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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SolidDavidGold" data-cite="SolidDavidGold" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52026" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Has anyone ever seen a fictional map with all the imaginary places that exist only in wrestling all put together? Ya know, Parts Unknown, Dudleyville, The Keep, The Depths Of Hell, Truth or Consequences, etc. The thought just struck me. Thought someone on here may have seen it somewhere if it exists. If not, I know there are a few Main Event level creative talents on these forums that could make such a thing a reality.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Truth or Consequences is a real place. The town was renamed after the game show from the 1940's.</p>
  2. I enjoyed the last Rambo movie as well, though I do wish there was more story to it. But then again what story could one expect for something like that.


    My personal favorite movie Sly ever made was Cop Land. I was working at a movie theatre at the time and I used to watch it on my break every day. I would time it out to take my break at the parts I had not watched yet.


    To me, that movie stands out because it so against the type of movie he was known for. He was actually vulnerable in that movie.


    It sucks that it did not do well commercially and he has said it hurt his career for the next eight years. Because people tend to think he can only do action movies but he has better acting chops than just being an action star and could do well in a drama.

  3. <p>I have Comic Book Hero but it has been a few years since I played it.</p><p> </p><p>

    I also have Fastbreak Pro Basketball which is a great game, but it can be buggy. I honestly cannot recommend buying that game even though it is good. </p><p> </p><p>

    Mainly because if you have a save ending bug there is nobody you can talk to, to fix it. Brian, who created the game, has not been active on here for years and Arlie did not even bother to answer my PM asking him if there was a way I could get tech support for the game. </p><p> </p><p>

    It is one of those games that if you buy it you do so at your own risk because once they get your money they are not going to do anything to help you if the game runs into a save ending bug and it has happened often to me.</p><p> </p><p>

    Honestly, you are better off just sticking with games made by either Adam or Derek D. because both are great when it comes to any issues with their games.</p>

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BrokenCycle" data-cite="BrokenCycle" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51920" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The second suggestion is that you write a diary but learn about storytelling, screen writing, story arcs, acting, dialogue creation, and whatnot, in the meantime. Basically you leverage writing fan fiction into learning about a craft.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Your big brained idea is to become a screen writer or a writer? What do you want me to do take a vow of poverty?<img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I mean the starving artist is a cliché for a reason. That reason being the vast majority of them are just that...broke.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Historian" data-cite="Historian" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51920" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>My other last piece of advice -- message writers of diaries you like. Most community members and diary writers are really nice and helpful and are willing to help out with advice/feedback/whatever you need.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> This may have worked for you but I can tell you this did not work for me at all. When I first started writing diaries on here I would PM all of the writers I liked because most of them would say in their thread (I am paraphasing here), "Anyone who wants to PM me for advice can do so at any time." </p><p> </p><p> Either one of two things ended up happening.</p><p> </p><p> 1. The writer would not respond at all.</p><p> </p><p> 2. The writer would respond and would sort just not say anything.</p><p> </p><p> I remember one big name writer said, "I am always here to bounce ideas off of if anyone wants to." So I told him an idea in the hopes that maybe he could tell me if it could work. His response was, "Do what you want it's your diary, not mine." </p><p> </p><p> After that I just stopped bothering people because that tended to be the average response I would get.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Nickman" data-cite="The Nickman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51920" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>My biggest advice is have fun and try not to burn yourself out. I've written three dynasties across the last several iterations of TEW and on every occasion I've gone too hard too early and always ended up losing motivation.<p> </p><p> As soon as it feels like a chore, it's basically over.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is probably the most sound advice in this thread. That is why when I was writing diaries I did not like to keep a deadline for when I was going to post. Mainly because I would feel rushed and then it would start feeling like a chore.</p>
  5. <p><strong>Brutus Milano</strong> vs. Tennessee William – Two out of Three Falls for the Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Riley McManus</strong> vs. Richie Riggins</p><p> </p><p>

    Charlie Corner vs. <strong>Vito Pirelli</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Crockett Tubbs vs. <strong>Quentin Queen</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Happy Elwood vs. The New York Doll vs. Tully Casey vs. <strong>Ozzie Goldstein</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    I have no clue I am just going by the sound reasoning of everyone else.</p><p> </p><p>

    Dominic DeGraff vs. <strong>Sal DiMeo</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Curtis Shaw vs. <strong>Andrew Harper</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Geoff Borne vs. <strong>Ray Snow</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Every time I play NYCW I have no clue what to do with Geoff and like 1PWfan said I just like Ray better.</p><p> </p><p>

    Masked Stranger & The LA Stars vs. <strong>Denny King & The Boys from the Yukon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    In my personal game, the LA Stars seem to have become popularity magnets, the pop skyrockets after every show. This has caused me to be a fan of them, but I just cannot see Denny taking the L here.</p>

  6. The Radio Times polled 50,000 people to determine who the best Dr. Who of all-time is. Here are the results...


    1 - David Tennant 10518 / 21%


    2 - Jodie Whittaker 10423 / 21%


    3 - Peter Capaldi 8897 / 18%


    4 - Matt Smith 7637 / 16%


    5 - Tom Baker 3977 / 8%


    6 - William Hartnell 1983 / 4%


    7 - Paul McGann 1427 / 3%


    8 - Christopher Eccleston 1144 / 2%


    9 - Jon Pertwee 1038 / 2%


    10 - Patrick Troughton 915 / 2%


    11 - Sylvester McCoy 462 / 1%


    12 - Colin Baker 359 / 1%


    13 - Peter Davison 351 / 1%


    This has to be recency bias, there is no other way to explain the top five. I like David Tennat and Matt Smith just fine and maybe a case could be made for them being ranked as high as they are. But nobody can convince me that Jodie Whittaker or Peter Capaldi should rank that high. Jodie's episodes are bleeding viewers and I never felt like anyone held Peter in high regard. Or at least in high enough regard to rank him as high as he was ranked.


    Also, Peter Davison being last? The hell? Colin Baker being last or next to last I can get on board with, but nobody could convince me that Peter Davsion deserves to be that low.


    I would also say William Hartnell is ranked too high on this list as well. Sure for nostalgic purposes it is good to see him up there, but the episodes that did survive to the mordern day are not very good from a production standpoint (It was the 1960's, so of course that would be the case) and even from a storytelling standpoint. The pacing of some of those episodes were terrible.


    How is Paul McGann ranked seventh? He was only in one movie and two short films. Is he ranked so high purely because of the books?


    My list would be:


    1. Tom Baker-He is not my personal favorite but I would say his shows were some of the best written shows. Genesis of the Daleks is probably my favorite serial of all-time for Dr. Who.

    2. Jon Pertwee

    3. David Tennant

    4. Christopher Eccleston- I know he was only there for one series but I really do not recall one dud out of any of his episodes.

    5. Peter Davison

    6. Matt Smith

    7. Sylvester McCoy

    8. Patrick Troughton- My personal favorite Doctor. But he is like William, where the writing was not great for a lot of his episodes. Or at least the ones that I watched. I mean there are parts I loved about his final serial War Games, but it did drag on forever.

    9. William Hartnell

    10. Peter Capaldi- I liked him just fine as the Doctor but he had some major duds when it came to stories. Also, I hated when he always played the guitar, I am not sure why it annoyed me so much but it did.

    11. Colin Baker

    12. Paul McGann- He's last only because I personally do not have much to go on. I did not read any of the other media about his Doctor. The TV movie they made was not very good, though the two short movies (I think it was two, though I could be wrong) were pretty good.


    I did not rank Jodie Whittaker because I have never watched anything with her as the Doctor. From what I have read, it would seem I made a wise decision. I personally do not like the agenda that BBC is trying to put forth with her casting and the way they are writing her epsidoes. The funny thing is I really liked her and her character on Broadchurch.

  7. This...


    I did this one quite awhile back



    and this...


    I did these a little while back. Both him and Kid Toma:





    I really like the orginal Akima render, but these are all excellent as well. That is why I do not like coming into this thread because I always end up finding new renders that I like, but I do not want to use to replace the good older renders. I mean I will end up using them for someone else.



    Jay Silver



    Free pic for Free Pic Friday


    Here is another one, I really like the Jay Silver render and it is one of the main reasons why I always hire him. But this Jay Silver is right on par with the original, it is excellent as well.


    @cooldude: I just wanted to give you props as well for the renders you have been putting out. I like your style a lot, keep up the good work.

  8. That looks rad as hell.


    I prefer the full colour one personally as the sepia-toned one strikes me as a little older than the 70s, but the design rocks. Love those worker renders too.


    Also, being British, I always love to see people doing stuff in the UK scene, so I'd definitely check it out.


    I see what you're saying but the color one seems too good for the 70's while the sepia-toned seems more in line with what you would see back then. Maybe mid-60's.


    When I say too good, that is not to say the sepia one is not good (They are the exact same thing, just different color tones) I just think the color would be more 80's than 70's.


    In summary, they are both great I do think the sepia-toned one is better for the time period but both are fantastic so you really cannot lose either way. I wonder if a straight up black & white would be even a better match. Heck, there were still promotions over in the U.S. that were using black and white posters well into the 1990's. ECW's program/newsletter was in black and white.

  9. Brodie Lee is a completely different character than Luke Harper ever was. So not sure how he didn't reinvent himself.


    Young Bucks and Omega have been slowly changing their characters for months.


    Sounds like you just don't enjoy the show and in that case why do you even watch it? I'll never understand people who continue watching things they don't like


    I cannot speak for anyone else but I will check the show out from time to time to see if anything has improved. There are elements that I like about the show and there are elements that I do not like. Personally, I will never like Kenny Omega and the Bucks. Orange Cassidy is a novelty act to me.


    What I do find interesting is that AEW fans (Not all obviously, I am not trying to paint with a broad brush here) get very offended over even the slightest criticism of the product. I am not sure why that is the case but I am not the only one to point that out. On another site that I frequent, there are a lot of people who have brought that up.


    I used to love TNA but I never got triggered when people talked trash about it because at the end of the day there was a lot of crappy stuff that went on in TNA. Hell, I bashed TNA as well, I used to fast forward any time I would see any segment with Hogan in it.


    The same goes for WCW. I was loyal to the end but even I knew a good portion of what was going on was just not very good.


    If you look at this thread or any thread regarding AEW on the internet, you would think AEW is the best promotion that was ever around. Anyone who has even the mildest form of criticism of the promotion is shouted down by the AEW drones.


    One of my friends is exactly like this when it comes to AEW. I will say I liked this about the show, that about the show, but you know I could use a less of x on the show. My buddy will flip out, "How could you not like X? He is so innovating, you're just stuck in the past."

  10. I like that you're making the Masked Stranger interesting.


    Brutus Milano vs. The New York Doll – NYCW Empire Title Match


    There is simply no way Doll wins here, especially if you are setting up Milano vs. Pablo for somewhere down the road.


    Riley McManus & Happy Elwood vs. Denny King & Ozzie Goldstein


    I view Happy as the weak link in this match.


    Chuck Casey vs. Justice Jolson vs. Animal Harker vs. Super Massive Destroyer


    I honestly have no clue with this match, I just chose Animal because I feel like he is probably the most over.


    Masked Stranger vs. Tennessee William


    I could be completely off base on this one, but as I stated I like that you are giving Masked Stranger some personality. It is something that I always struggle with in my personal games when I use him. Therefore, I am going to have him go to the pay window here, even though I think Tennessee will end up getting the win here.



    Curtis Shaw & The LA Stars vs. Andrew Harper, Richie Riggins, & Devastating Don


    Here is another one where I have no clue. I think Andrew and Richie are over enough to pick up the win here, but then you throw Don into the mix and I honestly don't know what will happen.


    Brooklyn’s Finest vs. Sal DiMeo & Machine Gun Marino


    Geoff Borne vs. Luca Sacramoni


    The American Cobras vs. The Boys From The Yukon—COTT World Tag-Team Title Match


    The Cobras are not going to lose to The Boys

  11. I will say, I don't know if you do this in the new games or not but the whole plurality voting was something that I was not very fond of in the recent GDS games played over here. Michgcs would often give me a Day 1 joke vote and so there would be a high chance I could end up going just for that. What would be the point of playing if something like that happens?


    That was the only thing that never happened to me, I was never mis-lynched as Town in the however many games I played. The only time I was ever lynched was as the SK or a member of the mob. With the plurality voting that could have very well happened for no other reason than a joke vote.

  12. I used to watch The Walking Dead on AMC every week, and I don't remember why but I stopped watching it, so I said screw it and just started over on Netflix, there is a scene where a guy who was with the main group in season one comes back in season eight, and if I kept up the weekly viewing rather then the binge watching I would've been really lost and had no idea who that guy was or what was going on.


    The Walking Dead is definitely better when you binge it. I'm almost done with it, any suggestions on what I should watch next?


    It really depends on what you like. I would say Fear of the Walking Dead is worth the watch, if you like the original. There are things done on FOTWD that make it the better show at times.


    Pluto has a dedicated Survivor, The Amazing Race, Dark Shadows, and Dr. Who channels. I might never stop watching Pluto.


    The only problem with the Dr. Who channel is, it is always Tom Baker episodes. Yes they do show other original Doctors but it is not as frequent as Tom Baker.


    I can understand why because he is the most popular of the original Doctors (I was going to call him the 4th Doctor but the way the new show screwed everything up and made it an unwatchable SJW mess, who know what number he is now). But come on does it really need to be the 24/7 Tom Baker channel?


    I understand that most of the first two Doctors episodes are lost, but I think from Pertwee onwards they should have every episode available. It would be nice to see some McCoy era stuff or any of the other original Doctors for that matter.

  13. I saw a funny headline, or funny to me that is, on Yahoo just a minute ago.


    The headline read...


    WWE alum Eric Young proves his worth by winning the Impact Wrestling title on AXS TV


    While true, I think Eric would be far more remembered as a TNA guy. I don't know.


    I have always liked Eric going back to his days in Team Canada and his, "Don't fire Eric", gimmick was fantastic so I am glad to see him getting another run with the title.

  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="theoutlaw321" data-cite="theoutlaw321" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51681" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And Bluestar. Hell we had a video chat month or 2 ago.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Bluestar is awesome! He was the only person to go out of their way to help me learn how to play mafia when I first signed up.</p>
  15. I haven’t even looked at CZCW in this version. What went awry?


    Well, it is a me thing, I am not a fan of men fighting women and that's what CZCW has become.



    Hawkeye Calhoun vs. Pablo Rodriguez – COTT World Heavyweight Title Match

    Happy Elwood vs. Tennessee William

    The Casey Brothers vs. The Boys From The Yukon – NYCW Tag-Team Title Match

    Masked Stranger vs. Devastating Don vs. LA Star #1 vs. Sal DiMeo

    Animal Harker vs. Ozzie Goldstein

    Crocket Tubbs vs. The New York Doll

    Freedom Eagle vs. Denny King – NYCW Tri-State Title Match

    Charlie Corner & Dominic DeGraff vs. Andrew Harper & Richie Riggins

    Curtis Shaw vs. Ray Snow


    I like Ray but I think Curtis has this in the bag.

  16. It's weird but I sometimes look at old threads and I will see Prophet or Dragonmack (Just using them as examples as the used to be frequent posters) post and I will wonder what happend to them.


    A lot of the old Mafia players seem to have stopped posting. I said this before but I wonder if it was just an age factor. A lot of them were in high school or college at the time and maybe they either no longer have the time or they just grew out of the site.

  17. Site I play on, this is actually specifically against the rules. It is angleshooting.


    Forget what I just posted. I am not sure why I posted that because it was about something totally different.


    Yeah I would always look to see who was visible to see if they were reading the thread and not commenting. Sometimes it meant nothing but I would always file it away and if I needed to look at someone who was visible and not posting, then yes I would use my night action against them.

  18. It's been a while since I've posted in this thread, so here I come back around again. A while back, some of you guys were posting lists of your favorite movies in here, a Top 20 I think it was. I had very much wanted to get in on that, but I had a rough go picking out a mere 20 favorite movies, (it always seemed there were some that just HAD to be on the list, but I had ran out of places to put them). Eventually, I got pre-occupied, and just let time slip away from me. Kinda forgot about it for a while, what with work, life, TEW, and all.


    Anywho, the movies in my Top 9 list seem to be set in stone, so here they are in no particular order:


    1. Forrest Gump

    2. Legends Of The Fall

    3. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

    4. Jurassic Park

    5. The Lion King, (1994)

    6. Field Of Dreams

    7. Back To The Future

    8. Rocky

    9. Stand By Me


    This is about where things start getting murky. For one, I dearly love all the Back To The Future movies, (Part III in particular has become a go-to movie whenever I'm in need of cheering up), as well as all the Rocky movies, (and the Creed movies that follow them up are equally fantastic in my humble opinion).


    So many others could very easily claim a place on that list: A League Of Their Own; The Bill & Ted Movies; ET; The Goonies; Predator; Platoon; Tombstone; The Unforgiven; Million Dollar Baby; Adventures In Babysitting; Ferris Beuller's Day Off; Planes, Trains, and Automobiles; The Sandlot; etc. All those Disney movies I enjoyed growing up, that I often watch when I need to chill, (Heavyweights, The Mighty Ducks). Mrs. Doubtfire, Good Morning, Vietnam. The Good Son, which I like, but most everyone else, including the people who made it, don't seem all that crazy about. Tommy Boy, can't forget that one. Home Alone, A Christmas Story, The Polar Express, Toy Story.


    Ghostbusters, Aliens, Meatballs, Star Treks: The Voyage Home & The Undiscovered Country, I could go on and on.


    Way too many others to count, I'd better quit while I'm ahead.


    In other news, I've seen a couple of brand new re-makes/re-imaginings lately: The Lion King, Aladdin, and Child's Play. Of those, Child's Play was far and away my favorite. The Lion King and Aladdin were all right, but didn't seem to have the... passion? Raw, natural emotion? of the originals. Especially the Lion King. I always have cold chills during the first few minutes of the original Lion King, didn't happen at all for the remake. Also, seen both the new It moves, and very much enjoyed those as well.


    Oh, and I just bought Bill & Ted Face The Music through Amazon Prime. Getting ready to watch that, here in a little bit. Very much looking forward to that.


    Good times, coming.




    It is tough to come up with ten movies. I think I was one of the ones who made a list and the funny thing is what I put on there now might be different from what I put on there back then.


    Heck, I could probably just do lists for different genres and come up with top ten.


    I think my Holy Trinity of top three movies is usually always It's A Wonderful Life, Godfather II, and Return of the Jedi. But then I think, "I really loved the original Godfather." And then I start to spiral out and think, "What about Sunset Boulevard or the Goonies?" Hell as lame as they are sometimes I think any of the first three Police Academy movies should get some love. Or Eddie Murphy's Golden Child. I can't make these lists.:D


    No idea what the general consensus is, no idea what everyone else is thinking but... in my humble opinion, Bill & Ted Face The Music is pretty darn good! I doubt it'll have the same staying power as the original two, (and especially the original one), but then, again in my opinion, they don't really build 'em to last like they used to. Either way though, I thought it was fun movie, and a fantastic ride I was more than happy to go on.


    I'll give it a B+.


    Everything I have heard about it thus far has been very good. So I am glad to hear you reaffirm that.


    Chadwick Bossman has passed away after struggling with colon cancer.


    This sucks. He was great as Black Panther


    I saw this a few minutes ago and I was taken aback by this. I had no idea he had colon cancer, I did not see it reported or anything. He was far too young.


    I liked him in Jackie Robinson and the Black Panther.

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