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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. Thanks for the predictions guys !




    That's a subject I often reflect upon when playing historical games, but i just think that it's just a number based simulation where one of the item is using his name and likeness


    But i understand your view quite honestly


    Don't get me wrong, I am not offended that he is there. I mean he was there in real life and all. I have played video games with Genghis Khan in it, history is history there is nothing we can do to change it. I just personally will not pick him to win.

  2. <p><strong>SHANE DOUGLAS </strong>VS. TERRY FUNK</p><p> </p><p>

    I really want to go with Terry here, but I just cannot.</p><p>


    PUBLIC ENEMY</strong> VS. TOO COLD SCORPIO & RON SIMMONS</p><p> </p><p>

    Too Cold Scorpio and Ron Simmons are an awesome team, very few could compare to Too Cold during his days in WCW and ECW (Let's just forget Flash Funk). Ron was just awesome as a singles wrestler or as a tag team wrestler in Doom and the APA. With all that being said, as much as I want Two Gold Scorpio, to me, he and Ron are singles wrestlers and therefore I think they'll fall short.</p><p> </p><p>

    MATT BORNE & CHRIS BENOIT VS. <strong>TOMMY DREAMER & CACTUS JACK</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    I will never pick Benoit to win.</p><p> </p><p>



    MIKEY WHIPWRECK</strong> VS. MR. HUGHES</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>SANDMAN</strong> VS. STEVIE RICHARDS</p>

  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BigJ" data-cite="BigJ" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51353" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks for the kind words, i'll do my best to meet your expectations!<p> </p><p> And thank you to whomever gave me 5 stars!! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well I gave you one of the five stars. I have really enjoyed what you are doing thus far. I tend to not read Real World diaries because I have very little interest in the current industry. But when someone goes to the past I am all about that.</p>
  4. A few weeks ago I was going through some old stuff and I came across a bunch of old wrestling programs. One of them was from an ECW show in Massachusetts that I went to. It must have been right after Shane Douglas broke Gary Wolfe's neck because that was the big topic in the program, for lack of a better term it was more of a newsletter.


    I remember initially I had bad seats for the show that I bought the program at and ECW management ended up giving everyone ringside seats because nearly the entire crowd had bought cheap seats. Anyway, I did not want ringside seats because I knew the wrestlers sometimes ended up in the crowd and I did not want to deal with that, but I did not really have a choice in the matter because they were not allowing anyone to sit in the cheap seats. I mean it makes sense because even though it was a house show they still filmed it to show clips and it would look terrible on television to have a sparse crowd at ringside and have nearly the entire upper balcony sold out.


    I also came across a bunch of old ROH "programs" as well, once again for lack of a better term it was just a sheet of paper listing the matches.

  5. I mean, sometimes a weirdo like me likes to see facial reactions to stuff, but in general, yeah, a video podcast is pointless.


    Nothing weird about that at all. On a scale of 1 to 10 on the oddness scale for comments on this site, I would say that does not even register. There was once someone on here who defended drunk drivers, so yeah wanting to see facial reactions of podcasters is not odd at all.:D

  6. Cappy, there really is no difference between a Podcast and an AM radio talk show. As Dalton said most are audio-only and the ones that have video are boring because it is just watching a bunch of people sit around and talk. I don't know if you ever watched Imus or Howard Stern on television before (When they were both on television) but a video version of a Podcast would be exactly like that.
  7. <p>I don't really listen to Podcast but I do listen to segments of Podcasts on YouTube. So if that counts, here are the three I tend to listen/watch on a semi-regular basis. I also do not know the actual names of the Podcasts so I will just go by what I know them as...</p><p> </p><p>

    Joe Rogan </p><p>

    Tim Pool</p><p>

    Jim Cornette</p><p> </p><p>

    I was going to at one-time set-up a thread like this for YouTube channels to see what channels others watched. There does seem to be a little bit of an overlap between the two things.</p>

  8. When I said I played the entire telltale series I forgot about Michonne. I have never played that one. Does it have any tie-ins with the main series? I though it was just stand-alone which is why I never went through it.


    I believe it was a stand-alone, but to be honest with you, I have not played it since it came out so I really do not recall much about it. I remember there was one section that annoyed the hell out of me because I kept on getting killed because of the whole button smasher thing, but that is about it. I think I was killed twenty times in a row before I finally did it right.:D

  9. Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

    Nighthawk (2-Wins) vs Tyrant vs Lone Shark vs Whirlwind Lee Wilkes


    I sadly do not see him winning three in a row. Even his awesomisitoy has its limits.


    APW Tag-Team Championship Match

    Samoan Demolition vs Fox & Possum vs The Duo vs The Apocalypse


    10-Minute Challenge (If Lucas lasts 10 minutes he earns himself an APW Contract)

    Leon Nameth vs Lucas


    I like christmas_ape's line of thinking, but I am just going to go with the more clear cut answer and have him just win outright.


    Monday Next Open Challenge

    Monday Next & ???? vs ???? & ????


    APW Commonwealth Number One Contender Match

    Alyx Macquarie vs Massacre vs Christopher Gerard vs Scottie Hamstead


    Bonus Points:


    Which two heels form a one off tag-team to accept Monday Next's challenge?


    Reggie Tate and Lothar Prellinger


    I think having Lothar in this match makes sense for my next pick...


    Which face joins up with Monday Next? Dingo Devine

  10. Well it's definitely time for me to play some light-heated games for once because my recent playlist is a little depressing.


    I started off with the entire telltale walking dead series. I had never played The Final Chapter and it had been years since I played season one so I decided to go through the entire saga.


    I was meaning to play through it all again as well. The thing with me is I have it split between my PC and Xbox. What I mean by that is I have seasons one, two, and Michonne on Steam and then I have seasons three and four on my Xbox. Which makes it a minor annoyance to play it over again.


    I actually played through A New Frontier about a month ago and I found it to be enjoyable.


    What did you think of the Final Chapter? I felt that was the weakest out of all of the episodes.

  11. Seriously last time I will speak on the topic, I was quoted so I am just going to say this and that will be the end of it from me.


    Or, you could stop using the most tired rhetoric and look up how the "Redskins" got their name.


    Or you could stop making assumptions about others. I know full well how they got their name. As I said previously, my point was that I was under the impression that the vast majority of Native Americans either did not care about the name or were indifferent about the name. Now I freely admit that I could be wrong about that.


    With that being my impression I further felt like if the group that the slur is supposed to offend did not/does not offend the vast majority of the people in that group. Then why does the name need to be changed?


    Was it the Native Americans who wanted it changed or was it the woke activists who wanted it changed so they could chalk up a win the culture war?


    If it was the former then yes I am all for the change. If it is driven by the activist then I am far less inclined to support it because I honestly believe that most of them do not care about it and they are just doing it to as previously stated, chalk up a win in the culture war.


    It is a moot point either way because the name change is going to happen.


    The reason they're changing it is to appease sponsors who refuse to work with them because they refuse to change the name. So blame Kraft foods for not wanting to be the official mac & cheese of the Washington Professional Football Team. Because they don't want their brand associated with that crap.


    You don't say. Wow, I wish I would have thought of that before...


    They are going to cave, they have no choice in the matter. They are messing with their ad revenue.


    Oh, wait I guess I did. I guess you did not go far enough back in the thread.


    And people, in general, need to take more pride in their future and stop trying to defend their indefensible past.


    If the future that is coming is a world where there is no freedom of speech and we are told what we can say, what we are allowed to watch, what we are allowed to read. Then that is no future I would have any pride in. That sort of future sounds a little too close to Germany in the 1930s for my liking.


    Stop wallowing in the time you tried to destroy our more perfect union to preserve the ownership of human beings. But that's a different topic altogether.


    Yes it is a different topic and it has nothing to do with what we were talking about, yet you brought it up anyway. You did not direct it at me but it was put in a post about my post so it might as well have been meant for me.


    First off my family was not in American during that time period so I have no fondness for that era. Also, I will say this, if a group is defeated in war there should be no statues of the people who lost erected in the country of the victors.


    Back to Football, I honestly do not even want to see the season happen this year. It is far too risky for the players. With all of the sweat, spit, and lack of social distancing I think it is a disaster waiting to happen. I would not blame any player who does not want to take the risk.

  12. I didn't say people couldn't. My point is that it's on a completely different level of offensive when an Irish Catholic college calls itself the Fighting Irish and continues to do so well into a period in American history where Irish people actually have their voices heard and could easily demand it be changed than compared to a bunch of white dudes calling themselves the Redskins who have refused to change the name despite decades of outcry because they knew next to nobody in America gives a damn about Native Americans.


    The Notre Dame thing was meant as a joke, I know humor is often hard to convey on the internet.


    That being said, I will ask you this. If the polls are correct and the vast majority of Native Americans do not want it changed, do you think the name should be changed for the minority of Native Americans who are against it? If the people who it is supposed to offend are not actually offended, why should there be a name change? Just because it offends people who are not even part of the group that should be offended by it.


    That is the way I am approaching it by looking at it from the polls that were conducted and from what I have heard in the past from actual Native Americans. Now I am not going to sit here and pretend that the vast majority of the Native Americans are offended or are not offended, I honestly do not know. I would like to hear your thoughts on that if you choose to share them.


    I do think you hit the nail on the head. The non-Native Americans who are trying to fight for this change will move on and find something else to be outraged about. That is what bothers me more than anything else, after all, I am a Giants fan I really do not care about the Redskins or their name. What really bothers me is that these phony activists who are trying to fight against injustice and yet do not truly care about the people who they claim they are fighting for.


    As you said, the living conditions on most reservations are absolutely terrible and there is no way people should be living like that. They should have better access to medical care and drinking water (The same could be said about the drinking water in some cities as well. Flint I am looking at you.) A lot of these "allies" do not care about that, they are just looking to score another point for themselves and they are trying to make themselves feel better.


    Just because you aren't offended by something doesn't mean other people can't be.


    I seem to recall when you told me I had no right to think that suicide was wrong and that I was not allowed to speak on the topic. Just because you are not offended by something doesn't mean others can't be.;) Or is it rules for thee and not for me?


    I am going to peace out on this topic because at the end of the day what good is it going to do us going back and forth on this for days on end? Nobody ever changes their opinion.


    Plus Adam does not like political talk on here (Which this is becoming closer to being. I honestly do not blame him, this is a business website not a political forum.) and I do not want a mod to come in here and lecture us.

  13. My question is, where is the outrage over the mascot for Notre Dame? Fighting Irish implies all people who are either from Ireland or of Irish ancestry are nothing more than drunks who like to fight. That outdated stereotype is highly offensive, where are the activist to boycott that? Where is the faux woke outrage?<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
  14. <p>Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way</p><p>

    <strong>Nighthawk (1-Time Winner) </strong>– Tobias Bastio – Kasey – White Wasp</p><p> </p><p>

    Nighthawk is going to commit some awesomisity from the heavens in this match.</p><p> </p><p>

    King Malietoa vs<strong> Richie Fox</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Goliath Global (Scottie Hamstead, Massacre and Reggie Tate)</strong> vs Hack the Hunter and R & R</p><p> </p><p>

    Tyrant vs Pookie Possum vs Alyx Macquarie vs <strong>Lone Shark</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Monday Next vs<strong> Brisbane Devi</strong>l</p>

  15. <p>My late uncle was Native American and I remember asking him years ago about this. His quote was, "Nobody cares about it, most are indifferent." I think that may hold true. Granted it is not a fact, it was just what he said about the people that he knew. </p><p> </p><p>

    Part of me wonders if this is not a bunch of white activists calling for the change of the name over guilt. It does seem that is often the case, a small group of people complains about something but they are really loud about it and thus it amplifies and it makes it seem like more people support their cause than actually do.</p>

  16. Count Crowley was far too short. It ends setting up more adventures, so hoping it gets more issues. Very cool and unique premise. Highly recommend for any horror movie fans. Especially fans of late night horror host type shows.



    I have most of Savage Dragon's back issues, but waiting until I have the complete set before giving that a go. I loved Savage Dragon when I was a kid so here's hoping he holds up.


    I really enjoyed Count Crowley. I agree I hate that Dark Horse only released four issues, but that tends to be normal for them.


    I have never read Savage Dragon, but from what I have heard it was really good when it came out in the 90's, but it is not horrible. As I said, I heard that from multiple people, but I have never read it. Erik Larsen seems to spend the vast majority of the time flipping out on Twitter over Trump so maybe that has something to do with the quality of his work.


    I mean I am no Trump supporter, but I am also not going to scream "Orange Man Bad!", from the rooftops all day long. Because at the end of the day it does not matter, I mean I was that way about George Bush (the son) and I came to the conclusion that nothing I said on the topic mattered so why get so worked up.


    I know I'm basically the only person who posts in this thread most of the times, but are there any story arcs/crossovers from the past that you enjoyed? I recently picked up all the volumes of Age of Apocalypse(My all time favorite "event" and am realizing I missed out on quite a few stories over the years. So looking to fill in the gaps.


    I remember reading House of M, but I don't think I ever finished it. Also picked up the Onslaught omnibus.


    Any suggestions are more than welcome! Company doesn't matter either. I read something from pretty much every major company(Marvel, DC, IDW, Boom, Dark Horse, Image etc)


    Marvel did a very good mini-event involving Kraven the Hunter and Spider-Man last year. It ran from The Amazing Spider-Man 16 until 23. Issue 18.HU dealing with the Gibbon might be one of the best comics I ever read. Just a fantastic issue.


    Sean Gordon Murphy's Batman: White Knight is a modern-day masterpiece. It deals with a sane Joker. I really do not want to write anything else out of not wanting to spoil but it is great. I cannot recommend it's sequel Batman: Curse of the White Knight. That story arc was decent but nowhere near as good as White Knight.


    Justice League Odyssey, the entire run, has been great. It is different in that it has an overarching theme that has lasted all of the issues. Sort of like what Babylon 5 did. I am not sure how else to explain it, but it is not like a lot of DC stuff where it is clearly made for the trade paperbacks.


    I don't have an answer to your question but as someone who's trying to get into comics, do you have any recommendations for where to start? I know it's a broad question lol. I like crime, thrillers, sci fi, post apocalyptic, stuff like that.


    I guess an easy to way to put it is, I like shows like Game of Thrones, Westworld, Sons of Anarchy, Sopranos, and similar mob/gang/crime shows.


    *What I read of Die by Kieron Gillen was pretty good. It has a very similar concept to Jumanji. Basically a group of teenagers got transported into their D&D like game, they managed to get out but now they must go back in again as adults.


    *As far as crime books go, I cannot state this enough. If you want to read great crime books check out any of Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips' Criminal series which is put out by Image. Holy cow are they fantastic, it has a 1940's noir feel to them but they are more modern-day (Sort of they jump around from I believe the 1970's until the current day). What is so awesome is it does have a little Game of Thrones feel to it, in that a minor character in one book might be the focal character in the next.


    I am not a big art guy when it comes to comics if it is not egregiously bad then I am okay. I would rather have good writing over good art. That being said Sean Phillips art is fantastic. I seriously cannot sing the praises of the Criminal books any higher.


    *Dead Eyes was another good crime comic. It is similar to the above-mentioned Criminal. I can't really think of a good way to give you info on what it is about without spoiling it, so I will leave it at that.


    *Jeff Lemire's Gideon Falls is a good horror/SciFi series. I honestly am not sure how to explain it because I often get lost just reading it.:D There are elements of time travel in it, it also deals with mental illness, there is a haunted house in it. It is well worth the read, even if my description of it is terrible.


    *Cullen Bunn's Bone Parish is pretty good. It has elements of crime, SciFi, and zombies in the mix. No major spoilers, but it is about a family who learned how to create a drug made out of the ashes of dead people. If you smoke the drug you relive that person's life. The crime element of it is that there is a war to control who can distribute the drugs. It is from Boom Studios and ran for 12 issues.


    If you are interested in it you might want to buy it digital, because Boom tends to have low print runs for physical copies and therefore there might not be a lot of physical copies of it. I had to add it to my pull list because it was tough finding physical copies of it and I live in an area where there are about ten shops, so that tells you how low the print run might have been.


    *Stephen King's son Joe Hill has a horror line for DC and most of those books have been pretty good.


    The only one out of what was put out by that line thus far that I would say avoid is The Low Low Woods, I felt that it was poorly written.


    *Tinseltown by Alterna Comics was pretty good. It is about a female cop in 1920's Los Angeles. I am not sure how historically accurate it is, but it was an enjoyable read.


    *As Jaysin mentioned Black Science is very good. I have not gotten too far into it yet. It is the only series that own completely digitally.


    *Paper Girls from Saga writer Brian K. Vaughan has been great. It deals with two of my favorite things the 1980's and time travel. I am a sucker for a good time traveling story. I have read the first few issues and thus far it has been great.


    * I am not sure which John Constantine series Jaysin is talking about, but the newest one has been great (I am a fan of the character so I would say every series has been good, or at least what I have read thus far.). There is this hipster character in the new series that is hilarious. Hands down one of the funniest characters in a book.


    I absolutely adore Star Wars so I will 100% check out Saga!!


    I am not sure if there are physical copies of it around but I recently bought some issues of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on Comixology and it has been great thus far. It is set in the same era as the KOTOR video games. In fact, some characters from the game show up in the book. If you liked the game, which I did, chances are you will probably like this series.

  17. I like this idea, it is what they have in minor league baseball. I think when the WWF first created the developmental system they had a similar system like this. Where they had two developmental companies and the green guys would go to one promotion and once they were better they went to the other company.


    Granted I could be wrong, but I think that I recall that was the case. Ohio Valley was the upper promotion and the one in Florida was where the newer guys went.

  18. Lucky Chance Fatal-4-Way

    Dexter Mattell (2-Wins) vs Barney Mason vs Alyx Macquarie vs Nighthawk


    You don't know I every fiber of my being wants to give this win to the Ultimate Warrior lookalike...:D


    Dingo Devine vs Michel Bernard


    If I cannot pick the Ultimate Warrior lookalike, I guess I can go with the next best thing and pick the Dingo Warrior...I mean Dingo Devine to pick up the win.


    APW Tag-Team Championship Match

    Positive Energy vs Samoan Demolition


    Reggie Tate vs SubUrban Legend


    APW Commonwealth Championship Match

    Christopher Gerard vs Monday Next

  19. The new Perry Mason on HBO has been pretty good thus far. I used to watch the reruns of the Raymond Burr version when I was a little kid, but I do not remember them all that well and I never read the books.


    This means I am not sure how faithful it is to the source material. Another plus is they do not seem to be trying to shoehorn any sort of political agenda into the show thus far, which is always a shock to me.


    I forgot to add that Stargirl is really good. I was not expecting that at all but it is. Also, having Amy Smart (Who I wish they would do more with) and Luke Wilson on the cast makes the show stand out more to me. Maybe because I still view both of them as "movie" actors, I mean I know there really is no big divide between movies and television anymore but still when I see movie actors doing television the show stands out more to me.

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