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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. And yet, if you're in the middle of a transaction or helping a customer, you shouldn't pick up the phone until you get a chance anyway. In my wholesale business, we don't deal with customers face to face. If my employees want to be on the phone while they do their job, good for them.
  2. The whole notion of "giving back" one's earned wealth.
  3. If the phone is not out during your shift, no one is going to take it for you having one. In your case, check it on your break and not at any other time. Problem solved.
  4. Why do you need a cell phone ON THE CLOCK when you should be helping customers?
  5. Though annoying, those are not the race pimps I was referring to. I was referring to those people who only try to create tension/conflicts between races. These are the same kind of people who think everything is racist and are thus diluting the meaning of the word. But the race pimps you mention are highly annoying. Like people who modify their Civics. Dude, that car is made to go get groceries, not race.
  6. Race pimps and politicians who try to start class warfare/create wealth envy.
  7. Most parents should be locked up for child abuse for turning their kids over to the government to be "educated."
  8. Why sad? The fact that they're not smart enough to manage that is nothing for me to be sad over.
  9. And NBC Sports is saying that Taylor "leaning heavily" towards Jets. In other news, (un)surprisingly, the Steelers say they are open to trades on Big Ben.
  10. 2nd this year, up to a second next year. Since he's supposed to be getting a lucrative deal from the Dolphins upon passing the physical, we'll assume they'll be getting that 2nd rounder next year too.
  11. I still think the division is New England's...For as much as people want to say that the Jets were 1 game away from the Super Bowl, they were what, a .500 team? They're closer to that than they are an elite team. And the Dolphins should be OK, but we'll have to see what the schedule is like.
  12. What people fail to realize (or take into consideration) is that the Chargers have Norv Turner... Just like in the NBA, you'll never win a title with Vince Carter as your best player; In the NFL you'll never win a Super Bowl with Norv Turner as your coach.
  13. Why would you say that? He's still productive. I thought the Mets only went after Latin players in their decline for max money.
  14. Didn't the Eagles go to 4 Championship games in the last decade (or was it 5?).
  15. I remember hearing a while back (when the realignment first happened) that the Bills blocked the Dolphins from moving to the AFC South, since they would lose out on that twice a year match up.
  16. I'm assuming his wife? Anyway...way off topic. As for GOAT? Whoever leads my fantasy team to its first championship.
  17. Though typically, (right or wrong) wrestling is seen much like NASCAR (as a Southern thing). Yes, both are national/global, but the perception remains that it's a hillbilly thing. --* in the U.S.
  18. That's why he didn't get caught with a porn star? I guess she wasn't at the time, but I thought he was married regardless. And then there's the gambling scandal. He had his fair share of stupid things. I would like to see Goodell set a punishment on Big Ben if only based on stupidity alone.
  19. Santonio Holmes to the Jets for a 5th. Bargain on the field. Not so sure about off the field.
  20. Wasn't there a limit to Lances before too? I heard that's why they went with Garrison Cade (since Lance Storm was already on the same brand).
  21. Maddux, Pedro, and Glavine were not hard hitters (especially Maddux). But Clemens and Johnson were (Johnson especially with that sick slider). Also on Maddux, he was consistently great. The other five are fairly young, so we'll have to wait and see if they can sustain this. Being out east, the only one I sort of know is Lester. Is Felix that good, or is it that he's on a crappy team? I hear him mentioned in spurts. Greinke had a good year last year. Lincecum I will grant you looks like the real deal. But what do you mean exactly by "scare you"? Lincecum (the best of the second 5) isn't exactly overpowering either.
  22. But also, if he was "great", chances are they would have won more games, and he wouldn't be on his nth coach/OC.
  23. Did you already watch the Mean Street Posse vs The Stooges? Is it still the highest rated match for RAW? The "This is your life" segment was apparently the highest rated segment, but not match. And reading that summary of 1998/1999 -- that's atrocious.
  24. I never saw anything in Campbell at the pro level. Decent college QB.
  25. The "they must know what they're doing is on the part of SpikeTV, not TNA. Spike is the one that determines when or if an encore is shown, not TNA.
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