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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. I really like the whole Ox body slam challenge, reminds of the whole Big John Studd thing (I sure it was done prior to that, but that is the one that stands out to me.).


    Main Event

    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    COTT World Heavyweight Championship

    Funky Fedora versus Amazing Fire Fly ©


    I don't have the game open, but IIRC Fire Fly has pretty high star quality. Not that it really matters much in this match but I am using that as a reason for my pick right here.


    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Tag Team Championship

    The Dynamite Express versus The Dog Soldiers ©


    Eight Woman Tag Team Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Yvonne Ericks, Black Diamond, Frankie Carmello, & Mirai Kajahara versus Ashley Keith, Talia Neema, Jessica Conroy, & Piper Hale


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Morgan Stryker versus "The Monolith" Tameka Sky


    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

    Jimmy Chipolata versus "Dapper" Danny Draper ©


    Every single time I see Danny Draper, I automatically think Don Draper from Mad Men. What does this have to do with anything? Nothing at all.


    Tag Team Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    The Manifesto versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


    Opening Match

    Six Man Tag Team Match

    Warwick Good & The Texas Express versus Marcus English, Jason Patterson, & David Ward

  2. Just because you don't like them it doesn't mean other people don't.


    Do you mean people are allowed to have a different opinion than me? You don't say...I learn something new every day.


    You need new material, you've said this to me like five times already.:D But the thing is, I can turn it around on you. Just because you like something does not mean other people do.


    Those other people have a right to their opinion just as much as you have a right to your opinion. Though anytime anyone says anything remotely negative about AEW in this thread you are the first person to say something along the lines of what you said to me.


    Self pretty much said what I was going to say. In that Omega and the Middle Age Bucks have not really made any stars. Really AEW has not made many stars as a whole. Most of the people who are the stars of the company were made in TNA, WWE, ROH, NJPW.


    I mean maybe Orange Cassidy might be considered a star that AEW made, but I would argue that AEW is such a niche market that he really is not that much of a star. MJF was already a name from MLW and I am sure there is a pretty big crossover between audiences so most knew who he was already (A good portion of the MLW roster was in AEW when it first opened up).


    Sure Hogan did not job and yes that was a huge detriment to the company. But Hogan was also a draw at the time, once he turned heel.


    Plus Hulk was not meant to create stars either in the WWE or WCW. Sure having a match with him might give them a shine but in order to get a match with him, they would, for the most part, already have to be stars themselves.


    My point is Hogan was a megastar, the Bucks and Omega will never get close to that level. I did not miss milamber's point, I just made a joke about ever comparing their star quality to that of Hogan's.


    Edited to add: This is coming from someone who hated Hulk since I was a little kid. I was a huge fan of his for a little bit, but even as a kid, I thought his stuff got old fast. I always thought the Ultimate Warrior was a joke as well. Even though both were marketed to me as someone I was supposed to like. I was a fan of the British Bulldogs, Tito Santana, George "The Animal" Steele. I was hardly ever a fan of who Vince wanted me to like.

  3. They couldn't hold off putting titles on their biggest stars forever. And there's a huge difference between Bucks/Omega and egotistical overpaid guys like Hogan lol.


    Yeah Hulk Hogan was a household name in the 1980's (maybe still to this day) and the face of the WWF for almost a decade and one of the highest drawing stars in the history of the industry. Omega and the Bucks not so much.

  4. I was watching an old WWF MSG show from 1982 yesterday and I was a little shocked by who was in the first match. It was a match between Eddie Gilbert and his opponent was Curt Hennig.


    I was shocked because I had no clue that Curt wrestled in the WWF prior to his days as Mr. Perfect. I just assumed all of his pre-Mr. Perfect days were in the AWA.


    I was not shocked to see Eddie Gilbert in the match because I knew he was in the WWF around that time.


    It was just odd to see Curt as a young babyface. Yes I know he was that in the AWA as well but I have never had the chance to see much of the old AWA stuff.

  5. Main Event

    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    COTT Mid American Championship

    "The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Funky Fedora ©


    Co-Main Event

    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    "Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


    Six Man Tag Team Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Mr. Grappling, US Patriot, and Wild Red Stallion versus The Cadillac Four


    I honestly don't know about this one. I went with the Four but part of me is questioning if you would have the Patriot lose in his debut match.


    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Women's Championship

    Esperanza Montero versus Ashley Keith ©


    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Tag Team Championship

    The Skyscrapers versus The Dog Soldiers ©


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    "Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Jimmy Chipolata versus Marcus English


    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

    Mad Millie Morgan & Bonnie Bogan versus The Bootcamp ©


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Nebo Martell versus Brute Kikuchi


    Opening Match

    Tag Team Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    The San Diego Girls versus Tameka Sky & Deborah Young

  6. For those of us who experienced the attitude era, we saw pro wrestling become accepted as being "cool" for a variety of reasons. High school and college kids would wear their NWO or Austin 3:16 t-shirts with pride. Millions of people were watching wrestling who never did before and wrestling would even beat Monday Night Football in ratings regularly.


    Fast forward to 2020 and wrestling is most definitely not cool. The millions of fans have long since stopped watching or even caring about wrestling. Most normal people today would consider someone a loser for watching wrestling these days. Wrestling is now considered more nerdy then videogames and anime. The millions and millions of fans who stopped watching will never ever consider being a fan again at this point.


    I am 100% a wrestling nerd (and other types of nerd) but I miss the days when wrestling was popular and wasnt something to be embarrassed about. I miss when wrestling fans werent associated with overweight nerdy virgins who wear replica title belts. Unfortunately these types of stereotypical nerdy wrestling fans are all thats left - just look at WWE and AEW crowds vs the crowds in an event from 1999. When AEW was announced, it got me excited to think that they could turn wrestling cool again but it was just wishful thinking because they ended up totally embracing the nerd culture instead. Wrestling will never be cool again at this point.


    I'm curious what other people have to say on this topic whether you agree or disagree with me.


    I absolutely agree with you. Though I do have to question if wrestling was at its pique viewership wise during the Attitude Era. The Rock N' Wrestling Era was pretty huge, it drew massive ratings in the 1950's on network television (Though I do not know the exact totals of any era so I am no qualified to say for certain when pique viewership was for wrestling.).


    I often wonder if wrestling is in another downturn and will come back or if it is done. When I was a little kid in the 80's it was huge and then it bottomed out and it was much like it is now.


    I have said it in the past when I was in junior high school wrestling became uncool. My friends who used to be really into wrestling all turned against it because it was not cool and they would bust me for still watching wrestling (More WWF than anything else because it was geared towards kids. NWA/WCW was thought of as being more "real" so it was considered cooler but not by much. Especially after Robocop showed up.).


    My senior year of high school was right when Nitro started and that was when wrestling started to become cool again. The same people who used to bust me for still being a wrestling fan were now talking about how cool it was to see Lex Luger show up on Nitro.


    Then the Attitude Era began and well you covered that so no need to rehash what you said.


    To me the day WCW died was when I noticed my interest starting to go. I was annoyed that Vince had finally won, he finally managed to stomp out all of the competition. Mainly because since I was a kid I always felt like the WWF/E sort of looked down at the fans. For instance, I remember seeing Dusty return to the WWF and them putting him in polka dots and making him look like a damn fool. Now granted I had not watched much of his stuff in the NWA because I live in New England and the WWF was king up here. But I would read magazines and so I knew Dusty was a big deal in other parts of the country and it was never even talked about. Stuff like that always annoyed me and so I was not a huge fan of the WWE due to that.


    With them being the only thing around, I stopped caring. Then TNA came along and while some of it was damn near terrible there was some stuff I loved about it.


    Nowadays, I like MLW but honestly, that is about it. There is some stuff I like about WWE (I like NXT for the most part and I really like Roman as a heel and his feud with his cousin I thought that was done really well.).


    I am not sure I can articulate what I dislike about AEW. I am that way about most things, if I don't like something I just don't like it and I often struggle to pinpoint what exactly it is that I don't like about something. As I have said in the past I despise Omega and the Bucks.


    No, it is not because I am a Jim Cornette acolyte. I disliked the three of them well before I had heard Jim's takes on them. To me, the three of them always came across as lame. I remember seeing Omega in ROH for the first time and I had heard about how great he was and how he was the face of this generation of wrestling. So I was shocked when I saw this goofy putz with the bad hair and the imaginary broom. I did not get the whole thing, I thought with a nickname like the Cleaner, he was supposed to be a mafia cleaner. Not an actual janitor.


    I have disliked the Bucks since I saw them in TNA. I find them not to be cool or funny and when wrestling fans, in general, started to talk about them like they were I knew the audience had turned and I had finally become embarrassed to be a wrestling fan.


    Much like WWE, there is some stuff in AEW I like. But I have to be honest the AEW fans are a huge reason why I don't like the promotion. If you say you don't like something about the product the fans accuse you of being out of touch.


    I have gone on for far too long and I probably have gone far too off-topic as I tend to do.


    In summary, I don't know if wrestling will ever become cool again. That is tough to say, I think if it is to become cool again the onus is on the WWE and not so much on AEW. The reason being, the WWE is wrestling in the eyes of many, it is where the real stars go. The WWE is like the Yankees and Dodgers in baseball, when they are doing good the rest of the industry feeds off it.


    I do believe that in order for wrestling to become cool they have to make it more mainstream again and more accessible to the public. It cannot be lol so random, it has to appeal to a broader audience. How they do that I do not know.

  7. Main Event

    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    COTT Mid American Championship

    "Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora ©


    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Women's Championship

    Morgan Stryker versus Ashley Keith ©


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask


    Tag Team Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

    Tameka Sky & Deborah Young versus The Bootcamp ©


    Singles Match

    Sixty Minute Time Limit

    CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

    "Dapper" Danny Draper versus Wild Red Stallion ©


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    "The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Brute Kikuchi


    Opening Match

    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Coco Malloy versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy

  8. It typically would be that the heel would be blatantly cheating behind the refs back and that Bruno would lose his cool and get DQ'd. Imagine Hogan's hulk up or Backlund's manic trances. Something similar to that but Bruno would go farther and get DQ'd. Sometimes by shoving a ref that was trying to stop him from getting to the heel. Also, it wasn't always a DQ loss. Sometimes it was a count-out. But Bruno never got pinned or submitted. Even with shenanigans.


    Thank you for telling me about that. I started watching wrestling right after Wrestlemania II, so I never got to see much of the Bruno, Pedro, Backlund eras of the WWWF but I have always been interested in how they used to book those old shows. Those old crowds at MSG would just go nuts for anything that involved Bruno.

  9. Match 1: Double Countout

    Match 2: Bruno gets DQ'd

    Match 3: Cagematch that Bruno wins


    That is just one of the variations that Vince Sr. used with Bruno as champ. There were others but they pretty much followed this flow.


    Thank you! Now that you've posted it, it does look familar.


    That is weird that they would have Bruno get DQ'd, I thought having a face get disqualified back then was a big no-no.

  10. Main Event

    Singles Match

    No Time Limit

    Last Man Standing

    "Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


    Eight Man Tag

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Thanksgiving Turmoil

    Wild Red Stallion, Harry Allen, & The Texas Express versus The Cadillac Four


    Eight Man Tag

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Thanksgiving Turmoil

    Morgan Stryker, Frankie Carmello & The Bootcamp versus Ashley Keith, Talia Neema, Tameka Sky, & Deborah Young


    Tag Team Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Tag Team Match

    Texan Justice versus American Gold


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Luis Torres versus Dreadnought w/ Andrew Gibson


    Singles Match

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Miguel Marcos verus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


    Opening Match

    Six Pack Challenge

    Thirty Minute Time Limit

    Number One Contender To Women's Championship

    Esperanza Montero versus Black Diamond versus Coco Malloy versus Piper Hale versus Mirai Kajahara versus Tzilla

  11. <p>I personally always start with GAMMA as a starter company. I just find it easier to play as. You start with loads of talent and money. </p><p> </p><p>

    I am not sure if I ever played as SIGMA in WMMA5 or not. I don't think I have or if I did, I stopped after all of my talent got raided (I can't recall if that was my WMMA4 or 5 save that happened in.).</p>

  12. What I find interesting is I made the exact same comment last year as the OP when talking about fictional mods (I said good instead of decent, but is there that much of a difference bettween the two words?) and I got a warning and I was told what I said was a slap in the face to fictional mod makers.


    I wonder why no site mods are saying that now. Maybe it is once again a case of rules applying to some posters and not others which I find is often the case on this site. I am not saying I want the OP to get a warrning or anything like that because I do not think what they said warrants one, I just would like the mods on this site to have a little consistency.


    In regards to what the OP said, I would say this. It takes a long time to make mods, especially if you are doing it by yourself and you are not building it off another previously made mod. Also, mod makers are doing this in their free time for free so one can hardly blame them for not putting anything out yet.


    I have yet to check out any Real World mods that have been put out thus far so I have no clue as to what mods are out. But I am sure there are some good mods out that are new or have been updated from TEW16.

  13. Agreed, a great game, and the only downside is that Adam has said there will be no WMMA6.


    I would personally be up for a game that was largely the same, but had more QoL improvements such as less clicking (it has been reduced, but could still be less) a d faster processing times in later years... we can only dream!


    I would love to have a new one as well. Maybe even do a time jump in the universe so we could see how it evolved in the current day.

  14. Hammer Hadley



    I had him in a couple of saves (I play multiple saves at once) and I just couldn't push him due to his WMMA render. The render is great, but it is a WMMA render and my mind could never seperate that. What I mean to say is, I now plan on using him more due to this great render.


    I forgot to quote @cooldude, but I wanted to say spam away. I personally don't think it is spamming and I really enjoy the renders you are putting out.


    Thank you all for putting out some great stuff in this thread. If I quoted all the ones I like this post would be far too long.

  15. Riley McManus & Masked Stranger vs. Tennessee William & Denny King –NYCW Tag-Team Titles


    Happy Elwood vs. Ozzie Goldstein


    Brutus Milano vs. The New York Doll vs. Curtis Shaw vs. Andrew Harper – Four Corner Survival


    Andrew is one of my favorites on the NYCW roster.


    Brooklyn’s Finest & Team Livestream (DeGraff & Corner) vs. The DiMeo Family


    Chuck Casey vs. Ray Snow


    I agree with what Zergon said, I don't see Ray losing to a tag team guy unless you are going to push Chuck as a singles (Which I have done in a personal game after his brother got hurt and it has turned out pretty well thus far.)


    LA Stars vs. The Heartrbreakers (Riggins & Don)


    Animal Harker vs. Sandman Winks


    The Wolf Pack (MAW) vs. The Boys from the Yukon (NYCW) – COTT World Tag-Team Titles


    Oh man, the Wolf Pack are awesome, but I am going to stick with TBFTY for right now.

  16. Find myself at a bit of a crossroads and wondering if things are quite dire as they may appear. Have been replaying Arkham Knight the last couple weeks and had gotten midway through the Cloudburst battle when I get the message on screen that my database has been corrupted. Now since I'm in the middle of a major boss fight, I don't may that proper attention and just keep going. Turning the system off after its too late to remember I'd had that warning. The system was able to restore itself to usable condition this morning but anything loaded directly onto the hard drive is now completely gone. Can play by PS Now stuff normally but I guess that saves to cloud rather than machine. But the games I physically own have to be reloaded and restarted from scratch.


    Anyway what I'm wondering is how much I can continue to rely on my console. Should I look at this corrupted database as a sign my console may be on its last legs? Is this a Blue Screen of Death type situation or should I view it as a fluke? I have had my PS4 for like four years and it was second hand when I bought it. So it is going into its last days that wouldn't be a surprise. I'd just like to know what's ahead of me.


    If I do need to start thinking about a new console, well Christmas wouldn't be the worst time to get a PS5. But I'm not usually one for early adoption. Usually like to let the new consoles have time to settle in and work the kinks out before I jump generations. The big thing though is do I really even have a decision to make or am I making a mountain out of a molehill?


    I don't really have much advise I can give you, but I know fully well where you are coming from. I think I had at the very least eleven different XBOX 360's (Might have been less but it has been a few years since I kept track). Those damn machines kept on dying on me and I only got the RROD three times, the rest were other things.


    I am like you when it comes to new systems, I wait until they've been out for a bit before getting them. That way they hopefully work out the kinks.


    I don't think you are making a mountain out of a molehill here, because it can be very frustrating to have to deal with something like that especially if you had a lot of games on there that you have to reinstall and play over again.


    I own an XBOX One (The only reason was I had so many games for the original XBOX and 360 and the One is backward compatible for a lot of those games. It is not because I like XBOX over PS, I have no loyalty to either), so I cannot offer you any opinions on what happened.

  17. Have your voice. It's a cliche writer kind of piece of advice, but even on shows or in a diary I say write what you enjoy. I enjoy narrative pieces, so I tend to write them. I don't enjoy writing matches move for move so I don't do that because it's not fun for me. Writing a diary should be fun. Writing the shows should be fun -- even if some of it can be a little tedious. It's a hobby after all, something you're doing for fun in down time. So if there is a style of wrestling you like, write it. If three other people are doing a diary based on the company you want to do -- still do yours. Have fun with it. Let your imagination run wild. Tell the wrestling stories you like or want to tell or would want to watch.


    This right here is a fantastic piece of advice.


    When I did my first diary on here, a long time ago, people would do these insane match write-ups. It would be move for move and they would be paragraphs long and that tended to be the rule not the exception. Most people wrote that way.


    I tried to and failed misreably at doing that. I am not good at match write-ups and I dislike doing them. If I am being honest I dislike reading long match write-ups as a reader as well. I kept on trying to write like that and it just was not working and it made writing far less enjoyable. But at the time that was how everyone seemed to write so I thought if I was going to get readers that was what I had to do.


    Finally, I gave up doing match write-ups that way. It made things easier and it was far more enjoyable to write.


    For me I like to focus on the angles and interviews as they are far more important to the show. Matches tend to be the same all of the time. To paraphrase Ole Anderson, "What's so great about Ric Flair? Once you seen one of his matches, you've seen them all because he wrestles the same damn match all of the time."


    Which to an extent he is right. Wrestler's tend to do the same stuff in every single one of their matches and as a write it gets mundane writing the same thing over and over again.

  18. Brutus Milano Vs. Ozzie Goldstein – NYCW Empire Championship

    Hawkeye Calhoun Vs. Tennessee William

    LA Star #1 Vs. The New York Doll Vs. LA Star #2 Vs. Denny King – Four Corner Survival

    Freedom Eagle, Charlie Corner, & Dominic Degraff Vs. Sal Dimeo & The Italian Americans

    Riley Mcmanus & Masked Stranger Vs. The Boys From The Yukon – NYCW Tag-Team Titles

    Curtis Shaw, Crocket Tubbs, & Happy Elwood Vs. Andrew Harper, Richie Riggins, & Devastating Don

    The Casey Brothers Vs. Quentin Queen & Super Massive Destroyer

    Jonah Pilgrim Vs. Ray Snow

    Geoff Borne Vs. Machine Gun Marino

  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TakerNGN74" data-cite="TakerNGN74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52022" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I ran a save with FCW in the c-verse in TEW 2010 for 26 years <p> </p><p> I’ve also ran a save with NOTBPW in TEW 2010 that lasted at least 11 years.</p><p> </p><p> The best save I’ve ever done was using TEW 2013 I ran an SWF save in the 97 c verse that lasted roughly 8 years. Christian Faith was my world champion for 3 years and 8 months </p><p> </p><p> My current TEW 2020 save with CWA is at about a year though I haven’t played in a very long time</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Weird, I always thought your NOTBPW game was the one that lasted 26 years. Not sure why I thought that.</p><p> </p><p> I honestly cannot remember my longest run save. I don't think I have had anything over say ten years but I could be wrong.</p>
  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also hearing great things about Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Say what you want but the last game was fun and full of interesting content. It's far from the immersive <p> but sadly super-repetitive game that started it all.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There is a guy on YouTube named Modest Pelican Gaming (Who is hilarious) who has early access and from the videos of the game he has done, the game does look fun. I will say I am not a fan of the AC series but from those videos I think it might be interesting enough to check out.</p><p> </p><p> I really want to try Among Us, that game looks like it is a blast.</p>
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