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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. At 65, I don't think he'd be coming back out of "retirement" to coach anyone. Guess Brian Shaw will just wait another year.
  2. So did Joe Johnson sign for 119 years and Drew Gooden for 32? Only way those numbers make sense.
  3. LOL Hawks. Same goes to whatever team offers Amare Stoudemire a max deal.
  4. Byron Scott to become the Cavs coach...which leaves Brian Shaw to become the Lakers coach (this year or next). I would have thought it would have gone the other way personally, but that's cool.
  5. HA! I was waiting to see when this would get brought up. Seems like shoddy management plagues wrestling companies of all sizes.
  6. Because Bill Maher is soooo objective. If this isn't another crisis the government won't let go to waste, I don't know what is. You expect the CEO to physically be involved in the clean up? Riiiight.
  7. I have all the Guest Bookers (guilty pleasure...plus I try to implement stuff in TEW). I only have the Cornette YouShoot (haven't yet watched it). And Raven's is pure gold.
  8. Actually, it's about who trademarked/copyrighted it first. I can copyright a bunch of stuff and never use it commercially. If you want to use it, you'd have to buy it from me. Regardless of whether it fits you more than it does just sitting on a shelf.
  9. Will likely order that one with the Maria Kanellis (or possibly wait until there's 3 I want) to save on the shipping.
  10. He's still waiting to file the paperwork (as of last night). And Bill Simmons had a great comment about 'Sheed knowing when to retire...then waiting two more years and collecting two more checks before doing so.
  11. Can the Magic even create that much cap space? What a snoozefest of a draft. And the NBA has it backwards. You should have free agency first, then draft for the needs you didn't fill.
  12. <p>I thought it was the Phoenix Mercury...?</p><p> </p><p> I doubt any MAJOR league will go to Vegas though, they are far too hypocritical.</p>
  13. Beasley and/or James Jones likely to be dealt tonight by the Miami Heat. We'll see what Pat pulls off this time with free agents.
  14. Nothing "needs" to happen. If he's good enough (not a given, even with the lineage), and he requires a name/gimmick change, it will happen. How many people would be complaining about the fact that they're not creative enough if they just went with the Hennig name (or leeching off the Mr Perfect gimmick)?
  15. But didn't OKC sell out the arena/support the Hornets? It's not like it was picked out of the blue.
  16. Where would the Rays go? Same thing I asked about the Marlins when they threatened to leave. What city could conceivably right now afford a team it doesn't already have? San Antonio? Las Vegas? Portland? If these owners want a stadium so bad, let them pay for it.
  17. I'd welcome that move. But like you said, it would be odd (since Girardi got them to overachieve and got fired for being stubborn). But managers seem to go in waves (i.e. you get the no nonsense guy, followed by the relaxed guy, and back again to the no nonsense). I'm a big Valentine fan. It would be especially good for me because a friend of mine (a Mets fan) wants him back there.
  18. Wow, that'd be atrocious. Though maybe this time Wesley Snipes will pay his taxes.
  19. At least they didn't fire him on a West Coast trip. Most callers down here are slamming the move. No way, with the (lack of) talent the Marlins have, are they WS contenders. And Fredi had to put up with a lot of garbage thrown at him by management (Emilio Bonifacio, Andrew Miller, Camero Maybin). Shame really. There's speculation he'll be replaced by a big name as early as Friday.
  20. Over/under on how quickly Fredi Gonzalez lands with the Atlanta Braves after being let go by the Marlins?
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Astil" data-cite="Astil" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I am crying. No Abdul-Jabbar. No Chamberland. No Oscar.<p> </p><p> No Bill Russell, imho the greatest player of all time.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I did clarify later that it wasn't a complete list, and that it also contained a recency bias (as most of these off the cuff lists tend to have).</p><p> </p><p> But again, with all that, doesn't LeBron end up getting excluded?</p>
  22. I don't remember if he mentioned Wade, and he didn't give me the full Top 10, just off the top of his head (and obviously there's a recency bias when doing that). I would have to agree with you though (those 3 go in there, Wade goes out unless he gets another one). That right there gives you 10 (and of course we're missing people like Isaiah and from other eras.
  23. Kane may have deserved one ages ago, not anymore. Why give him one now?
  24. Having a discussion with a friend: Does LeBron figure into Top 10 players of ALL time if he never wins a title (or if he only wins 1 or 2)? He said no, considering you'd have multiple people ahead of him (at least 10 in his opinion). Obviously Jordan, Kobe, Shaq (for a while he was absolutely dominant), Wade, Olajuwon, Duncan (as a quietly, yet consistently great PF/C), Magic, Bird. Who else would be in that list (again, considering LeBron is ring-less)? He said he heard a comparison of LeBron to Karl Malone or Barkley. Great players with no rings. What statistical benchmarks would have have to hit to be considered best ever (if he never gets a title) -- much like Marino is certainly in the discussion as best QB?
  25. As much as Shaq would like to deny this, HE was Wade's sidekick during the '06 run. It should read "Shaq won his championship with Wade" not the other way around.
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