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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. Luckily, 2k20 seems to be an amazing year in the making, with - for me personally - Crusader Kings III


    I just saw that they were coming out with this the other day when I had decided to fire up CKII (Which I had not played since March). I must not be up to par on gaming news because I did not even know about the new one.


    Once the new Elder Scrolls or GTA come out I will buy those in a heartbeat but they still seems years in the future. Though if Bethesda does to Elder Scrolls what they did with Fall Out 76, I will probably pass. I am talking about locking things behind pay windows. I understand why they do it, but I strongly disagree with them doing it.


    GTA does it as well but I have never played the hellscape that is GTA Online so I have never had to deal with it.

  2. Most of 2019 wasn't that impressive.


    You know, after reading your post I was thinking and I honestly do not think I bought one video game last year. RDR2 and Life is Strange 2 were the last two games I bought and they both came out in 2018 (Though LIS 2 took a year to complete so even though it came out in I want to say September of 2018, it did not finish until December 2019).


    I am just meh about video games, there is nothing that I am excited about.

  3. hampion Carnival - Night 13 (A Block)


    Stan Hansen [9] vs. Jumbo Tsuruta [8] - 30

    Terry Funk [8] vs. The Great Kabuki [2] - 30

    Masanobu Fuchi [7] vs. Harley Race [6] - 30

    Atsushi Onita [6] vs. Chavo Guerrero [2] - 30


    Champion Carnival - Night 14 (B Block)


    Genichiro Tenryu [11] vs. Giant Baba [11] - 30

    Kodo Fuyuki [6] vs. Umanosuke Ueda [6] - 30

    Mitsuharu Misawa [6] vs. Dory Funk Jr. [4] - 30

    Ashura Hara [2] vs. Tiger Jeet Singh [2] - 30


    TIEBREAKER: Which of these eight will be the best match?

    Baba vs. Tenryu

  4. Last Man Standing: Jay Lethal vs. Low-Ki

    Chris Sabin vs. Jeff Cobb


    This is a tough call, because I really cannot see Chris beating Jeff here. But this is Sabin's return match to the promotion and it would be odd for him to get the loss here.


    Dalton Castle vs. Kenny King


    Tag Titles: The Top Guys {C} vs. The Workhorsemen


    TV Title: Brody King vs. Nick Aldis {C}


    The End (Odinson and Hammerstone) vs. The Kingdom of Truth (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett)


    Not a fan of either Mike or Matt, but this is them reforming the Kingdom so I think they should get the win here.


    Six-Man Titles: Team Filthy (Lawlor, Yehi, Woods) {C} vs. Villain Enterprises (Scurll, Davey Boy Smith, Thomas Latimer)

    World Title: Jay Briscoe {C} vs. Mark Briscoe

  5. Also, I'm finding out that having a Hardcore division might be tough. I know if I try to put guys in hardcore matches that aren't suitable to those, they will complain. I had to sign a few new wrestlers and I'll start with 6 that I think will pass the test. Any other ideas?


    It's also going to make a difference if Twitch allows me to have Hardcore matches. They let me have a cage match but not a ladder match, so I'm a little worried about that.


    If you are not married to the Hardcore Division, I would say just scrap it altogether. Six people is not enough and you'll run out of feuds quickly. Ideally eight or ten should be enough but as you said with so many bitching about having to take part in hardcore matches, you might have a hard time trying to fill out the division.


    You could always do a 24/7 Title. That way it is not strictly Hardcore but it can sort of function as something similar.

  6. <p>Tad bit off topic here, but it is sort of related.</p><p> </p><p>

    I wonder if Adam is going to retconn some of the workers like he did in, I want to say TEW2013. It makes sense because people still feel connected to a lot of the older workers and it means he lessens his workload because he does not have to create as many new workers (He is already going to have to create a lot with India in the mix now). With a four year gap a lot of the old guard of workers should have retired. I would not be shocked to see Jack Bruce have a few years shaved off his age.</p><p> </p><p>

    Those older workers would be the ones I would look out for in the new game. Mainly to see if they magically become younger.</p>



    • The AI does an even MORE brilliant thing and turns Dino Bravo face then slaps him into a tag-team with Koko B Ware. The AI calls them Team Roar because computers can't understand birds. I rename them The Flamingos.


    I am not sure why I missed this after reading the show. This is hilarious. The Flamingos, I can picture them wearing pink oversized jackets (Just like the sort of jacket that Koko used to wear) and pink trunks.

  8. Watchmen is a show of the year contender. I almost hope HBO doesn't renew it because I think it would diminish what was a near-perfect 1 season show.


    I thought I read somewhere that it was a one-off. Now if that is true or not I am not sure.


    Mr Robot is ending in a couple of days with a 2-part finale. This season has been a masterclass, paying off character arcs and seeds planted as far back as the the 1st season. Rami Malek and Sam Esmail have a good shot at winning Emmy awards in 2020.


    The finale was good but confusing for the vast majority of the episode. It made sense in the end though.


    Spoiler: What I am wondering is if we never saw the true Elliot. They sort of hinted throughout the episode that was the case, especially when Dominique was a beat cop and told Elliot that he looks nothing like he does on his ID. Also, at the very end when he is waking up we never see his face only his eye.


    Finished up Counterpart S2. Fantastic sci-fi/spy thriller. Shame it wasn't renewed for a 3rd season but it still got a satisfying ending. Highly recommended.


    Crisis on Infinite Earths has been poor from a story perspective but entertaining for the cameos. I spent the last few months catching up on Black Lightning S2 and S3. It's a class above the other CW superhero shows. Add a bit of blood and swearing and it could almost be mistaken for a Marvel Netflix show.


    They are trying to pack too much stuff into COIE. Too many cameos and I think that is part of the reason why the story has suffered.


    Black Lightning has been great but as I have said before I hate how the music sometimes drowns out the actors. None of the other CW shows have that problem. Also it must cost them a small fortune to use the music they use. If it ever goes into syndication there is no way they will be able to afford to keep it in.

  9. It depends what you mean by 'fans'. Hardcore fans or anyone-willing-to-buy-a-ticket fans. One group is bigger than the other. When you're trying to make billions, that's important.


    But at what point do you end up shooing away your loyal fans while trying to chase a phantom audience that may never buy tickets in the first place?


    I get what they're saying. A lot of franchise movies these days focus on fan-pandering nostalgia over telling a good story. Fans know what they want, but not always what they need. You shouldn't ignore the fans, but sometimes you gotta do things that they don't like in order to create a great story. Break a few eggs to make an omelette. Sacrifice a character to make another better. Bending your story to the will of the fans is like taking studio notes from millions of people. It can hurt more than help.


    I disagree with the sentence in bold and honestly I am not sure the people at Disney know what the fans need. I do not think anyone needed Rian Johnson to take a torch to everything and burn down the house. Then stand there like Nero playing the fiddle (Though from what I read Nero was never there when the fire happened but hey it makes for a more interesting story.:D)


    The head of Lucas Films said that there was no source material with which the writers of the new movies could draw on. Which is simply not the case, there is a ton of source material which they could draw upon.


    This to me is not someone who knows what the fans need, or want for that matter.


    I have not watched the new movie, it seems both critics and fans hate. But neither of the previous two movies stand up to the original three or the prequels. Well Phantom Menace might be on par with Force Awakens, FA might actually be slightly better.


    For me I really do not care about the new characters because the writers have not made me care. There is no emotional connection there for me. When Finn almost died in the last movie I felt meh towards it. I mean I have nothing against his character and I think they should have written him better, but if he died he died.


    I really do not find Kylo to be a compelling villain. He comes across as an EMO kid from 2005 who has listened to one too many My Chemical Romance songs.


    Rey is a Mary Sue who, from what I have read about the new movie, has off the chart powers. She is never in true peril because she can just overpower anything that gets in her way.


    Poe, I actually like Poe mainly because I am a fan of Oscar Isaac (He was awesome in Show Me a Hero for HBO), but his character is just there. Poe lacks the coolness of Han.


    With the original characters and the prequel characters the writers actually made me care about them and what happens to them. I wanted to see what lead Anakin to becoming Vader. I wanted to see how the Emperor came to power. I cared about Luke's journey from a humble farm boy who struggled at stuff to Jedi Knight. You get the drift.


    These new movies do not make me care about the characters.

  10. <p>I have been reading that the critics have been slamming the new Star Wars movie. Saying that it caters to the fans too much. </p><p> </p><p>

    How is that a bad thing? I truly do not get that sort of mentality. </p><p> </p><p>

    After the abomination that was TLJ, I had planned on not seeing the new movie. But now that the critics are complaining about how much it is trying to cater to fans (which is a reason I keep seeing over and over again), I might rethink my choice not to see it.</p><p> </p><p>

    I mean it can only go up from TLJ...right?</p>


    Hulk Hogan (w/ Jimmy Hart) © vs<strong> “Macho Man” Randy Savage</strong> (w/ Elizabeth)</p><p> </p><p>


    Andre the Giant(w/ Bobby Heenan) © vs <strong>The Junkyard Dog</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    It is so weird that Andre is the IC Champion.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> It is even odd picking JYD to go over but <strong>EBEZA</strong> made a reasonable point so I shall follow their lead.</p><p> </p><p>


    The Hart Foundation © vs <strong>Doom</strong> (w/ Slick)</p><p> </p><p>

    A CLASH OF KINGS</p><p>

    <strong>“King Barber” Brutus Beefcake </strong>vs “King” Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan)</p><p> </p><p>

    As a kid I was a hug Brutus Beefcake fan. As I got older I realized how much he sucked, but I am going with the man of a thousand nicknames to pick up the win here because once again EBEZA brought up a valid point and it was along the lines of what I was thinking as well.</p><p> </p><p>


    The Heenan Family (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs <strong>Jake “The Snake” Roberts & Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    I can't go against a team with Jake and Ricky.</p><p> </p><p>


    “Cowboy” Bob Orton vs <strong>“The British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


    Kamala vs <strong>"Rowdy" Roddy Piper</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Got to go with Hot Rod</p><p> </p><p>


    <strong>Dino Bravo</strong> vs Koko B Ware</p><p> </p><p>

    I was a fan of Dino as a kid. I hated Frenchy Martin for some reason but I always found Dino cool.</p><p> </p><p>

    GRUDGE MATCH</p><p>

    <strong>Demolition</strong> (w/ Roddy Piper) vs Strike Force</p>

  12. Jumbo Tsuruta [7] vs. Masanobu Fuchi [6] - 30

    Harley Race [6] vs. Atsushi Onita [4] - 30

    Terry Funk [6] vs. Chavo Guerrero [2] - 30

    Stan Hansen [7] vs. The Great Kabuki [2] - 30


    Champion Carnival - Night 12 (B Block) (TV)


    Genichiro Tenryu [10] vs. Mitsuharu Misawa [5] - 30

    Giant Baba [9] vs. Umanosuke Ueda [6] - 30

    Kodo Fuyuki [4] vs. Ashura Hara [2] - 30

    Dory Funk Jr. [4] vs. Tiger Jeet Singh [0] - 30


    TIEBREAKER: What will be the best match of these eight?

    Genichiro Tenryu vs. Mitsuharu Misawa

  13. Champion Carnival - Night 9 (A Block)


    Jumbo Tsuruta [6] vs. Harley Race [5] - 30

    Masanobu Fuchi [6] vs. Terry Funk [4] - 30

    Stan Hansen [5] vs. Chavo Guerrero [2] - 30

    Atsushi Onita [4] vs. The Great Kabuki [0] - 30


    Champion Carnival - Night 10 (B Block) (TV)

    Giant Baba [8] vs. Mitsuharu Misawa [4] - 30

    Genichiro Tenryu [8] vs. Umanosuke Ueda [6] - 30

    Dory Funk Jr. [4] vs. Ashura Hara [0] - 30

    Kodo Fuyuki [2] vs. Tiger Jeet Singh [0] - 30


    TIEBREAKER: What will be the best match of these eight?

    Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Harley Race

  14. I saw the Wonder Woman 1984 trailer and it looks like it is going to be awesome. Also, the fact that they played Blue Monday as the backing track gave the trailer just another layer of awesomeness.


    Black Window's trailer looked good as well and it will be cool what they can do with that movie. I looks like it might be a good spy thriller/action movie.

  15. I always saw Big Smack Scott as being similar to Buff Bagwell.


    Big Smack Scott = Scott Steiner for me.


    No...stop it right now! No man can be compared to the greatness that is BSS!


    Seriously though fusion might have a point, I could totally see the Buff Bagwell comparison.


    I could see late career Scott Steiner but BSS is nowhere near comparable to Scott of the early 90's. Scott was a fantastic wrestler back then. I was a huge Steiner Brothers fan back then, which is why I despised his Big Poppa Pump gimmick.

  16. Or maybe I just leave it off, and write my reports like it is turned on? What do you guys think?


    That is how I did it in nearly every single diary I wrote on here. I got sick of being dinged in 15-Man Battle Royals. So I turned it off and wrote it like it was still on.


    Plus as you said, it gives you more options. Though I don't think I ever did heel vs. heel. I did face vs. face matches all of the time.

  17. I was just playing through and all of a sudden this hit, the UFC got hit with a mafia scandal and lost all their broadcasters.



    I have never run across that before. That is both awesome and sucky at the same time. I mean it sucks you lost all of your broadcasting contracts but it is a cool thing to see in the game.


    I wonder if it was an event that was just specific to that mod you are playing or if it can also happen in the Default version of the game.

  18. I just wanted to add that I have tried MJM promotions in the past but for some reason I never make money with any of them and so I just quit.


    As for COTT, I tend to make the following COTT titles:


    Women's Title


    North American Championship because every company is located in North America.


    A six man tag championship/Trios Championship


    I have the COTT Championships travel to the various COTT promotions every three months or so. But not all at once, I rotate them so they are not there all at once. MAW usually gets the various COTT titles defended once a year as to not hurt the financial bottom line of the company.

  19. I almost always expand the COTT to include QAW, AAA, and ACPW. I add a junior heavyweight title (max size lightweight) and add a women’s championship. Since CWWF is set to join the COTT upon creation I want there to be some women’s companies. I usually add CILL and FCW as well.


    I usually do the same except I usually only add QAW or AAA not both and I also tend to add FCW.

  20. MLW World Heavyweight Title Match

    Jeff Cobb © vs. MVP


    This is a tough call here because just from a game perspective I would think that MVP would have more popularity. But I still went with Cobb.


    MLW World Middleweight Title Match

    MJF © vs. Jimmy Havoc



    Six Man Tag Elimination Match

    The Lucha Bros and Sammy Guevara vs. Fred Yehi, Rich Swann, and Shane Strickland.



    Matt Riddle vs. Jake Hager (if Riddle loses he must leave MLW forever)


    This one is interesting. I wonder if the bro signed with a bigger company, if so then that means he would lose here.


    Bullrope Match

    Cade and Yuta vs. The Dirty Blondes


    The Anaois vs. Jinzo and Tim Zbyszko


    bonus (2 points)- What will be the highest rated match of the show? Matt Riddle vs. Jake Hager

  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Swanton825" data-cite="The Swanton825" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think Rian Johnson was put into a no-win situation with TLJ, he had to work with essentially a blank canvas (Abrams left all those story threads hanging without even an inkling of where he thought they should go) and find a way to please Disney execs as well as the notoriously fickle Star Wars fanbase all while being expected to reinvent the wheel after TFA tread the same old A New Hope ground. That's not to say I'm not cautious to see what he does with The Mandalorian, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It was just a terrible script all around. I think there was groundwork for him to build on but he just decided to burn down the house. </p><p> </p><p> What was the point of killing the big bad? </p><p> </p><p> Why did Luke try to redeem his father, but try to kill his nephew at the first hint that his nephew might fall to the dark side? </p><p> What was up with that terrible Casino side story? </p><p> </p><p> Also what was up with the can you hear me now joke? Not only was it lame, it took me out of the story because to me it was injecting our real life world with this fictional universe.</p><p> </p><p> Rian was also terrible at taking criticism, even constructive criticism. Anyone who said anything against TLJ was alt-right, or a sexist, a troll, an Incel. I honestly believe that he knew he made a terrible movie but he just could not accept it.</p><p> </p><p> You will have people point to box office and say that is proof that it was not a bad movie. But that does not prove anything, it is a Star Wars movie and there was no ill will surrounding it when it came out. Of course it was going to draw. </p><p> </p><p> I actually feel bad for Solo because I thought that was a decent movie and it tanked because of the backlash of TLJ.</p>
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