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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. I really need to see Hateful Eight.


    Other modern westerns I really enjoyed:

    The Lone Ranger

    Django Unchained

    Slow West

    True Grit


    3:10 To Yuma


    I forgot about Django and 3:10 To Yuma. I do not remember if I saw the Lone Ranger, I think I have but I honestly do not recall.


    I have never heard of the other two. I will have to check them out.

  2. Just watched this movie on Hulu called The Kid. It has Ethan Hawke as Pat Garrett and Dane DeHaan as Billy the Kid. I really enjoyed it. It didn't get the best reviews, but modern westerns really don't get the best reception. It's a genre I really enjoy though. Chris Pratt plays against type in a villainous role which was interesting.


    Highly recommend it to any fans of westerns.


    Your post had me thinking, there has not really been many good westerns in the last twenty-five years or so. Off the top of my head I can only think of Unforgiven (Which is actually closer to 30 years old now, man do I feel old) and The Hateful Eight. I honestly cannot think of any others besides those two.


    Yes I guess No Country for Old Men have a western feel but if it is set in the modern day, I have a hard time thinking of it as a western. Also, the True Grit remake was not that bad but I am not sure if I would put it on the level of Unforgiven or The Hateful Eight.

  3. I might be using the wrong term though, but SJW sounds like it would mean something I would especially be 100% behind, but every movie I see it being used for "Charlie's Angels", "Ghostbusters", on TV "Batwoman" and even "Supergirl" to an extent, which were horrible... and for some silly reason Obi Wan said "Birds of Prey" was a similar movie, and I almost didn't go watch it because of that. Not really that bad, apart from the tokenizing of Black Canary, the total lack of Oracle, the best fighter needing protection, and nerfed down to common thief... aside from ignoring the source material altogether, it wasn't a bad movie... Honestly, if they wouldn't have named it Birds of Prey, and used different names for the costars, it was a fun Harley Quinn Movie. But I'm totally out of any Birds of Prey now, because of the total ignoring of the source material. Everytime I think DC is going to get on track they do something to prove me wrong.


    I would argue that Captain Marvel worked because I thought "I must watch it" in order to understand "Endgame"... if I could go back, I wouldn't have gone to watch it. It was a movie I didn't really enjoy, and I probably won't fall for any movie falling in between must see movies again.


    Black Panther was just a great movie. One of my favorite Superhero movies of all time, and I don't see how anyone counts it as SJW.


    IF those two movies are true SJW wins, than at least Black Panther is one I could stand behind, can't wait to revisit Wakanda. To me, I felt like Wonder Woman was very similar... can't wait to revisit Themyscira.


    I did like Joker, but I think the lead was the main reason. I really like how I don't know which parts happened and which didn't, that alone makes it feel like "Joker" more than anything. I would love to see this movie from someone else's perspective.. perhaps some detective that was putting pieces together, watching it pan out. Seeing Joker quite a bit differently then Joker see's himself... for example.


    I'm excited about Matt Reeves take on Batman, mainly because I'm being led to believe I'm going to see the "Sherlock Holmes" part of Batman, in a way we never seen it before. At least that was the pitch.


    I am probably in the minority here, but I do not really consider Supergirl an SJW show. Sure there are elements of it but I do not find it to be preachy.


    I did not think Black Panther was an SJW movie either. Oh the SJW's wanted to take full credit when it did well, but once again I did not think it was SJW.


    I never saw Ghostbusters, Charlie's Angels, Batwoman, or Captain Marvel mainly because of the way they were marketed and the way cast members dealt with anyone who lobbed even minor criticism towards said movies. The latter applying towards the movies and not towards Batwoman. I have not heard anyone from Batwoman saying you are an Incel for not watching or liking their show.


    What I love was Elizabeth Banks flat out saying her movie was not meant for men and then when men did not go see it she complained about how men were not going to see her movie. Having dealt with actors in the past, I know people in Hollywood tend to not be the most sane people on the planet ; but come on where the hell is her logic there?


    Whenever you are even remotely critical of any SJW movie, you always get the line of, "Well you do not like movies with strong female leads."


    Okay let's see...


    I love the Alien movies, Wonder Woman, Orphan Black, Dark Angel, Buffy, the first two Terminator movies, the Hunger Game movies, hell I even enjoyed Elizabeth Banks' Pitch Perfect movies (I am not who that movie was marketed to at all).


    So what is this jazz about me not liking movies/TV with strong female leads. The argument is just not there. All I ask for is a movie/TV show that is not overly preachy and wants to force an agenda on me. I do not think it is too much to ask.

  4. Masanobu Fuchi and The Funk Brothers vs. Harley Race, Stan Hansen and Ashura Hara - 30


    Giant Baba and Genichiro Tenryu vs. Atsushi Onita and Umanosuke Ueda - 30


    Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Akio Sato - 20


    Jumbo Tsuruta and Chavo Guerrero vs. Tarzan Goto and Mighty Inoue - 20


    I really don't get Chavo classic in this diary. He wins matches where I think he does not have a shot at winning and he loses and he loses matches that I think he will win. Damn you Chavo!!!


    Kodo Fuyuki and Motoshi Okuma vs. Takashi Ishikawa and Goro Tsurumi - 15


    Magic Dragon vs. Shiro Koshinaka - 15


    TIEBREAKER: What will be the highest-rated match of the night? The main event

  5. qvMSaQ0.jpg?1



    TWA Battle In Beantown 2016

    Location: Boston, Massachusetts

    Attendance: 700

    Show Rating: 44





    Logan Diaz & Taylor Kidd vs. The Minnesota Hit Squad




    • The first ever match in the history of TWA was nothing more than a glorified squash match.
    • While yes Logan Diaz did have an impressive match, it was not enough for him and Taylor to pick up a win.
    • Ray and Seth were able to pick up the victory after Ray nailed Taylor with a Spinning Back Fist knocking the young Canadian to the canvas.
    • Three seconds later the Minnesota Hit Squad became the answer to the trivia question, “Who won the first match in TWA history?”


    Winners: The Minnesota Hit Squad

    Time: 7:43

    Match Rating: 40


    [We now head to the back for the first time tonight as we see the members of Club Deluxe (Quentin Queen, Ashton Barnaby, and Zach Rudge) having a conversation in the hallway.]




    Quentin Queen: Look guys I am not trying to be a prick or anything. However, as leader of Club Deluxe I feel the urgent need to remind you two that I do not want you making us look bad tonight.




    Ashton Barnaby: Uh...what? Since when are you our leader?


    Did I miss a team meeting or something?




    Quentin Queen: Clearly you did…


    I mean, of course I am the leader. After all, my father did pay for your training. Without my father’s backing, the two of you would be playing video games all day and then working at the Seven-Eleven at night.


    So yes by virtue of my father giving you money to fund your future vocation...I am the leader.




    Zach Rudge: He does have a point Ash…




    Ashton Barnaby: Perhaps...whatever dude. Look we are not going to embarrass you or your father tonight. We’ll beat the Braves no problem…




    Quentin Queen: Confidence! That’s what I like to hear! There is no room for losers in Club Deluxe. Now go out there and show the world just how good you two are!




    The Braves vs. Club Deluxe




    • This was a highly entertaining back and forth match between two teams who were willing to put it all out on the line in order to achieve victory.
    • Zach and Ashton looked to make good on their promise to Quentin earlier as they did all the underhanded things they could to win.
    • In the end the Braves were the better team as Ace nailed Ashton with a Flying Tomahawk Chop for the victory.


    Winners: The Braves

    Time: 13:25

    Match Rating: 31


    [it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where TWA’s backstage correspondent Tabitha Lowenstein is standing by with Hustle Muvva.]




    Tabitha Lowenstein: Hustle, in just a few short minutes you are going to be stepping into the ring with Mad Dog Mortimer. How do you prepare for such a crazed, rabid opponent?




    Hustle Muvva: Short answer baby girl...you don’t. Tonight I’m gonna throw the playbook out the window and do what I do best and that is hustle. I could have watched hours of film trying to see what Mad Dog do, but at the end of the day when someone is crazy you can’t study for that.


    Mad Dog you might be a crazed, raid man...dog...hell I don’t know what you supposed to be. But tonight I’m gonna to be the dog catcher and I’m gonna send your ass to the pound. Maybe a good family will adopt your ass and train you.


    [With that Hustle walks off set and Tabitha just smiles and shrugs her shoulders as we head back to the ring for the next match.]




    Hustle Muvva vs. Mad Dog Mortimer




    • This was an “interesting” match as Mad Dog acted like a dog throughout the match. At various points he would start biting Hustle’s legs or at one point Mad Dog lifted up his leg and pretended to pee on Hustle.
    • This did not matter though as Hustle was able to overcome Mad Dog’s antics and pick up a victory at he downed Mad Dog with a Hustler’s Headbutt.


    Winner: Hustle Muvva

    Time: 8:21

    Match Rating: 32


    [it is now time to head to the backstage interview area where CJ Weston and Gregory Henderson are standing by.]




    CJ Weston: Tank Bradley I want you to take a long hard look at the man standing next to me. This man is the future of professional wrestling.


    This man is a stud...a true athlete. He wrestled in the SWF against some of the greatest wrestlers in the world.


    You on the other hand are a flabby, middle-aged, has been...or should I say never was...garbage wrestler who is in the twilight of his career.


    Now one might question just why you are willing to get into the ring with my client. But then again why would anyone question stupidity? After all, you have taken multiple chair shots to the head and therefore you are not functioning at a high-level of mental acuity.


    Tank I would tell you to back out of the main event tonight...but if I did so I might as well whistle in the wind because you are too stupid to understand what I am saying to you. So what I am going to say is this…


    I want you to step into the ring with my client tonight...because I want you to see how painfully outclassed you are by my client.




    Gregory Henderson: Tank...I can’t wait to show you what a fool you are tonight. I hope you saved up your money old man because after I beat you tonight...you’re going to realize that you can’t hack it in the ring anymore and you will basically be forced to retire. Which is something you should have done a few years ago.


    I would say I pity you Tank. But then again I don’t have pity for the stupid. See you in the ring man.


    [CJ and Gregory laugh before they both walk off screen. We head down to the ring for our next match.]




    Chet Chavez vs. Quentin Queen




    • Quentin (QQ) clearly had a gameplan heading into this match but it was chucked out the window as Chet ran full-speed at Quentin and nailed him with a missile dropkick, knocking QQ down to the canvas.
    • That seemed to be the theme of the match, with Chet trying to impose his fast-paced style of working on QQ who wanted to take the match slower.
    • At various points in the match QQ stepped out of the ring to try and come up with a strategy that could be used to combat the high flying menace.
    • Chet and QQ brawled a ringside before taking the match back into the ring.
    • QQ was soon able to devise a winning strategy as a quick thumb to the eye followed with his finisher, the Q-Ball was enough to secure QQ a victory.


    Winner: Quentin Queen

    Time: 16:57

    Match Rating: 25


    [We now head backstage to the dressing room of Raphael. Raphael is busy admiring his reflection in the mirror when his girlfriend/manager Heather B enters the room. Heather stands behind Raphael for a moment admiring her man before smiling and saying.]




    Heather B: Omg babe you look super amazing tonight. I am super turned on right now.


    [Raphael smiles and looks at Heather for a moment, through her reflection in the mirror, before returning his gaze back to himself.]




    Raphael: Yes I totally do. I truly am half man and half amazing.




    Heather B: Do you have to fight tonight? Can you stay here and get physical with me instead…


    [Raphael once again looks at Heather but this time he actually faces her instead of just looking at her through his mirror.]




    Raphael: Oh trust me there is nothing more I would love to do than that. But I have to fight tonight.


    After all, it takes a lot of money to look as good as I do. Living a healthy lifestyle does not just take physical dedication but it also takes money.


    I mean I am a stud and all but even I cannot just waltz into Whole Foods and expect to get stuff for free just because I am the best looking man on the planet.




    Heather B: You totally could though babe…




    Raphael: Yeah you’re right I totally could…oh well I want to fight tonight so that I can turn you on. I want to prove to you once again that I am the alpha male. I want you to get turned on while you watch me pummel this fool Teddy Gibson…




    Heather B: Mmm, you’re already turning me on and you haven’t even got all sweaty yet…




    Raphael: Teddy, I am super sorry that you are not on my level dude. Blame it on poor genetics son…oh and don’t hate me because I am beautiful.


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    Teddy Gibson vs. Raphael with Heather B




    • This match featured good back and forth action.
    • Neither man really seemed to have much of an advantage in this match, despite Raphael claims of being the genetically superior athlete, he had a tough time trying to pick up the victory.
    • It was not until Heather B hopped up on the ropes and distracted Referee Jez McArthuer, that Raphael was able to take control of the match.
    • While the referee was distracted Raphael hit Teddy with a low blow.
    • A few moments later Raphael nailed Teddy with a Cupid’s Arrow and that was all she wrote for Teddy on this night.


    Winner: Raphael

    Time: 14:04

    Match Rating: 38


    [After the match was over with Heather B enters the ring and runs right over to Raphael. She then proceeds to leap into his arms while wrapping her legs around his torso. The two then proceed to have a makeout session in the middle of the ring. The grossed out fans boo disapprovingly but that does not stop Heather and Raphael.]


    [Luckily for the views at home we leave the couple and head to the backstage interview area where Mya Caalan and her team Notorious are standing by. Mya, who is wearing a black blazer, white blouse, and black pencil skirt, begins to speak.]




    Mya Catalan: For those of you who do not know me my name is Mya Catalan and I am the head of Catalan Enterprises. My men here...they are my investment...they are known as Notorious.


    Tonight my men will step into the ring against the San Juan Saints. A formidable duo no doubt...but a duo that is not in the same league as my boys.


    My boys are going to show the entire TWA tag team division just why they are called Notorious and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


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    San Juan Saints vs. Notorious with Mya Catalan




    • The bell rings and Miguel Rivera offers to shake Xavi Ferrera as a sign of sportsmanship.
    • Xavi looks out into the crowd as if to ask the fans what he should do, the fans resoundly yell no. Xavi then looks at his partner Apollo, Apollo echoes the fans and implores Xavi not to shake Miguel’s hand.
    • Miguel does not heed the advice and instead shakes Miguel’s hand and due to this Miguel swiftly kicks Xavi in the gut. This cheapshot draws Apollo into the ring, which in turn draws Carlos Barera into the ring and a chaotic brawl ensues.
    • All four men take their fight out of the ring as they begin to brawl around the ringside area.
    • At one point Apollo tosses Carlos into the guardrail and you can just see the agony on Carlos’ face as he grabs his back in pain.
    • Referee Jez McArthuer manages to corral the two teams back inside of the ring and it is at this point that Notorious isolate Xavi in their corner.
    • The next few minutes of the match see Notorious isolate Xavi and keep him on their side of the ring.
    • Every time Xavi was about to tag Apollo into the match the members of Notorious would cut him off.
    • Mya wanted to get involved in the match, so Carlos taunted the fiery Apollo, who then tried to enter the ring only to be told by Jez to get back into his corner. When this happened Miguel grabbed Xavi and brought him over to the ring ropes, where Mya repeatedly slapped Xavi in the face.
    • That might have been a mistake as these disrespectful slaps seemed to ignite something in Xavi.
    • Xavi began to fight his way back to his corner and he hot tagged Apollo into the ring.
    • Apollo cleared Miguel and Carlos out of the ring, lifting Carlos over his (Apollo) head and tossing Carlos out of the ring.
    • The fans go nuts as Apollo waves his arms up and down trying to get the crowd even more hyped.
    • It is at this point that Mya jumps up on the ring apron and begins yelling at Apollo.
    • Apollo laughs at Mya as she continues to distract him.
    • Finally, Apollo kisses an obviously disgusted Mya which did provide some comic relief but would turn out to be a very poor decision on Apollo’s part.
    • Because while he was busy kissing Mya, Carlos re-entered the ring and hit Apoll from behind with a low blow.
    • Carlos then nails Apollo with his finisher the Drop Off and three seconds later Notorious were able to secure the victory.


    Winners: Notorious

    Time: 16:41

    Match Rating: 41


    [We now head to the backstage interview area for the last time tonight. Tabitha is standing by with Tank Bradley.]




    Tabitha Lowenstein: Tank by now I am sure you have heard what Gregory and CJ have said about you. Do you have any response to their comments?




    Tank Bradley: Response? Yeah I’ve got a response…


    You guys talk a lot of trash about be. Saying I’m over the hill, broken down, and stupid. Well that’s fine with me because I ain’t about talking trash...no...I let my fists do da talking in the ring. And tonight Greg, ya gonna see just how washed up I am.


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    Tank Bradley vs. Gregory Henderson with CJ Weston




    • Before the match even started CJ started jawing at Tank, which caused the notorious hot-headed Tank to go charging after CJ.
    • This was a stupid mistake on the part of Tank as Gregory attacked him from behind.
    • Gregory threw everything in his playbook to end Tank, but none of it was ever enough.
    • Fore it did not matter what Gregory did as Tank was able to muster up the intestinal fortitude to get back up and fight back.
    • Even CJ’s interference from the outside of the ring was no help.
    • The fans went wild as Tank kept on thwarting the cocky heel and his meddling manager.
    • But sadly for Tank he was always fighting a two-on-one battle and those were not odds he could overcome.
    • The ending sequence of the match saw Gregory pin Tank only to have Tank kick out.
    • Gregory then got up and got into Referee Jez McArthuer’s face, complaining about Jez’s slow count and also blocking Jez’s view of CJ and Tank.
    • CJ entered the ring and nailed Tank in the head with his (CJ) cane, the dazed Tank stumbled forward and was swiftly met with a Rain Drop.
    • Three seconds later Gregory Henderson secured the first ever main event victory in TWA history.


    Winner: Gregory Henderson

    Time: 14:05

    Match Rating: 39


    [After the match was done a still dazed and enraged Tank got up off the canvas and began attacking Gregory. CJ began whacking Tank with the cane on the back to no effect. Tank turned his attention towards CJ, who begged Tank not to touch him. CJ’s pleas fell on deaf ears as Tank began peppering CJ with strikes.


    It is at this point that the Minnesota Hit Squad rushed down to the ring and came to the aid of CJ and Gregory. Ray nailed Tank with a Spinning Back Fist as Seth swept Tank’s right leg, causing Tank to fall down on to the canvas.


    Ray, Gregory, and Seth then proceed to beatdown the now defenless Tank. CJ for his part stood by and directed the other three. While brutal this attack did not last long as Hustle Muvva rushed down to the ring wielding a steel chair (he even managed to clip Seth in the back with said chair as Seth was fleeing from the ring). The heels, wanting to not get hit by a chair, fled the ring and head back towards the backstage area.


    The show came to an end as Hustle checked on his bloodied friend.]





    Space reserved for a comment :p


    See now that I eliminated those posts people are going to be like..."What the hell is Aurora talking about?" and I will just smile and say, "I haven't a clue.":p


    Seriously though, I laughed when I read your comment so thank you for that.







    Post Show Thoughts:


    1. First off, I just want to thank everyone who took the time to either read, skim, or whatever one does. I appreciate anyone who takes a look at this.


    I am not someone who thinks I am writing a master work of fiction. This is fan fiction after all. That being said it is always nice to know there are people out there willing to read what I wrote.


    Also, yes I did wait until Leap Day to post my first show because I am lame and I thought it would be cool to have my first show posted today.


    2. I already regret renaming Sweet Tabitha to Tabitha Lowenstein. I mean it is not a big deal but it is a minor annoyance to type out Lowenstein every time I have her talk.


    I mean I guess I could just write Tabitha, but it just feels odd to me to have an interviewer with no last name. Maybe it is just one of my quirks, who knows.


    3. The interviews for this show and for the first four shows (That is what I have in the can, so this will last four shows at the very least) were/are very heel-centric. I am not sure why that is the case but I am aware of it.


    Perhaps it is easier to write heel promos for me. I am not sure.


    4. As of right now there will be no prediction contest for this diary. I never get many to take part in it anyway and with the diary section not as strong as it once was (Talking viewership wise. There are plenty of great C-Verse and RW diaries out there still) it just does not seem worth it.


    That being said I will run votes every so often where the readers will be able to decide certain things that will happen in this diary.


    5. Finally, Tank Bradley sucks. I mean we're talking Brimstone territory here (Though unlike Brimstone he is not hurting people left and right). To my knowledge I do not recall ever using him in a TEW16 game and so I did not know just how bad he is.


    But the dude is tanking match ratings (no pun intended) left and right. Popularity wise I think he is my number one face (I am not totally sure because I do not have the game open right now) and so I have been putting him in the main event but he just drags every match he is in down to the pits of hell.


    Then to top it all off he is on the cusp of terminal decline. Part of me is thinking about just firing him and cutting my losses but that is something I never do, so I am not sure if I will do it now.

  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hollywood" data-cite="Hollywood" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>When TEW 2020 is released, would it be possible to have our diaries in this section of the forum moved to the new 2020 Dynasties section? I intend on continuing my save with the new game and don't really want to start a whole new thread.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think all you will have to do is PM a mod and ask them to do so. Michgcs' WWE diary was moved three times I believe (It started out in the TEW10 diary section, moved to the TEW13 section, and then ended in the TEW16 section).</p>
  7. <p>Giant Baba, Masanobu Fuchi and Motoshi Okuma vs. <strong>Stan Hansen, Harley Race and Tiger Jeet Singh</strong> - 30</p><p>

    <strong>Jumbo Tsuruta and Genichiro Tenryu</strong> vs. Umanosuke Ueda and Tarzan Goto - 30</p><p>

    Kodo Fuyuki vs. <strong>Takashi Ishikawa </strong>- 20</p><p>

    <strong>Chavo Guerrero and The Great Kabuki</strong> vs. Atsushi Onita and Ashura Hara - 20</p><p>

    Mitsuharu Misawa, Kazuo Yamazaki and Magic Dragon vs. <strong>Akio Sato, Shiro Koshinaka and George Takano </strong>- 15</p><p>

    <strong>Terry Funk </strong>vs. Shinji Sasazaki - 15</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    TIEBREAKER: What will be the match of the night? The main event</p>

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kiheiji" data-cite="Kiheiji" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47329" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Man why are you guys getting worked up over this comment? <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />:D:D</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I was just thrilled to see him declare himself as not being a pig. Had he not said anything then I would have wondered if pigs could type and how could they do so with hooves. It would be a tough thing to do.</p><p> </p><p> Seriously though, in a slightly related topic. For the people who do run Women's Divisions, how many women do you normally have?</p><p> </p><p> I tend to try and have 12-16 Women. It might seem excessive if they are not the focal point of the promotion but it does keep the match ups fresh.</p>
  9. qvMSaQ0.jpg?1












    Ace Youngblood

    Hometown: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

    Pro Debut: January, 2003






    Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Pro Debut: August, 2009





    Ashton Barnaby

    Hometown: Laguna Beach, California

    Pro Debut: May, 2009





    Bull Wrecker

    Hometown: Buffalo, New York

    Pro Debut: April, 2003





    Carlos Barrera

    Hometown: Albuquerque, New Mexico

    Pro Debut: April, 2012





    Chet Chavez

    Hometown: Carlsbad, California

    Pro Debut: April, 2014





    El Hijo Del Neutron

    Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

    Pro Debut: January, 2012





    Gregory Henderson

    Hometown: Syracuse, New York

    Pro Debut: August, 2007





    Hustle Muvva

    Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

    Pro Debut: October, 2009





    Kip Keenan

    Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

    Pro Debut: January, 2010





    Logan Diaz

    Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida

    Pro Debut: November, 2015





    Mad Dog Mortimer

    Hometown: Horn Lake, Mississippi

    Pro Debut: August, 1995





    Miguel Rivera

    Hometown: Albuquerque, New Mexico

    Pro Debut: April, 2012





    Quentin Queen

    Hometown: Laguna Beach, California

    Pro Debut: October, 2012





    Preston Fuller

    Hometown: London, Ontario, Canada

    Pro Debut: October, 2014






    Hometown: Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada

    Pro Debut: November, 2005





    Ray Snow

    Hometown: Saint Paul, Minnesota

    Pro Debut: October, 2008





    Roger Monteiro

    Hometown: Narragansett, Rhode Island

    Pro Debut: May, 2009





    Seth Whitehead

    Hometown: Robbinsdale, Minnesota

    Pro Debut: June, 2015





    Tank Bradley

    Hometown: Newark, New Jersey

    Pro Debut: October, 1995





    Taylor Kidd

    Hometown: Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada

    Pro Debut: April, 2009





    Teddy Gibson

    Hometown: West Warwick, Rhode Island

    Pro Debut: May, 2013




    Xavi Ferrera

    Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Pro Debut: February, 2014





    Zach Rudge

    Hometown: Laguna Beach, California

    Pro Debut: May, 2009





    Tag Teams






    The Minnesota Hit Squad (Seth Whitehead & Ray Snow)





    The Braves (Ace Youngblood & Roger Monteiro)





    Notorious (Carlos Barrera & Miguel Rivera)





    San Juan Saints (Apollo & Xavi Ferrera)





    Club Deluxe (Ashton Barnaby & Zach Rudge)






    TWA Announce Team






    Rob L. Miskovsky










    TWA Interviewer






    Tabitha Lowenstein





    TWA Managers






    CJ Weston

    (Clients: Gregory Henderson, Ray Snow, Seth Whitehead)





    Heather B

    (Client: Raphael)





    Mya Catalan

    (Clients: Carlos Barrera, Miguel Rivera, Bull Wrecker)





    TWA Officials






    TWA Senior Official:

    Jez McArthuer





    TWA Owner/Road Agent/On Air Authority Figure:

    Vin Tanner











    Catalan Enterprises (Bull Wrecker, Miguel Rivera, Carlos Barrera, Mya Catalan)





    Club Deluxe (Quentin Queen, Ashton Barnaby, Zach Rudge)

  10. Hi folks. I decided to do one more diary in the 2016 section mainly because I have not had a decently long running diary at all during this generation of TEW.


    I have a love, hate relationship when it comes to writing diaries on here. Sometimes I think, “Am I really writing fanfiction for a video game that nobody is going to read.” However then I am like, “Yeah but I enjoy it sometimes, so why not do it again.”


    Now someone might ask, "Why this is called the Ballad of Mad Dog Mortimer. There is no real reason. I mean he is on the roster but he is not going to be the focal point. Some of my prior diaries had that title, which I ripped off from GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony, and so I thought I would continue the tradition.


    Well here I am doing it again, ten years after my very first diary. I hope some people enjoy it.

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MainOffender" data-cite="MainOffender" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47317" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Going on a tangent here! I agree that stats for RW mods do tend to be too high. The idea of accuracy in mods has always been kind of silly to me, though. All these ratings are so, so subjective. I think the mods that get popular and stand out tend to be ones that best capture the "feel" of an era rather than achieving some kind of impossible accuracy standard.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree, that is why I always laugh when people complain about stats. Mainly because there is no real way to make any sort of accurate stats. </p><p> </p><p> This is not baseball where you can look at someone who hit .333 and some one who hit .215 and figure out roughly where they would rank just by comparing them to league averages. </p><p> </p><p> How can one say that Terry Funk is an 84 on the mic or 73? It is all a matter of an opinion. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cappyboy" data-cite="cappyboy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47317" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Could a Jim Powers or a Joey Maggs ever been more than undercarders? How would The S & S Express (Jumpin Joe Savoldi & Vic Steamboat) have fared in a more famous tag scene? Heck, could Vic have come closer to his brother's legacy or was he doomed to be a footnote in Ricky's story?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Jumpin Joe Savoldi, someone watched ICW as a kid.<img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I have never been a fan of challenges. But I will say this, for the 1987 mod I do love to see if I can keep the AWA open for business. Trying to imagine what a 1996 AWA roster might look like (Granted I never got that far but it is still kind of cool to think). So if I were to do a RW challenge I would probably try to keep some of my favorite promotions from the past (Global, ECW) around and see what their future might have been like had they lasted.</p>
  12. Definitely depends on the era the game is set in. If there isn’t enough quality talent 80’s/90’s then yeah I don’t tend to book one. Madusa was great but lack of competition leds me to often getting rid of it. Around mid 2005’s when they had Trish, Lita, Victoria, Gail is when you can have more interesting matches.


    Today I can’t see a division not being involved


    Same with me. If it is the 80's mod I nuke the WWF's Women's Division. There simply is not enough talent back then to merit having it.


    No, I'm not a pig. I keep the women, and book them as strong as the men.


    How is not wanting a Women's Divison make someone a pig?

  13. Just read a rumor that Jushin Thunder Liger and the Bella Twins are going into the Hall of Fame. The Bellas would be infuriating. They were god awful and did literally nothing to warrant a HoF induction.


    The HOF has always been a joke anyway. I mean how is Koko B. Ware in there and not King Kong Bundy? One was an over main event heel and the other was midcard cannon fodder.


    I never put any stock in their HOF.


    Takeover was good. Hated the endings for Tegan/Dakota and Ciampa/Cope though. No one knew who Gonzales was or cared. Gargano’s “heel turn” was lame too.


    I enjoyed it as well. I thought the first three matches were really good, aside from as you said the ending of the Nox/Kai match (Just an aside, man is Tegan Nox really good looking.). I don't remember Donovan Dijak being that good in ROH. That match was really good.


    The Women's Championship match meant nothing to me because it was clear the title was not going to change hands due to the whole Charlotte thing. Therefore, I just mentally checked out during that match and did not pay attention.


    That whole Matt Riddle thing about Bobby Fish was incredibly lame and not remotely funny. Maybe I have to watch the show to understand the joke better but to me it was just horrible and made Matt look lame.


    That tag match was just there. I don't know if it is because I am indifferent towards Matt Riddle and not a fan of Pete Dunne and Kyle O'Reilly (I do like Bobby Fish though). Or the match was just not that good, I just had very little interest in it.


    The main event was decent, but what annoyed me is there was limited selling. Both Adam and Tommaso would take these really horrible looking bumps and seconds later they would pop back up and go full steam as if nothing had happened to them. I understand that the story was that Tommaso was willing to take those bumps because he wanted Goldie back, but it still was a little ridiculous for my liking.


    Then you had the whole Gargano thing which was just meh.


    I was once again reminded how annoying I find Mauro Ranallo when he is doing play-by-play. With his lame references, though I have to admit he did allow Beth and Nigel to get in some commentary so that was refreshing. The funny thing was now it is Nigel who is talking over everyone.


    One thing that seemed odd is it did not seem there were clear faces and heels, at least in the eyes of the fans. I mean it was pretty clear who was supposed to be what for the most part but the fans were cheering anyone. That kind of took me out of the show as well.

  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That was Tessa, not Ivelisse</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ah see I did not see milamber's post, I only saw what you wrote. Okay nothing to see here, just ignore my post.<img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've never read anything about her having a bad attitude? Care to share?<p> </p><p> I was hoping Tessa was AEW bound but then she resigned with Impact for some dumb reason. She's too good to be slumming it down there.</p><p> </p><p> I'd love for The North to leave Impact and join AEW's stacked tag division.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> People have said she made racist comments in the past and was a bully to many other women in Impact and other shows that she has worked on.</p>
  16. I was on another site and I made the mistake of saying that I thought MJF was far better in MLW. I just like him with the Dynasty, I like the group dynamics between the three (well I guess four of them now) of them. Their segments are usually the most entertaining part of the show. It stinks now that he is exclusively with AEW.


    Now I do not regret saying what I said and I stick by what I said, but man alive everyone went nuts on me. Telling me how wrong I was and I was not a real wrestling fan.:D


    I swear, AEW fans are very Cult like, almost near the levels of early ROH fans. If you say one negative thing about the promotion they swarm all over you.

  17. Finally got around to watching Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. So damn entertaining and a total love letter to longtime Kevin Smith fans. So many great cameos.


    Did that ever come out in movie theaters? Or was it straight to video/dvd/blu ray/streaming (Or whatever the term is called nowadays.:D)?


    The reason why I ask is because I love the Jay and Silent Bob movies and I never saw anything about it coming out in theaters, at least locally. I just assumed it was going to be coming out later this year. I guess not.

  18. I came into this thread to rant about this dumb new playoff proposal MLB is floating out there. Half the league in the playoffs, first round byes, a best 2-out of 3 wild card, and a "playoff draft" where the top teams choose their opponents? I already thought Manfred was garbage before this, and he's only digging himself a bigger hole.


    I did not hear about this until I just read what you wrote. This sounds terrible. I already hate the Wild Card but it is what it is. I think if you are going to have a Wild Card round it should be the three division winners and the team with the next best record and that is it.


    This new format is really going to water down the playoffs. It also increases the chance of a sub-.500 team making it into the playoffs and if said team gets hot at the right time they could win the whole thing.


    I also hate how there interleague game played everyday now. I would almost welcome them adding two new teams to the league just to avoid it. I mean sure people want to see Yankees vs. Mets, Cubs vs. White Sox and other classic rivalry series. But nobody is clamoring for the Mariners vs. Reds or games where there are no historical significance.

  19. First of all, ignore the game any time it tells you a fight should be on the prelims. It's one of the worst aspects of the game. If you play about a year in-game, nearly every SINGLE possible fight on the card will either been a worthwhile main event or a prelim fight. It's laughably dumb. If you want fighterss to "get over" you should put them on the main card. I typically run 5 or 6 fights on the main card, and the same for the prelims, just for realism.


    I do about the same as well. Though I tend to have a bloated roster so I have ten prelim fights every show.

  20. NWA International Tag Team Championships: The Funk Brothers © vs. Umanosuke Ueda and Tiger Jeet Singh - 60

    Genichiro Tenryu and The Great Kabuki vs. Atsushi Onita and Shiro Koshinaka - 30

    Kazuo Yamazaki and Magic Dragon vs. Harley Race and Stan Hansen - 20

    Giant Baba and Motoshi Okuma vs. Ashura Hara and Tarzan Goto - 20

    Masanobu Fuchi vs. Mighty Inoue - 20

    Mitsuharu Misawa and Kodo Fuyuki vs. Apollo Suguwara and Shinji Sasazaki - 15


    BONUS: Also expected to take place during the TV Taping will be the reveal of Jumbo Tsuruta's challenger at the Super Power Series finale for his NWA United National Championship. His challenger is not on the AJPW roster, but is based in America and 'technically' held one of the three singles titles in AJPW prior to 1983. Who is it? Butch Reed was the only one I could find but I have a strong feeling it is not him.


    TIEBREAKER: What will be the match of the night? The Funk Brothers ©vs. Umanosuke Ueda and Tiger Jeet Singh

  21. <p>What card did Kijar pick off of?</p><p>


    Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham</strong> vs. The Dawgs</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Kingdom of Truth and Cody Hall </strong>vs. The End and Karl Fredericks</p><p>

    </p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

    Dalton Castle and Anthony Greene</strong> vs. Silas Young and Danhausen</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Colt Cabana</strong> vs. LSG vs. Mark Haskins vs. PJ Black vs. Royce Issacs vs. Shane Taylor</p><p> </p><p>

    He is booking the show and that is the only reason why I am going this route. I would say that PJ or Shane will probably win here.</p><p> </p><p>

    Dan Maff vs. <strong>Jeff Cobb</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Jeff needs a bounce back win after his big loss.</p><p> </p><p>

    #1 Contendership for the ROH World Title: <strong>Low-Ki </strong>vs. Mark Briscoe</p><p> </p><p>

    I figure Mark just got his chance and Ki is coming off a big win.</p>

  22. I read some reviews of Midsommar after watching it. I knew a lot of people would be disappointed in it, especially if they caught the hype over it. That I can understand. But then you have a huge amount of people on IMDB giving it 1/10 for being an overlong, pretentious arthouse movie. Those type of people are not true movie fans, IMO, because they only like a specific styles and genres, and anything that doesn't fit that narrow view is trash to them.


    I will say this, I try to never rely on sites like IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes. Especially Rotten Tomatoes because what seems to happen is the critics will fawn over a movie and the fans will crap all over it because of the fawning. Truth is most of those movies would probably fall somewhere in the middle.


    I guess that makes me not a true movie fan because I felt that it was far too long and was very pretentious.:D Which is fine because we all have different opinions on everything and unless empirical evidence proves one opinion to be correct over another I will gladly say we can both be correct and wrong.


    I will say that while I might prefer some genres over others, I will not shy away from something or like something if I am interested in it. My favorite movies range from Sunset Boulevard to A Nightmare on Elm Street. You could probably not get more polar opposites in terms of movies than those two.


    I am not blindly loyal to mainstream cinema and automatically discount art house movies. When I find a film bad, I find it bad and Midsommar was just bad. There were pacing problems, it was not that original of a story (I truly feel that it was influenced by the original Wicker Man, which is fine because everything was influenced by something. I just feel like it was not as groundbreaking of a film as people said it was), there were some actors who were just not up to par, and some scenes were just ridiculous.


    Then again I know there are a lot of movies that I find great that either nobody has ever heard of or others think are terrible.


    I mostly just watch tons of TV shows and Marvel/DC movies and stopped going to the cinema a couple of years ago because I have a sleep disorder which makes it uncomfortable and tiring to sit still for 2-3 hours. I'm pretty selective when I do bother to watch movies at home but I'm happy to sometimes try something different like retro horror, low budget arthouse and foreign films. At the end of the day Midsommar was an unforgettable experience and for that alone I would rate it above most horror movies I've ever seen that are generally better received my the masses.


    I have also cut back on going to the movies as well. To me the allure of seeing a movie on the big screen is no longer there. Mainly because the tickets and concessions cost too much, people no longer know how to behave in public. Too many people feel like it is their right to talk throughout the movie. If you sit in the back of the cinema (which I do, that way nobody can kick my seat) you are forced to see a sea of blue lights from the cell phones. It is just not a great experience.

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