come across like bad comedy. The sort of stuff you would see on modern-day SNL. I agree that the Dynasty should probably be split. MJF was the glue that held it together and with him gone, they just don't seem to be important as a group or a duo, if you vill (Had to quote Dusty there).</p><p> </p><p> The booking of that Grogan guy was awful as well. He joins the group and is with them for like two or three weeks. Then he turns on them and then he disappears from the promotion. Only to be repurposed as Mads Kruger.</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of Mads, oh boy was that Bakalei Brawl pure and utter garbage. That was hands down one of the worst parking lot brawls I have ever watched. There was one in TNA a few months ago that rivaled it and I am blanking on who was in the TNA one. I think it was Rhino and someone else.</p>
  11. WWF Heavyweight Championship: Hulk Hogan © vs. Paul Orndorff


    Jimmy Snuka vs. Cowboy Bob Orton


    WWF Intercontinental Championship: Greg Valentine © vs. Junkyard Dog


    WWF World Tag Team Championships: The North-South Connection © vs. The U.S. Express


    Hillbilly Jim vs. Brutus Beefcake


    This was back when Brutus was cool.


    BONUS: Will Andre the Giant slam Big John Studd? Yes


    Part of me wants to put no because The Brain will do something to stop Andre for doing it.

  12. Was there any real doubt that Morgan would win gold?




    Main Event

    Six-Woman Tag Team

    Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

    Frankie Carmello & the Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Hermanas de Pestilence


    Singles Match

    Fifteen Minute Time Limit

    Happy Elwood versus "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith w/ Mark Hyatt


    My mind wanted me to read Missy Hyatt and I was thinking to myself, "Wait why is she in a C-Verse diary?"


    Eight Man Tag Team Match

    Fifteen Minute Time Limit

    Rick the Ravager, Melvin Jericho, Brent Carpenter, & Edwin Garcia versus The Cadillac Four w/ Lucinda Lush


    Opening Match

    Singles Match

    Fifteen Minute Time Limit

    Blaze versus "Dangerous Woman" Piper Hale

  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blodyxe" data-cite="Blodyxe" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47513" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not a bad episode this week, clears up some things on the challengers.<p> </p><p> Like the addition of Tankman to The Injustice, but can't see him winning the title just yet. Same goes to Myron and Jordan, but I will pull for them.</p><p> </p><p> Also looks like Mil will be the one to take the title off Hammer, solid choice.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree it was not that bad.</p><p> </p><p> I think Hammerstone will lose to Mil as you said and then maybe he is the one to beat Fatu. </p><p> </p><p> I wonder why they listed Brian Pillman Jr. in their top five for Middleweights. I thought he was exclusive to AEW now. I mean that list was trash anyway because they had Laredo Kid ranked so high and the dude loses every single week.</p><p> </p><p> Also, they are doing a terrible job telling us the audience who are the fan favorites and who are the heels. Injustice and Tankman are clear faces now and Contra Unit are heels. But what the hell is the Dynasty supposed to be? Richard seems to be a heel but Hammerstone seems to be a face or on the cusp of being a face. Los Parks are sometimes heels but they are sometimes treated as faces. Gino Medina was a face when he split with the Dynasty now he is a heel, yet he is also feuding with a heel in Richard Holliday. I just don't get what is happening.</p><p> </p><p> Then you have the whole Los Parks/Salina De La Renta thing. After the PPV I thought she said she was no longer managing them. Then during the lockdown of the promotion she was helping Contra take over the company. Now she is back managing the Parks and she is no longer helping Contra.</p><p> </p><p> I need one of those boards that have all of the red strings attached to various pictures in order to understand what the hell is going on.</p>
  14. HPW Women's Championship

    "The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


    Morgan's got this...I hope.


    Singles Match

    Fifteen Minute Time Limit

    Tzilla versus Akira Kawashima


    Tag Team Match

    Fifteen Minute Time Limit

    Harvey MacDonald & Rodney St. Pierre versus The Assassins


    Opening Match

    Singles Match

    Fifteen Minute Time Limit

    Jimmy Chipolata versus "Bulldozer" Brandon Smith w/ Mark Hyatt

  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kijar" data-cite="Kijar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47513" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not too many other positives. Who are we thinking dethrone Los Parks? They surely can't hold those titles long.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's a good question and I am not sure who they could have win the titles. I honestly thought Contra Unit was going to win on the last show but that was wrong.</p><p> </p><p> Maybe Team Filthy? I mean I do not like either of those guys but I guess they could go with them.</p>
  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mootinie" data-cite="Mootinie" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>NXT is a bit curious at the moment. This Wednesday's episode has both Balor vs. Cole and Shirai vs. Storm for the two titles. Bear in mind, we're maybe two weeks removed from TakeOver and they have another scheduled for three weeks time. So, why the hotshotting? Maybe they think AEW is going to be a bit weak but I imagine that both matches could have been saved?<p> </p><p> I've heard rumours of NXT moving nights to Tuesday, probably because USA Network's patience has worn thin for paying for the rights to a program that sometimes doesn't even chart on the demos. But I wouldn't be greatly surprised if they were pulling the plug all together. It's been 18 months, surely they figure the audience maybe isn't there for this show?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Jim Cornette said that the move was more to do with the NHL moving into that spot and less to do with AEW beating them. The NHL will probably outdraw NXT in that timeslot so it makes sense to put them there. </p><p> </p><p> I am not a huge hockey fan so I don't know if it is entirely true but I think Wednesday nights were typically nights when they would have national games broadcast. It is that way for both the NBA and MLB.</p>
  17. WCCW Live!

    Iceman King Parsons versus Jake Roberts

    The Fabulous Ones versus The Radicals (Marty Jannetty and Sean Michaels)

    Jose Lothario versus One Man Gang

    Brian Adias and Mike Von Erich versus Kelly Kiniski and Rick Rude

    Billy Jack Haynes versus The Missing Link

    David & Kerry Von Erich versus The Dynamic Duo

    WCCW Championship Sports (TV)

    Kerry Von Erich and The Fantastics versus One Man Gang and The Midnight Express

    Hercules Hernandez versus Scott Hall

    Brian Adias, David Von Erich and Mike Von Erich versus Chris Adams, Gino Hernandez, and Jake Roberts

  18. I wanted to come on here to talk about that mess of a match for the Tag Team Championships between the Parks and Contra Unit. I know it should not bother me but the officiating in that match was horrible. It was like an AEW tag team match. People were just randomly entering into the ring without being tagged and they were considered to be the legal man. There were constant double team moves and the ref did hardly anything to stop it.


    Yes wrestling is fake but to quote President Biden, "Come on man". It might be fake but the officials should officiate as if it is real. That is unless it was supposed to be under Lucha rules where they don't have to tag. But I don't recall anyone ever saying that.




    MLW is the only show I follow right now, since it is just one hour long, but man they had some disappointing shows lately. Laredo Kid/Lio Rush title match was very underwhelming, as is Laredo's booking in general. Lots of inconsistencies and weird booking decisions too, shame really.


    I actually fell asleep during that match. Not because I was bored, I just have a terrible sleep pattern at the moment. But I do agree with you in regards to Laredo's booking. They treat him like a jobber more often than not.


    He's from AAA and if I were them I would pull him off MLW shows. I mean MLW obviously doesn't know how to use him so why destroy his image any further?


    Like the people involved in the shows much more than the final product. Sorry if I sound too negative, I just think they can do much better, as seen with the Opera Cup.


    This isn't the AEW thread, in this thread, you are allowed to talk negatively about the product without anyone telling you you're wrong or if you don't like it don't watch.:D


    But I agree, like I said before since they came back the shows have been very lackluster. I am not sure if it is the lack of crowd, the pumped-in crowd noise, bad/uninteresting booking. Or a combination of all of it. But there is something lacking. I did like this year's Opera Cup as well though.


    I think one thing that hurt them was a lot of talent leaving. It is to be expected with them being a small promotion and all but it has hurt them a lot. Plus they seem to feature the same group of wrestlers week after week.


    One angle that really sticks out as bad booking to me is the whole TJP feuding with Bu Ku Dao. If they spent more time as a team or showing the two of them together. Then when TJP turned on him it would have meant more. Instead, they paired them on the show a few times and then had TJP turn on him. Had they built it up more, I would have had a vested interest in the split but because they did a rush job on it, the split meant nothing to me.

  19. <p>All this talk of Parent-Teacher conferences has brought back memories. I was a really bad kid and so my parents would often tell my teachers that they could hit me if I acted up in class. Mainly because both my parents went to Catholic schools and they both got hit. But I was lucky it was the 80's by the time I was in school and the teachers could not touch me.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    Main Event</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining</p><p>

    Loser Leaves Town</p><p>

    <strong>Wild Red Stallion </strong>versus "Dapper" Danny Draper (Lucinda Lush is banned from ringside)</p><p> </p><p>

    Six Man Tag Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

    Number One Contender to World Six-Man Titles</p><p>

    Gary Greer & The Manifesto versus <strong>Deverell's Army </strong>w/ Haley Buck</p><p> </p><p>

    Opening Match</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

    Frankie Carmello versus<strong> Purple Viper</strong></p>

  20. The Crusher versus The Missing Link


    How the hell old is the Crusher at this point?


    Jerry Blackwell versus One Man Gang


    As a little kid I legit thought that Gang and Jerry were the same person because they look so similar.


    Brian Adias versus Kelly Kiniski


    Randy Savage versus Tommy Rogers


    David & Kerry Von Erich versus Dennis Condrey and Terry Gordy


    Billy Jack Haynes and Kevin Von Erich versus The Dynamic Duo (Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez)


    WCCW Championship Sports (TV)

    Billy Jack Haynes versus Kelly Kiniski

    The Fantastics © versus The Fabulous Ones for the NWA American Tag Team titles

    Brian Adias versus Jake Roberts

  21. WCCW Live!

    David Von Erich versus Stan Lane


    Jerry Blackwell versus The Missing Link


    The Fantastics © versus Hercules Hernandez and One Man Gang for the NWA American Tag Team titles.


    Realistically, I could not see the Fantastics win this match with a roided out Herc and One Man Gang as their opponents. But it is wrestling so I have to go with the champs.


    Brian Adias versus Rick Rude


    Rock N' Roll Express versus The Dynamic Duo (Chris Adams and Gino Hernandez)


    Kerry Von Erich © versus Jake Roberts for the NWA American Heavyweight title


    WCCW Championship Sports (TV)

    David Von Erich versus The Missing Link

    Rock N' Roll Express versus The Midnight Express

    Brian Adias and Kerry Von Erich versus Chris Adams and Jake Roberts

  22. I started watching wrestling right after WrestleMania 2 when I was a kid and I honestly never stopped watching it. When I felt like the WWF was for little kids in the late 1980's, I began watching the NWA/WCW.


    When WCW started going down in quality I found myself watching ECW, Smoky Mountain, and USWA. Though I was still watching both WCW and WWF at that time as well just not as much as I used to.


    Then WWF and WCW got really hot and I started watching them. When WCW and ECW went out of business I tried watching WWF but it was painful but I still watched it.


    Soon I got hooked on TNA even though that wasn't all that great. Then I picked up ROH as well. I stuck with TNA and ROH until they both got really bad and then I found MLW.


    I still watch MLW every week. I try to watch NXT and AEW when I get a chance but AEW really is unwatchable. I also tend to catch the second hour of SmackDown every week because there is nothing else on.


    So while there have been gaps in my viewing and I do not watch as much as I once did. I never truly stopped watching wrestling. Though I often find myself wondering why I have never stopped.

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