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Posts posted by BHK1978

  1. Barry Horowitz and "Iron" Mike Sharpe Vs. The Steiner Brothers


    This is a tough call right here. Do I go with one of the best tag teams in wrestling history or do I go with the Steiner Brothers...:p



    "Terrific" Terry Taylor Vs. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig



    Mr. Hughes Vs. Tatanka



    The Berzerker Vs. "The Demon Of Death Valley" The Undertaker



    "El Matador" Tito Santana Vs. "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon


    It pained me when Tito became a jobber to the stars.


    WWF World Heavyweight Championship:

    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBase Vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart ©


    King's Court: I guess I will stick with the crowd and go with Vader.

  2. DAVE EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP: Johnny Martin vs. JD Morgan

    Man Mountain Cahill & ???? vs. The Animalz

    UNSANCTIONED MATCH: Vengeance vs. Larry Wood

    Henry Lee vs. Tyrannosaurus Pex

    Freddie Datsun vs. Eric Tyler

    DAVE TAG-TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Constantino & Tantrum vs. Black Murder

    411 vs. Chris Caulfield

    ???? vs. The Darkness Warriors

    Michael Cook vs. Human Arsenal

    The Hell Riders (JJ Coles & Trip Bruins) vs. The Hotbodies

  3. "Dirty Daddy" Chris Dickinson (4-0) and SCHAFF (5-0) vs. Gods of War (Odinson 6-1 and Kratos 6-0)


    I honestly have no idea where this will go. I could see Chris and SCHAFF not getting along and one of them turning on the other. I could see a case being made for the GOW to win. But I simply think Chris and SCHAFF will win.


    Sugar Dunkerton (2-2) vs. TK O'Ryan (2-1)


    TK is getting the bigger push.

    Artemis Spencer (2-3) vs. Liam Gray (1-3)


    "The Problem" Sefa Fatu (1-2) vs. Patrick Scott (0-3)


    I think Sefa has more potential being part of the family.

  4. Was just watching this past week's RoH TV and I'll give you this as a Rhett Titus skeptic, Jaysin. The promo Rhett cut prior to the match with Delirious is probably the worst I've ever heard him cut. For a guy who's been such a proud showman all these years, it felt unnaturally serious and un-Tituslike. I hope the foray into the Pure division isn't going to suck the spirit out of him or I may end up where you are.


    That is one of the main reasons why I was never a fan of Rhett. He reminds me of Mushmouth from Fat Albert. He is hard to understand and has a terrible speaking voice.


    Also, what is up with that Danhausen dude? I get Klaus Nomi vibes from the dude. I wonder if that is what he is trying to go for.

  5. What else has everyone been into? Finally getting around to Shadow of War, what a blast.. slaying Uruks as much as I want.


    RDR II. Sure have beaten it a couple of times but I really enjoy the game up until the Saint Denis bank job mission. After that, I lose interest.


    This site used to have a big Crusader King II fandom, has anyone played part III yet? I have not heard anything about it be it negative or positive.

  6. rCEsYBI.gif





    NEW Summer Clash 2020

    Location: Providence, Rhode Island

    Attendance: 61

    Show Rating: 46










    [After a video package is shown of the various superstars of NEW, we are taken to the announcer’s desk where Rob L. Miskovsky and his new commentary partner Honest Frank are shown with woeful looks on their respective faces.


    Rob informs us that during a pre-show match Otis Von Battenberg of Brutality Incorporated suffered what appears to be a broken neck. He (Rob) then continues by saying that he will give us any updates as they come to him throughout the night.


    Rob and Frank then briefly talk about the matches on the card tonight before we head down to the ring for the first match of the evening.]




    Onslaught vs. Deathwish




    • On commentary, Frank informs us that Deathwish’s manager Carl Batch is not in the building tonight as he accompanied his other client Otis Von Battenberg to the hospital.
    • This was a clash of styles as Onslaught tired using his hit and run tactics to keep Deathwish guessing what would happen next and Deathwish was trying his hardest to make this a wild brawl.
    • At the start, it looked as if Onslaught would get his way after he kept on hitting Deathwish with spectacular move after spectacular move.
    • But the young Texan could not keep the madman down and in the end, it was Deathwish picking up the victory after he leaped off the top rope and nailed Onslaught with a Swandive Headbutt.


    Winner: Deathwish

    Time: 8:52

    Match Rating: 32




    [We are now shown a brief interview that was filmed during the week where Rob L. Miskovsky interviews an injured Nate DeMarcus at Nate’s home in West Warwick, Rhode Island. Nate informs Rob that he is not medically cleared to wrestle at Summer Clash and so his scheduled rematch where he teams with BP SWOLL to take on the Jet Set will instead be held next month at Boston Brawl.]




    Langston “Lion Heart” Franklin vs. The Masked Mauler VII




    • Those looking for a technical masterclass would have to go somewhere else as this match was a straight-up brawl.
    • The fans were clearly behind the Canadian Lion Heart as they cheered for everything he did.
    • Both men got in a lot of offense during the opening minutes of the match.
    • Langston then took over and there were plenty of times where it looked like he was going to pull off the victory.
    • In the end, it was the Mauler who pulled out the victory after he attached the Iron Claw to Langston, which caused Langston to tap-out.


    Winner: The Masked Mauler VII

    Time: 14:03

    Match Rating: 34


    [We are now taken to the backstage interview area where Tabitha is standing by with NEW owner Buddy Garner.]




    Tabitha: Mister Garner, for the last month many people have wondered just who is the mystery man who will be taking on Tavon Blake Junior tonight in the first round of the NEW Championship Title tournament.


    Would you care to address this concern right now?


    [buddy smirks and then thinks for a moment before he replies.]




    Buddy Garner: Sure thing Tabitha. In fact, I can do ya one better and I can bring in the mystery man. Come on in…


    [Former RIPW standout Jerry Martin walks on screen and the crowd in the arena pops. Jerry smiles and shakes Buddy’s hand.]




    Buddy Garner: As you can see, I have decided to bring in someone who is no stranger to New England area wrestling fans. Tonight Jerry Martin will be taking on Tavon Blake Junior in the first round of the NEW Championship Title tournament.




    Tabitha: Well Jerry, let me be the first to welcome you to NEW.




    Jerry Martin: It’s great to be here in NEW in front of the fans here in Providence. You know I do come from Canada, but I have spent the vast majority of my career fighting here in the New England area and this has become my home away from home.




    Tabitha: Well Jerry tonight your very first match here in NEW is against one of the best prospects in the industry today in Tavon Blake Junior. Are you ready to take on such a formidable opponent on your first night here in NEW?




    Jerry Martin: Am I ready? Tabitha I was born ready.


    Sure I know Tavon is a tough kid. But here is the thing, I have no fear...I am not afraid of Tavon and I am certainly not afraid of his two Jet Set buddies either.


    No, tonight I am going to show everyone that I belong here in NEW wrestling. People might have forgotten just how good I am. Well, tonight they are going to get a refresher course.




    Tabitha: One last question. You are known for being a hardcore wrestler, can we expect to see that violent side of you tonight.




    Jerry Martin: Never say never but to be honest with you Tabitha, I have toned down my more crazy style. I am getting older you know and that style takes its toll on the body...now I am not saying that I am a reformed psychopath who is not above taking a broken beer bottle and using it to carve my opponents’ forehead to shreds.


    It is just that I am going to try my best to be on my best behavior here in NEW. Buddy has made it perfectly clear that he does not want me to showcase my more wild side and I am going to adhere to his wishes.




    Tabitha: Thank you Jerry and good luck!


    [We are now shown a pre-taped video featuring Cip Conduit who is talking about his Mullet Mike who is Cip’s first-round opponent in the NEW Championship Title Tournament.]




    Cip Conduit: Mullet Mike the blue collar hero of the masses. Tonight you probably fully expect that you are gonna walk away with the victory when you step into the ring with me.


    Well if you think that, then you have another thing coming. You see Mike, much like your fans and your career thus far, you will witness nothing but disappointment when you step inside the ring with me. Because I will do everything I can to advance in this tournament.


    Tonight Mike you’re going to be a mere footnote in the history of NEW. Because you’ll be known as the man who the first-ever NEW Champion beat on his way to victory.


    The following match is a First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament:




    Mullet Mike vs. Cip Conduit




    • People expecting to see a five-star classic would be very disappointed, people looking for a match where two guys beat the ever living crap out of each other would be thrilled with this match.
    • This match started out with both men trying their best to put their opponent down by any means necessary.
    • Neither man gave an inch and it looked as though whoever was going to be the eventual victor in this match would have to have gone through one hell of a war.
    • The action spilled onto the floor multiple times during this match and Referee Xander Summer was very slow in his count as he did not want this tournament match to end in a count-out.
    • The match came to an end after Cip nailed Mike with a Running Boot, downing the man with the 80’s haircut. Three seconds later Cip had advanced to the semi-final round of the NEW Championship Tournament.


    Winner and advancing into the Semi-Final Round of the NEW ChampionshipTournament: Cip Conduit

    Time: 11:20

    Match Rating: 33


    [We now head to the backstage area of the arena where the members of the Jet Set (Rocco Renoir, Prime Time Jack Pryde, and Tavon Blake Jr.) are standing in front of a closed door.]




    Prime Time Jack Pryde: This is bull and you know it Tavon. Buddy doesn’t want to see you do well in this tournament and this just proves it. Why else would he book you a match against a known psychopath and not tell you about it ahead of time?




    Rocco Renoir: Yeah man, it’s totally messed up that he is doing you like that bro. I think you should march right into his office and tell him what’s up. Refuse the match with Jerry on the grounds that you did not have enough time to get ready for a match with that crazy Canadian.




    Tavon Blake Jr.: Yeah guys, you’re absolutely right! I’m gonna march right into Buddy’s office and tell that punk ass little bitch what’s up. I am going to demand he replace Jerry Martin as my first-round opponent with...uh...that other Jerry. You know that cat that always loses...Jerry Pepper.




    Jack Pryde: Isn’t he hurt or something?




    Tavon Blake Jr.: I don’t care if the dude’s hurt, I’ll fight him anyway.


    Also, I ain’t afraid of Buddy Garner. I don’t care if the dude is a former GAMMA Middleweight Champion, I don’t care if he beat Matthew Dean for that belt...that don’t impress me none. Nah man, I gonna tell him right to his damn face that he has to change my opponent and if he doesn’t then I’ll walk!




    Rocco Renoir: That’s the ticket dude...you tell him what’s up.


    [Just then the door opens up and outsteps NEW owner Buddy Garner. Buddy has a big smile on his face as he looks at the members of Jet Set.]




    Buddy Garner: Gentlemen, how can I help you? I heard all of this commotion outside of my office and I caught some of what you said. So if you want to air any grievances now is the time to do so.


    [All of the bluster seems to now be drained out of Tavon’s body and he is now looking down at the floor refusing to make eye contact with Buddy.]




    Tavon Blake Jr.: Well Mister Garner, sir. I...I was wondering why I was the one who was scheduled to fight Jerry Martin with no notice…




    Buddy Garner: What? Are you afraid of him son?




    Tavon Blake Jr.: Not exactly sir...but…




    Buddy Garner: Then I am not sure what it is you want to talk to me about. Maybe you would like to discuss the time I beat Matthew Dean for the GAMMA Middleweight Championship...oh that’s right I heard you are not impressed by that.




    Tavon Blake Jr.: No...it’s just I have not had enough time to prepare for someone like Jerry Martin. The man is a psychopath...I once saw him beat a dude with a wooden table leg until the man tapped out. That is just sadistic bro.




    Buddy Garner: Well I have spoken to Mister Martin and told him that sort of wrestling is not something we approve of here in NEW and he assured me that he would do nothing like that.


    So your concerns are unfounded son. You don’t have to worry about anything but a good clean fight.


    I mean you and your buddies are often touting how the three of you are the future of the wrestling industry. Well, tonight will be an excellent night for you to prove that Tavon and I have all the confidence in the world that you will.


    Is there anything else you gentleman would like to say to me?




    Rocco Renoir: No sir…




    Buddy Garner: Are you sure? You’re not going to have your lawyer call me up, bitching about putting you up in a motel? Jack you’re not going to complain about how I am holding you guys down in order to impede your success in this company? You don’t want to call me a...what did you say Tavon...oh yes a punk ass bitch. You don’t want to call me a punk ass bitch to my face?


    [The three members of Jet Set shake their heads in unison, as they look like scolded school children.]




    Buddy Garner: Well good then. Off you go gentlemen.


    Oh and Tavon, good luck. You’re gonna need it.


    [buddy closes the door to his office as the three members of Jet Set walk off camera. Jack can be heard saying to Tavon.]




    Jack Pryde: Way to chicken out Tay.




    Tavon Blake Jr.: Me? You didn’t even say one damn word and I’m the chicken? Forget you, man.


    [We now head to the backstage interview area where Devil Dog is standing by.]




    Devil Dog: Pretty boy Raphael...two months ago you said that I was no legitimate threat to you in the ring and I proved otherwise. Son, I took you to the limit and you knew it because you had to cheat to beat me by hitting me with a low blow.


    Raphael, you ain’t nothing more than a coward, and tonight I am gonna show you once again exactly why you should be afraid of me and why I am a credible threat to you. You’re gonna tap to the Rear Naked Choke, that’s a promise boy. Oorah!


    The following match is a First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament:


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    Jerry Martin vs. Tavon Blake Jr. with Jet Set




    • Jerry’s head had to be on a perpetual swivel during this match as not only did he have to face off against Tavon, he also had to pay attention to Rocco and Jack who occasionally inserted themselves into the match in order to give Tavon the upper hand.
    • Tavon spent his time trying to weaken Jerry’s left leg in order to make his (Tavon’s) application of the Figure Four all the more painful later on in the match.
    • This match was pretty one-sided at the start as any time Jerry would mount any sort of offense either Rocco or Jack would interfere on Tavon’s behalf, while Tavon distracted Referee David Poker.
    • Having missed the vast majority of Jet Set’s interference, David Poker finally saw both members of Jet Set attacking Jerry on the arena floor. This caused David to eject Rocco and Jack from ringside.
    • Once this happened the once one-sided match became far more open and soon Jerry looked poised to pick up his first victory here in NEW.
    • Which he did after nailing Tavon with a hard-hitting, vicious looking Discus Punch. Three seconds later Jerry picked up a hard fought victory.


    Winner and advancing into the Semi-Final Round of the NEW ChampionshipTournament: Jerry Martin

    Time: 12:49

    Match Rating: 44


    [We now head to the craft services area in the backstage of the arena. There we see SJW eating a doughnut. SJW then sees Onslaught walking towards him, a look of panic comes across SJW’s face.


    SJW takes his doughnut and throws it into the garbage, he then turns and heads off in the opposite direction from where Onslaught is coming from. Onslaught calls out to him which causes SJW to stop walking.]




    Onslaught: Hey man we need to talk…




    SJW: Um...well...I know marginalized voices are very important and must be heard. But the thing is...I...ah…




    Onslaught: Why are you so nervous?




    SJW: Me? No, no...I am not nervous. Why would you think I am nervous?


    Why would I have any cause to be nervous around you? After all, I am an ally to you and people like you. I gladly lend you my voice to lift your voice up and…




    Onslaught: Cut the crap man. I don’t want to hear you call yourself my ally or any of that nonsense.


    What I do want to talk about is why you attacked my friend Jerry Pepper last month?


    [sJW seems taken aback by such an accusation.]




    SJW: Me attack Jerry? Why on earth would you think I would do such a thing?


    I am not capable of causing violence for the sake of violence…




    Onslaught: Sure...so that totally wasn’t you talking in that video? Blathering on about being my ally and whatnot?




    SJW: No...I mean sure I was not happy you chose someone besides me to be your tag team partner last month...but I got over it. As I said, I would never be violent for the sake of being violent.


    I feel attacked right now because you would accuse me of doing such a thing.




    Onslaught: Okay whatever. I just want you to know Seth, you are not and never will be an ally of mine. We’re not on Survivor and I don’t need any allies.


    I have friends and last month you attacked one of them. Look I am only going to tell you this once, I want your weird obsession with me to end and if it don’t...well I can’t be held accountable for what I will do to you.


    [Onslaught walks away as SJW just stands there looking dumbfounded, not saying a word.][/Quote]


    [We now head over to the locker room of Raphael who is sitting on a chair while his girlfriend Lucinda Larouche is behind him giving his shoulders a rub.]




    Raphael: Devil Dog, you are absolutely right. Two months ago when we met in the ring I did underestimate you. I thought I was going to have a cake night and you did give me one heck of a battle. So cheers to you.


    But here’s the thing Devil Dog, tonight I know just how good you are in the ring. This means I am now going to adjust my strategy accordingly. Once I do that, I am sorry to say this...but you have no chance against me.


    You see Devil Dog tonight you’re not going to be the hellhound you were two months ago. No, you are going to be more like Old Yeller, the rabid stray dog who has to be put down. I’ll gladly put you out of your misery Devil Dog and I’ll do it with a smile on my face.


    Because you are nothing but a mere obstacle for me on my road to becoming the first-ever NEW Champion and make no mistake about it Devil Dog, I will beat you tonight in order to advance in the tournament.


    That’s not me being conceited, that’s me telling the truth. After all, there is a reason why they call me the Golden Hair God, and tonight you are going to see just why that is the case.


    [Lucinda giggles, winks, and then blows a kiss at the camera.]


    The following match is a First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament:


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    Devil Dog vs. Raphael with Lucinda Larouche




    • The bell rings and Raphael mockingly salutes the retired Marine Devil Dog, this causes Devil Dog to charge at Raphael which was a mistake as Devil Dog was nailed with a right knee to the stomach.
    • Raphael spent the opening minutes of the match in firm control. In fact, he was so in control he kept on pausing his attacks to taunt the fans.
    • One such taunt saw Raphael yell out, “Is this the best America has to offer? No wonder why Canada is a better country!”
    • The rabid fans in Providence were none too pleased with such a statement and a “USA!” chant began.
    • Devil Dog seemed to feed off the patriotic chant and he mounted a comeback.
    • The retired Marine starts to beat the holy hell out of his proud Canadian opponent and it looks like Devil Dog might be advancing into the next round of the tournament.
    • But as is often said, looks can be deceiving as Lucinda makes her presence known in the match when she grabs Devil Dog’s ankle as he is running the ropes.
    • This causes the hot headed Devil Dog to go after her, which gives Raphael the time he needs to get back into the match.
    • Raphael nails Devil Dog in the back of the head with a vicious forearm he then tosses the dazed Devil Dog into the ropes and nails the retired Marine with a Cupid’s Arrow.
    • This was enough to keep Devil Dog down for the three count, which meant that Raphael was able to secure the victory.


    Winner and advancing into the Semi-Final Round of the NEW ChampionshipTournament: Raphael

    Time: 13:36

    Match Rating: 47


    [We now head to the backstage interview area where NEW backstage correspondent Tabitha Mara is standing by with Conner Threepwood.]




    Tabitha: Conner, in just a few short minutes you are going stepping into the ring where you will face off against Remmy Honeyman in the first round of the NEW Championship Tournament. The winner will then face Raphael in the next round…




    Conner Threepwood: Sorry but I need to interrupt you right there Tabitha. I cannot afford to think about facing Raphael in the next round because if I do then I have already lost my match tonight against Remmy.


    Remmy is one of the most technically sound wrestlers on this roster. I’ve been in the ring with him plenty of times in the past and I fully understand what he is capable of doing to me.


    I am not going into my next match with any thoughts about Raphael, because I have not yet earned that right to think about facing off against Raphael.




    Tabitha: By the way you are talking it does not seem like you are confident in your ability to win tonight…




    Conner Threepwood: In no way am I not confident in my ability to win tonight. But I do not want to get overly confident because if I dare to do that against Remmy then I could easily find myself covered for the three count and out of the tournament.


    No, I am cautiously optimistic that I am going to pull off this win tonight, and then and only then will I think about facing off against Raphael.


    [Conner walks out of the interview area and Tabitha smiles at the camera and says...]




    Tabitha: Well okay then. Back to you Rob.


    The following match is a First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament:




    Conner Threepwood vs. Remmy Honeyman




    • This match started out much like how you would expect it to start out, with neither man really having a huge advantage over the other.
    • There were a lot of holds that were reversed a dozen times over.
    • A few minutes into the match, a frustrated Remmy left the ring in order to try and figure out a new gameplan.
    • Conner was not about to allow Remmy this rest and he (Conner) left the ring and the two men began brawling at ringside.
    • Referee Xander Summer was slow on his ten count because he did not want to have a tournament match end in a draw, both men used this fact to their advantage as they continued to brawl at ringside; only reentering the ring to break up Xander’s ten count.
    • The combatants soon returned to the ring and it was at this point in the match that Remmy pulled an object out of his trunks and hit Conner with it. Xander was out of position and did not see what Remmy did.
    • Remmy spent the next few minutes on the match punishing Conner’s back.
    • The theory behind this was if Conner’s back was weakened or hurt, Conner would have a more difficult time trying to apply his finisher the Stretch Plum.
    • Remmy made a couple of halfhearted pinfall attempts during this point in the match but it was clear that he was not truly expecting to win this way and after every time Conner would kick out, Remmy would go back to working on Conner’s back.
    • The fans started growing restless as they watched their hero take punishing blow after punishing blow to the back.
    • This caused the fans to begin a, “Here we Conner, here we go!”, chant.
    • Conner seemed to feed off the positive energy that the fans were sending his way.
    • Soon a weakened Conner was back on his feet as he desperately fought two foes now.
    • The agonizing pain in his back and Remmy.
    • The fans did not let up as they kept on chanting, “Here we Conner, here we go!”, over and over again.
    • Conner mounted a comeback as he nailed Remmy with everything he had in his offensive arsenal.
    • Somehow Conner was able to fight through the pain and lock Remmy into the Stretch Plum.
    • Even though Conner did not have the power he would normally have when applying this submission hold it was still enough to get Remmy to verbally submit, which means that Conner was the victor in the match!


    Winner by verbal submission and advancing into the Semi-Final Round of the NEW ChampionshipTournament: Conner Threepwood

    Time: 22:01

    Match Rating: 50


    [The show comes to an end with Referee Xander Summer raising Conner’s right hand in victory. As Conner grimaces in pain and clutches his back with his left hand.]






    Prediction Results:


    Zergon 6/6

    Historian 5/6

    Herrbear 4/6

    Theheel 4/6

    KyTeran 3/6

    Texasrangers13 3/6





    Zergon 18 points

    Historian 13 points

    KyTeran 13 points

    Texasrangers13 13 points

    Herrbear 10 Points

    smw88 5 points

    Theheel 4 points





    Post-Show Notes:


    1. First and foremost I would like to thank everyone who predicted in the prediction contest. Especially Theheel who joined in on the competition during this show. Also, I really have to learn how to stump Zergon, as this was Zergon's second time with a perfect score.


    I am going to do something different this time around. If anyone who predicted wants a Cameo from anyone on the NEW roster. Feel free to either shoot me a PM or just post who you would like it from here in the thread. Obviously, if nobody wants one then I will not do it.


    2. A lot of people picked Mike to beat Cip, which is a reasonable decision. The problem is at this point in the game Cip is actually the number two rated heel popularity wise on the roster. He is only behind Raphael.


    So while yes, Mike's name is on the diary. I could not have him win here.


    3. Yes another usual suspect of mine shows up in this diary in Jerry Martin. He's been with the company since the first show, but I have had him wrestle in strictly dark matches up until this point as I wanted him to debut as the mystery man.


    This will be a different version of Jerry in this diary. He's not the hardcore wrestling psychopath in this diary. I guess that means he will not be a direct ripoff of Cicero from Skyrim like I have written him to be in the past.


    4. I added Coyote Dynamite as my second road agent because I kept on getting a warning saying that Buddy was road agenting too many matches.


    I also brought in Honest Frank to be the new color commentator (Which is probably a mistake because he now the highest paid worker on the roster. But I have a soft spot for Frank as he has now shown up in, I believe, every single one of my diaries that were not an SWF diary.). Here is something that I did not know at the time. If the color commentator is able to do so, they will also work as a road agent and you do not even have to assign them, they will just start working as a road agent as well. Therefore, both Frank and Coyote are now road agents. I probably should fire Coyote, but it was my mistake so I just decided to keep him around.


    5. At this point I was planning on having the tag team tournament and Brutality Inc. was going to win the titles. Otis' neck breaking in the pre-show match put an end to that.


    I had to go back to the drawing board and come up with new champions which I still have yet to do.


    6. For you WMMA fans, I know that Buddy beating Matthew Dean for the GAMMA Middleweight Championship is not cannon. But I felt it would be a cool thing for him to have done.


    Onslaught vs. Deathwish -- I feel like these are the same people... that shows my CV knowledge.


    I could be wrong, but I think TEW20 is both of their debuts. Or at least it is the first time I have run across either of them.


    Onslaught vs. Deathwish

    Pretty sure Deathwish is higher on the ladders thanks to being associated with Batch who have had lots of promo time


    Honestly, they are not that much apart. The thing with Onslaught is, he does not have high New England popularity. Now if we were in California, he would be the number two face thanks to his work in CZCW.


    Langston “Lion Heart” Franklin vs. The Masked Mauler VII

    This was a tough one to me but Mauler has better win - loss record so I go with him based on that and the quality of the opponents who they have won/lost so far.[/Quote]


    You are right. I'll be honest, I probably should not have signed Mauler. Mainly because I have no earthly idea of how I should write for him. This is why he does not get any promo time.


    He is also the third highest rated heel in the company popularity wise and his popularity keeps on growing. This is because he is a major factor in NEW's sister promotion.




    First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament:

    Devil Dog vs. Raphael

    Raphael is one of the top guys for sure, not only winning and getting promo time but also being on semi-main event slot in all three shows which makes me think he´s the go-to heel for ratings the same way Conner os the go-to face for good main event matches.[/Quote]


    You hit the nail on the head here. Raphael is my main heel. TCW got rid of Marc Speed and I was and still am very tempted to bring him in as he is one of my favorite TEW characters. The problem with that is, he wanted a ton of money and his popularity is so much higher than anyone in this promotion.


    So as much as I would love to bring Marc in, I cannot justify it. This means that Raphael will remain my number one heel for the foreseeable future.


    First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament:

    Conner Threepwood vs. Remmy Honeyman

    I do like Remmy but I don´t see him going over Conner who seems to be the absolute top guy with him being (and winning) in all three previous main event matches


    Remmy is someone who seems to pop up in the vast majority of my diaries. In TEW20 the guy is a ratings machine. But he is nowhere near as popular as Conner is and he is a heel, so he could never win this match.

  7. <p>I should have saw the Talia title change because you have been putting her in that position for a while now. But I just did not think you were going to pull that trigger when you did. Well played.</p><p> </p><p>

    Main Event</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    <strong>"The Mayor of Muscle Mountain" Sandman Winks </strong>versus The Masked Mauler</p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Team Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    <strong>The Texas Express </strong>versus AC King & Robin Leroy</p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Team Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    <strong>Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good</strong> versus Brent Carpenter & Edwin Garcia</p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    <strong>Black Diamon</strong>d versus Melinda Perry</p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Limit</p><p>

    Celestia Copeland versus <strong>Akari Kawashima</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Opening Match</p><p>

    Tag Team Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    Victor Crash & Jimmy Dillon versus <strong>The Manifesto</strong></p>

  8. <p>Keep up the personality profiles, I love it when people do stuff like that.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Greg Black</strong> vs The Grappler</p><p>

    <strong>Maria Guest</strong> vs Elaine Diamond</p><p>

    <strong>Simony Siminel </strong>vs Juliet Balconi</p><p>

    <strong>Riley McManus</strong> vs Dimonico DeGraff</p><p>

    <strong>Kira Lee & Skye Hermosa</strong> vs Pixie & Anna Calvo</p><p>

    Charlie Corner vs <strong>The Historian</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Bonus questions</p><p>

    1.) What will the attendance be (first show 65)The attendance usually does not go up or down that much. So I will go with <strong>66</strong>.</p><p>

    2.) What will the highest rated match be: <strong>Greg Black/The Grappler</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Tiebreaker - (closest to the number price is right rules) what’s the show rating (first show was 31) <strong>33</strong></p>

  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="tobin834" data-cite="tobin834" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52246" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>oops. Bad Crew, not Bad Company. Apologies for the confusion.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sorry if I might have come across a jerk there. That was not my intention at all, I was just confused about them not knowing Bad Company, but now that you pointed out that it was Bad Crew, I am right with the fans. Who the hell are Bad Crew?<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Okay off to listen to your podcast. Which by the way I think is a great idea.</p>
  10. Should have gone with Gods of War. My thought process was Davey seems to be someone who you have high hopes for. Plus the fact that he is a former WWE wrestler. But it makes perfect sense to see GOW win there.


    I like the slow build of Bronson. Just because he is the son of a superstar does not mean he will be one and I think you are getting that across nicely here.

  11. I can't tell you how many times I have put that Seattle Rainiers logo in my many fictional OOTP Baseball games.:D


    Molokai Milk vs The Historian


    The Pearl of the Orient vs Allie Perks


    Jonah Pilgram vs Chip Martin


    Kira Lee vs Elaine Diamond


    Skye Hermosa vs Juliet Balconi


    I am using Juliet as a manager in a personal game and it always lists her as a worker despite it being a men's only promotion. This has nothing to do with anything, just vocalizing my annoyance over that.


    The Grappler vs Dominic DeGraff


    Edited to add: I just saw the bonus. I am not sure which match will not take place. Maybe the Kira/Elaine match.

  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52316" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>[The following video is being shown from NEW's YouTube channel.<p> </p><p> Rocco Renoir and Prime Time Jack Pryde are inside a luxury apartment at an undisclosed location.]</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="fnEgmso.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fnEgmso.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rocco Renoir:</strong> Man Tay has been on the phone with Buddy for a while now...</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="cT2XViM.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/cT2XViM.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prime Time Jack Pryde:</strong> Yeah and that obviously can't be a good sign.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="fnEgmso.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fnEgmso.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rocco Renoir:</strong> At least he was put into the NEW Championship Tournament. We didn't even make the cut!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="cT2XViM.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/cT2XViM.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prime Time Jack Pryde:</strong> Oh I am painfully aware that Buddy and his NEW officials are doing everything they can to hold you and me down. This is just another slight in a laundry list of slights. </p><p> </p><p> My lawyers informed me that there was nothing they could do to get us into the tournament. I was told that neither one of us qualified to be in the tournament.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="fnEgmso.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fnEgmso.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rocco Renoir:</strong> What the hell? We qualify on potential alone. This is egregious I tell you!</p><p> </p><p> [Just then an angered Tavon Blake Jr. enters the room. He paces back and forth without saying a word. His Jet Set teammates look concerned.]</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="cT2XViM.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/cT2XViM.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prime Time Jack Pryde: </strong>Dude are you okay? </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="5gA1ObF.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5gA1ObF.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tavon Blake Jr.:</strong> No I am not okay. Buddy just informed me of who my first-round opponent is in the NEW Championship Title Tournament.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="fnEgmso.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fnEgmso.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Rocco Renoir:</strong> Okay...well who is it?</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="5gA1ObF.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5gA1ObF.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tavon Blake Jr.:</strong> Nobody!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="cT2XViM.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/cT2XViM.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prime Time Jack Pryde:</strong> Nobody? What the hell does that mean? </p><p> </p><p> Are you still in the tournament?</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="5gA1ObF.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5gA1ObF.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tavon Blake Jr.: </strong>Oh yeah I'm still in the tournament but my opponent is a mystery wrestler...this is complete and utter bull!</p><p> </p><p> I have a very strict training regimen depending on who my opponent is going to be. Well, I don't know who my opponent is going to be so I am going into this match blind.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="cT2XViM.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/cT2XViM.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prime Time Jack Pryde:</strong> At least you're in the tournament. I was told by my lawyers that me and Rocco are not qualified to take part in the tournament.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="5gA1ObF.jpg?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5gA1ObF.jpg?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tavon Blake Jr.: </strong>This is all such bull...the front office is intentionally keeping the three of us down because they don't want to see us succeed. They know that the three of us are future legends and for some reason, they don't want to see us do well.</p><p> </p><p> But it doesn't matter, because even if I don't know who my opponent is, I am going to shine regardless. There is nobody in professional wrestling today that they can bring in to beat me. I will win the whole damn tournament and then I will be the face of the company and then management will have no other choice but to the three of us the respect we deserve.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="color:#4169E1;"><span style="font-family:Impact;">NEW Summer Clash 2020</span></span></span></p><p> </p><p> Onslaught vs. Deathwish</p><p> </p><p> Langston “Lion Heart” Franklin vs. The Masked Mauler VII</p><p> </p><p> <strong>First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament:</strong></p><p> </p><p> Mullet Mike vs. Cip Conduit</p><p> </p><p> <strong>First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament: </strong></p><p> </p><p> ??? vs. Tavon Blake Jr.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament: </strong></p><p> </p><p> Devil Dog vs. Raphael </p><p> </p><p> <strong>First Round Match in the NEW Championship Tournament: </strong></p><p> </p><p> Conner Threepwood vs. Remmy Honeyman</p></div><p></p><p></p>
  13. <p>Singles Match</p><p>

    Twenty Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    All Action Championship</p><p>

    "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema versus <strong>"Red" Yvonne Ericks ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    Edwin Garcia versus <strong>Dreadnought</strong> w/ Andrew Gibson</p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    Flip Simkins versus <strong>"Dapper" Danny Draper</strong> w/ Lucinda Lush</p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Team Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    Melinda Perry & Celestia Copeland versus <strong>Piper Hale and Mad Millie Morgan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Eight Man Tag Team Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    <strong>The Montgomery Family [Robert, Eric, Kyle, & Shawn]</strong> versus Robin Leroy, Tyrone Shearer & Latin Love Coalition [Michel Bouchard & Vicente Deleon]</p><p> </p><p>

    Opening Match</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit</p><p>

    <strong>"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs</strong> versus Brent Carpenter</p>

  14. <p>Tables Match</p><p>

    <strong>Andrew Harper</strong> VS Cockroach Carter</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Bob Casey VS <strong>Harlem Haynes</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    2 VS 2 Tag Team Match</p><p>

    PWC Rules</p><p>

    <strong>Canadian Hardcore </strong>VS Local Talent</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    PWC Rules</p><p>

    <strong>Jerry Martin</strong> VS Mercy Michaels</p>


    <strong>© Taz</strong> vs. Shane Douglas</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


    <strong>© Eliminators </strong>vs. Dudley Boys</p><p> </p><p>


    © Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk vs. <strong>"Dr Death" Steve Williams and Brian Lee</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    I am only doing this due to the stipulation later on in the night. I like Dr. Death just fine but I was never a fan of Brian Lee.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Raven </strong>vs. Stevie Richards</p><p> </p><p>

    The Sandman vs. <strong>Jake "The Snake" Roberts</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    This would be one of my father's dream matches as he was a huge fan of both of them. </p><p> </p><p>

    RVD vs. <strong>Sabu</strong></p>

  16. Before I say anything else I would like to say, "Screw you Mississippi Muscle!" Chet was robbed! Sure the match was a three minute squash, but still. Chet was robbed!


    I really liked the added commentary. It gave you the opportunity to flesh out the workers more by having Grace give us her thoughts and added information about the workers.


    I also wanted to add that I really liked the "We Are the Champions" montage. Though you either paid through the nose for that or Queen is going to sue you.:p Maybe not, but just stay away from any Don Henley related music because he will sue you.:D


    Happy Elwood seems to be cast as the Colt Cabana to Nicky's Punk. I am not sure why I never realized that until just now but I like it.


    I am not sure why but I really like Morgan Stryker. Maybe it's the cool render, who knows.


    Finally, I really like the renders of The Manifesto. Hats off to whoever made those. They look like actual pictures, such a fantastic job.

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