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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. I am not sure if you want us to make picks or not, if not then disregard this.


    From Group A

    Gods of War vs. Jorel Nelson and Royce Issacs


    "Grizzly" Kal Jax and Artemis Spencer vs. Real1 Krew


    I know the line of thinking is when you have a name team going against an unnamed team, one should go with the name team to win. However, one team has Kal Jax on it. So I guess that rule is going to be thrown out the window here.


    From Group B

    Davey Boy Smith Jr and "Big" Sean Studd vs. The Madness and The Cure (Comoroto/Pain)


    This is tough because you seem to be focusing on all four men right now. I just think Davey and Sean are probably going to end up being the eventual winners of the tournament so I shall go with them.


    The Bloodline's Anoa'i's vs. Sugar Dunkerton and Eddie Colon


    This is intriguing because I honestly don't know what you are going to do here. Part of me sees The Bloodline moving on to face off against DBS and BSS. However, rating wise those matches just don't seem to be doing well for you.


    Then you have DBS and BSS possibly facing their ally in the next round in Eddie. I think that is the better match so I am going with Eddie and Sugar here.




    Gods of War vs. "Grizzly" Kal Jax and Artemis Spencer


    Tough call here but I think GOW pull off the win here.


    Davey Boy Smith Jr and "Big" Sean Studd vs. Sugar Dunkerton and Eddie Colon




    Davey Boy Smith Jr and "Big" Sean Studd vs. Gods of War


    While I think of DBS and BSS being more of a temporary team and they probably shouldn't beat GOW. I just have a feeling they will.

  2. Jim Powers Vs. Doink The Clown



    The White Knight Vs. "The Mighty" Yokozuna



    Non Title:

    Max Moon Vs. "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels



    WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

    Rick "The Model" Martel Vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart ©


    As a kid I always remember being shocked when I heard that Rick Martel was the former AWA World Champion. Mainly because I thought of him as a tag team guy and then a joke when he became the Model.


    BLOCKBUSTER Survivor Series Rematch:

    "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon and "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair Vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage and "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig

  3. Junkyard Dog and Jimmy Snuka vs. Greg Valentine and George Steele


    You never make your main events easy. I really want to pick the Hammer and the Animal to win here mainly because George was one of my favorite wrestlers as a kid. But JYD and Snuka have to win here.


    Tony Garea vs. Brutus Beefcake


    Tony was one of my father's favorite wrestlers. But by this point, he was nothing more than a jobber.


    Tony Atlas vs. A Local Talent



    The U.S. Express vs. The Moondogs


    Bray's father and uncle have this one.

  4. The new Sandman Winks picture threw me off because I was like, "Wait a second, I thought he was supposed to look like Superstar Billy Graham. Maybe Historian got the pictures wrong." Then I read the match write-up and I felt like a fool...


    Also, congratulations on getting TV!


    Singles Match

    Twenty Minute TV Time Limit

    Indiana Heavyweight Championship

    The Masked Mauler versus Wild Red Stallion ©


    I guess you could always switch the title on the first show for shock value, but I don't think that will happen here.


    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit

    Celestia Copeland versus "The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker


    Six Man Tag Team Match

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit

    Gary Greer & The Manifesto [bobby Marks & Jamar Lennon) versus The Casey Family Butchery (Chuck, Tully, and Robert Casey)


    Singles Match

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit

    "Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus "Californian" Chet Chavez


    Before Adam went and messed up CZCW, I always played as them and Chet was one of my personal favorites.


    Singles Match

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit

    "Miss Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus Sophie Carrasco

  5. [The following Cameo is of Mullet Mike as requested by Zergon. Mike is standing in what looks to be someone's (possibly his own) backyard. He’s wearing a white tank top that is covered in mustard stains. He has a lit cigarette hanging out of the left side of his mouth and he is holding a bottle of Samuel Adams New England IPA in his right hand.


    Mike looks completely disheveled. Almost as if he just rolled out of bed after a night of partying. He begins to speak in his thick Boston accent.]





    Mullet Mike: This video was requested by Zergon. That’s an odd name, that can’t be a real name?


    Ah, that don’t matter. Oh look it says you’re from Finland...is that a real country? The reason why I ask is because I failed geology...or was it geography? What does it matter? I failed both of em.


    Now I ain’t ever heard of no Finland. So I’ve got to wonder if that is a real place and if it is, then is that where all the retired Miami Dolphins players go? Cuz Dolphins have fins and everything.


    If anyone knows me, they know I’m a Pats fan and I hate the Dolphins, the Jets, the Bills, and those damn Giants. Screw New York! But anyway...oh yeah you sent me a question…


    So ah...it says here...ah...what are my goals in NEW and why am I here?


    Well, I’ll answer the second part of ya question first. Why am I here? Honestly bro you’d have to ask my parents. They met when they were both drunk at an Aerosmith concert...Joey Kramer is God!


    But yeah they met at an Aerosmith concert and nine months later I arrived so I guess that’s why I am here...man that’s actually deep. I never really thought about it...if it wasn’t for Steven Tyler...I wouldn’t be here bro. Damn that’s deep.


    Now as for my goals in NEW...well...ah...I think I just want to make enough money to pay for my cigarettes and booze. If that happens then I am happy. Aside from the money...I just want to beat the ever living snot out of people.


    Ya see bro, I ain’t ever been good at much of anything my entire life. But there are a couple of things that I am good at. One is knowing how to maintain this sweet mullet. Ladies love mullets. Two is being able to withstand a hella lot of pain and the third one is beating people up.


    I hope you have a kick ass summer bro and thanks for the question.



    Author's note:


    If I remember right it says in Mike's in-game bio that he is stupid. So there is no way he would know anything about Finland. He probably never heard of it. Heck if I was a betting man, I would bet my real life friend, who I am basing Mike off of, has never heard of Finland. That is also why he did not understand Zergon's second question about why Mike is here.


    Mike thinks Zergon is asking him why he is here on this planet, not why he is in NEW.

  6. Main Event

    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    COTT Mid American Championship

    Sandman Winks versus Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush


    Semi Main Event

    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    HPW Tag Team Championship

    The Texas Express versus The Dynamite Express ©


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    "Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    HPW Women's Tag Team Championship

    Yvonne Ericks & Black Diamond versus Daughter's of Lucha Libre ©


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    "Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus "Dapper" Danny Draper w/ Lucinda Lush


    Tag Team Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Nebo Martell & Adam MacDonald versus The Taggs w/ Haley Buck


    Opening Match

    Ten Woman Tag Team Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Morgan Stryker, Tzilla, Lucy Trigg, Frankie Carmello, & Lacy Montgomery versus Jessica Conroy, Talia Neema, Sophie Steele, Piper Hale, & Akira Kawashima

  7. So I just finished Soul and goddamn Pixar. Between Onward and Soul they’ve really hit me hard in the feels and I can’t place a movie above them this year. I also watched WW84 and I enjoyed it I’m probably on the flip side of BHK just above okay. I’m also on the opposite side of invisible man I just couldn’t get into it, I’m in no way saying it’s bad I wanted to like it because it was doing everything so well there was just something about it I am so uninterested I haven’t been able to get past the halfway point.


    I have been wanting to check out the Invisible Man, but I have heard so many mixed reviews about it. It is one of those movies I keep on saying, "Well there is nothing else to watch, I might as well give that a try." Then I find myself looking for something better.


    Looking at Crychon's list made me realize just how many movies I have not watched this year. I used to go to the movies at the very least once a week but for obvious reasons I stopped. Heck I am not sure if they ever reopened any theaters in my state.


    I don't even recall the last movie I saw in a movie theater. It had to be something that came out in December of last year or January of this year. But I am drawing a blank.

  8. Gods of War (Kratos (2-0) and Odinson (2-1)) vs. Local Talents


    Bronson Steiner (1-2) vs. "Dirty Daddy" Chris Dickinson (3-0)


    Well it looks like Bronson is going to end up being 1-3 because there is no way in hell he is going to pick up the win here.


    nZo (3-0) vs. Patrick Scott (0-2)


    If I had to guess nZo probably has the highest popularity level on the roster just for being in the WWE. So I don't see him losing to Patrick who is at 0-2.


    Cezar Bononi (1-2) vs. SCHAFF (4-0)


    Cezar they say there is a fine line between being brave and being stupid. Well my friend you are the latter because not only did you foolishly attack SCHAFF. You now have to face him in the ring as well.


    "Big" Sean Studd (2-2), Davey Boy Smith Jr (4-1) and Eddie Colon (1-0) vs. The Bloodline (Afa Jr (1-2), "The Future" Lance Anoa'i (0-1) and "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (1-1)


    I am going with some sort of draw. Either a count-out or a D.Q., something along those lines. I just can't bring myself to pick a winner here.

  9. rCEsYBI.gif





    NEW Road To Ruin 2020

    Location: Norwich, Connecticut

    Attendance: 61

    Show Rating: 40











    [The show begins with a pre-taped video showing NEW owner Buddy Garner announcing that the first round match-ups for the NEW Championship Tournament will take place at next month’s show in Providence, Rhode Island.


    Buddy then names the seven men who will take part in the tournament, before adding there will be an eighth “mystery man” who will also be involved in the tournament. We are then shown a graphic of the brackets for the tournament.]




    [After that segment is done we head over to the announcer’s table where Rob L. Miskovsky gives us a rundown of the matches that will be on the show tonight. Once he is done doing that, we head up to the ring for the first bout of the night.]


    [before the first match of the night can begin, the ring announcer informs us that SJW is so upset over the destruction of his safe space during the previous month’s show, that he is unable to issue a trigger warning to the crowd tonight.


    The fans start clapping and cheering, which causes SJW to become enraged. SJW shouts out to the crowd, “Stop it, you fascists! Stop it!”, which causes the fans to start chanting, “Shut up snowflake.”]




    Mullet Mike vs. Seth James Wilson




    • The match begins and it would seem that SJW is channeling all of his pent up rage that he has due to the destruction of his safe space and the way the fans treated him prior to the start of the match.
    • SJW began nailing Mike with lefts and rights, but none of them seemed to bother the Blue Collar Brawler from Boston.
    • In the end, it was just another rough night for NEW’s resident social justice warrior as SJW lost the match after taking a Gordbuster from the man with the 80’s haircut.


    Winner: Mullet Mike

    Time: 6:28

    Match Rating: 23



    [We are now shown a pre-taped video package featuring Jet Set, who are sitting poolside at a very dilapidated looking motel. Jack Pryde is on his cell phone talking to someone and when he finishes he looks over at Rocco and shakes his head.]




    Prime Time Jack Pryde: Sorry it looks like we’re stuck here for the night. I can’t believe that NEW management would stick the three of us in a place like this. My lawyer said there was nothing in our contract that said NEW couldn’t put us in a place like this, so yeah we’re stuck.




    Rocco Renoir: This place sucks. When we agreed to join this backwoods promotion we were told by Buddy that the company would pay for our travel and lodging. Now don’t get me wrong we can afford much better than this, but if someone is offering you something for free you take it.


    Plus this place is infested with rats and I am not talking about the good kind. I saw one just a few minutes ago eating a rotten apple near the door to my room.




    Prime Time Jack Pryde: The really messed up thing is, I think it is intentional. I know for a fact, that fat ass BP SWOLL is staying at that really nice hotel right inside the casino because of course, NEW management would put him up there. That place is renowned for its all you can eat buffet and you know that fat ass BP SWOLL must love him an all you can eat buffet.


    After relaying that tidbit of information my lawyer spoke to Buddy about that. Buddy informed my lawyer that our staying here was a quote, unquote clerical error. Clerical error my ass, I know Buddy doesn’t want us to be well-rested and why would he. It is clear that Buddy does not want us to be bright-eyed and bushy tallied for our match against the hometown hero Nate DeMarcus and that morbidly obese idiot BP SWOLL.


    No, Buddy would rather have us lose because it does not look good for the hometown hero to lose in front of his family and friends.




    Rocco Renoir: Yeah man. What I don’t get is why is Nate even being billed as a hometown hero. The dude lives like an hour away.




    Prime Time Jack Pryde: Why? Because Buddy knows he can make a buck off these stupid fans by billing him as the hometown hero.


    Honestly, do you think any of the people that attend NEW shows know anything about geography? If I was a betting man I would say the vast majority of the fans are functional illiterates. Maybe even inbred for all I know.


    [Rocco and Jack are now joined by the third member of Jet Set, Tavon Blake Jr., who seems to be very happy.]




    Rocco Renoir: Dude why are you so happy? You do know we have to stay in this cesspool for the entire night.




    Tavon Blake Jr.: Man I don’t even care because I just found out I am gonna be in the NEW Championship Tournament fellas. That’s right fellas, the big man is gonna crack some folk's heads on my way to becoming the first NEW Champion.


    [both Rocco and Jack look annoyed over this revelation, but Tavon is completely oblivious to how they feel as he is thrilled.]




    Tavon Blake Jr.: Come on fellas, let's celebrate the Jet Set way. Let’s paint the town red, cuz I am feeling hyped right now. Ain’t nothing gonna bring me down.




    Rocco Renoir: Dude I am not ashamed to admit this, but I am legit afraid to reenter my room. Like legit.


    So much so, that I am thinking of wrestling in what I have on right now and just leaving all of my stuff in the room and never coming back for it. My stuff is probably littered with bed bugs anyway, so I don’t wanna touch any of it.




    Prime Time Jack Pryde: Same here Roc, there is no way in hell I am setting foot in that room again.




    Tavon Blake Jr.: Damn guys, why can’t y’all be happy for me and stop complaining about your damn motel rooms?




    Prime Time Jack Pryde: Yeah, yeah. Congratulations and all of that jazz.


    But I am not painting the town red tonight when I only have these jean shorts to wear. Come on guys let’s go.


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    BP SWOLL & Nate DeMarcus vs. The Jet Set with Tavon Blake Jr.




    • Rocco and Jack come to the ring wearing flip flops and jean shorts like they were in the previous video. Jack clearly looks uncomfortable as he can be heard telling Rocco, “I can’t believe I have to wrestle barefoot, who knows what type of diseases I am going to catch!”
    • The match started out with Nate and Rocco in the ring, it was clear that Rocco wanted no part in wrestling the much bigger Nate.
    • Rocco tried using every stalling tactic in the book in order to not have to fight Nate and finally Nate got fed up and just started to beat the holy hell out of the cocky Canadian.
    • This momentum did not last long as Jack would distract Referee David Poker and this distraction would lead to Tavon entering the ring and attacking Nate.
    • BP was obviously none too happy about what Tavon just did and the big man went after Tavon on the outside of the ring, as Jack and Rocco managed to keep the now isolated Nate in their corner of the ring.
    • Rocco and Jack went to work on Nate’s right leg, the thought process was if they weakened Nate’s leg he would not be able to perform many of the strength-based attacks that are his modus operandi.
    • BP was able to take Tavon out of the picture and BP then got the crowd to start clapping their hands and stomping their feet.
    • A hobbled Nate seemed to feed off this positive energy from the crowd and he soon fought his way out of the Jet Set’s corner, he then hot tagged BP into the match.
    • The big man from San Diego had no trouble dealing with the much smaller members of the Jet Set.
    • BP looked like he was going to secure him and Nate a victory when he nailed Rocco with an especially impactful Pounce, BP then covered Rocco.
    • However, tonight BP and Nate would pick up their victory not by pinfall, but by disqualification as Tavon entered the ring and nailed BP in the back with a steel chair.


    Winners by disqualification: BP SWOLL and Nate DeMarcus

    Time: 7:33

    Match Rating: 38


    [The action was not done in the ring as Nate, BP, and the members of Jet Set continued to brawl. This was a brief brawl as a whole slew of NEW officials rushed down to the ring to keep both camps apart.]


    [We are now shown a pre-taped promo with Carl Batch and Deathwish. The promo starts with Deathwish pacing back and forth, barking like a dog.]




    Carl Batch: Tonight Deathwish the caged beast of Brutality Incorporated is going to be stepping into the ring with Astro. Now Astro, I don’t know you all that well. I ain’t sure if you speak or, being from Mexico, you don't understand English all that well, maybe you’re a little crazy, or you’re just plain stupid.


    That is meant as a dig at you, it is more of an observation. Ya see, for the past three months since my boys have been working here, there has been one constant opponent they have faced and that opponent is you.


    Which as I said before leads me to believe you are either crazy, dumb or cannot read the contracts you are signing. Because nobody would be foolish enough to face off against the members of Brutality Incorporated month after month...and yet here is your name on tonight’s show and you are taking on Deathwish.


    Son, I feel sorry for you but there ain’t much I can do about it. Tonight you are gonna step into the ring with this mad dog and I have a funny feeling you are going to regret the day that you signed on to face off against Deathwish.


    [Carl walks off the screen and Deathwish just stares blankly at the camera before he follows Carl off camera.]


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    Astro vs. Deathwish with Carl Batch




    • The match begins and it would seem that Deathwish is not nearly as ready for Astro as Carl Batch previously claimed.
    • In fact, the young masked man from Mexico kept up a frenzied pace, and his attacks in this match would best be described as hit and run, Astro would hit Deathwish with a strike and then use his near-supernatural speed to get away from Deathwish before Deathwish could counter-attack.
    • Unfortunately for Astro, there was another factor involved in this match and that was Carl Batch.
    • Carl distracted Astro long enough for Deathwish to attack the young Mexican from behind.
    • From that point forward the animal that is Deathwish had caught his prey and it was clear what the outcome of the match was going to be.
    • One Swandive Headbutt later and Deathwish had secured the victory.


    Winner: Deathwish

    Time: 7:04

    Match Rating: 15




    Jerry Pepper & Onslaught vs. No Remorse




    • On commentary, Rob L. Miskovsky talked about how Remmy Honeyman and Cip Conduit are longtime friends from the independent circuit and the two men have decided to join forces to become the best tag team in NEW.
    • The pairing of Remmy and Cip is very interesting as Remmy is a more technical minded wrestler, while Cip prefers to straight-up brawl with anyone foolish enough to enter the ring with him.
    • No Remorse quickly isolated Jerry in their corner, not allowing him the opportunity to tag Onslaught into the match.
    • One Running Boot by Cip to Jerry would lead to No Remorse picking up their first victory as a new team.


    Winners: No Remorse

    Time: 6:02

    Match Rating: 35


    [We now are shown a pre-taped promo with Devil Dog.]




    Devil Dog: Tavon Blake Junior, folks around here say you are an athletic stud. That you are one of the most impressive workers here in NEW. Well, I have scouted you and it would seem those reports are accurate.


    Tavon, tonight you and I are going to meet in the ring and we’re going to see just how elite of an athlete you are. Cuz tonight, you’re going to enter my field of play and I ain’t known to play very nice. So you can lift all the weights you want, you bring your two little cronies with you. I don’t care about none of that.


    All that matters is when all is said and done you will tap to the Rear Naked Choke. Oorah!




    Devil Dog vs. Tavon Blake Jr.




    • This match almost immediately spilled out of the ring as the two men brawled at ringside.
    • Referee Xander Summer warned the two combatants that they needed to return to the ring or run the risk of being counted out.
    • Both men heeded the warning and returned to the ring.
    • Upon returning to the ring, it was Devil Dog who shined as the former Marine doled out punishment to Tavon.
    • It looked like Devil Dog was on the path to victory, that was until Tavon managed to poke Devil Dog in the eye. Which an out of place Xander missed.
    • The tides turned in favor of Tavon who immediately went to work on Devil Dog’s left leg in the hopes of softening it up for the Figure Four.
    • Tavon was soon able to lock Devil Dog’s left leg into the Figure Four and just as Devil Dog looked to be on the verge of passing out from the pain, he (Devil Dog) somehow had enough reserved power to reverse the Figure Four.
    • This was quickly broken up when Tavon showed excellent ring awareness and grabbed the bottom rope.
    • It seemed like a fire was lit underneath Devil Dog though as he came back at Tavon with fury.
    • Devil Dog managed to get Tavon down on the canvas and once that happened Devil Dog applied the Rear Naked Choke on Tavon which caused Tavon the heavy hitter of the Jet Set to tap out.


    Winner: Devil Dog

    Time: 12:30

    Match Rating: 38


    [The cameras take us to a corridor in the backstage area of the arena. In that corridor we see Jerry Pepper laid out on the ground. He is clearly the victim of some sort of attack. We see the lower half of his attacker from the knees down, but we do not see the rest of his attacker.


    However, his attacker can clearly be heard saying, “You made the biggest mistake when you decided to team with my ally Onslaught.” It is obviously clear as the day is long, that Jerry’s attacker was SJW, but as stated previously, SJW is not shown in the actual footage.]


    [We are now taken to the locker room of Raphael who is lying on a couch being fed grapes by his girlfriend/manager Lucinda Larouche.]




    Raphael: Langston Franklin...or as I know you as Lion Heart. Tonight we will meet for the first time in a NEW ring. But as we both know, this is far from our first encounter in the squared circle.


    No, we have had our battles in the past both here in New England and in our native country Canada and you know what? I actually respect you.


    That is not something I say often, but it is true. You see, when I first entered the independent wrestling scene in Calgary everyone and their mother compared me to you. They called me the next Lion Heart.


    I took those comments as a compliment because truth be told I wanted to be the next Lion Heart. I wanted to be the good looking young stud with all of the potential in the world. I wanted to have the chicks in Calgary throw themselves at me like they did to you.


    [Lucinda rolls her eyes, sticks out her tongue, and says...]




    Lucinda Larouche: You wanted to hook up with girls from Calgary? Ew...gross.




    Raphael: Yeah well my standards were low back then. I mean obviously so if I wanted to be the next Lion Heart…


    You see, I spent the first few years of my career so desperately wanting to be like you. And then I came to the realization that I did not want to be the next Lion Heart because I knew I was already far superior than you.


    I am better looking than you, I am more talented in the ring than you, and I hate to be crass but I see some of the quality of women you hang out with and well let’s just say I have standards while you obviously don’t. I mean just look at Lucinda, none of those trailer park trash broads that you hang out with could hold a candle to my lovely Lucinda.




    Lucinda Larouche: Oh tiger you are so turning me on right now.




    Raphael: I know what I look like Lu, of course, I am turning you on. But I digress...anyway Lion Heart I have all the respect in the world for you and I know just how tough you are. But I hate to inform you that you are not going to be walking out of the ring tonight as the victor.


    Simply because you are not in my class. I surpassed you a long time ago and tonight I am going to make you painfully aware of that fact. That’s not me being conceited love, that’s me telling the truth. After all, there is a reason why they call me the Golden Hair God, and tonight you are going to see just why that is the case.


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    Langston “Lion Heart” Franklin vs. Raphael with Lucinda Larouche




    • This was a fantastic match from bell to bell.
    • At the start both men managed to get their offense in with neither man really gained the upper hand in the match.
    • It was clear that these two men had fought many times in the past, as they both seemed to know exactly what the other was thinking.
    • At one point, a frustrated Raphael tried to call it quits and head back to the locker room as the fans serenaded him with boos.
    • Langston was having none of this, dragging Raphael back into the ring.
    • It seemed as if tonight might be the night that the Lion Heart would defeat the Golden Hair God as Franklin was in firm control of the action and managed to get in some near falls.
    • However, some timely interference from the lovely Lucinda would see Raphael back in the driver’s seat.
    • Raphael then nailed Langston with his finisher the Cupid’s Arrow and three seconds later Raphael scored yet another victory.


    Winner: Raphael

    Time: 14:23

    Match Rating: 44


    [We now go to the backstage interview area where the NEW backstage correspondent Tabitha Mara is standing by with Conner Threepwood.]




    Tabitha Mara: Conner tonight you are taking on the mysterious Masked Mauler. Can you give us any insight into what it is you have to do to beat someone like him?




    Conner Threepwood: Well Tabitha, I have to be honest with you I am not sure what I have to do in order to defeat Mauler tonight. Because as you said he is a mystery to me, I have no idea who he is. I know he is the seventh incarnation of the Mauler and much like the previous versions, he is a submission specialist.


    Other than that, I am not sure what it is that I have to do in my match against him tonight. Sure I have watched some footage of his previous matches but it was not nearly enough for me to try to formulate a winning game plan.


    The fact of the matter is, tonight I am going into the ring blind. I don’t know what to expect and to be honest that is thrilling. I am looking forward to fighting the unknown and I am sure I will end up prevailing tonight.




    Conner Threepwood vs. The Masked Mauler VII




    • Both wrestlers in this match are all about submitting their opponents and we saw it right from the start as Conner tried to lock Mauler into his finisher the Stretch Plum and Mauler kept trying to put Conner into the Iron Claw.
    • The fans were fully behind Conner in this match and they reacted to any time he was in danger of losing during the contest with a chant of, “Conner, Conner, Conner”, ringing throughout the arena anytime Conner was in peril.
    • Conner’s biggest advantage in the match was the fact that he was the veteran of this match and those extra years in the business really helped him out as he used his excellent ring awareness to find the ropes and break any hold or pinfall that Mauler attempted to put on him.
    • Even though he wears a mask, it was clear through his body language that Mauler was upset that he could not do that one thing to secure the victory.
    • In the end, it was Conner who picked up the victory after causing the Mauler to verbally submit to the Stretch Plum.


    Winner: Conner Threepwood

    Time: 19:53

    Match Rating: 43






    Prediction Results:


    Herrbear 6/7

    Zergon 6 /7

    KyTeran 6/7

    smw88 5/7

    Texasrangers13 5/7

    Historian 4 /7





    Zergon 12 points

    Texasrangers13 10 points

    KyTeran 10 points

    Historian 8 points

    Herrbear 6 Points

    smw88 5 points




    Post-Show Notes:


    1. First and foremost I would like to thank everyone who predicted in the prediction contest. Especially Herrbear and smw88 who joined in on the competition during this show. I never usually have a large prediction audience (That does not seem like the right term, but I am lacking a good term so I shall stick with that.) unless I am running an SWF diary. So I really do appreciate anyone who takes the time out of their day to predict.


    There was a three-way tie at the top between Zergon, Herrbear, and KyTeran. I was thinking of doing a prize where whoever gets the most picks right can receive a "Cameo video" from anyone on the NEW roster of their choosing. For those who do not know what a Cameo is, it is a site where people pay a certain fee to have a celebrity send you a personalized video. You provide the celebrity with information as to what you would like them to talk about.


    Now I can't promise that what I do will be anything great, but I thought it might be a fun thing to post between shows because there are times when there will be gaps between my shows and I try not to bump my show unless I am posting a prediction list or the actual show.


    So yeah, if Zergon, Herrbear, or KyTeran would like a Cameo from anyone on the roster. Obviously, I none of you do then you don't have to. If you do, you can either post who you want it from and what topic you would like to talk about, within reason, here in the thread. Or you can PM me the details.


    2. I noticed that a few people had Devil Dog losing. To be honest, I wrote this so long ago I thought Devil Dog had lost that match as well. The reason why he did not lose was that he simply had more New England popularity than Tavon and he refused to lose.


    Devil Dog, being a PSW wrestler, keeps on gaining popularity at a rapid pace. Plus he is the tag champ in the Cape Cod promotion (Which by the way I believe smw88 made the logo for. It is such a cool logo, I wanted to have that as the name of this diary but I felt the name was even more regional than this name) with Dominic DeGraff (Sp? I don't have the game open to see if I spelled Dom's last name correctly.) so his popularity is always going up at a pace I would rather it not, but it is what it is.


    3. No Remorse was supposed to debut as a tag, but I kept on booking them as singles wrestlers. So when I finally decided to put them together as a tag on this show, I just came up with the lame backstory as to why they are teaming together.


    4. It was at this point in writing that I realized that the vast majority of the workers on the roster were unknown to anyone who would potentially read this. So that is why Devil Dog got some promo time on this show and some other workers will get promos in the upcoming shows.


    It's tough because I want everyone to get their time but I simply cannot put the focus on as many workers as I would like to do so. Some I honestly don't have a clue as to what they would say in their interviews (The Masked Mauler comes to mind) and others like Mullet Mike stink at that sort of stuff so I really don't want to give them the time on the show.


    I give Mike...um...mic time for this company's sister promotion and he bombs. The dude routinely pulls a zero to a five on every damn segment he's in. I was hoping with exposure in that promotion he would get better but it has yet to happen.


    5. I know it is now a couple of days away, but I would like to wish everyone who reads this a safe and Happy New Year.



    Mullet Mike vs. Seth James Wilson

    This is actually a tough one. Mike had only one match so far but it was against Raphael so oponent was decently high caliber one while SJW looks to be jobber but one that gets plenty screen time. I decided to go with less screen time but with tougher opponent > plenty screen time but losing matches but we see if that´s correct or not.


    I wouldn't get your hopes up on Seth James Wilson becoming anything of note anytime soon. The guy just does not gain popularity the way I would like him to. It seems like he has been stuck at the same popularity level for months.


    Even at the point in the game where I am at right now, he is still leaps and bounds behind everyone on the roster. I think his popularity level in New England at the current point in the game is six and it has been there for a while.


    He is one of the few that are not on both this roster and the Cape Cod roster. That might play a factor in why he has not improved as much as the others.


    Astro vs. Deathwish

    Would love to pick Astro here but he looks to be jobber and I prefer to pick who I think would win over who I would want to win when making predictions.


    I would love to push Astro but with him being from Mexico, he had no starting popularity in New England so he has become the de facto babyface jobber. I will say his popularity has really grown a lot the further I have gotten into the diary, but unfortunately for him so has nearly everyone else's with the exception of SJW.


    I am thinking of adding a Middleweight/Cruiserweight/Lightweight Championship as the vast majority of my roster are either middleweights or under. I am not sure I will end up doing that, right now where I am at in the diary is trying to get the tag team division some air time and eventually starting a tag team title tournament.


    I also wanted to have a secondary title as well. Either an Openweight or a North American or something along those lines. But I am not sure I want to have three singles titles. This company is sort of influenced by MLW and that is what they currently have, so maybe I will end up doing that. I am just not sure at this point.


    Mullet Mike vs. Seth James Wilson

    It's called the Ballad of Mullet Mike. So he has to win!


    I am sort of forced to push him even though he sucks. He might very well be the worst worker on the roster stats wise. But being from Boston his New England popularity makes him high up on the card.


    He can't cut a promo, he sucks in the ring. But he does have an awesome mullet, so I guess there's that.


    BP SWOLL & Nate DeMarcus vs. The Jet Set

    I really like this team. I've always been partial to Nate DeMarcus and I think if you're going to use him to help bring BP Swoll along, it's a great position.


    Same here, I think this is the third diary I have used him in. Plus his bio states he is from Rhode Island and the company is located out of there, so I feel obligated to have him in this diary.


    I also wanted Leftie Wilkes but he was not located in New England anymore and his asking price was not worth it. I wanted as many New England based or people from New England, on this roster but I either could not sign them, I did not want to pay the money for them, or they just stunk (Extreme Deluxe I am looking at you, he put Cip on the shelf for two months in my Cape Cod promotion. That happened prior to the start of this diary.).


    Astro vs. Deathwish -- His name is DEATHWISH


    Every time I see his name I think of Charles Bronson. I am not going to lie, that's why I hired him as the psychopath of the company. I usually go with Mad Dog Mortimer or Jerry Martin for that role. But I just could not pass on someone with the name of Deathwish. I do have to work on showing just how crazy he is, I have not really conveyed it yet.


    Jerry Pepper & Onslaught vs. No Remorse (Remmy Honeyman & Cip Conduit) -- Part of me likes Onslaught, but No Remorse makes more sense (I think)


    I would love to push Onslaught into a role where he can stand out. I like his name and he's pretty good in the ring. But his popularity level is just not there.


    I think if I were to make a lightweight belt, as I discussed above, he and Astro would benefit from it the most. I could easily see one of them as the champion.

  10. I saw Wonder Woman 1984 yesterday and I was disappointed. The first one had been really good, so I did have high hopes for this one. But sadly, WW1984 was lacking something. I am not sure what, it was a long movie but it felt like it moved pretty good, so I would not say it was a pacing issue.


    I just think it lacked a good story. The story was very weak. I had read online prior to watching it that it was bad. But I had also read it was a very woke/SJW type of movie and I personally did not see anything that could make it be considered that. There might be one scene dealing with a drunk and Kristen Wiig's character that might sort of lean that way, but I don't think it is the case.


    Overall, I would say the movie was not good and honestly it was not really bad either. I would say it was sort of okay, but being closer to bad than good.

  11. I do not know if I ever shared this story or not on here about Luke Harper. I once saw him wrestle for Dragon Gate USA in a show outside of Boston. He was working as a heel and for the entire match there was a little boy who was maybe seven or eight (He could have been younger) screaming and yelling at him the entire match.


    After the match was done Luke left the ring and went over to where the young heckler was. I believe Luke's intentions were to give the kid a little scare as a joke because he looked down at the kid and stared at him. The kid started laughing and it was at that point that Luke noticed the kid had a deformed hand (No I am not a mind reader but I could tell by the look on his face). Luke went and gave the kid a hug and then clapped for the kid and told him he did a good job bothering him.


    What is the point of this story? There is none really, I just always thought that was kind of cool of him to do that.


    I thought I would share this again. This is why I always liked Luke/Brodie. I always felt there was so much more that the WWE could have done with him and they just never did for whatever reason.

  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52316" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#4169E1;"><span style="font-family:Impact;">NEW Road To Ruin 2020 </span></span></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Mullet Mike vs. Seth James Wilson</p><p> </p><p> BP SWOLL & Nate DeMarcus vs. The Jet Set</p><p> </p><p> Astro vs. Deathwish</p><p> </p><p> Jerry Pepper & Onslaught vs. No Remorse (Remmy Honeyman & Cip Conduit)</p><p> </p><p> Devil Dog vs. Tavon Blake Jr.</p><p> </p><p> Langston “Lion Heart” Franklin vs. Raphael</p><p> </p><p> Conner Threepwood vs. The Masked Mauler VII </p></div><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="michgcs" data-cite="michgcs" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52316" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I LOGGED BACK IN JUST TO COMMENT LOLOLOL Always hyped to see another Ballad! I hope this one lasts for a while! I'll be sure to check it out now! It's really great how you use a diverse roster in that you seldom use the same characters for each of your games. Good luck and reel me the F in so that I can get the writing bug, too. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't know about the seldom use the same character part. Remmy, Raphael, Nate DeMarcus have all been used in multiple diaries. Also, there is someone who you like that is about to debut on the main show, who has been in pretty much every single one of my diaries that wasn't an SWF diary.</p><p> </p><p> You getting the writing bug would not be a bad thing, would it? Heck, there would be a heck of a lot more fanfare if you come back than anything I could do.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  13. <p>Artemis Spencer (2-1) vs.<strong> "The Man With No Country" TK O'Ryan (1-1)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    I could be totally off base here, but I just think TK is the more interesting character thus far.</p><p> </p><p>

    Bronson Steiner (1-1) vs. <strong>"Grizzly" Kal Jax (1-1)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Bronson got his first win, but I think Kal is in for more of a push. Especially seeing how much promo time he gets.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Davey Boy Smith Jr (3-1) and "Big" Sean Studd (1-2</strong>) vs. Local Talents (They Don't Win)</p><p> </p><p>

    Now is this a fake out? Will Local Talents really win here?<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    Open Fight Night: "Classico" Eddie Colon (DEBUT) vs.<strong> "The Future" Lance Anoa'I (DEBUT)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    I think you have more invested in Lance.</p>

  14. <p><strong>The American Cobras </strong>vs. New York Doll & Harper</p><p>

    <strong>Greg Henn </strong>vs. Sean Noggin</p><p>

    Miller FForde, Crocket Tubbs, and Animal Harker vs. <strong>Quentin Queen, Ray Snow, & Super Massive Destroyer</strong></p><p>

    <strong>Riley McManus & Masked Stranger </strong>vs. The Heart Breakers – NYCW Tag-Team Championship</p><p>

    Brooklyn’s Finest vs. <strong>Denny King & Ernest Youngman</strong></p>

  15. That Martyr segment was excellent. I used to bring him into any small promotion I had when I would play TEW 16. Such a great character to have.


    PWC Internet Championship Qualifier #2

    3 Way Dance


    MexiCain vs Babau vs Wes Revell



    2 vs 2

    PWC Rules


    Brothers In Vengeance w/Shane Sneer vs Local Talent



    Singles Match

    PWC Rules


    "Blonde Bomber" Jerry Martin vs "Sultan Of The Suplex" Hammer Hadley w/Marina Del Ray


    I am a Jerry Martin mark, but you just did a huge segment building up Hammer so I highly doubt he will lose here.


    PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

    PWC Rules


    "Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine vs Ricky Turner



    PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

    PWC Rules


    Harlem Haynes vs Nate DeMarcus

  16. Main Event

    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    COTT Mid American Championship

    "Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush


    Co Main Event

    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    COTT World Tag Team Championship

    The Ring Generals w/ Lucinda Lush versus The Texas Express ©


    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Women's Championship

    "Lil Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks ©


    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

    The Uprising versus Daughter's of Lucha Libre ©


    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Tag Team Championship

    The Casey Brothers versus The Dynamite Express ©


    I really like the Casey Brothers, I always sort of use them as my version of Rick and Scott. But I just don't think they will win here.


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Nebo Martell versus Dreadnought w/ Andrew Gibson


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Porkchop Patterson versus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


    In the words of Joe Biden, "Come on man." There is no way Porkchop who was involved in a zero rated match just a few shows back, stands a chance against James.


    Opening Match

    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    "Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Chet Chavez


    Well, Chet has always been one of my favorite CZCW wrestlers but he stands no chance here.

  17. ECW Heavyweight Championship Match

    Taz vs. Brian Lee (w./ Shane Douglas)


    Tag-Team Grudge Match

    The Sandman and Stevie Richards vs. Raven and ???


    ECW Television Championship Match

    Tommy Dreamer vs. Steve "Dr Death" Williams


    It is tough to pick against Dr. Death but he is older so it makes sense for Tommy to get the win here.


    ECW Tag Team #1 Contenders Match

    The Chair Swingin' Freaks vs. The Dudleys vs. The Pitbulls vs. The FBI


    Grudge Re-Match

    Sabu vs. Rob Van Dam

  18. Bronson Steiner (0-1) vs. "Savage Gentleman" Victor Benjamin (1-2)


    You did not seem high on Victor so I will go with Bronson getting his first win here.


    "Big" Sean Studd (1-1) vs. "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (0-1)


    Gods of War (Odinson 1-1, and Kratos 1-0) vs. Local Talents


    Watch one day you are going to name a team Local Talents and they are going to be actual good wrestlers and we'll be screwed.


    Chris Dickinson (2-0) vs. Cezar Bononi (1-1)

  19. Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Snuka vs. Big John Studd and Paul Orndorff


    I really am not sure how this one will go. I could see a double count-out or something so that neither team suffers the loss here. But it is Hogan...screw it I am going with Superfly and Hulk.


    Junkyard Dog vs. Steve Lombardi


    This is a free point right here.


    Two Local Talents vs. The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff



    Hillbilly Jim vs. Brutus Beefcake


    This much like the main event is tough for me. Because reading what you just wrote, this is when Jim just joined the promotion. So I am not sure if you would be willing to have him lose so soon.


    Also, that is one weak women's division. I remember the first thing I would always do when firing up the 1987 mod was scrap the women's division and fire all of the midget wrestlers (PC police please do not come after me for using that term, that was what they were called back then).

  20. rCEsYBI.gif





    NEW May Madness 2020

    Location: Fall River, Massachusetts

    Attendance: 62

    Show Rating: 41










    [The show begins and we have a brief video intro before heading over to the announcer’s desk where Rob L. Miskovsky welcomes us to the show. Rob then gives a brief run down of what is happening on the show tonight before he sends us to the ring for the first match of the night.]


    [One of the combatants in the first match Seth James Wilson (SJW) is standing in the center of the ring with a microphone in hand. On commentary Rob groans and says, “Who the heck gave him a hot mic?”


    The crowd in Fall River are already serenading SJW with the chant of, “Shut up snowflake.”, despite the fact that SJW has yet to speak. SJW does not seem very happy about the crowd’s reaction to him. He stomps his right foot on the mat and beings to speak. ]




    SJW: This is what happens when the crowd is not diverse enough, you have fascists yelling at me to shut up when I haven’t even spoken yet. But I am not bothered by this because I am on the right side of history.


    [The crowd is really booing SJW now, as he smiles.]




    SJW: Boo me all you like but I am just speaking my truth, and my truth is the truth.


    Anyway, I am not here to bicker with you fascists. No I am here to speak to the people in the crowd who might not feel safe enough to speak. Give me your strength, let me serve as your orator.


    For those who are triggered by violence, I just want to issue you a trigger warning. The next match might end up being violent. It is not my choice but it is the nature of the beast here in NEW.


    Therefore, if you feel unsafe in the crowd I would like to direct you to the back over there. The little section over there is a safe space. It is meant to be a safe haven to all of you in the crowd who cannot stand the violence.


    [SJW hands the microphone back to the ring announcer and then awaits his opponent.]




    Langston “Lion Heart” Franklin vs. Seth James Wilson




    • There is not much to say about this match as Langston was on the offense for the vast majority of the match.
    • At one point after Langston hit SJW with a swift kick to the leg, SJW can be heard saying, “Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry?”
    • The answer to the question was obviously yes, as moments later Langston nailed SJW with his finisher the Lion’s Pounce.


    Winner: Langston Franklin

    Time: 5:42

    Match Rating: 32


    [We are now shown a promo that, per the graphic on the bottom of the screen, was filmed earlier today. Carl Batch and the members of Brutality Incorporated are in the backstage interview area. Carl is flanked by Sasquatch McGraw and Otto Von Battenberg, while the third member of the group, Deathwish, walks back and forth aimlessly in the background.]




    Carl Batch: Tonight, once again, my boys’ matches are going to serve as a bit of an infomercial. Ya, see nobody has contracted them yet. Which is understandable, after all this is only the second show and all and there really hasn’t been enough time to start any beefs. Ya dig?


    But I digress, you see tonight all three of my men are in action and they are going to destroy the fools who were dumb enough to agree to fight them. I want to show all of our potential clients here in NEW just how bloodthirsty and brutal my men actually can be.


    [Carl looks at his charges and says.]




    Carl Batch: So that means I don’t want y’all to just win tonight. Nah, I want you to destroy the folks who were dumb enough to sign the contracts to face you. Ya dig?


    [Otto and Sasquatch nod their respective heads in compliance, while Deathwish smiles and starts laughing in a maniacal manner.]


    vh0xZNf.jpg?1qgXP1Tn.jpg?1ptQXbKF.jpgexu2gBd.jpg?1uVU2jr5.jpg?1 with 0p54iew.jpg?1


    Jerry Pepper & Astro vs. Brutality Incorporated with Carl Batch




    • Some folks could call this a match, but most would call it a one-sided ass kicking as Brutality Incorporated showed everyone in attendance just why they have that name.
    • Sure the match was over eight minutes long, but it was far from competitive and it only lasted that long because Otto and Sasquatch allowed it to last that long.
    • In the end, Brutality Incorporated were able to pick up the win after Sasquatch nailed Jerry Pepper with a Running Big Boot right to the face.


    Winners: Brutality Incorporated

    Time: 8:08

    Match Rating: 33


    [After a brief video package showcasing the various NEW merchandise that is on sale, we head back to the ring where the members of Jet Set are standing by with NEW backstage correspondent Tabitha Mara (Well she’s not backstage right now, but you catch my drift).]




    Tabitha: Guys, last month you made it a point to mock and then attack Nate DeMarcus in front of his family and friends. My question is, why did you three feel the need to do that?




    Prime Time Jack Pryde: Well that’s a rather dumb question. The reason why we did what we did last month was because we could.


    You see Tabitha, you are in the midst of greatness right now. Never has a collaborative group of young studs, such as the three of us, been put together to form such an elite faction. We are the future of this industry and we do what we want to do, when we want to do it. It’s as simple as that baby girl.




    Rocco Renoir: Exactly, but I think the better question is how I feel about being Pearl Harbored by that morbidly obese dude last month. That should have been your lead and really only question…




    Tabitha: Well...ah...how do you feel after BP SWOLL took you down with the Pounce last month?




    Rocco Renoir: Wow, that is a stupid question...you get paid to do this?


    You want to know how I feel?




    Tabitha: You just told me to ask you…




    Rocco Renoir: Fine, I’ll tell you how I am feeling. I am not feeling good. I mean, how do you think you’d feel if a morbidly obese dude came charging at you and speared you to the ground?




    Tabitha: Not...not good I suppose.




    Rocco Renoir: Exactly! In fact, I am not sure if I’ll ever feel good again.


    My back is all messed up and not getting a lot of sleep. I’ve put on some weight because I can’t go to the gym to work out...babes are not checking me out because I have become fat...my life has been absolutely terrible since I was attacked last month.




    Tavon Blake Jr.: That sucks and all but I think we should focus on the matter at hand, which is our match tonight with Nate DeMarcus. I personally can’t believe that fool signed a contract to take all three of us on at once.


    I mean I knew the cat was a little slow on the uptake, but I did not know he was that dumb. What fool thinks he can take on the entire force of Jet Set all by himself…I know, I know it says tonight’s match is a handicap match. But come on man, we all know Nate ain’t got no friends in that locker room that will have his back.




    Rocco Renoir: Yeah especially against the three of us...


    [Just then Nate DeMarcus can be heard laughing. Nate then appears from behind the backstage curtain. Nate has a microphone and he begins to address the three members of Jet Set.]




    Nate DeMarcus: I don’t have any friends? Do the three of you honestly believe that statement?


    Especially after what happened to Rocco last month. Cuz if I don’t have any friends in the locker room, I don’t know why my boy BP SWOLL has agreed to team up with me tonight to face you guys.



    begins playing and the behemoth BP SWOLL comes walking out from behind the backstage curtain with a big grin on his face.]




    Nate DeMarcus: See I have a friend and my friend wants to help me kick your collective asses. So what do ya say BP, should we kick some asses.




    BP SWOLL: There are two things BP SWOLL loves doing in life. One is having a footlong meatball sandwich from Subway and the other is kicking entitled pricks asses. The nearest Subway is like a mile from here, so I guess you know what BP is fitting to do.


    [BP and Nate rush the ring and the next match is underway.]




    BP SWOLL & Nate DeMarcus vs. The Jet Set




    • This match was a chaotic mess right from the start as all five men brawled inside and outside of the ring.
    • Referee David Poker tried to maintain order as best as he could but it really was to no avail as all of the combatants did not listen to him.
    • Fed up with the lack of adherence to the rules David Poker reluctantly began his ten count and when nobody re-entered the ring in time, he (David Poker) officially declared the match a draw due to double count out.


    Referee David Poker has ruled this match a draw due to a double count out.

    Time: 6:43

    Match Rating: 35


    [The outcome of the match did not seem to matter to the people who were in the match, as all five of them kept on brawling at ringside. Jack and Rocco ganged up on BP, while Nate and Tavon went at it.


    At one point, BP, Jack, and Rocco fought inside SJW’s safe space. This caused SJW to scream and flee his safe haven.


    Finally, a slew of NEW officials managed to break apart this arena wide brawl. Jack taunted BP calling him a coward and BP came charging at him, which led to both Jack and Rocco making a quick retreat.]


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    Onslaught vs. Deathwish with Carl Batch




    • This match was meant to be a showcase for how tough Deathwish is, but it ended up being far more competitive than Carl Batch had hoped for.
    • Onslaught did not let up on his aerial assault and constant strikes he was nailing Deathwish with.
    • It was quickly becoming clear to Carl that this match was not going to be the showcase match for Deathwish that he (Carl Batch) had hoped it would be.
    • In fact, Deathwish looked downright lost and totally out of his element.
    • Carl took it upon himself to turn the tides in this match as a timely distraction from him allowed Deathwish to pull something out of his trunks, whatever this weapon was Deathwish used it to carve into Onslaught’s forehead leaving the young Texan to bleed like a stuck pig.
    • From that point onward it was all Deathwish as he (Deathwish) was able to secure a victory over Onslaught after he nailed him (Onslaught) with an impressive but very deadly Swandive Headbutt.


    Winner: Deathwish

    Time: 8:01

    Match Rating: 20




    Paulie Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII




    • This was a good match between two young up and coming wrestlers.
    • The match had some good back and forth action as both men brawled inside and outside of the ring.
    • The fans were squarely behind Paulie and whenever it looked like he was in trouble a chant of, “Here we Paulie, here we go.”, would ring out throughout the arena.
    • In the end, the fan’s support was simply not enough for the young man from Madison, Wisconsin, as Paulie was forced to tap-out after Mauler locked him into the Iron Claw.


    Winner: The Masked Mauler VII

    Time: 12:24

    Match Rating: 33


    [We are now taken to a corridor in the backstage of the arena. Onslaught is sitting on a metal folding chair, holding an ice pack to the back of his neck while dressed in his street clothes. Moments later he is joined by a terrified looking SJW.]




    SJW: Hey did you see what they did to my safe space? They totally destroyed it! I wanted to yell, “Shame”, at them and inform them that they are on the wrong side of history but I was scared. Which is why I am here to seek you out.


    [Onslaught looks a little annoyed but he does respond to SJW.]




    Onslaught: So why did you seek me out?




    SJW: Well simply put this is an unsafe work environment. People do not care about the destruction of my safe space. Now I don’t feel safe…


    That is why I was looking for you. After all, I am the voice of the marginalized people and you’re a marginalized person. Therefore, I think it would only be natural for the two of us to have each other’s back in times of terror, like what happened to me earlier tonight.


    [Onslaught shakes his head and says...]




    Onslaught: Look man, I’m sorry for what happened to your safe space. I truly am, but the thing is I ain’t one of those people who is looking for someone to have my back. I have always found it better when I worked solo and don’t get it twisted man, that isn’t a knock on you. I just like working alone.


    [SJW looks crestfallen over this response. He looks down at the ground for a moment before looking at Onslaught.]




    SJW: That is a shame, it truly is. I thought you would be open to working with me to fight the injustices that happen here in NEW.


    After all, I am an ally to the marginalized people and you have to understand that you have a much greater risk of being attacked due to being a marginalized person.


    [An annoyed Onslaught gets out of his chair and stares at SJW for a minute. Onslaught then lets out a deep, calming sigh before responding.]




    Onslaught: Look man, I told you before. I am not anyone’s victim. I am not marginalized and I don’t need any help from you. Now I appreciate your offer and all but dude, just chill. Find someone else who has a victim mentality, maybe the two of you can have each other’s backs.


    As for me man, I’m good. Thank you.


    [Onslaught walks away and SJW smiles and says.]




    SJW: He is so stunning and brave. A true beacon of hope. That man is on the right side of history.


    [We are now taken to the locker room of Raphael. Raphael is lying stomach down on a table as his girlfriend/manager gives him a back massage. Raphael is holding a hand held mirror in his right hand so that he can admire his own reflection.]




    Lucinda Larouche: Well tonight tiger you are facing off against Devil Dog.




    Raphael: Oh trust me I know. I guess in the mind of Buddy Garner, Devil Dog is what passes as a challenge to me. Which we both know is simply not true.


    I mean look at me, I am the Golden Hair God! Devil Dog is some retired Marine who still thinks he’s in the service. Well I have news for him, this isn’t the Iraq desert, this is a wrestling promotion. Now don’t get me wrong, I do respect his service but that does not mean I have to respect him as a professional athlete or as a legitimate threat to beat me.


    There is not a man on this roster that poses any sort of threat to me. That’s not me being conceited love, that’s me telling the truth.


    Oh well, I guess it is time to prove once again just why they call me the Golden Hair God!


    Come on babe let’s go.


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    Devil Dog vs. Raphael with Lucinda Larouche




    • Devil Dog came out of his corner swinging, trying to force Raphael to fight his (Devil Dog’s) match.
    • But the cagey veteran was having none of it, as Raphael kept on sliding out of the ring and doing everything he could in order to not engage with the former Marine.
    • This enraged Devil Dog and he spent the vast majority of the match simply trying to catch Raphael.
    • Finally, Devil Dog was able to catch his slick opponent and it was at this moment that Devil Dog let all of his pent up rage out on the Golden Hair God.
    • Devil Dog fired vicious looking chops to Raphael’s chest, the sickening slaps echoing throughout the arena.
    • From the outside of the ring Lucinda looked on in shock as her boyfriend was getting his ass handed to him. After all, this was not supposed to happen. Nobody was supposed to be able to do this to the Gold Hair God.
    • This caused a panicked Lucinda to distract Referee David Poker claiming that Devil Dog was pulling the hair of the Golden Hair God. Obviously this was just a ruse, a ruse which worked as Devil Dog tried to plead his innocence to David.
    • While that was going on, Raphael used this time to clear the cobwebs and regain his senses. He then nailed Devil Dog with a low blow from behind while David Poker was still paying attention to Lucinda.
    • Raphael then tossed Devi Dog into the ropes and when Devil Dog headed back towards him, Raphael nailed the Marine with his finisher the Cupid’s Arrow. Three seconds later Raphael was able to secure a victory over an opponent who he had clearly overlooked.


    Winner: Raphael

    Time: 16:26

    Match Rating: 42


    [We now head to the backstage interview area where NEW’s backstage correspondent Tabitha Mara is standing by with Conner Threepwood.]




    Tabitha: Conner in just a few short moments you are going to be stepping into the ring against Cip Conduit, a man who you are very familiar with. How do you feel heading into this match?




    Conner Threepwood: Prepared, that’s how I feel. After all, I would be a fool if I took this match with Cip lightly.


    Cip and I have fought up and down the east coast and throughout the midwest for the last couple of years. The man is hands down one of the toughest guys I have ever faced in the history of my career.


    I know exactly the sort of match I am about to be involved in and I have planned accordingly. I just hope I can execute my game plan and pick up the win tonight. That is easier said than done.


    Cip is going to be a huge challenge and I would not have it any other way. That is why I came here to NEW, for the challenge and I love the fact that Buddy keeps on giving me tough opponents month after month. Because if I am going to prove myself then I have to beat the best and that’s what I plan on doing.




    Conner Threepwood vs. Cip Conduit




    • These two men are very familiar with each other having faced off dozens of times on the independent circuit.
    • Both men headed into this match trying to implement their strategy.
    • For Cip, he was looking to turn this into a straight-up brawl, knowing full well that Conner might have a tough time trading strikes with him.
    • Conner was looking to take Cip down to the canvas and try to use the various submission holds in his arsenal to try and force the man from Maine to tap-out.
    • At the start of the match it was very back and forth, with neither man having any sort of clear advantage.
    • Cip used a well timed thumb to Conner’s eye to gain the advantage in the match.
    • For the next couple of minutes Cip dominated the match, but Conner’s fighting spirit would not allow Cip to keep Conner pinned to the mat for a three count.
    • The fans, who were squarely behind Conner, started chanting Conner’s name in near unison.
    • Conner seemed to feed off the fan support as it seemed to give in that added motivation to succeed in this match.
    • Soon Conner went back on the offensive and in the end he was able to pick up a very tough victory after Cip was forced to verbally submit to Conner’s Stretch Plum.


    Winner: Conner Threepwood

    Time: 15:29 by

    Match Rating: 47






    Prediction Results:


    Zergon 6 /6

    Texasrangers13 5/6

    Historian 4 /6

    KyTeran 4/6




    Post-Show Notes:

    1. If people want me to post the results of NEW's sister promotion which is Cape Cod Wrestling (I believe, I don't have the game open so I am not 100% sure that is the name of the promotion) I will do so. The rosters are very similar and my booking probably makes even less sense than the booking in this diary.


    Mainly because I try to put thought into booking this diary, I might not always do a good job but I do try. For Cape Cod I just spam the matches that I think will get the best results. Which oddly enough has not worked as NEW show ratings always seem to beat the show ratings for Cape Cod.


    2. I chose Mister Blue Sky by ELO to be BP's theme song because I felt like BP is a lot like my version of Keith Lee. A big guy who smiles a lot but can kick serious ass once he's in the ring. I just felt like that was the sort of cheery song that would fit a guy like that.


    I don't really have any theme music picked out for anyone else, but I guess I could come up with some if people would like to see that sort of thing. I used to do it in my older diaries, but I just stopped and I have no real reason as to why I stopped.


    3.First and foremost I would like to thank everyone who took the time to predict in the prediction contest. I really appreciate your support.


    I debated on if I should have listed the draw in the prediction contest. I did and nobody guessed it correctly because why would anyone, I wouldn't have if I was picking. So I did not count it in the over all standings.


    Also, if I miscounted just tell me and I will fix it. I am thinking about having the top three predictors decide who will be in the 2021 Top Prospect Tournament. Though I might not do that I am not sure at this point.






    Langston “Lion Heart” Franklin vs. Seth James Wilson

    Franklin feels like a biggen name to me (not sure if that´s actually the case)


    Jerry Pepper & Astro vs. Brutality Incorporated

    I do like Astro but I go with real team over random pairing


    In a Handicap Match:


    BP SWOLL & Nate DeMarcus vs. The Jet Set (Jack Pryde, Tavon Blakr Jr., Rocco Renoir)

    Going to pick the side with more guys here.


    Onslaught vs. Deathwish

    Making the early assumption here that Deathwish is more important with him being in stable and having manager.


    Paulie Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

    One of these guys won last show, other lost so I pick the winner right now.


    Devil Dog vs. Raphael

    Bigger name


    Conner Threepwood vs. Cip Conduit

    Not sure if Connor is actually more over with Cip being one of the guys who are actually from the area but he feels like bigger name to me. Oh and he was main eventing last show and won so has to be decently high up in the card.


    Yes Conner is the bigger name even in New England. Though Cip's popularity keeps on shooting up and where I am in the diary now, he is not that far off from Conner. Cip is in NEW's sister promotion and he has done a couple of Indy shows in New England which has caused his popularity to grow the fastest out of any worker on my roster. At this point that is not the case though.

  21. You have made me care about TK O'Ryan of all people. I hated the Kingdom in ROH and now you are making me actually care about one of them. Granted I did find him to be the least hateable but still.


    Also, what the hell did I just read in that Pope segment. Holy cow the visual of Eli caught in a jar moving around like a fly was fantastic. That whole segment was great.


    I didn't even know that Rick had a son who played for the Ravens and is a wrestler. That is a great signing and I agree with tobin, it was better that he lost to the main guy in the promotion. That way we can see his progression.

  22. NEW May Madness 2020



    Langston “Lion Heart” Franklin vs. Seth James Wilson


    Jerry Pepper & Astro vs. Brutality Incorporated


    In a Handicap Match:


    BP SWOLL & Nate DeMarcus vs. The Jet Set (Jack Pryde, Tavon Blakr Jr., Rocco Renoir)


    Onslaught vs. Deathwish


    Paulie Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII


    Devil Dog vs. Raphael


    Conner Threepwood vs. Cip Conduit









    I just have a harder time being invested in the c-verse; but that doesn't stop me from wanting to support people who have supported me. And I like reading new ideas and concepts; so I might be a terrible predictor but I'm still here and enjoying!


    The Jet Set is a perfect Dynastic rip-off; I love it!


    I was genuinely hoping SJW stood for what I assumed it did; and I'm thrilled that it did... though the concept might be tricky to pull-off I thought you toed the line perfectly here! Loved the Safe Space concept; and the backstory in your notes made me laugh! That's why I love post-show notes; they give me great insight! Great show.


    I am glad you liked the Jet Set. Like I said I am not going to be anywhere near as good as them, but I will try.


    There are so many jokes I would like to try with SJW, but I don't want to really offend people.

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