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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. <p>I was reading the other day that there is serious talk about making break dancing an Olympic sport...<img alt=":confused:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/confused.png.d4a8e6b6eab0c67698b911fb041c0ed1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Whomever makes those decisions (I know nothing about the Olympics) think by adding break dancing they will draw in a younger crowd.</p><p> </p><p>

    Maybe if this was 1985 I could see why they would think that. I honestly did not know that people were still break dancing. It left the mainstream culture over thirty years ago.</p>

  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheGhost" data-cite="TheGhost" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>1.) This show was not a sell out. Which is scary, usually Columbus sells quickly, but there were people walking up when doors opened and bought ringside tickets.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I wonder if it has to do with price. They are coming up to my neck of the woods next month (I believe or it could be August) and the cheapest tickets were $32. I find that a bit much for them.</p><p> </p><p> Because...</p><p> </p><p> A. You can go to RAW or Smackdown and the cheapest seat is usually $17. Yes the WWE might not be great right now (I would argue it has not been great for a long time) but they are still the industry leader. There is no way it should be cheaper to see the WWE.</p><p> </p><p> B. The ROH roster has been depleted. This roster is a shell of what it once was. I went to an ROH show years ago and the roster (and obviously the card for that matter) was stacked. Back then their cheapest ticket was only $15. Now they expect us to pay over twice that to see a roster that is not nearly as good.</p>
  3. Leion has been brought back to life!


    Well okay then.


    I do not blame anyone from moving their votes off DJ. I will not be doing so, but I totally understand why others might.


    If people do decide to do so, I would implore you to keep in mind all that has been talked about and be weary of someone who has an evil result against them.


    He could have been framed, he could be on a Scum team who thought using their revive would save him. There is just as much reasonable against him as there is for him.

  4. I also agree with you that if DJ is scum and scum team does have resurrect ability then using it here to try to save DJ is the likely way to go. Which is why I did ask if resurrecting Leion (I currently work with the idea that Leion would be resurrected as if not, then lynch DJ is the likely way to go) would be enough to clear DJ or at least stop the lynch? I honestly not sure myself how I feel about that as that just leaves lots of unanswered questions about do we trust DJ, Lukess and/or Leion, is there a framer or is your ability working as we think it is (meaning it´s not giving reverse results or something else) so I feel that we would be left with more questions than answers. On other hand, I kind of hate lynching DJ anyway just to gain info as he would be big asset to town if he´s what he claims he is and that´s why I´m asking if people have potentially other directions we could look at since I would like to get some info from this day phase.


    There is noting in my role write-up that would lead me to believe I could get an opposite result. I looked over it before posting my result just so I could share my result with no gray area on my part.


    As for your line of thinking in regards to resurrecting Leion and him coming back as Scum. Well that thought obviously crossed my mind as well.


    Maybe the scum team's resurrecting power only works on certain players, player that they can recruit. That was something that crossed my mind as well.


    There is a lot of reasonable doubt out there, far more than I would like. But as the great Kurtis Blow once said, "These are the breaks."

  5. I have to believe that we are protecting you tonight. I personally recommend it.


    A framer doesn't know who your going to target, they get lucky and "Hope" there target gets targeted. As scum I've had a few games where we were very successful in our framed targets, others where we missed the boat several times, and several times by only one night.


    My point being, ok... They figured I would be targeted and framed me. That's VERY LUCKY of them. I know the lower numbers in this game gives them better odds, but the odds are still very much against them.


    It could be plausible that you were framed. If a framer is indeed in this game, you would be one of the better targets to frame.


    This could also be the case of, "Hi I am Lex Luthor and I am your friendly neighborhood serial killer. Make a deal with me."


    See what I mean?


    You are very good at being Scum (as town a member of town as well) and talking your way out of things. But I respect the fact that if you are indeed Scum you are building a great case for yourself to not be lynched. Far too often in games of late others have just rolled over, at least you are playing to your win condition and doing a good job of it. If you are Scum.

  6. DJ is also very capable of talking himself out of a lynch, hell I was his teammate one time when he did it (I was proud to say I did not vote on him despite the fact that he was obviously Scum that game). Hell he has snowed me in the past when I have voted for him because he is good at coming up with a good cover story.


    Look at what he has done right here, he has brought up enough reasonable doubt that he might talk his way out of this. Then his team could easily wipe me out tonight.


    Either way I did what I could, I have to trust my result and that is all I can do.:)

  7. Guys, this is not the way to go. I've obviously been framed right off the bat.


    Why do I read this in a 1930's gangster voice? Like James Cagney saying it?



    I don't think that's BHK's style. I think he was excited to have found scum in his mind and wanted to share it as soon as possible. If it were me I would have probably asked DJ a few questions first before dropping the result.


    It was not excitement on my part, it was more the type of player DJ is, which is why I looked into him in the first place. There are certain players who I want to know their alignment right away and as an investigator I could do that.


    I felt that I should either look into DJ or TSS because people tend to follow their lead almost blindly if either of them are allowed to gain a leadership foothold in the game. It ended up being DJ because he gave me the worst vibes out of the two during the first phase.


    So yeah I went with all of the subtly of a bull in a china shop, because I had a result against someone who I felt could mislead us as a town if he was allowed to do so.


    DJ, did I read you wrong here as I got the idea that you thought MLT was town at this point or did your opinion change after she posted more?


    Interesting development with the resurrect talk, I´m not against trying to bring people back so they can play more but I slighly worried on this case since Leion role sounds to me like it could be part of a mini-game (sacrifice innocend child to get dark powers kind of thing) and if he´s the target, then bringing him back will give the hunter an easy target since everyone knows who he is now. That said, doing the resurrect is also only real way I could see DJ potentially being able to defend himself and I hate to deny that for him...


    If resurrect fails then as DJ said, he´s likely going to be lynched so I guess the main question should be what if DJ success to bring Leion back? Then were would we go? With Lukess already being resurrected there would be two abilities of that kind in play and even if one is one shot would they both be town and if not wouldn´t one likely chance the aligment of resurrected player?


    BHK: I would like to hear your opinion on this latest development since a) you the one I trust most after your reveal and b) you risked your life to give us this info in the first place. So do you think DJ is scum/third party after his claim and if he has resurrect ability should he try to use it on Leion?


    You hit the nail on the head with a later post but you asked me in this post, so I shall respond in this post.


    My thing is I have to trust my result until proven otherwise. Could he have been framed?


    Sure, this is Mafia expect the unexpected. I am not moving my vote regardless because I have to believe my result was real. I would not hold it against anyone else if they want to remove their votes if he is able to bring Leion back.


    Now where you hit the nail on the head and where we are on the same page is this. If DJ is indeed Scum and they are able to bring someone back from the dead, would they use it as a tool to try and clear DJ?


    I mean why not use it? It might clear DJ for the rest of the game as people would be willing to brush off my result. As Scum that might be a risk their willing to take.

  8. You can get neutral results? That makes me wonder. Is it possible there is a cult mechanic that can only recruit neutral alignment ?


    I did not even think of that. That could very well be something.


    I just assumed that in a game this small there would be no cult. But you know what they say about assuming.:D


    I guess the same question could be asked about the Scum team as well. I remember in Arrows' game I was in a scum team with just Luke and Jaded at the start. We had to recruit but we could only recruit certain people. I could very well see that being an option for the scum in this game.

  9. Thank you for that, that actually helps with my role because I can get three different results and neutral was one of them. I thought it was weird when I read that, but with the innocent child in the game it makes sense. Though there very well could be more neutral aligned players (though in a game this small, I have a hard time seeing how that would be the case.).


    EBWOP, because what I wrote made no sense.:D

  10. https://www.mafiauniverse.com/wiki/Innocent_Child


    Try that.


    Also this is a good catch by Bhk and if true lends weight to the theory that lukess was the jailer.


    Thank you for that, that actually helps with me because I can get three different results and neutral was one of them. I thought it was weird when I read that but with the innocent child in the game it makes sense. Though there very well could be more neutral aligned players (though in a game this small, I have a hard time seeing how that would be the case.).

  11. Innocent Child is a role I've run into a few times yet never fully grasped what it does, up to now. It seems to be a role that mysteriously gets offed very early at least in my experience.


    What do you mean by that?


    Has that role died early in every game you have been in with that role?


    Has there been a role write-up talking about what that role does? Just curious because I have never heard of such a role.

  12. I've never heard of that either. As for DeadCeleb saying we lost a vig or jailer my first thought was investigator with Sheriff. Either way it's a loss for the town. I'd be interested in hearing more from DJ, BHK and of course TSS.


    Well I am glad you are interested in hearing from me because I have the following to say...


    I have the same town reads you do, but not getting anything from anyone scummy yet. Maybe it's from lack of posts, and scum just isn't posting.


    Well one Scum just posted and it is you.


    Vote: djthefunkchris


    Any reason why your alignment would come up evil?

  13. Why is the bolded even a thought?


    I shall tell you why, mainly because it is me heading people off at the pass. In the last few games I have had people accuse me of padding my post count and not saying anything of substance. I felt that post would be one of the posts that people would point to.


    There is no hidden meaning or anything like that. It was just me thinking to myself, "Gee I know people have accused me of padding my post count and there really is not much substance behind this post as I am just agreeing with someone. Maybe I should preemptively point out the fact that I have a feeling people will accuse me so I will point it out."


    There was no other deeper meaning. This was not Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey.

  14. I've seen the resurrector role mostly work with someone sending in a message to the mod at any time during the day phase. Sometimes there have been limits as to how far back in the game you can go though.


    That was how it worked in the previous game where I had the ability (at least I think, I mean I had that role probably five or six years ago so my memory is not that great). It was a one-shot and I could only use it on people who were offed the previous day.

  15. The main thing I´m unsure of is the timing of when it happens. I´d assume it´s next day/night phase after someone dies when the resurrection happens? So I assume we get to know dead persons aligment before they are resurrected right?


    If so that makes it bit unlikely for scum team to have that ability since the resurrected scum would likely be lynched again next phase and that made me wonder if aligment changes were possible in order to keep people guessing which lead to necromancer idea.


    That was how it worked in the game I brought Gonvick back in. But that does not mean that is how it will work here. I mean Ray could be messing with us and not reveal alignment upon death.


    If that is the case, then any member of the town that has that power could end up bringing back Scum from the dead. So really it might all boil down to just how sadistic of a mod Ray can be.:D

  16. 3 - 4 scum, 2 third parties with at least one likely being SK is what I´m looking at so pretty much same as you.


    Now this is just me speculating but I wonder if one of the third parties could have resurrect ability? Basically I´m thinking of necromancer type idea, so kind of like cult but only able to recruit recently dead people instead of living ones. Not sure if that even makes any sense since I don´t have experience on how resurrect works in these games so this is just something that popped into my mind.


    Honestly anything is possible. I think this is only the second or third game I have been in where there was a resurrect ability. At the very least it is the second game I have been in where such a thing was possible because I had the power in a previous game. I brought back Gonvick from the dead and he proceeded to dismantle the Scum team.


    I had to announce it in the thread when I was going to bring him back to life. I wonder how it is going to happen in this game.

  17. Considering the resurrection possibilities and the tougher to kill roles, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a large number of killing roles


    Okay there is no way for this post to not come across as padding my post count (which I swear I am not trying to do here) but you bring up a valid point. It makes sense that if there are hard to kill townies the scum team would probably have multiple kills.

  18. Reading the n0 writeup, looks like we have multiple threats to contend with. Unless I misread there's at least 3. Thoughts?


    That was what I was thinking as well.


    Looks like three threats you're right, the last one reminds me of the culty groups, Illuminati etc, but doubt there's a cult in a game of this size.


    Game of 17, I was thinking possibly three scum, one or two SK. That might be excessive (three kills I mean) but from what information we have gotten thus far in the write-up that was what I was thinking could be the possible makeup of the non-town related groups.


    Good to see you've checked in DJ. Unfortunately I'll be in a mountain cave by the time you get back so will catch up with you at the weekend sometime.


    I fixed it for you there.

  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rabbitman" data-cite="Rabbitman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46562" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well then, carry on.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There'll be peace when you are done..</p>
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