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Posts posted by BHK1978


    I could not get this one to work. I would type in a company name and nothing would happen. I could not get the USPW to work either. Which is odd because the TCW and SWF ones worked perfectly.


    I am always leery of going on Sporcle because I am pretty sure the site gave me a virus that killed my last computer.

  2. <p>I hardly ever play as either OLLIE or 4C so that eliminates them right off the bat.</p><p> </p><p>

    The other three are tough as those are the three I play the most as (Well SWF would probably be in the mix there somewhere).</p><p> </p><p>

    It is like a parent trying to choose their favorite kid here.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I guess CZCW, mainly because they are always my first save every time I buy a new TEW game.</p>

  3. So...I started watching Arrested Development last year and loved it...until this second half of season 5. Good lord what a quick fall. It just doesn't have the same energy as before.


    I felt that it dropped off in quality once it went to Netfilx. I have not even watched the most recent season of it and I am not sure if I will even bother.

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>4 episode into Mindhunter S2 and it's just as gripping as S1. Fincher did the right thing taking his time.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I finished episode five last night and then I stopped. Mainly because I realized it was only a nine episode season and I did not want to blow through an entire season in one day.</p><p> </p><p> Season two has been fantastic thus far.</p>
  5. Also and big fan of MAW (I always have at least one MAW save going). I love that you made the RCIT a COTT tournament, it is something I always do as well. Though it means that I take a massive loss in revenue during the first month.


    The Rip Chord Invitational Tournament


    Rip Chord Finale: Wolfe vs Fforde


    Semi Finale 1: Architect vs Fforde


    Semi Finale 2: Wolfe vs Blaze


    The Architect vs Jonnie Perez (CZCW)


    I really want to pick Jonnie here but I am assuming he is the fan favorite here and because I picked Miller to win the next match, I do not want face vs face.


    Andrew Harper (NYCW) vs Miller Fforde


    George Wolfe vs Josh Jacobs


    Bradley Blaze vs Sayeed Ali (4C)


    Picking both Wolfe and Ali seems like the right call but I am assuming they are both heels in their respective matches so I am going to go with Blaze.


    Non Tournament matches


    Greg Gauge vs Cheetah Boy for the MAW Championship

    The Dynamite Express (Cameron Jones and Syd Collier) vs The Frat Pack (Hal Harvard and Jonah Pilgrim)


    I despise Hal Harvard. I hate his terrible render, I hate his stupid backstory. Yes I know it does not sound rational to hate a fictional character, but I do.:D


    Ade Nelson, Copperhead, and Deuce Deadline vs Keith Vegas, Nate DeMarcus and Tyrone Gray

    Deuce always ends up being a huge pain in the ass to deal with so screw him and his team. :D

  6. The movie wasn't "Bad". Heck, it made a billion dollars, I don't care, that alone should tell you it wasn't bad because with those numbers people watched it more than once. The acting wasn't bad either. I took it as she was brainwashed and certain emotions aren't supposed to come out. Overall I enjoyed the movie. I know probably a few hundred mill is made just because it's a Marvel movie in the MCU, since I felt that Shazam was as good if not better... sorry, can't help the comparison "Captain Marvel vs Captain Marvel" thing in my head, not to mention Wonder Woman was a better movie overall as well.


    Making a billion dollars is not proof that the movie was good. Avatar made that and the movie was decent but nothing great. Just like movies bombing does not mean they are terrible. It's a Wonderful Life was not successful when it first came out, but now it is considered a beloved classic.


    I hardly ever put much stock in how movies do at the box office or how critics rate movies (A lot of critics now have a clear agenda in the movies they praise vs the movies the do not.).


    As I have said before, Captain Marvel benefited greatly because it came out a few weeks before End Game. A lot of fans went and saw Captain Marvel because the character was going to be in End Game and therefore fans thought they had to see her standalone movie first.


    Granted I cannot prove my theory, but I would have loved to see Captain Marvel come out like a year to six months before End Game just to see how much box office it did.


    Shazam was great. I really enjoyed it.


    I still haven't gotten a chance to see Shazam. It is at the cheap movie theater near me, but it has always been playing at times I cannot go see it.

  7. I saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood yesterday afternoon and it was decent. Nowhere near as good as the hype for it. It was what it was, an good homage to the 1960's. I mean where else would you ever hear Efrem Zimbalist Jr.'s name being mentioned? The ending was terrible.


    I would say that Quentin Tarantino is losing a step but I said that after Inglourious Basterds and then he came back with Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight and it reminded me just how good he is. For me I think he should stop making movies that have real life people in them. This is from a more me standpoint because I have friends who are very historically ignorant and they believe that the stuff happening in these movies might be true.


    For instance upon seeing Inglourious Basterds, my buddy asked me if that is how the leader of World War II Germany (I can't remember if his name is banned from this site) died. After laughing, I told my buddy how he really died. My buddy did not believe me and had to look it up on his phone (Yes some of my friends are really that dumb).


    I will say this though, Margot Robbie was once again the scene stealer of the movie. With The Fearless Vampire Killers being the only movie I ever saw Sharon Tate in, I cannot speak on how good of an impersonation Margot did.


    She looked amazing as Sharon Tate, especially when she wore the black turtle neck sweater, white skirt, and white boots. Man she is beautiful and she is a great actor as well.

  8. The first triple threat match as known them today wouldn't be until ECW several tears later. But part about playing historical mods is making history our own.


    I believe the first triple threat happened in Smoky Mountain Wrestling.


    I recall asking that question in another historical diary and one of the users said there were Triple Threat Matches prior to ECW. I do not recall where the poster said they took place (I want to say World Class but I might be wrong.)



    Oddly enough it did not take me long to find the post I talked about above. Here it is...


    Jim Cornette says he invented it but three matches have been around since the 70's atleast. It mostly happened in Mexico but in the United States NWA promotions would call it a three way dance. The first one I have seen looking on the internet was a three way dance for the number 1 contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship in 1971 for the NWA Western States promotion. AWA had a three way dance in the late 80's. It look to be a rare event, like many during this time in wrestling, savings those big matches for when it counted, not every week like now.


    So I was wrong (Which is not unusual, that tends to be the case more often than not.) the AWA was holding Triple Threat matches back then.

  9. The first triple threat match as known them today wouldn't be until ECW several tears later. But part about playing historical mods is making history our own.


    I recall asking that question in another historical diary and one of the users said there were Triple Threat Matches prior to ECW. I do not recall where the poster said they took place (I want to say World Class but I might be wrong.)


    Right, this wasn't an AWA thing, but it worked for me here. Don't expect to see many more of these.


    I have no problem with you doing it, I just felt like the AWA at this point in time would have never run such a match. But then again they did do that Team Challenge Series nonsense so who knows what they might have done.


    AWA Tag Title - The Midnight Express vs. The Midnight Rockers


    I would really like to pick the Express here because I despise HBK. But realistically I know that is not going to happen.


    AWA Women's Title - Debbie Combs vs. Sherri Martel


    AWA World Title - Larry Zbyszko vs. Nick Bockwinkel


    Bull Power vs. Jimmy Snuka


    This one is a lot more questionable than I thought it would be. At this point in his career Superfly should be putting over talent (I remember his run in the WWF around this time period and he was not good). But his popularity is probably so much larger than Vader's that he would probably outright refuse to lose.

  10. Nobody was mentioning ROH shows playing to nearly empty arenas prior to Taven winning the belt, to my knowledge. The company seemed to be doing fairly decent business with Lethal as champion now that might have had something to do with the Elite being present on some shows but Taven's championship run seems to have caused a sharp downturn in ROH's fortunes.


    That would be something interesting to find out. Like how there was talk about Kevin Nash being one of the lowest drawing WWF Champions. I wonder if Taven is a factor in the decline of attendance.


    I do not find him to be a very credible champion but as I have said in the past my opinion often does not mesh well with modern wrestling fans.

  11. I really enjoyed the main event for Summer Supercard. I will admit that there were parts of that match where I cringed. Mainly because nobody should take the kind of bumps and chair shots that they took. Nevertheless it was a highly enjoyable card.


    It sucks to see that the arena was nearly empty. Also, I loved when Alex Shelley stole the sleeping fan's shoe and threw it at Matt Taven. Oddly enough I told my buddy that I thought there was something medically wrong with that fan due to the way he was sleeping and on commentary one of the commentators said the same thing (I cannot recall who said it).


    Rush looks like a future champion and he is entertaining to watch in the ring. I would not mind seeing him beat Taven for the belt.

    Edited to add: I really enjoy how Shane Taylor interacts with the crowd (Kenny King is also very good at this when he is a heel). You really do not see heels jawing at the fans anymore (Or maybe I just do not see it because I really do not watch wrestling as much as I used to.). I understand the vast majority of the fans know it is fake (I say vast majority because I know there are still some fans that believe it is real.) and so you can never truly get the fans pissed off like the old days. But I love when heels try and do it, to me it enhances the matches.

  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27929" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Dark is the German sci-fi thriller.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think the show I was thinking about was Into the Dark (Not one hundred percent sure and I am too lazy to look it up.).</p>
  13. Started watching The Umbrella Academy and Dark on Netflix. Both very different and both fantastic so far.


    The Umbrella Academy was very enjoyable. I never read the comics, but I was told that the two were vastly different.


    Is the Dark the show about the blind woman that aired on the CW here in the States? If so the CW did a piss poor job of promoting that show. They made the lead look like she was a sarcastic jerk and very unlikable in the ads promoting it.


    I have to think that someone must have realized that fact because in later commercials for the show they seemed to go out of their way to make her more likable.


    They managed to wrap up the season reasonably well although they set up a few things for a season 2 that won't come unless the show is resurrected somehow.


    Doom Patrol has been confirmed for a 2nd season which is awesome news.


    I keep seeing things that lead me to believe that the DC streaming service might not be around much longer. The WB/AT&T merger that just happened seems to have a lot of folks worried.


    I am just going by what I read on the internet and saw on YouTube so I am not trying to sound like I know exactly what is about to happen. That being said, it seems that AT&T is notoriously known for ending things that are consider money losers or even if they are just slightly profitable.


    Many are saying that they might end up closing DC comics and leasing out the rights to their characters to other companies.

  14. <p>I am about almost a decade older than you, but yeah I went through that phase as well. I remember hating Hulk from probably when I was around ten years old or so and making fun of my friends for loving him so much. I do not recall exactly how old I was, but I recall there being a match between Hulk and Nikolai Volkoff and I stood and saluted the USSR flag as Volkoff sang the Russian national anthem.</p><p> </p><p>

    There was an older guy there that I think wanted to fight me (had I been older I think he would have) who kept on yelling out, "Sit down you commie bastard!" Throughout the match anytime the USA chant would get going for Hogan, I would starting chanting USSR.</p><p> </p><p>

    When Hogan fought Warrior at WM 6 my mind was blown because I hated both of them and did not know who to cheer against. Flash forward to the age of the internet and I sent Warrior an email (Well the email he had on his site) asking if it was true that the original Warrior had died and he was the replacement. At the time I thought it was hilarious and I am not going to lie I am still chuckling just thinking about it.</p><p> </p><p>

    When I was in Junior High there used to be a wrestling radio show and the host would have various wrestler's on. One night he got Moolah on there and my friends and I proceeded to prank call the show asking her all sorts of dumb questions. It got so bad that the host stopped taking calls.</p><p> </p><p>

    The same thing happened when the show had GWF's Rod Price on. We kept on cranking the station (telling Rod he sucked, asking if he was going to get hair plugs) all throughout the interview until the host stopped taking calls. </p><p> </p><p>

    I am not sure if what I did was snark or being an butt hole (leaning more towards butt hole) but yeah I enjoyed doing it at the time.</p><p> </p><p>

    Nowadays I see Hogan on a WWE show and I get all nostalgic. I like seeing him on there. Which is funny because just a few years ago whenever he would pop up on TNA I would fast forward anything he was involved in. Which was a great way to watch the show because it usually ended up taking me a half and hour to watch a two hour show.</p><p> </p><p>

    As far as modern day wrestling goes, I just feel blah about the whole thing. I tried watching TNA and the roster has changed so much that I cannot get into it. I have had a love/hate relationship with the WWE going back to when I was a kid in the early 90's. ROH just does not excite me anymore.</p><p> </p><p>

    I will say MLW has really hooked me on their product. It helps that they put their weekly show on YouTube each week. I will say this though, one thing that takes me out of the immersion of their product is when I see them pushing Simon Gotch as a badass heel in their outlaw heel faction.</p><p> </p><p>

    I am like, "Come on dude this is the guy who was in The Vaudevillains. There is noway I can take him seriously as a badass outlaw heel." To me at the end of the day he still has that dweeb stink on him and I just cannot take him seriously.</p><p> </p><p>

    As far as AEW goes, well I am biased. I highly dislike the Bucks and Omega and (I have said this a thousand times on here) I just do not get what people love about them. There is nothing cool about them. They come across as three dorks to me.</p><p> </p><p>

    With them having such big roles in the company I am probably not going to be a fan. Also, I just have not been impressed with what I have watched of AEW thus far. A lot of it has been hit or miss for me.</p><p> </p><p>

    I loved the Cody/Dustin match but then they have that goofy battle royal on the same card.</p>

  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cappyboy" data-cite="cappyboy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've made it a lot. And not just because I saw the problems it would create for the company. But the issue has also been a very selfish one for me. One of my favorite parts of watching the indies is seeing guys when. I like being able to tell ECW fans I saw their core superstars as rookies in ICW Savoldi. Seeing an Adam Cole grow from undercard tag guy to world champ. Matt Taven go from newbie beefing with Mike Mondo to Top Prospect winner to leader of The Kingdom. Adam Page go from random jobber to Decade whipping boy to growing into the Hangman. For RoH to be so neglectful of the zero to hero arc over the last few years frustrates one of my fondest fan wishes. The chance to have been there with a guy from Day 1.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am the same way. I never saw the ICW stuff but I would read about it in magazines and newsletters. But I saw a lot of guys at the start of their careers.</p><p> </p><p> I remember going up to a Killer Kowalski show in New Hampshire and the main event was Perry Saturn taking on HHH (That show ended up getting shutdown by the cops due to a noise complaint). When I was in high school I used to go to Fall River, Massachusetts (Lizzie Borden's hometown) ever Friday night because there was an independent company that used to run up there.</p><p> </p><p> Their regular roster included Scotty 2 Hotty, Justin Credible (Who when he had hair looked very similar to Jerry Seinfeld, which was the hottest show on TV at the time, so fans used to chant Seinfeld at him), and Brutal Bob Evans (I have to say that guy is a grinder he has been an independent wrestler for damn near thirty years. I was happy when he had his run in ROH because of all of the work he had done to get to that point). </p><p> </p><p> There were a few others but I am just blanking on them right now. But it was always cool to see wrestlers you watched wrestle in front of fifty people all of a sudden show up in WCW, WWF, or ECW and have some sort of impact on the promotion.</p>
  16. How do people feel about match write-ups? I have noticed increasingly that more and more writers are not doing full-on match write-ups and they are just copying the results directly from the game (C-Verse writers, I do not really follow RW writers that much.).


    When I first started doing diaries on here that was considered a huge no-no. I recall writers writing these War and Peace type of match write-ups (Which I always felt was insane and I never bothered reading any of those. Skim yes, flat out read...no way.). They would go into great detail about the matches and yes the parts I did not skim made for an interesting read, but for the most part it just became blah, blah, blah to me (I am well aware that this post is probably becoming that to anyone who reads it.:D).


    I personally never had a problem with people taking the results directly from the game and posting them in their diaries. However, I remember one writer, who no longer writes on here, used to do it and people would bitch about him copying the results right out of the game.


    The reason why I ask is because I personally hate writing match write-ups. I mean it gets so repetitive writing them as generally wrestlers tend to have nearly the same match over and over again (Sure the spots might change around but it is the same basic crap every match). Plus I personally have never been good at match write-ups.


    Part of the reason why I have scrapped previous diaries is because of how much I loathe writing match write-ups (Yes I know that sounds stupid because the matches are the driving force for the diaries). I would think about writing and then I would say to myself, "What the hell am I going to say in this write-up that will make it different?"


    I guess my question is, do people still prefer diaries with match write-ups (maybe not as detailed as some of the old one's were)? Or has that time gone and now people are okay with copying the match results directly from the game.

  17. But that's on the booker isn't it? I mean ROH brought in Japanese guys before and managed to build up the talent under Delirious' predecessor right?


    You are right, but I do think before they were not as heavily reliant on Japanese talent. In the last few years it seemed to me that the Japanese guys were in more matches. Maybe I just think that and it is not the case.

  18. I bleed purple and gold for life :D


    It's a case of ''big name team introducing foreigner to sport''. No NBA teams in Brazil, Kobe was on the cover of 2K10, I bought it and just fell in love.


    Ditto about the Celtics actually winning. But we both have to admit that the league is so much better when both teams are good.


    No doubt, I mean it is like baseball when the Dodgers and Yankees are both good at the same time.


    Do you have any Eastern Conference teams you like as your sort of backup team?


    For me out in the West I like to see the Jazz do well (Mainly due to the fact that I was a big Eric Murdock fan when he played for Providence College and Utah was the team that drafted him. He did not play there long but I quickly became a fan of Stockton and Malone) and I am always happy to see the Spurs in contention (I was a fan of David Robinson and Tim Duncan).

  19. Homer me says the Lakers. But I have no clue at all. I do think the East is the Bucks' to lose.


    Why did you have to put that out there in the universe?:D


    As a Celtics fans I do not want to see the Lakers win. Plus I cannot stand LeBron so there is that as well.

  20. So NWA and ROH have disbanded their working relationship, seems like a poor move on both ends.


    Listen let's be honest here they need each other especially with AEW on the rise, I think it's a bad move, NWA and ROH should have worked something out, granted yes ROH is in a bit of a dark ages right now, but NWA is nothing to write home about either.


    I am happy to see that ROH and CMLL will be working together more often now, as they have started to promote the Global Wars tours featuring CMLL vs. ROH.


    While I am still a very big ROH fan and do see this as a dark period for them, they really need to make some changes. They book the same venues far too often, and far to close together. They wonder why they can't sell out certain venues, but it's the fact they were just there 2 or 3 months ago.


    Sinclair helps and hurts ROH, ROH need to branch out to new markets but because sinclair isn't in some of those markets they don't go there, which makes zero sense, since you can get the ROH tv show pretty much anywhere.


    As far as the Briscoes go, I too have found the war with GOD has become stale, and as much as I love the Briscoes it's time for them to start giving back and helping put these younger teams over.


    I fear that if ROH does not make drastic changes to fix the blatant issues they have, that we could be looking at the long winding demise of a once great company.


    I just want to say that I agree with everything you wrote here. Though I do not mind the GOD/Briscoes feud. I mean...


    Do I think Jay and Mark need to have the tag team titles for the 500th time?




    But I am not sure there are many credible teams to hold the titles. GOD is one of them (Plus GOD has an awesome look to them). As you said though, they should be using the Briscoes' to build up younger talent.


    I think AEW really hurt them the most. Now I am on the record as saying I despise the Bucks and Omega. I do not get why fans love the three of them so much. That being said there is no denying that they have a rabid following and ROH losing them, Cody, Christopher Daniels, and Kaz (To a lesser extent Adam Page, who I never felt was all that over in ROH.) was a major blow to the company.


    Also, the heavy reliance on New Japan guys has ended up hurting them as well. Mainly because (I believe Cappy made this point prior), it came at the expense of building up new younger workers.

  21. <p>Dark Match</p><p>

    Rhett Titus & Trik Davis vs<strong> Jay Lethal & Mitch Franklin</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Something always irked me about Rhett and I do not know what it is.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    2006 Trios Tournament Semi-Final</p><p>

    Delirious, Tony Mamaluke & Sal Rinauro vs <strong>The Embassy (Adam Pearce, Alex Shelley & Jimmy Rave)</strong> (w Daizee Haze & Prince Nana)</p><p> </p><p>

    2006 Trio Tournament Semi-Final</p><p>

    Chris Hero & Lacey's Angels (Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer) (w Lacey) vs <strong>The Rottweilers (Homicide, Low-Ki & Ricky Reyes)</strong> (w Julius Smokes)</p><p> </p><p>

    I remember having a huge crush on Lacey back then.</p><p> </p><p>

    T<strong>he Dempsey Brothers (Bobby Dempsey & Derrick Dempsey)</strong> vs The Irish Airborne (Lotus & Crazy J)</p><p> </p><p>

    Matt Sydal vs<strong> Samoa Joe</strong></p><p>


    Ace Steel </strong>vs Chad Collyer</p><p> </p><p>

    2006 Trios Tournament Final</p><p>

    The Embassy vs <strong>The Rottweilers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    ROH World Tag Team Titles - All Champions Match</p><p>

    Generation Next (Austin Aries & Roderick Strong) © vs <strong>Bryan Danielson & Nigel McGuinness</strong></p>

  22. <p>Two more commercials.</p><p> </p><p>

    The Cricket Wireless commercials where they have those weird Sweetums lookalike creatures and they are saying...hiiiiiiiiiii and byyyyyyyyyyyye. That gets an automatic mute whenever it comes on. </p><p> </p><p>

    The second is another automatic mute. It is the, State Farm Don't mess with my discount commercial. I am not sure why I hate that commercial so much but I just do. Maybe it is because that woman in the commercial gives me a, "Let me speak to your manager", vibe. She may not have the "Let me speak to your manager" haircut, but she does give off the vibe.</p>

  23. The key is to support the SJW mindset and include minorities as well, but not in such a blatant fashion.


    Well they did do that in a followup commercial where they had a young Trans Man learning to shave with his father. A lot of people said that, that commercial had an SJW agenda.


    I mean I can see where people who are saying that are coming from. But for me it was just a nice commercial about a guy learning to shave with his dad. There was no reason to get outraged.


    The first commercial just felt like it was an attack on their primary customers.


    I also hate Matt The V.O. Guy from Love Island. Easily the worst part of the show for me. (Caro all the way, baby!)



    I didn't even know the V.O. Guy's name. I never watched the show, but I sadly do watch Big Brother (I say sadly because this season has just been awful. The cast is just filled with unlikable people.) and because there is probably a sizable crossover audience between the two shows, every commercial break I see a Love Island commercial with this guy talking about ab parties or some such nonsense.

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