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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. I'm watching SummerSlam right now. It gives me much appreciation for everything AEW has done.


    The best description is that WWE feels so "corporate" in that everything is forced and "sleek." AEW is grittier and has a sense of reality to it.


    Yeah because nothing says gritty like a mimosa match. Also, a dude who fights with his hands in his pockets does not scream reality.


    I caught the last hour of the show tonight and it was not very good. The Young Bucks yelling at Adam Page for being a drunk was just horrible. They should not quit their day jobs and try to become actors because that was not convincing at all.


    Jericho on commentary was pretty annoying. Small doses he is fine but I do not think he should do every match and this is coming from someone who has been a fan of his since his Smokey Mountain days.


    I thought the main event had potential to be very good and it was not bad or anything but it was way too short. They probably could have cut back on the Brodie Lee segment.

  2. Brutus Milano vs. Tennessee Williams for the NYCW Empire Championship

    Masked Stranger vs. Denny King for the NYCW Tri-State Championship

    LA Stars vs. The Boys from the Yukon for the NYCW Tag-Team Championship

    Riley McManus vs. Andrew Harper

    Freedom Eagle vs. Machine Gun Marino

    Geoff Bourne vs. Sal DiMeo vs. Hawkeye Calhoun vs. Richie Riggins

    Happy Elwood vs. The New York Doll

    Curtis Shaw vs. Devastating Don


    Pretty much what 1PWfan said. I despise Don, yes I know he is not real. The very first thing I do is always fire him. He is just not worth the annoyance.


    The Casey Brothers vs. The Italian Americans

  3. I am still around. I doubt I will ever play Mafia again though. It was no longer fun and started to feel like a chore playing.


    I joined in 2009, played some mafia but I never was much good at it.


    But you never failed to entertain me when you did play. Seriously I loved when you played because you were a wild card, I never knew what you were going to do and that was why it was so much fun having you and Destiny in games.


    Just like any reality show, if there are too many gamebots playing and not enough people just there to have fun, then the games get boring.


    The first version of TEW I bought was 2008 then I joined the forum and I've bought every version since then even 2020 after going back and forth on doing so after the beta issues. I played mafia once or twice I don't remember but I stopped playing mafia because I had no idea how to play.


    I was in the same boat as you in regards to TEW20. I went back and forth, I finally bought it but I kind of wish I had not. It just does not hold my interest like the others have.


    Also, I remember asking you if you wanted to try Mafia out. I think you, as you said, played two games and then stopped playing. I remember you telling me in PM once that you did not want to play anymore.




    Joined Beginning of 06. Damn that was a long time ago


    The mafia section being deleted is a shame. Was hoping I could find some of the old threads (info thread with all the statistics, Scummie Awards, etc...) but everything was deleted.


    You could try the Way Back Machine. I was looking at some of the older games a few nights ago.

  4. <p>I watched yet another terrible movie a few nights ago on HBO. </p><p> </p><p>

    The Lost Boys 2. I loved the first Lost Boys, I remember seeing it as a little kid when I was on vacation in Lake George, New York. It was raining so my father took me to see it, while my mother and sister went shopping. I remember being scared, which is funny because I was never scared of slasher movies as a kid, but I was always terrified of Vampire movies.</p><p> </p><p>

    Anyway, onto Lost Boys 2. I never even knew they made a sequel to the original. Let alone two sequels, I will probably watch the third one soon but I just know it will be crap. This movie was just bad, I mean I am not even sure what made it so bad it just was. </p><p> </p><p>

    Angus Sutherland was the head vampire in it and I had never heard of him before. He's Kiefer's real life half-brother, I guess Donald Sutherland took the be frutiful and multiply passage very seriously. The dude has like six kids. Anyway, I fully know why I have never head of Angus, unlike his brother, the dude cannot act. I mean he was awful.</p><p> </p><p>

    When Corey Feldman is the highlight of your movie, you know you have a stinker. Though I have to say Autumn Reeser was good in her part and she's beautiful so there's that.</p>

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dalton" data-cite="Dalton" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51697" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>NYCW has such a unique position, they could probably expand if they wanted to but they dont. I'm definitely interested in your take on them!<p> </p><p> I can already tell that you understand how to tell a narrative story just by that intro. Very well written, and something that felt "real," which is the most important part. It fleshed out Phil's mindset moving forward. </p><p> </p><p> I hope you do a LOT more of that. I'll be here following that's for damn sure.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Do stick around arwink is one of the best diary writers on the board.</p><p> </p><p> Glad to see you back and equally glad to see you doing NYCW which is now my new favorite C-Verse promotion. Still not happy what Adam did to CZCW...</p>
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Togg" data-cite="Togg" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51267" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Going forward, to avoid any confusion with it being "Diary Only" i could always move the Hall of Fame 2021 to the General Discussions page?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I do not think you should do that. I was just saying that it was once a diary only award and it has morphed into a board award. Which I have no problem with at all.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Destiny" data-cite="Destiny" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51267" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And I'm still not in it? <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I demand a recount if Destiny is not in it, we'll riot! </p><p> </p><p> I recall years ago I nominated one of your diaries for the top 100 Diaries of All-Time and a "respected" member of the board told me I had no right to do so. If I find something to be entertaining then I should not be told I cannot nominate it.</p><p> </p><p> Just wanted to say that poster no longer posts on here so I am not throwing shade at anyone who currently posts in here.</p>
  7. Oh boy, the newest Harley Quinn movie (I am not typing out the actual stupid name of the movie) was on HBO last night so I thought I would give it a shot. Did I regret that...


    I like Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn (I like Margot in general regardless of the role, I think she's a very good actress) and I thought she was the only thing good about Suicide Squad. However, this movie was just terrible joke after terrible joke. I only made it a half-hour through the movie and I had enough. I just could not take it anymore. It was so bad. I am not sure how the movie even got the greenlight.


    When it comes to movies I usually try to sit through the whole movie, even if I do not like it, because I feel compelled to see it to the finish. Not here, this movie beat me.


    It is on me, I heard that it sucked from multiple sources but I thought I would give it a try. I thought there would be something that would keep me interested. If I can sit through the Room, Dolemite (The Rudy Ray Moore movie, not the Eddie Murphy movie), Plan Nine from Outerspace. Then I can sit through any crap that is sent my way. Usually, those types of movies are so bad they end up being good in a sort of way.


    Not Harley Quinn it was not so good it was bad, it was just bad. The last movie to beat me like this was The Leisure Class (The last Project Greenlight film). I am not proud of the fact that I allowed Harley Quinn to beat me like that. Oh well, when does the movie version of Cats come on TV?


    Because I am not paying to watch that crap.

  8. In before the thread is locked...


    Wrestling has been a toxic community for women and minorities for a very long time. If it's fun to exclude these groups, I guess I don't want to have fun. It was that way when 6 million were watching weekly, and it's that way now. Something needs to change.


    Beyond that though, women generally do not feel comfortable at wrestling shows, or in communities of wrestling fans.


    Tad bit off-topic, but is what you are saying above anecdotal or do you have actual facts to back it up?


    The reason why I ask is that if you look at old Memphis shows or shows from MSG (Just using those two territories as examples as I have had more experience watching them than any other promotion) there are plenty of women in the audience. They were some of the loudest most vocal fans. Personally I started to notice the lack of women in the fanbase around the early 2000's.


    My anecdotal theory on the lack of interest by female fans is not a lack of feeling comfortable (Though I am not saying that they do not) but simply put wrestling is just not popular anymore. Also, I know for me personally, even though I am a dude I hate going to live events because wrestling fans seem to be overly corny (Chating stupid things like, Fight Forever, One Fall, The Elite) and a good portion of them lack proper hygiene.


    What woman wouldn't want to be in a room with a bunch of dudes who stink and chant stupid stuff over and over again?


    Maybe women just see it for what it is, it is kind of lame now. Modern-day wrestling is more niche than it has ever been before. It just might no longer appeal to groups of people anymore.


    Before the Attitude Era, my friends used to rag on me for still being a wrestling fan. These same people were the dudes wearing the NWO shirts just a few years later.

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  9. It's kinda hard to nominate oneself but when I look at that list of great members of the forum I kinda feel left out, even though I know my diaries can't compare with the best of them - Angeldelayette, BigPapa42, Eisen-Verse, J Silver, James Casey, NoNeck, Phantom Stranger, Self, Tigerkinney and countless others (sorry if I've forgotten, there's been so many great diaries over the fifteen years on these forums).


    The HOF is not really about specifically dairy writing and has not been for years. It is more an overall board HOF now.


    So with your overall body of work, I would say you belong there. Also, don't sell yourself short on your diaries either. I have never been a huge fan of Japanese wrestling, but I always make it a point to check your stuff out because I know it is going to be quality work. I might not comment, because I feel I do not know enough to do so but after reading your diaries I always end up saying, "Hey maybe I should start playing as a Japanese promotion." Then I fire up a save and I say, "Yeah this is not going to work for me."

  10. <p><strong>arwink:</strong> For being a fantastic diary writer. To me, arwink is probably the least talked about great writer on this board.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Asaemon:</strong> For his contributions in the area of graphics and being an all-around nice guy to talk to about various things. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Oldschool:</strong> His WWWF diary was one of the best I have ever read on here. He has come back to the board after a long hiatus and he's still a fantastic writer.</p>

  11. Although this period in time was just before I was born, I watch a lot (like, a LOT) of stuff from the 1991 to 1996/7, and everything ECW I could get my hands on.


    Thanks for making me feel old.:D


    When I talking about wrestling just before I was born Billy Graham was still the WWWF Champion.:D


    I really liked the show. My favorite segment by far was the Tommy/Terry/Jack/Sullivan segment. I loved how you managed to take what could have been two seperate segments and put them together into one.

  12. Bons Question: who will answer Stevie Richards' challenge? Mike Rotunda


    I came so close to choosing Captain Mike but I could not remember if it was Rotunda or Rotundo and I was too lazy to look it up so I went with Kevin Sullivan. Seriously though I remember people would always wonder what the correct spelling of his last name was back then. Because I believe he used both spellings during his career. Or I could totally be talking out of my ass.:D

  13. Not intentional at all as I have no idea what any of those people look like!

    I've just Googled Okada and oddly enough I did have the first render originally having blonde hair as I was going to call him, "The Golden Emperor", and have him as a sort of Japanese Ric Flair. I might post that version at some point soon.




    You can never have too many heel clowns. :cool:



    That middle clown reminds me a little of Puddles the singing clown from YouTube...



  14. Had a few problems with writing this batch of shows as I'm not as fluelt as i'd like in english, but I hope it still is enjoyable to read


    I would have never noticed if you did not point it out, I think your English is just fine. Heck, English is my only language and I butcher it all of the time.







    I never really liked Jason, I am not sure why.




    Bons Question: who will answer Stevie Richards' challenge? I will go with another Varsity Club member Kevin Sullivan

  15. The weird thing about the sale is that he bought the league with his ex-wife. Good for them that they still have a good enough relationship that they can work together and all, but it is odd to me.:D


    Also, I think he could probably make this work. Everyone associates Vince with wrestling, so anything he does in the mainstream carries that same 'stink.'


    I don't know. I mean I hope it does because I like the Rock, but history has proven time and time again that a second league does not work (I am overlooking the CFL which is a slightly different beast, though enjoyable to watch.). Just off the top of my head without looking anything up, there was the AFL, AAFC (Which gave us the Browns and 49ers), WFL, the original XFL, the CFL's expansion into the States, USFL. I think there were others but I would have to look that up, my point being even though the NFL has been challenged the most, none of them ever really work in the long run.


    WWE. I don't think it would've gone bankrupt, but they wouldn't be where they are now without The Rock and Austin reviving business.


    From all accounts, at that time if I remember correctly (Which is a big if, my memory is not what it used to be) I think they were on the verge of bankruptcy. That terrible contract that Bret Hart signed did not help matters which is why Vince let him sign with WCW. Though you are absolutely right the Rock and Austin did bring it back.


    It always annoyed me when Vince would do those videos where he would say with anger, I am paraphrasing here, in regards to WCW, "They tried to put me out of business!" This is coming from the same guy who ten years prior to that, sang a song on an album about putting his competitors out of business. Sorry, Vince, I would have had no sympathy for you if you had ended up going out of business.

  16. I'm familiar with that one from having watched Let's Play videos of the Dark Brotherhood storylines in Oblivion and Skyrim but never done it myself. Being a dark evil soul just for the sake of it has just has never appealed to me. I'm too light to play that dark. I know I miss out on some pretty solid rewards in Skyrim because of that feeling. But even so, I much prefer to take Astrid down in the cabin and then wipe out the Dark Brotherhood.


    Heck the only time I've completed the Thieves Guild in Skyrim was when I was roleplaying a scholar studying the Nightingales who ended up learning the only one to get the material he needed was to become one. Much preferred the Robin Hood vibe of the Thieves Guild in Oblivion to the Mafia feel of Skyrim's. Those guys deserved to be on hard times.


    I am the same way in regards to playing the Knights of the Old Republic games. I always struggled to play as a Darkside character. It always felt odd to me because it is only a video game but yeah I just never really liked playing on the Darkside in those games. I would usually do one playthrough just to see what it is like but I just never really enjoyed it.


    The odd thing is I had no problem playing the bad guy in GTA or any of the Elder Scroll games. I am not sure why that is the case.

  17. Been doing a good bit of the same since the pandemic began. Weaving back and forth between Oblivion and Skyrim actually. But Skyrim at the moment.


    I played a little Oblivion last year. They have that one Dark Brotherhood mission in the game that I love. It was based on Agatha Christie's 10 Little Indians and it might be one of my favorite missions in any video game I have played (Well there are a few GTA V missions that might be on par with it.).


    I tried playing Morrowind (I have the original XBOX version) a few months ago on my XBOX One, but I couldn't get far. Obviously the graphics are really dated (Which normally would not annoy me, but it did for this game.) and the game mechanics are terrible. It sucks because I never really got far into the game back then and I never went back to it and now it is unplayable for me.


    Though my KOTR I and II still stand the test of time no matter what system I play them on.


    1: Think about how corrupt the city of Riften is in general. The Thieves Guild. The Black-Briars. The gate guards that try to shake you down when you first arrive. Grelod The Kind at the orphanage. Riften is to Nirn as Mos Eisley is to Tattooine. A wretched hive of scum and villiany. If such a murderous priest is going to live anywhere in Skyrim, it's rather fitting he'd live in Riften.


    2: Also think about the fact this is the same priest who is scolding any and all present at The Bee and Barb the first time you enter that inn. Meaning he's quite a bit more fanatical than the rest of Riften's clergy. Fanatics are less likely to quibble with those who'd do violence than more reasonable congregants. He probably views this bounty as a means of getting these sinners to do Mara's will for once.


    What you said makes a lot of sense. I never really thought of it that way. Hell I did not even know the guy's name until a couple of days ago. I remember him bitching about people drinking, I just never even bothered to learn his name because I never had much interaction with him in previous playthroughs.


    And then there's the little factor that Skyrim's sense of who should and shouldn't be able to report or witness crimes being off. I've heard tales of players been hunted down for crimes because wild animals saw what happened and that been reported to guards as a result. Sounds like you were visited on the basis of this glitched witness system.


    Yeah I read on the Skyrim wiki that ghosts can hire thugs. What the hell?:D

  18. That Sandman promo and match were just excellent.


    My only real complaint was the Jimmy Snuka promo, there is no way that is a Snuka promo because I actually understood what he was saying and he did not say brother every other word. Maybe he was not on the coke that night.:D


    Seriously though, it was a highly enjoyable show. The match write-ups were not too long and were well written and the promos were great. Keep up the good work!

  19. <p>I have been playing Skyrim a lot recently and I had thugs sent after me. I killed all of the thugs and read the note to see who was it that sent them after me. It was someone named Marmal. </p><p> </p><p>

    Now I have been playing this game off and on for nine years now and I had no clue who the hell Marmal was/is. I looked him up on the internet and he's a priest at the temple in Riften. What kind of a priest is this dude? </p><p> </p><p>

    Yes, I did steal from the temple, but nobody saw me do it. You are going to tell me that a priest who did not witness me steal anything is going to hire some thugs to kill me. That is just messed up.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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