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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. Getting ready for when LeBron leaves this summer.
  2. Hopefully Gulak keeps the personality he started showing off on the show though. Otherwise...
  3. Good to know they are using the women more (or at least did on this show). The only reason I'm not crazy about adding another title (but hey, if they do I'm sure they would know what they are doing): People would moan about the title not being defended on the main PPV.
  4. With Raw at 3 hours they could devote 45 minutes to the women and a segment to 205 to get people interested.
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Seth has denied rumors he's injured.<p> </p><p> According to Meltzer, Jason Jordan has a severe neck injury that requires surgery. It's so bad that he can't tightly grip objects with one of his hands, similar to what Paige experienced before her big injury.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sucks if true. Write him off, have Angle not visit him (or not do enough according to Jordan) and go from there. Story may not be viable by the time he gets back, but if he has the procedure hopefully he doesn't rush back.</p>
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Anderz" data-cite="Anderz" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It’s a tough one; you either introduce her as “Former NXT Champion who main evented Takeover and was a star” or go clean slate and ignore everything she did in NXT. She can’t be both as her time on the main roster has shown clearly.<p> </p><p> Look at Alexa for the polar opposite; in NXT she had barely even begun to explore her character and so came to the main roster with a ton of potential for her character to develop and blossom.</p><p> </p><p> Not denying that the main roster writing and booking hasn’t hurt Bayley by the way; just trying to say that there hands were slightly tied in what they could and couldn’t do with her.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There are some NXT gimmicks (Bayley, Tyler Breeze, The Ascension) and people who struggled in NXT and have blossomed in the main roster (Elias). And yes, people like Alexa who was nearly a blank slate when she came up and has killed it with her gimmick.</p>
  7. <p>If done correctly, I agree. And yeah, from now to Summerslam there is time. Bayley wins, Ronda goes nuts and attacks Bailey after the match is over. Charlotte, Becky, Sasha come in for the save. Cue the 4HW of MMA and you start the angle leading up to Survivor Series.</p><p> </p><p> Those early matches for Ronda should be like Lesnar's were when he came back (like the one against Triple H). Full of MMA from her side, "injuring" people. And maybe they can use the Baszler v Moon build as a template.</p>
  8. Zach Ryder and Heath Slater did nothing for years. People still popped for them after the shoddy booking. I like Bailey (and I agree, those initial pops were awesome), but it needs to get tweaked or overhauled...last year's Extreme Rules was the time - have her go crazy on Alexa Bliss and shed the goody goody image. You can then have her be conflicted over it, and return to it on occasion. I don't know, something!
  9. <p>Bailey needs a new gimmick though. It was perfect for NXT, not the main roster. She got no pop at the Rumble. Maybe she does something between now and then, but who knows.</p><p> </p><p> And I am curious to see how Deville gets pushed when Ronda starts working. Different brands, I guess?</p>
  10. <p>It's their business, I assume they know what they're doing with how they run it. For the money I pay it is good enough.</p><p> </p><p> And I guess what I was saying by the earlier comment is that Rousey's mainstream publicity is what they are using to truly launch the Women's ®Evolution. Hopefully the women who get the spotlight on them will produce to the point that they will become viable/bankable should Rousey leave.</p><p> </p><p> What will they do with the girl on Raw that has the MMA gimmick (Deville is it?)?</p>
  11. Rumor has it the women's division will be getting a sustained puah due to Rousey's mainstream publicity. Here is hoping the women step up in a way that they don't need Rousey.
  12. There are rumors of Triple H/Stephanie vs. The Rock/Rousey - which if Rousey isn't ready for a 1v1 match against Charlotte at WM I would be perfectly fine with. For 9.99 USD a month I am not going to complain about the product - especially since I just mainly watch the PPVs (when ot comes to the main roster).
  13. You could tell she even told Charlotte "see you there" as she pointed to the sign and left the ring.
  14. Great match for the women. And gotta give it to Rousey - she can point to the WM sign with the best of them.
  15. O'Reilly to me seems like the typical indie goober (looks-wise). Fish and even Cole look legit. But as the third wheel in the group I have no problem with him. I do wish heels in NXT were more consistent at getting heat (see The Rock's first promo back after he left the first time. Everybody was cheering him despite the content until he made sure they boo'd him). Cole's"Bay-bay" line would ve so much better if he was antagonizing the fans than when they sing along with him. Not sure about Edwards, but Roderick - as good as he is in the ring - should be kept away from the microphone.
  16. Have Shinsuke win the Rumble, and Roman win the Elimination Chamber to win his spot against Brock.
  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="K-Nection" data-cite="K-Nection" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well making people stand for the anthem even when they don't want to is wrong.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> As a player if it's that big a deal, go play in Canada. I'd say the NFL but the only reason you're in the XFL is because you're not good enough for the NFL.</p>
  18. <p>I have Peter Michaels as a "face" in USPW, but he clearly antagonizes the old guard and "originals" in favor of his guys.</p><p> </p><p> J-Ro is there now, and is taking some of the attention from Alicia Strong. Alicia is not pleased. She will blame the fans for turning on her and she will join a major heel stable.</p>
  19. Orton vs KO (Especially if KO is going over. But even just hanging with Orton would be good in the game) Bobby Roode vs Jericho (see above. Gives more opportunity for upward mobility) Ziggler vs Zayn - Ladder Match AOP vs The Hype Bros - Big enough to make an impact, not big enough that you can't sacrifice without wasting a big match later on. The Usos vs Ricochet & Tye Dillinger - Gets Tye in the program, Nakamura could be doing more, and Dillinger/Ricochet could be good if/when they break up. Charlotte Flair vs Paige - only one I can see conceivably winning. Don't want to have Blanchard or Royce start off with a loss, and Carmella...meh.
  20. I watch the events only and his one night feud with Elias was dreadful! You are probably right but it's the drawback (or benefit) of only watching the events on the Network.
  21. <p>Ever since "Ready, willing and...say it...Gable" in NXT I thought Gable was going to be the star. The lack of direction they had at first was criminal!</p><p> </p><p> I was upset that they broke them up for the Angle's Kid storyline (not a fan of those types of storylines to begin with) and thought Gable would fade into obscurity. Instead Gable has shined brighter than Jordan and would have likely done better as Angle's kid.</p>
  22. <p>Running EVOLVE (USPW), created two child companies (one for men, one for women), and added a few others to an alliance - after poaching some workers from them. I picture taking their workers and then offering an alliance pact "Or I could just take anyone I want now..." Hehe. </p><p> </p><p> Strange though, haven't had anyone put the alliance titles up in a match. Is having them as Floating preferred to having them set to Main Event, Midcard, Floating, etc?</p>
  23. As for the football rumors? Let him. Don't push it as competition to the NFL just an alternative. Like the college league Ed McCaffrey is launching - modified rules, kids just out of HS getting paid. I think it's 8 teams or whatever. There was no vitriol towards that and that has probably less of a chance to succeed.
  24. <p>The hype that Jericho/Omega is getting makes me doubt they'd let Bryan go. Brie is still employed there, and I'm sure they'll craft a contract in such a way that it absolves them of any liability should he get hurt. Shane vs Bryan at SummerSlam. </p><p> </p><p> And having watched the match again, I still think this is Bryan standing up for what's right and it's more being angry at Shane for trying to screw Sami/KO. And even if he is a heel, if he spins it like "The McMahons are trying to keep down the wrestlers the fans want to see like they did with me" the fans would cheer for him anyway.</p>
  25. <p>Not sure they will go with a heel Bryan - the reception he will get upon a return will be huge! And I could see the fast count as "justice" for Shane stopping his short. My guess is we will see Shane keep doing heelish things to Bryan now until he reaches a breaking point.</p><p> </p><p> Also, why are The Bludgeon Brothers treated like a new team when they have history already and could be challenging the Usos? Also, not a huge fan of the look for them, but whatever.</p>
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