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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. So for those that aren't aware.. GTA 5 is available FOR FREE on the Epic Store


    I have now bought it twice (Once for the 360 and then for the XBox One) and now I am downloading it for free. Though I will say this, there is not a huge difference between the 360 and One versions.


    I really wish they would remaster Vice City and San Andreas. Those two games hands down have the best soundtracks out of any games I have ever played.

  2. Not being able to get a haircut. I know there are more important things going on in the world but having not gotten a haircut since February, I am getting a tad bit annoyed.


    I have been getting my head shaved for the past twenty years or so. Well, the other day I was looking in the mirror and I noticed my damn hair looks nearly exactly like Robert Smith's hair from the Cure.:D I want to go back to the Tully Savalas look.

  3. I read a few weeks back where Maya Hawke (From Stranger Things who is the daughter of Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke) was blaming her parent's generation (Gen-X) for all the ills that are happening in this world. She especially blames Gex-Xers for climate change problems. After reading the article I read the comments and there were a bunch of people talking about how right she was and all of that.


    I am thinking to myself, "Does this chick understand the amount of pollution that the Industrial Revolution shot off into the environment or dumped into the waters? Did she know that in 1952 the Cuyahoga River (the one that winds through Cleveland) caught on fire due to pollution? A freaking river caught on fire! Newsflash Maya, there were no members of Gen-X alive in 1952.


    I just hate it when "celebrities" get on their high horse and say stupid stuff like that. Another example was Nick Cannon saying he wanted all prisons abolished. He was sitting there talking with a woke professor saying how all prisons should be abolished and I am thinking to myself, "Okay Nick let's do that, and then let's move Dennis Rader next door to your house or someone just as bad. Then we shall see how your woke ass feels about closing all prisons.

  4. This idea has been done before with another mod too that I worked on in the past called Gloryverse btw ^^ you can still do it of course I'm just making you aware of that :)



    What is the point of pointing this out? You know that it was done plenty of times before the Gloryverse (I could name at least two off the top of my head) and nobody seemed to want to make you aware of that fact. I just find it odd that you would go out of your way to make that post.


    @mstiles: It is a good idea but as Stennick has pointed out it is a tough thing to do. Often times these types of things just never come to be for a lot of reasons. Be it one person hogging the data (Which I was guilty of when I tried to do one.), people trying to become "stars" on the site and leaving the project to start something else, real life taking over.


    With that being said, I would not want to discourage you or have you give up on this idea if it is something that you truly want to do. Just surround yourself with people who you think will support you towards the end goal. I would say do not listen to the people who sent you the private messages, as nobody has ownership of this sort of concept.


    Or you could see what Hellshock is doing as he has offered. The mod he is talking about was one that I helped out on and it might be a fun experience seeing that mod come to life.

  5. Why is it worth so much? I am not sure if I have it or not. I actually might but I bought so many of the NCAA games I am not sure what years I have. If I did have it I would have bought it for the 360.


    I often wonder why they stopped making NCAA Football and Basketball games. They were often better than the pro versions. Well, anything is better than Madden, I don't remember the last time a good Madden game came out. Maybe in like 2003 or so.

  6. In regards to Man of Medan...


    I liked it and I actually did not dislike the characters like I thought I would. I played the game terribly though but that was my fault and nothing to do with the game.


    The only drawbacks for me personally were, any time I had to do a button smash (The window to complete it was far too short and I have terrible hand-eye coordination so that does not help either. I had the same problem with TWD games as well.), and the faces of the characters. They just did not look realistic to me, they looked comical. Especially some of their facial reactions to different events. L.A. Noire came out in 2011 and I would say it had better facials (Trying my best not to make it sound like I am talking about porn.) than this game.

  7. Line of Duty has been great thus far. I am a little late to this show but they just started showing it in the States on AMC, probably because of Lennie James' popularity on TWD and FTWD, they only showed the first season thus far. I see that Keeley Hawes is going to be on the next season which is great because she was great on Ashes to Ashes, so I am looking forward to seeing her on there.


    One thing that was weird was when I was sitting watching the first episode of Line of Duty and I saw Adrian Dunbar I kept on saying, "What show was he from, I know he was a villain and his name was Martin. But what show was it." I looked it up and it was Ashes to Ashes. I am not sure how I was able to remember his character's name from that show but I did.

  8. On the other hand, the Geico commercial with the band RATT is hysterical.


    The commercial never gets old.


    Oh I hear you on that and can add a gripe of my own about them. I live in Washington but most of the TV channels I get come out of Portland, Oregon so I get inundated with ads for people and issues that I can't vote on anyway.


    Same with me I live in Rhode Island but I am about ten minutes from Massachusetts and all I see are commercials for their politicians.

  9. Much like your previous two diaries, I am going to suck at the picks contest, but here I go anyway.


    Fatal-4-Way Championship Chance

    Barney Mason vs Dexter Mattell vs Alyx Macquarie vs Tyrant


    Massacre vs White Wasp


    Samoan Demolition vs R & R

    Harry Simonson vs Felix Harding


    Felix is always someone I like to see do good, but Harry is the bigger name here.


    Monday Next vs Warmonger

  10. I've always thought having PPV's more frequently than Quarterly was the point at which numbers should start declining. The Big Four would be optimum, in terms of maximum buys per show. As soon as WWE started going monthly, that was when it seemed like a portion of fans started skipping the 'lesser' ones. I know I did. So each show (depending on card) would earn less... but for WWE it was still financially sensible to run 13 per year.


    That's the game I want to play. Having to figure out whether I want fewer shows with more buys, or more shows with fewer buys. At the moment that's not a thing at all, and it's disappointing.


    Exactly. I stopped caring about seeing the WWF pay-per-views when This Tuesday In Texas and the In Your House ones started popping up. There was just too much product and it cost a lot of money. Obviously I was a kid at the time so it was my parents money so they would pretty much only order the four major ones and then one of the lesser ones.


    That is how it was with UFC pay-per-views for me to a lesser extent (Because it was a combo of television and pay-per-view). When I first started watching they were every month but that was it, MMA on television was sparse. Then they started showing up on television more which watered down the pay-per-view cards and made them a heck of a lot more disinteresting because that it caused the UFC to be overexposed to me and I finally stopped watching it.

  11. As someone who grew up in the tri-state area I can tell you that upstate New York is not considered a part of it. The real tri-state area would be New York City, New York on the Hudson, New Jersey, a bit of Connecticut, Long Island and Philadelphia area. So I just didn't know where to put it.


    Buffalo, Albany, Rochester, and Pittsburgh really have nothing to do with the tri-state area. They are honestly more Great Lakes region places.


    With that said, I get the reason why the game has those cities included.


    I think I had this conversation before, maybe it was with you.:D I remember watching Yankees games back in the 80's and 90's and whenever they would talk about the Tri-State area in commercials or what have you, it was always listed as Penn, NY, and NJ (When they would show a map of the region for car dealerships). I have read arguments regarding a small part of Connecticut being part of the Tri-State region (like you said) but I mostly have heard people saying that CT is part of the six New England states.


    There is no map that I could find where they have upstate NY listed as part of New England.


    But at the end of the day this is not really that important to talk about. I just saw Albany listed as being part of New England and was like, "Wait what?":D

  12. Albany is the state capital of New York, so it does not belong in New England.


    I never got why Louisiana was considered South East, one of Mid South Wrestling biggest market was New Orleans.


    If I had the time I would rename all the "Englishified" location names in the default database back to what they are actually called EVERYWHERE else.



    Copenhagen -> København

    Naples -> Napoli

    Florence -> Firenze

    Gothenburg -> Göteborg


    Etc. and etc.


    I think it is safe to say that the vast majority of people who buy this game speak English and therefore would not recognize København. For me personally looking at the list you posted I was only aware of Napoli and Göteborg. I never even knew there were alternative spellings of Florence and Copenhagen.

  13. Those Secret commercials with Camila Mendes in them. Now don't get me wrong she looks amazing in that blue dress, but the song for the commercial is just terrible. I looked it up and the song is sung by Jessie Reyez (I have never heard of her).


    When I listen to her sing I think to myself, "Is there anybody that could possibly think this chick's voice sounds good?" Pretty much what happens whenever I hear Yoko Ono sing.

  14. I am running RIPW and I was looking at the face/heel divide. There are six more heels (IIRC, I don't have the game opened at the very moment) than there are faces. Now I have to have it even, even if it cost the company more money.


    Therefore, I went looking to hire six new face workers to even out the company. Every single low-level guy wants either a percentage of merch or more money. The problem is Jerry Eisen will not allow me to give anyone a contract over thirty dollars. But, and this is the odd part, Jerry has no problems with me paying Ryan Turner and Stan Manna ninety-five dollars per show. I am trying to save the guy money and he's all like, "Nah man I'm good. I won't pay a penny over thirty dollars but I will gladly pay ninety-five dollars plus."

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