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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. How long are the events for the Touring schedules you guys have set up? I'm going to do a test run of this with my created fed - a handful of older guys who are popular, and some younger guys who should hopefully improve quickly to take over those spots for when my names retire.
  2. Would this be suitable to add to the CVerse, or would it throw everything off?
  3. Gotta say, I'm siding with Ozzie on this. Even if I'm sure to face the same situation in my game.
  4. I just might have to steal some of these scheduling ideas. This looks incredible. Question - how do you guys do contracts (if you're starting out as say Tiny or Small). Guessing you keep your "core" guys, or the ones you want to build around as ongoing, and cycle in fresh blood by releasing certain guys you bring in for just a tour or two?
  5. What was the first? Also, I think he could probably make this work. Everyone associates Vince with wrestling, so anything he does in the mainstream carries that same 'stink.' We're not going to see anything from this until some time next year, at the earliest, so I'll try to keep up with it if/when it gets off the ground.
  6. Good to know. Not sure how big the hit would be. I will come up with something to get them to face each other. Thanks!
  7. If you click on the "?" at the top of the window it gives you descriptions. Gatekeeper: Will rarely complain losing to people at their level or above Future Main Eventer: Expects to be used heavily and not lose to lower level workers very much Backbone: Expects to be used heavily but will be happy to put other people over quite a lot Blue Chipper: Expects to beat most workers who are at a lower level than them
  8. I had one of my vets (face) say that he'd be willing to put over one of my younger guys (face) - good for one match in the next 3 months. As I just started, I can't turn one of them heel just for this. Does a multi man match where my young guy pins the vet clean fulfill the promise of wanting to put the guy over?
  9. OK, I'm embarrassed to even ask this - where are the descriptions of what everything means in the new screens (e.g. Stable descriptions)? Is it just the "What's new in 2020"? Or is there a manual I'm not looking at?
  10. Was it an "overbooked" match? Certain products ding for that.
  11. I'll look at that Episodic Lucha... I think right now I have it as "Classic Balanced" just because...I couldn't find anything that really grabbed me (and not a fan of high injury risk products). Gives me enough freedom in that the only requirement is one "Storytelling" match, whereas the rest seem to require a lot of different match aims. Maybe when I'm more comfortable withe the mechanics.
  12. Started a tiny fed with JK Stallings, loads of money. Started off with 50 wrestlers (didn't realize I had that many until I finished the signings). My rationale? I have several over 40s who will likely retire within the year, but I need them to get the company going. Hopefully by the time they do, I will have some people who will be taking over those spots. Some I hired because of the picture or the story. Maybe I can make something of them. If not, they got a paycheck for a few months before they get released. Also, in a previous playthrough had some of the higher pop workers get poached.
  13. Because he should be the #1 Babyface. Obvious is obvious.
  14. I used to do posters, DVD/Blurays, and shirts. They take a long time though, so I have to get really invested in a game for it.
  15. At what point should you make winning your title belt an achievement? I know you can do it at any point, but to be realistic - Medium? Something higher?
  16. Sick logo/banner. Yes, it does use them, but it doesn't stand out if you're not using one.
  17. A lot of people have retired in the first 4 months, and two big names have died: Cherry Bomb and Dan Stone Jr.
  18. <p>It's probably hidden in plain sight - I'm running a Tiny company with all contracts currently on a handshake deal. I had a worker retire. How do I remove him from my roster? I can't seem to find a way to do that.</p><p> </p><p> EDIT - Renegotiated the handshake deal to one month, which he agreed to. I guess at that point he'll leave. Wasn't sure if that was the correct way.</p>
  19. 1 When you talk to worker, one of the options will be "rethink your upcoming retirement" - it will tell you how long before (though not an exact date). However, it is 3 months from the day when the story comes out. 2 I think Respect & Psychology are what you want, but I could be mistaken.
  20. I've gone the "easy" route - J.K. Stallings as owner/booker of a created fed, lots of money but still starting at tiny. Got the best possible talent I could (started off with over people (read: old) who are unemployed, most of the available local talent, too...though I may start to get some talent currently working on handshake deals elsewhere) and really didn't know where to take it at first, so I let the road agent decide. Made for an interesting first choice and have been booking around the deficiencies. It's taken a while for me to get used to the game - had been easily 2 years since I'd played the previous one. Main Event Six-Man Tag Team Match Sixty Minute Time Limit COTT World Six-Man Championship American Ambition versus The Canadian Blonds © Co-Main Event Singles Match Sixty Minute Time Limit COTT Mid-American Championship Island Boy Apollo versus The Hangman © Singles Match Sixty Minute Time Limit CWI Women's Championship "Straight A" Ava Anderson versus Felicia Luck © Tag Team Match Sixty Minute Time Limit CWI Tag Team Championship Notorious versus Bred for Battle © w/ Andrew Gibson Singles Match Sixty Minute Time Limit CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship "Triple Threat" Davis Wayne Newton versus "Spicy" Pepper Pelton © Tag Team Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Elmo Benson & Masked Cougar versus The Player's Club w/ Lucinda Lush Opening Match Six-Woman Tag Team Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Yvonne Ericks & The San Diego Girls versus The War Maidens
  21. Great job so far. I used your Battle Royal idea as inspiration in my game and I have to say it really kickstarted it.
  22. What would be the best way to run the first few shows of a brand new company (most workers are in the low single digit popularity for home region) with a few older workers with popularity in the high teens/low twenties? I've looked at 1 or 2 night tournaments for the main belt, but have found the results to be lacking, along with the negative note of someone with no popularity being used too much. Would it be good to have shorter weekly shows the first month to get to the tournament final? (I've found with a 16 man tournament, and one 2.5 hour show, most matches end up right around 9-11 minutes which just feels very repetitive).
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